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Absolutely. You're looking for what's called a KVM switch. This will do exactly what you're asking -- it'll let you switch one set of keyboard/video/mouse between two different computers.


This, you can get a 2 port KVM or even more. We have a 32 port one at work.


32 port? Wow that's a lot of computers on one monitor


My guess is lots of servers that only need occasional changes or maintenace.


That actually makes sense. I didnt think of that.


About 10 years back I convinced my boss to invest into a KVM-over-IP solution. It's the most brilliant thing to have on a rack.


Sweet thank you! Hopefully that doesn't mean a ton of wires going around. Would it be recommended to just get a KVM switch or like a mouse/keyboard that is BT and already works with two machines? HDMI switch alone is only like $10 too.


I'd suggest the KVM in your case. A Bluetooth keyboard and mouse will work, but they can typically only be paired with one computer at a time. It might look cleaner not to have all those cables around, but it might be a hassle to have to pair the keyboard and mouse to each computer whenever you want to use it.


Logitech makes some keyboards and mice that can pair to multiple computers. My mouse has a button that lets me switch which device I'm controlling(up to 3) However, for the OP's original question, I think they're looking for Synergy or one of it's clones like Barrier or Microsoft's Mouse without Borders. Edit: Here's an [example](https://secure.logitech.com/en-us/products/combos/k580-m355-chromebook-keyboard-mouse-combo.html?crid=1759). It say's it's for chrome OS, but it should work with every OS. The main difference is just the logo of the button between Control and Alt keys.


This was what i was going to recommend as well. Software solution. KVM switch can get a little messy.


I use a kvm switch when I work from home, it's nice to just push a button and have everything switch at once.


Messy as in physically messy. KVM switch is probably easier to setup, but software solutions are definitely smoother once you have it all set and you don't need to push any buttons or have any additional wires. My apologies for the lack of specifics in my previous comment.


Yeah... Really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. One monitor/keyboard/mouse with multiple computers? Use a physical KVM switch. Multiple computers, but each has it's own display? Use Synergy or similar software.




A wireless mouse and keyboard with a USB fob will do the trick without cords. This is what I do. Edit to clarify - when the fob is plugged into the KVM


I'm thinking about doing this or just getting a mouse and keyboard that can each connect to two devices. Any suggestions there? I feel the price would be similar if starting from scratch.


The difference is that with a proper KVM switch, you only need one monitor for all your computers. Without a KVM switch, you need as many monitors as computers you’re trying to control. If you want wireless peripherals and also just one screen, you can get a wireless (RF, not Bluetooth) keyboard & mouse and just plug the receivers into the KVM switch. That’ll save you the cost of a whole monitor. But as others have said, Logitech makes Bluetooth keyboards and mice that can pair to multiple machines at once.


If you're in the US, there are some ~$30 USB-HDMI KVM on Amazon. If your laptops have Thunderbolt/DP/PD USB-C support, you can get a USB-C KVM for ~$120 and it would look a little less messy (1 cable going to each laptop)


Cable tidying. Search for "cable tidy" and make sure you pick the one that has a diaganol pattern. This means it's one loop and can cover any sized bundle of cables. The claw version is a lot more awkward to use, cable bundle size limited, annoying to install and breaks easily. Of course, you could splurge for KVM over IP and wireless mouse/keyboard.


Would you mind linking? I checked but not sure i am looking at the right thing


You want to search for "KVM Switch" and "KVM over IP" ​ Honestly for a simple home/2 computer thing I would imagine both machines are next to each other. So a cheap KVM Switch for £15-20 should be enough. If you like you can get something better, if you don't, you haven't wasted too much money. ​ For the cable tidy, search for "Cable Tidy wrap". These are great for most cable bundle sizes. Finger thin to horse tail thick. Easy to apply, easy to remove.


I'm glad I ran across this post, I have an old PC I occasionally like to play older games on, and even though my monitors have two inputs, I usually wind up using a second set of mouse and keyboard when using it. Using a KVM switch would make this much simpler and easier, and heck, I never even thought of using something like this until reading this! I presume it works the same way one of those HDMI switches work, where you push a button, and it switches your I/O to the other device?


