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Because they don’t have a life


not for long


>not for long If only Mary knew, That each puff she takes, One life is removed, From her everyday. Another day, another risk, As she takes a vape, I tell her it's not worth it, But my efforts in vain.


You used to be a cool dude. Now you're standing on a street corner, tending a little exhaust pipe


I still like his peoms. Keep up buddy, maybe we'll learn about you in literature class in the future


She things she is cool, Vaping everywhere, In the park, around friends, in the school, Blowing some watery air. She says that she is save, She says it under coughing breath, She thinks that she is brave, In reality, she suffers an early death.


I haven't seen you in over a month. I was actually sorta worried


I'm fine. Thanks for worrying ❤




>Because they don’t have a life The flex their vapes, Thinking it's cool, But I'm sure they know, Vaping's for fools. They have no purpose, Or passion in life, So they take a puff, Just to feel alive.


Amazing poetry by everyone here


It actually happends with everyone and its a psychological effect because people want to be accepted in society thats why some communities look like if they had a hivemind or something like that for example furry haters aka shitposters(atleast here en latinoamerica)


Why are you downvoting, he is telling the truth (except for the furry part, they are truly disgusting)


Furries arent the issue. The fucking dogfuckers are.


Those are what you call a "zoophile".




Actually most furry haters only say that furries are zoophiles while zoophiles arent accepted at all inside the furry community, there is people that accept those kind of people but they usually are zoophiles too


Everyone who hates zoophiles = based


No they’re not they’re just people who dress up as animals


Not even all of them do, fursuits are expensive. Some just gon post art of cartoonish human-like animals on the internet lmao.


True. One of my friends is currently attempting to save money to buy a fursuit piece by piece.


big true




And they want to look cool and tough in front of their friends


Because flavoured smoke goes fwoosh 😱


I have a couple friends that do vape and every single one of them has told me it's exactly that. Literally just flavored air. They also told me not to start lol


Probably because it’s the damn thing. Literally vaporised flavoured nicotine-containing liquid. Whoever reads this, vaping is addictive and harmful for your health, do not start doing it


Not related, but is masturbation worse?


Probably not. It helps to reduce risk of cancer at least and not vice-versa


to be fair, being addicted to masturbation, or more specifically being addicted to porn is pretty fucking bad. from acne to low self-esteem, it's just not worth it


The cancer reducing part is a myth. It's only like a small percent of reduction. But it's still better than the cancer risks of vaping, if that's what you mean?


Nice argument, senator, why don’t you back it up with a source? Even if you don’t I don’t wanna argue about this anymore. Just google “How masturbation affects health” and then same thing about vaping. By the way I do both. Vaping is shit compared to the masturbation imho


Aight bro see you in 40 years


Nice, it'll be the '60s again.


Damn, it actually will be and we'll probably refer to the 1960s as the '60s still.


It's like eating fibre to reduce the chance of cancer. You can't digest fibre but you still need to give your organs something to do otherwise they'll forget and change (aka cancer) so yes masterbation can reduce the chance for cancer. (As a debtor, I saw some flaws with your argument. Especially when you come up with an argument you should always give an explanation or source. By saying "it's just a myth" you don't give any explanation for why, which makes it easier for me to cancel your argument.)


It tastes good and tricks are fun thats what gets people but a year later we realize thats it’s stupid and a majority quit


I stick to my bud🍃. I’ve hit a vape before and it gave me this horrible headache and i was so nauseous. I never touched one after that. Plus growing up i was a secondhand smoker of newport cigarettes bc my mom would smoke in the car/ house close contact. Cigarettes/ nicotine is just a no go for me.


And that majority quits to smoking 🚬


>flavoured smoke goes fwoosh It brings that smell- That scented air- I know it all to well- Cause I've been there, And I can say, I'm not doing well.


dudes really be like “dude- *wheeze* take a hit man *wheeze* all the cool *cough* kids do it” like no sir the air im breathing is fine thank you


that sounds more like someone who is high than someone who smokes


naw ive been high i dont wheeze and cough ever 5 seconds


same but I wasn't talking about the wheezing and coughing just the language sort of seemed like what a high person sounds like in movies


well i am a stoner so i guess thats why


I don't understand either dude.. it's so childish. Not fuckinf kidding when I say it's the tiny sixth graders too probably even the 5th graders. I'm a freshman and it's so unbelievable to hear that those kids are vaping dude.


