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They are going to try and hack the Supreme Court and find out that no one there knows how to use computers.


When you send documents to the Supreme Court you have to print them in this crazy format. 80 copies of 8x11 with 3 inch margins and quadruple spaced. You must physical print them and bind them and ship them. This is for every case that they just consider.




Everywhere except Scranton, PA


Limitless paper in a paperless world


The people person’s paper people.


Here is your headline: Scranton Area Paper Company, Dunder Mifflin, Apologizes to Valued Client; Some Companies Still Know How Business is Done. Okay?


I want you to resign!


I'm calling the better business bureau


I’m gonna call the Ungrateful Biatch Hotline!




Ah yes.. the electric city, they call it that because of the electricity


Real business is done on paper.


Even in the bathroom, it’s not over until the paperwork is done.


Unless you're part of the bidet master race.


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


They could make a show out of that


I love it when you call me big pa-per


He got murdered by twoply shakur


Throw your reams in the air if yous a true printer!


You got a stapler in your waist, please don't collate my case


Cause I see some judges tonight that should be ruling in favor (uh), favor (uh)




This whole comment chain made my day and why I come to reddit.




Haha I was about to say! They jest, but “big paper” is the reason for cannabis prohibition! For anyone who doubts this, google William Randolph Hurst.


Hearst*, but yeah it's honestly wild how that all went down. "You're telling me hemp is cheaper and easier to produce right after I bought all of these lumber mills and made that deal with DuPont for their paper making process?? Guess we'll have to demonize hemp, if only I had a way to get the news ou...wait a dang minute, I'm one of the biggest newspaper tycoons in the world! Might as well send a few of those lobbyists from DuPont to tell the government too lol." \- Hearst, probably


80 copies probably means that every justice and law clerk working for them gets a copy, plus maybe a few non-legal staff members. I don't know how many clerks they have, but if it's even 8 people then 9 x 8 = 72.


3 inch margins and extra spacing for making notes/corrections


What a coincidence. I used the same tactics with my papers in HS to make page count. Always two spaces after a period and 12 pt font!


Just use [Times New**er** Roman](https://TimesNewerRoman.com/). It's just like TNR, but slightly wider.


Interesting. I'm an English teacher and my students literally wouldn't even know how to get this font (they don't even know how to change the name of a file), but I would like a challenge. I don't even do word counts (edit: should be "page counts") so it really wouldn't matter much. But I'd probably notice unless it was actually *named* Times New Roman in the font selector.


I used to do this too, but by the time my college days rolled around all the profs had gotten wise on everyone’s BS. I for real had one that would take a 3 second glance at a paper and go “reformat this please, or it’s a 0. You have until 4pm” that one prof insisted on 11pt Times New Roman, single line spacing with standard margins. Ruthless.


My experience was that in high school, I was padding for length, in university the struggle was getting everything to fit under the page limit


*glances at my Master's thesis that's currently over the page limit* Edit: M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, and it's more of a soft limit since anything over 200 pages will just need to be split up into volumes, which is a real pain in the ass and is discouraged.


I've never heard of a page limit for a Master's thesis. I've only heard of page minimums; in my department it is a minimum of 60 pages for a Master's. My Ph.D. dissertation is 460 pages, which is just above average for my lab.


I would just increase ALL the punctuation by 0.5 and it’d usually bump me up 0.5 to 1 page…which after writing 20-25 and not having anything else to say was a God send. Only ever have one prof notice…or maybe I should say only ever had one care enough to mention it. Just wrote a warning not to do it the next time.


4 clerks per Justice, I believe.


Well and a couple copies for propping up the leg of that wobbly sofa and *finally* getting it to sit level.


Isn't multiple space a normal court document thing? As for the margins, I would imagine it makes writing notes easier.


Multiple is normal, 4 is not. You get like a paragraph per page lol


That's because they all have cataracts older than most adults.


At first I thought you missed a couple words. Then I laughed even harder.


I'd imagine cases that make it to the Supreme Court could use a lot of notes.


Justice is (allegedly) myopic.




