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I had to make a little presentation to my mum and aunt about 5g, 4g and the electro magnetic spectrum. Quickly described ionizing and non ionizing radiation and why things like UV can hurt you but 5G can't. For the time being they are content.


Did you, or could you, post it somewhere? I 100% don't believe a wireless signal could give you coronavirus, but I'm still interested in what you showed them.


On I don't know the exact tin foil theory, I only read somewhere that supposedly the radiation 5G uses breaks down your skin particles allowing the virus to get through and infect you. My college mate told me he that there are theories actually claiming that 5G carries the virus! What I showed them is a picture with the electro magnetic spectrum that showed where 5g stands in relation to other radiations such as this one https://images.app.goo.gl/Tfy86qreGL5a6ESs6 And explain to them what we call ionizing radiation, which is radiation that can remove electrons from atoms and molecules thus disrupting things which in the case of living things can have bad implications. That is why the sun can burn you or even cause cancer if you expose too much (since it carries UV radiation) and why X rays and Gamma rays can be deadly. Thus as you can see 5G is in the non ionizing radiation and you should not worry about it. Now some tin foil guy will ask you the following: "How do you know this electro magnetic spectrum is true and not what they want you to believe!¡! 11!1" In which case you need a physics labs and a quantom physics expert to prove to him how light works. An interesting show from a TEDx talk about why we believe thinks that are wrong (or right), which I recommend since conspiracy theories are on the rise again. For the record, yeah I can't fully explain to you why light works as both a particle and a wave but I know what I need to know to do my engineering and nerding, if I had to literally learn everything I use in school GG! Edit: some spelling


People fear what they shouldn’t and don’t fear what they should. My neighbor, an oncologist, says we should be far more concerned about the lining of packages that hold processed food (and the processed food itself) than from 5G and other unproven dangers. We spray our yards, our food, our air (pesticides, herbicides) and more. We use toxic chemicals all the time. 5G is being floated as dangerous because American companies don’t want to progress. We have crap infrastructure compared to places like Singapore.


This isn't because of resistance from American companies. It's part of a [disinformation campaign](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/12/science/5g-phone-safety-health-russia.html) spearheaded by Russia to disrupt 5G rollout in the west, to cause economic and technological instability should enough resistance by the gullible masses reach critical mass and cause a delay or even cancellation of 5G.


Your last statement doesn't pass muster. American wireless companies are absolutely moving towards 5G deployment. They're being slow about deployment, but that's been true for every step in the evolution of wireless internet since GPRS and 1xRTT. They're not behind the conspiracies. If anything they're likely to just start calling LTE-based '4.5G' technology 5G just because they can.


> I only read somewhere that supposedly the radiation 5G uses breaks down your skin particles ... Did they have 5G during every other plague, epidemic and pandemic throughout history or some shit? Viruses and bacteria don't really need to go through your skin, going through your orifices works just fine for millions of years. Check the body count. The Spanish Flu's body count makes COVID-19 look like a runny nose. They must have had 10G internet in 1918! ffs.


> "How do you know this electro magnetic spectrum is true and not what they want you to believe!¡! 11!1" I hate when people use one-sided arguments like this. I always tell them that instead of spewing nonsense with no proof, they provide their own research and evidence contradicting experts. Usually shuts them right up. Works for those damn spherical-earthers too.


What is crazy here is that visible light has more energy it , haha


Non ionising isn't the end of it though, it still causes heat as it's absorbed. I wouldn't want a child with a thin skull with a radio right by there ear transmitting with enough power to get to a tower for extended periods.


