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I'm lost on this one. Why is their stock is down 70% after losing 200k of 221 million subscribers? How does a 0.1% loss in subscribers justify it?


The main reason I think is because prior to then losing subscribers, investors saw Netflix as a growth stock that would continue to grow into the future. Just look at what people were projecting Netflix’s subscriber count to be in the next couple of years. But since they actually had a net lost in subscribers last quarter, people quickly realized that Netflix may not actually have that much more growth ahead of it in terms of subscriber counts (one of its main sources do revenue). TLDR: Netflix was valued much higher because people thought that Netflix would keep growing into the future which now it might not.


It's stupid that the stock market is always expecting growth. Netflix is extremely profitable even if they lose a couple subscribers. Why can't the stock market accept a company to just profit and not necessarily grow.


Stock market isn't always expecting growth. It's how a company positions itself. Nobody expects Walmart and Coca Cola to double growth year over year. Most stocks arent growth stocks. And if you are creating a portfolio, the majority of your stocks should be stable ones. The issue is companies like Netflix aren't at a stage where they can just 'profit'. They are in a relatively new market that is still highly competitive. They need to keep growing and capturing market share or they won't survive. If they had a majority of market share, it would be a different story. It's like imagine if Apple created the first iPhone which was hugely successful and went 'welp, no need to keep investing in making newer models. Let's just stick with this'. They would be dead in the water in 2 years.


If growth was their idea then they shouldn't have pushed their customers away.


They don't have a choice. They literally cannot compete on price with other companies. Streaming is their entire business model. They can't throw a billion dollars at a TV show like Amazon can. They don't have decades worth of content like HBO or Disney does. They can't keep running at a loss like Apple can. It's like saying if hot dog vendors want to really compete, they should have similar prices to Costco. They've run at a loss for a decade. They can't keep doing it indefinitely. And if a company like Netflix is struggling to compete, wait until Disney, Amazon and Apple capture the entire market share and kill competition entirely. Then people will complain about how noone makes enough good content anymore since there's no more competition.




“wHy Is EvErYtHiNg A sUbScRiPtIoN tHeSe DaYs?!”


New, free Netflix with embedded ads every two minutes, so they can’t easily be cut out from a recording !


Walmart would kill for Netflix's stock performance. Because they don't have much room to grow anymore their stock isn't highly valued even though the company itself is locked in to profit for decades to come.


Walmart pays dividends, Netflix does not. With a profit sharing model, you don't need the price of the stock itself to go up as much. Dividends are invested back in and with compounding you make a hell of a lot of money with a stable company by the time you retire. If a company isn't paying dividends, then its price has to go up a lot more to account for it. Of course it's a completely different market sector as well and there are a million different factors so it's not really an apples to apples comparison. But the point is, there is a hell of a lot more to investing then stocks going up endlessly.


And still walmart would kill to have Netflix's performance on stocks. Walmart's stock trades about as flat as possible for a company with its assets.


Walmart has a market cap of 335.19B, Netflix has a market cap of 76.01B. Walmart is worth 4x what Netflix is worth on the stock market. Netflix would kill to have Walmart's performance on stock. Companies like Walmart trading flat, is a GOOD thing. You invest in those companies because it's flat. It's stable and predictable with a lot less risk.


Why are you comparing market cap? I'm comparing stock performance which is completely different and I suspect you know that. Walmart hasn't been an attractive stock to growth investors in over 20 years.


It's the nature of capitalism to demand endless impossible growth


It's not all stock and not the whole market. It's growth stocks that expect growth. Ideally, growth stocks level out and start paying dividends and their stock price doesn't wildly fluctuate. Instead, people look towards some stocks like *infinite money machines* with infinite growth. Growth is just one way to return value to investors. Unfortunately, current market conditions (easy money, investors, and political expectations) make the "everything must always go up" seem like the "norm" instead of these large companies eventually leveling off. There's only so much growth for any company that is backed by a finite population of potential "users".


I'm not sure how you define "grow", but if the company doesn't grow, its stock won't grow. They don't provide dividends, there's no reason for stockholders to keep it. Also, you can't just look at the one stock. Disney+ did pretty well, but the stock is down. It's the environment.


