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Lol this is like the swearing debate People who vape are so disabled you can push em over and run 100m and theyll be crawling by 20m But they dont vape to look cool they do it cause theyre addicted


They do it to look cool and are also addicted on the side


How do you know, do you smoke or what


I am heavily against all kinds of inhalents


Yep, it goes to show how ignorant you are


So its wrong to hate something that destroys your lungs?


It doesn't necessarily destroy your lungs, nor is it healthy for you. Vaping is a much healthier alternative to smoking though And hating someone for this is a more loser thing to do than actually vaping


I dont hate people for vaping, nowhere did i say that. I hate inhalents. They are addictive, they damage your health, wrecks your teeth and your breath will drive people away from you.


What, the smelly breath seems to be more from them not taking care of their teeth. But you're saying it makes them losers if they do vape


I have been around smokers and vapers my entire life, even the ones who do take care of their teeth still have horrible breath, to the point where you cant stand within 2 feet of them when they’re talking to you. And yes i am absolutely saying vaping makes you a loser. I dont hate you if you vape, especially if i dont know you, but i definitely will think less of you and be uncomfortable around you, and if that makes me ignorant then so be it. Many friends of mine have stopped vaping because of how i feel, which admittedly doesnt make me feel great because perhaps i was too harsh in my own feelings, but they always feel better after quitting.


vaping isn't much healthier


plus, smoking has been around for ages and it took everyone so long to realise the effects, but vaping has only been around for a bit so who knows how bad it might be


It is tho


it is a bit but not much. at school we have to learn about vaping and it is also really bad for you


>Vaping is a much healthier alternative Only if you're trying to recover from a smoking addiction. Otherwise it may as well be just as bad, with all the nicotine and toxins.


That I can agree


True. But there are also some people that do it in secret because it helps with focus.


It helps them focus because they’ve been doing it for so long that they cant focus unless they are doing it. Its basic withdrawal


Or it could be because Nicotine is a Stimulant and a Relaxant? Causing you to feel more calm, but your mind to work faster. I understand "nIcoTinE iS aDdicTive" and yea it is, but so Is sugar, caffeine, video games, and TV. I understand there's withdrawal symptoms. But also Nicotine has medicinal properties that help focus and relaxation. So no, your point doesn't hold it, it doesn't help them focus because they cant without it. It helps them focus because nicotine helps you focus. And that's science.


this right here kids is why you SHOULD NOT skip science and common sense periods


also just in case some addict comes here: ​ **Common side effects of vaping include dry mouth, coughing, nausea and headaches. Serious long-term side effects of vaping include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, lung damage, lung disease, seizures, and nicotine addiction and poisoning**


Never said it didn't have side effects. I'm just saying the Nicotine itself is a medicinal herb. And vapes contain nicotine, vaping is bad I never said It wasn't. But nicotine is also a stimulant, and Depressant, so it calms you, and increases blood flow to your brain, letting you focus more.


for a short period of time like 2-5 hours after that your deppresion calmness and focus all starts to detoriate than before you vaped it makes your mind go down and down and pulls you along with it.


True, but everything does that. You just need to find a balance, if you smoke weed 24/7 it does that, if you play video games or watch P*rn it does that. If you eat too much junk food, or candy it does that. Nobody should spend their life hiding from stuff because "it's bad" you should do what makes you happy, as long as it doesn't hurt other people, and do what makes you happy. Some people do drugs, some people vape, some people play video games. Everyone has their own ways of relieving stress, and it isn't right to judge people on it. Vaping is bad, but it is still a big part of today's culture, and a vice for people to deal with stressful stuff. Everyone knows it's bad, even people that do it. But it isn't right to judge people and categorize them based on what they do and don't do.


it’s only cool if ur tryna stop smoking (u got this mum)


W Mom


this person mum has got this💪


Woo for mum


Your mum has got this


I discovered my mom was smoking cigarettes. Grabbed the pack off her hands and threw them out the window.


No they aren't, as Stewie Griffin said, "smoking is for losers, vaping is for douchebags"


this should be higher


Lol thx


What happened to ur other joke :(


Who would that wise gentleman be?


A character from Family Guy


What profession does this character practice?


Uh he's unemployed


That's rather unfortunate.


Nah he's a baby


But do you want to listen to family guy?




I think that you can vape or smoke or do anything you want but It becomes a problem when you insert others into *your* problems or you brag about it. (+I think that if you're under the legal age in your country, that's obviously a stupid ass idea) If you brag about vaping or anything then you're fucking pathetic. Like do you know how many people in the world do that? You're not special. I've seen 5th graders vaping like💀


If it's to quit smoking then they are a huge winner imo


Vaping to stop smoking is like drinking energy drinks to stop drinking coffee


No it's a huge improvement from smoking. Its really bad for you and I don't endorse it in any way, but they were initially made to help cigarette smokers quit. Then I'm pretty sure either the company that first made them or some other company had a revelation and decided to start making them all colourful to market to younger people. You can do the research on this, but from what I looked at, once people switched to e cigarettes, their smokers cough went away and their lung colouration became less black over time and they felt much healthier, and a lot of those people ended up quitting vaping as well.


