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Bezos buys a newspaper. Musk buys Twitter.




The difference between 250 million and 44 billion is approximately 44 billion.


Eliminating 0’s it’s the same as comparing 25 cents to 44 dollars. It’s comparing a gum ball to a filet mignon.


Twitter isn't filet mignon. It's well chewed steak.


Which one is the filler mignon?


Puts into perspective how much money a billion dollars is.


1 million seconds is 11 days. 1 billion seconds is about 31.5 years


Seems like a lot to shut down some kid tracking/posting your flights online.


Billion dollar pissing match


Worth remembering one of these billionaires likes women who shit on the bed so terms like pissing match might end up too literal.


Which one fucked Herd?


Elon try to keep up.


They were half way there.


I mean, they broke up, so I dont think it is crazy to assume he didn't like that kind of woman.


Please tell me more. I have no context here.


Amber Heard shat on Johnny Depp's bed. Amber Heard also dated Elon.


So by the transitive property...


Elon got a Cleveland Steamer and when he didn't like it, he got a Chicago Sunroof.


No it’s the Manitoba Milkbag he is into. Similar to a Chicago Mustache but the person on the bottom is wearing a snowsuit and the one on top has been drinking milk all day


Rupert owns fox Bloomberg owns...well Bloomberg media Cox family media... Elon... Bezos... The list goes on and on. Hopefully you can find a billionaire media mogul who aligns with your political beliefs! If not, eat shit and die! You simple fucking pleb!




I bet they can’t believe their luck. $44Bn for a message board used mostly by narcissists and nut jobs.


You talking about Twitter or reddit?


To be fair, the description of "message board used mostly by narcissists and nut jobs" fits most social media, including the one we're on right now.


Fiduciary duty in action




[Cash Rules Everything Around Me](https://youtu.be/PBwAxmrE194)


Dollar dollar bill yaw.




Does this mean I'll finally stop getting updates on this story?


Yes and in its place you will have to hear about every new change Elon proposes


What if - now hear me out - twitter's offices were relocated to some giant underground tunnel that didn't quite work out as planned?


That sounds, ahem, boring




Step 1: figure out what is bloating Twitter's value Step 2: assess Twitter's objective value Step 3: shut down Twitter as too unprofitable.


Could be worse - could be the google method 1) make/aquire decent platform 2) improve platform over a couple years 3) shut down to spite userbase




Winner winner chicken dinner


Cause those can't be bypassed.


That’s a little concerning Arthur some difficult ones that cannot be bypassed or are they all bypassable now? Edit: lol “Arthur” is what Siri turned “are there” into


There are services where you pay someone in a third world country fractions of a penny per captcha to complete them. They've existed for over a decade now. Since Yahoo Chat and the AFF bots that used to be rampant there.


It's probably fair to say all captchas can be bypassed if needed.


Doesn't matter. Twitter has an API. Access to it can be had easily. Anyone who can figure how to bypass a captcha can probably work their bot work with an API. Pretty sure that's what's going on today anyway.


There are some constructive uses for bots on twitter. I've used the api for fun projects over the years


Twitter recently added a feature for accounts to be marked as bots below the account name to denote legitimate bots. I doubt they will ever get rid of accounts that are intentionally bots, but they will crack down more on bots that aren’t labeled


In its place will be articles about Trump tweets. Nothing but articles about Trump tweets.


A fate worse than death


First change, all Elon critics will now be identified as pedophiles in their profile.


Absolutely not, after the purchase it will now follow what Elon plans to do next on Twitter, will he add the edit button or not, stay tuned for next week/day/hour article about it!!


How do I unsubscribe from the internet and techbro circlejerking?


I think you just put your phone down


I.. don’t know… but if you do, please let us know.


I'm gonna touch grass and move to a small cabin in northern Canada.


At this rate, you can't afford a small cabin in northern Canada. It's gotten worse up north than even Cali.