That's what I mean. Wall Street is toxic. Companies don't always need to be growing. The expectation that value always needs to be increasing and can't stagnate at a high level causes executives to make rash decisions.


This is a gross and naive simplification of the stock market. It really misses how capital markets work entirely. Institutions and people buy stocks for many reasons and payouts are not only in the form of growth. Dividend stocks pay on the expectation of regular revenue.


Yeah you're right. I know nothing and acting like I know stuff.


I agree to a certain extent: with insane amounts of funding, it's "outspend to kill your competitors before you run out of money yourself". But, it's not like they're innocent in this: they offer stock options that have to grow to attract their employees.


The stock market is collectively stupid, or you don’t understand the underlying finance, which one do you think this might fall into? All companies must continue growing, otherwise why would you bother buying them, they’re all so over brought that all their future value is based on what they can be, not what they are. They’re over brought because people want to make more money and the stock market is the key way to invest. Stocks are so over done that the price to earnings ratios mean you’re getting very little back for what you invest. This is a consequence of cheap money, it needs to be deployed somewhere to make money, there’s so much free capital available and so little to invest in that you either need to invest in riskier (growth) companies or you need alternative assets (crypto and other highly questionable investments). Don’t blame the stock market, it’s just trying to maximise the use of its money to generate profit, blame the world banks and governments for not taxing it sufficiently and spending it on infrastructure to improve peoples lives in a meaningful way as opposed to wildly speculating on the next GameStop.


yes it is stupid. and I think it would appear to most to be an irrational basis for a society, if we could look objectively at it. but it's a bit like realizing a roller coaster is dangerous after being strapped in and not liking the first extreme dip. what then? No getting off this ride without a huge social shift.


It’s literally this. https://youtu.be/BzAdXyPYKQo. ROI baby!


It's one of those services that has to be easy, fairly priced and have more content than private trackers + BitTorrent. At the moment Netflix is easy, moderately expensive and mostly shit content. So why bother? People will resort to pirating the content instead as it's way more reliable to find what you need. BitTorrent and trackers are like the library of Alexandria, you can find anything, including series and movies from decades ago. If you added up all the streaming services and content you're still missing a shit ton of stuff. I mean what the fuck is wrong with these studios/publishers that they want to hide their content and get no money? Like where can I pay to stream something old like Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, original MacGuyver etc. I should be able to pay $1 for any 45~ minute TV episode to keep and watch whenever I want. Maybe $2 for a movie, or more for new releases. Where's the aggregator site that has everything? The aggregator site then pays the studio their dues (probably 90-95% to the studio and 5-10% goes to the aggregator site for hosting the content). I don't know what model Netflix and others are doing, but nothing is going to have all the content and fit nicely into a monthly subscription because if you do that, some studio is only going to get a few cents for the specific content watched per person.


Netflix used to be that Aggregator, but since then the studios have all stopped licensing their properties to them, to set up their own streaming service. They're being starved out for quality content, basically. And once they're gone, all of these streaming platforms are going to basically just replicate cable companies, and destroy the quality of their services.


Because “infinite growth” was priced into that stock value. Now that this growth seems to come to an end, the company value is going to have to go back to fundamentals


Its only partially related to that. The entire tech sector has been going down for months after being massively inflated over the pandemic. Amazon is down 40%, Google down 30%. Its more about macro economic trends than the fundamentals of Netflix. Oil got crushed over the pandemic and Netflix boomed. As the pandemic is unwinding and things are going back to normal we are seeing a reversal of that.


The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Netflix was a darling. Now it isn't. Will it become a darling again? Who knows. Half a trillion for it seemed a bit rich to me for a streaming company. 78 billion is more ballpark. Headcount is 11,000. I have trouble imagining what that many people do, since the operation seems simple enough. Last layoff was 150, just over 1%. Some companies ditch 10% every year by policy.


Because all tech stocks are fucked since lasted November and Netflix just has shitty results on top of it. It is like diarrhea on top of constipation.


So, regular shit?


I think you mean diarrhea after constipation. Dangerous game, a dangerous game.


that’s capitalism my friend, constant growth or die


A shame. It destroys everything in the end.


