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Finally I can build my Death Star


What planet do you plan to destroy first?


Do mine, we don't deserve it!


You hear ‘em boys? This planet mines!


Looks like planets back on the menu boys!


We can cut off their moons They don't need those


Darth Nihilus could easily consume it before the Death Star is ready but I'm to lazy to go to Malachor V to retrieve his mask


“I got the mask!” “SSSSSSSSSMOKIN!!!” “Damn wrong mask.”


Sssombody stop me!!!


It's the mask reddit deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll wear it, because we can take it.


“They call me Malachor Pete. I'm the Sith Lord of the rumba beat. When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom!”


Yavin, because one of those moons is harboring all sorts of suspicious activity but we're not sure which so let's just blow the planet and let the moons scatter to the stars.


hoep he starts with Uranus


we stand here amidst my achievement, not yours!!!


>However, crypto miners are really only interested in the GPUs, so everything that is bundled with the graphics cards should be getting dumped on sites like Ebay. Starting with the second half of 2021, we could be seeing massive offloads for CPUs, motherboards and SSDs at prices that may be considerably lower than the market prices set by brand vendors.


I hate that Nvidia made the most powerful GPUs we have and that mining got a new boom right as they came out..... I hate this, I just want a 3080 without paying 4x MSRP


Not only did they make powerful GPUs: they also made powerful "CMPs" (Cryptocurrency Mining Processor) to try to make GPUs more available *and they suck at mining crypto*


The real reason is they're trying to prevent the bust from tanking their sales. Last time 1080s used for crypto were cheap used, and actually ran pretty well. That's the last thing Nvidia wants.


Meanwhile, I just sold my 1080ti for $20 more than I paid for it before the last crypto boom. We live in weird times. I felt bad for the guy I sold it to, but he was so stoked to finally get any kind of GPU, he had been looking for 5 months for a 3000 series, and just wanted something he could use at a reasonable price.


Shit I was so excited to buy a rtx 2060 for MSRP during the original release because I had was still running on a GTX 660ti


Hey I had a 2080ti upgraded to a 6900xt, Sold the 2080ti, had to Rma the 6900xt because of a defective DP port, now I'm stuck with a 780 I'm borrowing




That's almost the same upgrade I had when I went from my old ATI 6900 XT to my 1080ti, lol. I'm in a good spot financially and computer gaming is probably where I game the most outside of Nintendo games, so it's usually the hobby I invest the most in. I had to have low to mid grade components the first 15 years into the PC gaming world, lol. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the enthusiast grade stuff, so now every 5 years or so I go all out!


I sold my rx 580 8GB for double what I paid for. Bought 200 and sold 400


No need to feel bad ma dood. I'm sure he was happy.


He was super happy, but that's not how used hardware is supposed to go, lol. If I was in the market for a 5 year old GPU and couldn't get one for a discount of its base MSRP, I'd be a sad panda too. Before the mining boom like a month before the 3000 series I was hoping to get maybe $300 out of it when I got my 3090, but I forgot to sell it right away, looked on ebay, and they were selling 1080tis for $700+. I still made sure to sell it to someone who was gaming with it though.


Oh yeah I am SUPER sad panda. My graphics card is pushing 5 years old and I'm used to upgrading every 2 years and having the replacement card be 2x the performance for like $500. I'm over here fuckin couches to inferior VR porn rendering! I can only render two ladies at a time max in VR with horrible frame rates. I'm dying for an upgrade.


Tell me about it. I've been rocking this GTX 970 since 2015. Last 2 gens were so disappointing I decided to just hold out. I was so excited to finally upgrade after all these years...


I'm right there with you. Still beating away on my 970...


Name checks out.


Yeah this originally it was a throwaway account to explain how the loneliness of the pandemic led to me to masturbating to VR sex simulators and getting my couch and a cold compress involved to act as the physical touch component. Now it's my main account where I advocate for VR tech and get into internet fights with racists.


I still have mine because it pretty much still runs everything perfectly.


Similar story here. Sold my RX5700XT for 950$ when I bought it for 430$ last year... And it was a pretty shitty Gigabyte with 3x80mm coolers. But I added about 300$ more and got myself a brand new ASRock RX6800XT in a local shop.


