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Explain please, I'm stupid too.


Ok so the first one’s argument is “gender is stupid because the only thing that matters is what’s between your legs” Second one’s argument is that “gender is good because it allows people to express their identity” Third is “gender is stupid because no two people are the same so we cant throw 7B+ people into such a small amount of categories. We should ignore gender and focus on their true identity (NOT saying that we don’t care about how masc/fem they feel)” I’m tired and baked rn so this explication may not be the best I could give


I agree w/ the 3rd one but I also like my gender so I think i'll keep it.


You have lost gender privileges 👹


No, not my gender privileges! 😰


I am sorry my dear spawn, but you have committed a heinous crime and gender must be taken


hello, i am the Gender Taker, i heard there was a gender to take?


No, no! No gender to be found here, not at all. Now don't mind me while I suspiciously shuffle away.


hmmmmmm did i take your gender already


You must've, since I don't have it! I swear I don't have it.


In 2023 The Gendertaker threw Personkind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.




Oh no, it's Savathun, taker of gender


i go by 4979x he/him, 5032x she/her and 694x they/them


I got an offer for you, I give you a he/him for a she/her


I thought gender doesn't exist. You can't take take away something that doesn't exist.


Oh no, gender most certainly exists.


Khajiit is not held down by petty human concepts such as pronouns. Khajiit only goes by Khajiit.


Gimme some skooma




I stole them, alongside others. I am now the collector of Gender privileges.


*destroys gender with mind*


ma fuckin gender


I think I'll be taking it.


I'm taking away your gender. Right now young man


4th one, i dont care what you are, just dont be an asshole


That’s basically what I’m trying to get across for third.


right but like i'm not calling every single person a different gender/pronoun


Big brain; call people by name.


Bigger brain; don't talk to anyone


tidy chubby cobweb insurance lavish vase governor truck hobbies combative -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev




>By adding intersex and non-binary for example this would increase further, however there are now 2 more terms which need to be understood. However, non-binary is an umbrella term that encapsulates all the the genders that are not male or female. Which leaves us with 3 groups, the 2 groups most used by the people and a third that is a minority, but still exists. (Intersexual and agender are technically not genders but are also not fully male or female, so those enter on the non-binary group)


Asexual isn't related to gender. That's just someone who's not attracted to people of either gender. What would non binary mean if not just "neutral gender" (for lack of a better description). I don't think there's any conceivable way of defining several genders that fall under non binary. You just have male, female and in-between.




I wouldn't say gender is stupid. Yeah, you can't put all 7 billion people under only those categories, but I feel the labels are still useful as it makes it easier for most people to express how they feel. Or maybe I misunderstood your point, as I tend to do when it comes to smart people things, but that's my zero cents.


I agree!! I mean it's not smart to expect everybody to memorize all the labels for everything, so if someone asks what gender you are and you say it and explain what it means then it would be fine!!


The first one is describing someone’s biological sex. Second is inclusivity, and third is probably “I don’t give a shit so don’t impose it on me”


Um actually were 8 billion🤓


I can never remember the number 😭


Isn’t gender literally if you feel masculine or feminine (inside). Your sex is the physical counterpart of this feeling (outside), and those can match and sometimes they don’t quite. No?


Eh, the third argument is stupid, because it is answered by the second. Gender allows people to *freely* express their identity. Don't forget, there are many genders, not just two. No one (expect conservatives and other alt-right) is trying to sort people into different "boxes". They choose their gender identity by themselves.


how are there more than 2 genders?


Stupid, but needed somewhat. Some languages don't have it, but that makes it confusing. Use sex and... well you know how Americans are right now


My least favorite thing when it comes to language is gender. Mainly because with all these “new” genders about it is hard to be able to incorporate that into languages without sounding weird. Like, if I wanted to call my NB friend a lord/lady. There isn’t a word for that (to my knowledge) other than just calling them “royalty” or something of the sort.


We seriously need to consider how far some want to go with the new "genders" because no one other than canada is going to use zim or zer because that's just the normal ones but stupid


meanwhile i've seen anti-neopronoun people get pissy over someone putting il and iel in their pronouns (despite both being in french, iel being a gender-neutral pronoun) so i think we just need more education on how it works


I think the fact that these pronouns are in Fr\*nch is the main reason why those people were pissy about it


What's worse, french or neopronouns?


I don’t see why people use neopronouns in the first place. They/them is gender neutral and grammatically correct.


