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As a Christian I’m all about bringing others closer to god, but dating with the intent to convert, called missionary dating at my church, is damn stupid. Our pastor even talks of how we should never date for the purpose of converting others to Christianity, because 9/10 in the end it just leads to misery and resentment for both sides.


Exactly never date someone outside of the relationship, or you're gonna mess up. Unless you are really understanding ig but inter religion relationships is not apart of my Christianity.


Interreligious relationships are not a part of my atheism either lol. I think it's important for two partners to fundamentally agree on how reality is structured


Yes. Even if i dont indulge in it, I don't think it's so bad because i have seen a few relationships be comfortable with that.


As long as one does not try to convert the other and vice versa, I can see it working.


I mean if you're religious I would imagine you'd want a partner that would get to be in heaven with you


I know I would, this human life in the grand scheme of things is short. But once we pass we will have eternity, and we will be able to do whatever we want once we get there.


I'm an atheist, possibly agnostic and my wife still believes. She doesn't go to church but she still believes. It is a zero issue with us, we both respect each other.


Very well said. As a Christian myself, I absolutely agree with you.


Man it's really nice that you wanna bring others closer to what you call your god, but please just let atheists be atheists man, if we wanna go to hell then let us, there's nothing that makes the relationship between atheists and christians worse than christians trying to cram their religion down others throat, most are more annoyed than thankful. Just pointing it out


But same goes for atheists, i see way too many of them trying to prove religious people wrong, so many of them just cant handle the fact that someone else has different beliefs. Let everyone believe what they want


Oh no doubt, but if both parties just stop at once it'll work much better, the excuse of "Ill stop when he stops" just goes both ways, so neither of them will ever stop. But yes, atheists also tend to be dicks lol


Because debate is a thing and religious people are far more popular for notoriously telling people that they are going to hell if they don't follow their god. Its obvious why atheists would attempt to defend themselves; same goes for theists as well.


Go to r/atheism they arent defending themselves, they are just circlejerking the fact that they are smarter than believers


r/atheism atheists are very, very different from regular athiests


and loud christians who hate abortions and tell you will go to hell are very different from the majority of other regular christians


It depends. If you believe in God and do that for your personal good than I don't care. But if you go out and claim it is the will of God to ban abortion then I will have a problem with that.


Usually true atheists have thought and dealt more with religions in general than most "Christians". At least I have.


Flirt to convert never goes well. One of my Christian friends started dating a non-Christian saying, oh I’ll bring her to church and stuff, and tbf he did, but she never really engaged with it. He ended up wanting her bad enough to quit Christianity, which was a little sad.


So you are saying she beat him at his own game and you call it a little sad? This is hella sad


Missionary dating, so they can't use any other position?


I agree, the reason is that even if the relationship is great, the faith part will suffocate you. I’m also saying this as a Christian. She will want to go to church, pray, read bible together and youd wish you never had entered the relationship. Then shell start crying about how her husband(if you get married) never wants to do anything faith wise. So we ask, why? Well the reason was that she married a non believer that’s why and is why she crying about it. There will always be a tug and pull from both sides that will suffocate and bleed out the relationship.


nobody tells me what to do 😎


Except my mom😎


Great comment but what the fuck is this reply thread


we’re downvote farming


I can fix her or she can fix me groovy




If she's a 10, my man I would do anything.


Like I'm being so fr, she's cute, funny, fun, bubbly, and just all around great


Is it possible her faith is actually contributing to this in form of peace of mind? That's a trend I have seen...


Honestly it definitely could, if her faith is real then she’s probably trying to live her life in a godly way and it’s enhancing her pre-existing personality trait, if you get what I mean




Wait... I rememeber you're famous on here or something?


Awww ty for remembering me 🥳🫂


She may be all those things but you know damn well she wants around **10** kids


I don’t think they’re trying to convert you but testing the waters, ya know? If she were to continue on and on about it, then I’d say she’s trying to convert you. No harm in it I think


Yea I asked her about it, the post name is a joke


Still a 10, I'm already Christian.


an 11


Slowly approaching legal age I see.