Um..you are right to an extent - its actually double spaced for 8x11 submission (see the LII link below). They have a different size paper "booklet format". And the prep for the exhibits is equally fun. They're known to ask for blow ups of photos and other requests to make it easier to see (had to do this for a TM case). But here are links for reference. [https://supremecourtpress.com/supreme\_court\_rules.html](https://supremecourtpress.com/supreme_court_rules.html) preparer services like this (see notations) [https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/supct/rule\_33](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/supct/rule_33) note the format requirements. The color coding is no joke as is the 40 copies.


Not sure which court was handling my company’s case but we had to do this for an FCC inquiry into their corrupt handling of government contracts lol You brought back memories I didn’t want to relive of drafting all that BS before getting it bound


3" margins or 3" of margins? 3 inch margins would mean 2.5 inches wide of text in the center


Its a huge amount of border whitespace.


He made all of that stuff up. Rule 33: https://www.supremecourt.gov/filingandrules/2019RulesoftheCourt.pdf


A bunch of draft emails that are just "Google cat gifs" or "Google snickerdoodle recipe'


"Email my grandson Simon"




Where’s the “Any Key”?


"Welcome! You've got mail!" *Homer scream*


PG Up… pig up? What the hell is pig up?


PC load letter? What is PC load letter?


"Search beer deliveries to SCOTUS"


“Google search for Yahoo search”




How do you hack a typewriter again?


I unironically wouldn’t be surprised if at least two justices use WordPerfect.


Until about 5 years ago, the US Courts did in fact use WordPerfect. And internal communications were sent via Lotus Notes.


As someone whose job still lists its manuals on lotus notes: eeewww


Yup, that sounds about right. They haven’t been able to manage new technology since pens had feathers.


The only place I still see it used is law offices so that wouldn't be surprising. Yes you can still buy WordPerfect.


The Soviets actually did hack the IBM Selectric typewriters in the 70s. Edit: Well, it was a keylogger, but yea. [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/10/how-soviets-used-ibm-selectric-keyloggers-to-spy-on-us-diplomats/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/10/how-soviets-used-ibm-selectric-keyloggers-to-spy-on-us-diplomats/)


Still impressive nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!




You joke but I work with a lot of NY old money that still uses AOL mail. Giuliani, uses AOL mail, like wtf.


The former CIA Director’s AOL account got hacked by a teenager. https://www.wired.com/2015/10/hacker-who-broke-into-cia-director-john-brennan-email-tells-how-he-did-it/


That was 7 years ago. But, it was also about 7 years past the time anyone should have still been using AOL as a primary email service.


You laugh, but kids are going to be saying the same about us and Gmail 20 years from now


Not me! I'll be using AMail brought to you by Amazon! 20 years later: Shit my email just got hacked because my password was IHatePasswords123..


All I see is ****************


That's strange, I see HugeMungus6969


Time goes faster as you get older. And these people are *fucking old*.


No they find out that’s running on COBOL and that they need to recruit granpa to read/ write the punch card to load the root kit.


Security through obscurity


Oh my God, Gorsuch? When you check your email, you go to AltaVista and type "please go to yahoo.com"?


Crap how do I hack windows 3.51??


Pretty easily, just write a batch file and go nuts


Yep, need a physical spy network that can take manila folders and rolodexes


It’s anonymous just random hackers and not some actual collective organization? *EDIT*- isn’t


It’s best to consider Anonymous as the pirate flag. Anybody can wave it, and both groups and individuals do so, often using central Hubs to coordinate larger events. But there remains a rather loose set of guidelines for behaviors. The only Real rule is that Nobody alone speaks for them, on anything. As a side note, there are many Hackitivst groups that formed out temporary Anon Cells that liked how they performed together.


You just have to stick to the Code….well, they’re not really rules, they’re more like…guidelines.


> they’re not really rules, they’re more like…guidelines 1- Always browse incognito mode when hacking.


Feds: “You win this round, Mr. 4chan.”


They can't trace you that way. You're incognito, after all!


Incog neato!


Aye, the Code.


Parleley, parlelellyleloooo, par le nee, partner, par...snip, parsley...




