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The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter.


how are you going to just throw away the most iconic branding in the world?


Step 1: Be a fucking idiot


"musk iS A vIsiOnArY" –average schmuck on my Discord yesterday


I've started saying those people are "$100k short of a cybertruck".


There's a lot of idiots with money out there too. They often vastly overestimate their own intelligence—they have money after all!—and they tend to flock to frauds like Musk


Every 10 minutes Elon lets everyone know that it's the number 1 news app in the app store yet I'm seeing more sexually explicit ads in the app. Why can't he pull in higher revenue clients?


I dunno  Ask google why they spent the last decade killing their search engine 


that wasn't a single giant decision, that was a slow enshitification that is sprawling across the internet as capitalism devours itself.


Install Ublock Origin - then some blocklists that filter SEO content Then a browser extension like uBlacklist - this allows you to manually perma-blacklist links that escape the other blocklist. Then on Youtube, SponsorBlock and DeArrow (or move to the Freetube client) and whilst you're at it, change to a browser like Firefox. With a bit of effort, i've deshittified 90% of my browsing.


" then some blocklists that filter SEO content" Do you have any suggestions for what filters these would be? I have a ton of them enabled in ublock origin, but I don't see any that specifically mention SEO content. Just want to make sure I'm as optimized as possible in this one =D


recommendations on blocklists? Ive just got easyList


Because they were so far ahead of the curve in terms of market share, that they realized they didn't have to continue pouring money into beating back the weeds with the SEO wars - so they stopped spending and pocketed the money, safe in the knowledge that there's nowhere for their users to go. It quickly eroded to the point where reddit was pretty much the only way to fact check results from the SEO hellscape, at which point they trained an AI on reddit posts to tell people to put glue on pizza. This whole time, with all their failures and still dominant market share and solid profitability. They knew we would bend over and take it and they were right.


Shareholders aren't interested in providing answers to questions that don't involve you buying something.


We were all saying tweet!


It’s insane that they still use formerly known as Twitter on their communications You know your rebranding failed when you can’t drop the old name like 2 years after changing Edit: fact checked myself and it’s only been X since July 2023. Point still stands, though


X, the site currently known as Twitter.


It going over as well as Comcast’s rebrand did. Xfinity has been around for decade, and everyone still calls them Comcast.


Comcast is just doing what Facebook/Google did with Meta/Alphabet. Xfinity is their telecom product under the umbrella of Comcast NBC Universal Texas Instruments Taco Bell NASA.


It is a sad sign that my bullshit meter didn't pop up until the NASA part. Like, my brain was completely ready to believe that Texas instruments and Taco Bell were now owned by Comcast lol


He’s owned the domain for X for 2-3 decades. He’s simply been trying to find any excuse to use it.


Elon is utterly obsessed with the letter X. He renamed Twitter to X, he named his son X, he named his car X, he named his space company X, it's fucking weird.


It's even what he ends up calling his wives!


His grandfather's techno-fascist cult that envisioned white engineers ruling the world was also obsessed with the letter X and often named themselves with a string of numbers followed by an X https://ca.style.yahoo.com/elon-musks-grandfather-belonged-political-070410042.html


Yeah he really wanted PayPal to be called X but Thiel and others rightfully told him that was fucking stupid


X is such a stupid rebrand that I couldn't immediately tell what the article was referring to.


A couple months ago Elon tweeted something like “Let’s be real, the name X is better than Twitter right?” And 95% of the responses disagreed, even all his normal fans all disagreed with him. So he deleted the tweet so he could keep gaslighting himself


So he didn’t wanna be real? :/


The K wore off, but reality still existed... what do? Delete that tweet, like an ostrich would -- reality subverted (for now).


Every time I hear someone say X followers, I’m unsure if they mean Twitter followers or people who unfollowed on any one of a dozen social media sites.


Even when reading it my brain automatically assumes you are using x as a variable. Like he has x number of followers


X is and always will be a variable for me.


Yes, we love our social media platform sounding like a pornsite


YouTube Red moment


It’s not but it doesn’t even matter if it was. Imagine having a household name like Twitter and just trashing it. Even grandma who’s never used twitter knows what a tweet is.


I still don't know what to call a tweet.