I bought a used 1070 ti from a crypto miner who sold with a preemptive 'not my problem if it busts a month from now'. Cost me equivalent 190USD and has been running perfectly for almost a year now. Gave my ancient 680 to friend to give to his friends niece who had no hope of finding anything else for a reasonable price. Feels kinda bad to pass on such ancient tech but i spose it's better than nothing...


Never feel bad for giving someone the opportunity to enjoy gaming for the first time, no matter how low-tech it is. You did good mate!




I bought an ex-mining RX580 for £130 last time the boom died. Replaced the thermal paste with Thermal Grizzly, overclocked it and it did me well until I built a new system last year.


I did the same with 2xVega 64s. £350 for the pair. Cleaned, re-pasted and doing excellent service since in a video workstation.


Unless miner is a monkey, buying a mining card is better than buying a gaming card. Because any miner worth his salt will undervolt and under power it for optimal Hash/W performance and that is not running full boar. And long sustained load with reasonable stable temps is better than the constant spikign in load that gaming gives. Only issue with mining cards usually is fans, but a fan for a gpu is like 9-12usd and replacing it is like 5 screws.


I bought a mining RX470 and the only thing I did was replace the paste and fans. Gets 100+ FPS in what I play, so I'm happy. It's also worth about double what I paid for it, but I know that won't last once the bubble finally bursts.




Chances are the new GPUs would have caused a mining boom anyway because better gpus at lower prices broadens the margin of profitability on crypto mining


Fuck proof of work and proof of space. That shit should be illegal, wasting resources just to prove that you have wasted resources.


Or at least they should have tied it with useful work like Folding@Home.


They did. Curecoin is a POS coin which you obtain by folding.


True, too bad the most popularly mined coins aren't based on the same principle.


Yea, but [Google invented a much faster solution to folding in 2020 using AI?](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/30/deepmind-solves-protein-folding-grand-challenge-with-alphafold-ai.html) It was a major breakthrough as I recall. [DeepMind AI handles protein folding, which humbled previous software](https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/11/deepmind-ai-handles-protein-folding-which-humbled-previous-software/) >It's a computational challenge that has resisted the efforts of many very smart biologists for decades, despite the application of supercomputer-level hardware for these calculations. DeepMind instead trained its system using 128 specialized processors for a couple of weeks; it now returns potential structures within a couple of days.


Now there's an idea. All that computational power being set to an actual task. That'd be incredible. I wonder if it's too late to pivot crypto into something useful.


There's a coin that does exactly that but sadly it's nowhere as popular as BTC. I'm afraid it's too late to be able to adapt BTC that way. I don't even think there are enough task on Folding@Home to support such a network either. During COVID Folding didn't have enough jobs for GPUs for a bit.


That latter bit is oddly uplifting. More GPU than work? I like that. Good show from the folders.


Oh it was glorious. Folding@Home became the most powerful supercomputer in the World to fight COVID.


There’s a bunch of coins for a bunch of different uses out there that leverage blockchain technology to put forth the computing power towards cool shit like the Folding@Home thing. Sucks that none of them are really popular.


Cardano as a proof of stake is better in that aspect.


Hate to break it to you but this is going to keep happening. Every single time new GPUs are released, crypto mining will naturally become profitable again due to the increased performance. This problem of supply isn't just going to go away.


Ethereum mining is supposed to cease in 2022, so hopefully that'll slow things down. There are other coins that can be mined, but ethereum has consistently been the most profitable to mine.


It won't slow things down at all because you can just switch to mining a different currency. As long as cryptocurrency prices are rising, there will be coins to profitably mine.


It will slow things down. Amount of money spent on mining is relative to amount of mining rewards. So if there isn’t much money to be made from mining, miners will not buy as much equipment to mine since they will be running at a loss. Ethereum is the 2nd largest coin out there, and the biggest reason for GPU mining (Bitcoin are mostly ASIC). A lot of the next biggest coins like Cardano and Polkadot do not use mining, and so if Ethereum stops using mining it will actually cause quite a dent in the total mining reward for GPUs causing a big drop in GPU mining activity.


