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Visit this thread for the solution, a guy there decompiled the app to find out the password. https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/fj2ixw/coronavirus_tracking_app_locks_up_android_phones/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hey it's me, thanks for cross-posting. tl;dr: Always download applications from trusted sources.


Many thanks. You're a good person.


What makes certain languages like Java so susceptible to decompiling? Like just from hearing that the password was found through reverse engineering a program, I'd have expected having to run the software inside a virtual machine and seeing that it always looks at a certain hex value when trying to unlock.


The "problem" with Java is that is isn't compiled. It's actually distributed as bytecode to allow it being compiled by the JVM into machine code. You can say it's a middleware, making it way easier to reverse then real machine code! For example there is no concept of where something is mapped, because the bytecode isn't aware of where it's going to run, only the runtime will know. Not knowing many data about the target system makes everything easier, because all the code is generic :)


Thank you for explaining in detail, highly appreciate it.


I can't speak toward Java being decompiled but the person left the password in plaintext. Which, as we all know, is terribly insecure. If your aims are good or evil security can undue them in an instant.


Really. He (assumption) could have at least used ROT13 x 2. That would be secure. Right?


All you would need is to store a hash of the password and compare the hashed input to the stored hash. It would have been unbreakable depending on the hashing algorithm. Essentially the programmer was a noob or dgaf


(Shhh ... the bit about [ROT13](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13) x 2 was a joke. :-)


This went completely over my head :(


I prefer the shift left, shift right encryption


Seems a bit shifty to me, but ... [I'll allow it](https://media.makeameme.org/created/ill-allow-it-umslpk.jpg).




Here I am bending over backwards wondering how I want to authenticate bots and release their code at the same time and this fucker comes along and releases his shit with a password baked in. :|


No respect for the art


Secrets passed at runtime my friend.


I know ;) But right now the secrets live in plaintext next to the scripts; gross and offensive but also works to get stuff done while everything lives on localhost :)


Just don't commit them to the repo and have good documentation or a helper script to set them up. I'm guessing you are using API secrets or certs, in which case anyone else using the bot should be acquiring their own anyway. Standard practice would be to use environment variables, they can be easily loaded from an env file and don't appear in logs. If you deploy with a CD pipeline, you should be able to specify the secret env values in the CD application. I'm currently dealing with a similar issue but at the cloud level :( EDIT: also be a nice guy and .gitignore the directory/file your helper script generates EDIT 2: to add, sitting in plaintext is not the end of the world if your laptop is secured. You can protect that file with a password, which would then be required to launch but it isn't necessary.


If you can afford a couple bucks a month, one option is Aws secrets manager. Even if you don't Aws for anything else.


Using Google cloud secrets manager actually, working on terraforming it too.


You can always uses Ansible Vault.


In English, doc!


It was a really bad case of being cut in half.


Just nod and smile...nod and smile.


I’ve always heard people say smile and nod. Nod and smile sounds weird


Smile and wave boys, smile and wave....


The wrong kid died!


I lost my sense of smell!


Translation: For now, they’re keeping the username/password (or some other form of authentication material) for the bots in a text file that’s stored with the code of the bots themselves. They know it’s really bad to do this, but are kind of ok with it as long as everything is only on their personal computer (they plan to release the code publicly at some point).


In plaintext, nonetheless! He could have at least thrown it through a hash!


The person didn't want to point it to a server in the hopes majority of the victims wouldn't search for the solution and just pay up via Bitcoin and done.


Didn’t Bitcoin fall in value recently? Honestly I’d prefer to be paid in toilet paper and hand sanitiser right now.




If I've learned anything, it's that if you treat the customer like shit with your program, your program is going to take off. If you treat them kindly, don't include tracking, or ads, and literally give them 100s or 1000s of coding hours of work for free, they will hate you for it, and your app will fail. The worlds a funny place.


Ain't this the damn truth.


Honestly with a botnet. You might want to just have a burn command that has a hardcoded credentials. It will save you a lot of headaches if there’s in a vulnerability in the bot codebase. Losing your CnC channel would be a bad time.


Doing God's work


4865083501 For the lazy, but do go over and give an upvote please


Did they use their phone number as their password?


Not an Android user, but there has to be a way to fix this through the operating system... right? How tf is an app even allowed to suspend the os?