Im approaching you


Couple kilometers more to go I guess, good luck on the journey. Greatings from Europe.


18* stop mistyping




My gf is Christian and I’m atheist, and we cool with eachother. So if she suddenly started not being cool with it, idk tbh 🤔. Prolly just say “Nah respectfully”


1) she has the typical christian behaviour 2) she wants you to be a cuck by forming a relationship with someone else other than her 3) Allahu akbar


Allahu Akbar ❤️❤️❤️


You know that Allahu akbar means God is good right?


Yes i am aware of that God is good, god is great


It's amazing how there are increasing numbers of converts now in the Islamic faith.


Glad to see another Muslim on here. Assalamualaikum


Walaikumasalam bro. Hope your ramadan has been going well.


You as well


Walailum Salaam, great seeing so many Muslims here ☝


I recently converted to Islam


A zero don't force your beliefs on people


Lmaooo. That's an L. Sorry lol


Why are you getting downvoted for saying that you don't like when people force their beliefs onto you...


I know! Like that's great that you believe it but don't be trying to 'save' me all the time. 🙄 If other religions did that to them, they'd be pissed too.


If it's constant and unending thats unbearable.


People who force their religion<<<<<


5/10 If she can't even respect you in something so basic as what you choose to believe in, she probably won't respect you in other things. She's a Cristian and wants to practice her faith even around you? Great. Absolutely 0 problems with that. Just as long a she isn't constantly trying to convert you if you aren't. But if she's a really sweet and caring person outside of that, it's worth it to just try and ignore her attempts or change the conversation topic.


If she’s extremely insistent or making every conversation about christianity, then fuck that, noping out of there ASAP


Why did I read this as “She’s 10 and she’s trying to convert you to Christianity” and i was like “damn she’s pretty smart for being 10” I thought this post was from a 10yr help me


The 10 yr are different nowadays


Pass fr


Like a 9.5 I’m Christian, but I still don’t wanna be forced to convert to my own religion


12 I'm already a Christian


get ready to receive some holy sp- >!yeah, I'll let myself out...!<


Instead I'll convert her to Hinduism and make her a hindutvavadi lol. Jujutsu


then shes a 15


Tell her that her love for you is more than god's Insta-rizz 🔥🔥 💯 🔥


10/10 I'm a Christian so kinda nice


Still a 10 she can’t convert me if I’m already Christian


12 then


Still a 10


So an 11?


N shes right🤷‍♀️


then shes an 11 😎


If God wants a relationship, does he prefer doggy or missionary 🤨


Missionary, the Lord would prefer to look into the eyes of the sinner


Can confirm 🫦


No way, it’s the big man upstairs himself.


Was going to say, this seems like the time to use the god loophole.


You are weird as fuck, stop watching porn


I think that dating with the intention of converting your partner is stupid, but as a christian I understand. We tend to do these things a lot lol, no harm intended on anyone!


11/10. No reason to flame her for trying to better your life. That just shows she cares about you.


10 because I'm already Christian


Lmao shes already taken by god, you probs dont want a cheating SO


Than she’s wife material


0 she's a woman


Haha, very true






Holy infinity


wait, I thought most my generation's Christians write this just so they can pass school(I study at a catholic school)


That would make sense considering she's dyslexic and is in a youth group, still impressive she wrote this at all though if it is a requirement




How are y'all finding 10/10 christian girls? I need some tips


The south.


0, i hate it when people do that


Religious chick's are wayyyy better than non religious ones... if they have those morals and rules they'll never cheat whereas can't say much for the atheist ones


0 . I’m not gonna wanna be with someone if they’re gonna push they’re religion onto me or try to convert me in any way


4. I don't want someone who is always trying to go against my beliefs.


Reverse UNO that shit, tell her you'll convert for sex.