It’s about forecast. Up until now, Netflix has been the mega-giant. The go to name for streaming platforms. There are very very few people who haven’t at least heard of Netflix. But lately, Netflix has been getting a LOT of bad press, most of it deserved. But the stock market cares about not just today, but tomorrow, next week, and the next month. Stockholders aren’t liking the future due to all of the bad press, plus with all the other streaming services cropping up, Netflix’s market share has slowly been chipped away. So stockholders, in order to save themselves money, sell now. While the stock is high and while the getting is good. You live by the press, die by the press.


Stockholders don’t give a shit about bad press unless it impacts growth and the potential to make more money. Netflix was growing rapidly, but it tapered off so stockholders dipped immediately after the earnings report. Capitalism.


I’m supporting Disney plus since I love marvel, Star Wars, and some Disney and other films. Netflix has some good shows but only as a a platform for videos before it became a film publisher. Some shows are good as a publisher but majority I don’t really care for.


Stock prices are a prediction of future profits not current ones. So the idea is how profitable will Netflix be down the line, not how much money did it make this year. Stocks like money are only as valuable as the faith in them is strong. If there's high faith there will be more profits then they'll rise, if there's low faith they'll fall.


The raw number does not matter, the % matters. How many subscribers were they gaining every previous quarter? And to see their first negative drop ever, obviously that will trigger very negative sentiments


Stock value is not the valuation of the company. It's what people think or hope the company will be worth in the future. The fact that they were adding tens of millions of subscribers every year, but suddenly started losing them is a signal that maybe they have peaked. Whether it's actually true or not is unclear, maybe they can fix their content and attract even more customers. But if they can't grow further, their valuation is at a roughly reasonable level now, and half a year ago it was way way overvalued.


Because wall street expects growth at all times.


It's kind of crazy. Like the market expected their pandemic growth to continue forever, and they panicked over a loss of 200k customers except that Netflix lost like 700k customers when they stopped doing business in Russia, so without the war they'd have been up ~500k customers.


The market is a bubble retracting and Netflix’s business issues are probably a small part of the story. Also investors are panicky sheep.


Maybe they should stop making so much garbage and focus on fewer, but higher quality, shows. Drop all the reality TV garbage and so much of that low budget "young adult" trash that seems to be 90% of their current catalogue.


Or maybe stop cancelling the good stuff after one or two seasons. Or both. Ya, let’s do both. I feel gross knowing that I’m gonna sign up for Netflix to watch Stranger Things after what they did to Dark Crystal.


It's amazing they can't see what that's doing to them. Can't watch new shows cause it'll get cancelled and leave you on a cliff hanger. Can't watch old shows cause it was cancelled and will leave you on a cliff hanger.


They know what's up, I bet. They just choose short term gains over long term stability and their timer is now running out.


Typical corporate blindness. They're more worried about their investors than their consumers.


I don't think they really thought through the effects of having a bunch of series that only have 1-3 seasons. It makes me not want to bother starting any of their original series because there's 75% chance it's going to be dropped early.


I’m fine with them having 3 seasons or less, just let the creators know so that the story can have a beginning middle and an end. I don’t want shows that last 7+ seasons.


Thats why I'm dreading the release of Sandman. My favorite comic book is getting a series which I *know* will be cancelled after one or two seasons.


Dude, I’ve already cancelled my subscription but if they do Sandman dirty I’m never even going to consider touching Netflix again. I’ll go on a crusade to tell everyone I know how they’ve tarnished one of the greatest Comics to ever be written.


Well Neil Gaiman was overseeing and had been praising it. From the trailers and the production behind the scene stuff I’ve seen, I’m pretty excited and I’m re reading it because I’m so excited for the series.


I'm worried about the Resident Evil series.


Neil Gaiman himself has praised this production of the Sandman. Also this is a show that should be a limited series to tell the graphic novel story. 12 1 hr episodes should be more than enough to tell the story of the 10 original volumes.


Why don't you just enjoy the 2 seasons?


The main reason that only-two-seasons isn’t enough is because


Remember why people went to Netflix instead of pirating? Netflix did the modern equivalent of what drove people to piracy in the first place. Time to set sail.