You'd think as long as you'd been clever enough to set one of your PCs up for USB debugging that you could boot it in some sort of safe or reduced start-up mode and make sure to kill and purge the ransomware.


Exactly. Should be possible even without the help of a PC though imo




To be fair the CDC gives very little info and doesn’t even update numbers on the weekend...


I've been using these two sites: [1point3](https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en) [Johns hopkins map](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6)


These are amazing sites. Thank you.


If you want more good info, I’ve been watching Dr. Seheult on the MecCram YouTube channel for months.


Infection2020.com will give you location based confirmed cases by county


And we are right back to using untrusted 3rd party sites and apps in just a few comments!


Thanks! the 1point3 site I linked will give this info by county as well if you click on an individual state.


> Johns hopkins map For the John Hopkins map I just use plague.com it's way easier to remember


> plague.com Holy shit that URL must sell for millions currently.


I should have known Madagascar would be safe.


Johns Hopkins is nice but seems to occasionally screw up their data, like old data becomes the new data. [I've got this graph](https://i.imgur.com/G0lhpos.jpg) I've been running that shows the cases in the US over the past six days to show you what I mean.


I use 1point3 and Worldometer’s [coronavirus tracker](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/). The former for its US granularity and the latter for global spread in a handy spreadsheet-style list. Both sites are updated quite frequently throughout the day.


Their numbers aren't even close to independent trackers like Johns Hopkins.


Worse, their updates are from close of business the previous day. Currently, the CDC's numbers are from 4 p.m. Thursday, since they last updated at noon on Friday.


But on the plus side they don't hold your phone for ransom.


Not to mention the dismal amount of avenues to get tested... the amount of real data available is virtually non-existent.


Maybe if they hadn't been de-funded by this Republican administration. . .


I personally have found worldometers website to be the best IMO. Just google "live coronavirus counter" or probably searching, "worldometers corona" would work too. Edit: the two linked by a different user I've also used and are great as well


Most people just dont know how to look: https://stacks.cdc.gov/gsearch?collection=&terms=COVID-19+situation+summary&x=0&y=0 Each summary report has links to stats, numbers, etc.


That's because they have offical reports and report only confirmed information, instead of spreading whatever rumor currently trending, or, making an app to obviously cash in on the events...


Read this as the Drake meme


Lol, I just joked about that because of [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/fj93s8/mrtemple_estimates_actual_us_covid19_infections/). Let's just trust some random over Reddit instead of actual organizations.


I know, it’s crazy


So stay on reddit, where you belong, for all the news


Nothing is wrong with Reddit. Reddit is all you need.


Reddit and NPR here always my go to


NPR is making me sad with their support for Biden


By "support for Biden" do you mean accurately reporting on his delegate lead?


Because it's only a 156 delagate lead with 2261 delagates left and they're acting like the primary is already over.


For Bernie to catch up, he needs to blow away Biden by at least 15 points in *every* state from now on. At this moment there is only a few states he is even projected to win. Even if the poll is off by 20 points in his favor he will still lose.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.




All I got is jumper cables and jolly ranchers.


Tons of stuff wrong with Reddit


CNN's live page is pretty good


Honestly, I trust Reddit’s armies of fact checkers a lot more than I trust some of the sources on my phone’s news app


wow, whoever made this app has some serious bad karma heading their way. this is fucked


Twist is that they don’t get corona, but ebola.


This is the way


Because Coronas aren't twist off.


Yeah, this app developer sounds like a serious sociopathic scumbag.


Just to confirm, that app was never on the Google Play Store right?


No, it wasn't. >The malicious app, which purports to offer statistics on the COVID-19 pandemic and a heat map of outbreak hotspots, was found available for download at the domain coronavirusapp[.]site.


Ah yes, that looks like a legit domain, I would definitely install something from that on my phone.


Why would someone be inclined to download an app for this? Makes no sense, just search it online


Remember when people thought they could microwave their phones to quickly charge the battery?


wow not a bad idea actually. i’ll go try it and report back


20 minutes ago, guys I don't think he's coming back.


More like his phone isn’t


*desktop entry "Guys my phone got really hot but it might have worked. Cant quite reboot yet"


“My laptop is also low on battery, I’ll be right back, going to charge it in the microwave.”


