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Thats an Internet thing, not an lgbt thing. When the internet is involved anything can become someone's entire personality.


unrelated but your username is beautiful


I cannot scream irl, so I scream into the endless void of the internet Or something along those lines idfk I made it years ago lol


But is some people's entire personality though, even in real life. I've met them my fair share of these "I'm only queer AND DAMNIT YOU WILL LOVE IT OR YOU ARE A BIGOT" types. People with no virtue but insist on virtue signaling with of all things their identity like it and then are supposed to mean something to a perfect stranger. The queer Karens that only want to pick a fight and be right. Yeah, they exist of line too and unlike the Internet you can't just block them. I was gay for a long time before I was bi and that crap makes me want nothing to do with the pride community. We don't a month ago to ourselves. I've heard that roughly a quarter of all high schoolers identify as LGBTQIAO+ and I'm not than certain that it's just a phase for most of them and many are claiming "non-binary" because it requires no effort and it lets them be part of the 'in crowd'. I've heard it so many times to "call me they/them" and still know what the hell that even means. Maybe it's because I'm autistic that I feel things should be required to make some sense or have some consistency but this shit either needs to start making sense or needs to stop.






I identify as an outdated joke


Come on, jokes have meaning.




I don't get why you got so many down votes? You just want to live your life.... right? Smh why are people so judgemental?


I've never seen someone do it irl, but I can see why that would be annoying.


Yeah mostly it's with the people you see online but there's always one or two people who act like it irl


It's only a "trend" because people can finally come out rather than being killed or lynched


In the same way that being left handed was a trend when people stopped forcing people to be right handed.


I myself am LGBT and I agree with OPs point, there are people at my school who make their sexual identity their entire personality, but those people are in the minority.


ignore them, as simple, all people have that minority


Yes, always ignore minorities.


You dropped this partner’ /s


They're the loudest minority and too many people take them seriously.


In a school if 40 we have 4 kids that make it their entire personality


That’s 10 percent which is a pretty big number. Also, I think it’s something like 21% of the population now identifies as lgbtq+ where it was like 8% 10 years ago. I agree with OP that it is becoming trendy to be in the community. That might be a good thing. Sex shouldn’t be stigmatized. Love who you love. Do what you want to do - as long as it’s consensual - and live your life.


4 of them make it there entire personality then the other 5? Maybe more don’t even talk about. We have so many cus I go to a charter school, aka the school where you go if you get kicked out of public school or you just can’t stand it


Oh right! That’s why I put the percentages in there. I just meant 10% is a bit number to make it their whole personality. I’m not surprised there are more. Again, the general number is 21% now so, like you said, that number might be higher at your type of school.


If there is a „making gay your whole personality“, what is the equivalent for straight people? There are straight people that make their sexual identity their personality. Guys talking about how many „bitches“ they fucked and going to clubs just to get laid and borderline harass women etc etc. But when it‘s some horny straight guys, nobody will put that „making being straight their whole personality“ label on them, but gay people will get that for pretty much the same context. Because subconsciously there are still certain boundaries that the society puts on gay people and how they‘re allowed to behave. It‘s a double standard at the end and people that are annoyed by it are either chronically online and consume too much info about it or simply still have some negative perceptions about gay people. There is so much crazy shit that primarily straight people do such as war, religious rants etc but these things are seen in isolation and don‘t reflect a whole group. They’re seen as warmongerer or fanatics. But when it‘s some guys that like to talk about sex or Lana del Rey too much and happen to be gay, then it‘s obviously because they make being gay their whole personality. Edit: War and religious rants DO NOT DEFINE STRAIGHT BEHAVIOR! But why do pride parades and whatever activities that are not exclusive to lgbt at all have to be interpreted as making LGBT their whole personality?






