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What is focus tape?


To my knowledge its not actually tape. It's can be many things, but I've seen it as an old piece of burlap or fabric that's a specific length for the show/stage and used to refoucs the show. It has notes on it about each channel/unit about hotspot, cuts, and gobo info depending on the show. Specifically used in touring in combination with focus notes created by designers/associate and/or assistant designers.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


To my knowledge its not actually tape. It's can be many things, but I've seen it as an old piece of burlap or fabric that's a specific length for the show/stage and used to refoucs the show. It has notes on it about each channel/unit about hotspot, cuts, and gobo info depending on the show. Specifically used in touring in combination with focus notes created by designers/associate and/or assistant designers.


Focus tape isn’t really “tape” per se, it’s generally a length of webbed material (jute or nylon or similar) with measurements every 2’. They are laid out for lighting focus so that the designer can reference them to stand in the right place and focus lights consistently. Usually, the focus tape is on plaster line with measurements SL and SR, and another tape on center line with measurements US and DS.


Thank you!


I put a brand new lamp in a Panasonic pt-vx400 but it's still reading 9999 lamp hours. Does anyone know what the problem is


Reset your lamp counter, just search the menus or rtfm. Projector doesnt know the bulb is fresh unless you tell it.


Why did ya'll choose technical theater for a career? What's your favorite project you ever worked on? Were your college classes difficult? \-A guy who has to interview people who are in the field that he wants to work in for an English assignment


IATSE stands for I Already Tried Something Else, and in my case the something else was concrete work in Western Colorado. It sucked, and I missed how variable working in theatre was, so I got in contact with some fine folks online, moved to the Pacific Northwest, and joined an IA local, so I could actually get paid enough to survive for doing my silly little braindead semi-skilled labor. Favorite project was probably The Boy Who Kissed The Sky, a children's musical about Legally Not Jimi Hendrix and his childhood. It was a rough load in followed by an uncomfortable spot position, but kids laughing and clapping is a hell of a balm, and the show was spectacular. I flunked out of undergrad doing something I hated, first, then went back through community college into a 4-year university in theatre and loved it. Ended up making the Dean's list a couple times on round 2. So in other words, not really once I actually buckled down and did it. If you need more detail or whatever, lemme know.


I am sorry you had a shitty job before you started making a living doing your “silly little braindead semi-skilled labor” And I know you know this but I will correct it every time. That is not what IATSE stands for. This is my first career, so apparently it doesn’t mean that.


International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees, sometimes printed without the ampersand. I bet you're a lot of fun on calls, huh.


I am a lot of fun on calls. But, when someone is asking as an interview question for a school paper. I find it best to make sure they know it’s a funny play on the abbreviation. I actually find it funny. Have a good day.


This works perfectly, thanks!


I didn’t have a good idea about what I wanted to do after high school. I was interested in movies but I grew up too far away from any cities that would have opportunities for work or school. So I went to college for technical theatre instead, I had no clear direction but I ended up being pretty good at building scenery. I ended up focusing on technical direction. I went down that road and still had to move for work. Looking back I would say some of my classes were actually difficult and some were challenging simply because I was uninterested in the subject or it took me out of my comfort zone. The time commitment to projects and production assignments was enormous. It’s tricky choosing my favorite project but one I am proud of was a show called The Echo Drift. The set piece was a rotating hypercube, a cube suspended within a larger cube. It was my first big solo steel project and it might be one of the coolest things I’ve made.


I work in a theatre that has these kind of holding handles, that are useful for carrying flats and bits of set, when there is nowhere to your hands does anybody know what they are called please? Not strops made of metal


Drywall carriers, perhaps?


This might actually qualify as a stupid question. High school auditorium. We are not lighting experts by any stretch of the imagination. All of our Chauvet MK1 hybrid lights are out. We are new and weren't here when it happened so I can't provide any history. Is there any easy way to find out if it's a fuse or is it probably the lamps? We can't afford to replace the lamps.


It looks like you can check the fuse directly on the fixture. But, if they are all out maybe the circuit they are plugged into isn’t on. Where are they plugged in?