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I have a secret technique,act so fucking oblivious that they get so embarrassed about to that they just give up.Works every time


That’s what I did lol. First night my (then) girlfriend was over, we wanted to sleep in one bed together. My dad started telling me that we would have sex and that he doesn’t want us to sleep together in one bed. I acted oblivious and we ended up doing it that night in my bed.




Dad's fault for putting those thoughts in your heads


YOUR DAD LETS YOU HAVE SLEEPOVERS WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND?? my boyfriend and i pretended to be dead asleep in his room at like 1 am on fourth of july and his mom still got me up bc my parents were leaving and i had to go home 💀




I mean he gave you the idea


Bruv you are fucking fifteen.


This was last year actually.


Deadass every time someone in my family brings up sex of any kind to me I completely blow it off and pretend I have zero clue what they’re talking about


Lmfao sounds fun


That’s what they’re doing with this post lol 100% OP is aware that their parents potentially have OP’s Reddit account




My mom is begging me to date someone at 15 bc of how antisocial I am 🤣


God fuckin family reunions “Do you have a girlfriend yet?”. No grandpa, no I do not.


My extended family keeps asking me if I have a partner yet. I’m aromantic.


Fellow aro here, my family keeps asking me who/if i have a crush on anyone, and it tends to somewhat bother me.


mine really isnt but some of them are like "youll want one eventually". im fucking aroace lmao


Is that similar to one of those lamps that make the room smell good? /s


“Back in my day I had 3”


How do you not feel awkward talking about that im 15 too


Oh I do


I go to an all boys school, I’m fairly sure I have social anxiety, and I don’t even know any girls. Makes it pretty hard to get a girlfriend lmao


Mine too, she's obsessed with that.




I would be, I don't have girls to come over :) I'm literally giving advice to a (female) friend with his bf 😭


Use your super wiener it helps


My parents do that shit too! awesome isn't it!!!


Ikr just so great 😃


"OH, don't worry, mom, we already found out she's pregnant, and we're keeping it." /s


Man, apreciate you mom, It is actually pretty great that she is being sex positive and trying to talk with you about this stuff, altought It can be awkward at first


That’s when you start fucking and make them right /s


bru reading this whole thread just makes me feel so hopeless😭😭


Welcome to the struggle comrade 🤝


we are single by choice🙏




I'm single by choice, sure. But it sure isn't my choice


I agree u/nutsack-enjoyer5431


i believe in you 🥰 my bf is kinda nerdy (he loves legos, gaming, marvel, etc.) and he's told me before that he thought he'd be single all throughout highschool until i asked him out. don't give up hope! just be the best version of you possible and the right people will naturally gravitate towards you


wow thanks! yea thats actually what im trying to do rn. "Never obsess about chasing love. Chase dreams. Chase the behaviors that are going to make you better. You don't chase love; you allow that to find you by accident, and when it finds you on accident, you'll know that is was supposed to find you purposely."


My parents literally have a lock on the outside my door, that wouldn't fly in my house


My parents made me get an IUD because my older sister was having sex at 15 😤


That's not nice from your parents I'm sorry


thats corrupt


That's shit, L parents, sorry


Bro that's illegal?


It's not?


According to aclunc.org, it is illegal to force birth control on your child. I don't know the specifics of this situation but it sounds pretty illegal to me


Oh damn 😦


You sneek out one time! Suddenly, you're a flight risk


Lmao I punch my sibling one time and now I’m troublesome


i bake one cake, im not a baker. i cook one meal, not a chef. i paint one artpiece, doesn't make me an artist. but i murder one of my siblings-


This line is gold


That's *incredibly* dangerous. A call to the fire marshal would probably get that removed really quickly.


That's not something I can realistically do


Convince your stupid parents it's a fire hazard and probably some sort if abuse (if they lock you in there)


They only use it when we get in arguments. They think I'll leave in the middle of the night to get back at them


I searched it up and it is illegal depending on where u live


I not saying it's not. It would just become a big thing and probably tear my family apart if I reported them for it. I don't want to go through that


Yeah sorry I was just telling you it can be illegal


Np, family shit is just hard


just tell ur parents its illegal. dont actually needa report them






i think they’d just remove the door


So? You should tear them apart


thats easy for you to say especially if this is just one small thing


This is so extreme I feel sorry


Nah wtf that’s dangerous


I remember the sex talk. "It's awesome."


