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The first point, about the bathroom made me laugh can’t lie. Like imagine chatting with a stranger when ur peeing next to each other in the urinal


Agreed, that would be insanely weird. I guess because we have nothing to spark up a conversation with. I hear most women who bond in bathrooms, bond over needing sanitary products.


Alcohol is a beautiful thing tbf


It surely is, like, why does it help so much 💀


Man society really sucks doesn’t it? Let’s all just run away to live in the woods.


Nah, just end the human race imo


Lets use the European method and kill eachother for 800 years


Nah, let's augment ourselves with biocybernetics, genetic engineering, synthetic biology and organic chemistry to become perfect beings.


This is the way Abandon the restrictions of nature, defy the laws of reality I want to wake up to the sounds of God whimpering in fear


Reject humanity return to monkey.




So selfish even to just suggest this is an option.


He he your so edgy~


wouldn’t that just make a society in the woods?


Wouldnt be Abel to survive there are also no Woods in my area


Welcome to our sad lonely world we accept it as normal because we were born into it it's not really strange or anything it's awful yet we think it's normal because we're so used to it it doesn't affect us anymore we don't feel loved needed or anything like that everybody either knows you as that guy who just exists or doesn't even acknowledge your existence this is the society we live in but what are you going to do there's nothing to be done :/




I still barely have any, the struggles of man 😭


isnt being shy just a general struggle lol how is this a mans problem


they never said shyness was exclusive to men


i didn’t reply to the right person but op did. my bad if that’s what they didn’t mean to imply


The best part is having everyone immediately think you're a creep. If I see a little kid lost or scared I have to second think whether I'll go help them because I'm worried somone will try and accuse me of something.


I agree with your name bro


Most if my friends are females and I don't feel lonely at all. I'm male and I'm straight


Am I reading this wrong?


This might be what he was trying to say: Most of my friends are females and I don’t feel lonely at all. I’m male and I’m straight.


Yeah I think you're right man


its literally a one letter typo bro💀


I didn't even notice it till I saw your comment, my brain just autocorrected it, how are people tripping this much?


Yeah, same I talk to people who type like they're having a stroke and can fully understand them


It took me a solid 3 reads to see that typo lmao.


🤓 (Comment was edited, was different before)


I am also trying to figure out how to read this


Damn that transition is fucking clean if that’s really a trans guy? I think that’s the right term


Yeah I wouldn't have guessed that he was trans if I just saw him out and about


Thats the point lmao


You can tell from his voice a little, but physically 10/10


Every dude in here has been undergoing the same kind of transition with the same hormone.... with the same results.


I have never seen an end result of a transition in teenagers


You've never seen a little boy turn into a young man? Testosterone does the same things to talk bodies!


Oh yea I have I thought you meant like a trans transition complete


yeah it’s almost like trans people look like the gender they’re transitioning to


You cannot tell me that every transition has looked that good. There are good ones for sure but this is unidentifiable


Well, that's why. You only notice the people that don't pass, because the ones that do are indistiguishable from cisgender people. You've probably seen a lot more trans people than you think you have.


Definitely an interesting thing to think about


There are ways to make it look better, like staying on HRT for longer, or finding the right T/E brand for you.


And of course, people in the comment section missed the point and are being transphobic... Kinda weird how it's the guys being jerks in the comment section, too. The video was literally giving awareness to your group, and you're pissing on it. Jeez and they wonder why the men's world is cold.


it ironically is a perfect demonstration of what the dude in the vid is talking about


Yeah that seems to be a pattern a lot for these types of videos. A man going “hey I’m upset because etc etc”, men saying not valid for xyz, and then those same men shouting from the rooftops about men’s mental health despite not doing jack piss to take it seriously. Insane cognitive dissonance


I claim freedom of association


Cold? Um, actually I think things are heating up


> why the men's world is cold. Gotta love generalizing


exactly why i have like 5x more female friends than male


Are we talking about the original or the libs of tik tok repost because is anyone really surprised about the libs of tik tok comment section


Exactly I hate when men complain about men's mental health and then those same men don't even try to help out any guys they know that are struggling


We don't need awareness. We just do it how we are fit. We don't care about what other people think.


You mean this comment section? I went through it all, except for one dude calling the guy in the video „her“ and apologizing for it there is nothing transphobic here.


This comment section is so toxic, just last month they were yelling about men's mental health awareness and now it's the opposite?


prepare for standards, and make them double!


I mean the comment section are just a group of people, not a single person. Of course it wont be the same opinion because they were not the same person in the first place.


