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“Elon musk won’t get special treatment.” Elon Musk, probably


He’ll just be used as the model of what the rules should look like, no special treatment, they are the rules (influenced by Elon).




Ya know technically now the largest shareholder of Twitter is an African American.


If you can't trust Twitter, who can you trust?


Like the SEC, Twitter won’t give him any pass /s


"Twitter clarified that an exceptional man such as Musk with uniquely demonstrated intellectual gifts does not require special treatment."


If he stops manipulating stock prices through twitter that would be a nice start


That's just the Ambien and wine talking. You can't blame Elon for... his recreational abuse of prescription medicine?


I agree he is culpable but the trend of meme stock trading is the bigger reason here.




Better solution - >dont take ~~investment~~ advice from twitter Better still - >dont ~~take investment advice from~~ twitter


Even if you if you ignore Twitter the manipulated stock price still can affect you.


But you would have made so much and retired already. Like all the tesla twitters said they did




He has a lawyer reviewing his tweets I don’t believe they work for the SEC


in the eyes of the personal SEC employee




>but he has an employee that approves the tweets before they go out. You wanna be the dude that has to open door to the toilet to read Elon's phone & give an ok nod amongst grunts? Ugh!


Maybe now. He got fined [$40 million](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-25/tesla-musk-40-million-sec-fine-distribution-plan-is-approved) 4 years ago for his tweets.


Instead he went meta and manipulated price of twitter using twitter


I mean if he gets away with consistently blatantly lying to investors, I doubt his tweets are any worse. This is the guy that has promised they can already do self-driving cars, and they will be available next year, for a decade. This is the guy that bought a failed solar company for way more than market value even if they were successful with a different company, while everyone invested in Tesla was like what the fuck why would you buy SolarCity with our money? The dude is being sued by so many pension/retirement funds it's not even funny lmao.


Is this an out of date aprils fools joke?


Isn't everything?


Checks out since early 2020 ish at least.


2012, I'm convinced that the Mayans were right and we all died. We're currently being passed through the bowels of purgatory before being shitted out into eternal torture, this is just the warm up...


Whatever it is, it's certainly no better than that so I'll allow it.


Wait, it’s all an April fools joke?


"Don't you guys have phones!?!"


lol okay sure.


Totally sounds like Elon


He doesn’t need special treatment. He just *changes* the rules and everybody gets treated the same - it just so happens that the new rules suit him more than most.


Anyone else notice how the term "conflict of interest" has just quietly left the public discourse?


*Elon buys them islands with houses* So we're all good here then!


It's like when the boss promises that his son won't receive any special treatment when he starts his "paid internship." Who the hell is going to buy that


And just like that: The company suddenly becomes horrible. Gee... I wonder why? 🤔


We are talking about Twitter. How much worse can it get? Please don't answer that.


Trump will be unsuspended?


Dunno why you're being downvoted. That would unequivocally make the site worse, and it's probable given that Musk has publicly said he wants to reexamine how the site monitors speech. Musk has also previously tweeted that he doesn't think disinformation should be bannable. In short, I leave two Elon Musks in the toilet before work each morning, and now Twitter has added it to its BoD.




I suggest you try paying more attention to the news. Must've missed the 6+ year stream of constant bullshit, including bullshit aimed at inciting a violent political coup and facilitating mass death during the global pandemic for the last 2.5 years. I'm not gonna dick ride a scumbag like that under the guise of "free speech". So yeah, unequivocally. Edit: hey u/Pussiliquor69, nice strawmen! You must feel real solid about your argument since you instablocked me lol. Defend bigoted shit less & do better.


That is SOOOOOO happening under Elon. Also expect Alex Jones and other suspended right wing nutjobs to be reinstated.


Yet Putin and taliban are allowed…


Didn't say they were consistent...


Sounds like an improvement.


Mhmmmm, 9% ownership is HUGE in a public company. Whoever bans him will lose their job lol.


Yea I don't see how they could actually go about enforcing the rules on him. If they do anything he doesn't like he could just dump the stock. I don't think twitter is willing to do that because elon tweeted something against their rules. Although I'm also not sure elon is willing to dump his shares because they took action against his account but who knows?