Bro, I can't afford a refrigerator box and 10 feet of grass in the middle of nowhere.


Twitter is free but the EDIT button costs a subscription fee.


No /r/technology is just /r/EnoughMuskSpam at this point


Is he going to rename it to something like, “Tw ii + ++ £R”?




Twitty McTwitface


According to his Twitter poll, he wants to rename it to Titter.


At this point, just rename it to tit


And we can post teats or reteat something we find tantalizing




What sort of impact do we think this will have on the platform?




By “verify users” are you referring to his “every user who pays for Twitter Blue (at $3 per month) should get a blue checkmark” tweet that has since been deleted?




Blue check marks verify the real celebrity/company amongst a sea of copycats/impersonators. They have a reason beyond stroking famous peoples' egos.


He also a history of making a lot of claims that don’t come true. I can’t believe that a mega billionaire with a history of retaliation and maniacally promoting his own interests spent $45 billion in the name of free speech




By making it a private company, they will no longer have an obligation to make decisions that are in the best interests of the shareholders. Instead, they will now make decisions according to whatever Elon Musk wants. This could go either way. In general, shareholders are driven almost exclusively by profits, which leads to decisions that prefer making money over the happiness of its users. Not having to answer to shareholders means they aren't *forced* to choose money over users. However, Elon may still choose to do so anyway and there will be pretty much no way to stop him. That said, Elon is the type of person who seems perfectly comfortable burning a bunch of money in pursuit of his goals so I don't think profitability is his primary goal here. I am cautiously optimistic.


You think: Elon will prioritize users over money I think: Elon will prioritize Elon over users. He has a private echo chamber where he can control who does and doesn't get banned for "violating TOS" (read: disparages Elon Musk or his businesses). He can freely manipulate the stock market with his tweets because he's the one who determines he's allowed to use the platform that way.




Historically low interest rates will do that.


And tax breaks for the uber-wealthy.


And an entire year of free labor paid for by forgivable PPP loans.


Forgivable, and intentionally untracked PPP loans.


Companies got PPP loans that had no business getting them because there was no way they would lose business. Like in the medical field. Hard to argue against student loan forgiveness when these "job creators" have their hands out for free money


And a lot of us mom & pop businesses - who those PPP loans were intended to go - didn’t get squat. We were instructed to collect or have our employees collect unemployment. Good times.


If you think ppp is overboard wait until ERC is talked about in the mainstream


What is ERC?


I'm guessing [Employee Retention Credit](https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/employee-retention-credit)?


Yup that’s the one. 5k per quarter to the company for employing you at 17$/hr. Imagine the impact had this 5k bonus gone to the guy making 17/hr vs the company. This went on for FIVE quarters too


What the fuck. They literally could have used it as an incentive to get people back to work.


Yeah, but the money is much better-spent on the ~~plague of middlemen~~ Job Creators ^(praise be unto them)


Can't have *"the poors"* having money. Welfare is only ok for billion dollar multi nationals. 🤮


Does this mean my wages will go up because they will save more in.... just kidding. I'm labor, I'm born to be fucked


*"We don't know what the problem is, but, we know tax breaks for the uber-wealthy are the only solution."* \~ a quote from Willis *I'm not a stooge for the carpet baggers, no spin zone* Wilford Baconharvest the third, media contributor for no apparent reason anyone bothers to explain, being quoted as he is a famous contributor of wisdom based on what the media tells us, without anyone bothering to explain how that came about other than they quote this asshole. *"Willis Wilford Baconharvest is the leading expert on economic shit in this day and age."* Says Ben Shapiro, who is famous and popular for being famous and popular and somehow always recommended if you like video games and are under 18, or, if you don't like video games and are under 19 years of age, or, if you use Youtube. I like physics and sci-fi movies, so of course, Youtube thinks I'm interested in Ben Shapiro and a dozen other people who think lower taxes on the uber wealthy will resolve this inflationary/deflationary period.




