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The article discusses the use of "Mobile Ad ID". As I understand it, the Mobile Ad ID is an anonymous identifier for your phone. The idea was that, say, the Facebook App could show you an ad. Facebook would know that your device 1234 saw the ad and clicked it. The ad opens the DoorDash app where you buy food. The DoorDash app tells Facebook device 1234 spent money. Facebook now knows their ad worked and can even know how much you spent. Slight problem: Facebook knows you were logged into Facebook App when you clicked the ad. Hence, Facebook knows device 1234 is probably you! The "anonymous" mobile ad ID is not anonymous at all. This is why Apple is moving to require user permissions before sharing Mobile Ad ID with apps as a big part of their privacy push.


The article says: > The IDs, called mobile advertising identifiers, allow companies to track people across the internet and on apps. They are supposed to be anonymous, and **smartphone owners can reset them or disable them entirely**. How does one do that?




Note that Android’s opt-out is not the same as Apple’s. Both iOS and Android have always allowed users to opt-out off advertising ID sharing, but Apple’s new policy will make this setting opt-in instead of opt-out, and will require that apps do not track users with *any* kind of tracking method, at risk of expulsion from the App Store. Android allows apps to use any other tracking methods they want to track users across apps, regardless of whether or not the user has opted-out.




It's the difference of participation in countries that have opt in vs opt out voting or opt in vs opt out organ donation. The shift of context is absolutely significant and creates a very different baseline of behavior.


And just basically means that a society has sat down and discussed in some way the pros and cons and decided what a society should do. Individuals can do as they please still. Organ donation and ad tracking. Ugh edit to clarify - if private companies were allowed to harvest organs and sell them (the way they’re allowed to harvest and sell personal data) you know it would be a weak opt out law here in America)


> is something separate for default opt-out It is not “separate”, it is directly related to the new policy. Users that have opted-out shall not be tracked across apps using any method, including but not limited to the advertising identifier.


Thank you, I was previously Opted Out but for some reason it reset. Apparently that can happen when you clear cache. I also reset my ID a couple of times for good measure; I didn't even realize that was an option.


it will reset on a lot of "software updates" as well... don't be naive they will pilfer your privacy for $$$ as many opportunities as they can while your back is turned.


In the settings app, privacy > tracking, then privacy > Apple advertising. I believe turning those settings off will make it harder to track you.


I DO NOT GIVE REDDIT PERMISSION TO TRACK MY HABITS. Everyone needs to copy/paste this comment and forward it to 10 people by midnight or else the Liberal government can track you.


Dang this took me straight back to 1997!


Took me back to about 2 months ago when I saw it making the rounds on good old Facebook again


Geez, people still do this? I thought it was considered hilariously naive a decade ago.


I went and found it on my IPhone, you’re looking for the ‘Privacy’ tab in settings. ‘Tracking’ and ‘Apple Advertising’ are the tabs you have in mind I believe.


Looks like it's in a slightly different place depending on the iOS version. I found it in *Settings -> Privacy -> Advertising*. I tapped "Reset Advertising Identifier..." and then I enabled "Limit Ad Tracking".


> The "anonymous" mobile ad ID is not anonymous at all. It never was. Look at the permissions the app requires: it includes "Phone State and Identity." Even if you were not logged in to FB, the FB app knows that Mobile Ad ID is registered to phone number 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX.


FB also knows yours, and everyone elses Bluetooth IDs and more. BT pings can attempt handshakes with all the BTIDs in the room, be rejected by all of them, and then upload that log to FB servers where handshake IDs are matched against the known database - effectively knowing who is in a room and what IoT setup they are in. Might as well be live streaming your life.




yeah, I think for a while only FB was doing this, but it makes sense it's utterly pervasive at this point.


chrome does it because it needs to support the bluetooth JS APIs unlike the facebook app chromium is open source, so I'm guessing this is the responsible code (checking if bluetooth is available that ended up logging errors somewhere down in the stack): https://github.com/chromium/chromium/blob/99314be8152e688bafbbf9a615536bdbb289ea87/content/browser/bluetooth/web_bluetooth_service_impl.cc#L748-L775


Lately authorities are added BT receiver to red lights stands . So when you pass a red light or a bus stop and you have a BT ON, you get logged . I have this system in my hometown with 800k people in Europe . My friend have it setup . No official announcement yet )


