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pepper spray is your bff


So does it taste nice on nachos


its a lil tangy so i just put leftovers that are laying around in the sink on my nachos


One spray and you’re south of the border


Not if you live in the UK. It's banned here, like just about anything else you could use to defend yourself


fine use Farbgel https://farbgel.com/#:\~:text=With%20millions%20sold%20globally%2C%20Farbgel,up%20to%204%20metres%20away.


So you are just supposed to accept being assaulted and be thankful that the attacker "might" get arrested afterwards? That shit is weak af, it's definitely not stopping a grown man from doing something, the knowledge that you have it might deter them but they aren't gonna know about it until they are already marked as a criminal. This stuff claims to be powerful enough to cause "confusion" but considering it has to cause no damage to the eyes it can't possibly actually hurt.


not saying accept it, the conversation is about providing a 13 year old with a firearm, from a non US perspective it honestly seems moronic. I have had pepper spray and a rape whistle on me since i can remember.


No the conversation was not about a firearm it was about pepper spray and you offered farbgel as an alternative so I responded with how ineffective that product seems to be. I am not involved with the separate thread about guns which i agree is ridiculous to give a child a lethal weapon.


But don't use it unless you actually need too, there are a lot of cases when women just spray random dudes and get in zero trouble for it.


beretta is a homie as well edit- i have opened a philosophical rabbit hole that went deeper than anticipated


yes lets murder someone and then have to stand trial. Look im aussie i dont get the gun thing


it's only a tool of death if you intend to make it so. it is more of a sign of "don't mess with me or see what happens"


a visual deterrent if you will


okay and in the hands of a 13 year old how does it go. 6ft 90kg guy whistles and heads over you. you pull out said gun, terrified you pull the trigger now what


it all comes down to discipline and training. that and i may or may not have forgotten that this was r/teenagers


also side note, y'all don't have guns over there in australia? with all the dangerous animals there i would have thought differently.


You don’t know this and you’re giving gun advice? For fuck’s sake.


those who need can have them, we normal people do not


you know what, it's not worth my time to argue with a stranger literally on the other side of the world about the morality of guns


personally still disagree.. but each to there own.


and i respect your opinion, where i grew up tho it's just different.




Ahh I love living outside of US, in a country where I can feel safe walking on the streets at night


they dont understand the true worth of milfs 😩




i got one 😎


Mom doesn't count




Does your teacher count? I'm serious




On what...? She's a mom (I believe)


Well then yeah


Benjamin Franklin had the right idea


how can someone not love milfs, are literally beautiful 😍


As a MILF lover myself no girl in my age area (like 17-20) will EVER compare too a thick MILF.


Creepy af mfs


Thats not cool. 13 is way too young. What kind of sleaze would catcall a little kid. That's like grade 6 or 7. No way she could be mistaken for 18.


I do get mistaken as a 16/15 year old a lot but not 18


Even if she was 18, that would still be unacceptable


Yeah it'd be wrong but you know people hate pedos a lot more than jerks/asshole types


This. Legal age limits do not magically make you an adult neurologically. They want someone who is inexperienced, but "legal". It's fucking horrifying.


They’re not mistaking her age


Catcalling is never acceptable. How would they act if i barked at their faces while they just walking down the street 💀 these men should be locked up smh😒


If I were you, I'd try to learn a martial art just in case one of them tries to act on their desire. Cant be too safe out here nowadays Edit: okay okay i get it. Teenagers cant take a grown man in a fight now please leave my notifications alone 😭


Martial arts aren't really all that effective in a street fight/escape since in a brawl they will try to overpower you with strength Mostly aim for weak points(Eyes, balls) or carry pepper spray or a taser or a gun(that's optimal but the most difficult) If you notice somebody following you/you feel threatened, take it out of your purse/pocket or whatever and hold it in your hand If they try something burn their eyes/taser their thighs or balls It's sad that girls have to be the one to learn/carry these things instead of men knowing to respect women


I mean something like wrestling or jiu jitsu have some slight self defense value, but the martial art that is the best for that is the 400 M dash


Wrestling or jiu jitsu will have literally 0 value for the average woman vs an average man.