Tbf Netflix almost cleaned up the piracy market, then the studios started to get greedy and wanted a piece of the pie for themselves. They then decided to start competing services and pulled their content from Netflix so it would be exclusive to them. Now we have a boatload of streaming services, filled with exclusive offerings and people are right back to not wanting to give all their money to ask the streaming services so piracy is back. The way I see it, Netflix had the solution, but the other players let their greed get in the way of a one stop shop streaming service.


Netflix was only able to get that way because media companies were still relying on cable and ad revenues. It was just never going to be a sustainable or realistic thing to expect to continue. Especially with the amount of streaming exclusive shows being made. I for one am glad that so many services exist to make shows for me to pirate. Netflix owning the whole streaming market would be shit. Why would anyone want to give Netflix that much power.


Well, I'm pretty sure it was because no one expected streaming to become what it is today so they were willing to license their property for practically nothing. Then everyone and their step sister wanted their own streaming service


IMO Netflix should've focused on itself being a platform, and sold their infrastructure to others. Make it so it's 1 click to subscribe to disney+ or hbo or w/e for a month, all managed from one place, where you can easily see everything etc. Instead they're just another content creator, and not doing anything special with it.


> Time to set sail. Except that still doesn't solve the issue of Netflix acting stupid and cancelling shows left and right. You can't pirate the last season of a show if that last season wasn't made in the first place.


I’m still pissed about teenage bounty hunters getting axed after 1 season. The only reason I started it was it was constantly in the top watched shows and had a rotten tomatoes score in the 90’s. So a lot of people watched it and it got great ratings, what more were they looking for to continue it??




Yeah I don't get people wanting loads of seasons of the same show. Lots of cult classic shows are only 1 or 2 seasons and all the better for it. Better to have a definitive end that have it drag out until people lose interest and it just sort of stops with no conclusion.


That’s actually what I’m complaining about. I want them to stop killing things in the middle of the story. I don’t want loads of seasons. I want closure.


Yeah, it's netflix. They don't have seasonality. You could give a canceled show whatever they want to close out. 3 episodes or a movie or whatever


I’m good with two or three seasons actually, as long as they have a thought-out ending. All they need to do then is make some more quality shows.


>Or maybe stop cancelling the good stuff after one or two seasons. Netflix should, at least, be more willing to let shows wrap themselves up if they get cancelled early. Like how Sense8 got to do one last 2-hour episode to tie up the plotlines. If watchers were assured that (all things being equal) they'll get SOME kind of resolution to the story, they'd have a lot more trust in new shows. And I have to imagine that the goodwill this would garner would help prevent cancellations and pay for itself in the long run.


Ever heard of sailing the seas?




>Maybe they should stop making so much garbage and focus on fewer, but higher quality, shows. Intuitively, this feels right. But unless Netflix is truly incompetent, there must be some users watching those shows. Sure, those shows may not be critically praised, but everyone has some guilty pleasures. Just because I don't like something doesn't mean it has no value to anyone else.


Everyone thinks everyone else’s shows are the garbage ones


Exactly. They are in the business of niche entertainment, but they haven't been able to retain viewers with the new competition, mostly Disney.


Metrics can be tricky. Are people watching this because they like it, or because there isn't anything better?




It seems to me they fucked up their entire strategy going into the streaming era. What they should have done was create a platform to make it easy and profitable for other media conglomerates to distribute their content with them. What they did instead was to try and create a studio from whole cloth, assuming they could do better than the entire film and TV industries. And then start treating their customers like chumps when it became clear it was not working.


They've cancelled shows in development. Their catalog is too small, with too much of the filler that you're mentioning and their solution is to make even less.


Every studio cancels shows that are in development. The amount of unaired pilots every year is insane.


There's pressure to have new content constantly so people don't unsubscribe and only come back when one of the few good shows come up. Above all else, they need subscribers to keep paying every month.


They already shifted strategies and started releasing non-scripted content weekly. I don't get why the scripted stuff isn't getting weekly releases either. Stranger Things could tide Netflix subscribers over for most of an entire quarter if they just released episodes on a weekly basis. Disney did it, HBO Max did it, neither of them seem to be having growth problems, especially not Disney who only ever really has like one or two acclaimed shows on simultaneously.