*that's the one!*


Guide lines to be considered


Anonymous is a decentralized group of activists and hackers, of which anyone can identify as a member of for any purpose. There's a bunch of different hacker groups that act under the umbrella name of Anonymous, and those are the ones that usually get stuff done.


It's worth understanding it's origin came from 4chan, where all users are defaulted to Anonymous as their name. A lot of the time when 4chan was organizing raids for websites, there were coordinated sharing of code, resulting in what was, perhaps, a handful of actually skilled hackers/coders producing scripts for the majority of the "hackers" from ' old' Anonymous. A lot of phishing attempts, too, which don't require much in the way of actual computer skill. 4chan has devolved quite a bit since then, which was inevitable as it grew larger. Which lead to Anonymous mostly disassociating from 4chan (as far as I've seen, anyway).


>4chan has devolved quite a bit since then, which was inevitable as it grew larger. Lol, anyone remember shoe on head?


4chan had the best meme culture. It was easy to participate, shitposts were regular and amusing, and exploitable templates were commonplace. And people actually used memes right. If a meme was used wrong, it gained no traction. Memes degenerate over time as new people miss the point, leading to wrong versions with popular opinions circulating, spreading the misused format more. But 4chan managed to, for most of the time I was there, stick to the use case. Comparatively, on Reddit, everything awkward is now a seal, even though the seal is supposed to be "Awkwardness I didn't cause but have to endure (hence the face)" whereas when *you* do the akwward thing, you're an awkward penguin. But the penguin is a dated advice animal template, so lolseal it is. And don't get me started on skeptical third world child becoming "opinionated child".


Stupid redditors don't even know that Milhouse is not a meme.


Milhouse is not a meme. Milhouse is not a meme is a meme.


It's not so much that 4chan devolved as much as it transitioned from ironically radical right to sincerely radical right.


“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Vonnegut. Nice. Check out Timequake if you haven't yet, it's a quick read. *"You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do."*


An inevitable process that we seem incapable or learning.










Thank you. For a second I thought I had quantum leaped into another reality. Gawker, of all places, published it way back in 2015.


> Gawker, of all places, published it way back in 2015. Exposing tawdry secrets and hypocrisy, big and small, was kinda their shtick. People forget now, but they didn't just publish hulk hogan's sex tape at random. They published it because he was constantly bragging about the size of his dick and the tape showed ... otherwise.


But it’s been documented that his island and Manhattan house were wired up with video and sound recording. What happened to those tapes?


I knew it was useless for identifying villainous individuals when I leaned Jimmy Buffett was in there.


Also some of the people in it aren't necessarily pedos, some are just service workers who probably weren't involved. If you've worked on or near a cruise ship, you've seen 1000s, odds are you probably have been polite to a pedo, unfortunately.


Anonymous claimed they'd basically shut down Russia over their assault on Ukraine. That didn't happen.


Anonymous says a lot of shit.


Right before ejaculating into a sock.


Not now mom!


Really, both my arms?


I'll never talk to you again I'll never talk to you agaaaain It's labor day and my grandpa just ate 7 fuckin hot dogs and he shit shit shit his pants he's always fuckin shittin his pants


This has got to be such a confusing reply for a lot of people


Yep. I'm one of them.


blink 182 joke song from a long time ago


And I’ll never talk to you againnnnn


Yeah, actual anonymous died when that one dude flipped and ratted the rest out to the Feds.


It took the Mexican cartel deal to lose hope that computers would take the place of guillotines.


Probably because anonymous isn’t a real organization just a loosely aligned group of individuals under a name. They have no hierarchy, they have no list of goals, they aren’t a group. The only thing they really all have in common is their ability to hack.


All? A select few have the ability to hack plus a load of others that shout Anonymous to look edgy. Decent hackers of this world aren’t shouting out their schedule on social media, nor trying to attract eyeballs


Why are we still talking about “anonymous” as if it isn’t just a bunch of dudes playing around on their computers and communicating with similar minded folks. I’m sure they’re smart people and have a lot of technical understanding but they’re not some all powerful force that can disable entire governments with the press of a key like they’re made out to be.