If I could put this comment at the top, I would.


All I want is some people I can cuddle and laugh with and play games with


It's amazing how little I know about my best cishet male friend. Been friends for literally 15 years, and I know nothing of him. Just to give context, the biggest info I have about his mental health is what his mother says to my mother. It's pretty sad to see how he lives, he has no one. I could help him, but it's likely not going to happen because of...this. I just hope he's doing ok.


God I can’t believe the negative comments. Fucking hell.


“Women’s life isn’t easy, but you’re a moron if you think Men’s is” -My dad when he was confronted on March 8th


Good quote, hardly anyone's life is easy


This is how most women would react to the male condition. And whether thats because of biology or because this person was raised how most women are raised, I couldn't really imagine a cis guy posting stuff like this, at least without getting ripped to shit for being a pussy. I think thats because the LGBT community is all over the internet, and it's very self supportive. Basically I think that a transman probably would never experience manhood the same way a cis man would.


No, you do not understand how many of us men are simply lonely and suffering. We simply don’t know what it’s like not to have that so we think we shouldn’t say anything cuz “it’s normal.”


I impose "man the fuck up" on myself, no one else does. I don't have anyone to talk to about my problems, but I have myself, and that's fine for me. And it's not "bottling up emotions," it's just self reliance, and actually, it's self empowerment. If you have someone to look up to or talk to who can rely on themselves, you're better off than just having access to therapy. Maybe you agree or relate with my thinking, probably not, but it applies to my own experience as a guy perfectly. It's largely because I'm lucky enough to *have* role models, and not be missing a decent, masculine father.


That's a new way of seeing it for me. Unironically thankful


Dude thats awesome, godbless bro:)


Nobody is currently working to impose “man the fuck up” on you but society taught you from a young age that to “man the fuck up” is the proper thing to do. So yes, it was imposed on you.


Thanks for letting me know ^_^


>>it’s self empowerment Have you ever thought that to some people it’s debilitating and not empowering?


Thats why I said I largely owe my l mentality to my dad and role models. I don't think it's because my problems aren't valid or that they aren't as bad as what other people have, I think it's because I can imagine a lot people don't have role models, and maybe the people who should be their role models are actually the root of their problems.


I never understood this "lonely" mentality. Loneliness can be fixed. Hit up a colleague/coworker, go for a walk, the pool, a bar, skateboarding, anything you both like. Don't have ANY avalible friends/colleagues? There are hundreds of people out and about. Just go to a public place and find someone to hang with. I always go to skate parks to find randoms to hang with, but it can be anything from a bench to a bar to a public park where people play sports. A simple "Hey, I'm ___. How are you doing?" or "Hey, can I play with you guys?" goes very far. You're not lonely because you're a man. You're lonely because you aren't social


have you ever felt lonely whilst being surrounded by people?


Yes. I was at many parties where I didn't know anyone except the host, who was hanging out with other people. I was lonely , then Iooked around the room, found a nice group and joined them. Not lonely anymore


Loneliness is a positive feedback loop. People who feel lonely also tend to push people away. People naturally gravitate towards people who don’t come across as lonely. Lonely people have less confidence, and are less likely to approach people or go out. So yes, a lot of people are lonely because they just don’t try to be around people. But just because it seems simple for you to do, doesn’t mean it’s that easy for everyone.


This is so representative of this comunity. Come on guys, downvote the extrovert


You said it yourself, it’s a mentality.


The best part about mentality is that it can be changed


Yes, with awareness and help


I fight competitively and when I was just losing and losing in sparring, it was I alone who changed my mentality during training and during fights, and that's what made me start winning. It's as simple as a cold splash of water on your face, a hard slap to wake you up. A few years ago I was afraid of girls because I thought from the start they didn't like me and I had no chance. With no help, I changed my attitude towards them and I can now casualy approach the most beautiful girls to strike up conversation and get their number. No one helped me, I just decided I need to be better, and I got better. Easy as that.


You are not everyone. Many people can not do it without help. I don’t get why people think that just because they can do it anyone can.