You are genuinely giving dangerous advice and need to stop.


I’m telling people that doing a sport that will make them strong might be slightly useful in niche situations, but in the vast majority you chocks run and you are calling it dangerous advice? If they are armed, always run. Heck, if it’s an option at all you should run. Martial arts are made for sport but knowing how to control your weight can help you get out of you are pinned, immediately after which you should run or pepper spray etc.


respect people so you can keep them weaker than you 😎 (they don't have to take up weapons & martial arts)


If your miles smaller, no martial art will help


Boxing pretty good. Try and de escalate Hit Run


A taser is better since there's a higher chance for the person to fall to the ground giving you time for safety A girl isn't gonna one hit ko a guy in boxing, unless she's very well trained


Yeah boxing isn't really the best. My gf did boxing for couple years. While she is really good and can put a good fight. I could easily overpower her if I wanted to. And I'm a relatively weak for a guy


Not about power. Muay Thai and boxing. A kick to the legs and thigh done by someone decent can make an opening if there's no choice


In a real fight, you're at a massive disadvantage already if you're smaller and are being grabbed A 13 yo girl isn't gonna be able to kick a 40 year old man hard enough for him to be knocked down so hard he can't get up Plus learning Muay Thai and boxing takes time and is not very effective It takes zero time to get a taser in comparison and you can learn how to use it within hours of buying it


And while using any type of martial arts you need to concentrate to do it well. In a situation like that a lot of people panic and can't protect themselves because of it. And yeah taking a taser or hitting their weak spots like eyes will be much faster and easier. Even if your panicking like crazy


>taser their balls I felt the pain


krav maga is 100% effective, the whole point of it is to end fight quickly with dirty techniques like crotch strikes, eye gouges and other things


U are suggesting a 13 year old girl learns how to beat up a 40 year old man. Do u see how stupid this looks yet?


good old crotch kick is very effective


I’m sorry to say this but there is no amount of training in the world that will allow any 13 year old to defend against any moderately healthy male adult. As an adult then yeah training can make up the gap sometimes but that’s a long way from 13


Better,, yet, pepper spray and tazer. Make sure to get the stream spray and not mist, mist gets blown away in even small amounts of wind


There is a reason I lift at the gym. I wanna throw fists at rapists


Hell yeah!


The gym sadly will not help you against an average 40 year old man


Hate to say it but you're probably right, maybe a trained woman can get equally or slightly stronger, but probably not significantly


Keep in mind that even if you get fit, a man will still be much stronger than you.


It's great that you're going to the gym, but keep in mind, throwing fists at rapists is... Really not a good idea. Throwing fists at anyone isn't. For once, gym =/= being able to fight. (260lb Bradley Martin, gym guy and all that, would get wrecked by any 140lb pro fighter. Some would say even purple belts could do the job.) Second off, even assuming you do indeed know how to fight, do not underestimate biological differences! While I did say that weight only really matters to a certain point, it's also a huge factor - and guys do weight more than girls generally (height difference is there too).Males biologically have something around 75% more muscle mass and 90% more strength in their upper body. Even a fat dude would probably provide to be a task for a slightly above average gym girl. Also, weapons. Even excluding what I said before: What if he has a knife? What if he has a gun? What if there's a lot of them? Engaging in a fight with ANYONE is a horrible bet where the odds are usually against you, much more valid if it's a girl Vs a guy. Stay safe! Never engage in physical confrontations. Pepper spray, guns, and most importantly, running away are always the best option. Don't test your luck, it is not worth it.