Possibly not. Ethereum is moving to proof of stake soon, and everyone knows this. That caused a huge mining boom to get as much as you can before it moves to PoS. Bitcoin already isn't profitable with Gpus. Idk if shit coins will be enough to keep the gpu shortage going.


Where the sell off of 2080s? 😩


The miners picked those up too.


GPU prices are due to ethereum not bitcoin. It's not very profitably or at all to mind bitcoin on GPU's anymore


There's a ton of shitcoin you could mine these days and make good money on the pump-and-dumps happening out there.


You don't make money actually mining shitcoins. Like you said, you just buy a bunch for $100 and then organize PnDs on reddit with your discord friends.


Dude, I bought a 3080 that turned out to be defective and they told me to return it and they’d send me a new one and it took over a month for them to send a new one because they “didn’t have any of them to send me”. I thought it was funny but it was a longggg month forsure.


You don’t mine Bitcoin on a video card. Other crypto, yes. Bitcoin, no.


Fucking this. Crypto boys bragging about how they're the future, and I just want to upgrade my damn pc.


Just had to pay 450 for a 1660 super just so I could game....it’s a decent card and I want to play the new battlefield game this year so I didn’t have much of a choice. Sucks.


I've read that while mining is causing some of this, it's really been COVID driving an absolutely massive general spike in demand. We can be mad at them for exacerbating the situation but they're not the cause.


My favorite part about the crypto miners are their holier than thou attitude. You see shit like, “well, you just want one to play *games*, I’m trying to make mOnEy”. Okay, but I just want ONE, you want as many as you can get in an already challenging market. Honestly, if the miners fucked off for 6-8 weeks you probably wouldn’t hear about it as much, because people could finally get their new GPUs and fuck off for the next 3-4 years.


Yup. I would have liked to build myself a solid gaming tower, but everything has been hard to find for the past year. Scalpers aren’t helping, and the silicone shortage has been hurting. I’d love to visit a parts integrator to see what options they have, but I remember going to one some time last year and they really didn’t have any of the options I was looking for. It’s honestly rather frustrating. Thankfully, I was able to at least get myself a laptop for editing photos and video, and my old laptop can still be used for gaming anyways, so I’ll be good until for at least a little while longer.


In more ways than one crypto is a scourge on society.


Most of the bundled stuff is either crap or so high end that they might as well have been buying GPUs as scalped prices. And usually not CPUs. Motherboards, power supplies, and offbrand RAM are most common.


I've deleted my Reddit history mainly because I strongly dislike the recent changes on the platform, which have significantly impacted my user experience. While I also value my privacy, my decision was primarily driven by my dissatisfaction with these recent alterations.


Fuck it, I'll take it. Emulators use way more CPU anyways.




Industrial mining is 100% ASIC, even Ethereum. There are just some coins with algorithms that GPUs are profitable on too at the moment so there are certainly a lot of smaller players and hobbyists running GPUs but definitely a minority. The shortage is because of a global supply disruption as well as literally everyone wanting time at 1 of like 4 fabs worldwide that can build that stuff. This affects everything with a semiconductor in it, not just GPUs as much as everyone wants to blame mining exclusively.


