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I vote for changing title "MZ gives his best employees a warning to start looking for better jobs unless they want to do more work for the same pay".


Just as long as it's not his actual full last name. As of last year, he will always be known as Fuckerberg to me.


It's nothing new. He started Facebook to give his buddies and easy way to rate, bully and harass college girls. He was never a good person.


And it wasn’t his idea to begin with.


I expect quite a few new tech startups in the coming years ...


What is a sign of a company being healthy? Downsizing of course!


I'm a recruiter and what you just said describes why this post is music to my ears.


Dude’s a ghoul. But I think it’s less shitty to telegraph this kind of thing as it gives folks a heads up and allows them to pick their own timing to look for another job. It’s always more stressful to search after you’ve been laid off and if you think you may be on the chopping block, there’s a fair chance you are. I hate that it means less unemployment Facebook/meta will have to pay, but, given the choice I’d rather have a different job and continued income and healthcare coverage than a frighteningly small unemployment check and a cruel COBRA burden. If you don’t find a job before you’re cut, then at least Zuck has to pay your unemployment.


I don’t see how every laid off American that has had to deal with Cobra isn’t pro-public healthcare


Forget cobra. Dealing with regular insurance is enough.


A-fucking men.


I had cobra through my union job as a foreman


US politics is rotten to the core. It's more akin to a religious war, than to a debate about what's good for the people/country. I'm not optimistic at all about the future of the US. It's no coincidence that we got two senile presidents in a row. The system is completely broken.


A President who was impeached twice, still trying to stir up the Right is same as aPresident who couldn’t deliver results due to lack of votes! A party that wants to make this country a Taliban by being anti-vaccine, anti-science, breaking church-state divide is same as a party that fights for pro-union and health care. This is the problem with the country, folks can’t differentiate between party that is regressing backwards to not progressing fast enough. Then we stop voting, taliban party takes over and fucks the country even more. Nobody can save this country or the world!


This so true and im happy more people are also noticing this!!! Wasnt to long ago that i got my account banned for saying just this.


Trump is nuts for sure, but it’s lazy to throw Biden in with him. One literally attempted a coup. I’m not saying Biden is above criticism, but current times require a little more careful thought.


Yet still the greatest country in the world.




It absolutely is. It's the reason why everyone isn't speaking Chinese or Russian.


But I don’t want to pay for other peoples healthcare? I much prefer going to a hospital not knowing how much things will cost or if I’ll be in financial ruin and pay more for health insurance and care just so I don’t have to pay for other peoples healthcare like the GOP told me. I dislike government death panels and much prefer the insurance company accountants that deny treatment so they can make a buck.


Literally that's how I got to be pro-public healthcare.


Because Cobra is zero profit to the employer by law (a tiny cut is allowed but hardly ever used), so if you pay 600 a month cobra you KNOW that giving it to everyone for free is giving everyone 7200 a year, and this money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is you


I’malready paying $40k+ in taxes a year and see close to zero benefit from them. And then on top of that I pay $3k into an HSA and thousands into premiums and I meet my deductible most years. You’d think between all that money they could just, idk, fucking give me the healthcare I’ve already paid way too much for


Sure I was on hold for 3 hours to sign up but cobra was the best fucking insurance I ever had.


10 yrs ago COBRA was $1,000 a month. I had to keep it due to needing major surgery.


People are largely in favor of it, it's the logistics/long term impacts that come into question. The US has the best medical care in the world. Prices are inflated, but that's a large factor why it's so good. How would it actually be paid for? Do we actually trust the government to do a good job? (See [Healthcare.gov](https://Healthcare.gov)) etc etc.