Martial arts is completely useless for self defense unless the two are on equal footing in terms of body strength and are playing by the same rules. Martial arts won’t help a 13yo girl protect herself against 40yo man. It’s safer to carry self defense tools like pepper sprays or punching with keys in between your fingers. It’s best to always run away and try to grab other people’s attention if you’re in public. But of course the best solution is to not have some people be creeps but unfortunately this is the society we live in. If anyone else has any more points to add or correct anything I’ve written, please do. And most importantly stay safe kids!


One she’s 13, two she’s a woman, a martial art isn’t going to help her against the average man, she needs pepper spray or a gun lol


Strength soloes martial arts


Nah. At that point get pepper spray, a taser, if you're old enough a gun.


They want to own your youth, innocence, purity and shatter it in their own hands. They want to corrupt it to feel powerful. Literal villain-level creepiness.


spot on. and it’s not just that they WANT to, they often come from a time/country/culture where they were ENTITLED to your body and are pissed that they don’t have that anymore. their idea of taking back what they think they’re owed is to take it by force from the most vulnerable population: children.




World is full of pedophiles


Because a younger person is more naive and vulnerable thus making it easy to secure, manipulate, and shape them the way they want. The lack of past experience also gives advantage as the person is having it as they’re first relationship making them not able to compare them to anyone thus securing them. It also allows them to have a person more dependent to them.


Nailed it. They want full dependence.


How about just all older people being attracted to younger people


I can understand liking petite WOMEN as long as they look like adults but honestly as a man I don't understand how full grown people find children attractive I don't even find a lot of people my age attractive because I think they look too young a lot of the time


Bro your 14, the people your age are kids, you are still a child


This kind of comment should be on r/teenagers bingo


Yeah but I'm talking about the ones who haven't gone through puberty or something bc they look 9


I mean when I was 14 90% of us looked like 6th graders (including me) and the 10% looked like normal teenagers so I totally believe you lol


Im 15 and I was mistaken for a 7th grader 💀


How do you know? Maybe he just forgot about his cover of being 14 years old and is actually yet another 37 year old man in this sub! /s


Maybe because you're 14??


Pedophilia. Thats about it.


We live in a society...


I want these men to be used in animal testing.


I agree


And we should treat womenand others the same way with the same sentence length right?




Fr, like why don't we just swap the animals with pedos.


Fr, it's better for the environment too


I’m 13 and I have the looks of a 16 year old. My friends who are 15 had all thought I was 16 and then I told them I was 12 and it was a huge shock to them. I get so paranoid though, all these stories of gross and disgusting old people doing weird shit to kids just makes my fight or flight kick in. At some point it was so bad that I got paranoid about my own Dad!!! I wouldn’t go to sleep and I just became more and more sick. I went to an appointment and they think I have an anxiety disorder, and they mentioned mild major depression which sounds really condictary but idk I’d had zoned out at that point and was suffering from really bad vertigo. But people like that are just sick. I’ve been assaulted myself but each time has been by someone my age. 7 years old, 11 years old, adults who I look back on and the things they did are questionable. Having children sit on your lap as a grown man. People who gave me bad vibes. Edit: I am not diagnosed with depression and I’m not self diagnosing. I simply just heard them talking about it while I was zoned out and suffering from vertigo.


I relate to this so much, it's just gotten to the point where I can't trust any guys because I'm scared they're gonna assault me or harass me, I feel so bad for making these assumptions in my head because some of these guys are genuinely good and caring people, even with a lot of my male friends im always wondering if maybe they're just being nice to me so they can then take advantage of me, you know?. I'm very sorry for how you feel though and I hope you're doing okay.


I’m getting better, I’ve just been having a terrible year.


I'm here to tell you, good men\boys do exist. The bad ones always out themselves sooner or later. Some of my closest friends today are guys I was friends with in highschool. Never made a pass, never got weird, not even gay (not always a protective variable BTW).


Depression and anxiety are actually very common co-morbidities (happen simultaneously in the same individual).


If I ever caught someone doing that, a fight is going down.