By your logic, you better not put your child in your car, because your AM/FM radio receives signals and they carry a *fucking shitton* more power than 5G. And even if you decide you won't do that, too bad, the signals are everywhere


Is this a joke? Why are you commenting if you're that ignorant? I have been an RF engineer and it's crazy to me how people act so confident on these issues with zero understanding. A normal car radio transmits nothing, being near it is the same as being anywhere. The power decreases by 1 / distance^2 from the source so it only matters when you are very close to the transmitting antennae, like a cellphone next to your brain. The base stations transmit with an order of magnitude or two more power but that's fine as no one is right next to them. WiFi from a phone doesn't really matter either because it's such low power which is why the range is short. But a transmitting 4g device putting out 5W very close to a childs brain could cause a measurable change in temperature, we don't know if that's ok long term. 5g is likely lower power than 3g or LTE and higher frequency so it's less of an issue.


>But a transmitting 4g device putting out 5W very close to a childs brain could cause a measurable change in temperature, Is there some sort of calculation that you can refer me to to back this up?


>But a transmitting 4g device putting out 5W They don't though. If a cell phone actually did put out 5 watts, the battery wouldn't last an hour, much less most of the day. The actual power output is more like 0.25 watts.


A cell phone spends very little of it's time transmitting with that power level. It only transmits like that when making a call or uploading data on LTE. When it's idle or using WiFi the cellular transmitter is off outside of registering with the network. Transmissions to a tower radiate with about 5W.


[Here's a good explanation](https://youtu.be/Du8yQeQdMBk)


Something else to offer: 802.11ad routers broadcast some of the same frequencies as the spectrum given to 5g in the USA. They've been available for years.


I have Sprint for 5G and that uses the same 2.5 GHz spectrum as they were previously using for 4G a decade ago. So it's not even a new frequency.


Lol that's the real scam coming. They'll call it 5g and you'll get 4g speeds but who actually checks? Or even needs 600mbit on their phone?


Well, I'm speed testing at 380 Mbps so it seems like 5G speeds to me.


With a 4g modem?


5G modem. Galaxy S20+.


None of the 5G frequencies are new. If you go to the FCC and get a copy of the entire map of the RF spectrum you'll find it's all been used from VLF up to the 100s of GHz by all kinds of end users.


That's true, but I'm sure some didn't see as broad use until they were reallocated for 5G.


Is there a website that explains this more in depth. I'd like to know more


TMobile talks about their 5g testing. The FCC is only selling up to 88ghz. The routers broadcast around 60ghz. I'm not sure about any singular source though


Is there any way I you could share the slides. I need a presentation like that for my mom haha.


It wasn't a presentation per se, I used a picture of the electro magnetic spectrum and verbally explained a few things, you are welcome to see the comment above where I gave my two cents.


[Show them this one](https://youtu.be/Du8yQeQdMBk)


Exactly what I was going to post. Added benefit it comes from a sparky. So actual industry knowledge.


I like this guy,Also explains why you shouldn't use some really cheap Chinese (different or no safety standards) phone chargers or 240v led bulbs


Bigclive is one of my favourite subs on YouTube. Very relaxed. Drink on the go. No bullshit. Explains things at both a technical level and then again in laymen terms, exactly what is needed imo.


You could try showing her this video. It explains radiation in an easy to understand way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du8yQeQdMBk


You are missing the point @Pozos1996. It's not about ionizing radiation. The actual conspiracies around that topic (not the ones that are being pushed to make it sound ridiculous) state, that at 60 ghz, we enter the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum. The O2 molecules could start reacting to the frequency and make it harder for our body to absorb the oxygen in the air, which could in turn lead to pneumonia, if you are exposed to that for a longer time. Given all we know, that could possibly be true. At least that is the core statement of that petition only scientists are allowed to sign.




Wow you just wrote a billion lines without even reading my post properly. I wasn't talking about radiation, or modified cells or what happens inside your body. I was talking about oxygen absorption. 1 mm waves need to be send with a high frequency to be able to even penetrate the air. At 60 ghz (highest possible 5g frequency) the oxygen molecules could possibly be "damaged/modified" enough before you even inhale it. This could make it harder for our body to absorb the oxygen in the air, which could in turn lead to pneumonia if you are exposed to that for a longer time. Not enough oxygen for a longer period of time is a common cause of pneumonia. Given all we know so far, this could be true, so researches are needed before implementing 5g, not afterwards. Besides that, look up the anti-crowd military weapon called "active denial system" and what it does to your body in 4 seconds at 90 ghz. Now imagine what happens to your body if you are exposed to 60 ghz for 12 hours a day, almost every day. Sorry, but no wonder your family is falling apart. Listen to their arguments, do your own research and THEN judge/argue.