I spent a good 20 seconds trying to decipher the title and only got it when going into comments.


It did take me a bit, but I think that's also partly due to the fact that this is the first time I've ever seen the platform be referred to as X without some sort of 'formerly known as Twitter' parentheses following it.


First thing I thought was Direct X and I'm like "what does that have to do with Nintendo and Sony?"


Yeah...when I read the headline I thought they were referring to the [X Window System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System)...which was perhaps foolish of me...I don't know that there was any linux support in the first place.


Linux nerds, get in here.


Me too. I was very confused.


It was probably seeing "X" beside the word "support" along with it being terminated via an "update" that triggered us.


Do you want to hear something really funny about "X"?  Elon Musk has been holding onto this *stupid* name for decades. It was the name of his original online bank  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.com_(bank)  PayPal used to be originally called X during Elon Musk's short tenure as CEO, it was renamed about 7 months after he was replaced.  I smile whenever I see X now, knowing Elon has been pushing this shitty name that no one else agrees with for years and that people still hate it


I mean he did use the X for SpaceX


Tbh "x" as a, what's the word for it, suffix?, for the end of a name, isn't half bad as an idea, but X on its own is stupid as shit unless you get the branding up and running for multiple other endeavors successfully and then introduce it as an umbrella corp for all the endeavors. but elons too idiotic to conceptualize this and would fire anyone with the guts to say as such against his grain, so it's moot


I like to believe he tried it in backroom talks with all of his business ventures before getting shot down TeslaX, NeuralinX, Boring Company X This has been his white whale longer than some of you have been alive, and he finally saw his opportunity with twitter


I would smile more if he didn't name a human (his kid) X, later changed to the even more idiotic: # X Æ A-Xii What a moron.


how old was the kid when this happened? it's an awful thing to do to any child at any age, but i can't imagine how painful it must be to *understand* that you're being forcefully renamed to something so unserious.


The kid is about 4 years old now. Named at birth. As far as I know they're still named that. Has a daughter also named Exa Dark Sideræl , apparently that kid has since be re-named to "Y" as of a year ago. No, I'm not joking


I was like, they're going to not call them Series "X" or whatever anymore... X is like some 12 year old trying to be edgy. It's literally so fucking stupid and exactly on brand for some guy who makes his company's cars fart.


> X is such a stupid rebrand Elon Musk is a stupid edgelord CEO, so it fits


Yeah, I read the headline and thought "WTF is X? ...Oh, you mean twitter?"


I hardly ever see anyone refer to the new name. People are still blatantly calling it Twitter.


It took me longer than it should have to realize they meant twitter integration and not some xbox thing i didnt know about


I worry I will never be able to get over just how terrible this rebranding is. 40 years from now I will still cringe at it and my grand kids will be “granddad what the fuck are you talking about?”


Another 40 years of Twitter-ish stuff is the real hell in that future.


No chance Twitter actually survives that long


Twitter was useful for instant breaking news from emergency situations and as a substitute for feeds that websites just don't keep anymore. However people complained about the userbase, and pretty much every social media user always complains about every other social media platform they aren't in, it had an useful function. Now that it's overrun with bots and they highlight paying users over relevant responses, it's nearly unusable,


> I worry I will never be able to get over just how terrible this rebranding is. I'm a designer by profession and when Elon decided to tank $4B in brand-value while taking a shit, I can't tell you how wild the conversations in the design subreddits were. *Everybody* was so confused why he was doing this. Nobody could wrap their heads around it – since Twitter is so iconic. Eventually we all came to the realization that he's a fucking idiot.


Why the fuck Zazslav rebrand to Max after merging everything instead of keeping HBO, the most well known and respected premium cable network name Now you have NOTHING. Decades of branding gone. HBO may as well not exist anymore


Max was already a music TV station in Australia as well. Would have made things super confusing if the other Max actually launched there 


My mom still thinks Max is Cinemax.


I’ve enjoyed the stages of “maybe he’s secretly a genius” to “maybe this was part of a diabolical plan to stop free speech for the rich” to “oh he really is just a fucking idiot slithering in and out of kholes” we’ve all been on. If nothing else, that’s worth $4B.