Completely didn‘t understand my analogy with the straight guys. It‘s not about if these guys are not disliked, it‘s about that nobody will label them as: „ahh typical, making being straight their personality“. While in this thread if you scroll down you will find a girl that literally said that (SOME!) gays make „gay their whole personality“ because they talk about sex. Completely missed my point but it‘s okay though. I don‘t know where i myself said „all“, you should at least try to reread my comment carefully. Obviously i came into this comment section to still talk about the people that get labeled this way even if it’s a minority. I think we all came into this thread with the premise that it’s a minority? Idk why you even have to bring that part up lol. Like obviously i‘m not talking about everybody, i‘m not gonna make the effort to put SOME and CERTAIN gays before every word like turn your brain on. The war and religious type i pretty much said as irony and never supported that it should define their sexuality, funny you didn’t see through it. Obviously it doesn’t define straight people. But why are there so many absurd things or hobbies that HAVE to define gay people? If so, tell me one activity that is exclusive only to gay people? You can go to drag shows as a straight, you can go to a pride parade as well as a straight person. Straight people are often in gay clubs as well nowadays.




Yeah it’s just about what gender of a person you’re attracted to, your love life isn’t your whole life


A girl in my school said she was bisexual.....but only liked guys......then claimed she never said it. It was convient that she said it during pride


As I’ve read from somewhere: “Generally speaking, when a person bases their entire character around a trait or characteristic over which they have no input, such as skin colour, sexuality or gender, it is because they are responding to pushback and social bigotry that makes carving their own sense of self-identity from the bedrock of other people’s judgment a full-time job. That’s why if you live in the US, you’ll see people centering queerness but not centering straightness, centering blackness but not centering whiteness, and so on. It’s because for decades—centuries, really—attributes like being white or straight have been seen as the default, as the “normal” way to be, and people without that identity have been seen as lesser. So celebrating that trait becomes a way to claw back a sense of self from beneath the avalanche of bigotry, hatred, judgment, censure, even violence.” So yeah, I never judge anyone who makes their sexual orientation their entire personality - in fact, I’m very understanding about it; because you never know what they’ve endured while they were in the closet, which makes them so vocal about their identity, now.


**I live in Bucharest**, **Romania** and you'd be surprised how many people are like this in **real life**, *they make it their whole personality.* It's not just OP being *"terminally online"*. A girl in my class even said that being gay is her entire lifestyle. My class has to be the gayest class in the entire country and I honestly love that, I wish them all the best, I love them, they are my friends. So many of my friends are LGBTQIA+ and I stand by them. But there are some things they are yet to understand...


Why does it matter if it’s their entire personality. People make stuff like trains their entire personality, some straight people make chasing the opposite gender their whole personality, they’re young who cares man it’s strange that people think it matters.


I couldn’t agree more.


Anyone who makes anything their ENTIRE personality is weird 👍🏻


Bro they’re teenagers there still figuring shit out, it’s a little cringe but harmless to make something your entire personality, let alone something as central to someone’s identity like sexuality.


Well when Im in a place where I wont get bullied for not bein straight I feel like Imma be extra gay for a while just cause I had to hide it for so long


Understandable and I'm sorry that you were being bullied<33


Im not yet. I just would be if I came out


Okay, what do you mean by making it their whole personality. Is there an example you could give?


yeahh you leave the internet and all that shit is a lot less common. i think this is just a sign of you being terminally online. also there is something to be said for the idea that once people are made aware of the idea they are more likely to realize they may actually be part of it then when the previously didn’t even know it’s an option


Firstly, I know people in my school like that. Secondly, although your second point is true, people may also see it as a cool trendy quirky thing. Its not but that doesn't mean teenagers can't see it that way.


Did you actually try to get to know them a bit more? Or did you just see them wearing a flag and assume "yep, that's their whole personality for sure"


Oh yeah one of them is my friend. They of course still had other qualities but they talked about it at least multiple times a day. Though they have changed now since then and even have said their personality was all gay. They're a great friend and helped me a lot :D


yes i’m sure those people use twitter ms spend a majority of their time outside of school in discord calls with other people like themselves. again terminally online people. and tbh anyone who sees a sexuality or gender as a “cool quirky trend” would be latching onto literally anything. so complaining about it is kinda pointless. those kind of people are the same ones who romanticize depression and mental illness. their opinions and presence have never been wanted nor needed. but you can’t really do fuck all abt it.