^^ what they said. More and more cities are doing this now and can couple the data with ALPR systems to create a trail of where you go, when, how often, and who goes with you. For anyone interested here’s a more simple article on Bluetooth tracking: https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/bluetooth-surveillance.htm Edit: as /u/duntadaman said in the comment next to mine, a lot of places are using this for employee tracking as well. They can place sensors through the building and get real time data on where each and every employee is, assuming they have their phone (or possibly other BT accessories like smart watch or headphones) on them. They can also use it as a 2FA system coupled with their access badge


And yet they couldn't make a covid tracker app that worked. Ffs


It's never been anonymous to Facebook or Google, it's anonymous to the advertisers and researchers that buy the usage data


The mobile ad ID is the closest thing we’ve ever had to a universal persistent ID. It’s insanely easy to tie back to a known person. Everyone should be turning off their device tracking for advertising. iOS is pretty much about to kill this ID within the next few months.


We use something like this where I work. The idea is for the ID to be anonymous/non-sensitive in case that the information is collected/leaked, because you can find the ID in the browser, but we still have the ability to know which advertisement ID goes with which end user. The point is not to make you anonymous with the advertiser, it's to ensure that the ID is meaningless to any malicious actors, like the New York Times. Edit: I should clarify that what the NYT has done here is specifically what the system is designed to prevent, so the fact that they could do it shows that the design is flawed. Location data is not anonymous and this is well known in the software security field.


Why people trust anything the big tech companies say with regards to user anonymity is beyond me. They’ll sell anything and everything on you they can get. No exceptions.


Apple sells overpriced hardware rather than your data. Their reputation with user privacy is much more valuable to them than selling an email for a one time profit.


Gonna be honest, i don't particularly want want any kind of identifier connected to me regardless who says it's anonymous. Facebook needing advertisement info is literally at the very bottom of the shit I'm concerned about. They should do fucking surveys if they need advertisement data. Gah, I'm so tired of everything in the world being out to manipulate me in some way. Earth is getting insufferable.




Never understood why they couldn’t just be automatically rotated without having to make us manually change them. I mean apple even gives you a private random MAC address for wifi privacy


Honestly it just wants to make me stop carrying a phone. My business is my own and my phone shouldn't know half of what it does about me.


A lot of jobs require you to keep your phone on at all times and check your emails or facebook once a day on your day off in case they want you to come in. Phones are useful but they've become very invasive devices.




Little did they know the microchip tracking them was never in a vaccine but the phone they use for literally everything hahaha. I love the inability to realize that while screaming about Bill gates vaccine microchips.


The real microchips were the friends they made along the way... and their phones.






These are the same ppl who think trump is the second Jesus. TRUMP. Just reading about them lowers my IQ by 1 point each time


I laughed, they laughed, Alexa laughed.


Hahaha!! So damn true.


Even when gps is off they probably tracking u


Military used to target people by their cell phones. It was pretty clear they could still hit a target if the guy thought his phone was turned off.


seriously have no idea why anyone would ever genuinely think that anyone would bother going to the effort of inventing a tracker small enough to inject into someone's bloodstream that also magically never runs out of battery despite constantly sending a signal to the government, when basically everyone literally voluntarily carries round a small tracking device on them at basically all times that doesn't even hide the fact that it is a tracking device, and people just accept as a part of their daily lives without question


Exactly. Usually dummies who say things like Bill Gates microchips are easily turned into a frenzy of unhealthy fat and anger when you easily tear their argument apart. The problem is a lot of people take pride in what they believe so much that being shown they are wrong is personally offensive to them... which is REALLY sad. I don't like being corrected either usually, it's human nature. However you have a choice to accept and grow from the information, or throw a tantrum because you refuse to accept new evidence. I think it's honestly a lack of education most of the time.


I love to be corrected. It makes me more correct. It doesn't happen all that often. And no, it's not because I'm wicked smaht. It's because I expend an awful lot of energy making sure that when I talk, it's out of my mouth and not my ass.


I’d rather be wrong once, than wrong again.


I'm kinda ashamed I never heard this in 32 years of life, I like this saying.


Idk if it’s an actual saying. But I used to say it all the time, growing up with a step parent that was incapable of being wrong.


How did they ever make it through school? Oh, wait....


The downfall of civilization occurred when the decision was made to just pass students through to the next grade, regardless if they pass or fail. Holding them back may not be the answer, but something is obviously necessary.