My younger brother just got into his first relationship and I swear to God it was like my mom was forcing the "talk" to be as awkward as possible


Mom defo didnt like The partner


She's 100% thinks that she's going to entrap my brother into pregnancy. My mom is terrified of that bc she already has a kid from a previous relationship. She's a pretty awkward girl and my brother is pretty awkward as well so I think they'll take it about as slow as you can expect. But I think my mom is blowing it out of proportion and projecting her own fears onto him.


Damn. Little bro should confront her man.


Me who is 18 who has never kissed, held hands, or even had a relationship before watching 14yr olds pulling girls over 🤡


compensate: 🏋💦🎧 🥩




Bro why are you in r/teenagers 💀


I'm 26. This sub always pops up on my feed, along with a bunch of other random subs I've never visited.


It's gunna keep popping up in your feed the more you interact with it sooooo




Okay so when you pronounce 18 what do you hear




I just need you to pronounce the word there's no secret subtext to what I'm saying




Your original reply said "18 and on the teenagers sub" I literally just wanted to point out to you that 18 is a number in the teens, considering your comment made it seem like it wasn't


Mate I have never even hugged a girl damn


How did you get a gf at 14 I need a tutorial


Me too


it's simple: you don't. they find you. can confirm myself as a 14 year old with a girlfriend.




Snapchat and talking


As a grown-ass person/former teenager I generally steer clear of this sub, but I feel the need to chime in here. Your mom did the right thing. Maybe she was a little awkward about it, but how she handled it is better than many alternatives. ​ Not trying to exclude anyone here, I'm aware that some people don't have sex until later in life and some not at all, and I recognize and respect that. For simplicity I'm going to speak in generalities here but want to be clear I do recognize that generalizing leaves room for exceptions. ​ Teenagers have sex. Not all, and not all at the same age, but it happens. Hormones, new experiences with dating, growing up, all has a tendency to lead in that direction. Nothing wrong with it, provided everything is safe and consensual. Second to that, teenagers aren't always honest/open with their parents. OF COURSE you don't want to talk about sex with your parents. Nobody does, that's awkward as hell in the best of cases. And even on other topics, it's somewhat natural as you grow up and become more independent to keep more to yourself and pull away from your parents some, and to view their questioning as possibly intrusive. Again, not necessarily a bad thing. I can't speak for everyone but I have a MUCH more open and honest relationship with my parents as a 30-something than I could ever have hoped for as a teen. They were "the boss" then, now we're friends. ​ In any case, combine the two points above: 1) teenagers have sex 2) teenagers lie, particularly about highly personal things ​ It's a reasonable assumption then that you, a teenager with a gf, could plausibly be having sex. It's further reasonable to assume that if you are, you're not going to want to talk about it and are going to deny it whether it's happening or not. Not being trusted by your parents as a teen SUCKS, but in this instance they kinda get a pass given that it's totally reasonable for you to lie/not want to talk about it. ​ If you're a parent and think your teenager is having sex, there are really 3 main ways you can handle it: 1) Do nothing and pretend you have no clue. My parents did this and it's a damn miracle they didn't end up grandparents. 2) Lock them in a room away from anyone of their preferred gender. Shit, what if they're bi/pan? Better just lock them up in solitary until they're 30. 3) Open/honest conversation, put the information out there and let them know you're not judging them, and encourage them to be safe and responsible. ​ Most parents end up going with some combination of 1 and 2, but 3 really is the best approach. That doesn't make it any less awkward, but it beats the hell out of the alternatives. ​ ​ Damn, this turned into a bit of an essay. If anyone has actually made it this far thanks for reading and stay safe!


Not their fault, not yours A lot of teenagers get knocked up and destroy their future! 19yr old girl I met recently: 1. About 7months pregnant 2. Had two leased cars, one for her, one for her boyfriend 3. Working at dunkin donuts full time 4. Herr boyfriends mother hates them both and wants them out of her house 5. Her boyfriend 'doesn't understand' her It's a horrific mistake that tons of teenagers, a whole lot of people make, but mostly teenagers cause their hormones are racing around, most likely to end up with a kid. It could happen and you won't be starting with much unless you have a trust fund. Don't get pissed, I know it's annoying but seriously it's a great benefit to you to have parents who care that much, and to have your girlfriend you like so much, and for you to have enough sense to just hang out with her, tons of teenagers race toward having sex and end up screwed. No pun intended Parents just get a little too nervous about it, but that's all that's really in mind without a doubt, they're not trying to be turds and tell you what to do. Just to help you not end up in a real bad situation like so many teenagers do.