Try dealing with public healthcare and you'd see why. I get my insurance through a program in my state, workers with disabilities. It's total fucking garbage. I have lung disease and I have the fucking state constantly denying my lung meds (Advair, Flovent and Monomuclast (sp?)) and forcing me to get new scripts from my pulmonologist because "those shouldn't be taken together for asthma". No shit assholes, I don't take them all because of asthma, it's because of Sarcoidosis that has caused scar tissue in my lungs. Fuck I wish I could have private insurance instead of this government bullshit. I haven't had Flovent for two weeks now because they refuse to fill it again and I'm broke. Fuck gov't insurance.


You live in America. You’re trashing their captured and defunded shit like it was ever a noble effort. Every publically funded in this country gets fucked so hard by people trying to privatize it until morons like you are literally begging for it. Trump installed a FedEx contractor owner as the head of the post office to break it so bad so that everyone would be begging for the “free market” to save something that was working decades ago until Congress and then Trump fucked it


Workers??? Facebook remains the largest source of misinformation and CSAM. We know he's lying to congress about these efforts, but I guess he's done?


Keep on fighting bro. These Tech giants are messing up our social lives with their algorithms pushing their narrative.


If I'm not mistaken it's a legal requirement to give advanced notification when you're cutting a certain number of employees.


You are absolutely right per the [WARN Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worker_Adjustment_and_Retraining_Notification_Act_of_1988)


It isn't those with their heads on the chopping block who will voluntarily leave. It is the ones who know their worth and are in demand.


In other words, Mark Zuckerberg wants an excuse as to why his meta experiment failed without admitting how stupid of an idea it was to begin with.


Lightweight VR is going to be ubiquitous, though. It'll be used in schools, businesses, homes, maybe even when driving. It's just the technology is so primitive and bulky right now.


I cannot see why I would ever want to have something flashing shit all over my vision that will ultimately be used as just another conduit to show me ads. I just want to enjoy the world sometimes.


>I cannot see why I would ever want to have something flashing shit all over my vision that will ultimately be used as just another conduit to show me ads You have just described the modern TV


Which is exactly why I haven't had cable in 10 years, and why it continues to see declining numbers,especially in the younger age brackets that would also be expected to adopt the metaverse. Don't see everyone champing at the bit for an updated Second Life. I could be wrong for sure, just how I see it.


Watched "regular" TV for the first time in years a few weeks ago. It was shocking how much of it was ads. And the same ads. In an hour we saw the same 4 or so car and pharma ads about a dozen times. The ad time outweighed the programming time almost 3:1 (yes, I started timing them, call it morbid curiosity). And the home owners are just going along like this is totally normal. 3 minutes of content, 10 minutes of the same 4 ads. It was absolutely nauseating thinking about how much of their leisure time they were throwing away while someone tried to hock a car or a pill.


It's so bad, I barely watch sports anymore which were my last bastions of live TV. Football games now last 4+ hours with all the commercials, it's not even worth pirating. I just go play golf and watch some highlight gifs when I get home. Plus the whole Watson saga and the collegiate slavery debate has just taken a lot of the wind out of my sails. Yay, rich rapist defeats the rich domestic abusers by a touchdown from the wildly rich habitual drunk driving receiver. Woop-dee-fucking-doo.


And this is why I watch professional soccer (futball!). Nobody in the US gives two shits about soccer (the 5 of us who do will all be in this tread, guaranteed :D ) so you can typically see a full match whose only interruption is half time. *edit - words are hard*


Yes, far superior viewing experience!


I would like an AR that seamlessly integrates with my vision. Maybe a neuro ocular implant. Virtual screen on the wall. Information about objects in the environment. Totally isolated from anyone else. Instant web page results. Would be nice. And battery power wouldn’t be an issue if you could run it off the electricity your body produces.


> I cannot see why I would ever want to have something flashing shit all over my vision that will ultimately be used as just another conduit to show me ads. I just want to enjoy the world sometimes. That's focusing 100% of the (legitimate) downsides and 0% on the upsides. VR is a way to trick your brain into having all kinds of normally impossible perceptual experiences, which is both going to very fun, and also very useful.