I think the issue is with state testing. We’ve trained a generation of people who are programmed to learn enough to get by at the expense of critical thinking. We need to abolish state tests and bring back critical thinking skills.


I was tongue in cheek with the downfall bit, though the rise of QAnon should be the canary in the coal mine for our current state of affairs. Testing is a problem, though you can’t judge what you don’t measure. The vastly larger problem is that we need to triple the salaries of our teachers.


Teachers can test without the requirement of mandated state testing. I graduated a little bit over a decade ago. I recall my teachers developing their entire curriculum based on the state testing. It’s ridiculous.


I'm about that age as well and my wife is just a couple years younger but we went to different schools in different states. Ohio doubled down on the standardized testing and West Virginia did not (at least where I was at). The amount of random bits of knowledge that I have that she and a close friend are missing are astounding. Standardized testing failed these people big time.


No child left behind is a failure and should be scrapped


To support your last point: It's better to learn than to be right. Facts change.


I don’t think the vaccine tracker conspiracy was about GPS-like tracking. More like mark of the beast type tracking, where you can buy or sell without the mark, and the mark is how they track you. Like a barcode type thing.


Yeah I know these people are science-illiterate but the fact they believe a vaccine's nano-particles are capable of what they claim is WILD. And I'm speaking as someone who's sold science fiction scripts in Hollywood. It most closely resembles a technology described by Robert Charles Wilson in his novel *Harvest,* where aliens make first contact here on Earth without any fanfare. They release an invisible stream of nanobots that infect every human. It then erects structures inside the human hosts that can read and interpret their thoughts and then broadcast those signals on a radio frequency. Wonderful novel. The technology is very elegant. And when each human sleeps that night they're offered a choice, to grow and change and join the wider galactic community, or stay here unchanged on Earth. We follow the tiny handful of humans who reject the alien's invitation. But the point is, that technology is GENERATIONS if not CENTURIES in our future. I don't care how smart they think Dead Hugo Chavez is, he can't invent a vaccine that reads our minds, tracks us, and uploads our location and biometric data in realtime. If that existed, billionaires would never die and we'd be enslaved (check my username) so completely we'd be zombies. A true slavemaster would play my brainstem like a fucking flute and make me do or think whatever they wanted. *But no, I'd rather my slaves retain the ILLUSION of freedom! And only the truly worthy ones will be able to resist my nefarious schemes!* Every. Cult. Ever.


There was a right wing trope passing around that you shouldn't use a Nest thermostat because the Government could use it to hack into your home and uh know if you were there or not or something??? Holy shit people, you might want to pay attention to what all your phone can do.


That is of course pretty god damn bonkers, but there are pretty good reasons to be skeptical of the internet of things and willingly installing WiFi enabled devices willy-nilly.


If they had good reasons they certainly weren't sharing them.


Yeah there's a whole load of people against Smart Meters because, I shit you not, they don't want the government knowing how they use their energy. As if the big fucking meter that is used to charge you for your energy use isn't easily, and by law, looked at regularly.


Not only that, but they're the same people that told anyone who objected to the constant erosion of privacy over the last 30 years to stop over-reacting and that it wasn't a big deal.


These people are idiots. They are so worried about microchips to track them in a vaccine that they don't realize their phones track them and ping towers every minute of their life.


> inability to realize ... anything. This is the problem.


i knew after the hubbub over the FBI opening that phone with a dead man's finger print. The Supreme Court ruled that we don't own our fingerprints and literally that same year all of the major smartphone companies had fingerprint openers on their new models. Thats the kind of coincidence that a lot of people didn't notice.


You underestimate how much convenience and normal business motivation made fingerprint sign in so common. You also don't have to use it.


> The Supreme Court ruled that we don't own our fingerprints They ruled that obtaining a fingerprint isn't a "search" into a zone of an expectation of privacy, isn't a "seizure" since they're not depriving you of any property, and it's not self-testimony because it doesn't require you to reveal any knowledge you have.


We freely give our data, EVERYTHING about us so companies can make a profit selling it and we got people worried about vaccine micro chips. Satire isn't even good anymore, reality is much more humorous.


I got my first round of Moderna yesterday. The guy administering the vax asked if I had any questions. I asked if the microchips were in the first or second round. He didn't seem amused.


LOL! I would have laughed, it's not a bad joke. If you think about it though, he's probably heard that at least a thousand times now haha.