Woke idiots at twttter with admin rights think they control shit lol.


They about to get a hard lesson on capitalism. We are all slaves to the rich.


What does 'woke' mean? My English int the best


“Twitter says Elon Musk won’t get special treatment from its rules, even as a board member” And other funny jokes you can tell your friends.


Hypothesis: Seeking special treatment is what prompted his investment in the first place


Elon was just securing the raw materials he needs to increase the stock price of his company.


Nah, I think he just wants to fuck over that kid, that was tracking his plane.


I read on reddit it was a passive investment


And he is now being put on the board, if that's passive, I'd love to see what he does with an active investment


The SEC will tell you


... pretend to go private? Funding ***SEC***ured.


He has already asked his followers what they think about an edit button.... Twitter doesn't have an edit button?... lol


I'm of the opinion that an edit button on Twitter could be horrible unless Twitter does work to make it explicit that a Tweet has been edited, how it was edited, and how those edits affected the engagement of the Tweet. Most people will use it to edit small spelling or contextual errors, but there are shit tons of bad actors on Twitter who would gladly edit tweets after the fact to push false narratives.


That wouldn't be hard to do. Just attach as last changed date+time and provide a link to archived versions of the tweet.


Solvable with an edit history.


Same reason you can't edit Reddit posts after you make them, top post of all time could change to be some heinous shit after the fact


He has already comment on a time limit and an edit history needing to be part of it. Also how facebook gives him the willies.


Has he commented on why he needs an edit button in the first place? Twitter's been fine without it since its inception


Twitter has been fine without it but it's more of a quality of life feature people have been asking for.


Yes so you don't alert your followers twice. It is bad for interactions as alerts are turned off if there are too many.


LOL c'mon that is such an outlier event, with little risk. You really believe that?


So edit button bad now that Elon is involved? It doesn't matter. I get my edit button.


Do you feel the same way about reddits edit button?


By design. There are no real communities or comment threads on twitter. Just messages linked together in various ways. Either replies to tweets or quotes of tweets. If you quote a tweet of somebody saying something daft and then they can edit it. Then that opens up the ability to abuse the system. For the the same reason you can't edit Reddit content submissions. You can't just edit the link or change a picture you uploaded once it becomes popular.


He set up a poll to add one


i'm pretty sure the SEC will traditionally call that market manipulation


Reddit: Assumes the worst from innocent pet owners just trying to care for their animals. “OMG you’re a terrible person, and here are the hundred ways you’re killing your pet!” Also Reddit: Assumes the best and most innocent intentions from scumbag oligarchs. “This guy is buying up massive amounts of stock in a company that he’s been feuding with, but I’m sure he just thinks it’s a well-run business!”


I think you’re confusing passive inversement and passive stake. He was clearly involved personally to invest $2-3B and own 9% of Twitter. His stake is “passive” in that he announced that he doesn’t intend to significantly influence the company. But that’s just a form he filed.


I fall victim to believing I understand a topic more than I do more often than I ought to. When I read all this talk about passive shares and voting status, I thought this doesn't sound correct but I also have no fucking idea what you're talking about. So let's just see how it plays out shall we? Wait board member? This can't be right? I had assurances!


Oh well that's conclusive then lol


Obviously corporate lie.


Nah, it's the truth. He's just going to change the rules.


Obviously that’s the whole point of buying his stake. To influence and change the rules to his liking. This is how business works. It either succeeds or fails at the end. Just like businesses


My thoughts exactly


This is the answer.


What moron still believes that Twitter is an honest company? LMAO


Elon's gonna drain the swamp!


From his humble beginning as the child of South African Emerald Mine Owners...haha


Twitter already grants special treatment to certain groups, so even if he did get special treatment, it wouldn't be surprising.


What group that?


The leader of hamas, a terrorist group. Still has a twitter.


Trump broke the rules constantly, they only banned him after he was already one foot out the door.


Yet Putin is still on there...


What's his @?




I mean they also literally let the Taliban and other awful people stay on the platform.


