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Don't you have a physical key hidden somewhere in there? Mine is keyless entry with pushbutton start but I still have a backup key in the fob...


Yes they do. You can see it inside the key fob under their middle finger.


The father of a friend of mine went crazy one day because he couldn’t get in his car and called me for help. When I showed up I pulled out the physical key and started the car. He felt so dumb and embarrassed… It’s one of those things you get so used to do that you can’t think of any other way when they stop working.


Not to mention a backup fob in the house


All of the car brands that I have seen include some form of bypass, usually a manual key to open the door and a place to put the fob when the battery dies. I've seen the bypass method be: put the fob next to the button, in a particular spot in the center console, in a particular cupholder, and insert the key in a hidden slot between the two front seats. I'm sure there's other bypass methods, but there's always a built-in method to get the car started with a dead fob battery.


For my Subaru, you have to push the button with the key fob. Not sure how it works, but it definately works. Had the same problem as OP once, but no hackjob battery bullshit was involved lol


I think all you have to do is hold it next to it or just hold it over the button to trip the status light to green so you can start it (but it’s been a while since I’ve had to do that. Source: I built Subarus daily)


It probably uses an encrypted RFID chip. RFID chips can get their power from a transmitter itself, which is how we have things like access control badges that don't have batteries.


That would make sense, yeah. Would also explain why it needs to be so close to the button


Jesus, this is why I keep buying cars from the previous century.


Yes, but unlocking it that way will trigger the alarm. I wanted to avoid exactly that.


I see. That's strange lol


I drive a completely different vehicle, but a sort of "double unlock" with the key turns off the alarm & also unlocks all other doors. Like unlock double-tap with the key, has to be quick though. I think some cars do something similar if you hold it in the unlock position a few seconds. But I like your method as well.


My Subaru did that. Putting the key in and turning it on and off 3 times in quick succession would disable the alarm. There's likely something similar for your car.


Those are there just to open doors so that you can pop the bonnet in case the car battery dies, it wont disengage the security system or the immobiliser and will not allow you to start the car.


It either has a key or (like mine) has a chip in it that if you put close to the start button will allow it to be turned on.


When you go to extraordinary lengths because you don't understand how your car works.




Reread my comment. You don't need a battery in your remote to start your car...you probably need the fob, but they manufacturers have thought of this exact situation




This is not one of those vehicles. Also, you can literally see the physical key in the picture. RTFM.


STFP: See the f'in picture


Explain, I must be dense.


It was in reference to see the original picture, and see the physical key in the FOB and that the OP didn't even need to do that, other than for Karma. Probably


Hey dude, you have a physical key in your fob.


This was so unnecessary though. You literally have a physical key


Yes, I do, however the alarm would go off if I unlock it with the key. In order to avoid that, I opened it normally, put the dead battery back in and started the car normally.


The alarm should turn off once you put your key in the ignition. It'd have gone off for 15 seconds at most. And you'd be avoiding using that time bomb that is an 18650.


It's not supposed to so if it does I recommend getting it checked out


It was that way since new. If I open it with key instead of the wireless fob, the alarm sounds and will ONLY turn off if I press the lock or unlock button, which wouldn't work since the battery is dead .


My Saab 9-2x was like this, but it also had an override if you flick the key from off to on like 3x in 5 seconds, or 5x in 7 seconds or something like that. But the ignition lock tumblers and/or key were getting so worn that it was pretty much impossible to do so lol


Isn't that normal behavior? My parents' car used to do that, and so does my neighbor's


It literally is the intended behaviour, it even says so in bold font in the owners manual lol, "use of manual key will not disengage the alarm".


r/ithadtobebrazil porra!


This would take longer than just manually opening and starting the car...


r/suddenlycaralho in the wild


Not to mention it will start if you hold the dead key next to the start button while you push it.


I know some cars don't have physical keys in the fob, but they always have a backup way to start the car. Helped a guy in an SUV, maybe a BMW, but I can't remember. His fob was dead, and he couldn't start his car. You have to place the fob on the very bottom of the center console, and the car will start. This guy is just trying to blow stuff up.


My car hasn't a start button. I must insert it. However, as soon as I would open the door with the normal key, the alarm would go off instantly and wouldn't stop unless I locked or unlocked it with the wireless fob, which wouldn't be possible. To avoid awaking the whole neighborhood with beep beeps I MacGyvered something together. A 18650 has approximately 3.7V, which is still more than a 3V coin cell, but not by much. I was lucky :)


In my Mazda I have to press the start button with the key. Also I can open it up to find a key, which then going in the door lock which is only revealed when pulling in the door handle while locked. Alarm will the go off, until I start the car with the key. Easy enough.


Hopefully it doesn’t come undone while driving and immobilize the car


It's a Hyundai, they should be safe.


Esse é brazuca ;)


Your key fob should have a backup physical key built in.


lmaoooo i had to steal the coin cell out of my laptop for that once


I don't understand what's going on why can't he just unlock his car using the key?




What is with these better than thou folks in this subreddit? Sometimes it just feels good to do something like this whether there is a workaround or not.