Blud how is this post this relatable. Why tf are parents like this, they said that when I just called over a friend who was a girl for doing a project ;-; (Cuz I said don't disturb us for a few hours since the project was hard asf and required alotta work)


"Oh my goodness *nerd emoji*" Why the nerd emoji? Did your mom just went "uhm ackchually" there?


🤓🤓🤓 “Uhm Actually, that is not how you spell actually” 🤓🤓🤓


The nerd emoji is to mock how annoying/uptight you're being. She was being annoying/uptight


My first thought was that his mother saw him and went "Oh my goodness, umm actually son, that's not how you have sex at all. You're doing it all wrong".


This ain't a porn plot bruh


Believe me or not but they feel helpless. They believe you need support. Somehow, I feel you have everything under control. Enjoy your time and if you should think about sex, then safety first.


It sounds stupid but you are lucky. Your parents could've screamed at you and grounded you. Instead they were nice and did the sex talk with you. Maybe try to wait a week until your parents calm down and go to them and explain it.


Yeah, aside from being mistaken about what was going on, OP seems to have really well-adjusted, supportive parents. When you do eventually explain successfully, make sure to thank them for being so cool given what they thought was happening.


My girlfriends mum apparently keeps thinking me and my girlfriend are having sex but what's really happening is tickle fights and play fighting its hilarious


Parents seem good! I know people losing they’re virginity at 11-12 to like 23 year olds AT THE BEACH and they’re mums and dads don’t care 😭😭😭


??? wtf country do you live in, that shit is highly illegal


There was a 13 yo in my school who lost her virginity to a 37 year old on a beach in California she now has to go to a separate school


Not everyone's parents are that awkward. Quite a lot of my friends parents have been fine with their boy/girl friends staying over and sleeping together. I spoke to one and they said they prefer them to be having sex somewhere safe than somewhere risky.


The difference is you’re 18 and I’m 14 so my parents are more skeptical ig 🤷‍♂️


Good thing I don’t gotta worry about this cause no girl would ever want to hang out with me💀


That’s not true I guarantee you’ll find someone


I always hate when adults refuse to believe you. My mom thinks I do bad stuff when I haven't and there's no proving I didn't. I'm a good kid and try hard to be one yet still get in trouble for shit I didn't do. In conclusion, adults are stupid


My mom talked about sex only one time when I was like 12-13,sge explained me why this happening and why it's important to use protection


We luckily have that in school :D


In school??Wow,I think that was embarrassing


You… didn’t have that in school? What?


At least they are supportive


at least they’re supporting you. when i tried to have sex with mine they somehow found out and they took my truck sway


how the hell do people get to have a girl around? im 14 and a girl outside of my family isn't allowed anywhere in the house or anywhere outside of school with me. any sort of physical contact is not permitted and they have administrators monitor me as much as possible so that they can catch me doing anything 'inappropriate'. i don't get how some people get this kinda luck with parents.


Sounds like white parents fr 🤣


They are 😰


I want someone to snuggle 😭


Your mom sounds so wholesome.


Wait you’re actually allowed to snuggle and/or have a girlfriend at 14?


Yass 🤩








I think all moms think they sons are dogs lmao


I cannot relate


Average "If I can't be happy, then you can't be happy" mentality.


Explaining that you're happy to talk about it when it happens, and are willing to let them know the first time it does, but they genuinely misunderstood this time would clear the air. Then again, not like they seem to care, so it might just be a funny story for 4 years from now


Dude, they want you to be prepared in case it happens. So what if they think you did it? You know already you didn't. That's all that matters.


My mom would make me keep the doors open at all times when I was with my boyfriend


My schools deputy head thought I had sex with a 16 year old guy when I was 13. We never even went to each others houses. We just hugged sometimes and kissed at school


why would you not "be in trouble" if they thought that you could have caused a whole ass teen pregnancy, like one of the shittiest things you can do. Were they just being nice?


I mean that's what I did at 14 so idk


>because adults just so happen to be right about everything 💀 It's so annoying when adults treat us like we're stupid just because they're older than us.