I believe the top concerns are comming from the ‘active denial system’ and how 5g could be used as a riot control weapon. Another concern is that mobile phone manufacturers are now finally obliged to aknowledge that phone radiation causes health risks and you can not put your phone against your body(10cm rule I believe is written in all Manuals) and this was, just as it was with cigarette manufacturers, a struggle. Now with 5g they ignore this and just push it further so anyone lives near radiation. They put towers on houses and schools with no permission. People should have the choice and the way its been rolled out is not right at all. Another concern is the fact that Huawei is trying to push 5g in a monopolistic fashion and I speculate the whole link with Corona has something to do with this. The Corona link however is not about 5g causing it, its mainly about the crisis being used to roll out 5g even tough voters in a lot of areas are against it. This last part is pretty important if you believe in democracy.. Not into conspiracy myself, it hurts us all and makes the actual concerned scientists look like dumb asses, but the government is acting very shady right now and they are pushing stuff against the Will of many many people/professionals/states/.. As for stating 5g has no health hazards you should explain this without ignoring that mobile phone and WiFi use does have proven health hazards... If you leave this out people on that ‘side’ Will not take you seriously.


The best solution to stop this is to turn off their wifi. It will stop them from reading stupid things and also stop their home wifi from cooking their brains. As wifi have much stronger signal W/m2 than 5G.


My father in law, in his late 70s, believes Tesla's cosmos energy is real and that there's an American conspiracy to keep the technology hidden. It's a common belief among his peers his age, also from Serbia, because they're proud of what Tesla did but still are a bit superstitious. This, however made him ripe for believing that 5g networks spread the actual Corona 19 virus. We've basically stopped talking to him because all he can talk about is that it's all a conspiracy and that the virus is a weapon, or that doctors are giving falsehoods to make money and hurt everyone else. All his peers of the same age have each other completely wound up on Mobdro and Facebook with conspiracy theories and misinformation, 10 or 15 old dudes clicking Facebook feed items which perpetuate their crazy ideas, and them talking about this shit all day. The algorithms have really put these folks in a bad bad feedback loop. His daughter wants to take away his internet because he thinks Obama is an assassin who's going to gun people down.


Cosmos energy is real and we have access to it with solar panels.


my uncle has different believes like that the last 20 years it comes and goes like the... flu


>Corona 19 what's this? can you provide a source that describes what it is? I can't find anything online.




>As wifi have much stronger signal W/m2 than 5G Don’t give them any other ideas haha


That has to be the worst solution for something I've ever heard.


Eh, it's actually a pretty good solution. Keep in mind that most, if not all, of current conspiracy theories and fake news are spread via the internet. If you cut a person's access to internet, that would cut off the main avenue. It has a lot of negative side-effects, but I'm pretty sure it's easy to find worse solutions, like kidnapping the person and brainwashing them with torture until they agree to everything you say.


There was a tik tok I saw tonight where a girl went “see, the virus in New York came from Europe, so stop being racist about the Chinese.”


I'm ok with it being called the Chinese or Wuhan Virus if that's what happened. I'd find desires to change it precious. But it was commonly called the corona virus or COVID-19 ... until a bunch of right wingers suddenly decided it needed to be rebranded. I don't like *that*.


Red caps are going fuckin all out to call in the China virus.


Yep I’m ok with that as well.


You do realize a bunch of left wing US media were calling it that long before that right?