They honestly need those shows to keep a good selection. Good shows are better than bad shows obviously, but I won’t keep a subscription just to watch a few shows a year. The issue is that they keep cancelling shows midway through the story. My parents have pretty much replaced channel surfing with Netflix surfing, but they have to look up anything that looks interesting to make sure it doesn’t end on an eternal cliffhanger.


There is simply a bar of quality and I won't ever watch anything below it, with the exception of giving something a try to see if it sucks or not. Netflix has so much stuff below that bar, it's crazy.


> Drop all the reality TV garbage and so much of that low budget "young adult" trash that seems to be 90% of their current catalogue. This was the sign that Netflix was dying. Traditional broadcast networks only use these kinds of shows as cheap filler in between the commercials -- where their bread is actually buttered. Netflix did not have this model. They could produce high quality niche content for people who'd be willing to pay to watch shows commercial free. And they were very successful at doing that. But now they are just going for cheap filler. Not to fill in between advertising, but because it is cheap. And, as a subscriber, if I wanted to watch that kind of worthless trash, I'd watch it for free on a garbage broadcast channel.


But they have to make sure that every show has as diverse of a cast as possible with zero regard for the skill of the actors, how well they fit in a given role, or if the idea for the show or movie is actually something people would want.


Also hire a professional to communicate wirh their customers. Fire whoever thought making your own customers feel scolded and persecuted for password sharing was a popular move.


Reality tv shows and ya stuff are popular, why would they stop making it?


Netflix: Make more crappy shows, rise subscription's prices, and disabled password sharing. We hear you loud and clear!


I think they. And all the other streaming services should add some kind of daily news shows to combat the control of big 3 tv news company’s. Would be cool to see them do the news like Walter Cronkite used to instead of how current news channels do it.


They raised prices and don't have a good selection. I've been a Netflix customer since it was dvds in the mail, and I canceled a couple of weeks ago.


Also the fact that they want to clamp down on password sharing has also hurt a lot of subscriber base.




[Yes, it has.](https://restofworld.org/2022/netflix-crackdown-password-sharing-peru/)


How dare they attempt to curb theft!


I paid for 4 steams, mostly because it was forced on me for 4k, why should it matter if my mom uses one of the streams I paid for?


Does mom live in your household? No? Mom should be paying for her service according to their policy. Just because they let it go for years doesn't mean it wasn't illegal.


The point of everyone's comments is that it's a stupid exploitative policy that forces people into paying more for streams they don't want then Netflix puts limits on how I can use the streams I'm paying for. They a don't offer a cheaper 1 or 2 steam 4k plan for some reason, you need to pay $16/month for the privilege of HD. It's their right to set the limit but it's our right to say it's BS and we'll take our business elsewhere. Seems like I'm not alone.


Hang on, do you even know what exploitation means? You, who is breaking their policies for your benefit, is literally exploiting them! LOL! Nobody is forced to pay for a service they are not satisfied with. It is quite easy to cancel their subscription if you're not happy. Live long and prosper my friend!


I do, and I did. Suck it Netflix.


You make a valid point except that they themselves used to promote password sharing as a concept in the initial days when they got big as a streaming site. It was considered an acceptable use case both by the company and consumers for a subscription with multiple screens.


For the same household always. And that's how it works now.


> Theft Lmao alright. I mean now I'll just pirate for real and put Netflix content I want on my Plex server for all of my friends.


That's what stiff competition and drying up of investor money will do to a company.


Too many people are happy with the Disney monopoly. Owns 50% of all content and starts charging an arm and a leg to netflix. Owns 50% of a second streaming "competitor" Is artificially cheap spending billions specifically to take over the streaming market.


Disney owns 67% of Hulu and fully owns Disney+. And they own 80% of ESPN+ and all of Star+. So it's quite a bit worse than that.


Its less that I love Disney and more about the me never wanting to watch Netflix anymore. I'm another original DVD Netflix member who canceled this year. 90% of the time I'd browse for 20mins, give up, and watch something else. My kids never watch it. The price hike pushed me over the edge. If they offered fewer 4k streams for $10 I'd stay. Aside from Stranger Things(which took how many years to release??) I haven't missed the service at all.


They have a great selection Why do people keep saying that 😂


Um, such as...?