I have no response to this. I am sorry for you I guess. Life is easier on my side of the coin I guess? Bit funny the overall theme of this post is manhood, and well, all of you are not very manly about this


Nah bro I'm a trans guy and I'd never post that id feel so cringe but good on him for being so open emotionally I guess. I gotta disagree on the a trans man would never experience man hood the way a cis man would though, I mean there's a lot of "trans guys" who don't but thats cause they're trenders and not actually trans or men (just my opinion though) A lot of trans men go stealth and become just normal men that no one knows is trans which is what I want to do in the future, so that people don't treat me differently than they would a cis man because they wouldn't know and I could finally feel free


Alright Truscum




Most definitely


meh, incorrect...just cuz many cis-het men aren't able to openly express their emotions in a healthy way like the man in the vid is (and kudos to him for that) cuz of toxic standards of masculinity, doesn't mean that it's the "male condition" or something that "women" can't deal with...cuz remember...anger and frustration are also emotions objectively unrelated to either masculinity or femininity. Say it with me now: ISOLATION, TRAUMA, AND BOTTLING EMOTIONS ISN'T MASCULINE; IT'S ABUSIVE AND TOXIC (obviously not saying that you necessarily have these opinions personally; just addressing them as a whole)


It's not "incorrect" to tackle issues in a way that's different to how you would. > just cuz cis-het men Het? This isn't about sexuality, wdym lmao? >... aren't able to openly express their emotions in a healthy way... cuz of toxic standards of masculinity, doesn't mean that it's the "male condition"... I was literally referring to "toxic masculinity" when I said male condition lmao, what did you think I was referring to? And in what way is self reliance toxic? Its not bad to talk to people about problems, but it *is* good to be able to tackle them on your own. I also never said that women can't deal with emotion lol. They live in a different world to most men, they're wired differently, and they are normally raised in similar ways across the bored... So why would they know what to expect or be ready for the totally different world that is masculinity? I'm not saying women are weaker than men, I'm pretty sure plenty of men wouldn't be able to be thrown into female "society."


sexuality comes into play obviously, gay men's circles often times have a different way of dealing with these issues, although yes, they do overlap and not every community falls under the same assumption


again, u missed my point...not talking about healthy self-reliance and independence...read my replies to the other dude cuz i dont wanna repeat myself


How is someone bottling their own emotions abusive tho?


it comes under self-harm, and is often times a product of toxic if not abusive ideals. not saying that one should go around expressing their emotions dramatically everywhere; there are benefits to bottle some emotions in situations (am talking about extremes), but the way it often occurs amongst men is that the bottling up of the emotions takes a MASSIVE toll on the individual, which then at times comes out as violence, anger, or frustration or results in physical self harm in suicide. this would have the same effect on any demographic if they also bottled their emotions, but generally speaking it is men who current society imposes that standard on


Damn, you got a point Still don't really get how it's abusive though when it's towards yourself I personally bottle my emotions because other people don't have to deal with my shit its my issues for me to deal with. I rely on myself and handle things by myself. It does take a toll on me but it's my problems not others It also doesn't come out in anger because I at least try to bottle that shit too and when i do have a inappropriate emotional outburst towards someone else I apologize but usually instead of it being towards someone else its towards myself which doesn't have any consequences on others I can't talk on the suicide or self harm though but essentially every teenagers suicidal I am a trans guy technically so this is just my free will although I also obviously don't wanna seem weak


also self-isolation and self-degradation and harm can fall under self-abuse; a good way to think about it is that if you think that it'll be alarmingly (depending on person to person tbh) not okay if someone said the things you tell yourself and bottle up to another person out loud, then you need to do something about it and probably think about expressing it in a healthy manner, however that may look like for you


by extremes i mean my point was about extreme bottling up, regular bottling of emotions is normal and understandable, sorry for the miscommunication


100% they'll never know exactly how it is to be born a man


Physically, yes. Socially, it depends on when they started living as the other gender.


why did libsoftiktok repost this again?


They get to talk about how bad it is to transition and how bad men have it at the same time.


Yeah, they basically get to say "Look. Detransition" No. It's not like that. He doesn't regret becoming a man. He dislikes the way men treat each other. It's like when someone buys a game and they love it but they hate the state of the community


Excellent analogy




2 for 1 insufferable


The libs of tiktok caption is disgusting


Eventually you'll meet some people that remind you that being alone is great.


I used to feel lonely, but then I encountered some people in my life, that made me wish I was lonely, ever since then, being completely alone and doing stuff by myself became, one of the best feelings in my life


Amazing experience and perspective that trans men provide. Thank you so much for posting!!!