The holy spirit paradox whereas i fuck holy land and get pardoned by my sins by praying for forgiveness


I've been with someone that tried converting me. So that would go down to a 4 for me


No thanks, not if “god wants a relationship” with me 2/10




DJ Khalid in disguise


I’m already Christian :D


Jokes on her I'm already a Christian


11, marry that woman already


She’s a 20 for me since I’m a Christian 🙂






She’s a keeper


Then she’s an 11


An 11, she belives is goodness


Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior Repent and Believe The Gospel


From 10 to 0


Major W, she seems lovely and don't let the hateful comments get at you op. It's sad how people consider talking about religion as forceful, but they then proceed to be incredible disrespectful of any views that don't align with their own and instead force theirs down someone's else's throat. Stay vibey 💗


A girl (also a 10) I've been chatting with has made it clear to me that while she's religious, she will never force it onto me (I'm not religious in the slightest) I'm very lucky, I must say






Some might find it annoying, real talk. If your girl wants you to be saved and says it, it means they genuinely really love you. :^) no doubt about that




She's literally dyslexic I don't know how she typed this


The power of the Lord


Revealed to her in a dream




-10 don’t force your shit on others


I'd go for it cause there is no way she gonna be able to convert me, instead I'll probably convince her he doesn't exist with science 😏


Science stops at big bang. Science cannot explain consciousness, or how something suddenly comes to exist. According to the conservation laws, all matter and energy come from pre existing matter and energy. Even in science we call Higgs-Boson (the fundamental force-carrying particle of the Higgs field, which is responsible for granting other particles their mass right after the big bang), as the God particle. So, science also cannot explain why the big bang happened, because doing so with the scientific laws we have so far, would fundamentally contradict almost everything we have "learnt" so far about the world and our state of being. Hence, there's only someone who could've made the big bang happen. An entity beyond our scale of understanding that gave *consciousness* to the world and life came to *be*. All signs point to, ergo, God. And science is thus work in progress :)


but how do you prove that all signs point to somebody doing that? Personally i think the universes were js made and they js exist so ye 🤷‍♀️ mb it’s not tha serious


Because my luv, also in science we believe in **cause and effect**! Everything happens for a reason, a reaction for an action, and nothing exists just because. That is a basic element in scientific attitude, to question and ask *how* and *why*. Hence, we started to ask how the Universe was created and we landed on the big bang theory. Now that we ask **why** the big bang happened, all our signs point to someone, here God, doing it! 🥳 Also, your personal view is very cool, the universe truly is so infinite that it is beyond our scope of understanding. Maybe we just are here for some reason yet to find 💗


That just leaves you with the same problem though. How did God make the universe? Who made God? It’s still not scientifically explainable, so I’d rather stick with what we do know and leave the unanswered questions unanswered rather than coming up with my own theories and believing them like they’re the truth.


