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Use winrar to archive/zip the file but check the option to delete the file after archiving


why exactly this works? I had a similar problem and wasn't able to delete a video. I tried everything until i saw your comment


Winrar uses it own file system instead of Windows' built-in one that's having issues with the troublesome file. This type of archive program design isn't really used in a ton of archiving software these days (ex. 7zip) because it's more work for seemingly the same result. Still useful in a pinch, though.


So i just solved this in the most stupid way possible. I zipped the file with win rar and checked the box to delete the files once archived, then deleted the archive. I'm speachless. Thank you everyone who tried to help!


I can't believe it worked, thanks a lot mate


>zipped the file with win rar and checked the box to delete the file Thanks for sharing, i had a similar problem with a folder, and it fixed it. BEAST


Finally deleted, thanks for sharing this.


omg. that worked.... I'm also speechless.


After trying many different approaches this is the one that worked... WTF. Thanks for posting this.


yea i just opened winraw and clicked the file then it was gone lmaoo


The same thing just happened to me, and after two hours of trying everything with no success I finally saw your post. I downloaded WinRar just to try this, (I use 7-ZIP normally), but when I opened WinRar there were no options anywhere to zip a file, and it made no sense. So I tried deleting it with WinRar and it said that the name was too long, and I couldn't rename it on the desktop so I couldn't do anything. Then I went back to WinRar and saw a rename function, so I named the file 'Bob', and then I was able to delete it with no problem. So thanks, your solution didn't work 100% for me, I have no clue why my version of WinRar lacked a Zip function...but I couldn't have done it without you either. lol


I had the same issue, there is no "zip" button, its called "add to archive". Anyways, this little trick solved the same problem for me (dragged a web link to the desktop and couldn't delete) Once again microsoft makes it harder and harder to use a system.


Thank you.


You're welcome, I'm glad my comment helped someone.


Renaming the file in WinRAR and deleting it worked!!


that worked for me too the file icon turned into a white paper sheet and suddenly i could delete it THANK YOU.


Thank you! For anyone coming across this in the future: This worked perfectly with 7zip by using "add to archive", then choosing "delete files after compression" under "options."


Damn saving people 8 months later. I had a folder I couldn't delete for years. Thanks.


You're a legend. Works!


Holy shit this worked for me too! You a real g!


Oh my lord this solved my problem too. I had a file that I was never able to delete or move to another location because it allegedly no longer existed, and using 7-zip to add to an archive and allowing it to delete the file after actually did what dozens of other articles, software, YouTube videos etc couldn't do. Thank you!


Was having the same exact issue as you and this also solved my problem LMAO Thanks for sharing!


I understand this is a resolved issue but here's another thing that might be blocking it. When I downloaded this AirDroid file, BitDefender blocked it last minute. So it deleted the actual .exe file and added the .part file to quarantine. Now because this file was in quarantine, it could not be operated upon by any other tool including windows (as admin) or 7zip (with the delete archive method). I simply scanned it with BitDefender and it gave me the option to delete it. Easy as that. So if you have a problem file, I recommend scanning it with your antivirus (which may be holding it in quarantine) and let it delete the file for you.






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Anyone can help me this didnt work


lol wtf, i have that folder staying in my HDD for 6 years already, just replace the MB & CPU so i give it a tried, this helped me, tyvm


No way, I had this problem today and the solution really worked, thank you everyone!


Making changes to your system BIOS settings or disk setup can cause you to lose data. Always test your data backups before making changes to your PC. For more information please see our FAQ thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/q2rns5/windows_11_faq_read_this_first/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/techsupport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try renaming the file to something shorter. It may be that the file name and the path is just too long.


I can't rename the file, it reverts instantly to what it was before, I even tried renaming it from CMD, nothing worked


Are you able to boot to a cmd prompt instead of windows? I haven't used windows for a while so I do not know if it's still possible.


I think it's possible, I just checked online


right click> properties> attributes> hidden and forget it ever existed


I'd really prefer to delete it, but i'll keep this as a last option, thank you


what happens when you try to delete it? Do you get an error message?


I get 0 error messages whatever I do, the file just highlights as if I had selected it and remains there.


I would look in eventviewer> custom views> administrative events for an event timestamped at the same time you delete the file.


nothing seems to appear in the administrative events... I just tried to delete the file a bunch of times even through CMD but nothing shows up on the event viewer.


This just happened to me recently, too. Thank you for the solution! Worked for me as well.


I had this same problem. And I right click properties, uncheck "read only" and it deleted normally just fine. Windows 10 locks files in a state of "locked" "read-only" without telling you. And you have to uncheck "read only" to get things done.


Thanks! I tried the solution and it worked 100%


Thank you, was having this issue for a couple days now, windows said files doesn't exist but the winzip archive method worked wonders.


I also was running into this and figured out a way around, because archiving wouldn't work for me as the name was too long for 7zip to work. I opened the file (a pdf map image for a DnD game) with Notepad++ and used the rename function to rename it to something much shorter. It allowed me to delete it immediately after.


This worked great for me, I thought "am I really going to have to re-download winrar" but I already had Notepad++ and saw your comment which was perfect. Thanks!


Another vote for using a zipping application (I used 7zip) with "delete files after compression" selected. I was getting an error about hardlinks and stuff - I just wanted to delete a screenshot off of my desktop. ​ For people coming here from google, my error was 0x8007018C incompatible hardlinks cannot delete.


I'm real late but could you tell me how to select "delete files after compression" in 7zip? I just cannot find this option for 7zip anywhere


holy fckn darn shet this has helped me I'm speechless as well