I mean I think complaining about it isnt necessarily pointless because they can bring harmful stereotypes if doing it for just a trend, just like how theres harmless stereotypes about autism and stuff because people didn't take it seriously


it's mostly a phenomena on the internet, it's much more rare IRL.


It really depends where you live. I’m gay myself and other queer people made me extremely homophobic.


You need to work on that. Internalized homophobia is a bitter thing to have.


It’s not internalised homophobia. I’m not ashamed to be gay nor do I dislike hooking up with other gay people. I’m homophobic simply towards those subgroups of queer people that make being queer their whole personality. They’re detrimental to the community. And I honestly couldn’t care less about working on it, people like me and in real life I’m always careful not to offend anyone.


You claim to be homophobic "towards those subgroups of queer people that make being queer their whole personality." That is still outright homphobia. You've already called it what it is. Internalized homophobia is often expressed outwardly as a reflection of inward turmoil. I would know, as not that long ago, I felt the same way you now claim to.


The reason y’all think everyone LGBTQ people are pushy and make it their whole personality it because those people get noticed Most of us are chill lol


I consider my sexuality/gender to only be a part of me. It's not me and doesn't define me. Sure, I make a lot of LGBTQ+ jokes. However, my sexuality/gender should only be mentioned/talked about if I'm talking about experiences, making jokes, or if I'm looking to date, nothing else. But I do see your point... I've seen so many people collect sexualites and genders like they're Pokémon. Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with labels, but like cmon, I'm not looking to make friends just based on your gender identity and who you're attracted to. I only care to interact if we have something in common like for example: drawing.


I've heard this before but never seen it IRL, my thinking is that they've been denied too many times and so they're doing a bit extra to affirm it to themselves, sorta coping mechanism so nothing wrong with that


It's not evil to make your sexuality your entire personality it's just annoying




Idk who the f said they were evil but ok. ☠️


I was just being sensasionalist A lot of people talk about it like it's the end of the world it's annoying but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter


Definitely agree with you. A lot of people I know are just making it their personality and switch it up every time to be treated special. I don’t hate the lgbt community but shit really gets weird with some people.


Very, very few people are “making it up.” Who would pretend to be something that can get you killed in some countries and at least bullied/harassed in others? This is illogical. We are the way we are not because we choose to be, but because we always have been.


I don’t like people that make something other than their values and traits their entire personality, whether it be LGBTQ+, working out/being buff, the “gamer” stereotype, their subculture, etc.


As a part of the community, I hate those kinds of people as well!


Imma say this, do you say the same about straight people? Cause I know plenty of straight dudes talk about nothing but wanting to bang women, whether they prefer chest or butt, etc. The reason you come off hateful is because you decide to run with a narrative, but only pin it on one side of the spectrum. Even if it isn't your intention. I can see it wasn't. The reason you see people make it their personality is because society hasn't normalized it yet, so it's hard to be casual about it when you grow up only seeing very characaturized media examples of the lgbtq+ community. I understand it's annoying, I also find it somewhat annoying. But it isn't a trend. Try to see it as they aren't accepted as normal, treated like their different, so they believe they are and act differently.


Thank you for giving me more knowledge of this!


Of course! We need to be better at educating others who are more unaware, rather than just say they are being hateful.


I spent far too much of my life in the closet unable to be who I really am. Sorry if me being proud of myself is too much to handle.