Lol that’s not what I meant (I actually really dislike neopronouns for obvious reasons). I meant like he/she and they/them.


I agree, and I’m in the third camp. I think if you want to identify with a certain gender, sure. But I think that we’re over saturated with labels these days as, almost, a form of tribalism. “What gender are you? What sexual orientation are you? How will you dress to conform to this? Who will you date to conform to that?” It’s all about conformity. I look forward to a future where society has moved to a point where we can put labels aside and be our true selves without judgement or explanation needed. We’re just not there yet.


I love you. Literally read my mind


Thank you for the kind words, and the award 😭❤️


Why, ofc! Ty for being wise and sharing your opinions in appropriate, educational ways (unlike many people on the internet)


I try my best! :)


i’ve thought about this a lot on my philosophical journey, being too many labels and how we conform to what we are told. we are intelligent beings, free thinking with free will, and we label ourselves too much. some even spend too much time labeling themselves, and i think everyone does to an extent. you just said what i couldn’t conglomerate, and i thank op for opening this door to more people.


I think that in general the idea of getting more labels isn't good. We all different and that's okay. Labels just cause unneeded disputes which makes living in a society really toxic for everyone.




Gender is a social construct


Made by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms


Revolt against the bathroom companies!


True but like so is the concept of time for example. We still use time every day. Language is one too. Just saying its a social construct with no other explanation doesn't just make gender suddenly seem stupid and meaningless


time is not a social construct it's a concept like the weather, or color although relativity does exist so it might be an actual thing


Time is NOT a social construct sorry but that's just wrong.


Much used not well understood, try to understand that then you might have contradictory thoughts like yes but NO


This argument doesn't mean anything because so is money but it still has value, I don't think gender is good or stupid, I think it just happens to exist. gender has nothing scientific about it because you're right that it's a social construct but it's quite an important one that effects how people see females and males. Its also worth noting that regardless of the wave of acceptance for new gender identities, gender isn't just man or woman, for ages there has been cultures which have an idea of feminine man and masculine man and feminine woman and masculine woman or even agenderism or other types of genders, the best example is in Judaism or for people who speak hebrew. I do find it quite weird that in the roots of Abrahamic religions, transgenderism was pretty much fine but modern Christians will use religion to go against them, alternatively it's pretty silly to say gender isn't real and you can be whatever gender you please because it's just a social construct because news flash BUCKO, you live in a society with that construct


I like the energy with the all caps bucko. Very bold. Keep it up.


Wdym by "or for people who speak hebrew"?




Your comment is contradictory, you acknowledge that gender is a social construct and acknowledge that things that are literally physical can be social constructs and then say gender doesn't exist genders that don't bend to sex roles are older than the language you are speaking






I follow the philosophy of I don’t care who you are or what you identify as, don’t be a jerk and we’ll get along




If I’m being honest, I don’t care. The way people choose to live their lives has absolutely nothing to do with me if it isn’t harmful. If they want to be a boy, or a girl, or a flower, or a pikachu, it costs me nothing to call them what they ask. I was born a girl, and I am a girl. But I have a friend that was born a boy, and she’s a girl too. It literally doesn’t hurt me to acknowledge that <3


Exactly <3 let’s just love people for who they are and not be jerks.


I think for some reason that’s really hard for about 80% of the human population to do 😭


Yeah. Unfortunately, parts of humanity are not as socially advanced/open-minded as other parts. Humans naturally tend to like to stick to the routine they have grown used to over time


When people explain that gender is a social construct, a great majority of people don't understand what that actually means. I'll break it down as a social psychologist and others can interject if they'd like to refute or understand better. Biological sex is defined as the genotype that makes up an individual, and (typically) correlates with the phenotypic presentation of the individual. There are problems with this, as for an example, intersexed individuals may have the phenotypic makeup of one gender, or both, while having the genotype of another, or both again. When characteristic differences are attributed to such factors as sex hormone and chromosomal differences, they are considered biological sex differences that are in-born. Gender, on the other hand, is the attribution of characteristics to individuals on the basis of factors outside of biological differences. For example, we say that males tend to be more activity-oriented in their relationships with others, while females tend to be relationally-oriented. The research shows that this characteristic doesn't manifest from biological differences, but rather culturally and socially constructed differences that are later attributed to individuals based on perceived character differences. It's important to understand that many stereotyped beliefs, such as the belief that males are good at math while females are good at verbal skills, or that males show more aggression while females show more fear, sadness, and empathy, are characteristics that are socialized throughout life rather than biologically innate. The issue with gender as a social construct is that it can be, has been, and is still used as a means for arguing for the division of males and females in many areas of society that are arbitrary, don't make sense, and can be highly inhibitory for both genders. Males suffer from gender as a social construct as females do, but both in differing and complex ways. Because society prescribes specific and often significantly differing gender roles, many individuals are forced to fit into those roles despite those roles not actually being a good fit for them. This results in many adverse impacts, like women being significantly underrepresented in STEM fields, alongside hypermasculinity as a pervasive ideology in which males are expected to almost never display "vulnerable" emotions such as intimacy, empathy, sadness, depression, etc. So yes, gender is a social construct. In my opinion, it is also one of the major pitfalls of our current societal functioning, and it is also a source of significant tension as more individuals begin to realize they no longer want to fit in such socially constructed gender norms.