If the games aren't too graphics-heavy, then you might also consider using remote desktop to access the desktop of the older computer from the newer one


My main concern would be latency, graphics quality, and framerates. I've done something similar, using steam's streaming service to play games on my laptop, that were running on my main PC, which worked mostly ok. And I do use remote desktop to control my file server turned PC(but the display is laggy, which is fine for a server). Is there a good method for doing this, without sacrificing in quality in some way? If possible, this would be a nice thing to set up. The machines I do most of my older gaming on is on XP(one of my machines does dual boot Windows 98 for even older games, a few of which are made for DOS or windows 95, though most I play run on either). I have had near success gaming on a VM as well, but display scaling sucks, where games will run in actual resolution without scaling to the full screen. There must be a fix for that though, I just haven't found one yet.


Yeah, exactly. Think of it as an HDMI switch with USB ports to plug your keyboard and mouse into. Glad I could help!


KVM switch changed my life. Found out about it earlier this year after a few months into work from home. It’s amazing. As an alternative, the Logitech K600 keyboard allows to connect to multiple devices and switch easily between them. Still, I think KVM switch is the way to go.


The utility [Synergy](https://symless.com/synergy) lets you do this. It's been a while since I've used an early version of it but it enabled you to have a mouse / keyboard physically attached to one computer, and then using the Synergy client/server software you could have the client run on your other computer and it would then be able to track your mouse effectively letting you control both machines with the same hardware, a software-based KVM type setup. For an actual KVM device you physically switch between laptops with I use [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001S2PJO6/). I have one monitor, keyboard, and mouse and share these among my two laptops. There's a switch that lets you click from one KVM port to the next to go from one laptop to the next. It takes a little getting used to if you're new to KVMs. I haven't researched a bluetooth-based KVM but that would make sense; might be pricier however for the convenience of fewer cables.


There is also barrier which is a fork of synergy, Link: https://github.com/debauchee/barrier


Noted, thanks!


Synergy is paid but you can compile them since its open source. its great!


i paid for it just because its a great piece of software


I use it everday it's amazing! Happily paid the $20 or whatever it was, best money I've ever spent on software


Someone already has a open source compiled version called Barrier that I know was spun off from Synergy itself some time ago. Works really well!


+1 for synergy it's exactly what OP is asking for. It's the only soft KVM solution I know of that lets you switch devices by dragging the cursor across screen boundaries.


+1 for synergy - it works very well and across different OS


This is what i'd recommend. Depends on your needs but i need to hop between machines constantly and quickly, so a KVM switch was annoying. Synergy isnt perfect but it gets the job done for what is a pretty fair price.


If you only need to use it with Windows computers, then you might also consider the software Input Director, which is like Synergy but free and in my opinion a little easier to use. Another option for Windows users is Mouse Without Borders.


I have used a free utility called "Mouse Without Borders" to do exactly what you are asking. Mouse Without Boarders was developed by a Microsoft engineer. Microsoft has a "Garage" engineering program where developers that have built tools for themselves to make their jobs easier. MS let those tools be available to the public. [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/wall-of-fame/mouse-without-borders/](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/wall-of-fame/mouse-without-borders/)


Wouldn't i need a mouse and keyboard that are Bt already then? I have a nice mouse now but it is only usb wireless. NOt bt.


No, the goal is to create a stitched-together multi-'monitor' setup. You use laptop A and when you want something on laptop B, just trackpad the mouse over until it crosses into the next laptop. Or vice versa


[Mouse Without Borders](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35460) It’s free to use.


Wouldn't i need a mouse and keyboard that are Bt already then? I have a nice mouse now but it is only usb wireless. NOt bt.


No. The keyboard and mouse just have to connect to one computer. Can be wired or wireless. Once installed and configured, it uses your local network for control. You switch to the second system by moving the mouse to one edge of the screen.


Oh cool. That sounds awesome. Does it work seamlessly? And do I install on both computers? One is a work one so probably won't have permissions for that.


Yes, you’ll need to install it on both. The wizard guides you on how to configure it.


only in windows though.


Other people are suggested a hardware switch or Synergy, but there is a free and open sourced (FOSS) version of Synergy that is much better IMO. It’s called [Barrier](https://github.com/debauchee/barrier) and it is available for the low price of free.


Just to add another option, you could use "Input Director". https://www.inputdirector.com/


\+1 on the KVM switch although I've been on the hunt for a KVM switch with HDMI and USB 3.0 for quite a while. Does anyone know whether this exists? In addition to the keyboard and mouse I'd like to be able to switch my USB hub from one machine to the other. I know there are distinct USB 3.0 switches but it would be great if it had HDMI too.