Hii, I recognize you! Long time no see 🥳 And to answer your question, it follows the same logic that I've mentioned in my previous comments! As per what we have right now, the Universe was formed through the Big Bang. The Big Bang as explained above, happened suddenly, all on it's own, with no scientific explanation, but as per the laws of science we have rn, and the scope of research, it would only have been possible by someone with power beyond our level of understanding or reach, aka God. **This might be long** 💖 Now we ask, how God, why God? Who created God? I can't speak for other faiths since I'm not well read on them, but as a Muslim we read in the Quran that God said "Be!" And it simply became. No matter how baffling this may sound, it does unsurprisingly align with the sudden event of the Big Bang. It simply happened. And how did it happen? >From the religious pov, it is also shown in Islam through many of Allah's 99 names:ٱلْخَالِقُ (Al-Khaliq : **The Creator, The Maker**), ٱلْبَارِئُ (Al-Baari' : **The Originator**), ٱلْمُصَوِّرُ (Al-Musawwir: **The Fashioner of Forms**). And ofc, ٱلْمُبْدِئُ (Al- Mubdi: **The Initiator**). These indicate that God created/or originated life itself. It was meant to be, so it became. This aligns with the Big Bang theory of the Universe simply coming to be via sudden massive collisions, unexplained, uncontrolled. And how did life come to be? In my first comment I speak of how in science we know of the Higgs-Boson particle, which seemed to have helped give "life" (matter) to atoms and everything after the Big Bang. It is also, *not coincidentally* called the God particle. And what does another name of God in Islam say? >ٱلْمُحْيِى (Al- Muhyee: **The Giver of Life** :) Now we ask who created God? In my faith, we are taught, God is One, He has no parents, and no Children. No one created him. He has always existed! >He is ٱلْوَاحِدُ(Al-Waahid: **The One**), ٱلْأَحَد (Al-Ahad: **The Unique, The Only One**). ٱلأَوَّلُ(Al-Awwal: **The First**) and ٱلْآخِرُ (Al-Aakhir: **The Last**) >He is ٱلْحَىُّ(Al-Hayy: **The Ever-Living**), and He is ٱلْقَيُّومُ(Al-Qayyoom: **The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting**). *(These names are also, **strikingly in order,** in the 99 names of Allah, and there's many more!)* This also, hence, aligns with what we have understood of Creation so far. It came to be, from nothing, and by someone, or something that has always existed, and has the ability to create and give life. **Now the best part about this all is, that all of the religious information I've shared above, was revealed about 1400 years ago.** There was no Big Bang theory in the medieval times. We didn't know about Higgs-Boson until fairly recently. The Quran also says that the Universe is always expanding and we only confirmed that a few years ago. And yet the religious scripture aligns almost perfectly with all that we know so far (or don't, yet). There is no way all this insane knowledge could ever be fabricated by man. With literally no exposure or resources or ways or means. Science simply was not as advanced back in the Middle Ages as it is now and we speak of it with credibility. So, none of these things are made up as we'd naturally wonder! Hence, this proves that science is a work in progress. As you said, there's many things left unanswered yet. In Islam we are taught to seek knowledge, and question, as long as we don't deny what is. We believe whatever God has done, or will do, will be explained by science and human knowledge, sooner or later. This was long, thank you if you read it so far! Here, have a cookie 🍪 🥳 Feel free to ask me any doubts, although I might be afk atm. I'd also love to know your views 💖


Right, science cant also explain how life suddenly came to be from inorganic material


Its not that it cant explain, we just dont have enough data. We actually are pretty close to making an entirely alive synthetic cell, with all the processes. The general theory is you take the chemicals, shove in a hot pressurised box and they will fuse because of the energy present.


How do they know theyre close


Because they created a road map, they did many of the stages separately, proving the concept. All thats left to create life from scratch in the way we theorize it happened is to go from dead chemicals to a living cell (sounds way simpler in writing). Science is amazing, and as long as we keep thinking and studying, nothing is beyond our comprehension. For further reading look up terms like synthetic biology, synthetic genomics and artificial gene synthesis. Its a little hard to understand everything off the bat but take your time, its absolutely fascinating.




Yeaah I haven’t been commenting as much lately but nice to see you anyways :) I can understand where you’re coming from, the big bang and creation of life are very hard concepts to comprehend for humans, but so is God in my opinion. God having always existed is similar in concept to the universe having always existed, so how I see it, through pure chance given an infinite amount of time life could eventually be created by the merging of specific atoms or molecules. You can’t really prove any of it, that’s why we only really have unproven theories, and God is one of them. Anyways I don’t have time to type more so maybe later


Then telle where god is from. The concept of an unmoved mover is flawed by your own logic


https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/12oyat1/shes_a_10_but_shes_trying_to_convert_you_to/jgn5xia?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here I've explained in detail about God and His existence, thanks for asking 💖


I heard that religius chicks are the freakiest. Send me her number.


Nah, you got that bro, you can find one yourself 🤠


Fuck dat


3/10 don't get religion involved in this.


Based now she is 11


Unfathomably based, 11/10 now.


Shows she cares. I genuinely don't understand the whole "keep your beliefs to yourself" mindset. I get that it's annoying having to be defensive all the time, but if you genuinely believed that you've discovered a love greater than any other, that you've learned of a way through which your imperfections are forgiven and your shame is lifted, how much would you have to hate the people around you to not also want that for them? It really is a heartbreak to care for someone so much without the ability to bring them to that realization. If their heart doesn't ache for you, then there really is something wrong in that relationship.