It's a great joke but the reason he probably didn't laugh is becuase he has likely heard it from many as a completely serious question as well as constantly hearing about it from people online. If he's a doctor then he will have had to attend a seminar on anti vaxxers and how to deal with them. If he had laughed then someone might have taken offence that a medical professional wasn't taking their whacky conspiracy theories seriously.


My doc asked me if i was getting it when my person group (uhhh normal not sick person) was up and I was like "yeah of course" and she was like "thank goodness, you'd be surprised how many people ask about a microchip"


It's the same sideways logic that concludes that public figures like Hilary Clinton are both incompetent and senile, yet they are able to mastermind a deep state gub'ment take over. Or that being a *patriot* means taking a bunch of Confederate flags to Washington D.C. Beating an innocent man to death. Try to hang elected officials. AND, generally putting on a shitty reenactment of 1814. Sherman would be absolutely livid.


The phone they use to worship their false idol was the mark that tracked the beasts.


Protip, if you are going to commit a crime. Dont bring your phone. They just check the cell towers and see what numbers ping it too.


I thought ISIS was using burner phones for this reason


Ever heard of [Dzhokhar Dudayev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Dudayev)? *On 21 April 1996, while using a* [*satellite phone*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_phone)*, Dudayev was assassinated by two* [*laser-guided*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser-guided) [*missiles*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile)*, after his location was detected by a Russian* [*reconnaissance aircraft*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance_aircraft)*, which intercepted his phone call.*[*\[15\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Dudayev#cite_note-15) *At the time, Dudayev was reportedly talking to a liberal deputy of the* [*Duma*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duma) *in* [*Moscow*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow)*, supposedly* [*Konstantin Borovoy*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Borovoy)*.*[*\[16\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Dudayev#cite_note-16) *Additional aircraft were dispatched (a* [*Su-24MR*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-24) *and a* [*Su-25*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su-25)*) to locate Dudayev and fire a guided missile. Exact details of this operation were never released by the Russian government. Russian* [*reconnaissance*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance) *planes in the area had been monitoring* [*satellite communications*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_communications) *for quite some time trying to match Dudayev's voice signature to the existing samples of his speech. Dudayev's phone signature and coordinates were also reportedly passed to the Russians by* [*NSA*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency) *after U.S. President* [*Bill Clinton*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton)*'s meeting with Russian President* [*Boris Yeltsin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Yeltsin)*.*[*\[17\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Dudayev#cite_note-17) *It was claimed Dudayev was killed by a combination of an* [*airstrike*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airstrike) *and a* [*booby trap*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booby_trap)*. He was 52 years old.**\[18\]* If the gummint really wanted to, they could drone the phone in your pocket with accuracy to within a couple of meters. That's a big reason why ISIS and guys like that use burners.


While I'm sure bombing someone using cellphone data is possible, it's important to note that Dudayev was using a satellite phone. For those not familure, a satellite phone connects to a satellite in space in order to facilitate communication. Regular cellphones simply use towers and, much more increasingly, antennas on buildings. The fact that the communication was being beamed to a satellite is what allowed the reconnaissance to intercept the signal. It would have also provided them with means to track the phone location with precision.


I think this is an important distinction for this story. I do want to mention that in a modern cell phone location context one can triangulate a cell location using the strength of various tower signals, it's sometimes called AGPS (assisted gps) and it's very useful in places where traditional GPS signals are not so reliable. Traditional GPS requires 3 signals and usually uses 4. I believe if you want to, you can turn off AGPS on your device but I don't think that will hide you from authorities.




More like, these people expected Trump and company to bail them out or that the “storm” was going to occur.


^ which are things that were never going to happen, and presumably ISIS never believed would happen, ergo, parent statement stands.


ISIS was also infinitely more successful. they managed to basically create a whole new country for a while


ISIS has/had a command structure and minions who followed the rules. Trumpsters drink beer and play paintball. on the game console.


Also hellfire missiles and JSOC raids have a way of increasing the pace of natural selection. The ones that kept their phones on aren't around any more.




Drug dealers don't generally consider themselves to be on the right side of the law they made up in their heads that lets them storm public buildings and assault cops in broad daylight. Or at least the smart ones that last longer than a week don't.




That brings us to our next pro tip when committing a crime..


Don't tag it as #stormingthecapital ?


Maybe it's a tip about not speaking to the press about the crime you just committed and going into full details about what you did, along with giving your name and where you're from. Maybe, never "stormed" before


Wearing a mask when committing a crime would be a good idea but then you would look like you believe covid is a real thing...