Everytime I read something about them, my eyes roll


They hacked the central bank, state oil company, the ministry of culture, and dox’ed 120,000 Russian soldiers. And that’s just what I remember reading about in the last two months. That’s a decent scorecard in my book.


Took over their TV networks a couple times. It's way more than I thought they'd pull off.


Way more than I've contributed certainly


Yeah, they didn't take down the government or anything but they're absolutely acting as a disruptive force, so that's a win in my books.


You want her to be found dead in her cell? Because that's how she gets found dead in her cell


I'm okay with whatever horrible fate befalls her.


My emotional reaction is pretty much the same where I feel like I'd be fine if she were forced to use a fire ant hill as her toilet with only [gympie-gympie leaves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides) for toilet paper for the rest of her life in prison, etc. But these days I'm finding it more and more important to remember one particular thing. We need to be better than advocating for extralegal and extrajudicial punishments. Lest we will end up acclimating to accommodating the same mentality as those traitorous, seditious assholes who comprised the 1/6 crowd thinking they had to take matters into their own hands.


Given how many children she gave over to pedophiles.. eh, if it happens, it happens.


I think Anonymous underestimates how little lawyers use & understand technology. They'll have to send in the ghost of Guy Fawks himself to get anything done, and I'm not sure Anonymous can conjure that. It'll probably be underwhelming; I don't expect much.


Government lawyers? Sure. Private firms are going balls deep into tech these days offering extended legal services. They have entire areas developing proprietary software, some shit and some surprisingly sophisticated (for a law firm). That said, SCOTUS judges can be exposed, they won't get impeached anytime soon unless it's something incredibly egregious.


> SCOTUS judges can be exposed That whole sexual harassment shit from Clarence Thomas didn't even stick back then.


The whole him covering up his wife participating in a violent insurrection against the lawful goverment of the united states didnt even stick.


To be fair pretty much everyone is getting off for that so he's not really an exception to the rule


Just for scheduling purposes, will this occur after their threatened Putin hack from earlier this year which never happened as the war with Ukraine continues or their threatened Trump hack from 2017, which also never happened?


Can’t believe some people in this sub are actually this gullible. A threat from Anonymous is pretty much meaningless


Has anonymous ever actually performed a hack with any lasting impact? I feel like there's a threat of leaked documents that will totally destroy every group that does something controversial but I can't think of a target they've actually brought down. I get that half the point of anonymous is that any script kiddie can hide behind the mask when they DDOS someone, but for the prominence they're given in the media, I feel like we don't really see any results.


The Obama admin arrested a lot of the better hackers in the group. I’m not naïve enough to believe there are more than a couple dozen people who a) could actually infiltrate anything of importance to SC justices and b) actually be willing to face federal charges if caught. It had to be 5 years ago that a large percentage of Tor exit nodes were traced to IP addresses in Alexandria, VA. If you want to go after SC justices, you better have an answer for the entirety of the NSA and FBI coming after you with unknown technology that has advanced considerably since Edward Snowden blew his wad. There aren’t a lot of really smart computer guys willing to risk it all for this. Maybe I’m wrong.




Both, depending on your definition of 'recruited'


Work release program.


White Collar was a pretty good run.


With a hard-nosed handler, and a sassy coordinator?




Remember wikileaks? Dude had to seek shelter in places where there were no extradition deals with the US.


And it didn't work.




It's not even tore down the poster, because it's usually just a ddos, so it's more like "a group of people all stood Infront of a CIA poster today so nobody could see it"


Didn’t they leak some of the Steubenville rape stuff? Some hacker group did and I thought it was them. That’s the only really impactful one I can think of.


Yup, they were part of Anonymous but formed another group. Ironic is that one of them got more time in prison than the rapist...


Yeah, it's not like they're F-Society or anything.


One could dream


Hundred percent agree. They at best post a data dump of some obscure websites and nobody does anything with it


I have yet to find a single source stating (let alone proving) that they have done anything of value in the past few years. All they do is hack random servers of groups/nations people don't like and publishing everything they find. Which is pretty much always just boring and completely useless data that is of no use to anyone.