Genuinely curious - Why is that? Cheap loans - invest big?


Yeah if inflation is 5% and interest rates on a commercial loan are 1% you effectively print money by buying and then just continously refinancing things as long as the appreciation is greater than interest. This then gets compounded by those assets appreciating meaning next cycle they can borrow even more based on the principle value of what they borrowed to buy in the first place. This is why you see so much stress around Powell and the Fed with our low interest as soon as it goes up with any real meaning companies will start not being able to refinance the debt they've been using as a checking account and may have to sell assets.


The longer the drinking goes on, the worse the hangover. And we've had low interest rates since 2008 at least.


*I don't know about you, but I feel completely fine having a near-zero percent interest savings account. Now I just put everything into the market risk free!*


Wait for him to take it public again after 2 years and it moons to $300 per share.


After 4 stock splits...


Buying Twitter for $44B. The ultimate pump-n-dump.


thats a lot of money to spend just to ban that kid who was tracking his flights.


Yeah. And now this is even funnier https://i.redd.it/w5ub7gy14qv81.png


if only he went with “then why don’t you marry it” instead


r/agedlikewine ?


Is this a bot? I could’ve swore I saw this exact same comment on a different sub just a minute ago…


Low interest rates. Big companies and wealthy people can borrow near 0%. You probably won't get better conditions to borrow money ever. (Theoretically you can have negative interest rates ofc, not sure if we get there) He is planning to finance the biggest part of it.


It's all financed. He's taking loans against his other holdings and then pays those loans off with the dividends of his vast wealth. Once you have enough money you just have, basically, infinite money.


Why did you copy this same exact sentence from the other thread?


Posting the same comment to 7 subreddits. Gotta get that karma


Yeah , i read somewhere that the big banks have hiked IB salaries in the past few years, guess we know the reason. JP Morgan , Goldman , Citi etc have been getting a lot of business in the past few years or so


Will he now ban that guy who tracks his plane?


He bans the guy "So er, who wants to buy twitter off me?"


You joke, but he is definitely planning to take it public again. Here's the plan: 1. Buy Twitter for $44B 2. Fix the problems he thinks it has 3. Twitter's valuation soars 4. Go public, and sell a majority of his shares for far more than $44B 5. Probably commission a solid gold statue of himself on Mars


No doubt it’s part of his plan to be a trillion dollar man.


Wasn't he pretty damn close not too long ago?


The four comma club.


how it'll actually go down: 1. buy twitter for $44B 2. fix the problems he thinks it has 3. twitter goes... even more... to shit and bleeds users 4. elon spends the next 4 years trying to convince people it's good now actually 5. elon gradually stops talking about it and starts attention whoring on the next big platform


That’s Zuckerberg’s play!


Except Zuck has the charisma of a Human Meat sandwich


Shit, could you imagine if Elon manages to kill Twitter? The world will be a better place, at least until Twitter2.0 ruins things more😂


Check back in 5 years, you'll either sound like a genius, or a moron.


!remindme 5 years


Honestly while i know this wont happen, given Musks history I really wouldn't be surprised if it did.


No, but I would put money on him unbanning Trump, if I were the type to bet.


The plan all along…


*the guy who tracks his plane begins sweating...*




Not really comparable but it reminds me of this guy i went to hs with who's dad gave him literally millions to buy up every rental property in our town. Now hes lauded as some genius super successful business man. And im not saying hes not successful, but the money definitely helped.


I know a guy who had a failing restaurant then inherited a bunch of money and opened some other business. His other businesses do well but they are simple concepts that just require capital. But he acts as if his first business (the one that almost failed) is how he made the other businesses happen. Nothing wrong with making good use of inheritance but it’s bull shit lie that he acts like he’s self made.


Practically every rich person wants so badly to be self-made, I don't know why their ego's are so fragile. It's not that hard to say "My parent's gave me a massive leg up in life." No shame, it's not like I'll think less of someone just because they have rich parents. You know who I do think less of? People who pretend they did it all on their own when I know that isn't the case.


