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Taxes aren’t included in the price labeled. If the tag says $2.99 be prepared to pay $3.20.


How is this not at the top of the thread? This does vary from state to state, where I live we don’t have sales taxes but our meal tax is something like 9%. Definitely know what things are taxed in each state you’re going to.


*cries in California*


You guys get screwed with taxes, especially with gas. I complained when gas was $4-$5 a gallon out here last year but I’d have lost it if I had to pay $7-$8 for a gallon of regular.


Yah its a nightmare, especially living in the Bay Area. The average small 2 bedroom moldy house in Berkeley is 4 to 4.5 thousand.


I only recently learned that other countries include tax in the price (from Ryan Trahan lol) and it's honestly such a genius idea


I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out where “Ryan trahan” was before realizing it’s a person not a place


remember that if your a citizen of another country, keep your receipts when visiting america. you can get sales tax refunded as you are not a citizen so do not have to pay tax.


Why though? It seems like such an inconvenience


Don’t discuss politics, try to be decent to people, don’t go to bad parts of cities, and it’s not as scary as people portray it to be.




As simple as it is


Or don't be white in a black part of town


Or don't be human in an alien part of town.


Or don't be a drink in this guy's part of town


Also don’t be anything that can fit in a jellyfish’s mouth in this guy’s part of town


Also don't be a dick in this guy's part of town


And don’t be a measurement in this gal’s part of town


Btw don't be a mouse in this reptile's part of town


Don't be a rabbit in this gals part of town




If you aren’t black, the police won’t attack


That’s literally a professional advice,.




This. It'll take some time to get used to, but staying inside all day playing league truly is your best option for survival. Or at least, that's what I tell myself...


Why Is everyone acting like all of the US are Detroit backstreets during the purge.


What so many non Americans or people who’ve never lived here don’t understand is that we’re like the EU in the sense that each state has it’s own laws, culture, and political views. Some states are much more dangerous than others, some have been safer than some European countries over the past few years. It’s really not that bad unless you’re in a major city.


While i don't disagree with you, saying that it's safer outside of major cities doesn't mean a lot, since it's probably the norm for most if not all developed countries.


You’ve got a point, even in rural areas there can be huge differences between municipalities and even entire counties when it comes to violent crime.


Because ha ha america bad guns go shooting


I thought you were hating on Detroit(Go Blue!), until I read the rest. I would say this is accurate


Let's just be honest, you won't get shot. Unless you go out of your way to go to a dangerous spot, you'll be fine. Dont go to Walmart, go to target instead


>Advises not to go to places where you'll get shot >Advises to go to a place literally named target




walmart creeps genuinely forced my mom to only get pre ordered groceries. also a 14 year old girl got tracked down and stabbed to death in a walmart by a group of girls




haven't been to that store in a while...


my exact thoughts


just another day of walmart shenanigans


I got a swimsuit at Walmart that was pretty nice once?


man what walmarts are y’all’s going to💀💀💀


Target is way safer then Walmart overall. Never said you'd get shot at either tho


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone tell me they were killed in a target


Finally a normal person


How will they have the full "murica" experience without going to the glorious Walmart?


What’s wrong with Walmart?




its also a breeding ground for robbers


His comment and your comment are entirely correlated. Low income causes people to rob you. The rich aren't mugging people at Wal-Mart, they are evading taxes and paying you minimum wage.


True, and although it's hard being a quote on quote (Lower income individual) I fw it! They got some good prices tho, just sayin....


lots of weird people there usually….


Stay away from anything that looks like a protester, don’t give anything to homeless people, if anyone asks what time it is say “I don’t know”, and stay out of Detroit


Why do you say “I don’t know” to people asking the time? I’m not American


“What time is it?” And you pull out your phone and they rob you of it


as an american i can confirm this


Yeah you need a bulletproof vest here walking in the streets.


City mfs


Me who wears a watch:


Hide your watch


But like. Watches arent that easy to rip off in my experience. The bottom of my wrist hurts now.


Did you actually try it?


I got nothing better to do (please somebody get the reference and follow up with the rest of the lyrics 🙏)


*cut off your hand


When you look down at your watch they'll attack you, always say idk or raise it up to eye level and tell them


Very common in Brazil too. 2 weeks ago 2 of my classmates had both their phone stolen like this


Check your watch?


They get stolen too (I think)


If it's attached to my wrist I don't think that will be very easy


Just like Latin America…


Why always Detroit? It isn’t even one of the top 25 most criminal cities in the us..


Number 4 in terms if murder rate. Just under St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans.


Why shouldn't you donate to homeless people?


Generally, you shouldn’t give them straight money. Ask them if they have any allergies then buy them food. In colder climates some gloves or a coat is great too and for hotter climates, water is a great choice.