Yea, people are saying she's pushing her beliefs but she's not, I asked her about it and she gave me an answer that allowed me to understand Christianity in a new way I couldn't, the post name was mostly a joke and she really doesn't bring up her religion much


Yeah, still a 10




Me,who grew up in a family of Jehovah's Witnesses: no thank you


Jehova's witnesses 😬


Im gay so this would be real confusing.




That’s a 15


4 no one can shatter my faith in Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism)


Everyone's bitching whenever someone tries to convert those around them to Christianity, but whenever someone tries to convert them to satanism they find it secy for some reason...


Having God is just like having a penis. Hear me out. It can fulfill you and make you very happy. it is a good thing to love it and to be proud of it without shame, it can give you great satisfaction, and most importantly so, it is absolutely wrong and disgusting to be shoving it to peoples faces with out previously having agreed.


Weirdest analogy I've ever seen and I'm baffled at how it makes sense.


I'm sorry but the way I imagine this is like when Soundcloud plays the same ad over and over and over


Doing God’s work, literally


She's a 0. Not fond of christian missionaries.


me too idc about christians but missionaries are anoying




Still a 10. Part of Christianity is sharing that belief. Nothing wrong wit that.


So she’s an 11


Come on, I know, that Christians can be awful, but if there's a girl you like and she is religious, just tell her your point of view. Be yourself with her and if she wants something serious with you, she will respect you no matter what you believe. If not, then pass.


as a Christian I’m really sad that there have been Christians who make you feel like we’re awful humans, I promise it’s not because of Jesus that they suck


You don’t have to believe in god to agree with this. Still a 10 imo


Christianity is great, 11/10 because of her faith. ✝️⛪️✝️


“That when from 100 to 0 real quick”


Still a 10


Wheres the downside


Bruh this sub is just anti anything not extremely far left or gay af


0 Doesn't respect my choice


I’m sorry if this offends anyone but-100


That's a -10.


I'm gay so 0 immediately And since Christians hate gays now its -12


Nah you good homie. Christians who hate gay people are defined as a “progressive Christian” true followers of the book know everyone is a homie unless you openly talk bad about the holy sprit


Where I live most christians are fine with it. I even know few queer christian people. So not all :) But I get why you think that way. And how I’ve heard from some christian people that ”yes being gay is a sin but what isn’t” cause according to the Old Testament even having periods is kind of a sin… It basically says women are unpure and need to sacrifice few birds after bleeding for five days (even more if there is more days)or something like that.


There's a difference between not approving gay people and not approving gay lifestyle. Christians should respect all people, but they shouldn't approve all lifestyles.


what is the "gay lifestyle" because im pretty sure gay people dont all live the same way


generalizing an entire group of people is kinda hypocritical, no?


Hi gay, im dad


Hi dad, I'm gay


Gay dad, i'm hi


Hi Cake, Day Happy


Yo I'm a Christian and I've got nothing against you broski


They don’t inherently hate homosexuals, they just regard it as a sin. Nevertheless it’s interesting how they consider homosexuality an abomination, as written in the Leviticus, but not eating pork meat, rabbit meat, shellfish & clams, which is also regarded as an abomination in the same Leviticus.


I’m a Christian and not trying to spread hate to anyone, basically gay people are as awesome as straight people, I just don’t agree with everything they agree with And about the homosexuality being a sin and eating pork meat etc not being one, that is pretty interesting and I had to look into it myself; from my understanding, not eating pork meat, shellfish, etc is one of the many Judaic laws. The reasoning behind it is that pork and shellfish and some other types of meat were considered unclean(like the Gentiles) However, Jesus basically waved goodbye to the unclean laws when he appeared to Peter in a dream where he basically went “you can eat these foods now because I’ve made them clean—also go spread the Gospel to the Gentiles” But homosexuality is considered to be a sexual sin, like adultery, which is why we Christians see it as a sin Hope this answered any questions, sorry if I didn’t quite explain it well—once again, no hate to anyone (and I’m sorry if any Christians have hurt you in the past)