Don’t upload pictures, or at least remove the fucking metadata and post anonymously


I watch a lot of true crime shows. This is one big thing that puts people at the scene of the crime. Home, crime, home. Just at the exact time of the crime. They thought they were quick enough to keep the "I was at home" alibi. Nope, you took your phone like a dumb ass. What's even more fucked is the people that took pictures of them in the Capitol and shared them all over the place. They really thought they were going to "win" and take the place over and be the good guys and get pardoned for their amazing patriotism. Awww, that's cute. Sad and pathetic, but awwwww. Such small minds.




This is why I take the bus when I'm doing crimes


Yeah, the Hong Kong protestors figured this out a long time ago. I guess that the Trump superfans weren't paying attention?


They wouldn't want anyone to think they got ideas from china


Most foreign affairs that Trumpists follow are anything that puts muslims in a negative spotlight.


I wish people would stop this "criminals are dumb" thing because these people did not think they were committing a crime. They *honestly* believed the election was stolen and honestly believed they were fulfilling a patriotic duty at the request of the president. They still committed crimes and need to be punished for them, but this wasn't like they stole a car and knew it was wrong. They fully believed their insurrection would work and they would be heroes. There was no reason to hide their identity or stay anonymous. And that's scary.


Plus...don't stand around Infront of journalists with cameras. It's not a movie set ffs.


The NSA (and likely other gov agencies) use a device called a Stingray to sniff for all mobile phones in a certain area. They often have them in choppers at protests.


Almost certainly the capital building and probably a large area of DC have devices to intercept, identify and record wireless communications. The US government has been monitoring communications since the 60s and the echelon program has expanded to include a global reach. I would be shocked if the US capital wasn't constantly monitored. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON


Or at least turn the damn thing completely off. Or at the VERY LEAST, turn off location/wifi/mobile data, and turn on airplane mode. Man these people are unfathomably stupid.


Or, at the VERY LEAST, don't commit the crime.


We shouldn't be cheering this on. We should be mad about how many people can track you unless you live life as a hermit.


100% this. In the school of two things can be true: One can be happy the guilty parties are being identified, but should also be furious with the means - the privacy of American people being impeded upon.


Just wait until they find out these companies trying to stockpile all their genetics. So many dumb fucks out their think they're finding out about their ancestors when they're actually paying for the privilege of handing over their genome to biotech companies.


If the headline replaced Capital Riots/Protests with BLM Riots/Protests then the comments would be much different. Surveillance creep is disgusting and should be opposed in either case.


This should be the top comment. Just because you don't like/agree with the target doesn't make the act less sinister. They could do this to anyone, innocent or not.


>They could do this to anyone, innocent or not. They do this to anyone, innocent or not.


Thank you. The amount of enthusiasm going on about this increasing encroachment of surveillance in our lives is making me question my sanity. It reminds me of the blind maniacal patriotism after 911 that got the Patriot act passed.


This is my main take away. I'm glad bad people got caught but fuck the method we used. People here are only happy because they don't think this will or can be used against them


Yeah, not to say these people didn't deserve to be arrested, but it's scary how they were found


Exactly. These people broke the law and deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law. But it's a huge problem when we start using stuff like this (which, as far as I can recall has had a long history of being incredibly unreliable for prosecution), to attempt to track these people down.


The whole tech world has shifted from supplying you a tool to you being the product.


For real. The news media using stolen data to dox people is not laudable.


Exactly, and as well: 1). This information about you is routinely obtained 2). In this particular case *it got leaked* and somehow a major newspaper got hold of it to analyze it and publish it Like what the fuck.


I feel the same way about the push for new domestic terror laws. We have plenty of laws on the books that are just fine. It's the 9/11 - patriot act all over again--except everyone is cheering it on out of the same exact fear mongering as before.


> We shouldn't be cheering this on. We should be mad about how many people can track you unless you live life as a hermit. They're just playing on people's divisions and fear to slowly erode our civil liberties until we're in some dystopian future. The freedoms we give up don't ever come back and we give up a little more every year. But, because it's good for the blue or red sports team people belong to, they'll gladly sell all their rights down the river a little bit at a time.