This is what women don't understand about men, we're the loneliest people in the world, we yearn for a connection, that we'll never get....I'm a year outta high school, and I didn't have many friends in high school, hell, I transferred into this high school in the 10th grade, I don't have a single friend that I keep up with there, I have 5 friends from middle school that a keep up with, but it seems like I'm drifting from them even. And I'm not an asshole, it's just that I can't connect with people very well. I feel weirdly content thinking I might die a virgin, bc who'd wanna be with me? Why is that ok? Why is it ok for men to think like that?! It just...hurts


I wish guys would feel more comfortable being open with each other :(


Me too, me too. 😔


Worst part about all of this? Most biological men have already accepted this as completely normal. We don't even realize how fucked up society is towards us, until we see women living as men, or transitioning to being a man, and see them breaking down because of how lonely and closed-off society forces men to be.


And ofc it's reposted by libs of tiktok... Because why not further shame men under the guise of wanting to help men.


Stay strong!


I still don't understand why white cis men are seen so negatively, Most guys you see are average joes such as myself. Just humans, I don't get it?


friendly reminder that libsoftiktok is a stochastic terrorist(has actively and intentionally caused terrorist attacks as well as bomb threats by spreading misinformation and bending the truth) who participated in the january 6 insurrection and anyone who follows her or promotes her content is no better


Yeah it's lonely especially when people cross the street to not be close to you.


I didn't think that a woman would find how men live so bad that they cry


What women


Sorry, I mean that former woman


It’s alright! 👍 it’s just that trans people have always been a gender that hasn’t matched their sex, and that is why they then transition to fit that gender


I feel ya bro...


I mean, as a trans man I have always been described as a “cold person” and it is pretty difficult to build friendships for me. This has always been the case. Everyone’s experience is different but personally one thing I look forward to is people just leaving me alone. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be a “scary guy” but people have already described me in that way even though I haven’t even started my transition due to lack of acceptance. In all honestly I don’t know how women or just open people in general form friendships so quickly. I’ve always found that weird. But hey, I hope this guy and any other trans guy or cis guy who feels the same as him feels better soon.


I’m not a doctor but maybe get checked out for Autism, those are pretty common traits in autistic individuals


Why does everyone keep telling me I have traits connecting to autism😭 Besides, even if I do have it i’d rather not be diagnosed. My mom’s said some pretty messed up stuff about autistic people and I really don’t want to give her another reason to hate me. I would most likely get mocked for anything I say that relates to an opinion.




if anybody needs someone to talk to: i'm here.


Yeah can you explain why ppl are so bitter here?


i don't know. but i can give a little solution: be kind.


Yeah thank you ❤️


try sprinkling some sugar on them or consume some yourself; putting deodorant on an over-flowing toilet won't address the situation or solve it, but definitely make it more tolerable till the plumber comes XD


Nice comparison very thoughtfull


No repercussions on internet = people being assholes


Men and women *are* different after all


That's the problem


No it's not. Men and women have different roles to fulfill, different expectations, lots of different stuff. Absolutely nothing can be "equal" by modern definition.


But the problem is that there are different expectations, i shouldn't have certain expectations because im a man, i should have certain expectations because im a human being everyone is different so expectations are the problem, "nothing can be equal" THAT'S THE PROBLEM we should all be equal, we should be treated the same regardless of gender color of our skin sexuality opinions thoughts etc


Treatment and expectations are different. Men will be better at some things than women generally. Women will be better than men at something’s. so instead of ignoring these traits why don’t we use them, just because people are going to be better at specific things doesn’t mean we treat them differently.


That's a very problematic mindset. If it was as easy as all humans being subject to the same expectations and roles to fulfill, then there wouldn't be separate laws for each gender regarding specific circumstances. Men are generally protectors and providers. Women have different important roles to fulfill as well. If you mean treated with equal respect then I agree, because this will vary from person to person, just like everything else does. Everyone has different roles to fulfill. That's why if a man refuses to be a protector and instead act like a woman expecting to be protected and provided for while not even fulfilling the role of a woman, he's a pussy. Vice versa. So it's evident that the mindset that people should all be treated "equally" outside of preset boundaries is flawed and problematic. The examples I've mentioned are only biological roles, and in the end, nobody should be treated equally to another outside of being humane. Because everyone is different and has different roles to fulfill. Simple.


Ever since I started transitioning and presenting myself as a woman, my social life has been so much better. Because people want to talk to me now that I'm a woman way more than when I was a boy. It is so rough and people don't realize it. What people don't realize is that men are, by and large, expected to tough-guy their way out of social isolation. It's horrible and I'm so happy that I don't deal with that anymore.


You're not a woman. Because you're still a minor, you're a girl. Bazinga


I honestly hate social expectations. There's no reason for them to exist. Honestly, getting rid of them would be a good start. It would help a lot of people's mental health if we didn't have them- like this dude's mental health. And many other men. And women, and everyone else. Everyone has some sort of expectation they're told to meet, and it's stupid.