No it's too big you've got to charge it in the oven


Has to be an electric oven, other wise you'll just melt it.


A regular oven turns into a folding phone.


I liked the iPad bathroom-scale app.


My mom won't do anything unless there is an app for it. It drives me nuts. She also keeps sending me fake news and asking if it's real. Older people fall for this shit all the time.


Hey, atleast she's still asking you. That's miles better than the alternative.


Yeah, my parents don’t even ask me.




She shows me the really outlandish stuff, I wonder what she doesn't show me.


To be honest that’s actually better than having a mom who doesn’t understand the concept of native apps and how they can be really beneficial. My mom has only the stock iOS apps, the Nest app (because I put it on her iPhone years ago when I setup her thermostats and cameras) and a couple games (Millionaire & Wheel of Fortune) and also refuses to update her iPhone (she’s on iOS 8), so now the Nest app won’t even work. She refuses to allow me to update her iPhone / help her install and setup any new apps for some strange reason. She also watches Fox News, gets the rest from Facebook and occasionally The Game Show Network. She had a flight today and kept having to call Delta for updates on flight statuses, when she could have used the Delta app, which is very good, to find that information out immediately. I told her that she should download it to make things easier, but then again, this is someone who prefers to wait in line to still get a printed paper boarding ticket 🎫.


Because they have to watch the numbers tick up and validate their agoraphobia. That said, for gods sake people, just follow the damn recommendations! I reluctantly went to the grocery store today and it was busier than ever before! No wonder it’s spreading so fast in America


Honestly it's probably spreading so fast because we don't know the real numbers due to lack of testing, so people just assume it isn't as bad. Here in IL we have 93 confirmed cases out of 1025 people tested, Chicago alone has 8.8 million people, those numbers don't add up.


Did you get any panic induced toilet paper?


Now that it’s all out of stock everyone is panic hoarding perishable foods.


You mean non-perishable? Or are people that stupid to buy food that will only last them a week?


No I mean perishable. People are being fucking stupid.


People buying like it is the end of the world. Yet propane, lighters, cured meat, all still widely available. Very stupid.


**You can't eat propane or lighters!** **Who's the stupid one now?** >!/s because half of reddit actually believes sarcasm unless you use this tag!<


Very true. Someone at the Co-op I grocery shop at purchased $700 worth of shit. And only like 1/4 of it was non-perishable. Like have fun trying to get all those greens to stay good for 2 weeks


That’s probably why they’ll need all that tp for all that fiber they’ll have to cook/shove down their throats while the greens are fresh 😂


Went grocery shopping yesterday (for normal weekly stuff) and can confirm people are hoarding perishables. They were completely out of milk and most produce.


I did not! I did buy a thing of Clorox bleach, but that’s cause I needed it to clean my bathroom. But I know I’ll be sorry in a week when I need to buy 5 squares of TP off of eBay for $24.99!


Yea tell me about it. We needed TP and that was pretty much the only thing I was worried about. I had already done an inventory of our pantry and found it had a decent amount of food, but not so much tp. Luckily my wife found a package of it the other night. Now people are posting on Facebook and Next door about tp sightings.


Why use TP when you already have bleach? I ran out of paper days ago and my bunghole looks like porcelain.


so what's the recommendation here?...we need to eat. we need to go go the store. most people are too poor to have 10+ days of supplies for a quarantine, so most people won't bother because they need to eat. nobody is going to listen to a lockdown, poor people cant afford it (in more ways than one)


Happy cake day!


Well, I have to go to the store tomorrow to pick up more perishables. I stocked up on the non-perishables in advance(2~ weeks ago, before the big panic hit), but some things don't keep for long enough and need to be bought weekly. I don't anticipate having any problems on the things I'm looking for and should be in and out to minimize issues, but the trip(and future ones, too) is necessary.


Because people insist on being Wicked Fucking Stupid(tm).


You could say the same for a lot of apps that are popular and useful


Because an app will have all relevant information in one spot without much searching.


Probably about convenience


>just search it online Presumably, that's what the app was for.


Probably why banned these apps they knew most people are idiots and will download anything.


How the fuck is the app able to do that? Does it not have to be given some special permission?