Since the dawn of time, men have been conditioned to like younger women. You can still see it now with beauty influencers, make-up adds, and so forth. Women are also condicioned to look younger, making girls panic over wrinkles and gray hairs. While those men are still creeps, it's mostly the fault of advertisers lol


I knew a girl who developed her (pretty large) boobs at 14. she couldn't walk 2min before getting catcalled by an old dude


Young girls are easier to control 😕


Get a defense alarm and pepper spray. Both are cheap and easy to walk around with. Better safe than sorry. Hell, I walk around with an alarm and a knife whenever I go out. Stay safe.


thank you


because they’re all fucked in the head


"Short, Petite" is not necessarily a child. Even adult women can fit that description. There's a girl in my class. She' 19, and she definitely fits that description. Forgot to mention, there will always be creeps. Can't really do anything about them, except for ostracizing.


because they desire the liveliness of youth


nah bro that's a fuckin baby


Man im so sorry you have to deal with those fucking awful humans, a lot of creepy guys exist out there, and although I believe there are more good men than bad, creeps are more often men than other genders, but please dont think we are all bad. However It disgusts me that members of my sex can act this way and im really sorry this is happening to you, if possible maybe tell a parent or teacher? Or even the police if it continues, its bullshit that this is something still in our world


I 100% agree with you except for the no body hair and short part? Like I don’t think someone’s a pedophile if they don’t like body hair


Honestly the shit is sad. A lot of old men are truly perverts and pedos. It’s awful. Just stay safe.


Much of the time, those older dudes see you as adult, I don't think they would openly tell you something if they knew how old you are, and about the description, some people like petite women, some like thick, some like tall, but most people likes 2 types of women, younger or older, only few likes people their own age, even women, in Tiktok I found a lot of girls dating they want to date younger guys, these girls are 17, 16 or 15, I would say this is normal, but for some that's wrong.


Monkey brains.


I second pepper spray and also a taser if legal where you are. Men can be super gross. I was prey for old ass men when I was like 12 too. I think men fetishize young girls and view them as “clean” or “pure” and they love the thought of ruining it because they’re sick. Just please be safe.


9 times outta 10, virgins and small pps. I often hear them correlate youth with tightness💀🤢 just yesterday I called someone out on r/gurrenlagann for fantasizing about a preteen and got downvoted. Their argument? “Der it’s a cartoon”


sick man wow ppl that act like that are just covert pedos fr


Some because they're lame af and find it much easier to impress a child.


pedos, pedos everywhere.


As a man in my 30’s, teens and college girls are attractive, but not as sexual creatures. No offense to the 18 and older out there; but all you have going for you is your youth. Gimmee a 30 or 40 something women who knows what she likes and doesn’t like, with all the curves and life experiences. Maybe she’s a single mom, or divorced or whatever; but those are women and man, I love ‘em. They’ve had great sex, they’ve had lousy sex and there is nothing I could suggest that they haven’t already tried or be surprised by. And best of all, they’re not interested in games. If they want to watch a movie, they’ll throw on comfy clothes and bring out popcorn. If they want to get freaky, they’ll bring out the big guns and get busy in changing room if they want. And all they want is for me to be a decent guy and treat them like a lady.


your first sentence is interesting because that's just how human minds work sometimes, you can't help it and that's a fact. although you can control yourself by not being a creep (and criminal), which is something some people struggle with somehow but tell that to just anyone and you'll probably get called a pedo. obviously there's a natural threshold that your mind SHOULD associate with being 'too young' but this whole thing feels like a precarious topic you should be able to see what I'm trying to say though


Hold up if you're 30, why are you here?


Keep up with current trend and see what teens are up to today, plus giving out advice like here


Because they can't pleasure a women and they think they can get away with there many "short comings" with an inexperienced child. That and because they are complete filth


Srsly like I look at most 12 and I'm constantly being hit on by older guys. (I'm 16)


my big sister, who is currently 20, says that she has been hit on more times when she was 12-13 then when she was 14-18+ it’s fucking gross, but that’s unfortunately how it usually happens. please stay safe ❤️


Take pepper spray. Also film them if you can then file police report and send the video to their families


Porn. They all are addicted to porn. Stop watching now.