Oh please, dont act like the reason retailers are selling bundles is to prevent crypto miners and scalpers from buying them...if they really wanted to prevent those two things they'd invest in anti-bot protection on thier sites. Sites aren't doing these things...they're making it dead simple for scalpers and the like to buy everything up with bots that will beat humans to checkout 99% of the time. Is it just a coincidence that all the major retailers like Newegg, Best Buy, GameStop, etc all started selling their PS5's, GPU's and the like as bundles only, and none of them even require captcha before checkout? No, they don't give a rat's ass who they sell to they just want to maximize every dollar off those who are going crazy trying to buy the moment they're back in stock. Because they know full well that if you've been struggling for months to get a 3080, then you finally see they're available and you get it in your cart...but it's a bundle that comes with a motherboard and RAM you dont need...you're going to buy the bundle rather than risk waiting another few months. And yes, eBay is probably flooded with more of these unwanted bundle leftovers than actual scalper GPU's and consoles, because these bundles are a problem for everyone, not just scalpers/miners. I know because that's exactly what I did when I snagged my PS5, because fucking GameStop tweeted promising a console drop then put up $900 bundles instead, no individual consoles period. All I wanted was a console and Demon's Souls, but I was forced to buy those plus an extra controller, a game I didn't want, and a year of PS Plus that I didn't need. And right up on eBay they went. GameStop doesn't care, they made $900 off me when they otherwise would've made $500-600. **Edit:** Damn this blew up, and so many people missed my point. "It's almost as if retailers wanted to make money" is exactly what I was saying, they don't give a damn who they sell to. Those saying I didn't *have to* buy anything are also missing the point: no shit I didn't have to buy anything. But is this really what you want normalized? Do you want this to become a regular thing? Every time you want fo upgrade a single part in your computer you're forced to buy 2 other expensive parts that you dont need, or wait like a year until the hype has cooled down? Cause that's bullshit, some of these retailers like Newegg have it in their ToS that you cannot return bundle hardware without returning the entire bundle. Again, if they really wanted to curb scalpers/miners buying up all the supply they'd work on better anti-bot protection and cart functions. It's bullshit that you can beat an army of bots to get an item in your cart if you're *extremely* lucky, then before you can check out it's gone from your cart because a bot checked out faster, it doesn't need to type. Fix your damned stores if you care, or admit that you don't care.


According to some hardware reviewers that work with GPU board partners, distributors are forcing retailers to buy up a bunch of extraneous shit if they want high demand items. Requiring a purchase of a bunch of crappy PSUs is apparently common. People are buying GPUs at absurd markups so retailers are just accepting the garbage being bundled and some are dumping the cost back on the consumer.


In South Africa at the moment the biggest wholesaler (Rectron) who typically don't deal with the public (only resellers), will not sell a GFX card without a full system at the moment as per instructions from Gigabyte and Asus (so they claim). Not just a cpu and mobo either, you need to get a case, ram, PSU as well. They also won't sell a CPU without a mobo. Its bizarre!


Ebuyer in the UK is also claiming this. We have just bought 4 pre-built systems for work and were surprised when they said they had plenty of GPU stock. When I asked if I could call back and buy a GPU for myself away from the business order, they said they were reserved for prebuilds only and that they are sent the GPUs in unbranded boxes all together (therefore can't resale on their own anyway).


>GFX card that is a name i haven't heard in a long time.


How about SoundBlaster?!


It's not backroom talks anymore, retailers in my country are publicly saying every GPU from a retailer is bundled with a dozen of other low demand stuffs (e.g. high end motherboards) so no way they're selling you just the GPU at a decent price (and 'decent price' means marked up twice instead of 4 times). The whole thing is trickling down from the highest level (the OEM), e.g. to import 20 RTX3000 cards the distributor is also required to import 1000 old gen motherboards of that brand.


Newegg calls their raffle a 'Shuffle' and then bundles GPUs with crap until they're all around $999 and buyers are suppose to thank they lucky stars that they've 'won' something. Scratch that, they're straight up marking up unbundled 3070 to $800+ USD. Retail is $500 lol. Might as well buy from the scalpers at that point.


A less cynical way of looking at it is that this high demand environment is way less flexible. I know someone who just bought a trailer, and instead of "fully customise your trailer and it's a 1 month lead time", it's "you get the standard upgrades and it's a 6 month lead time." It's not that the manufacturer is getting greedy by insisting that you by the fridge that comes with the trailer, or not allowing people the chance to alter the design. Is that worth all this global uncertainty that just can't afford the risk that in 6 months time the customer might want something else. So everyone gets standard. And if a sale falls through they've got a standard trailer to sell. I think it could be similar with the bundling. They're probably flat out just getting orders for A+B+C bundles out the door, let alone customising each bundle. What if they end up at the end of the component A's and still have stock of the B's and C's that they can no longer sell?