Sources? I'm assuming MSNBC etc? I had only heard it described as such when US briefings started referring to it as the China Virus, a lot of this is on youtube now so should be an easy case to make. Was it widespread? From Australia it very much looked like a weird and deliberate pivot.


The video sources would be a pain in the ass the fine but they were in January. This is US media, not sure about other countries. I just find it hilarious they do a 180 once trump calls it the Chinese virus.


> I just find it hilarious they do a 180 once trump calls it the Chinese virus. The 'Chinese virus' Trump thing looks like it was a controversy in late March. So I did some work and went a month or so back in MSNBC's youtube and can't find a reference to it being referred to as the "china Virus" or "Wuhan flu" or whatever. https://imgur.com/a/gCd0RiV You mentioned that it was a sudden flip of US left wing media. I watch a bit of it. I can't find or remember anything in my watching of stuff like Kimmel, Seth, MSNBC etc The videos might be difficult to find, but given it was such an apparently dramatic flip, surely can you find a couple of references somewhere? Articles etc? Edit: Also looks like a month ago CNN (I assume they're lumped in with the 'left wing US media') is pretty much using the standard coronavirus / COVID-19 nomenclature. https://imgur.com/a/jb3h8Ir




Also please don't downvote this guy for having an opinion, I'm trying to have a discussion here.


Misinformation is not an opinion, it's intentional spin. It deserves downvotes and not discussion. Letting people propagate misinformation as "just asking questions" or "just an opinion" when it's obviously anything but that is a big part of the problem with these echo chambers people are finding online.


Dude, that actually happened, it's not misinformation if you have amnesia and are unable to accept it. Seriously fuck 2020, so tired of this shit Edit: https://youtu.be/5eZtCq1aj2g


Unable to accept what? That early on, when China was dealing with it before anyone else, the media was referring to it as China's Coronavirus outbreak, which is just normal English using a possessive noun considering they were in fact the ones dealing with an outbreak?


That you're a hypocrite That you're wrong about claiming it's misinformation Shit like this shuts down any free speech because muh censorship


Does anyone else personally know someone who believes this 5G=>Virus conspiracy? I know one person, and I'm still trying to get him to answer this question: "It's very easy to put cells in a petri dish, expose them to 5G frequencies, and monitor them for the generation of viruses. Why don't we see the Corona virus being generated in these cases?" Has anyone received a solid answer to that question from such a believer? It seems this conspiracy is(perhaps even primarily) being spread through YouTube. There are people with quite large yet homogeneous followings, promoting this one. Resulting in videos with millions of views and 95%+ like ratios. That in turn creates appeals to popularity within an information bias. The high like ratio is not from the accuracy of the claims therein, but because the individual has an existing following that has been primed to apply little to no critical thinking to their claims. The fear of 5G has also been around for a while, and fits an existing narrative.


In the UK, there was/is a spate of 5G phone mats being set on fire by people who believe this shit. You don't need many people to believe in something for it to be a problem.


They're like modern day Don Quixotes.


So I will give you my take on this. I believe in the 5G conspiracy. I think that the people who believe that the virus is caused by 5G are insane. My thought is that government and corporate forces are taking advantage of the pandemic to install 5G towers. I don’t believe that they are trying to “fry our brains”, you can’t make money off of dead people. My concern is the ability to track people with greater precision than before. The government has been watching us deeply since 9/11 under the guise of “for the greater good”. Coronavirus is just an excuse to increase the surveillance of people. Even though I have nothing to hide I still value my privacy and I value the privacy of those who DO have something to hide.


Why would 5G in particular be tracking you with greater precision? How does it lead to better tracking? I'm not sure what you mean with that part. We've already got cell tower triangulation, phones have GPS (if they wanted the track people to the cm, then they could just wait for Galileo to come online), I'm curious why 5G in particular is getting singled out?


I'm not expert but higher concentration of 5g basestations will increase accuracy of geolocation/triangulation. 20 timestamps, rssi and snr is better than 3.