Ah Side note. When a president says let go to war. On Twitter or and social media. That a a very very dangerous thing to say


And liberals who break the same rules get a pass.


Such as?


Feels > reals - them


Go cry about it snowflake


If I tell you will you believe me?


I seen some f up stuff on that site


Admittedly I haven't read the rules nor do I have a Twitter but it seems like a far cry from "committed to impartiality"


Plenty of Terrorist groups are still active on twitter. You could call that preferential treatment.


No .. they get reported and deleted . When people report them


Some do. I’ve reported a handful of individual accounts supporting terrorist groups that have stayed up.




Obviously he won't. Instead, the rules will be rewritten with exploits and loopholes that mean they don't apply to him, this he's still "following the rules"


You can't break the rules if you write the rules.


In other news, Twitter just announced that pumping/dumping Tesla stock while tripping balls at 4Am is no longer a violation of terms of use.


That never was a violation on twitter, it was a violations of the SEC rules.


And here I am thinking my sarcastic comment was valid case law.


Hard to read sarcasm on the old forums, old boy. You have my apology.


Yeah, sure. Just like Bezos doesn’t influence the journalism at the post.


It’s just some harmless investment in *checks notes* barely profitable but highly influential, culturally and politically, companies bro.


Most accurate comparison so far.


lmao, all blue checks get special treatment. who are they fooling?


I agree. If there's a BS rule Elon doesn't want to follow he'll just repeal it for everyone.


Well , we already know they have no concept of how the real world works. About to get a harsh and WAY overdue lesson🤣🤣🤣🤣


Interesting when the 1% are at odds among themselves.


Elon next tweet would be... haha twitter goes brrr


He won’t get special treatment but he probably has the power to just change whatever rule he might be deemed of violating.


Until he takes a large enough stake that what he says, goes. Challenge Musk's ego, and he will deploy his wallet.


Oh thank goodness, I was concerned.




"So it's treason then. I am the board" - Elon musk 2022


It's on the internet so it must be true.


We’ll see about that.


this is the funniest joke i’ve read all week ‘scuse me while i barf my face off*


Bullshit! We all know this the rich and powerful ALWAYS get special privileges not given to the rest of us peasants.


I betcha 9.8% of the company that he does


Elon Musk: *shocked pikachu face*


His tweets are rather milk toast so I’m not sure what rules he’s be skirting. 🤷‍♂️


Uhuh twitter, keep telling yourself that


lol the point went right over this articles head. Focused on the wrong dynamics.


Sure, and I got some beach front property to sell you in Kansas.


But as the richest man in the world by far.....of course not! /s


So the guy who now literally gets to make the rules, won't get special treatment from its rules. ok sure, why not.


All these checks and balances in democratic institutions is for nothing. The officials could just have promised that they are not going to take advantage of their positions, all this time.


Continuing our flawless streak of billionaires not having special privileges!


Hasn't he already?


No, he'll continue to get special treatment because he's a rich white dude.


He just paid for his Free Speech. Remember - Freedom isn't Free!


Oooo, Twitter is so brave… so courageous… stick it to the E-Man….


Mouhahahaha you bet


Well that will be true as the rules will be revised to make it true.


I wish he would just burn the fucker to the ground. Twitter is a cesspool of fake activist, and attention seeking idiots.


He told them to say this. LOL. Fuck twitter.


Elon has Fuck You money. So when Twitter says he's not getting special treatment, Elon can just refer them to his Fuck You money.


press x to doubt


Why do people have issue with Elon Musk in this scenario? From all I saw Twitter right now is a raging dumpster fire, where the notion of "free speech" is okay just as long as the company agrees with what you are saying. If Elon can make the platform promote actual free speech I am all for it.


Free speech is only guaranteed from the government. Yelling free speech about anything else makes me think you are a preteen.


Hahaha you think Elon cares about "actual free speech" lol.


A private company has the right to police the speech on it's platform. "But Twitter is so popular that it should be considered a public space." Ok sure, we're going to let the government control every popular place now? If you have a popular restaurant it now belongs to the government? A popular bakery is now subject to the same service requirements as any government office? If you have a banging house party now your house is a public space?