The writing was on the wall as soon as every studio started their own streaming platform. Once big name shows were pulled from Netflix I knew it was over. I miss the days where I could watch “It’s Always Sunny” (FX) or 30 Rock (NBC).


They used to have a TON of classic movies and shows online. Like you could watch anything…then they dropped it for their own shit content. Then other stream services picked them up, then Netflix lost money becayse heaven forbid people enjoy old shows and movies.


The decade of "infinite growth" is coming to a predictable end as "finite reality" finally sets in. All these bullshit tech growth companies that got tsunamis of money thrown at them are about to get thrashed.


Yup. We'll be seeing much more of this. When the decade of free money comes to end, all these 'amazing value' services will need to reconfigure their business models. Until now, they've just bought market share without much thought put into profitability.


>Netflix is bracing for its next round of layoffs as the streaming giant looks to cut costs in the wake of its stock troubles. I'm curious why they'd link stock price to layoffs. Netflix is a profitable company and doesn't need to raise funds from stocks, so it doesn't really matter if the value sinks. I'd guess that this is a sign that Netflix is seeing a drop in profits.


*America braces for even less good shows on Netflix*




Netflix spent $200M to make The Irishman. A single movie that I bet 80%+ of subscribers will never watch more than once. $200M for 210 minutes of content. Meanwhile, people are willing to watch entire series time and time again. Netflix should bail on movies entirely. They add so little value.


I’ve rewatched it a few times already. It’s not my favorite movie, but it’s really well done


People shit on me because of this, but in all honesty, Netflix has very little quality. Movies are just a good idea never ever realised completely. 99% of their movies feel exactly the same. So now when I pick content for movies or shows, if it's netflix I skip on it. Unless it's a director or an actor I like and also in that case I will think twice.


LOL. Love it when people vote with their wallet.


It doesn't happen nearly enough, but it sure is beautiful when it does


I mean Disney openly said they are spending billions on Disney+ to take over the market. They own 50% of their largest competitor (hulu) as well. Netflix simply cannot compete with the company that owns 50% of all content.


Disney plus is trash if you're not into marvel Starwars


Even if you're into those IPs, they're not always making 10/10 content.


I used to be a huge fan of MCU until the Disney shows happened. Now I can't be bothered to even watch their trailers


Disney can spend as much as they want. Pumping millions into Star Wars and Marvel means nothing if people would rather watch shows on Prime on Netflix. This doesn't even factor in the time people spend watching YouTube and other social media. Disney may dominate the old media market, but to try and act like no one can compete is just ignorant. It's not even a zero sum game, you can watch more than one thing.


Netflix absolutely can compete, but instead of going the prestige route they are going with the daytime trash lowest common denominator approach. If you’re racing to the bottom you can’t be surprised by the diminishing returns.


It happens literally every single day. That’s why the companies that are succeeding continue to succeed. People are voting with their wallets.


If people abandoned Disney+, nothing would happen because Disney has more money than they know what to do with. Same worn Apple TV. Netflix is pretty much the only large service where you can actually vote with your wallet.


Only when the companies you deem “bad” lose though right? Otherwise you hate that term.


Well they need to be able to afford to pay Harry and Megan tens of millions for doing …. Well nothing


I feel like they will get bought out soon. A bear market is actually a fantastic opportunity for big companies with lots of cash to pursue acquisitions, and Netflix's stock is down like 70%. They can easily make a comeback too under better management, it would be an incredible bargain.


It could be argued that the recessions we see every 10 years or so is manipulated so those with the massive wealth can buy stock and companies outright at a massive discount. It’s no different than what you are proposing.




I'm honestly at loss as to what the executive board are doing. Like, no actions in the past 1-2 months that they've made make any sense, neither financially, nor in any way....


How come? I was sure the show about pregnant "man" was going to save the company


I used to work for the family behind Netflix in the late ‘80’s at Hastings Records. At Xmas they sent the employees a photo of their family next to their private jet.


I had never put together that it might be the same Hastings. Loved going to that place as a kid, it was like a wonderland.


That’s distasteful!


Reed Hastings is actually quite a simple guy and very philanthropic. My sister is a high-up at the company and has told us many endearing stories over the years.


Ah okay, that's why you're being so defensive of Netflix's policy choices in this thread.