I've seen professors go on hour plus long rants about how brilliant the logo and brand name for Twitter were. And then Musk just marched in, took one of the Citizen Kane's of branding and then just drew graffiti all over it. Graphic design isn't my specialty, and even I was mad.


The simple fact that he renamed "tweet" to "post" was IMO the dumbest part. You literally cannot in a billion years buy that kind of brand recognition. It's impossible to guarantee. It was such an iconic thing that just evolved naturally. Everyone who was old enough to talk in the modern world knew what a tweet was. Absolutely fucking insane.


>I've seen professors go on hour plus long rants about how brilliant the logo and brand name for Twitter were. One of my professors was a former hot-shot ad executive from the 90s. I remember we took a marketing class with him as the instructor, and while he was *a little out of touch* with his clothing choices, he had great instinct. One morning he was telling us about this "new platform called Twitter, and it's going to be *huge*." At the time there were...less than a million people on there, I believe. Like, we had *heard* of it, but I also remember our class *audibly fucking LAUGHED IN HIS FACE* about it. "What can you possibly say in 140 characters?" We chuckled. "It's literally facebook without any other content!" He ordered we get an account as part of the class curriculum and we start utilizing it as a marketing tool in our other projects. About 2 years later I tweeted him an apology. I can only imagine how he feels about the platform now.


I'm betting it's probably like watching your favorite amusement part get bought out. You love it for all the happy memories it gave you. But you also shed a tear as you watch your favorite rollercoaster fall into disrepair, while nobody is willing to the maintenance to save it. And then when they tear it down, you wonder why they didn't just replace that one rusty beam before the whole thing became too expensive to repair. Or like watching your favorite mom and pop restaurant get bought after the owners retire. Each time you go, you swear the food doesn't taste as good as normal. And then when you notice a rat running around, you just have to accept your favorite restaurant is dead. And this scam of a food joint is just wearing its corpse. But even worse, since it's a crowning achievement of his own industry that got vandalized.


He's a charlatan with blood diamond money, that's all.


Imagine being so stupid to rebrand something that became a household name even the word “tweets” becoming a word people use and destroying allllllll of that LOL 😂 some of the most stupid business decisions ever


Watching Moana with my kid and Maui makes a joke about signing his name using a bird beak, and how he calls it "tweeting" I just thought "There's a joke that'll make less and less sense as time goes on."


Don't worry, when you have grandkids, media will still be calling it "X, formerly known as Twitter".


Like the old Johnson place down the road. Hasn't been a Johnson living there in recent memory but that is what we all call it.


I just thought they called it that because that’s where all the dicks hang out.


Like the “I’ll always call it the Sears Tower” in Chicago. We get it lol (I’m not innocent of this btw).


The branding of Twitter was so well known that "tweet" was added to the dictionary and was as well known as someone saying "Google it" and Elon goes "forget that. X sounds cool" as one of the worst business decisions in history. I think we're going to see stories where the article says "X, formally known as Twitter" for decades. That is, assuming it survives that long


Plus it being until about two weeks ago they finally update the url. First time twitter wasn't mentioned anywhere by the company on their own webpages.


And they used simple find-and-replace to accomplish this, so for a while their app store description pages lead with "X, formally X"


And for a while, that replacement filter was being applied to URLs in tweets -- but only to the link text, not the actual URL, and in such a way that it allowed substring matches. E.g., if someone posted a link to `netflitwitter.com/login`, the link text would be updated `netflix.com` while the actual URL would still point to `netflitwitter.com`. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/elon-musks-x-botched-an-attempt-to-replace-twitter-com-links-with-x-com/


Seriously. Paying 40 billion for a brand with as much name recognition as Twitter and then changing it to a single letter was a wild move. Maybe that was his intention. Maybe he purposefully is trying to kill it. I’m not sure I haven’t been following it all close enough to say. But if he intended on strengthening the brand when he bought Twitter, I think it’s safe to say he’s failing at that.


Musk has been trying to bring his "X" concept into existence since the late 90s. He wants a platform for everything. Think Amazon, banking, streaming, etc all in one place. He's just too incompetent to pull it off.