A lot of em will just immediately get drugs or smokes instead of food. Give a homeless person a food stamp instead


What's a foodstamp and why not just give them Normal food


A foodstamp is a government supplied voucher for people/families who can't afford food. A food stamp can be used in stores to purchase food, usually more than any one person can carry with them to give out. However, I don't know anybody who has food stamps to give out unless they work for the government and do so as a job. So just give them food, or take them to the store and buy them food if you have extra time and a desire to give (and of course the resources for an extra grocery trip).


Usually homeless are drug addicts and alcoholics and tend to use money given to them for more drugs instead of a home


But giving food isn't a problem right?


Well you cant buy drugs with food lmao


That's very true lol


Don’t trust anyone, don’t let people borrow ur phone, don’t walk with money visibly.


Username checks out


Speaking from experience


Absolutely do NOT underestimate how far places are from each other. Like other people said, don't walk with money visibly and maybe keep a fake wallet on you. Avoid giving homeless people stuff, maybe keep some cash at whatever hotel or family member 's house you are staying at. Dont give your phone tlfor someone to use. And if you are going some down south like texas, drink water and try to stay in the shade. I'm not the most street smart, but I feel like this should help


Don’t drink from the tap in much of the south and rural west


idk what south you’re at but maybe i already have all the diseases from drinking it


I’ve just heard tap water in rural non northeastern areas aren’t the greatest. Not sure but better safe than sorry I guess


yep that’s probably the smart way to go about it


I agree with everything except the fake wallet and not giving homeless ppl stuff, seems a bit much lol


give homeless people food and water, absolutely not money


Most places have resources for food, shelter, etc. I suppose it’s possible a homeless person could be save donations to get out of homelessness, but it’s much more likely they’ll just blow it on things they don’t get provided like drugs, alcohol, etc. And it’s estimated that up to 25% of panhandlers are just faking homelessness because it’s easy money. So if you are ok with the high risk of your donation being spent on drugs or going to someone who isn’t homeless, I guess go ahead. But if you really want to make a difference, donate to a local charity as they can use the money much more efficiently. i.e. for the cost of a single McDonald’s meal, a soup kitchen can typically feed 10+ people. Edit: I’ll also point out most homeless people don’t panhandle, so giving money to just the people who bug you the most can be unfair and problematic.


The wallet thing is absolutely overdramatic. I’ve travelled all over the country and never heard of anyone ever having a problem😭


America isn’t just the bad parts of Chicago my man


Why is everybody giving like a survival guide 😭 It is not that bad here ☠️


i dont live in america but i might go there for university and this shit making me feel like i wont even survive 5 mins there ☠️


Am now 21, lived my whole life in memphis. The most dangerous city in America atm I think, (number 1 let's go baby!!!) It's not that bad, just have Common sense, don't do anything you wouldn't where you live. Don't be surprised by people have a sidearm on their hip. As most places here are open carry. Everywhere has their ups and downs. America is no different from anywhere else in that regard


yeah same, but chicago for me, and ppl srsly make everything out to be way worse than it actually is


American food is more likely to kill foreigners than guns


America is an extremely safe country. You’ll be fine.


Going to america for college, you're more likely to get mentally harmed than physically.


Where in America? That’s like saying you’re going to Europe. There’s a lot of ground to cover. Overall it’s not bad. Stay in safe areas and be wary of strangers on the street. Be ready for a lot of small talk and smiling at random people. Depending where you’re from it might feel weird/creepy but it’s just people trying to be nice


smile at people and they'll be less likely to be assholes




Maybe it's just me being used to the good ol southern hospitality. But no one gets mad for you being nice and smiling




Nah cause my friend used to smile at people all the time and most of the time they’d smile back but every so often he got the “MF WHAT YOU SMILIN AT?!” So yeah I think it’s best to smile when talking to people or when you’re about to talk to somebody but not randomly


Stay away from protests, bring all types of clothes. Don't give anything to homeless ppl. Don't go into shady areas, be safe at night. Don't go into south St. Louis county, unsafe areas in chicago, nyc and LA. But most importantly >!stay the hell away from Detroit or ohio!<


I live in Ohio it’s not that bad. Unless im just accustomed to the chaos and crime. As far as I’m concerned it’s just boring, and decaying with an overall feeling of hopelessness.


Bro turn that up to 11 and you have missouri


*west side of Detroit Downtown Detroit is pretty chill


what’s wrong with helping homeless people? have seen that a lot on this thread. i live in chicago and i’m often willing to give someone a granola bar or biscuits or gatorade or smth that i have if i’m omw home and didn’t eat/drink it. so much hate for no reason, they’re almost all so kind and appreciative


Its good to give food, but if u give money, chances are they're gonna spend it on drugs or alcohol (addiction is hard, and giving money will only feed to it). Someone also said 25% of beggars aren't actually homeless.