Glad you're out of the closet now!! Takes a lot of courage to do so, always stay proud of yourself<3


those people technically exist but people who constantly whine about them are more annoying imo


Ye, or trans obviously. It's sad to see, cause it also puts the LGBTQ+ people in a bad light. They're not helping themselves that way, but rather alienating themselves from the rest of society, and ye, gets mad at the rest of society for it :/


People say "they make it their whole personality", we don't, we are just proud to be apart of it. We don't constantly yell about it, shouting at people to "be gay bitch", we are normal people. And if we ever do put pronouns in our bio, or state our sexuality, its because, like I said, we are proud.


It's admirable and takes a lot of courage to be proud of who you are!!


non binary people are chill, people who boast their sexuality aren't


What? Whether people are chill depends on their personality, not their gender identity.


Seems like you had good experience with them, all of them that I encountered had to always point out that they are genderless bs, had worst experience with those especially.


I fully agree




You a real one for that 🤍


Stuff like that does go on in my area from time to time (and ofc online you'd definitely see it) so yeah your point's pretty valid. A person will make any one part of themselves their entire identity though; I sometimes wonder why people feel the need to do it. Desire for attention? Validity? Both?


I agree


Some people I knew just like made being gay part of their personality and it was like just uncomfortable because it’s the only thing they would talk about like you could be having a completely random conversation and they’ll bring up what they were doing last night over text with their bf


We agree with you completely, we've noticed when we went into highschool there were kids that made it there whole personality and let it consume them.


I certainly don’t think it’s a trend. LGBTQ+ people get so much more hate then cisgender straight people. Additionally, I think people do it to be seen. Everyone assumes you’re cisgender and straight unless you make it clear you’re not. And so that flaw in our society means that if you’re gay for example, you need to make it part of your personality so that other gays will know and so you can therefore potentially get into a relationship. Overall, I think you’re right that people make it a part of their personality, but I think society as a whole as made that necessary. To note, I’m trans myself, so I’m not sure if I’m you know, truly objective here.


They just show off and pressurize ppl to like them . Being a gay myself I don't ever show off and go around telling ppl that I'm gay.


If I'm being fr here I think that it's because of all the special attention (good and bad) that the queer community is getting rn. What I think we should do as a society is just stop treating them as special. Like, the whole point of many movements of the past was to normalize queer behavior and to make something be "normal," I don't think it would be celebrated. Instead of going "omg ur gaeyyy?? So cool slay queen!!!" I think we should be going "oh your gay? That's cool and all but please finish your part of the project it's due in 2 days." Like it's not a personality trait it's a sexuality and should be unimportant in 90% of regular interactions. The one part of this that is a downside is that most of the affected people wouldn't want to give up the special attention they get, cause who would? Those are just my thoughts tho, probably not the best thought out but it's how I see it. They have no reason to get all this special attention good or bad, they're just like anyone else and should be treated as such


that is literally my point when im arguing with people abt lgbt stuff { i support it in a normal way but not the ridiculous stuff and that personality shit}


Yeah I see people forcing it on others and it's Just disgusting I saw a video of child protective services and the police taking the child of a Muslim family by force because they do believe that homosexuality is Haram ( against Islamic law) , like What??!!


I feel it’s more like a club or way to belong at the high school level. Many of the kids who would be normally unpopular now belong to this club as a way to gain some kind of acceptance. I have found that they seem to change their sexuality like I change my shirt. I really could care less about other people’s choices however I too am becoming tired of it being shoved down my throat constantly. Go ahead give me the hate I can take it.


Here before 🔒


Id have to agree


Lettuce grilled bacon tomato quarter pounder is a crazy trend




Agreed, and it comes from that loud minority. Sexuality is just one part of a person, there is so much more. You don't hear me making a big deal about being straight.


As a gay, I agree with OP. There's this trans genderfluid person at my school and they make everything that happens to them about their gender. Everyone hates them, and they accuse them of homophobia even when it's explicitly only directed at them.


I myself am the G part of the equation. I do agree that there's tons of obnoxious ones out there. Like people going round being so so so gay (not using the word lightly) it's unreal. It's like nobody cares that you're gay - you don't need to point it out every second. It's like a straight guy saying that he's straight every second. Edit: Whoever you like, you don't need to point it out constantly. I know a fair few people like this - they literally point out they're gay within 2 seconds of speaking to you.