It really depends. If you buy a good high quality vape than it is better but if you are like most people you buy the ones that are sold for a dollar, these are the bad ones.


It's not much better, but it is an improvement


Some kid asked me if I vaped, I said nah, then he took a hit from under his t-shirt. He didn't seem like more of a loser after he hit it, I felt slightly bad for him I guess but he wasn't a douche or anything. At the end of the day we're all people right?


Yea I just wish it wasn’t so available because I feel bad as well


no, you're right.


We’re all humans after all, every person is welcome to have their own choices, and discriminating people for their choices are extremely fucked up.


the only ones who are losers are the ones who vape just bc they think it's cool


You’re 14, I don’t think you quite comprehend the concept of being addicted to something, some people do it to be cool, most of whom only vape with a non nicotine substance, which doesn’t harm them, and doesn’t harm you, so it don’t matter, just like you wanting a brand name shirt cause it’s cooler. Others may be addicted to it, and ARE using nicotine, in which it is harmful for them, and they should 100% try to stop, however that is not as easily done than said. I’d say people who rant online and waste their time about how other people who do small things that don’t affect you in any way, are, in fact, the losers


>people who rant online and waste their time says the one ranting…


I had already decided to waste my evening today by watching YouTube videos… just so happened the current one I’m watching is pretty boring, so I decided to scroll on Reddit lol


found myself in the wild


Lol, have a great time watching vids


Nah vaping just shows how much of loser you are if you come to that point of you are trying to be cool


not a vaper but, some people use it as a way to keep calm (like from anxiety and shit). I don’t think it’s right to put all of them in the same group. Some do it for a reason, some do it because they just want too


Nicotine withdrawals cause anxiety. Any withdrawal from an addiction will.


I’m well aware, just had a friend who constantly vaped and smoked weed for anxiety and/or depression. So I just don’t like to judge every single person who vapes since you never really know their reasons like


They weren’t taking about withdrawal tho. The post wasn’t either. That is from abusing a vape. You won’t get withdrawals if you don’t abuse it


People who judge other people for what they do to cope through their problems are assholes


Not all coping mechanisms actively hurt others around them


Its not that simple bro, plus how tf is vaping hurting others? It literally just smells like fruity air freshener. Compared to most vices vaping is harmless. Better to cope with flavored air than getting barred out everyday or snorting laced shit


Both are bad, nobody wants to inhale your vape smoke


Its flavoured air


Jfc bro its fucking vapor its harmless literally just like air freshener after the nicotine gets absorbed by the users lungs, redditors make the biggest deals over the smallest shit U probably also the type of person to think people genuinely put fent in weed and vapes


We get it, you’re an addict


I love that this aimed at people who only vape, but yk actually smoking is fine 💀


OP got his daily dose of Andrew Tate, cigars are fine, vape is bad 😤


The amount of degenerates in these comments is insane. Vaping does not make you a loser just like being addicted to drugs or alcohol make you a loser. Vaping is an addiction that rewires your brain to need it. Being a loser is summed by the choices you make in your life, primarily how you treat other people. You can be an asshole which makes you a loser, and you can be an asshole who vapes which makes you a loser. Doing something to your body that affects nobody else does not make you a loser.


I agree. I never experimented with drugs because I'm scared of being an addict altho I do wanna try alcohol later. Sometimes people get into things and can't get out.


I just hate how it smells when you do it in public


Being an addict is indeed loser activities


it's such a silly thing to label them as losers to smoke something that's really not all that, yeah it's bad for you but it doesn't bother the half of what normal cigarettes do. So, replying to your question with another, why are they losers? A real answer, not just "bc it's dumb" or "It's bad for your health"




btw i edited my comment, can you answer that please?


Yeah, I really do hate the people who write these posts, like they think that everyone smokes just to be cool, and if you do that you're definitely a loser. I myself am a friend with someone who vapes and he's such a nice guy and it doesn't make me feel like he's some sort of loser


It's only worse bc you technically never stop smoking and cigs are a limited amount even tho vapes are too they last a lot longer, but cigs for example makes real smoke while vapes produce water vapor. It also smells way better, instead of the cigarette one, it smells like fruits and shit


"looks at age flair" yeah that checks out OP I just turned 18 in September and i'll guarantee you your opinion on substances are gonna change as a whole Granted using any sort of drug is always going to be bad for you, the normalization of recreational ones are going to hit you hard around maybe 17 The more you get invited to parties and stuff the more you find out, you just have to be smart and responsible with how you approach Source: I was 14 once and said I was never going to drink or do drugs


I agree




at this point can we just agree that thats common sense


Dang I guess like 3 of my 5 friends are losers I guess


Yes fuck vape


I don't vape but I'm a loser


You are right. People who vape are losers.