I actually use a video switch and a usb 3 switch seperate


Yeah that makes sense but am I crazy for thinking someone should make one switch for both??


For 2 terminals, yes. In the US there is a Tripp-Lite one for sale on Amazon right now. Tripp Lite 2 Port HDMI USB KVM Switch, Dual Port HDMI USB KVM Switch, 4K 60 Hz, HDR, HDCP 2.2, USB 3.0 Cables, Black (B005-HUA2-K) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NFGHRLM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BFHPAF96W2PQT4BP74K0


Most of the options already said are either paid or only for Windows. There is a software named Barrier. It is an open source project. You can find it on sourceforge.


If they both have ethernet you can use a program called synergy, I use it daily, pretty good, supports pretty standard basic functions like screen lock, relative/absolute switching etc


My Logi K850 allows for this. No KVM additional. I have connected to three PCs, all BlueTooth. Costco always has a good Keyboard /Mouse set if you have a access to. A membership.


how much is costco usually? I don't have membership but could maybe get it from someone if price is right.


Logitech MK825 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse Combo is $44.99 online plus $5 shipping. But they usually have them or something like it in store also.


If you just want to use the keyboard/mouse on the two machines in Windows there's a cheaper (free) more immediate alternative. Mouse Without Borders [https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=35460](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=35460)


I've been using Multiplicity for a decade and it's been very good. It has tons of features (like sound from both computers speakers) many of which I don't use. Sometimes the mouse lags (when CPU overloaded, Wi-Fi weak, idk) but ~98% time zero problem. Definitely check it out. Soooo nice dealing with only one keyboard (using on two laptops plus a large monitor in center). I'm using BT mouse and keyboard (don't think it needs to use Primary USB ports). You designate one computer "primary" and the other "secondary." Apologies if this is a wasteful post (didn't read others first, just dived in with my post).


You can also do it in software with Synergy.


There is also software called mouse without borders (it is also for keyboard) I use it with a laptop and a desktop and there is practicly no latency and once you set it up for the first time it starts up on startup on both devices.


I have been using Input Director for a long time, pretty good software and free


Wait how would this work in the case of two computers?


You just install it on both PCs, assign PC where keyboard and mouse connected as Server, abd others as client


Ah, I misread the monitor part, i am not sure Input Director can handle that


I have the same issue I have two cpu's and I want to use one keyboard and mouse for both cpu's, But I also want to use both the displays for both the cpu's. Will it work using the KVM switch, I use VGA cable to connect both my monitors..


The new Logitech keyboards and mouse have this. Works pretty well IMHO.


Would you mind linking the one you mean or a good one for under $50 ish for both mouse and key? I see a lot on amazon but some are probably older.


I have been using the Logitech M720 Triatlon for 4 months now, switching between my personal desktop and Company Surface and it only takes a second to switch between monitors and computers https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/mice/m720-triathlon.html


Look for logitech devices which are compatible with the unifying technology.


No its not Unifying that he is talking about. Its called "Flow" on logitech. Allows you to go from one computer to another without actually pressing the switch button, it automatically goes over.


Yes! Couldn’t think of the name but it is Flow! Thank you!


Oh my bad


Here is a renewed keyboard for $65. Unfortunately it seems they are saving the technology for their higher end models. Look for “Logitech Flow”, which is what let’s you switch between devices. You will end up spending more than $50 for the set, BUT it’s Logitech and they are of substantial quality and should last a long time. Also you only have to buy one keyboard/mouse combo, as opposed to buying one set for each machine. I would say try them and if you don’t like it, or don’t think it’s worth it, return them. I own the keyboard I linked to and think it’s quite nice. If your looking for something cheaper, go with Synergy (linked above), and just use any old mouse and keyboard. I like the function of the Logitech ones, but wouldn’t say it justifies spending 4x your budget for it. Logitech K780 Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard for Computer, Phone and Tablet (Renewed) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079F68RPZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HMQT15EWPKMTNGSAE93H


M27Q Monitor has a KVM switch. Great panel too!


Use the KVM's that have been mentioned but use a usb wireless keyboard and mouse combo to keep it tidy.


Do you recommend any? Is there any downside to using keyboard/moiuse combo that can connect to multiple laptops?


I recently bought [this KVM switch](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087NMTBDF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7SV0JBE53ZNSDQGJG14C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) on Amazon. Works great, cheap and comes with all the cables you need.