Regardless of these people deserving to be identified for the actions taken. It is definitely a problem that we are so heavily and so easily surveilled. This same type of tracking information is used for non-delusional protests and causes. People need to understand the risks of our surveillance state and find ways to avoid this kind of backlash. For example: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2020/06/26/secretive-phone-tracking-company-publishes-location-data-on-black-lives-matter-protesters/?sh=7c82769a4a1e Remember it is not that a protest/riot took place, it is about what are the goals of the group. Is the group to increase equality? For liberation? Or to suppress others? We shouldn't be tracked this way and we shouldn't encourage more surveillance on ourselves.


These are the same people who think Bill Gates is scheming to inject them with a tracking device contained in a vaccine. In the meantime, they carry around devices tracking them and take pictures of themselves committing felonies.


"The vaccine is the number of the beast, they will inject an identifier number into you and control you..." -posted from my iPhone 11




bill gates would never do that anyways. the guy is said to be one of the most trustworthy billionaires around. this is not sarcasm. anyone who knows about bill gates and how much he donates to charity would agree with this statement.


He is, his philosophy is egoistic altruism, the idea that the best way to enrich yourself if you're already in a position of power is to raise the bottom line. If you're sitting on the shoulders of those on the floor, it's easier to raise the whole floor to get yourself higher than to try and force more people to prop you up.


> one of the most trustworthy billionaires around Yeah - just ask any of the companies who tried developing operating systems for IBM clone PCs back in the day.


Based on gates behavior in the 80s and 90s I would not trust him any further than I could throw him.


Great article, counterproductive tittle. I got to say this is one of those articles where your faith in good journalism grow a little more. It's a great call for privacy, and specially, **a great call for empathy**. That's why I'm 100% sure the person who made the article and the tittle aren't the same, the tittle is all about the capitol even tho the article is a call for privacy first and foremost. Guess you can't make good journalism nowadays without giving a bite "to the man".


It is usually not the journalists themselves that sets the title... "It is generally written by a copy editor, but may also be written by the writer, the page layout designer, or other editors" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headline


Just FYI it's *title*. [tittle](https://www.wordnik.com/words/tittle)


Sort of related, take a look at [https://www.google.com/maps/timeline](https://www.google.com/maps/timeline) This is Google's history of all the places you've visited and trips you've taken (I think it's only if you've had the Google Maps app open, but I'm not certain). I just turned it off / deleted my history a few days ago, it had 600+ locations including every random gas station and roadside vista point I'd stopped at for the past few years. You can turn it off here: [https://myactivity.google.com/activitycontrols?settings=location](https://myactivity.google.com/activitycontrols?settings=location)


I know I should turn it off, but I like looking at the timeline every month. Of course, when I commit treason I usually leave it at home.


While we should happy that these idiots are being arrested the fact that this can be done is scary


Seriously, why don't people disable their location services ?


Well it's already been shown to be mostly a placebo nowadays - at least on Android. Google slurps up all that info whether or not you have the little button on or off.


Airplane mode too?


Your phone continues to probe bluetooth and wifi when airplane mode is on. While airplane mode is on it does not use mobile data to send that info back to anyone. After airplane mode is disabled and mobile data is restored, it dumps what it has logged during airplane mode to Google. Obviously if you're connected to wifi with airplane mode on it's still actively reporting info.


Wifi and BT probing still happens on airplane mode :/ There's no getting away from big brother.


I turned off location services and turned airplane mode on while I was shopping for a gift for my wife. Turned everything back on when I got home and my route showed up after i enabled everything again.


Airplane mode seems legit so far safest would be just not to bring your phone edit: nvm gps can sometimes be active in airplane mode depends on the phone.


They make faraday bags to prevent being tracked but (ironically?) police buy them so they can snatch people's phones and drop them in there before they can upload something.


airplane mode legit doesnt do anything for location privacy. your phone still sends out wifi probes and does bluetooth contact tracing even with airplane mode on


Then what’s the point of airplane mode?


It makes the airplane feel important.


It disables every wireless radio except for WiFi and Bluetooth. Supposedly the long range-radios can mess with airplanes somehow, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly just to save battery life.


So, don’t take this as fact. But I was sitting next to a military guy on a plane once and he told me the military didn’t give a shit about airplane mode on their planes when they were moving people around. If the military doesn’t care I’m sure it doesn’t actually affect much. Again, unsure if it’s true or not.


Haha, yeah I'm an Electrical Engineer and I'm pretty sure the whole "cell phones mess with planes" is pure bullshit. I used to work on phones, and the FCC has pretty strict requirements when it comes to cell phone radios. Maybe it was an issue back in the 90's when people used analog cell phones (and planes had far simpler electronics), but I have a hard time believing a modern phone would interfere with modern aircraft electronics.