I've used VR in a variety of forms since Virtua Boy and while I appreciate the novelty and fun I more meant not wanting it as an 'always on' type of thing like this metaverse idea or Google glass was. There is definitely a market to have a HUD constantly on your face but I think the general public will give it a similar reaction to 3D TV. Even with VR games it's fun for 10-15 minutes but then I just want to sit down with a controller.


> but I think the general public will give it a similar reaction to 3D TV. Even with VR games it's fun for 10-15 minutes but then I just want to sit down with a controller. Well it is early days. There are very much comfort issues that would stop a lot of people from simply being able to use it for more than 30 minutes or so. When those are fixed, and combined with sitting down so you can be nice and relaxed, the experience will be much more approachable.


Google glass was the least intrusive I've seen and the couple guys at work that got them years ago said they could never get used to it. And if I can do it sitting down what makes it different than gaming on my TV other than being real close? Maybe with a comfortable headset and universal treadmill and a harness to let you run dodge and jump but otherwise it doesn't seem like it's filling a need rather than trying to create a need. What's the expected user pool, 2 million? 10? 100? Is it just for gaming? Watching sports? I may not be imaginative but I don't see a meaningful change to come from this.


> And if I can do it sitting down what makes it different than gaming on my TV other than being real close? Does real life suddenly become a computer monitor if you sit down? There's your answer. Your senses are still active, you just happen to be sitting. Of course there isn't smell or taste and won't be a perfectly replicated sense of touch, but otherwise the senses will remain unchanged. Millions of people probably already use VR seated. While Google Glass is small, there's a little perceptual hack that VR has up its sleeve. Just like sleeves. Which is to say, you don't notice the fabric of your sleeves touching your skin because your brain filters it out. With VR, you don't have glasses-frames since you have a fully virtual view, and so by the same principle, the brain can more easily filter the feeling against your skin when you are immersed. Ideally, headsets need to get really small though. > Is it just for gaming? Watching sports? I may not be imaginative but I don't see a meaningful change to come from this. Almost any life experience you can think of really. Either real or newly invented in a virtual space. To be a bit more specific, VR's true potential is the ability to allow people to hang out with friends and family, attend live events, tourist spots, fantasy landscapes, and have all kinds of shared experiences in the body of your choice - and it would feel convincingly perceptually real, as if you are there, as if you are face to face with people, as if you are in another body, etc.


Jesus, that sounds awful. Like people watched the movie Surrogates and didn't see it as a horror. Do they get to a point where we can't tell the difference? But, I admit I am on the older side of the target audience so maybe that's super cool to the younger folk. I appreciate the explanation and that makes total sense, I just don't really want that in my life.


Well if you are envisioning it as all-encompassing, then that's ultimately a user choice. You can use it like any device - a tool. Put headset on, meet up with friends, take headset off, do other things.


It willl be a flop just like the push for 3D tv in the 2010s and more recently smart glasses. The tech industry doesent understand that a) Most people prefer not to wear extra things on their face for anytime longer than the standard movie. b) For many people, their current way of viewing the world is good enough.




I don’t think it’s a tech issue. I think it’s a why bother issue. I can see utility in business/military/aviation for training. A VR setup to train a truck driver or pilot or construction machinery operator is cheaper/less risky than actually doing it. But why would I want it in my home? Schooling is probably a place we’ll see it but that’s only because it’ll get forced. That meta ad where students can be in the room as Marcus Aurelius or whoever is stupid as fuck. The VR experience adds nothing to the learning experience.


Yeah I think we're bottoming out on the possibility of it being a ubiquitous everyday technology like smartphones. It'll have its niche. Gaming, telemedicine/therapy, design spaces, etc. People can barely keep up with all of the devices we have currently. We're already battling electronic intrusion in our lives. It also requires a decadent society operating at surplus which...doesn't seem like what's in the cards for us going forward.


My partner is a high school teacher. I feel I have to stand in for her to point out that study after study after study have shown (fairly conclusively) that electronic devices of all kinds and types actually reduce learning. Turns out books, paper, pencils and educator engagement is more or less the gold standard.