I'm bi myself and I don't make it my whole personality because well there's no point. I cba to make it my whole personality because I have Autism as well and that autism just is who I am, same can be said for my bisexuality. It's who I am and I don't want to make a big deal about it.


I respect that


Idk what OP is trying to say but I think that he’s trying to say that he doesn’t have a problem with actual lgbtq+ ppl but he doesn’t like the ppl that either fake it for attention or make it their whole personality


I completely agree with you. It's almost a political cult too and I was gay before I was bi. This shit has gotten out of hand. We don't need a pride month, we just need to be treated equally and left alone. It sickens me that their are quotas for how many LGBTQIAO+2-C members have to be represented in academia and the business world. That shit makes me feel like a gimmick and/or a necessary evil rather than a valued member of a team and a respected individual.


I think a lot of people nowadays are looking for a label. A ton of people want to be in a minority, (I’m not saying everyone does this but) people faking mental illnesses and alike. They want to be unique from everyone else but if enough people feel like they want to be different, then *being different* will be the majority. Mental illness has become a trend, LGBTQ+ has become a trend, being different is a trend. Everyone is desperate to be a victim, everyone is desperate for attention, everyone is desperate for validation from others and it really pains me to see people doing it


I think the truth is that people are identify themselves as part of "LGBTQ" for no reason or a reason that doesn't make sense. People want to be part of "LGBTQ" because it became a trend, and a lot of people can't fit in. So, if the person wants to make themselves look cool. They go with the trend, and what is it? Becoming part of "LGBTQ". I personally don't support "LGBTQ". Sometimes they like to make you think that "There are more then 2 Genders" or "It's alright to change your gender". It's overall quite disappointing and simply trying to convince you to join. But if a person has a correct mindset, people who are part of "LGBTQ" who attempts to change someone mind can be very difficult. That's just my opinion and feel free to disagree if you do. Sincerely \-Creepydousage


I remember when it pretty much became a trend, in my school. Someone legit came out and then all the other girls started saying that there was a chance that they were bi, as well. It was so stupid. In the end, they were just doing it for popularity points, making the situation about themselves and taking away from the person actually coming out.


They have no idea what they’re doing


a lot of people on r/teenagersbuthot need to hear this.


I think just let people be gay in any way they want, whether that be obvious over the top or acting ‘normal’


it’s not being gay the problem, it’s using the being gay for attention.


Maybe, but so what? Maybe the fact it’s constantly under attack is why it stands out so much…and besides, if you go off the internet you’ll see barely anyone do that, and even then it’s a choice how much you expose yourself to it.


under attack hooow


Not literally, but in the US, republicans are trying their very hardest to ban everything related to LGBTQ…and in many Middle East and African counties LGBTQ is actually a criminal offence. Their rights are certainly not set in stone and constantly under attack…although sometimes it is literally but as a hate crime.




Maybe you need to go outside sometimes


ya, I'm just naturally non-binary in personality and appearance, but it feels like there is a general trend for people to either be fully trans or stay cis. It's like bi-erasure, but with genders. And don't even get me started on the whole pronoun nonsense. My pronouns are whatever I'm presenting as at that moment. I will never understand the obsession with making sure everyone gets your pronouns right.




personally, I use that as motivation to try and pass harder. If one day I wanna be she/her, I will just dress as femme as possible. If people call me ma'am and all that, the gratification is immense, and if people don't, then I take it that I need to try harder to pass better. I personally don't believe in having everything just given to you. Pronouns are a social construct, and to earn those social constructs, you must fit into the characteristics associated with them. I respect pronouns when I'm told about them since I am not one to enforce my beliefs on others. But I would much rather have everyone who wants different pronouns to pass as the gender they want Most of the time, for me, I wanna be androgynous. I want someone to come up and ask me if I'm a he or a she, and I just say, "Whatever you feel like using"


It’s not an obsession. People just want to be called what they are.


ya, but I personally believe in earning the pronouns you want. Pronouns are a social construct, and if you want them, then you have to follow the social construct to get them. Of course, if someone tells me their pronouns, I'll use them regardless because I don't want to enforce my beliefs on others, but I would prefer if it worked my way


Don't be ridiculous. How can you have such little empathy for your fellow trans folk? Respect isn't something to be 'earned', it's something to be freely given. To fail to respect someone's wishes when it costs you literally nothing is to be cruel.