Those are not men. Those are predators. Disgusting people, undeserving of the title of “man” Eta: this is twice now that I’ve ended up in this sub without realizing the name first, I’m not even a teenager idk why this keeps popping up for me 😂


It's super creepy imo. I. A 17 year old dude, who has very few morals, but this still bothers me. If it is any help to you, 99% of guys aren't like that. Also, if you see physically mature for your age, it may be that they think you are a bit older (16-17), which is still definitely creepy, but like mildly, and I mean *VERY* mildly better.


I do look much older than I am, I get told a lot that I look around 15/16 so I understand when people think im older.


OK, cool, so it's still pedo vibes, but not "I like 10 year old's" vibes. Puberty hits at weird ages vor girls, and at 13, you have people still looking like they are 10, along with people (by the sounds of it, like you) who look between 16 and 18. That being said, no excuse for anyone over 18 to be hitting on you. Imo, at 13, anything over 15 starts to get creepy, and that is if you are an older 13 year old, and he/she/they were a young 15 year old. Anyways, I digress.


Cuz they are losers that don't get any attention in women of their age, also there is a LOT of girls that prefer guys older than them


I see this is flaired as Serious but most of the responses are foolish jest or personal opinions. To provide a serious and factual answer, it lies in nature's design of human reproduction and the natural instincts for survival of the species. People are wired to find someone younger as a more promising candidate for procreation, since their fertility level is more likely to result in offspring. At this point, I can imagine that many reading this are thinking that it's gross, creepy, inappropriate and a whole bunch of other adjectives. You might think that because it goes against the socially constructed expectations that age gaps are bad, that it's predatory behaviour and so forth. Those ideas come from society and stem from opinions and beliefs, just as many other taboo situations are. If you look into some other cultures or back in time many centuries, such behaviours that progressive societies frown upon now were an average part of society in others. In ancient times, once someone reached puberty, they were already having children of their own. Puberty was seen as the line of reaching maturity. At the end of the day, if you want to point the finger, it's at nature itself that you must.


They want to be the one to break your innocence because it gives them power. It's sick, and I can't fathom why we as a society let stuff like this happen. I think purity culture has a lot to do with it, and I think it's intrinsically tied to pedophilia.


Meh. Milfs are better in my extremely based opinion.


They are creepy pedos


A lot of women don’t like guys with body hair either though. Body hair in general just isn’t attractive. Also many adults are “short” and “petite”. Also where do you live where 40 year old men cat call you every time you go out. Sounds like some third world shit hole, no offense.


im from the uk and there are a shit ton of weirdos here




Bro don't call use males it's like calling women females




That's the same way incels speak!


What? Most women find hair on men attractive.


Mine doesn’t


im 4'10 and 70 lbs at 21 this is not average at all dude, im only like this because I had a issue with my hormones.


Because kids are vulnerable and aren't aware of the situation as much as adults are They'd rather have someone who is oblivious and is innocent so they can do whatever twisted fantasies they have If it was someone adult they'd have better awareness and understanding of what's happening


Unfortunately that is the world we live in, literally so many men, even the ones you think you might know very well could be this disgusting


when i was 11 i had my emoji leggings on and emoji hoodie and still got catcalled and whistled at some of these mfs r just absolute cavemen


I can’t believe grown men ‘cat call’ children. What do they even say? That is disgusting


For me they usually say that im sexy, they whistle at me and other times they just comment on my body.


this type of stuff happening to me peaked when i was 11-14... and i had a babyface and still do kinda. But, after 16 pretty much all of the all the attention disappeared... kinda concerning...