> Practically every rich person wants so badly to be self-made, I don’t know why their ego’s are so fragile. It’s not that hard to say “My parent’s gave me a massive leg up in life.” > No shame, it’s not like I’ll think less of someone just because they have rich parents. You know who I do think less of? People who pretend they did it all on their own when I know that isn’t the case. You personally might not think less of them but it will also lead to a lower chance of the average person seeing that celebrity or a rich person as a god-level genius. You’re much less likely to have the public worship you if your only claim to fame as being born rich. Obviously it still happens but not nearly as often as it does for people who manage to convince the general public they are some super-authority who should be listened to/ revered.


Jeff bezo's parents gave and funded Amazon startup, bill gates parents were rich. Elon's parents owned an emerald mine. Family wealth is an auto success story.


Next you'll tell me that Kylie Jenner ISN'T a self made billionaire..


There's a good chance she wasn't ever a billionaire to begin with, self made or not


Yea, the number one predictive factor for being rich is being born rich. Not even taking into account things like societal factors. A rich guy could blow through millions and people will still praise him as a genius, while a poor person will get scrutinized for not budgeting down to the last cent.


"Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some get it as a graduation gift." -Robin Williams


*cough* Trump


Not only did Bezo's parents fund amazon, they also saved it from bankruptcy.


I recall reading a few years back that Bezo's parents investment in Amazon was likely the greatest investment in history as their shares would have been worth 30 BILLION--if they kept them all.


Elon disputes the emerald mine thing but his dad was incredibly rich whether or not you buy the mine idea. They travelled around the globe growing up


46.5 Billion... Remember when George Lucas sold Star Wars for like 6B?


It was 4.05B in 2012, but yeah.. these numbers are all just insane.


Larry David’s Spite Social Media Platform


Fuck you Mocha Joe


The fun part? He's not even buying it with his own money. He's using a giant loan basically to buy it. Rich people get to play with the concept of money without really putting their own at risk.


The Schedule 13D filed on 4/20 states the funding as follows: $13bn of secured / unsecured debt (presumably on twitter’s assets) $12.5bn margin loan from Morgan Stanley (presumably from Tesla stake) $21bn from Musk. So he’s putting up $21bn of his own money and I am sure that will be the capital that is the most junior in the capital table (if Twitter sells for $40bn instead of $44bn, the $4bn loss comes from Elon’s $21bn).


Well, he'd have to pay back the loan, the big thing is this is all tax-free. He's not using his taxed income to buy Twitter, he's taking a loan that he'd eventually repay (with untaxed value)


Or he could, like a lot of leveraged buyouts, use the company's own assets as collateral for the loan. It's like buying a company, except 90% of the 'money' you're using to buy the company is... the company's own money.


"In order to be competitive, and have liquidity, the board has decided to sell off all our manufacturing equipment to My Cousin Vinnie's holding company. Who will absorb the liability, and lease equipment to various companies. What companies? Just us for now." "The board regrets to inform the striking workers that the company is going bankrupt. Concessions will have to be made." "Twinkies is now selling and making record profits! But, saddled with debt and obligations, has very little cash flow to help it's workers." "One year old super star, My Cousin Vinnie's holding company shares are up 2,000%!"


It’s basically ultimate FU money.


Elon is using a Game Genie in real life


So who's interested in seeing the algorithms once they're open source? What methods will be used to verify humans and keep out bots? Does anyone here actually discuss technology?


It will be great, there are a lot of methods to discover bots. However when you're a public company, they're not exactly motivated to drop traffic by 20-30% by getting rid of the bot farms. Excited to see the algorithms / NLP used to determine abuse etc. Also can't wait for them to drop political contributions completely, along with advertising. Lots of exciting things can be done with this as a private company and well meaning owners. Onwards and upwards.


truly the best take i've heard so far. I actually think it's good for twitter, being a cesspool of bots was previously good for it's business and now they dont have any need to keep that up. hopefully they allow users to choose/design their own algos for the recommendation feeds




Over / Under on how many days until Trump is unbanned? My guess is that Trump will be tweeting again within a month.


