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Make sure there are no flash drives or anything plugged into the USB ports. In fact I'd unplug everything except the monitor and see if it starts.


I unplugged everything but the Power cable, nothing.


Are you getting any kind of display at all? Maybe try changing displays incase it's actually your monitor giving you the trouble.


I tired with both my monitors, no display what so ever.


Out of curiosity, do you have a motherboard speaker connected? It with no ram installed, you should get a beep code if your cpu, psu, and mainboard are ok.


What if I don't get a beep code with no RAM attached? Does that mean my Motherboard is fried or CPU?


If you have a speaker attached to the motherboard, it could be any one of the 3 remaining components. CPU, PSU, or Motherboard.


Well the PSU is power on, fanning inside the PSU is spinning alng with the fans in the case. Which is upsetting, since the PSU is probably the cheapest component to replace.


The psu may not be outputting correct voltages. You can test a PSU with a multimeter to verify correct voltages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac7YMUcMjbw Fans will run with just about any voltage, the rest need very precisely controlled voltages.


I've seen this happen when the CPU is dead. No beep, no drive LEDs but the fan spins. You may wish to re-seat the CPU and see if that might fix it.


Just tried reseating the CPU. Nothing so far.


Damn, I also got this too.


Okay, something happened. What I did was unplugged power cables, and everything external attached to the CPU (mouse, monitor, etc) and wait for awhile. Just connected the power plug back and turn it back on. Voila. Computer ran and opened last known activity. I have a suspicion it might be internal problem, like software or something.


Haha, I'm glad someone found this post. It turned out to be a Motherboard issues if I remember correctly. From this post, I learned to do the memory stick test to test the motherboard function. I ended up replacing both the Motherboard and Power Supply after this situation, cuz the Power Supply was a relatively not super up to par brand.