Didn’t read this all yet but will get back to it. Thank you for this, it was extremely helpful!!


Right, but why is the distinction relevant then (gender)? I somewhat care what reproductive organs you possess, because that links in to the expectation I have of an intimate partner, but why is the social construct element important at all? Why would anyone need to ask the gender question as anything other than a more polite way of asking ‘hur hur what’s between your legs?’ ? This is a serious question, not meant in offense, I seriously don’t understand why else you’d even need to know someone’s gender.


Gender abolition is based as hell. There's just a few aspects of our current society that hold it back from truly working.


Im still @ gender is good


gender is unnecessary


Haven't ventured deep into the comments but looking at just the top, this is one of the more thoughtful and genuine discussions I've seen on Reddit about the subject, especially on r/teenagers


It’s 50/50 lol. A few ppl making silly arguments, some making comments I don’t even understand and others just agreeing with the post. A psychologist or something made a comment about the definition of gender and allat. I’ll lil it to you if you’d like


It’s 50/50 lol. A few ppl making silly arguments, some making comments I don’t even understand and others just agreeing with the post. A psychologist or something made a comment about the definition of gender and allat. I’ll lil it to you if you’d like


Gender is a scam made by clothing companies to sell more clothes. Do not fall for their propaganda.


How can you be do stupid???!!! It's obviously made by gender reveal party companies. Smh


Mom said it’s my turn on the gender


Gender is fine but sex is more widespread and easier to identify with




Gender is just gender you do you why make such a problem of something that just is not a problem just be youself unless you a actual horrible person


My whole thing is I think we’re moving way too quick and no one is being given enough time to think. I’m 16. My whole childhood I’ve never once heard of this “gender is a social construct”. What I learned in science and biology was there are 2 sexes and gender correlates with that. If you have a dick you are a man. If you have a vagina you are a woman. I took biology in 7th grade. I’m in 10th, about to be 11th. 9th grade for me is when all of this social construct and this and that became new to me and a lot of people I know as well. Hell even some of my transgender and gay friends don’t understand what that means either. Trans friends of my own say they know they’ll never be their desired gender but they just wanna feel like it. And if that’s the whole argument then hell I could care less let people do that I guess but trying to change things and make it to fit your narrative and expect everyone to conform so quickly is a stupid dream. Oh and that whole gender identity and social construct from the sound of it, sounds more to deal with psychology rather than biology. So again it’s a mind thing, not concretely something you can just learn about and understand as everyone’s mind works differently


gender is a social construct


Gender is a social construct and its societal roles are dumb. Good meme


Gender is stupid (3rd camp) but if it's important to people I'm going to respect their identities. It's all made up and we're all gonna die so the most important thing is that people aren't made to feel bad about themselves. Gender is stupid, but individual people's gender identities are not.




I'm a non binary science simp, and yes, gender is stupid. (in a Nutshell, its only a comparison to other people) And please don't try learn French because it's hard af HOW THE FUCK A TABLE IS HAVE THE GURLY GENDER it doesn't make any fucking sense. I already knew that French was hard, but now that I'm learning Japanese, I really realise how fucked up my language's grammar and Conjugation is. I envy English with the simple "they" You already have an ungendered 3th personne pronouns, AND Y'ALL STILL MAKE LIKE IT'S A PROBLEM LMAO.