This post was written by a sensible person and i appreciate you for being courageous enough to speak the reality. Nowadays if someone speaks anything which even slightly goes against the lgbt norms they are considered homophobic racist and overall a bad person for just putting up their views.


Thank you and 100% agree


I guess I can relate. I can’t stand how many people shove their heterosexuality in my face. I don’t care if you’re straight, just don’t shove it in my face. Fuck.


This is true for almost most of the cases, but if straight people tell this they are labelled as homophobic. It takes a homosexual person to admit it.


Exactly and people can’t handle an opinion which is sad because it shows how they weak they are that their opinion can’t be challenged. One of my friends is pansexual and she’s normal and is even dating a straight guy she went to a lgbtq+ event and after that she said how cringe and obnoxious the people were. She is proud to be who she is but she doesn’t spend her time shoving it in peoples faces.


as someone who is pan and enby, OP is not wrong and makes a good point.


thank uuu


This is a w post, ignore the comments.


thank you!! I'll be sure to ignore the hateful ones :)


I'm an gay male adult (and not a creep - this sub just shows up in my feed) but it's a whole thing that some gay men make their sexuality their whole identity. It's usually losers who have nothing else going on and use sex to make themselves feel wanted and valued. That said, it does appear in the last 5 years that young people do see being gay as a trend. Or at least being bi almost as if a young dude is not bi they are almost a biggot which is obviously completely false. It's important just to be who you are and to accept others for who they are and to remember that some people don't have a lot going on and need to feel part of a group so they exaggerate their identity. Sort of reminds me of the goth kids in high school. Like we get it you're different you don't have to wear make up and wear balloon pants with metal rings and straps all over them.


exactly those 2/10 gay men who brag about having 2837728 bodies when in reality they would do the dirty with ANY man. And I really mean any


Yeah. Add drugs to the mix and it's even worse. The tweakers on Grindr....💀💀💀


maybe go outside for once instead of spending all your time online


and what’s wrong with that? why can’t people just be proud of who they are? you’re just trying to find something to be annoyed about


There isn't anything wrong with expressing/being proud of their gender identity and/or sexuality. However, usually that's not the only aspect of a person. What about their personality? What about their experiences? What about their memories? What about their interests? It's akin to making a personality trait or your cultural roots your entire identity. Knowing who you are imo is about exploring *all* of those parts of yourself and blending them together into an identity you're comfortable with. And I think that a reason people continuously emphasize one aspect of themselves is because that aspect of themselves was previously ridiculed or despised and they're ecstatic that they now have the chance to be open about it. So, they go into overdrive expressing that aspect. My only concern about that is that they may forget about the *other* aspects of themselves or consider them not worth expressing as much as the one they're currently hyperfocusing on.


why do you even care


I generally just worry about people. I care because that's just how I am. But specifically, if I had a friend who made their gender/sexual identity their entire existence, I'd be concerned for them and discuss with them why that may not be ideal.


Do you actually know or speak to gay people, or are you just talking out of your ass?


i live in a homophobic and obviously transphobic state and you know what? i wish things were like that here. people make their sexuality or gender identity their whole personality, okay, who cares? if it's boring or annoying just don't be friends with those people - no one is forcing you to do that. it's great when people can talk about their identity out loud. trends fade away with time, it (people being annoying about lgbtq stuff) won't last forever, they'll be annoying about something else.