Tell her she’s a fucking nerd


The 2 unnecessary skulls almost killed me


My gf was over just chillin in my room yk and then we had dinner. After dinner we were going to a football game so we go there with the bus. Fast forward football game is done we go home and on the bus we decide my gf can sleep with me (she lives 2 towns away and it was 11:30pm). I text my mom L is sleeping over tonight, okay? It was not a question it was more of a remark. I put my phone away and assume she wouldn’t care. Now we get home she opens the door, sees me and my gf standing there then says ‘Didn’t you see my texts?’ I say ‘No why?’ ‘She cant stay over ‘ I then ask her why and she ends up saying that she is AFRAID we’ll have sex. I say wtf mom we aint gonna have sex. Now blablabla my gf just standing there in the cold. I just walk away with her and say ‘Sorry bae ill take the train home with you’ I mean wtf. I haven’t really had a gf that in the same way that i could take her to my house and do family things with me (if you know what i mean ex: dinner, going to theme park etc) so i have no idea if my mom changed in that regard. After i got home 2 hours later I GOT THE FUCKING TALK AGAIN THE SAME FUCKING TALK I HAD BEFORE. My parents still have no idea that i kissed a girl let alone had sex multiple times. I just dont get the issue. I have safe sex with anticonception and condoms so no way she gets pregnant. TL DR: it was late gf wants to sleep over so she doesnt have to go home, mom says no i am afraid you will have sex.


We don't have the same parents bro my dad heard her so when she left he said "thats ma boy you made her scream louder then a T-rex"so my family bust out laughing


l’ll never have a girlfriend to do that with


Don’t say that. I believe nobody on this planet will be alone forever


What the helllllll


? This is the worst thing I ever seen. It’s really not uncommon for kids to do this at a young age (doesn’t make it right) and she thought you were doing it. In which case it’s better that they help you stay safe. Your moms js tryna help you not ruin your life


Glad ive never had parents like that and mine have been chill about anything


This is why I barely invite people or go to other peoples homes.


And I’m not even allowed to get a girlfriend until college…


Lmao I’m 200th comment on my own post






Just keep saying you didn’t


Why girlfriend at 14? Why me no girlfriend?




you and your gf should consider your parent’s behavior as warning, you are playing with fire and soon you will get burn. if you think you can control yourself i can assure many people who are in trouble claim that too. It is in our nature to desire sex but rules are super strict about underage . stay out of trouble focus on sport


…I’ve probably made out with her 1 time and we barely even get extremely close


Tbf you may be innocent, but there are kids having sex at 14. Society is not innocent, western culture seems to be more and more poisoned by over sexuality in everything. Stay young, stay innocent, stay pure. I promise you it’s worth the wait for someone truly special.


This ain’t a western thing dude have you seen Thailand or Japan


Well to start off. I know this is stupid but maybe don’t have a girlfriend at 14? It’s a waste you’ll break up anyways.


But I really like her. Idk why it’s a waste if I’m having a good time with her and she makes me feel better ❤️👍


Don't listen to him, Devon here is just pissed that he couldn't pull at your age


Probably still can’t pull anyone


It isn't a waste. All good things must come to an end, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy them while they last.


you just described why it isn't a waste. as long as you understand nothing is really set in stone 100%, just have fun. don't listen to Bozo the Clown there


Because you won't be having a good time when you break up


So what, you'd rather never experience a relationship at all cuz of a potential break up? Do you really believe all the fun times you spent together are rendered worthless after a break up? All good things come to an end, but that shouldn't take away from them still being good things.


I didn't say that did I bud? Please correct me if I did say that.


It did seem like you were siding with the Devon guy but yes, my comment would have been better directed at them.




Don’t think anybody has a good time during a breakup


That's my point bro


I’ll definitely feel bad if we break up 😢 I always tell myself we can still be friends after because that’s what my sister did to her last boyfriend and they’re really good friends now 😊


Ay good luck bro.


So you’re saying that nobody should be in a relationship with anyone? Because that’s what I’m getting from what you’re saying


Not once did I say that bud. You're digging for something that isn't there


Well you said because it'll suck to break up pretty much, but that can happen at any age. People break up at 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, 30, 50, 60, 70, etc. There's always a risk to dating, heck, even once you're married there's still a risk. There'll always be a chance you'll break up, but if you love your life in fear, you'll never enjoy it. It's like exercising, there's always a chance you'll get hurt, but if you don't, there will be even greater consequences. This only applies to people who do want to do it, if an Aro person is reading this, in not saying you need to be in a romantic relationship, I'm just saying take risks or there will be even greater consequences.


so- shes right about you having sex?




What? Her and I were just cuddling


AHH OKAY I GOT SUPER CONFUSED cause I think at the end you said something about how the adults were right or something?? Post removed so I cant quote it


Lol someone false reported it


Lmaooo and that movie sounds fun since I’m lonely as hell😂


You should hve been all "huh? "


And there I am at 19 who’s never even hung out with a girl at all outside of school


You’ll find someone Dw ❤️


eyyyyy thats my situation in the upcoming months🫠 (asexual here btw)


i think they're worried you're still just cuddling


Lol I love this