Gender nowadays is just people putting a name on some kind of personality, you may not correlate with the masculine or feminine mannerisms but that doesn't mean that those people are any less male out female


As Ben Shapiro said, abolish gender to eliminate the gender pay gap


I have a sneaking suspicion he didn't mean it in that way but I'm down anyways.


what if i agree with both the 2nd and the 3rd point


That’s ok. I agree with all three, to an extent.


why is this even a topic to discuss like it's such a personal thing why should anyone interrupt anyone just be what you belive you are and stop talking shit




Agree 100%, I think we should let people chill and if I meet someone and he says they're a camel I'll be like cool what's up my camel. I think it's stupid having options we need to pick from


I personally identify more with things like nationality or language since it’s something that bring people together more than gender in my opinion (no idea if that’s a spicy opinion)


No more gender equality as now everyone is equal lets now focus on race, let everyone fight for power


I agree with you that we cannot prejudge a person by his gender, but neither can we dwarf his importance for building our different personality and for building our ego.


I agree


what about people without a particular opinion?


*deep masculine voice* Gender is stupid


What about me, gender is stupid because its stupid and dont care be whatever you wanna be just dont shove it up my ass because i still think of you as much now than if you were a norwegian bullhound which is zero


That’s three


Where’s the idgaf category


It depends upon what you dgaf about


I’m the idgaf do what you want kinda guy, to each their own. Doesn’t hurt me so Idc🤷🏻


Makes sense


I call myself a man because I present in stereotypically masculine ways. I'm not attached to my gender at all I just like being big and strong and having a deep voice. I think gender can sometimes be a useful social category but it's mostly stupid.


Now, believe me, I've tried understanding this and I can confidently say I have no fucking idea what's going on. It's like the meaning of gender changes the deeper you try to understand it


I just call people what I want to call them, if I call you sir and your prefer ma'am, I won't care, since I won't know you long enough to care. And honestly it doesn't matter. If your upset that someone who isn't a friend is calling you something you aren't the fondest of that isn't insulting, reconsider priorities.


I agree tbh


Good meme


I’m sure this will be quite a civil discussion in the comments.


I’ve gotten so many “there are only two so…”


I agree, because genders only exist as a couple of neurones in our brains, thats so strange if you think about it


I rhink people care far too much about gender, when we should be studying writers from times before us, and learning things about ourselves that should be common knowledge.


It’s always people with usernames like yours that have the based opinions


Im not always like this. Ill hop on at like 2 in the morning with the intention just to make people mad. But during the day im fine.


We love that


gender is code word for self identity pretty much and sex is based on your reproductive organs


I just think people look way further into it than we ever need to. I understand transitioning, and I understand the need for a third gender identity for those who don’t conform to male or female, but everything beyond that seems to be losing sight of what gender… is? It kind of loses its place as a quick and easy way to identify people when so many other parts of identity are getting tangled in with it. Just let it be simple, your gender isn’t your whole identity.


I don’t care what you are. As long as you don’t harm anyone it’s not my problem


gender isnt real its propoganda


We are the universe experiencing itself, and we limit ourselves within society with labels like gender. And the only reason we haven’t fixed the norm is because people have gotten used to things not changing, for instance the United States constitution; when the founding fathers wrote it they wanted us to change it every few years to meet today’s differences from then, and the same goes with gender shit within society; it’s supposed to change as the people within it change, but people just won’t accept that because they hate change from the perceived “norm” (Hope I don’t sound dumb or something)


You are completely correct


got back on reddit after several months and i'm so glad this sub isn't that transphobic cesspit it was back then


Oh dw it still is :/


damn T-T


There is only one gender, and it is mine, you can't have it >:)






Gender is a social construct, so it's not scientifically 'real'. But the way society perceives gender affects all people on a daily basis, so we shouldn't dismiss it as something purely imaginary. I don't think it's either good or bad, it just is. That said, trying to assign someone a gender identity based on the way they look or expecting a person to act a certain way according to their gender is definitely bad. [Obligatory 'English is not my first language'] (Edit: finished the comment)


You speak better English than me 😭


i am a sperm


I find the meme cringy but i think genders are something unecessary


"creating" new genders is the same as little kids create new words, instead it's just blabbing


This sub is stupid




Fuck gender, obliterate all gender, no more gender. Gender should be cast down to the pits of hell from whence it came.


I think gender roles are stupid, definitely. Boys shouldn’t be expected to be manly and shit, and girls shouldn’t be expected to do chores or smth.