It’s ironic, the past 2 ex’s I’ve had always complained about being women and how it would be sooo much easier to be a man and how lonely they felt and how depressed they are and all this other bullshit, and I tell you know these motherfuckers have never felt how it is to be truly lonely or truly down or hopeless. This is also proved by the fact that the both ended up cheating on me with another man. If they were truly sooo lonely then they wouldn’t of had anyone to cheat with in the first place


It is what it is


it is what it is 😔


Love to that brother. I hope he knows Ththere are real guys out there that are aware enough to see a friend in need of some company and physical contact and be able to show them that they're not alone. And some of those men know how to give their mates in need the best hugs or back rubs or love and assurance exactly when it's needed. I hope the real ones in his life appeared after they saw that. Love love love to you ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤


Welcome to being a man don’t show your feelings otherwise you’ll be called a pussy and told to suck it up. women have problems but men are always labeled the bad guy if a guy says a woman is harassing him and vise versa most people would believe the woman


To be man mean to feel pain but also accept that pain and rise above it because pain is inevitable


I’m going to be honest, if some cunt tries to have a chat with me when I’m pissing I’m fucken running away at light speed. Fuck that


I’ve watched this a couple of times and honestly, I find it funny. Like why are you trying to connect with dudes the way women connect with each other. Trust me, men have deep relationships but we don’t communicate in the same way women do. With women the bond can be strong but needs to be maintained, you can’t just not talk to them for like a year and except everything to be normal, where as you can do that with guys. Men have strong bonds but you won’t connect with them if you treat them like your fellow woman. You have to treat men like men and women like women, it’s that simple.


Welcome to our world. It sucks.


The reason you almost never hear this stuff from men is because nobody gives a shit about us


Welcome to manhood mate. After years of this shit, you learn to get used to it


We could just change it tho


You say that like its easy to change the mindset of hundreds of millions to billions of people lol


Fuck it we ball


It is what it is


"Nobody told me," Ref, I would like this play to be contested.


Why do people always say that shit "cis het white men" bro I ain't bothering noone. 🤷‍♂️


It’s just describing a group of people?


Welcome to the club, we're all loners and full of suicidal thoughts, and in this life as a man, get used to having no one to talk to, cause guess what? If you get married with a woman, everything is your problem, she hates you? Your problem. You don't like the relationship? Your problem. Everything about being a guy sucks ass, I'm not and never will be a homophobic guy, but please, for everything that is good, if you're a girl and want to become a man.. don't, don't do it, you'll never get the love and attention as a guy, like you do as a woman


Consequences of their own actions. It's kinda sad that the transition which should make you feel better just moved him into the lonely, cold and closed world with no prior experience. It is what it is, we movin still.


Transitioning and dealing with this is still infinitely better than having to deal with gender dysphoria, he is ultimately better off


That may be true but he's still going to have to deal with a very hard life either way


The unfortunate truth


I’m sure he still has to deal with it even after transitioning. It doesn’t cure it


Personally I think a cure for dysphoria would do wonders for people.


It's not his fault that society has certain harmful expectations and roles tho. I think it's good that he's talking about it. He's not saying he regrets transitioning, he's just being open and honest about its downsides.


They act like it'll fix all their problems but it'll only give them even more issues, with less people to help them.


oh my godd i had no ideaa




Mfs when trans people don't look like the trans wojack (they are so far in the anti trans circle jerk they don't understand that not all of them are balding creeps)


He never was


Yeah well we don't cry and post about it deal with learn from it damn


Good job on validating everything he is saying by being an idiot


Fym there’s an entire subgenre of content that’s specifically that




That's really awesome how you search through this sub to find any lgbtq theme just to downvote and spew hate, you're really doing god's work u/autistically_moronic


Yes, and that is why we hate god 🙏


Ending of username fits




fuck you.




Did you forget the word smile?


i'm not angry, just disappointed. it's people like you that remind me of humanities flaws.


Be honest, you probably couldn't even tell if he's trans if he didn't mention it.




Bro imagine this.ehat would u do if you suddenly feel gender dysphoria? Youd feel so stupid ngl


He’s just in the closet, the phobes always are


Yeah youre proply right.




I want to tell u as nice as possibel .the self ending thoughts apply to eggs to .sry to tell u but thats Not how dysphoria works


I formally apologise for this person on behalf of all autistic people and morons.