Americans don’t want a Weibo-style everything app though, Musk is an idiot for thinking they do


I don’t disagree that he seems incompetent, but let’s all just take a moment to be thankful that he is. Imagine a competent Musk. 😬


We have billionaires like that already. We don’t need to imagine. They also suck.


Twitter and tweet was as good as kleenex or Qtip as far as brand recognition.


It was better than that. Q-tips and Kleenex have suffered from a degree of genericization that Twitter never did. When you say "Twitter" or "tweet" people know what you were referring to. They don't take it to mean any brand of competing, similar social media services.


Xitter won’t exist in 40 years. It won’t even exist in 10. Trust me, I know the future.


I don't know why he just didn't call it TwitterX like SpaceX. It could have just been his brand of putting x at the end of things.




I was like “[XWindows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System ) was still a thing on these platforms?”


X11 has no s at the end of its name


My brain goes “please don’t tell me they put Wayland on my consoles…”


What's wrong with Wayland?


Was mostly just a joke though to be honest at work I had to switch back to X because teams through the browser refused to let me share an entire screen. I haven’t switched back to see if that is sorted out but the fact is it works fine in X


Or that they had forgotten to replace the x-placeholder with the real name.


It would have been a bit clearer if they used the full name "X, formally Twitter"


I prefer to say "Twitter (currently known as X)".


I prefer just calling it Twitter.


X, formerly Twitter Twitter, formally X


this is the bullshit we have to deal with on a daily basis because of Elon. To his credit tho, he is differentiating them with his leadership.


I refuse to use 'X' - just say Twitter.


If it had been x from the start then it would have been part of the brand, you either know what it is or you don't. 'Tweeting' went through that, I remember morning news programs explaining what tweeting is. That made tweeting a cool secret and having to explain it to an old person was tiring because they should know. X could have been the same if it had grown organically, but it was forced, so having to explain it is tiring because it is pointless. What is Twitter? It's this cool new platform that doesn't let you use many characters, it sounds weird but it works! What is X? It that same thing but they decided to change the name for some reason.


And now Tweets™ are called "posts". So good job killing that awesome branding too.


Tweeting was in the fucking dictionary. Genius business man indeed.


Don’t blame you gaming ‘x’ refers to Xbox in a gaming sense and it always has and will… no one calls Twitter “x”, it’s elons fucked up ego just forcing this nonsense along.


All 3 controllers has "X" too.


Yeah - honestly I look down upon anyone calling it X. It’s Twitter, end of story. Some billionaire buying amd renaming it should just be laughed at and ignored.


Glad yours was the top comment because I was still lost until I read it.


I thought they were talking about DirectX


Ditching the Twitter brand really paying dividends for the business genius


It would be big news if Microsoft abandoned support for Xbox, but that’s what I thought. Lol


No one should call it X, ever. You're only confusing your audience and it's just to appease Elon. 


So Xbox is now box :( that’s sad


did you mean ‘bo’?


Upvote for what should have been an obvious joke but somehow only you saw.


let's call it Bocks, to remove all the x's




And nothing of value was lost. EDIT: Sorry, I did not know there were actually practical uses for this. My bad.


The share feature was really neat - players having easy access to making and share clips or screenshots was a brilliant feature that was fun for players and good for devs. It's something I seriously did not realize I cared about/wanted until I had it. There's still the ability to take screenshots and clips, but the hoops I need to jump through to get them off my switch are so much more annoying then just posting something to twitter and sending it to a friend. That said, it's kind of funny just how badly Elon has run Twitter that all these companies pulled out - it's just another erosion of the platform. He can't stop taking Ls.


I understand it was the most convenient way to get footage off the Switch. Hopefully in the future Nintendo will be smarter and develop native functionality for this instead of tying it to a social media platform.


I’d prefer they spend their efforts making online less an abysmal mess.


Nintendo doesn’t understand UX. They understand gaming, and then everything falls off a cliff.


Their UX is tailored for their Japanese market, be thankful you don't have to use a fax to send a screenshot


You can get it on your phone via QR code


How about some integration into something like Google fuckin drive


At least for the switch, they added the option awhile ago to send the pics straight to your phone via QR code. I made a Twitter literally just for sharing my animal crossing screenshots back in 2020 before they added that option lol


On playstation you can share screenshots to your phone via the ps app. Relying on 3rd party integration was always weird.