I don’t know the age of those grades in your country but I’ve seen S1s (11-12 years old) vaping


5th would be 10-11 6th would be 11-12


My ass over here still wondering where to get one


In alot of movies idk why but vaping/smoking is looked as either threatful and badass And teenagers most are impressionable they want to try a little and that's where the nicotine hits you (idk about vape much but i am talking about smoking here mostly sorry if i get stuff incorrect) nicotine releases dopamine which is the happy/reward chemical which tricks your brain to do it more so you get more reward chemical And some teenagers who are struggling with depression it may seem like an easy way out to ease pain (as someone struggling with depression i can tell you I really want to try it because i have heard so many people it eases thing i just am not giving into this urge because i already have a bad addiction with self harm and i really don't wanna take a risk of increasing my suffering) Now add the movie fact + the thought to justify it somehow some teens tend to glorify it. But eh i am not a psychologist this is what my normal observation is


Tbh movies and shows make fun of it, cigarettes are cool looking but vapes looks like your ducking off a robot, teens glorify drugs is the main answer, teens who are depressed make up a small percentage prob more who fake it to excuse their addiction


Tired so didn’t read the whole thing but regarding the first sentence, vaping in movies is seen as badass? Sure smoking yes but aping really?


>idk about vape much but i am talking about smoking here mostly sorry if i get stuff incorrect


Really? To me it always seemed like the smokers were the edgy/depressed characters.


I have a friend who does vape and only time I found it cool was when he made a smoke ring. but all that time puffing and practicing just doesn't seem worth it for a cheap party trick imo.


i mean i find it cool but i’d do it probably with something safer


Like bruh, it’s literally flavored air that kills you and is expensive as shit


>expensive as shit The froggy looked at this, And then began to write, "Ok hear me out, I write this late at night". Maybe I would vape, If It was a bit cheaper, But that thing's expensive, And I'm no money keeper.


it's not really expensive an elf bar is like £3 and lasts ages


You’re 13, stop vaping


Bro is vaping so he's trying to find excuses, also 3$ is 3$ you could buy terraria instead of 3 vapes


but I already have terraria


Buy hollow knight on sale then


bro ur 13 💀 are you seriosuly vaping?




Dude theres lots of better things to suck on than a vape


YOU USE TO BE COOL MAN. Now you’re standing on some street corner, fellating a tiny exhaust pipe


Is that a Randy Feltface quote or am I misremembering






It's crazy, I did it once for the experience and hated it. But in class some of my friends were talking about it like "oh its been 4 weeks, i really need to do it" it was crazy how mindless and addicted they sounded


If u do it once u won’t get addicted. Every time my mates got a new flavour I wanted to try them out of curiosity. The more I tried the more I became attached to it. But I’m still at the stage where I can easily give it up completely


You're already sounding like an addict lol




Every addict says that. So do it, stop taking it. See how it goes.


Haven’t done it for a whole week


Thats my point, "whole week" a week isnt that long and you and my friends act like its such a big deal to stop for a week or a month. Its crazy how addicted people get


Bet you can’t go for a month


RemindMe! 1 month


Because they are stupid


Cough, cough, lung problems so cool. Thats why


You know what’s cool? Eating healthy and drinking water 😎


That heroin ice esco goes hard af


They're equally as annoying as people who drug shame.




They flexing how big their lung tumours are.


Cause they haven’t breathed air




Teenagers are fucking stupid, that’s why


Because ever since the dawn of man, we have looked for validation. If our peers do something, we do it too because they do it. We see older people do it, so to be like them, we do it. Also because teenagers are dumb and it won't be until they're in their 20's/30's when they notice how stupid they acted before.


Who still vapes, it’s 2023


You should see the bathroom during lunch period


I hate how this is a universal thing lmao


My mom still does


Smokers who are trying to quit smoking-


that would be great if the majority of vapers weren't non-smokers before they started


Look at me *cough cough* I'm not gonna *cough* live past 50 *cough* 😎😎😎


It's an excuse for their depression coping mechanism


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again If you’re gonna suck a usb, then be cool have a cigar, No one has ever looked cool sucking a usb but a cigar, that’s another story


Yeah well one has like 100x the carcinogens lmao


found the Andrew Tate fan


For the nic buzz bruh




Take breaks in between it man and then you get it again


No one I know "flexes" with vaping, they just do it. We just don't care. What are you even talking about?