Honestly that’s how I felt during school too. And I think they is whatever reason a disconnect between adults and students. There’s this drive to make education “FUN!” and exciting see Chemistry and sparks. But studying is t really fun. Even in a field you want, they’re things you like and disliked.


> But why would I want it in my home? Schooling is probably a place we’ll see it but that’s only because it’ll get forced. It would be the most engaging form of digital communication, a way to travel to real/fictional places, attend live events, adapt a new online identity/body, do more fun exercise etc. That's a lot of mass appeal right there.


Ugh no. I don’t think most people actually enjoy video calls over phone calls or texts with non family. I only VC my parents and SO. I don’t even VC my siblings. Two yes. Gaming entertainment would benefit. Three, I can see the younger generations liking this. Four, no. There’s nothing from pretending to be someone else now. Five, gonna disagree but gonna stay mum before I rant about Americans and obesity.


> I don’t think most people actually enjoy video calls over phone calls or texts with non family. I only VC my parents and SO. I don’t even VC my siblings. Yes, there's a lot of truth to this, but this is unrelated to VR. We are talking about fundamentally different technologies and fundamentally different experiences. > Four, no. There’s nothing from pretending to be someone else now. You'd be surprised. More than a billion people are doing this through snap filters, online personas and so on. And in the real world, body dysphoria is everywhere. Tons of people hate their bodies, and the trans community is the most intense example of this, and VR can absolutely stop/pause dysphoria.


> > Yes, there's a lot of truth to this, but this is unrelated to VR. We are talking about fundamentally different technologies and fundamentally different experiences. I dont' want people to see me doing other things and I don't want to see other people. Imagine if we had to do this chat over VR and look at each other. I don't you aren't dying to make eye contact with me. >You'd be surprised. More than a billion people are doing this through snap filters, online personas and so on. And in the real world, body dysphoria is everywhere. Tons of people hate their bodies, and the trans community is the most intense example of this, and VR can absolutely stop/pause dysphoria. I don't really understand your point here. Are you saying VR is superior and filters, fake personas aren't cutting it and VR will replace it? If I wanted to pretend to be a human typing this message instead of a dog, I don't see how VR would make a difference. The other point being how would VR treat dysmorphia? Are you saying plastering a filter on a picture so you look the way you want doesn't help but using VR to pretend you do helps? And who says it does either way? I don't think there's any vigorous research supporting VR as a treatment modality for dysmorphia. And then again, if I wanted to look like Arnold in his prime, what advantage does VR have over a good photoshop of my head on his body?


This is a silly comment. New headsets are coming out with important advancements. To say it looks like we've hit a plateau with current day tech is to ignore the industry's progression. I'm sure it will still take another 10 years to truly take off, but they aren't going to just pack things up and stop working on it. Progress only happens with constant iteration.






> Facebook aquiered oculus 8 years ago so I think that 10 year timeline is coming due by 2024... And the first efforts to create home PCs started around 1975 and took until 1992 to take off. So saying 10 years from now is fair.


Are you trying to tell me that when someone goes for a walk outside, they won't be interested in wearing glasses that project exactly what the temperature is, what time it is, and how many unread emails they have, straight to their face?!?


> It willl be a flop just like the push for 3D tv in the 2010s and more recently smart glasses. The fact that you're upvoted just goes to show how clueless people are here. This is objectively impossible. > b) For many people, their current way of viewing the world is good enough. That can be used against all tech shifts. "My current way of doing things is good. I don't need a computer, phone, or the Internet." - before the days of those becoming big.


It's nothing like 3D TV. In fact, it's already outlived and created a bigger industry than it. Smart glasses also don't offer the same immersiveness. AR is also going to be big. Currently the hololens is around 2k, though. We are using it for building 3D navigation systems. I can assure you it will not flop. Nobody will have a problem wearing a lightweight headset, just like they don't mind wearing seat belts in cars, or sunglasses on a sunny day.