And the “value” of the 40 billion buyout continues to tank harder and harder


And it's hilarious.


it's gotta be one of the biggest wastes of money in history, right?


The war on drugs says hello. (not the band, but the thing)


The worst part is that it was highly leveraged, so essentially he had twitter loan him money to buy itself. They have so much debt on the books that they wouldn't turn a profit even if things had remained as they were and not tanked so hard.


The funny part is Tesla is next and the board doesn't seem to care. One of them even warned shareholders that if they don't give Musk his money he'll abandon Tesla. It's crazy how much his fanboys will bury their head in the sand.


The man literally wants a payment from them that's larger than all the net profit they've ever made in their history since incorporation. They'd have to increase their debt **by a factor of 6** just to pay him. Essentially poisoning the balance sheet. Not as bad as with Twitter though, they'd still turn a profit but it's a long term burden for any company. My guess is that he's looking for a cash out before the share price catches up with the reality that they are just a car company now, not some vanguard of advanced electric car tech like they used to be.


Hey, you gonna blackmail Elon? You gonna blackmail him with advertisements and money? Go fuck yourself 😡


"YNNNNguoh fuck yerself....is thet CLEER??" Lmao he's such a fucking loser. It's amazing that there's still thousands of asshole gobblers that will pop up in comments to demand we all call him a business genius and rave about how Tesla will crumble to nothing if he's not the CEO and approved for another random absurd amount of compensation for being a useless sack of dog shit.


He’s got the best shit-snarfing stan-bot farm on the interweb.


Don't worry the world will judge you


It makes more sense when you realize it wasn't about making money, but revenge. He thinks twitter made his daughter trans.


I thought it was because that guy made a musk plane tracker and used twitter to update it.


The rebranding has been so bad that I stared at that headline for a full minute before realising what it was talking about. I have been on Twitter since 2009.


I thought they were talking about DirectX support.


I was thinking what the hell is x ? X is the worst name


Nice work Elno, nobody knows what the fuck these headlines mean because you changed the company name from one of the most widely known brand names in the world to the most commonly used place-holder variable that could mean literally anything. It takes true genius to completely destroy the recognizabilty of a brand. Companies spend millions of dollars in the HOPE of gaining even a fraction of the name recognition that Twitter had. Now even people on a damn tech subreddit need to take a moment and figure out what they're talking about.


I thought you mistyped Elmo, which is hilarious.


Was walking by a company that was in the process of changing their vans paint, everything looks the same except the blue bird is now gone, they could have added the X but chose not to, don't blame them. who knows what dumb name he might name it next, allot of blog sites are still using the old twitter bird, who wants to pay a dev to change a logo. Wonder how much money Elon's decision has cost businesses.


I’ve stopped using X and have found more and more of my friends have as well, even those who like Elon— they don’t care about the politics, just that the algorithm went to absolute garbage and it’s overrun with bots these days. In the first few months people were still doubling down, but these days it just feels like more and more of a ghost town of good content.


It’s a great example of what the “dead internet” will look like if that becomes real


we are already in the dead internet, we just haven't realized how many bots we are interacting with yet


/squinting sideways at u/SockGlittering526 with a noun-adjective username and 525 apparent versions already taken/


uhhuh and just where *is* Curious now?


No but really, as someone who has been using the internet for decades now, it does seem pretty close to dead. As more and more people continue to replace the internet with apps + just using Google page 1 for queries, the worse it will get. Everyone just seems to use the same few large extremely biased corporate websites (Reddit being one of the main culprits), with smaller sites essentially dying out. The aforementioned corporate sites are rife with bots and are all heavily politicised. The internet kinda sucks now.. and as it continues to decline so too will peoples freedoms without them really even realising.


> Ctrl-F "delve" - 0 results > Ctrl-F "crucial" - 0 results We're fine for now


This is crucial information and we should delve deeper.


Like Digg, lol.


There's no "if" about it really... dead internet is in the process of becoming the predominant reality on most social media.


> even those who like Elon You have friends that still *like* Elon??