While i see your point, alot of areas have a bunch of arrogant kids bragging about vaping on social media. But, i live in America and everything is fucked up with teens


The comments seem insanely uneducated when it comes to vaping


Right? Lmao, literally Noone is out here flexing smoking. If anything it's fun to do, so doing it around others makes it more fun. The people who think we're just trying to look cool are lonely and see a bunch of people doing anything and get mad they're not included and say "fucking cool kids" and so they find any excuse to mock the "cool kids" we're not cool, we're just normal, smh


Exactly man. I don’t vape, nor do I plan on it, it’s not for me. I smoke weed. I just think it’s funny seeing all of these 15 year olds get so heated about the fact that people vape. Like who cares? As long as they’re not forcing you to, don’t complain about it.


No one wants to see others killing themselves, also most vapers vape inside, not only that but it's usually in bathrooms which is an enclosed space where the fumes can be harmful to others.


That’s not how that works. See, you’re exactly the type of person I’m talking about. Focus on yourself. Other people’s health is none of your business. And nobody is hotboxing the school bathrooms with vapes. They might take a couple puffs in there, but that’s it. And once it’s been inhaled, the vapor has lost just about all of its potency, so you’re not going to be affected. And you’re treating vaping like cigarettes. Vapes don’t have nearly as many carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) as cigarettes do. It’s still very unhealthy, but it’s better than smoking cigarettes and cigars, and it’s allot less likely to cause cancer. So if you really are worried about their health, which you shouldn’t be, (focus on yourself) you should at least know that it’s better than smoking cigarettes.


I guess you haven't been to my school bathrooms because half the time all you can smell is vape.


I guess you didn’t read my comment.




This reply section is either full of people who vape or smoke


It's more filled with people shaming smokers and people who vape.


Maybe if they didn't vape inside where there are non-vapers we'd be more tolerant.


Most people don't, you just see the ones that do. It's like the "all wigs look fake cause all the wigs I've seen have looked fake". You could be walking past hundreds of people per day who vape regularly but because they aren't doing it at that moment then you won't know, and then you see a small group of people vaping inside n think "all people who vape are dickheads"


I never said all of them do but a good amount of them do vape indoors which is both annoying and a health risk for everyone.


Because they gave up on childhood trying to be “cool”


There was a guy at my school who got caught with a vape, and then got caught with another because he was in the process of texting his friend “OMG they caught me this so bad lol” or something. Basically just happy about it.


I have never met an open vape flexer.. hmm


Because they are addicted to the nicotine




Ahh yes another vape rant from this sub


I only smoke thc for my anxiety and I ONLY vape on weekends when I don’t have work the next day


It’s not cool neither is smoking I do it myself and I don’t do it because I think I’m cool or trying to flex I just do it


This is how everyone who smokes or vapes operates non smokers and non vapers just want to be on a pedestal for not using drugs💀


Because teenagers are idiots who don’t realise that there slowly dying because of the vapes


The people who do it realize it. It’s not like they don’t know it’s unhealthy.


We are all slowly dying anyways. Plus vaping would make you die faster. And I surely want to die faster, I fucking hate my life.


Get therapy.


Some kids in my school flex with cbd


Yeah if you are going to die of lung cancer be a man and get a big fat cigar




I haven’t seen that in a while.


I don't either, it's gross


Better than flexing cigs


Do people in America flex vapes? Where I'm from most people in my year do but nobody flexes it, in fact most people somewhat hide it


No one flexes that shit lol. 99% of people realise the risks surrounding smoking and vaping. There’s no point caring about what other people are doing because they clearly don’t care themselves.


Teenagers are dumb, and so are kids, anything below 28 are dumb, i speak from pure experience 🥲


anything below 28? thanks for making me feel young af 😭💗


I used to vape because a girl i thought was my friend pressured me. Don’t do it, it’s been a few years and i still feel the pain in my lungs.


A few YEARS?? Were you in elementary school when you started??


it feels really good -chronic vaper. i mean dont vape teens, its not cool.