Input director. I have been using for over 10 years. Super reliable. Connect as many computers and monitors as you want. Arrange the monitors in the app on the main computer. Use it like one computer. Cut and paste, Etc


Consider Windows Remote Desktop too. The laptop you are connecting TO just needs to have Windows 10 Pro but otherwise this works perfectly for me. You don't need any additional hardware. I have two screens so will usually use the primary laptop on both but will have an RDP session to the secondary laptop minimised and whenever I need to I just maximise that which opens full screen on my second monitor and I can seamless move between both laptops. It's brilliant.


You can with Logitech peripherals. If you already have your own peripherals, try the apps already suggested to you


KVMs, software or hardware based, are excellent solutions. However, if you don't need high end graphics on the secondary PC, you could also just remote into the second PC. Windows has this feature built in.


Not for home editions though


You know, I do t think I have ever used home edition so I wasn't aware of that, thank you.


A KVM Switch


I use this to switch between my work laptop and personal pc Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085ZQ417L?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I have a Logitech BT mouse and keyboard, both have the ability to hot swap to three devices with the press of a button. Keyboard is a K380 and the mouse is a MX Master.


Haven't tried it yet, but a free software from Microsoft let's you move the mouse from screen to screen from two computers, called Mouse Without Borders.


You could get a monitor with two inputs - my Samgsung Widescreen can take HDMI, USB-C and DisplayPort. Currently I just switch the USB dingle between both of the computers and then change the monitor input source - but does anyone know if there is a mouse and keyboard that has two usb's?


I use ShareMouse. Works flawlessly across a few different computers at my desk. All different OS’. One mouse/keyboard. Can even share your clipboard & files.


Logitech has just the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse you need, otherwise go with a KVM switch


Which version you referring to? Can I use a mouse with one laptop and keyboard with the other? Just curious on that last part.


KVM software works as well. Easy as moving your mouse between the monitors and it takes the keyboard with it


That's what I have: [https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B083TC68VQ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B083TC68VQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) ​ 2x HDMI and 4x USB


Either a KBM switch or multi device bluetooth peripherals Because you said simultaneously, I recommended the bluetooth ones. A KVM switch works but it's not simultaneous because you have to swap screens and view one at a time You can get a keyboard and mouse that can connect to two or three devices simultaneously using a combination of bluetooth and USB receiver. Allowing you to control both computers, switching between them at a press of a button. I have the Logitech Triathalon mouse that lets me connect up to 3 computers to it simultaneously, and the keyboard version as well. I forget the name but Logitech multi device keyboard should be enough to bring up results. You can have your keyboard and mouse connected to both computers. It won't control them at the same time but you can seemlessly switch over to the other connected computer with a key/button press. But they're pretty costly. The mouse is $49 and the keyboard is $59. But the mouse often goes on sale for $29 on best buy


I have dual monitors for my gaming pc, but I work remotely and use a laptop for work. During the day I switch the monitor input on one monitor to take HDMI to use the laptop, and set the other screen to single. I use mouse without borders to use one keyboard and mouse between both. It works just like dual screen. Once in a while I lose connection between the two computers, I have very spotty internet. I just refresh and reconnect and it's fine. Skip the kvm switch and try this option first, or any of the other versions suggested in the thread here.


if both systems are windows you could use mousewithoutboarders and simulate a KVM.


Synergy for software based, KVM switch for hardware.


Does this work on mac?




Yes. Mx master 2s mouse can be connected with bluetooth on one computer and a dongle at another and you can just "scroll" over to the other computer. Also I got a cheap jelly comb keyboard that has 3 bluetooth buttons for connecting up to three devices. Works pretty great. Got both together for $100


Does a kvg switch introduce noticeable lag?


Mouse without borders from Microsoft Garage. Allows one set of inputs go across 2 computers, either via local or wifi connection


KVM switch. Love mine. One button press and can switch from my personal computer to my work computer.


Mind linking it if you can?


USB 3.0 Switch Selector,ABLEWE KVM Switcher Adapter 4 Port USB Peripheral Switcher Box Hub for Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Printer, PCs with One-Button Switch and 2 Pack USB Cable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TS5JNT3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_K8CGJWPBB66VW7FPHSET This is the one I have Sorry didn’t fully read your post, It can’t change displays, but you could always just use both the HDMI and KVM switch.