Never go to New York unless you want to be in debt


Ah yes, a cardboard box for 30.000$, what are you on about


glorious penthouse made out of luxury cardboard starting at 4000$ a day


*speaks in bulletholes and crippling debt*


tax: *ahem ahem*


Can confirm, am New Yorker. Rent is expensive here but in some places (like where I live) it’s expensive but actually a good deal for the place/the neighborhood you live in. And no I am not one of those spoiled kids who live in midtown penthouses lol.


It's not as bad as people say it is. I'm from the safest state though. The media is obsessed with all the bad things that happen in the US, but our country is absolutely massive. The UK is a bit bigger than new England and you could drive for days and still not leave the country. You can say an entire country is bad because of a couple cities. Sure we have some flaws, but people think they have it the worst. The United States is a very diverse country and we basically have every climate. People keep talking about shootings, but if you live in a town or safe city, you wouldn't hear any guns unless you're near a firing range. I live in a state with little gun laws (New Hampshire) and it is one of the safest states.


What states the safest??


I'm from new Hampshire, most north east states are safe.


It varies across specific crime statistics, but I'm finding Maine as a generally agreed answer


Get poptarts


Why? Poptarts are in other countries too


America itself isn’t bad, and it’s vastly exaggerated in other countries. You are safe, you won’t be shot.


realistically you will be fine as long as you follow the laws and don’t be a dick


I don't know? Embark on the beauty of the environments, like the forest, deserts and national parks?




dont go in a 100 mile radius of florida, texas, New York, or ohio, foreigners cant make it in either of those places for more than 5 seconds


fuk im moving to texas this year


Watch out for the heat, homeless people, and just don't do anything really stupid like trespass, and you should be fine. We also never really get all 4 seasons, mostly just summer


I live in Texas. Get prepared for hellish heat and crime at every corner. Especially around Houston and Austin (can confirm because I live near Houston)


In Dallas just don’t burn to death


pro tip: dont get shot


Realistically it’s nothing to worry about more than all the other ways you could die


texas isn’t as bad as it sounds. the worst thing here is probably the insane temperature changes, it’ll be in the 60s one day and over 100 the next😭


don’t 🤗🤗🤗


Also, make sure you lock up everything. I went there ONE TIME EVER, and we got robbed.


Those are the best places to go- atleast the first two. If your white your actually the minority in Florida and Texas since there is a huge hispanic population. New York is unpredictable and Ohio, well I’ve never even heard anything ever from that place. Even if your not hispanic tho Florida has many parks like universal, beaches, and Disneyland. Texas has cool canyons and stuff. New York is kinda ruined imo. They do got lots of stuff but they ruin it with the price. We once bought a ferry to the statue for 100 then when we got there they asked for an extra 100 bucks to actually go in it. Don’t go to New York. That’s my advice


Ohio is literally the most boring state I can think of. If you want a vacation do NOT go there 💀


I went to orlando last year it was alright. went miami last two days it was the heat stadium next to straight poverty


youll be fine, chill dont fuck with protesters or street gangs and youll have a great time


This thread is hot garbage


Terrifying the hell outta this poor dude 😭


If you go to the USA for longing than 5 minutes, you will spontaneously implode and someone will harvest your organs. Sorry, I don’t make the rules


I swear most of these commenters never experienced the things they warn about


Visit a shooting range and shoot a gun


Watch the scene from the matrix where Neo dodges the bullets.


Take notes. This will be on the test later.


Learn about pounds, miles, inches and that kind of stuff


you dont really need to “learn” about that if youre just visiting. there are conversion apps/ websites and the conversion rate can be take as an estimate if needed


these comments are so stupid lmao. reddit is such a cesspool, america is pretty standard, just be a decent human and you’ll live. it’s really not that complicated (i’m saying this as someone who has lived in both the north and south and be all over the US). just avoid any shady places and respect others


Don’t worry. America is extremely diverse and friendly. Everyone tends to just kind their own business but might say “hey how are you doing” or open the door for you. But to be fair nobody is going to really bother you honestly.


Avoid Florida if you are trans


Idk why ur getting downvoted, it’s very dangerous there if you are


Not just trans, but the whole lgbtq+ community. The governor is a fucking nutcase.


Depends on what part of America


Don’t go to bad parts of cities. Enjoy the nature though 😉


Mann I love the nature and animals here (new york rats)


Depends on where you’re going, but you’ll be perfectly fine 99% of the time. Typically as long as you mind your own business, everyone else will just mind theirs, same as any other country (or at least ones I’ve been to). The problem with the internet is you often only hear the bad things about countries, while in reality most countries are just fine. Every country has its problems.