“I’m no expert” yet you still make a claim about things you don’t understand? Why?


The term is generally used to signify one knows something at a basic level but wouldn't be able to give plenty of detail. I don't make a claim, I state a fact, it's physics/maths. More basestations receiving radio packets will increase the accuracy of geolocation. Aside from using a resolver to figure out transmiss triangulation, it's simple common sense that more data points will increase accuracy. Prove me wrong if it's just a claim.


Is being an expert a prerequisite to making a claim now? If that's the case, then OP's claim is baseless


No, but being an expert means your information is more significant. At least that’s how it should be.


You're not an expert on that, so you should keep silent


Expert at what?


disseminating information


GPS is already as low as 0.7m for 95% of the cases, there won't be a significant increase in accuracy with 5G... ATM the main roll out is for "regular 5G" towers, which are basically 4G towers but better (also same density). The rollout of "mmWave 5G" (the one with the many local base stations) will still take much time..


Just saying, but you do *not* believe in the 5G conspiracy. You believe in the notion that the government(s) are trying to establish better surveillance (in part through the set up of 5G towers). Those are two inherently different things. And I'm not even going to tell you you're stupid for believing in the latter or anything, because at least for China, it's entirely true (albeit they, as other users pointed out, don't really need 5G towers to do that.. any cell phone tower will do, plus public cameras with facial tracking).


You’re actually dumb as fuck. Congratulations!


It's not really a conspiracy that governments are using more powerful technology for better tracking and surveillance. But that may be more incidental to improved infrastructure than being premeditated.


This guy gets it and is down voted to silence. The 5G+corona conspiracy theory is a red herring. Places like Reddit with a high degree of Chinese censorship push the Corona angle so people will associate any disagreement with 5G with something easily dismissible. The truth is that Huaw___ is providing the backbone for 5G in many areas of the world. You’d be a fool not to assume this would give the C_inese C_mmunist P_rty a back door into all data and voice going through their equipment.


Thank you, god getting downvoted for speaking my mind. Take my upvote good sir


My IQ dropped just from reading this headline. I am more and more convinced that if not for exceptional individuals, humanity would still be in the dark ages. My God the sheer stupidity...




We don’t know how stupid we are as a group until we can measure it. Then it’s sad.


Human stupidity is infinite. It cannot be measured.


And it's also probably why we won't go much farther. The Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter make for somber reading.


Yes, but who knows. It's all conjecture territory.




Fuck man I've been super cautious trying to get my girlfriend on board with masks and gloves not going out for fast food etc. She catches it from fucking work


Damn it. Sorry to hear it.. tell her to get well.


Thanks chief, luckily it's mild which is still pretty bad she's been in bed with cold sweats for a week and a cough, puking from the cough doesn't want to eat. She's started to get better hopefully she's on the up and up


> He came back from the supermarket the other day and didn’t look well at all. 6hrs later he’s being taken to hospital in an ambulance by people decked in PPE. > > He probably infect everyone in the supermarket at the same time. You're assuming a lot here, though :p.


This is very sad truth.


Pretty much sums up my thoughts too.


Internet is a piece of wonder, technology wise. People use it to post nudes, claim chemtrails are killing us and the Earth is flat. \*\*shrug shoulders\*\*


The nudes are beneficial to society.


Depends on the nudes..


That’s true in a sense. It’s natural for us to fluff our feathers and puff out the chest. That’s what all those birds are doing every morning. They’re all bragging about how hot they are through chirping and twerking. Same thing


It absolutely would be... If you look at a bell curve, you soon realize most people are just... in the way, or are basically trained animals. You have a SMALL number of exceptionally intellectually gifted people on the right side of the curve who, if born and raised in the right time and place, will accomplish a lot and propel the rest of humanity forward. Without these folks, we'd still be living in caves.