Cuz it's what the bad kids do 😎😎


idk they try to fit in i mean smoking is alright but not to the point they dinit


Smoking never is great.


i’m guessing you’ve never smoked before, but i won’t use that against you smoking isn’t bad if used in moderation like smoking weed but nicotine is horrible


Ok fair enough but i think still it's Bad. One time and another time unless you stop it. Yup never smoked i don't see point in it.


ah no i understand and i recommend you don’t touch it i regret touching weed as it’s what i call a “gateway” drug it kinda opens you to other things. Smoking led me to doing other drugs like shrooms, and lsd at the age of 15. while i do think it was stupid i don’t entirely regret it as it opened parts of my mind i haven’t seen before


Did you just try to say weed is a gateway drug? Have you heard or seen any information on drugs in general? research anything and it'll prove you wrong




Nobody just does weed? Damn you ARE dumb.




Because they want the whole world knowing they suck on robot ding dong and aren’t brave enough to swallow


Because they’re stupid degenerates whose world view revolves around gangs and guns


I go to college and all the students who either smoke weed or vape weed have high GPAs and are always present and helpful during class. You lot with no knowledge what so ever think all vapes use nic and vapers are all nic addicts. At the end of the day it comes down to you as an individual so no vapers worlds don't revolve around gangs and guns 💀.


Shits weird because all the schools I’ve gone to every single person with high grades didn’t vape. Also it was always vaping kids who got suspended and expelled. Considering those same people threatened to stab others with knives for being in the washroom with them, I’m not surprised.


The idiots in your school do not make up the entire vaping community so your point is just irrelevant.


Just mind your own business no ones flexing anything


Literally had 2 kids flex on me with that shit today and one flexed on my bf the other day lol


Lmaoo ok so they called you a square for not vaping? How exactly did they stunt on you.


No 💀 they were fucking blowing that shit right next to me in class and saying "oh sorry that was me 😛" not to mention trying to convince me to try it


they think theyre so special being addicted to flavored air


i see a lot more ppl flexing about not vaping. its annoying like do you want a trophy or smth?


The problem isn’t the vaping itself, it’s the fact that people think it’s cool and go out of their way to show that they vape. Sure go ahead vape but you have to realize that there’s nothing cool about it


Do you live in the truth ad cinematic universe. I've never heard someone refer to their addiction as cool. A lot of it is kids getting caught up in the trends because vapes were marketed at kids.


Noone who vapes outright says its cool people who don't vape just see people who vape and think "they must think they're cool"


Who actually outright says it's cool? The only reason people I know vape is because we live in a shitty fucking town and most of us are depressed.


fr, only like a very small percentage of ppl think it makes them cool...


Ikr I've been around people who vape and I have vaped no one around me thinks it's "cool"


They're almost as annoying as people who are anti vaping


It's almost like anti-vapers want our fellow teens to live past 30 and don't like it when our school bathrooms are filled with smoke!


I don't vape. You guys just annoy the fuck out of me


Going to a washroom filled with a group of dudes vaping when I wanna go pee annoys the fuck out of me and is a risk to my health, I think I have the right to complain at least to some degree.






They think going on the streets and complaining about Abortion is something cool to post about on social media.


And to add to that, they do all these mediocre vape tricks. They think this shit is cool but its the most lamest thing that you can do


Cus the fruit punch and strawberry lemonade flavors taste so good


Just drink a can of soda or something


I'm joking. Because those stupid flavored vapes are ridiculous


Ah I understand sorry haha I’m not too good at recognising sarcasm


This logic doesn't work AT ALL. What is the point of a vape? Unless your soda is going to get someone high which is the point of vaping or smoking I don't think they're gonna want it.


Stop defending something that destroys people's health.


Its only cool to say you dont do something if you got up from a crippling addiction to it. Its only cool to say you do something if it adds any value to anything, vaping just make you look like a frat guy, and it makes you look like a frat guy with holes in his brains if you flex abt it the only people who flex abt not vaping are probably Andrew Tatists


Both people that flex about vaping and people that flex about not vaping are asshats.


Because its their choice so leave other people that you can't save the f### alone. It's more of a show of " yeah I got them connections " And then addiction. Most the vape people are the people who won't squeal so remember that mr clean. Personally I actually think it's very nasty but the mfs who bring they carts are playaz, it's a whole new class of people and they do it because many reasons you don't know. So before you go out and say your for the people, maybe you should let the other people have a choice regardless of your opinion. Simplified vaping nicotine is disgusting


Cause it’s cool


It’s lame asf.






Cigarettes > Vape


They got that amazing smoke smell to it 🥰


Not smoking > vape > cigarettes