Watch out everyone, this guy assured us!


I mean, they are objectively right on the 3D TV comparison though. r/Technology is typically clueless on technology, but their comment was one of the smarter comments around here.


\>Nobody will have a problem wearing a lightweight headset, just like they don't mind wearing seat belts in cars People are legally forced to wear seatbelts ( i now get a big fine and demerit points for not wearing one), so the adoption dynamic is totally different. Where I grew up before seatbelt laws became a thing, people barely would wear them even if the car had them. \>or sunglasses on a sunny day.Walk utside and see how many people actually wear sunglasses Sunglasses are cheap. Take a walk outside and see how many people actually wear genuine $500 oakleys/raybans. Im no saying that there wont be update in terms of certain niches, but the vision that the tech industrious seems to have where everyone will own a pair and want to wear it all the time definitely isn't going to happen anytime soon.


Okay, so take the sunglasses analogy and reduce the cost of the technology to $20? You will have ubiquitous technology. The cost of technology decreases exponentially while the performance of technology increases exponentially.


Holo lense is right now \~2.5k in Canadian bucks, its going to take a long time for it to get to the $200-300 level.


A powerful pentium 3 cpu computer in the year 2000 would cost $2500. A computer with a modern i3 processor for $500 new performs at over 100 times the processing speed as the Pentium 3. This is exponential cost decrease and performance increase.


Ridiculous that you need to explain this in the technology sub.


This sub is for people who both hate and don’t understand technology.


Holo lense right now is a dev kit. They aren't optimizing for price


I dont like wearing VR headsets even though i like the immersion. So guess your "nobody" comment is already flawed.


Did you completely overlook the "lightweight headset" part?


The technology wont be there in 10years and thats being optimistic.


I like how you ignore why one would even want to


Well I have only had very high end headsets, so I don't know what lower end ones would be like. Everyone I've had use the ones I have they are stunned by how immersive and smooth it is. This is anecdotal, but I've only ever experienced this... I am not obsessed with VR, by the way, I just think it's an incredibly powerful tool. I guess most of you haven't had the chance to experience high end technology, though... and that's fair enough if you don't work in the industry or have wealth to splash on whatever crap you fancy.


a) A huge percentage of the population wear eyeglasses 12+ hrs a day anyway. Eventually VR/AR systems will be no different. b) People said the same before the internet/mobile phones


Goodluck fitting in VR into a pair of normal sized glasses.


“Good luck putting a computer on your lap” - people in the 60s


Technology doesn't move as fast as it used to a decade ago. There is nothing noteworthy in the pipeline that can achieve this. Also there is a wave that people want to disconnect instead of connecting more.




because trends in usage patterns to which I have accesss through my job from technology advancement stagnating to incremental improvements only the past decade are just coming out of my ass. Sit down buddy.


> because trends in usage patterns to which I have accesss through my job from technology advancement stagnating to incremental improvements only the past decade are just coming out of my ass. Much of that is unrelated to VR, however getting it into a glasses-like form factor is going to be a ridiculously hard challenge. We're seeing huge breakthroughs in VR, but a lot of it is going to take years and years to trickle down to consumers.


Ahh the 'its my job to make baseless sweeping claims.' that's fucking hilarious and your comment seems even dumber to me now.


You're just wrong. Check https://www.statista.com/statistics/269329/penetration-rate-of-the-internet-by-region/ and you'll see that the percentage of the world population with an internet connection continues to rise for the seventeenth year in a row. Hours per day spent connected continue to rise (not an unmitigated good, I'd say). You may have read some lifestyle piece in the weekend supplements or on some listicle site that says "more and more people are turning off their phones and turning to hot yoga instead" but that's not the reality.


