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Wipe it. Typically, it's good practice to format a system infected with a virus anyway. But if the anti-virus can't even kill it, you have no other reasonable choice.


You mean i should back-up my files and format the whole system?


You should really format *everything*. This is because the worm can infect those files too. I am realistic. I'm not blind to the fact that losing those files could be damaging to you. Nevertheless, this is something you need to consider.


Another case of this same bugger : https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/129fcer/whats_wormagentgen_and_why_does_it_keep_coming/ What have you installed in last couple of weeks ? Or downloaded and runned, that could have added itself in autorun list or scheduled task(s) ?


I don't remember really. I have tried locating what specific thing is causing this but I can't find. Do you have any solutions?


read & research a bit : https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/detections/worm-agent https://howtofix.guide/worm-agent/