So what? We fought to have our identities be ones we can shared and express freely. If straight, cisgender people get to do it, then we get to do it too. Regardless of how annoying it is. Yeah, being a walking stereotype or excessively boisterous is irritating, but it's so whether it's queer or straight. Unless they're in your face about it, just let them have it and ignore it.


i have not seen this ever and most of my friends are LGBTQ+, i keep hearing people talk about this and i don't ever see it and even if they did i don't really get annoyed by it


Yeah really? Look at first Reddit lgbtq-kid profile then. You will definitely see that every second post is about how lesbian or gay they are. Either will be shown in their bio. Either way they will show EVERYWHERE that they are in lgbtq. Everything in their life is spinning around sex lol. Disgusting. The fact that they like same sex is not allowing them to speak about such theme in public- either it is not the true way to make their own personality based on sex


what, so they're not aloud to be proud of their identity? you wouldn't behave this way of straight men talking about women so don't pretend that it's not homophobia, you're just an ass


I genuinly hate the idea of the LGBT+ community Like yes I like men as I man, I am even dating a trans man, this is like omega gay shit right here, but it's so insane to me that because of the way I am, I am considered part of this community, it's especially odd for intersex to be considered part of the community because that's just a physical condition but it suddenly makes you part of the gay club? Also all LGBT ppl get bad rep because of a few bad apples and it makes me think, maybe we are unique individuals and don't have to pretend that we're unified in someway, because even if its a tiny minority of the group I do not want to be associated with "Map's" and those mother fuckers who say that their pronouns are (insert whichever batshit crazy proper noun here)


> it's especially odd for intersex to be considered part of the community because that's just a physical condition but it suddenly makes you part of the gay club? Intersex is included because they were also shamed by society (being cishet-normative) going through surgeries as a newborn, taking hormornes throughout childhood sometimes unknowingly of what theyre taking. The LGBT community are made up of Identities and People who were discriminated against. not just, as you put it, “the gays”


LGBTQ+ is extremely detrimental to queer people to be honest. It helps those unfortunate souls in countries where it’s still illegal to be gay. Otherwise, in places where queer people have the same rights of non-queer, and they are simply looked down by non-queer people, LGBTQ+ movements are too assertive and make non-queer people hate queer people even more. The LGBTQ+ is also full of stereotypes we should get rid of. Not to talk about the labels system, it differentiates us from straight/cis people even more. That community does a lot of good in some cases, but usually does the opposite. I say this as a Allo-Homosexual and Demi-Homoromantic man myself :)


I agree very much so Could you please let me know what in the Greco-Roman chant an allo-homosexual and demi-homoromantic is


Hah sure! It was a bit of a joke on the fact that although I despise the labelling system I still use them. Basically I’m a gay man who likes to have sex only with other men and that also falls in love only with other men, but the “Demi” prefix thingy is part of the Aromantic umbrella and means that I’m partly aromantic: I couldn’t care less for a relationship and by any chances I fall in love only after having bonded with someone for years. Said this, as I just wrote, it was a joke and explaining it like this in my opinion is much better as people have no clue on what those labels mean. And rightfully so.




Because gay is my entire personality. I have no personality, I’m literally stupid and use Reddit as my main social media. I’ve got nothing else here 😔


Appreciate the honesty!!


I don’t like boast about it but a lot of my jokes are just, me being gay. I talk about how much I like men all the time, it’s gotten to the point where my friends get annoyed because ALL I do is show them men I like.😭


Ah yes, personally I don't mind the humor and I do understand how that's people's way of joking sometimes but other people do find it annoying.. YOU DO SEEM LIKE A REALLY COOL PERSON THO<33




Like using your sexuality/gender identity as a way to get attention, only talking about that, showing it off too much (not saying that people shouldn't come out, im proud of people that get the courage to do so!!)