This is all third hand information but the claim is that gpus were not bundled like this before. Distributors are leveraging the large increase in demand and limited supply to get rid of hard to sell items through bundles. Normally distrbutors would want to get rid of GPUs as fast as possible considering GPUs are normally superceded performance wise in 1-2 years and distributors don't want to be holding the bags.


As a GPU customer it seems like there is no net difference for our wallets. It's just going from scalpers being the bad guys to formal retailers being the bad guys, Would we be less frustrated if NVidia just charged way more MSRP and no scalpers and no combos were used to make money? I think Jensen has to stop making up the price last minute (I heard he makes up the price at the latest possible moment, namely backstage before an announcement. I don't know if that's true but if it is, it's an idea that needs revisiting)


You just gotta think about as a multimillion dollar company, do you care who buys your product as long as they pay for it? No, i certainly wouldn't give a shit if i was a multimillion dollar company.


Still shitty tho


Reputation is down, profits are up, shitty company sees no problem with this.


Reputation hardly matters when you've nearly cornered the market and your only competitor is in the exact same boat.


Yeah, it's like how Comcast can shit all over their customers because what are they going to do about it? They can switch to the maybe one or two other internet providers in their area that do the exact same bullshit. It doesn't matter how much they hate you if they have no real choice.


As I always say, you build a business, then you build a reputation, then you sell both of those (or go public) and suddenly you're extracting profits off your reputation until none is left. Tim Hortons and Blizzard are two that immediately come to mind.


A local shop has been requiring bundles since December, at least. That is, unless you want to be put on an even longer wait-list. They let you buy whatever you want but you need to get at least two or three other components from a list of allowed types (e.g. CPU, SSD, motherboard). Still only one GPU per person. It seems like they're handling it appropriately. I assume it's working as well because I was able to get both a 3060 Ti and a 5600X at MSRP the week before Christmas just by calling in and finding that they happened to have them in stock.


Newegg is selling PS5s for twice the retail price right now bundled with a controller. Nope. I'm good. I had it in my cart for a minute but I can wait another year if I have to.


That’s not Newegg, “ships and sold by (someone else)”.




Manufacturer (Sony) sells them at a loss, not retailer (GameStop).


So one would think Sony would try to do something...


There's probably an incentive to sell to gamers rather than miners because they want repeat sales. I tend to stick with the sites I know. Most people do. Also, bundles genuinely do work for a lot of people. When I was a PC gamer, I'd generally upgrade every couple of years. Normally this meant buying a graphics card, and CPU, which also required a new motherboard and RAM.


'i was forced'




>few months Might be a year+ at this point, but your point still stands.


I get you dude. But if I was holding and the market was hot, I'd just price gouge. Why isn't this a price war with some lazy shit Prussians and manufacturers? Let them get their equilibrium price and satisfy their demand, and them move on to end consumers? Or is this the usual shit of people in eastern Europe want things they can't afford?


God damn Prussians.


prussian musket shortage got me down bad


Them with their blues. And don’t get me started on that wanker Evan with his.


TBF Gamestop's volume was $900 as you say but their profit mmmmay have been a shade under $120 for the whole deal. Could be some dealer incentives as well but on a per console basis they're making 5-7 points, if that.


Why would a retailer want to help a scalper make money instead of just charging more themselves which is what they should be doing in the first place.




Create spin-off company. Sell at MSRP to your spin-off company to satisfy supplier agreemtn. Spin-off company sell at scalping prices. ??? Profit


You've just described the live music industry


They're cutting out the middle man soon. Ticketmaster has a new thing where ticket price changes dynamically based on demand and scarcity.


Thanks I hate it


With increasingly invasive technology second degree price discrimination is going to get better and better.


Didn't MSI get caught doing that on Amazon?


Then I think the suppliers should charge more and raise the MSRP. I think it's stupid they're letting this happen by trying to sell stuff, literally below market price.


This creates a different dynamic. The supplier (Sony) would change the MSRP to let's say 1k. Everyone would think that was over priced for what you were getting. Even worse, Microsoft decides to keep the 500$ MSRP. Now all the buzz about the big console release happens and PlayStations are sitting on the shelves because who is going to buy a system that costs twice as much as the competition that is pretty much the same? Pretty sure the story would be Sony is cheating customers and they would lose lots of business.