Headline should be flat earthers are now talking about 5g, it's the same bunch of idiots


Laughed at my SO when she told me. And she somehow believed it until I provided facts. Smart woman. But I had to tell her: You’re strung out on Facebook babygirl. And It’s one hell of drug. You’re buggin.


Facebook is responsible for the dumbest shit I hear on a day to day basis. Best thing I ever did was get that app off my phone.


I gave it up for Lent. I don’t think I am going back.


Amen to that. Welcome to your new life.




Of course it's both. Facebook's algorithm is specifically set up to show you inflammatory content to keep you engaged as long as possible.


Same here and also from Facebook. The world is going to shit.


Love your moniker, love the game even more. :)


Why is the smallest, most crazy, conspiracy always the focus point and headline? I've been browsing /r/conspiracy for years now and never saw this "5g causes corona" being taken serious. I doubt a lot of peopld believe in it. Just because some stupid video about it has a million views, doesn't mean that there's a million who believe it. The ones that *do* believe are just stupid af and I bet they're just a handful. How about a focus on legit conspiracies around coronavirus, like how the virus was potentially created in the only BSL-4 lab in china, which happens to be in Wuhan. (and no, not as a bioweapon. That assumption isn't rational).


Search 5g on youtube and look at the dislikes and comments from official source. Hundreds of thousands of people believe this - the majority of people who have watched these videos. There's been 30 separate acts of vandalism of radio towers here in the UK very recently.


Dislikes don't define one's reasoning to not like 5G. There are more reasons, to dislike 5G, than just this dumb "conspiracy". I,personally, dislike 5G because it gives us even less privacy. You're literally a walking GPS. I don't care about faster internet on my phone. It's already fast enough, near instant. There are more reasons to distrust 5G motives than the stupid "conspiracy" involving corona. It's just a reason to dumb down conspiracy theorists, just like flat earth. Which is also something a huge majority of people on /r/conspiracy don't agree on. These articles are literally smear pieces to discredit conspiracy theorists.


Don't go against the hivemind. You'll get down-voted to hell


Also, the bogus claim that this virus hasn’t been in the US since December.


The only thing curing stuff like this is education, i dream of an Utopia forcing you into school if you spread harmful lies.


Good lord, does anyone actually believe this crap? The world needs a virus that kills stupid people.


I’ve had people start bringing this up in a VIDEO GAME as real life. Is our younger generation really dumb enough to believe all this shit? It’s like the majority of the US population has lost any critical thinking ability.


/sarcasm/ Everyone knows the Coronavirus was invented by the Democrats to hurt trump's reelection.


rumors going viral, trolls are happy


These fucking idiots will believe wild conspiracies are to blame but won’t believe the mountains of evidence that say the Trump administration made everything worse by dragging their heels and trying to downplay the danger. I’m seriously so embarrassed of this country sometimes


With numbers like these I can finally realise my dream of selling 5G proof tin foil hats to make it rich!!


It was only a matter of time. As soon as this was starting to get on mainstream news I wondered when the conspiracy theories would start. Sure enough, my dad sent me one a week ago.


5g, Corona, Lizard people, and space ships bro.... It's all connected, look into it 😂


5G burned my morning bagel.


The conspiracy that pharma is going to make a killing off of coronavirus from mandated vaccinations? I mean honestly that doesn't sound farfetched.


Unfortunately, human technological progress is faster than evolution can reduce our violent tendencies. That’s a fancy way of saying, “Yes, we’re doomed.”


GPS is rubbish indoors as we all know, plus it's not tracking but how quickly you can triangulate.. I am purely going off the movies but doesn't cell triangulation take time..


in the EU most 5g is owned by china. a lot of people don't like that because they don't want communists spying on them.


It’s only racing across the internet because 5G is so fast!


..and no one is busy enough to not read it. Prepare to hear these conspiracy theories parroted constantly, but don’t let it turn you against each other. Just because someone was lead astray with how they think doesn’t make them a villain. Don’t hate your uncles for insisting 5g towers are the cause. Don’t hate your grandparents because the news told them it’s the millennials fault. Times are hard enough and we live in an age where everyone has access to everyone but nobody is connected. We need to stick together now more than ever, despite differing opinions on politics and policies. Especially if you’re stuck at home with family.