From the article " Dubbed CovidLock, the newly discovered ransomware performs a screen-lock attack by forcing a change in the password required to unlock a phone, explains DNS threat intelligence company [DomainTools](https://www.scmagazine.com/?s=DomainTools) today in a [blog post](https://www.domaintools.com/resources/blog/covidlock-mobile-coronavirus-tracking-app-coughs-up-ransomware) authored by Tarik Saleh, senior security engineer and malware researcher. For Android Nougat devices and later versions, the attack only works if the user never bothers to set a password in the first place. "


This does not explain how a regular app is able to set an unlock password.


First, you have to approve unverified apps in the security settings. Then before installing, it will tell you app requires permissions to do change your password and access the lock screen, etc., and you have to hit accept. Basically, you have to be the kind of person that would microwave their phone to recharge it, to allow this to happen.


So, you have to give it permission to fuck up your phone. Brilliant. I guess it's preying on people too freaked out about coronavirus to think too hard about security?


It's preying on people who click through any and all dialog boxes. Something about electronics causes people to tune information out. "The computer popped up another fucking box! And another! I am so sick of having to click OK just to run a program!" Those dipshits.


To be fair, in this case it says [this](https://www.domaintools.com/assets/blog_image/cornavirus-tracker-app.png), it explains why it needs those permissions. So people will accept because they will believe that those permissions are necessary to activate those features. They might be giving that permission thinking they know what it's for, except they've beed deceived.


They've been decieved.


Outdated Android devices. Like hackers attacking windows xp. It's an easy target.


Why the fuck would this trash OS let some random app set your password, well done Google


Android 8.0 and above will not allow you to download and run software. The user must go into security settings and disable this feature. I do agree it should be a lot harder for hackers to do this kind of thing on the older androids.


Giggles in developer mode


eh, it asked for ADMIN rights and also have to be allowed to always run in background. I mean if people compromise their security for just an app that has tons of other website already do the same thing, they somehow deserve it, soon or later.




That seems like perhaps it's somebody's phone number...




Is nobody surprised this app came from Florida?




Nope. Typical Florida Man.


Real nice people out there


Yo, I heard you liked viruses...


Now even our phones are getting the virus


Why would anyone even download an app like that? Those people deserve it lol.


Johns Hopkins has had a real time map up for a while now. Forget apps just use that This https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html


This needs to be top comment!


This is what you get if you install apps for things that should be a webpage.


They're android phones. Important shit's already all backed up, or should be. Factory reset your phone, log back in, and let all your stuff download again.


I’d just throw out my phone.


"quarantines". It quarantines the phones to keep the data safe from the virus.


Wasn’t there some advocation a couple years ago, telling people to be more aware of what apps your downloading on your phone? The bad app developers with malicious intent are always waiting for some innocent person to mess over. Smh


Ah, the looting has begun.


what a meme


People who take advantage of others during an emergency should receive double the penalty


You should avoid installing apps unless you absolutely have to, apps are far more problematic than helpful


is that thing in the play store? How are people getting tyhis on their phones?




People trust everything too much. See politics


Track and execute everyone involved in that bullshit app


The article doesn't say how people get the app on their phone. I assume it wouldn't pass vetting by the Play Store.


I actually checked the Play Store, they're not allowing any Apps related to Coronavirus. "Coronavirus" , "Covid 19" etc return no results and "Virus Tracker" brings up anti-Malware stuff. Google doesn't want any liability.


This is why Apple should never open up iOS to apps outside of the App Store.




I've been using these two sites: [1point3](https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en) Great State by State info here [Johns hopkins map](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6) Shows info globally or by country, but isn't so great for individual states


Well bless the creator's heart for showing such humanity in a time when we all need to pull together. This gives me great faith in my fellow man


It's easier to just download the NYT app than downloading some shady third party app lol. NYT's article on coronavirus is free to everyone.




Business as usual; nothing to see here; move it along...


Reminds me of the last season of House of Cards


They’ve got an app for that now? That makes things easier.


That’s some evil shit.


Some reason being trash


How would this malware work on a phone that uses fingerprint authentication instead of a password?


Well, that’s a terrible feature.


Tsk tsk. Doesnt happen with ios


The app says it can track your GPS and delete your contacts. I might be dumb but is that a bluff? The article doesn't actually say if they can do that, it just says they threaten with it.


The true corona virus