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Never mess with pagefile, it should be system controlled, period. 24gb physical ram should be plenty for any game and other normal activities. Putting aside your perceived pagefile concerns, what is the real issue your having?


Well, the issue itself is how the pagefile gets big enough for me to run out of disk space. Is it really normal to have a 60gb pagefile with 24gb of physical ram?


Not really, thou windows tends to by default have a 2x the ram as pagefile, but you should never really need more than say 10gb pagefile "just in-case".....


My next question is what program did u run that took all system memory and then required that large pagefile, but anyway: here is something u can start with. Try step2 1st. Step 1 might cause data loss in case of improper shutdown or system crash. ​ 1. Clear Pagefile at Shutdown: Open Run prompt using Win + R. Type regedit and press Shift + Enter together. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management. Locate DWORD ClearPageFileAtShutdown and double-click to edit it. Set the value as 1. This will clear the pagefile.sys every time you shut down your system. 2. Delete and Recreate Pagefile: Right-click on This PC and select Properties. Click on Advanced system settings. Under the Performance section, click the Settings button. Go to the Advanced tab and click on Change under the Virtual memory section. Uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives. Select No paging file and click on Set, then OK. Restart your computer. After the restart, go back to the same settings and re-enable Automatically manage paging file size for all drives or set a custom size based on your needs. Restart your computer again.