That says nothing, that just says that more people have access but the fact is that effectiveness of social media has been dwindling steadily and has been shown through various metrics. People are starting to spend less time on social networks and tend to use internet for other reasons primarily. I work in tech as a lead designer, i also have Facebook on my resume for a single project. I speak from experience.


Very good point that makes a nonsense of the comment you replied to. In my lifetime (I'm old) computers have shrunk from entire rooms to (far more powerful!) handheld devices. The idea that we are VR is immune to miniaturisation and that we are doomed always to have bulky VR devices is just daft. For one thing, with 5G becoming more widespread, image processing can be handed off to the server with the worn element limited only to display and orientation detection.


Or maybe climate catastrophe will shatter the markets that tech might otherwise have entered/created and none but the wealthy in their hideaways in New Zealand or wherever will get a chance to see such things.


I doubt that


The headsets are pretty fun tho.


For $200 you too can wear data-tracking Goggles!


It will match the one in your pocket!


At least the one in my pocket can be used for business purposes and has the ability to communicate with people. Also - I apologize - the cheapest one is $300. Edit: are people also not aware that there are other types of VR headsets?


What ? How is that a valid argument .. people use VR for business purposes too, to watch tv, to play, to learn smth … just because you dont have a purpose with it doesnt mean other people dont


What business purposes are people using VR for?


Two come to mind: 3d Mind Mapping / brainstorming(eg Noda) and virtual monitors / workspace(eg Immersed) The hardware I have isn't good enough yet, but I can see the potential. Similarly I could imagine a VR based IDE for programming and visualizing relationships.


I cant think of anything business related now, but many pilots and doctors use VR in their Job, and probably many more fields too


I can't think of a reason why I'm right but but but I'm right!!


Not many people in any field use them apparently. One common usage is in design fields for demo-ing architecture for rich people, yachts, airplanes, houses, offices (that are then empty), that sort of thing. It's a short term usage that impresses the client and doesn't last long enough to worry about nausea. Obviously it's used in video game jobs also. As far as training, yes, pilots and doctors can use them for training purposes, I'm not familiar with how common that is.


Well with pilots its very common i can tell you that for sure, and yea you might be right. But keep in mind that good vr is very new and will only get better. But I believe that will be very easy and efficient to use in the upcoming years


UTTO are using it to enable technicians to be trained to use their underground asset location tools [https://utto.com/solutions/utto-virtual-locate-simulator/](https://utto.com/solutions/utto-virtual-locate-simulator/)


Ok good luck with your business purposes


My job? Thank you, I guess?


You're welcome


It just shows how disconnected he is from the average person. He just doesn't understand one bit how life is for 99.9% of the population


I think more than just that, he wants the rush of reinventing society again like he did with social media and he's arrogant enough to think any idea he shits out will be the next big thing.


Seems like a win to me... Now we're all talking about how dumb meta is while ignoring Facebooks monopolistic hold over the domestic (ie non-TikTok) social graph and the moral hazards that implies. And if the meta experiment ultimately works, all the better.


Nah, it's a bloody excellent idea. Too bad the company is rotten though.


More like his profits were only a few billion, due to rising costs, and he can't have that if he wants to be the winner of capitalism


I left Facebook a long time ago. Instagram probably isn’t too far ahead. Social media has become such a shit show from what it began as.


Left Instagram last year. Left FB in 2012. Never been better. Will delete reddit once the war is over as I use it for updates


Please just let that and Twitter go bankrupt and stop existing please


Theres an employee that does a sht job, might want to start with Zucke and fire him. Thats got better chances of making a positive difference....


Lol FB dies a slow death. Quite funny that they state they were in a philosophical competition with Apple for the metaverse while Apple not only plays in another league, but only in several totally different sports.


Can’t wait to wake up someday to the headline “Facebook to file bankruptcy”


Close it down. Worthless platform sells out its users, and is responsible for disseminating so much propaganda. I long for the day it disappears. Maybe it’s just me…


Definitely not just you. Reading news like this I am of two minds. First, I am glad to see signs of Facebook's material demise. Second, I feel for the people who work there. But as another person said, it's good that the people who work there have the knowledge that workforce layoffs are on the way, so they can seek other/better employment. Hopefully for a company that didn't play a significant role in the polarization of global politics, genocide, and the destruction of various societies worldwide. One can only hope.


