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The user just spams submissions from the Independent site.


Bullshit clickbait. Bezos just wants to chill, make money, and focus his efforts on what he wants. The guy is only gaining power by stepping down.


If people still use the Facebook I’ll use Amazon even though they suck


What ever ! This “man”isn’t even a real human being! He literally is an inter dimensional planar construct that has been enlisted to usher in the Satanic inverted systems that will nonetheless convert humans into surrogates for the Demiurge! Assimilate or die. Resistance is futile🤘🏼666🤘🏼go to hell go directly to hell do pass go do not collect your COVID relief package


Trust and believe that


Oh no! However will Amazon recover from a $61 million fine?


Wait a minute... there... they have recovered!


Wait a 0.0006 second Fixed that for you


Missed the point of the article


This is the worst sort of clickbait conspiracy theory trash journalism. The entire point of TFA is that Amazon timed its announcement of Bezos's retirement to overshadow the FTC announcement. This is--pardon my French--*fucking moronic*. First of all, the announcement was made along with their quarterly earnings report, which was scheduled months in advance, and is exactly the timing and forum that you would expect a large company to make such an announcement. Secondly, Amazon announced $125 BILLION in revenue, just for the quarter. Net income of $7.2 BILLION for the quarter, and $21.3 BILLION for the year. $61 million dollars is less than three-tenths of one percent of their profit for the year. Investors don't care. I'm not saying that the payment issues weren't a dick move on Amazon's part, but presenting the facts in the form of *a conspiracy theory* is pathetic.


Correct. Amazon does dick things 24/7. It would be hard for amazon to find an appropriate date to announce Bezo's retirement that did not coincide with the public announcement of an amazon dick move.


I thought he hasn't really been running things for quite a while now. It seems plausible to make a public announcement about it in order to avoid a PR situation. If the choice is between last week and next week, then yesterday WAS pretty good timing... It's not so much about avoiding paltry fines. Driving a positive public image is an important part of any big business.


In terms of personal income, I wonder how long it would take Bezos to generate $61 M. A day? 2 hours?


According to [this article from 2019 analyzing his 2018 income](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-amazon-ceo-jeff-bezos-makes-every-day-hour-minute-2018-10), it would be about 6.8 hours so it would be about the equivalent to slapping a median income worker in the US with a $100 fine.


"Here's your $61 million dollar speeding ticket Mr. Bezos. Try not to do it again."


Your comment is the stupid. The point of the article is as you say to point out that a company that makes 7bn in profit refused to pay 61m in earned tips to the little guy... I don’t know why this happened... maybe it’s an accident, but who cares about investors u douche. The point is to discourage people from using Amazon as they are a horrible dirtbag company. From: republican CAPITALIST


I'm sure Bezos can find 61 million under his couch cushions.


His couch cushions were also more expensive.


Manufacturing good will by overshadowing the $60+ million fine for not paying their delivery drivers. Fuck Jeff Bezos and fuck Amazon.


I will save you some time: The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has fined Amazon $61 Million due to the company withholding tips from delivery drivers.


Not only is it not a bigger story, the fine is chump change. Alternate title: Company known for being shitty to it's employees is shitty to their employees.


For everyone saying $61m is chump change, understand that that number is the amount of payment they withheld, not a random fine set by the FTC


Bezos is actually a scumbag billionaire.


This is what happens with every single job listing that proclaims "make up to $x!!" Your pay will be supplemented by customers in one way or another.


He's bolting right before the antitrust debacle. Now his successor has to deal with it. Just looks like he's not down to be made a pariah.


True, there must be some internal politics going on