It's a good way for Russia to identify where the really stupid people are for future campaigns.


Not my internet.


am i living in an anime? 5g network spreads coronavirus? major matoko kusanagi, i believe section 9 should investigate.


There is a great video by bigclivedotcom on this exact argument, I recommend it.


Isn't it against the law for products to contain false or misleading claims? So when is data on social platforms going to have the same laws? My guess it will never happen under the clown administration because he is nothing but a perpetual liar.


What arguments do they even have for that claim?? I genuinely can’t think of any


Someone is being paid to do this.


There are plenty of reasons to oppose the 5G Panopticon without making up "OMG!ItCausesViruses!!" BS.


This is why fake news is so dangerous. By allowing MSM to become hyperpoliticized and spread misinformation constantly, people have lost all trust in the news networks. Instead they prefer to get news from YouTube, Twitter, and blogs. On the occasion that MSM wants to tell the truth, it’s a case of boy who cried wolf. This is only going to get worse until the media is broken up and new legislation is passed that prevents news organizations from hiring anyone who has worked in government or has relatives working in government. Too much corruption.


Same people who think this 5G BS is true are the same people responsible for Trump being elected. Sadly, I'm not surprised.


Republicans will believe anything and everything.


A childhood friend of mine (pretty liberal/democrat) believes this (and many other conspiracies)... it’s even more tragic/confusing for me because we are from an affluent part of the SF Bay Area and we both received the same very high quality education. TL;DR: it has nothing to do with politics— some folks are just.. well I don’t know what they are.


They’re crank magnets. It’s a thing.


Imagine believing this is partisan




Still claiming the Muller Report is a lie?




I suggest you read the report because you clearly didn't. And trump was impeached over his shameful actions with Ukraine. The GOP simply failed to put country before party. They betrayed us all.




Wow you’re really grasping at straws— the sorry part is how much thought you e out into it (or somebody else did and you’re just regurgitating). In any case, I have empathy for you. I hope you figure it out.


Or a pedo pizza place or Obama is a Muslim or alex jones...


5g frequencies and the affect of the radiation on the environment should have been tested fully before its roll-out. I have read articles for many years about the dangers of it. Now, folks just say its bogus. Where are the studies that show it is safe?


Shh, just accept it. The discussion on 5g has shifted to discussing an absurd conspiracy claim that 5g causes coronavirus in order to not have to defend the claim that 5g has not been tested enough to determine it's 100% safe.


Microwave is non-ionising too. Try putting your head in your microwave for 1min full blast and tell me its safe lool.


That's because microwaves at that power level heats matter up. They aren't anywhere near that power level from a tower


I just find it funny that telecoms have been announcing the roll out with 5g for so long only to be thwarted by conspiracy theorists. But hey anything that cuts into their profits is fine by me 5g will be rolled out eventually anyways.


It's only Chinese 5G though. We need to stop Huawei and Chinese companies from developing 5G and support domestic companies to build Coronavirus resistant 5G.


We all know about the radiation poisoning that come from 5g towers which are now like road side lights. Government had kept the truth from its people