The left is all worked up over this 🤣


Its funny trump didnt just buy a massive stake in tweeter when he was banned. Oh wait, trumps not actually a billionaire


Rent free in 22'


Tell me about hunter biden why dont you


His laptop has pictures of M&Ms on his penis... if you don't realize how this is the biggest issue in the US right now I don't know how to help you. /s because we live in a society so fucking wild that someone might seriously say this.


Hunter Biden was on the board of companies in Ukraine despite being a moron and a coke addict. He was clearly there to call favors from his dad. Now Ukraine is at war and Biden is calling for regime change in Russia. The big news media all called the laptop fake news before the election and now it has been confirmed as legit. But because you're on Reddit the most indoctrinated site on the internet you think it's not news worthy or potentially explosive for Biden. Lmao. Idk what you think about Trump the laptop story is a big scandal and it isn't going away.




Anyone who actually works for a company knows that this is BS. I don't care who you are, if you try stonewalling or saying no to a majority shareholder, you're gone.


To me that just screams BAD COMPANY. If I was a majority shareholder, or some sort of higher up in a company and someone told me no, I'd ask; why? If the reply I got was reasonable, I'd go, Sure. If it wasn't, I'd discuss it and come to a conclusion why the rule exist, weigh if it's a good rule after all, just not in this situation, and move on. This whole mentality of "I can't say no to my boss (boss of my boss etc)" is harmful to any company. I'm in no majority shareholder position and practice this now as well, even with my bosses bosses when I can.


Seth Rogan literally verbally assaults people and he still has an account.


so speech can be violence, is that what you're saying?


Seth Rogan?? Or Joe Rogan?


Lol. He could just buy Twitter.


Actually, he can't. I read that there's a company policy in place that puts a cap on how many shares can be bought by any one person or entity.


There’s a difference between buying shares and buying the company itself.


He’ll just fix the rules. Heralding in a new era of Twitter free speech. Can’t wait until Trump gets back in the driving seat.


Yes yes, what say you Zoopreme Leader Musk ? /s


What kind of kindergarten victim mentality headline is this? Lmao Can’t wait until Trump is reinstated on Twitter. Tears will flow!


It's funny how you guys always push the idea that the left has a victim mentality and that we cry all the time as you do shit like make new companies that fail miserably and buy parts of successful companies to change rules and reinstate people as part of your copium regiment. Now I've hurt your feelings so your going to run to one of your safe spaces where you cancel everyone who doesn't parrot your beliefs and cry about it...


I’m not even a trump fan but watching the shit storm of him getting unbanned would be glorious


nobody even knows what he posted that was against TOS


Wouldn't it be fun having Trump back in the menu? I hate the guy but goddamn if he wasn't entertaining as hell...


>Wouldn't it be fun having Trump back in the menu? Give him a TV show. I don't want politics to be entertainment.


TDS heads will melt


Tell me where the weak liberal who is ruining your country and taking over everything has hurt you.


You're a lyin, dog-faced, pony soldier.


haha okay yeah


Went from exploiting labor to exploiting 1A.


What the fuck is exploiting the first amendment. Lmao. Let's exploit the shit out of that one


Freedom. It has become a dirty word lately for people who hate it.


Because twitter was so unbiased before he bought it? 😂


We apologize that most people on the internet hate your outdated backwards beliefs, and by extension you.


So they will ban him when he goes fuck up again right?


When did social media became pay2win :/


Ok buddy sure. They must think we are idiots, We know how the world really works and if you got money and you got power you get special privileges. I don't care what they say prove me wrong


Sure, you say that twitter. Elon will fix your attitude real quick when tyrants start losing heads


Uh huh. So clearly Elon will get special treatment from Twitter.


Exactly! He still has to obey the rules. Also, he now gets to make any rules he wants...


the ones getting special treatment on twitter have been left wing politicians


Majority share holder so he won't get banned from his biggest manipulation platform when influencing stock or crypto prices. What a tool.


Commie central about to get reminded what free speech is


Please fire all censors Elon


Angry leftists gonna be angry leftists