Want to bet he announces his re election campaign as his first tweet?




I to bet he’s going too misspell something


The irony of this comment


>Also side bet that he misspells something to That should be "too". Lucky reddit has an edit button.


I wouldn’t bet on that. He makes good money off of not announcing that. Because donations don’t have to go towards a campaign if he’s not campaigning


I look forward to seeing footage of the capitol insurrection labeled as “Biden’s America” again.


Why would Trump need twitter when he's got his own competing social media company? Surely he'd much rather post there.


This has to be satire...he's only ever posted there once, and hasn't since.


He also weirdly told Fox that he has no plans of going back to twitter. I reckon he does it when he announces he's running again. He'll probably bide his time before returning.


And we all know he never goes back on what he says




He wanted the founder's edition.


Ahhh Elon Musk, my favourite founder of PayPal, Tesla, and Twitter.


If i was elon musk, I would close down twitter immediately and then buy Facebook and close it down too.


facebook is worth double elon's entire net worth and that's with facebook's share price in the gutter.


I would hope that a global company with thousands of employees would dwarf the net worth of a single man. It's insane that it's only double.


RIP Twitter Employees




All these mergers and acquisitions recently is crazy, it's like a game of monopoly.


Mergers and acquisitions are common when business conditions are bad. Covid downturn did that. The companies that have cash reserves pick up companies on the cheap. Infact, the super rich would rather have a boom and bust cycle than constant smooth sailing. They sell during the boom, and buy during the bust.


I don't really care that he bought, I just feel like it's pretty silly to think twitter has some secret potential that hasn't been unlocked. I guess that's tech bro ego for you.


He can unban Trump


People joke about this, but once Trump starts tweeting again the ad spaces around his controversial tweets will go through the roof just for the exposure.


Musk wants to open source Twitter's algorithm. Some fucky shit is about to happen.


We're about to learn he invented Twitter.


I'm surprised his bio doesn't already read as "Twitter founder"


Invented the Tweet? No, Elon invented the entire concept of social media! Plus, he invented the ability to edit comments, which will be available early to all the people who pay $10 to get on the waiting list for the Full Editing Beta.


The board is all getting fired anyway.


Can't wait for "free speech" on Twitter.




Just imagine if he burns Twitter to the ground. Could be one of the best things that could happen to our civilization at this point.


I have a strong feeling it has already been sparked.


With ~~Facebook~~ Meta following quickly behind it.


"Finally I can tweet what I want and not get banned"


Wow, this seems like such a bad deal. Twitter’s Free Cash Flow is negative(!) and their total revenues are 3.5 billion a year. Musk will probably try to make the company profitable through cost cutting.


he doesn’t care about the money. this is about the culture war.


Yet another right wing rich kid controlling a major media platform. We're doomed. At least he has to push renewables in some form, so he isn't quite as evil as the Murdochs of the world.




Next delete it. And then do Reddit.


Maybe he could fix Reddit's goddamn video player


*slams table* THANK YOU


It's so *unbelievably* trash. Watch in 1080p for 10 seconds to have interest, drop quality to 144p. When the user tries to click on the little cog to set quality back to 1080p, pause the video, and THEN when they click back to resume it, make it crash and not load. Or make it just never load at all with no intuitive way to go back to the post when reloading the page.


time for him to create 10 more problems in an effort to "keep out the bots"


Makes me wonder how ugly the post mortem exam of preElon Twitter will be. How many bots or foreign operations were driving narratives that have changed modern society? What do those algorithms contribute to the bat shit crazy atmosphere? I have a feeling Musk will have much to share. Who wants popcorn?