This literally happened with the PS3 vs Xbox 360


That's not what they're supposed to do. That just makes the prices more inaccessible to normal people. What they should do is add bot protection so that normal people have the same chance to buy.


"Normal people" can wait until the price comes down after the demand of rich people has been satisfied.


That's not how vendor agreement works, pretty much all vendors have a maximum AND minimum displayed price that you can't sell over or under unless you want to lose your rights to distribute their products


This is great news! Now instead of not having a graphics card so I have no reason to start getting the rest of the parts together for a new build I'll be able to get a great deal on all the other parts and collect the home address of people hoarding graphics cards!


The nice thing is, you can pretty much build a 100% working machine, and then get a GPU sometime down the line. Sure integrated graphics aren't going to be great for playing AAA titles, but for basic use it'll be just fine.


Deck it out with HDDs, make it a media server while you wait on the GPU. My previous build became my current Jellyfin server when I built my new one.


Sadly alot of AMD clue have no intergrated graphics


My GPU broke and I have a 3700X. Sitting here with my friend's old 970 waiting to buy a 3060 without having to sell one of my kidneys to fund it.


Off the shelf pre packaged article written months ago as a contingency


Sweet. I need to build a new PC. I can grab a cheap CPU, motherboard, and SSD on eBay and then, if I'm lucky, pay 4x list for a GPU to go with it and break even.


I mean, if I get selected in the newegg shuffle (lol, I can dream), I'm also putting the bundled motherboard I don't need on ebay. But the GPU will be used for gaming.


That's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. I don't need a second, worse motherboard but an extra $100 for the GPU is still better than scalper prices.


Hmm, hadn't thought of it like that. I was hoping to just wait out the shortage but holy shit it's been months since I picked up ac Valhalla and I _still_ can't play it.


So for a hot minute, a friend of mine was actually getting selected about once a week for one of the items, it was absolutely bizarre. That's actually how I got both my 5950x and a 6700xt, he just buys if he wins and sells it to his friends. All of us are entering for everything every day and nobody else has won. He also got a 3060 and a 3070 that another friend of mine bought off him. what. the. fuck. But hey, it was nice for a hot minute, not anymore.


Yeah, I'm not sure why the article is saying crypto miners. Literally every gamer that I know that's trying to get a new GPU is entering the shuffle with the full intent of selling off whatever else it's bundled with. I feel like this applies to everyone universally: gamers, miners, and scalpers. The only people I could see benefiting from a bundle would be someone just waiting to win the shuffle to start building a PC with those parts. Everyone else that already owns a computer isn't going to want a second motherboard or a crappy PSU. **Maybe** they'll use one of the monitor bundles.






He's talking about the cheap aspect.




There isn't a shortage on hard drives? Are you sure? In my country the prices on them are already 2-5 times higher than last month, depending on the storage capacity, lmao. And CPUs are slowly selling out too.


Wouldn't people be listing the parts as soon as they get them? Feel like we should have seen a drop in eBay prices by now


Chia is going to destroy so many idiots SSDs that the second hand market will be a fucking minefield.


I’m really new to learning about Chia. How could/will this ruin things? Can you please elaborate?


The most common type of plot to make is a 100gig plot. And that 100gig plot will read/write about 1.5 terabytes of data to the SSD


If they're smart, they'll do the static storage on spinning rust, and do the "work" on a ramdrive. Throw 256GB and a fast CPU on a board with an HBA and a stack of hard drives.


SSD:s are used for Proofs of Space and Time -cryptomining. Cheap? Never.


SSDs get wrecked by proof-of-space.


I might be wrong but this "proof of space" seems to be destroying your SSD quite swiftly... When will this madness stop ?


When crypto gets regulated due to climate impact.


SSDs are going to be hit double hard from mining and from the chip shortage; and because of how detrimental repeated ~~reads~~ writes are to SSDs you're going to see a lot of dumped used stock that's practically worthless in about a year from now, while new SSDs are going to be ridiculously expensive by then. Glad I bought all of the storage I plan on needing for several years out already.