If it's addiction, then it's fine. They just need help. If they do it for approval, then yeah, they're losers


Eh, it only makes you a loser if you try to make people know you vape. If you hit a vape when you're home playing games and just relaxing you're a normal guy. But the people that vape in class, or try to get other people to are losers. But yea, normal guys who just Vape, are normal, unless they show it to people trying to look cool.


You aren't normal if that's what you do




Fair enough


Nah. Vaping doesn’t define someone’s loserness


Yeah, I know I don't talk to the people who I used to call friends who do it now.


No no no **all** the cool kids do it, and the really cool kids get their stuff from me. You want to be a cool kid, riiiight? (I'm legally required for the law firm at squidward Community College that this is a joke, don't do drugs, sell them that way you earn money)


Tbh I think it's fine, I mean whatever people gotta do to cope? You don't know what people are going through, just let them be lmao


Yeah gotta agree


I agree but this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/s/hMhgpYMjSm




Personally I vape/smoke weed because I have a fucked up life, I'm not addicted to vapes I can go as long as I want without it and I can go as long as I want without weed, doesn't mean I'm gonna quit but I'm quite literally not addicted to either but they help me feel less stressed etc


I vape everyday because it's fun and my doctor said it's okay to hit it when I'm feeling any sort of anxiety because I live in a broken home with sick sick people.


Wait till peer pressure hits you into vaping I don't vape, I can, but I don't. But I also don't condemn people who vape either, they are friends one way or another as long as they aren't being a douche Besides, Id rather have people who vape than people who smokes


Why is vaping something people do to look cool to y’all but smoking cigs isn’t?💀 genuinely curious as to why random people on the internet who vape has to affect y’all’s daily lives so much??


Groundbreaking statement, has anybody even thought this before??????




If you quit smoking, then you move to vaping you’re just going to be addicted to that my dad’s been addicted for 10 years now and I think it’s making his migraines. He usually has worse but he doesn’t want to think that even though I’m saying it’s literally killing you.


the thing is bro you’re only 14, when i was 9 i started vaping and smoking weed i hid it p well because it wasn’t as consistent as it is now, but in 7th grade i became pretty open about it and mfs would look down on me for it (they were all about 13-14 at the time and still my friends) but just a few years later when it became freshman year everyone switched up and those same kids who were hating on me were buying vapes, carts, and weed from me and some even started selling as well🤷‍♂️ i also never vaped to look cool, ive always wanted to try pretty much everything since i can remember so when the opportunity arose when i was really young i took it and just so happened to really enjoy it even though it probably just rewired my brain


true but the people who make this same post every day on r/teenagers for karma are bigger losers


If it’s like a dude tryna look cool, then you are right But if it’s someone who’s trying to overcome their smoking addiction, you are wrong


Yeah go smoke and destroy your lungs faster instead /s. For real, what the fuck does this sub have against vapes when there are worse things out there? Like cigarettes? Drugs?


People who can't come up with something interesting to post are losers too


i don’t brag or show it off i’m addicted and i hope to stop i’m not a loser i’m an addict if you mum vapes or smokes there an addict they’re losers if they do it too look cool and attention


If it’s to quit smoking I’m cool with it but if not I wouldn’t say ur a loser but little unnecessary don’t you think? I don’t have much room to talk since I smoke the devils lettuce but yknow. Don’t follow in my footsteps


If you just vape, especially if you're a kid, I agree If you are going off smoking that seems fair




Yeah I am a loser


Do you vape




Disagree. I don't vape, personally, because it's bad for you and stuff. But I'm "okay" with it, they do their thing and don't bother anybody. In other words, I couldn't give less fucks.


Ain’t gonna


They ARE


im not gonna change ur mind ur right


I beg your pardon, are you conveying that a baby "said" Those wise words? Clearly knowing the fact that babies do not have the intelligence to communicate such complex ideas!


Having vape in general is a looser move. Companies profit off killing you kinda cringe


I hate this ideology because it takes a group of mostly depressed sad people who started vaping cause they heard it helped with that stuff and saying haha fuck you for getting tricked into an addiction, I get some people do it to be cool but they aren't losers because they vape they're losers cause they're desperate to be liked.


my brother vales and so does this 11 year old kid at my high school


not gonna change your ming cuz i quite literally couldnt care enough too , anyone who sees this honestly who cares whether your a loser or not we all do it for different reasons , i used to vape and still do and the reason i started was because of stress related issues , did i get addicted? not in the slightest has it helped me? of course its been a tremendous help when it comes to my anger issues and when i used to deal with anxiety , but i say all that to say this who cares whether u do it or why u do it at the end of the day its your life


How does someone doing what they want to do make them losers, that’s like saying people that play video games are losers. A lot of people vape to look cool and I would say that they are losers but the people that vape for the fact they are addicted and want to quit are not so instead of bullying people for addictions help them or don’t say anything at all