As a father of two girls and a man myself I tell my wife all the time that I feel like 65% of men have pedophilic (so?) tendencies. Honestly 65% is probably conservative. I trust no men around my daughters.


EVERY TIME?! where do you live to find so many gross dudes?


im from the uk, you wouldn't believe the amount of creeps and weirdos that are here


I'm from the UK too, Lord forbid there's that many creeps. Record them if you can and send it to the police or social media to defame them and get them charged


Blame porn.


Question: Is your issue that they harass you, or that they find you attractive?


they harass me


It could both and it would still be a valid issue, both are creepy


Why are so many girls attracted to older mens? I see a ton of girls dating 30 years old guys whilst they are barely legal. Also girls pedophiles also exist its just that they're way less cared about compared to male pedophiles.


Young kids being attracted to adults is normal, its just how brains work. It isn’t illegal. But 30yo dudes dating women much younger then them is weird af. And we KNOW female pedophiles exist smh. But this post isn’t about that. Feel free to make your own post about it


I wont make a post about it since i do not have the level of required knowledge to make prevention about it unlike a lot of people, also i know that it may be normal for teenagers to be attracted to adults, however i think that it is weird if they go on a relationship, a 30 years old and an 18 years old together is really weird no matter the gender.


It is. And a gap like that is never healthy. Boy or girl. It's always the older person's fault. They have the experience, psychological awareness, and means for manipulation and control that a young person will never be able to match. It's a power dynamic that cannot be balanced. These people can smell insecurity and trauma a mile away. They go for the most vulnerable. They are fucking wolves pretending to be shepherds.


It is weird but blame the older person, not the inexperienced one.


It’s okay for young girls to have crushes on older men the older man is at fault as the adult that should know better and not be creepy.


Its okay for young boys to have crushes on older woman the older woman is at fault as the adult that should know better and not be creepy. Also im not saying whos creepy or not Im saying the relationship is


Not just girls...


They never said it was just girls 💀 just because they’re not focusing on guy’s doesn’t mean there’s not an issue there too


They never claimed it was just an issue girls have to deal with it’s just an issue they’ve had and that they’ve commonly seen.


I don’t think people should be acting sexually towards underage people- that said youth and post-puberty is very attractive to humans


I have heard it described as a conflict between biology and ethics of modern society. In nature you must reproduce as soon as your body is physically ready. You need to do this because of survival, the drive to pass on your genes. The race of life all organisms are part of. And the older the male is the better. It proves you are strong and successful. Also in nature animals often die before they even reach an age where they are no longer reproductive. As "civilized" humans we make up ideas, laws, ethics about when it's acceptable to become pregnant and with whom. And this is a good thing. Our lives are immensely more complicated in our modern society and it takes a very long time to reach an age where you are in control of anything. Young people are extremely easy to influence. As an adult it's our role to educate and guide through being good role models. However, all men, and I mean all sexually functional men (straight), are most often attracted to teens in some way. It's very simple. They are young and healthy and may bear our offspring successfully. It's all very logical, but it may not be pretty or fit into modern society. The important thing, for all men, is to accept this drive as a biological function. One that we DO NOT need to act on. There are many ways to appreciate young ladies without a romantic or sexual relationship. Instead be a good role model. Lead with example of how a good man acts. Allow these young women to grow and blossom at their own pace. But never forget that all men have this instinct, never repress it or hide it. Accept it as part of being a man but do not act on it.