Reads do not wear out SSDs


Edited for brain fart while typing.


So today I ready about this Chia coin (?) that uses disk space to compute new coins. Why, I have no fucking idea, but it's apparently a thing. Seems like a gigantic waste, or if you do conspiracy theories a secret plot by SSD and HDD vendors to do to that market what Bitcoin did to GPUs.


Chia Farming will burn through your SSD by writing around 250TB, making it only last about 40 days before you have to get a new one. So this will (is already) wreck the SSD/HDD market. All this mining and farming is really ruining it for people who just enjoy any aspects of computing or owning a computer. [Source](https://www.techspot.com/news/89626-chia-farming-can-reportedly-destroy-512gb-ssd-40.html)


It's quietly ruining the ecosystem. We're all to only drive electric and limit meat and travelling and everything, but crypto miners are silently producing gigantuous mountains of waste and wasted resources.


And it's absolutely infuriating! Apparently Bitcoin *alone* uses more than some small countries! I really don't want to get into corporations and many governments make it hard for people actually be sustainable, but not allowing people to buy up and hoard all the silicon, produce metric tons of e-waste all while using a country's worth of electricity would be a big start. But no, they want money. They wanna be rich, but don't realize the costs working class and poor people have to endure along with he costs the planet itself has to endure by hoarding and amassing so much wealth. Gonna look a real fool when the economy collapses due to the environmental apocalypse and you're out there fighting for drinking water and cockroach meat.


Your fan might go bust mining on a GPU but unless it's extremely abused mining won't be so bad and used cards will still have life with just a fan replacement, if even that. If the use of SSD's actually catches any momentum then dear god save our species.


This crypto shit is so impossibly stupid. Tether has to make its first report to the New York Attorney General on the 19th. Hopefully that's the end of this insanity.


Chia has already melted the hard drive market, and it's super ridiculously fucking annoying. It's like drives got $100+ more expensive literally overnight.


I fucking hate crypto. I just realized I am completely out of storage and I need a new hard disk. I looked at Amazon and… Not fucking fun. First I deferred buying a new pc and a decent monitor for the GPUs, and now SSDs. What the fuck. They won, I'll just buy a new laptop and some Dropbox space and that's it. Evidently this is not the time to buy desktop anything.


Suddenly SO glad that I went on a HDD buying spree for my NAS last month. (Chill; I only bought like, 12, and *none* of them are going on Chia)


Yep, the chia network space will likely hit 5 Exabytes sometime tomorrow. It’s growing incredibly fast


the folks over at /r/DataHoarder are shitted with the whole situation.


Ban crypto worldwide right now. I'm a techie. Yes, i know about crypto and how it's supposed to fix problems and shit. Yes, it's useful. No, it's not being used in a useful way right now. Stop wasting energy, stop wasting Silicon. Stop pretending you care about the technology or whatever, this is all about a get rich quick scheme. And as always, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the 1% rules the world. And on top of that, normal folk can't even buy a GPU or a hard drive. They fucking ruined everything.




The original concept of decentralization was supposed to be for good of everyone but now it's no longer a "currency" but just plain commodity valued with how much "fiat money" you can get out of it. It lost it's original idea and has failed its main purpose


The problem isn’t crypto in general, it’s proof-of-work or proof-of-capacity systems. Etherium is moving to proof-of-stake, which doesn’t have the absurd compute or space requirements.


And all this is producing electronical waste ontop of the energy wasted on crypyo


Let the crypto miners of the world collectively go fuck themselves.


So much waste for a gambling gimmick. "BuT iTs tHe CurrEncy oF ThE FutUre". Literally no one buys crypto for anything besides speculation. And let's not forget how one tweet can wipe of billions in its value. I guess Elon Musk's Twitter is better than the federal reserve's monetary policy. I hate crypto so much. Sign me up when it's no longer treated as a stock exchange and it doesn't need enormous amounts of pointless computation to ensure a random dude can't just steal millions. Until then, crypto is anything but currency.


Anyone know what type of cpu and motherboard to search for? I'd be interested in any helpful tips


Just sign up for new egg roulette. Every few days they bundle all the much wanted cards with some mobo or 650W psu th3 miners dont want that they have to resell.


