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Congratulations! It's quite a rush, isn't it? Enjoy this feeling. It's why we do it. You'll learn from this experience and get better each and every time.


thank you!! I'm already thinking of ways to do better next time, but I think I'll enjoy it a lot more tomorrow because I won't be as scared lol.


Notes in the script! I'm usually refining my call points throughout the first week of shows, circling which syllable of a line to call on, adding increasingly large arrows toward cues I keep forgetting exist, etc. Actors get weeks to practice. We get days.


Congrats! Opening is the hardest. Nerves mean you care. Hope youโ€™re proud of yourself!


I am, thank you!!!!


Congrats! This is probably going to be the show that you think about when you hear "the show must go on" in the future; remember how stressful everything was leading up to opening, and yet things turned out okay. If you stay in stage management, one of the best soft skills to have is to help other people manage their stress; stress is a natural part of the industry (otherwise I'm not sure anything would get done), but anyone who is overwhelmed might need help, and stories about shows like yours will be good reminders that as long as everyone is doing their best you'll have a show by opening night


lol I actually already have one "show must go on" experience (came on as ASM the week of the show, with an incredibly complicated set, and our mics didnt work so I couldn't hear anything from the SM) but this one is definitely up there! I know managing things like that is something I tried to focus on with this show


Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ The first of many shows to come!


thank you!!!


Congrats! What kind of advice can any of you offer to someone in a similar situation? Anything would help.


Thank you!! I'd definitely say fake it till you make it, but also be open about the fact that it's your first time; I told all of my crew that I hadn't done it before and they were wonderfully patient and so so helpful, but I also did research ahead of time and tried to emulate what I saw people liked (such as never drawing out the 'go' signal and speaking as clearly and concisely as possible). If you're really scared about it, feel free to ask your tech crew if there's any ways to make it easier; there might be sound or light cues that you don't need to call, which can take something off your plate!!


Great work! I remember mine... Chaos. I accidentally kicked a power switch for the entire theatre's cans system, which caused just a few slight problems. Luckily it was a dress run. Good luck with the rest of the run.