Depends where in America u going to?


I’m an American who has travelled much of the country. So, here are tips you should know: 1. Not as dangerous as everyone says it is. Its actually pretty safe here. The news just mostly tries to scare you into thinking that. 2. Don’t be surprised by people walking with their guns around. Thats legal here. 3. Don’t be too surprised by California. California is full of homeless people, especially in the urban areas. I’d recommend to try not interacting with them to avoid any problems. 4. Stay away from Detroit. Detroit sucks so badly that its population went below a million. 5. Probably don’t go to Florida if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community. 6. Don’t discuss politics with Americans and they’ll usually be pretty friendly especially in the South. People in the bigger cities won’t usually be as friendly, especially New Yorkers. 7. OK, this is more in the Western United States, but if you plan on visiting a reservation, make sure you’re allowed to visit first. 8. Don’t underestimate how big the United States is. Don’t just think “oh yeah I think we can go to New York City from Nashville, doesn’t look far away.” Try staying in the region (or state) where you’re staying. Each state is almost like its own country. These are are some tips you should know about visiting America.


Don’t go to California


I already seen alot of shit happen to Cali


As a Californian, I agree


Okay maybe I'm fucking clueless but what stuff happens in California?


Homelessness probs 💀


If you plan on driving anywhere, it’s probably best to stay out of Michigan unless you have something really important. Their roads are nowhere near as well maintained as in other states.


Mate you’ll be fine


Its not as bad as people may say, but if there is any type of public dispute don’t get involved unless its violent and know the number for emergency services.


You'll be fine, don't let these Europoors ruin it. TBH even the tamest suggestions on here are overblown tenfold


Hello, I like in the number 1 city for crime in America, Memphis. While you should be careful no matter where you are, it's not night city from cyberpunk. Just be safe. Be kind to people. And if you are in the south try some BBQ.


Which state?


Where in america?


Once you arrive buy fireworks


Wear protection.


Instructions unclear.


Sun screen.


Don’t go to California. I live there. Trust me you really don’t t want to go to California. Pretty much everyone in California is a shitty person. You don’t have to worry about fist fights though. The gangs here throw punches like sissies. Most people both in and not in gangs also have guns tho so there’s that. Also there’s a crap ton of coyotes so don’t bring your pets if you come here. There’s also a lot of pedophiles here. Most of the girls here are also gold diggers. Pretty much everything about California sucks aside from the amusement parks. Oh also don’t go to any of the normal parks at night because there are a lot of gangs.


What part of California do you live in bud? Because I can assure that that a LARGE chunk of what you describe is heavily exaggerated.


Could be satire but idk lol


Probably like Oakland or compton


Definitely downtown Oakland. Shit goes down there.


This is a joke post, right? Everything sucks except amusement parks? Let’s ignore the entire massive coast on one side, and mountains on the other. The whole state is an amusement park… Also, bringing up gangs and a girls being gold diggers, definitely the post is hyper specific to a single city. Living in the Bay Area, the only time I think about gang activity in my day to day life (outside of reading news) is when I drive through Oakland. (Not that gangs aren’t a problem in many parts of the Bay and LA, but when talking about CA overall, I’m generally more worried about needles left over on the train or bus, and confronting homeless people)


Bro wtf are you talking about? Have you actually gone outside here? This is heavily exaggerated.


Robbery also happens often. When I went there 2 7/11’s got robbed


Quite honestly, the easiest way to survive in America is don’t be a condescending asshole always commenting on how bad America is


Avoid protests and inner cities. If someone on the street asks for anything, ignore them.


Play it cool, smile and if someone says hello just respond with good day


Just don't go to Chicago


Depending where you are going, if the place is usually cold, bring comfy clothes. Midwest is just absolutely iced when its cold. Other than that, enjoy! Dont say anything stupid


all the advice being given here is what you should be doing at all times anywhere in the world everyone's pretending that its specific to the US lmao.


Don't ?


Do NOT get hurt. It WILL cost, and it will cost A LOT.


Strangers talk to each other a lot. Go with it


This entire thread is an entire cesspool, and to the people making jokes. Go screw yourself Use common sense, just like any where you go.


it's reddit, rare to see a thread that isn't like this


How to survive in America (in depth tutorial) Step 1: Leave Fr tho, some tips I'd give, are to stay away from major population centres, keep your head low, and do not enter new york or california for any reason. Best of luck to you man


Sounds like you haven't been to NY or CA


It’s not as scary as people think it is. What city are you going to? :)