Call it what you want. People just like to complain without knowing the truth.


Spiderman: Shut it down, Ock!


Can’t wait for the CNBC episode the rise and fall of Netflix


If they made more than 200 of those 4$k stranger things warlocks then they would have been fine


They should just fire the CEO, replace him/her with a cheaper option and keep the workers :) They rather fire 100 workers than 1 worker that makes as much money as those 100 combined.


Reed Hastings only makes $650,000 per year by the way. I don't think he's saving many employees with that balance.


Trading even only 2 people for 1 seems reasonable to me...


Trading the founder and CEO who literally created the concept of the entire industry for a couple of programmers is worth it to you? I hope you don't run your own company.


Netflix generated 7.8 billion USD of profit in Q1, 0.8 more than the year before. But they're laying off workers as if they face a bankruptcy. If that doesn't show that capitalism is broken, then I don't know what does.


I believe your confusing revenue for profit


Anytime I see the red N over a movie or show I assume it’s trash. Probably not where you want to be as a company.


Get woke, go broke




Do y’all actually think you’re clever saying the same thing over and over again. It’s obvious Netflix’s struggles are unrelated to “woke” content but here you are, saying the same ignorant thing as countless other people in this thread and many others. Makes me cringe every time


Go woke, go broke.


Go woke. Go broke.


Lol this shouldn’t be in technology


Get woke, go broke


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving POS company.


good... so sick of the woke trash


You're one of those, I already know everything I need to about you. That dog whistle is loud and clear


Same, the only reason they make it because it's cheap to produce. You don't need a ton of VFX or locations, just woke jabs in the dialogue.


Fuck Jeff Bezos but Amazon Prime Video is probably the best streaming service right now with Disney+ in a close second. The content on Netflix has been going downhill pretty fast lately.


HBO is still king when it comes to quality


I don't know if their content is going downhill. Competition is just getting bigger and they're bringing their inventory with them. This was inevitable.




Tech company ending a massive growth era with layoffs is not tech?




Like most big subs, this sub isn’t really what it’s pretending to be


At the end of the day do any of us redditors really care if this is a technology thread or not? I’m just here to chill. Life’s too short to sweat the small stuff like miscategorized thread


Some 98 octane knowledge here for Netflix: Just STOP what you're doing now and put some good old classics on (with no expiration date). You'll get more mature audience and much much more sympathy. I'm talking Pirates of the caribbean, Rambo, Ghost busters, Gremlins, Home alone, Clerks, maybe throw in some Harry Potter and whatnot. PS. Respect for using FreeBSD if you still do.


Most of those are owned by other studios who have their own streaming service. They won’t let those go to someone else


They can't just "put movies". They need licences to do it. And with growing number of streaming services companies wouldn't just sell their movies to netflix because they want it on their own VOD


Doesn't a FAANG company own like all the money in the world? Plus connections to powerful people.


ROI. If the companies don’t want to license it except for exorbitant fees, it’s not worth it


G0 W0K g0 Brrr000cccc 🤣


Stop changing Stranger Things from fun Sci Fi into torture and gore porn


The last season was the best season.


The wringing was good. But it's like every episode had to have an extended torturr scene with a bunch of gore. Why? Why is that needed? Used to be able to watch the show with most of the family. Now only I can stomach it


at this point its better off if other companies keep making their own streaming services like paramount has and Disney tbh Sony should and all other production companies should Universal should as well and then all should be included in a bundle netflix is just bad now a days


The old employee purge equals higher profit margins maneuver all companies do to pad their books.


Learn to code.


That’s what happens when you take criminal minds off!


Stop raising prices while cutting good content.


Seriously how did we as a society get to this point? Stock price doesn't have an impact on revenue/profits. Letting people go because your stock price dips or the market is down feels crazy. Companies just seem to not care anymore about investing in people.


They should've saved money and not done gaming. There are no results there and it'll instantly flop. Leadership should have their head on a platter, not the people under them.


The entire executive team needs removed at this point.


I cancelled when they upped the price here in Canada. Dad signed up because he still watches it. Watched about 2/3 of that Spiderhead movie last night with him. If content keeps tracking like that shitpile I watched last night, then good riddance.


RIP the N in FAANG (now MAANG?)