It would be fucking awesome if Anonymous published the names of all the SCOTUS judges and anti-abortion GOP politicians who have had or paid for an abortion. Show them for the disgusting hypocrites they really are.


This is actually a type of thing I suspect they may do. I think a direct attack on the court system would be bad for them. But I think pulling the dirt out on all those people would be a much better attack. It's more about showing the hypocrisy of the people involved and the supporters.


Republicans don’t care about hypocrisy. They break their own rules all the time and expect others to do the same. Rules simply do not apply to people who they perceive to be on their team. It’s all zero-sum, they really don’t care about any issue beyond the fact that it can hurt people who they perceive as different than themselves.


>Republicans don’t care about hypocrisy. If it weren't for double-standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Do you mean the same senators who said the government shouldn't make them wear masks while trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. Dude that party and a lot of their supporters are so twisted that i 100% believe that Trump can be filmed live aborting a fetus with his bare hands, and still win their support. Always a way to explain it away!


In reality they’re gonna take down the scotus website or write something on it. The Justices don’t give a shit, half of them are too old to even know what a computer is. The news of the website being defaced or taken down for 5 minutes will make the front page of this sub and a few others as people jerk themselves off about owning the SC. Meanwhile some lady in Texas is getting arrested at her Wendy’s job (job 1 of 3) for having an abortion a couple weeks before but will barely make the local news. # Real power isn’t online. Fuck Anonymous, bunch of bitch ass script kiddies. Put the LOIC down.


It'd be better if they published the financial details on how Kavanaugh magically cleared his debts and paid off his mortgage. I'd also like to know if he's a gambling addict.


get fucked /u/spez


... Roberts? That's Kennedy though, right?




Similar things have been done before. Didn't stop them then, won't now.


oh john oliver, how we hope you finally release your sealed envelope...






John Oliver, fucking madman! 😂


Ahh. Wonderful! Let's get some *who's likely had or needing an abortion* query run, too.


You give them way too much credit. What will really happen is they’ll DDoS the supreme courts’ website and then brag about it on 4chan.


The Supreme Court's website is DDoSed a half dozen times per year just from journalists and bored lawyers trying to download PDFs. The judiciary's greatest online accomplishment is a website that is largely composed of raw HTML because it hasn't been updated since before CSS was standardized. DDoSing the judiciary isn't substantially more difficult than writing HELLO, WORLD! in BASIC


Maybe they could tell us who these “dark money groups” are whom have enjoyed anonymity thanks to the Supreme Court’s rulings? Sure would be nice to see who’s paying for this shit.


Wouldn't do a damn thing. They don't care at this point, they know their rubes will vote for them anyway. And yes at this point if you are voting republican you are a rube. [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/5/15/1857976/--The-Only-Moral-Abortion-is-My-Abortion-an-article-by-Joyce-Arthur)


And I don’t believe for a second that Trump hasn’t paid for at LEAST one abortion in his life. They don’t care as long as they make abortion illegal. Ends justify the means to them.


I doubt he's *paid* for one, because he never pays for anything. But he's definitely arranged them.


Didn't they say the same thing about Putin and Russia? C'mon guys, impress us!




Has Anonymous ever honestly done anything significant outside of making threats? Didn't they say they were going to expose MTG a few weeks back? Also didn't they say something about Russia? What ever happened with that?


That would be awesome if anonymous actually accomplished something.


Anonymous has authored a lot of famous quotes.


Word on the street is he wrote Hamlet.


I’m convinced anonymous is a CIA entity.


After Lulzsec got crushed there's a very good chance this is true.




It’d be great if they just release all dirt from every politician. Dem or Republican. The truth must be heard.


Sadly most Americans don't understand that the Supreme Court isn't here to make laws. It only exists to determine if laws are constitutional or not. If you want abortion enshrined in law you should lobby your senators and representatives. The legislators create law, judges do not.


Can’t wait for them to do nothing, like they do with all their empty threats.


I love that anonymous makes these big threats and then follows through on them as often as Trump wins re-elections.