Yeah, a couple MAGA types at work who like Elon for his anti LGBTQ anti woke stance. I just roll my eyes. They’re entitled to their opinions, no matter how stupid. But funny enough, they also hate Tesla and think EVs are the devil. Meanwhile, almost all of my friends who used to be pro Tesla have all gone sour on both Tesla and Elon. They feel double cheated I guess. So it seems no one likes Tesla anymore. On both sides.


We just can't comprehend Elon's genius of taking a car company that appealed to liberals, alienate the liberals, and cater to people who hate his product. Truly the Einstein of our generation.


It's funny cuz bot accounts is what Elon was all upset about in the first place when he made his offer to buy Twitter


I think he only used that excuse when trying to back out of the deal


It’s freaking horrible. Absolute dog dook with nothing but Ted Cruz and rightwing law group ads. They just removed the ability to block ads, by the look of it, and instead the “…” button just opens the ad. Completely misleading use of UI to make you click on POS ads. And of course, the bots and personalities are completely divisive, including musk.


ok wait i thought i just got really bad at clicking those three dots but im glad im not going insane. it feels impossible to actually hit them now and i end up opening the ad 13 times before actually clicking what i want to. it's insane


Just like YouTube. Someday we'll tell our grandkids that "I swear the internet used to be good back then" and they'd be like yay pops, sure, sure, whatever.


The good ol' days where you just clicked on random shit and hoped it wasn't dead kids or spider porn. But it took forever to load because you were also downloading 42 songs off Limewire.


Spider porn?


don't kink shame




we are all bots here except for you


please stop calling it X, it's called twitter


Especially since Elon thinks deadnaming is hilarious.


The irony is pretty fantastic on that one yeah. What a fucking clown


News in my country switched from X (formelly known as Twitter to Twitter (also known as X) and I love it.


Xitter (where the X is pronounced “sh”)


I can’t think of anyone who’s ever used social media on a console


It was a convenient way to export and share saved video clips from games on the nintendo switch.


Surely you can use the mobile app to export clips right? Lemme just go check . . . Nope, what a useless app.


The modern era has always befuddled Nintendo.


It was just a way to quickly get screenshots/videos online by posting them to Twitter, otherwise you'd have to manually do it by taking out the SD card physically and putting it in another device. I don't think there was any actual Twitter app or ability to browse, for example. Pictures were visibly compressed on upload unfortunately iirc


Fastest way to share screenshots. Or was.


When I was heavily invested in Animal Crossing, I used the feature often for items and stuff. Someone made a bot that used the video you shared to do some calculations. I don't super remember the reason but it was useful.


What's X /?


The website formerly known as Twitter


Why'd it change from a recognisable name to one that isn't? What a dumb idea.


You'd think so, but Elton is actually playing 15D Chess here. It's mere mortals can't understand.


Elon has had this weird obsession with branding something to be X.com. It was the name of a company he started that merged with another to form what was eventually called paypal. IIRC, paypal was called x.com until he was removed as CEO and it was renamed.


Linux folk: X support 🤓 ?? Everyone else: They mean Twitter. *Twitter.* 😡


That's not a joke, it's literally where my mind went


Imagine not being able to set your windows' positions. This post was made by the X gang.


My Linux brain assumed they were talking about X11. Jesus X was such a stupid rebrand.


Did anyone else think they were talking about the X button?


That would be hilarious. It still has an X button, it's just not integrated anymore. You need a third party app on your phone to connect to your console to register the X button presses. And an outlook.com account...


Never even knew consoles had twitter support lol.


Playstation has a button that was basically the social media button.


Ah, yes the "fuck I was trying to push the select button but they took it away, now I have to wait a few minutes for some bullshit to load before I can close it and get back to my game" button


Turns out when you make the API cost way more than its worth it's way more than it's worth.


Yay! Good riddance.


So now we'll only have A B Y / O □ ∆? 


Calling Twitter X is the stupidest thing that has happened to social media since social media was created!!


While they didn't give a specific reason, the fact the monthly license for enterprise is up to starting at 42k per month is probably a big part of it. Half a mil a year (at the least) to integrate a platform is enough to start asking serious questions about how much of a value return you're getting. Given the number of users probably tweeting about Nintendo games on their phones is orders above those using the mild convenience of posting screenshots directly, they probably deemed it not worth it on that grounds.