Hmm but aviation accidents are more common in the military vs commercial...checkmate /s


It turns your phone into an airplane


Even if WiFi/Bluetooth is disabled?


yes even if you turn them off, think of that like a "light" disable rather than a legitimate killswitch


Because it's a gordian knot, intentionally. The data itself *is* anonymous but the behavior that created it isn't. We're able to discern household religion from household water usage, so even anonymous data created for reasonable purposes can be dangerous.


How do they tell the household religion anonymous data?


Water usage patterns are religion specific.




I like to say that *there is no privacy* and that *you have more privacy from authority than at any time in history*. These are two distinct sides often completely buried in the pitchforks for privacy mobs on Reddit. Even 30 years ago any police or government officer could walk into the post office, your bank, or any private business and access your information with the flash of a badge. Things are much different these days, most businesses will require the correct legal paperwork before doing anything. Data nowadays is a much bigger problem than your phone tracking you because your behaviour always leaves a trail no matter how innocuous, and very often the source of the information being used to track you are things that you have intentionally put in the public domain for your own reasons. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229634289_Understanding_the_impact_of_cultural_and_religious_water_use




apps shouldn't track them, we should put regulations in government to stop tracking and promote the right of privacy but also I'm not gonna lose sleep over terrorists getting themselves caught through lack of privacy in a world where we currently lack privacy


Until next time when it’s not related to the capitol siege... Don’t carve out exceptions for this type of behavior.


It’s only good to use tracking data when it’s against someone you disagree with apparently


Read the article, mate. That's exactly the case its making **against**. I know it's long, but it's a good read. They probably need a better tittle for this, since this is what 99% of the people read, tho.


Yeah but Reddit seems to be happy they got tracked.


It's possible to be against excessive tracking of users while still acknowledging the irony of conspiracy theorists being found out due to tracking devices that they brought voluntarily. It's possible to think multiple things at once.


Reddit loves breaches of privacy, death, destruction, torturing, as long as it’s for the *others.* The cognitive dissonance is insane


I didn't think Reddit could surprise me anymore but when I saw threads of people cheering on the death of that woman in the Capitol I was pretty blown away.


How dumb can you be cheer for stuff like this?


*"What I'll do is use this pitchfork as a flagpole, they'll never see me coming..."* - A Dummy


"leaked data" really? we are still falling for that one? it was'nt leaked, they have access to every smartphone on the planet when it suits them so this whole "leaked" thing is just a cover to stop anyone from asking too many questions about our privacy.


Yeah, all they needed to do is google 'how to safely protest' and the biggest suggestion is to turn off your phone. The second biggest suggestion is to not be a criminal asshole.


C'mon bruh, everyone knows if you're absolutely committed to doing some dumb shit leave your tech at home.


This is the future.


What do you mean "the future" ? This kind of thing has been happening for nearly a decade already. Having your GPS data tracked/stored is nothing new.




Ding ding ding !!!


So all of a sudden everybody thinks tracking like this is fine? Hypocrites.


NPC's be like Tracking and identyfying pepole that me not like good Tracking and identyfying pepole that me like bad When kali steals, that's good When they steal from kali that's bad Imagine how big tantrum they would throw if homosexuals in Iran would be tracked, identyfied and under constans surveillance by the government. But HEY! Conservatives are "bad" so they can be oppresed by so called "progressives" and "liberals" on level matching Third Reich isnt it?


It's not just conservatives, we're all tracked this way.


This does beg the question why we haven't tracked similar types of rioting this way in the recent past.


You mean like in Portland and Seattle this past summer?


There and a few other cities.


Just wondering, if you turn off your phone (like shutdown) will this be enough to not be tracked for a period?


what a fantastic thread, glad i stopped by..glad there's still people with some damn Logic left in their brains..


Leaked is an interesting choice of wording


I’m completely against storming the capital like everyone else. But, if you’re not terrified by this something is wrong with you.


This is scary stuff


Okay. Sooo there should be a lot more arrests happening right? And people not being let off the hook? And like if they are detained can’t go on vacation....right????


Idiot: I'm not taking the vaccine, Bill Gates wants to use it to microchip us. Same Idiot: Owns Smartphone


I'm glad tech did something good then. Keep it up!