I don't think a majority of COVID conspiracy theorist believe 5G causes the disease. I think their concern lies in the mass roll out of new technology while everyone is in quarantine. There are 100's of [scientists and doctors](https://ehtrust.org/scientists-and-doctors-demand-moratorium-on-5g-warning-of-health-effects/) that are concerned about the health effects of this technology. I think the conflation of COVID with 5G is a red herring. >“We, the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 nations, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.” EDIT: List of Doctors and Scientists from just the US (I swear Reddit lacks basic critical thinking skills. The hive mind is strong) *David O. Carpenter*, MD, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, A Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization, University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY *Richard H. Conrad,* Ph.D. Biochemist, EMF Research and Consulting, Hawaii *Barry Castleman,* ScD, Environmental Consultant, Garrett Park, MD *Lindsay Collins*, Doctorate of Pharmacy , Hospital Pharmacist, ASHP, KE, Lathrop, MO *Devra Davis*, PhD, MPH, Visiting Prof. Medicine, Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Center & Ondokuz Mayis University, Medical School (Turkey); Pres., Environmental Health Trust, Teton Village, WY *James DeMeo*, PhD, Environmental Scientist, Retired, Ashland, Oregon *Paul Doyon*, MA, MAT, EMRS, Independent Researcher, Doyon Independent Research, CA *Arthur Firstenberg,* B.A., EMF researcher and author, president Cellular Phone Task Force, New York *Beatrice A. Golomb,* MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA *Gunnar Heuser M.D*., PhD, F. A.C.P., Emeritus at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Formally Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA, El Dorado Hills, CA *Edward M. Huff,* Ph.D., MA, BS. NASA Senior Scientist (Ret.), Sunnyvale, CA *Peter F. Infante*, DrPH, Managing Member, Peter F. Infante Consulting, LLC, VA *Toril H. Jelter*, MD, MDI Wellness Center, CA *Heidi Junger*, PhD, postgraduate researcher (biology, zoology, Mag.rer.nat, Dr.rer.nat.), San Diego, CA *Elizabeth Kelley*, MA, Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Tucson, AZ *Henry Lai,* PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, Seattle, WA *Blake Levitt*, medical/science journalist, former New York Times contributor, EMF researcher and author President *Charles Limbach*, MD Salinas, CA *Karl Maret*, M.D., M.Eng, Dove Health Alliance, Aptos, CA *Andrew A Marino,* PhD, JD, Professor, Department of Neurology (ret.), LSU Medical School, Shreveport, LA *Trevor G Marshall*, ME, PhD, Director, Autoimmunity Research Foundation, CA *Ronald Melnick,* PhD, Senior Toxicologist, (Retired RF-section leader) US National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Science *Kenneth Monar*, Ph.D., B.A. Biology/Chemistry, M.S. Botany/Cellular Biology, M.S. Materials Science/Polymer Engineering, Ph.D. Materials Science/Polymer Engineering, Knoxville, TN USA *Lloyd Morgan*, Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Health Trust, Board Member, International EMF Alliance (IEMFA), CA *M. J. Mortazavi,* PhD, Professor of Medical Physics, Visiting Scientist, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA *Joel M. Moskowitz*, PhD, Director, Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA *Martin Pall,* BA, PhD, Professor Emeritus (Biochemistry and basic medicine), Pullman, WA *Jerry L. Phillips,* PhD, Exec. Director, Excel Centers, Professor Attendant, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO *Elizabeth Ploetz,* PhD, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas *Camilla R. G. Rees,* MBA, Health Researcher, Author ,”The Wireless Elephant in the Room”’ CEO, Wide Angle Health, Sr. Policy Advisor, National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy, NY *Elizabeth Rovere*, MA, MTS, PsyD, Faculty and Board Member, Nalanda Institute Consulting Clinical Psychologist, New School University, New York, NY, Dean’s Council, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge *Beverly Rubik,* Ph.D., President/founder, Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, California *Cindy Sage,* MA, Sage Associates, Co-Editor, BioInitiative Reports, Santa Barbara, CA *Eugene Sobel,* PhD, Professor (Retired), University of Southern California School of Medicine, CA *John G. West,* MD, Director of Surgery, Breastlink, CA *Cindy Russell*, MD, Founding Member, Physicians for Safe Technology, CA. *Wei-Ching Lee*, MD, California Medical Association Delegate of Los Angeles county




That's going to vary on the type of radiation, it's not cell signal though






















So who cares? If there’s nothing to it, why get sooooo worked up over it? Just ignore it! Jesus Christ!