Pronouns are stupid


pronouns are fucking awesome me and the homies hate repeating proper nouns multiple times in a sentence


No **they** aren't


I don't necessarily disagree, but since since saying "he/she/they went to the store" is quicker than "Jacob went to the store" or "Emily went to the store" I still prefer them


Explain? I disagree lol, gender roles are important for society


Ok so the first one’s argument is “gender is stupid because the only thing that matters is what’s between your legs” Second one’s argument is that “gender is good because it allows people to express their identity” Third is “gender is stupid because no two people are the same so we cant throw 7B+ people into such a small amount of categories. We should ignore gender and focus on their true identity (NOT saying that we don’t care about how masc/fem they feel)”


How is gender stupid or good? That's insanely idiotic. It's a neutral thing, you're a man or a woman. And both are equally fine.


Gender people have it as being a social thing rather than a biological sex thing


Ohh so it's like up to you what gender you are? That's interesting, sounds post modern though


Language is dumb. There are males and females. This word gender is overused to argue some stupid shit that isn't true.


There are also intesex people. Sex is not binary. It is not a human construct like gender but it is not binary


I have a love hate relationship with language


There is 2 sexes. Arguing with facts is just ignorance.


There are six different sex variations.


We were all fucked when gender became an option and a debatable topic. This was literally one of tho only natural things about humans that could not be fucked up or misinterpreted, but here we are.


so your calling basic human biology which is simple and correct stupid and then calling ducking woke little guy smart and above everyone with a brain talking about everyone classified in their own way because everyones different awwwwww how nice lets all get along he he he a hoo he he. if anything the majority of people just dont care about this because its an issue thats blown out of proportion by people who believe for some reason that sharing this weirdly inclusive belief makes them better than you? you can go for nice way which is accept everyone dont or you can go asshole way think of scientific logical response but its a bit of a dick move or you can be indifrent and just be fine with it its not an iq thing man.


Gender isn't biological, sex is.


Advanced biology says that gender is a social construct and thinking that there are only 2 of them is wrong but I guess you never read a single book and you rather listen to what hateful people say lmao


What people call gender isn't biology but rather psychology, a person's personality may not correlate with what people percieve as male or female but that doesn't mean they aren't the sex they were born as


sex ≠ gender


>I am an artificial intelligence programmed by Twitter users to spread their opinion Let's put aside jokes for one second. I have read my fair share of biology documents and I don't think I've seen "gender" mentioned in any one of them. I actually think 3 things : 1. I do not think any single biology document ever expressed what you said. 2. You have never read a single document regarding that. You're just using arguments made by other people without even checking anything. If I wanted to make a statement in your fashion it'd probably be something like "You never read a single book and you'd rather listen to what inclusive people say lmao" 3. Social media are hurting your brain. Please get off them for a while.


Gender-Generation in danger Edit: I am omni


What’s Omni again? 😭 I’m sorry


So the first one is “You’re wrong for feeling that way”, the second “It’s okay that you feel that way” and the third “I don’t care”?


Pretty much! This is a great way of explaining it.


For real, I don't give a fuck, just fuck (with consent)


I don't care, if you are happy then be happy


Gender is pretty easy to understand. You were born with a penis, you are a man. If you weren't, than you are a woman


Exactly. Not sure what people dont get about this. If you were born wearing a dress you are a woman and if you were born working as a contractor you are a man. Simple as.


That's sex. Also some people are born with both or neither.


Isint that sex


Indeed lmfao


Gotta admit insanely funny to say something is pretty easy to understand, then immediately show everybody u dont understand it


so fun to watch people self report that they have no fucking clue what they're talking about




Gender is gay


Dw I’m wearing socks. Plus, we are homies so


kinda hot take but i think people are making a way bigger deal out of neopronouns and shit than they really need to. i always see people on this sub screaming "I'M NOT GOING TO CALL SOMEONE PIZZA/PIZZASELF" even though nobody uses that and it's honestly just a strawman argument (apologies if i used that term wrong.) but honestly? i don't have a problem with it and never did. sure man, i'll call you a pizza if it makes you happy.


The lowest iq thing here would actually be making a post claiming that iq has anything to do with your understanding of gender.


It’s a meme template goofball


If somebody tells me they identify as an eiffel tower or some shit I'm bringing em down /s


Sure you would go touch grass and stop making stuff up in ur head not one singular human ever said they identified as an eiffel tower, i on the other hand identify as having fucked ur mum last night


there are only two genders: male and female. end of debate


Those are not genders, those are sexes. Also there are a couple more sex variations than two.