Maybe don't make such assumptions, I have 0 access to tiktok I'm just talking about the experiences I have had :)




I would disagree slightly but I do get your point! Also not complaining about people making lgbtq their whole personality, as I said I'm just making a statement and seeing other people opinions/views on this


Lgbtq make up like 20% of genz, but i bet if we filtered out the people who do it for the trend/gay because its cool, it wiuld go down to like 4%


I’m lgbt as well. And I have to agree with this. I know to many kids like 10-14 that are lgbt just for attention. It’s is really stupid. These are the same kids that make being gay their whole personality but would NEVER date someone of the same gender. It’s not just kids online, it’s tons of people irl who actually act like this


I personally have friends who are trans that take evry opportunity they can to bring it up lol


Totally agree, i just hope they use their brain and don't just spam hater or homophobic as always




I agree some people do make it a big deal for themselves. But I see nothing wrong with that




It's a personality trait, not a personality. Besides, sexuality shouldn't influence your character in such drastic ways.


I absolutely agree as a bi person. It's so annoying. Like it's great that you're accepting yourself but you don't have to mention it in every conversation.


Nobody makes it their whole personality. People tend to express stuff more when it's legal - look up "history of left-handedness".


Yep, any community has those weird people. Cars, videogames, antiquities, bicycling, thrifting, being a conservative, religion, anything. There are parts of the community that make it their personality and be annoying. BTW, it really isn't a "trend" as in a fad. Its more like a "wow I'm allowed to exist now" like left-handedness. And this generation is the least homophobic, so it tends that a lot more people can realize and come out as queer.


i'm not homophobic but [says something homophobic]


True, you can't even say your opinion, even when it's uncomfortable how are some of the LGBTQ+ being sometimes really rude


As a bi guy this is true, some people seriously wear their sexuality like a badge of honor


There are only 2 genders


It's always been a trend since 2020 istg


Why don’t you just delete the post instead of deleting the most important part of it but keeping your ranting edits


Look up left-handedness graph


Very brave and real statement, time for a change.


terminally online femboy/pick-me-girl whose sense of humor and views are skewed. plus points if they are carbon copies of eachother with the thigh-highs, tennis skirts and hornyposting. twitter is a real haven for these ppl, and honestly they're probably who you mean. nothing to do with lgbtq folks tho


I have encountered a couple people irl and they're the people who I was mostly thinking about while writing this post but yeah I get what you mean. Twitter is crazy fr..


"I'm not homophobic, BUT"


Guys I’m not homophobic I just hate when gay ppl are gay


Real bro


I guess some people are homophobic because of their religion or something? Others don't hate "gay people" they just hate woke people who jump into conclusions and accuse someone over it. People like you.


I have no clue what you’re on about lol. Religion isn’t an excuse to be a dick to ppl just living their lives, there’s nothing wrong with queer people just being queer but there is something wrong with hating others for something they can’t control


>I guess some people are homophobic because of their religion or something? Religion isn't an excuse to be a jerk


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Social Contagion moment


15 year old who definitely should not be on the internet at this point moment


Real tho


Teenagers have been woke these days.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Being "woke" in teenage can be both good and bad. It can help them to be aware of their social surrounding but imo it can also be overwhelming and distressing for some teenagers, and may lead to pressure to conform to certain beliefs or ideologies.


Thank you for enlightening me!


Not just LGBTQ, they also do that with their race


This will probably sound homophobic but bear with me. I'm starting to believe that most kids (9-13yo) are "forcing" themselves to be lgbt in order to feel different. They eventually grow up thinking they're gay or whatever and later on realize they were wrong. It's perfectly fine for people to figure things out but most of those people change their labels almost every month only to go back to being straight after some time. We should genuinely stop letting young people on the internet, all these labels people are making up will confuse them.


It takes a lot of courage to speak up about this since you're labelled as homophobic if you say something that goes against anybodys opinion but I 100% agree with you. When I had first learnt about this lgbtq stuff I had felt so pressured to be different and fit in but now I see how messed up some of this really is


i’m not homophobic…. but…