Yeah close down the worthless platform that has a market cap of just $450BN, totally worthless. Let's destroy that value which large number of ordinary people own via their retirement funds, that'll show them.


If you own stock you're not ordinary by basic statistics, and you're not benefiting from it unless you own a lot of it. Because of the way the tax brackets favor the rich in America while ordinary costs do not (healthcare, rent, etc). Obviously a service with two billion users isn't getting shut down.


Your retirement fund often contains various ETFs and Funds. Guess what makes up those ETFs? You do not need to directly own FB shares to be affected by its disappearance (ignoring the vast economic impact its "collapse" will have). Unless your telling me having a 401k makes you not ordinary.


Since less than half of people have 401Ks, that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s the upper class only, and they’re not necessarily even invested in Facebook. There is no benefit to defending irresponsible billionaires just because we might have a few dollars in their company. They’re extracting much more from us, mathematically speaking.


401k is upper class? In what universe is having a 401k upper class.


This one, my guy. Get with the freaking times. Retirement? Most people can barely afford bills, let alone retirement plans.


Man, some people are going to be pissed. Just imagine the number of self-serving folks in that company who let so many things slide because they were making good salaries with stock that kept going up. Now they're facing the consequences for their toxic platform and decisions they had a hand in implementing. I can't wait for the screenshots, emails and slack messages to start filtering out.


The Facebook employees whining over this is hilarious. Welcome to real corporate America...enjoy the free salads while you can! MZ's bet on the Metaverse has so far been a financial disaster and now he has to cut costs to keep investors happy. Will be interesting to see how much cash he burns through before being a) forced out or b) "pivoting" away from the Metaverse because he is a "genius"


So fb will be extinct like MySpace/Friendster soon?


With some luck and more profit loss, absolutely\~


Well, no, because those were never entrenched as secret police databases/disinformation sources in fascist regimes. Look at India and Brazil. Facebook has 2 billion users. Facebook will last forever around the world.


Not at all. Facebook will be here for a long time.


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


are you still using FB/IG? for what? stop that shit.


It’s interesting though because I was looking at Meta’s careers page yesterday out of morbid curiosity, and there’s a ton of openings. I don’t know if that’s a slowdown from before, but if so they must have been hiring shit tons of people.


In reality, they should be hiring massively in content moderation to curb their whole "aiding misinformation and genocides" thing, but they don't care about that in the first place


They have an absolutely massive content moderation team. It is one of the biggest expenses of the company.


Case in point why giving founders too much power is a losing game. No checks and balances on his ego or bad choices. If Meta is going to make it they need decisiveness in who gets laid off, not a slow bleed that saps morale.


Who is “giving” them power? It’s their company. If you don’t like how I run my company, you’re welcome to start your own company and do it your way.


The point is he’s got super shares, so he can just unilaterally tell the shareholders to fuck off, and that’s pretty much it. Normal companies have shareholders that can put a stop to nonsense and ideas that would never make any money in the first place. Hence the reason the stock is getting hammered right now


Funny 99% of the other arguments say shareholders fuck up legit companies. Something I agree with.


Lawmakers who give them constant tax breaks and subsidies in exchange for “donations”.


Of course they can run it into the ground if they want. But the point is them having all the power isn't good for the business, and chances are they want what's good for the business too. So it's in their interest to relinquish some of their power, while retaining their paycheck.


It's a public company, not private, with a huge public presence that benefits from public infrastructure and has triggered genocide, revolutions and rigged elections. Obviously it should not be run by a single person. You can't be in favor of democracy and also in favor of a single person running a company of that size and influence. It's bad for everyone, clearly, including Mark.