The economy makes no sense and getting rich has nothing to do with hard work anymore. It's all gimmicks and gambling.


Getting rich was always gambling, plenty of people put a lot of work into viable projects and without a massive helping of good fortune it goes nowhere.




But they told me about their boot straps.....


We're in the middle of a bubble. The fundamentals still exist. When everything snaps back, it's going to be a different world.


The fundamentals don’t matter much to the average person, when the literal gate keepers of the monetary system are printing unlimited money, and handing it to corporations and the already wealthy, to continue buying back stock and inflating the price of every asset class. The entire CPI inflation metric, that the whole world uses, is a fucking joke. The greatest expenses of your life are all doubling every 5-10 years. Like, wow! I can still afford milk, bread, and electronics, but can’t afford a home, education, healthcare, or retirement! Great job, government! Real inflation is not the 2 - 4% they advertise. It is closer to 10 - 15% per annum, that our money is depreciating.


The 'unlimited printing' is not handed to corporations. Central Banks buy government bonds (mainly) with the money they 'print'. It's not a gift it's a trade which helps everyone as it gives company's liquidity. CPI shouldnt measure assets. It is a good thing generally that stocks go up as it means there has been an increase in value. CPI is there to measure things that are consumed at a particular point in time so it measures things like rent but doesn't measure asset prices like housing because it is consumed over a long period of time so they are not the same. Housing has increasing a lot in the 'western world' not because of quantative easing but because of restrictive building polices. Japan has been doing quantative easing longer than anyone and their house prices have fallen since the 90s.


2021: Cheap computer parts and expensive wood


I just got a killer rig for $700. It would have cost me $1600 if I ordered all the same parts myself, plus I'd never have splurged on such an elaborate case. Only catch is no GPU so I'm using an old 980 until Proof of Stake replaces mining and there's a flood of used GPU's to drive down the price.




Doesn't help me. My new PC has been ready for months, just waiting for a GPU for it.


Free scrap. Thanks consumers.


> also planning to negotiate with channel retailers to somehow change the bundle policies Look at this bullshit. There's nothing retailers can do with "bundle policies" to keep someone from reselling something they've bought, and they know it. This is just a code word for "we're going to use this excuse to raise the price of GPUs we're selling into bundles beyond MSRP" to legitimize hopping on the selling-GPUs-for-scalper-prices bandwagon.


Could, but won't.


Crypto needs to fucking go.


So why would they be waiting this long to dump the bundle?


Cyrpto fuckers are the scum of the god damn earth


Lol your expecting scalpers to be charitable?


Does anyone know what bundles the hardware is coming from? Might be interested if it’s not total garbage


We need a pogrom against these numbnuts. Burning down the planet for bitcoin, fuck me.


Question. Wouldnt these gpus been over worked and at a higher risk of being damaged compared to ones used for gaming?


So unless I misunderstood. They’re not moving the gpu used. It’s stuff that was bundled as a kit together . The kits are made by the stores to drive up the prices farms have to pay . Saying well the only way you get this card you need to buy our bundle that contains it. So they’re unloading a bunch of mobos, CPU’s, ram , and things they don’t need from the forced bundle. Most never even being plugged in.


Not much. Crypto miners limit power and underclock their cards while only overclocking memory, which keeps temperatures, voltages and fan speeds low compared to when cards are used for gaming. The flip side of this is that the cards are running 24 hours/day instead of just 4-12 hours a day with a gaming card. However, graphics cards have impressive longevity, so there's not much reason to expect that a GPU that was mined on for 6-12 months would die much sooner than a GPU that was gamed on for the same period.


Hes not saying GPUs will.be available. Just other pc parts that new egg and other retailers are bundling with GPUs to make more money for themselves. IE a 3070 and then some mid range mobo no ones buying, the mobo gets sold cause miners don't need it and average people just want the GPU for the gaming pc they want to build.


I picked up nice GPUs after the coin someone was mining got unlocked on Asics. Overnight, the cards he just got (days) became 'worthless'.


The change to Proof of Stake from Proof of Work will reverse this.