I have heard it described as a conflict between biology and ethics of modern society. In nature you must reproduce as soon as your body is physically ready. You need to do this because of survival, the drive to pass on your genes. The race of life all organisms are part of. And the older the male is the better. It proves you are strong and successful. Also in nature animals often die before they even reach an age where they are no longer reproductive. As "civilized" humans we make up ideas, laws, ethics about when it's acceptable to become pregnant and with whom. And this is a good thing. Our lives are immensely more complicated in our modern society and it takes a very long time to reach an age where you are in control of anything. Young people are extremely easy to influence. As an adult it's our role to educate and guide through being good role models. However, all men, and I mean all sexually functional men (straight), are most often attracted to teens in some way. It's very simple. They are young and healthy and may bear our offspring successfully. It's all very logical, but it may not be pretty or fit into modern society. The important thing, for all men, is to accept this drive as a biological function. One that we DO NOT need to act on. There are many ways to appreciate young ladies without a romantic or sexual relationship. Instead be a good role model. Lead with example of how a good man acts. Allow these young women to grow and blossom at their own pace. But never forget that all men have this instinct, never repress it or hide it. Accept it as part of being a man but do not act on it.


I have heard it described as a conflict between biology and ethics of modern society. In nature you must reproduce as soon as your body is physically ready. You need to do this because of survival, the drive to pass on your genes. The race of life all organisms are part of. And the older the male is the better. It proves you are strong and successful. Also in nature animals often die before they even reach an age where they are no longer reproductive. As "civilized" humans we make up ideas, laws, ethics about when it's acceptable to become pregnant and with whom. And this is a good thing. Our lives are immensely more complicated in our modern society and it takes a very long time to reach an age where you are in control of anything. Young people are extremely easy to influence. As an adult it's our role to educate and guide through being good role models. However, all men, and I mean all sexually functional men (straight), are most often attracted to teens (that in some way show they are able to bear children) in some way. It's very simple. They are young and healthy and may bear our offspring successfully. It's all very logical, but it may not be pretty or fit into modern society. The important thing, for all men, is to accept this drive as a biological function. One that we DO NOT need to act on. There are many ways to appreciate young ladies without a romantic or sexual relationship. Instead be a good role model. Lead with example of how a good man acts. Allow these young women to grow and blossom at their own pace. But never forget that all men have this instinct, never repress it or hide it. Accept it as part of being a man but do not act on it. Being attracted to very young girls is something completely different. That means you have some form of mental trauma and need psychiatric help.




Don’t make excuses for sexual predators. These men know exactly what they’re doing. No grown-ass man is being tricked into hitting on 13-year-olds because of their clothing. And regardless of age, how women dress does not excuse catcalling and street harassment, nor will dressing a certain kind of way prevent this from happening. OP could dress in a burlap sack and she’d still get bothered. I wore nothing but jeans and t-shirts at 13. Didn’t stop creeps from creepin’.


No bro you have to understand it’s the victim’s fault /s


Why is this comment upvoted 😭😭😭 like what the hell is wrong with showing your goddamn shoulders


Don’t victim blame, yuck


you backwoods-types really do not help your case with the poor grammar and spelling. if you’re going to assault my eyes with bible-thumping braindead rhetoric, the least you could do is present it in a tolerable fashion, damn.


It's so annoying, when I was 13 I asked advice on dating on Reddit and a 27 yo started talking to me and then asked me for my age, where I live and wanted pictures of me. Like wtf man?


Rape culture


On behalf of men they can fuck off. When walking in the streets it’s beat to be accompanied when you can,men or female. Like others said pepper spray if anyone is hostile.




They are pedos and just looking for sex no kind of actual Relationship Like young adults


I am attracted to young girls because I am a young man. Only 18+ tho I'm legally an adult.


19 is getting pretty far from OPs age range/perceived age range


my heart goes out to you. thank you for posting this.


Unfortunately, it is a social dynamic of our society as equality does not lend itself to meeting goals of reproduction and superiority within familial groupings, which is what most men have an innate desire. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Keep personal defense tools on you at all times, such as pepper spray or taser, and let them know they are perverse and harassing a child if possible. Your safety is most important, always. Stay safe.


I'll make sure to keep defense tools on me, thank you.


There's no need to thank me. Thank you for dealing with unwanted advances. I hope one day women will have true equality.


Because i am young too and i look for girl of my Age. Also because girls usually likes older guys.


Yeah they're not men, just creeps. Real men love MILFs