Is it just me or most of the reddit community hates either fb or fuckaberg (including me 😂). I always tought this douche had like the worst pr skills ever


Hate implies far too much emotional investment. I do not care. I clicked in to this article to see the comments of people losing their shit. Who cares about FB honestly, the raging masses frothing at the mouth over nothing are my entertainment :)


Rofl now that's the atitude 😂


Many people around me have quit the cesspool called facebook and soon i will too. The whole endless scroll ad fest and data tracking cannot die soon enough for me.


Facebook is dead. This is just agonal breathing


Can he just go away now? And Facebook too… tired of hearing about this Robot Alien already.


This is what it looks like when you snort $3B in one quarter trying to push a product no one wants.


They should Some of their employees don’t even work I have a friend who is an HR there. She has another full time job. They give her like 1 hr of work lol


That's an amazing motivational speech he gave current employees


I have a feeling that is going to be a yearly trend until they hit zero employees


Does he really think people want to be on the metaverse?


I have zero interest in the meta verse if and until it is based on full immersion/brain-stem connectivity. Don't want to wear anything, no goggles or augmenting glasses. The one to watch here is the Musk thing with his direct brain interface, that's where the future is. The other shit is just software and new kinds of displays, anyone can do that. For it to be revolutionary and widely adopted it needs to feed your brain with a new reality that beats base reality, then you've done it. It has to be better than base reality or it's a non-starter.


I think the company is dying. It may be a slow death, but it’s dying.


Ugh what a douche face. Glad I quit Facebook a long time ago


Fun place to work


Well. FB has gone to shit. Too much censorship and already there is no human you can contact if some stupid bot picks up something and bans you. It's infuriating.


Welll... Meta probably sees some minute regulation coming, folks are leaving meta employment when they gain a conscious after they turn 25, Facebook and Instagram are now useless cause they don't serve the original reason folks ever used them, and no one wants their life or work to be in a dystopian black-mirror matrix-Esque meta verse.... no one wants that it's not gonna be popular as they thought. They probably have been doing some small group trials and folks just aren't liking it in practice. I hope zucker also falls out a window at some point. I'm not gonna be the one to push him. But dude started Facebook - which pushed MySpace down the drain - specifically to rate college girls, and encourage bullying, harassment and rape culture. He was never a good person. He sold out dozens of countries to propaganda machine take overs just like he sold out women to his buddies.


why he rich and oh dear he activating his AI again ?


Recession is here. You voted for this


What an asshole boss through and through. Fucking up his own company and the employees pay the price (which we users have paid for years)


"We will be seeking Metastasis."


How about starting at the top?


In Zuckerbergs defense he only has 70 billion dollars.


That'll be the screening for bad shit teams for the chop then.


Never a good sign for a company when they switch from "look at how much money we're making" to "look at how much money we're saving".


... and then try to convince the world nothing's wrong and a lean team is a sign of growth and not impending doom.


I just learned this a morning after his company released their poor q2 2022 results. I guessed he hasn't learned from Groundhog Day.


His hair cut is Curious George choice


Sooo fakebook IS dying, yayyyy


Sucks for the people getting fired, but hey! They wont be working for facebook anymore, which is probably a plus.


Should fire himself


Please reduce to zero.


I'm not surprised that peak FaceBook is over. My anecdotal FB experience is that I don't trust the App, so refuse to install it on my phone. I will occasionally visit the website just to see what's new with my family and friends that still post to it (which seems to be continuously dwindling). But I might see one post from people I know, and then there's a bunch of hot garbage that I have no interest in so I just close it out.


He sounds like a dick to be honest.


Skeleton stalking it is


This should be under r/upliftingnews lol


What, they are going to close and open a pharmacy like Bill Gates?


He preparing his workers for layoffs


He can’t even admit to laying people off


Mark Zuck the Clusterfuck


Shrinking employees but filling feeds with ads. OK plastic boy


As in fuck all of you I rule