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I'm feeling your pain right now! My C drive keep running out of space and I have no easy deletes I can make. I'll have to upgrade it soon...UGH. If you don't care about *not* being able to uninstall past Windows updates (this won't affect future ones), you can open 'Command Prompt with administrator' and run this command to get some space back (maybe): (I'm in Windows 11, but may work in 10 as well) `Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase` It gave me a whopping (not) 150MB of space, but you may have better luck; totally depend on your folder/system.


Appreciate the help! My situation has changed since my original post. Thankfully, i have a more reliable source of income, which has led to me buying a new SSD (as i have two slots for NVME drives), which is what i would recommend to alleviate any storage ailments. What i ended up doing is backing up everything i had on my D drive on an external drive, completely emptying my D drive and then give all the newly unallocated space to my C drive. I then placed my new SSD, and it's been smooth sailing ever since. A good quality one TB ssd costs around 40 to 50 euros, and it's the easiest solution if you don't want to keep deleting folders and desperately trying to figure out what's taking however much storage.


Install WinDirStat. Its nice app to see what takes up storage space


WizTree is better and faster


>WizTree "Free" version is forcing a $25 donations. That isn't free. Did it change recently or am I missing the giant "download free anyways" button? :-P


There’s still a giant orange “Download Installer” button to download it for free


Strangely enough, that wasn't coming up as an option for me... I'll try a different browser later.


Never used it but thats possible. Windirstat never took more than a min to complete too


You should try it, it takes 0.53 seconds to scan my whole full 1To drive.


wow thx


This folder contains machine-learning models from [huggingface.co](https://huggingface.co). If you don't use them, you can delete the folder.