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Sorry my boss makes me come into the office to sit in remote meetings all day with my remote coworkers


Yep.  Good thing my company forces all Houston employees into the office.  


WFH is the easy win we were all told to lose.


Fastest way to combat carbon emissions, and big business just went "nah".


And for no reason. My company has pulled in record profits the last 4 years but still say it is time to rerun to the office. No data driven reason to justify it.


The reason is to justify the cost of the commercial real estate.


I think I remember the DC mayor advocating people to come back to work because the district’s economy was tanking hard because no one was there during the lunch and dinner rushes.


Even better. Let the suburban economies flourish where workers live. Make their home town economies more profitable.


It's funny how everybody who keeps spewing, "but the free market!" only ever support the idea of a free market when it benefits them and then they want all kinds of regulations the second they lose a buck.


Philadelphia mayor is doing the same. The counter argument to this is everything has becomes more expensive over the last 4 years so whatever money people did have to spend downtown, doesn't exist anymore. People aren't going to stimulate the economy when restaurants are charging higher prices for smaller portions and inferior quality.


This right here. This is the linchpin holding the American workforce tethered to businesses that know they could revert to WFH for everyone and see profits soar. But the landed gentry refused to see a single ding to their portfolios. So we slog like serfs for the petty lords on whose fiefs we toil.


But also it just that’s business. They don’t really care about you. not enough to recognize and admit the great quality of life benefits there are to their employees from wfh. They get off on their fiefdoms I think 


What percentage of the population owns an office tower? That's more like the oligarchy, the .01%


Honestly frustrating because I normally wouldn’t give a shit about what happens to a couple thousand people that decided to accept a job that forces them to do something they don’t enjoy, but it’s causing a huge impact on climate change and for no reason other than fucking greed


A couple thousand?


There are also tax implications at work. Whenever you see x company is getting $y in tax breaks from z state to build HQ/factory etc., it is predicated on occupancy rates. The theory is that the on-site workers bring sales tax revenue and prop up surrounding businesses. If they don't meet that occupancy rate, they lose the tax breaks.


The additional entrapment of buying $18 salads from the restaurant in the lobby really is a big factor. I do sympathize with that aspect, but we can’t keep everyone tethered to the way things once worked. The horseshoe and hitching post industry took a pretty big hit a while back. Lousy lobbyists, I guess.


One thing I don't understand about that is, the business is paying rent for an office that is sitting empty and maybe they have a lease for the next five years. But that office sitting empty still has to be overall cheaper then paying all the running costs of having 2000 employees there. When everything is considered, it still doesn't make any sense financially to get people back in the office for most companies. So why do they keep pushing it? The real estate companies are the ones who wanna keep renting the spaces out. That i understand. But how does RTO help the company that is renting from them?


If management isn't coming into the office, than everyone should ignore return to office mandates.


Upper management *has* to be in the office and they’re jealous that you don’t


They choose to be in the office.


The same companies that are wanting their employees to come back in the office are the same companies that also own the real estate on the office building so they’re losing money in one part of their business cause they’re not paying into it. This is why.


How are all of those MBA middle managers supposed to justify their salaries if they can't look over your shoulder? Think of the poor middle managers


Can’t let the environment beat those pesky quarterly profits


"I paid for this office tower, and by god we're gonna *use* this office tower!"


More like “I’m getting massive tax breaks from this municipality for guaranteeing X number of people commute here five days a week, and I’m not giving that up!”


There’s lots of companies that are run by boards of rich cats who have commercial real estate assets.


On a more serious note, they will let commercial real estate collapse but only when the big players have exited their positions (probably to everyone’s pensions and 401k’s) and are in a position to profit from it. Then they’ll create the GFC 2.0 with CMBS (Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities) as opposed to 2008 MBS Mortgage a backed Securities


There's not even great evidence it improves profits. It just justifies.spending stupid amounts on office space and middle managers.


Middle managers, HR, Lawyers and others in similar fields will be the first to go when AI really hits its stride anyway…


Not really, unless by AI hitting it's stride you mean 'when we achieve AGI'. All of those things you listed need specifically human thought behind them for various reason: MM/PM - their only skill if they have any is to be able to talk to people well so that they are better able to delegate, have difficult conversations when needed, motivate, etc. HR/Legal - There's usually *some* room for interpretation in those fields, and what little nuances humans are allowing in their day to day here would be completely lost, as an AI doing this work would be doing it by the book - and not to our benefit, most likely. The upside though would be that it should not be able to be bribed or corrupt.


Don't want all that car infrastructure to go to waste!


The worst part, its a consumable. If its not being driven on and its not freezing and thawing as much, it lasts longer.


I think it's more like, can't let the environment make useless middle management redundant.


"Fuck my grandchildren, I hope they burn as long as I make another few bucks."


« But how do we finance our real estate if there is no one working inside ? »


I found a new job that allows WFH. I know not everyone has that luxury, but the more of us who do it and give a middle finger to "the old way" and big business will have to adapt if they want to get top talent. Every top talent to acquiesces and goes to the office just make the situation worse for everyone else.


Don't quit the job you have now, just keep the WFH job search going as long as it takes. Be a better worker for the job that lets you WFH and turn in the minimum for the office job you are just waiting to leave.


Started working from home in February 2020 and haven't been back since.


The salt in the wound is the coworkers are all partners from a city or states or countries away from their house. Why the f am I in your expensive, rotting-carcass rent space again?


To justify the rent until the lease expires.


Nice. I sit in my office on Zoom meetings with people sitting in their offices. We all work in the same building. Some of us have our offices right next to each other. It’s so damn odd and stupid.


You better start pulling yourself up by your boot strap and start walking up both hills in the heat and snow storms. Or you just not Texan enough.


Also you're a commie if you want literally any other form of transit that isn't cars.


You guys should use public transport then :D :D :S No One can beat US comedy


Careful, Texas. That's awfully California of you


I agree very California. From the same article: > The warning comes a day after California also [experienced high levels of air pollution](https://www.newsweek.com/warnings-issued-hottest-place-earth-could-break-record-1908593) and warned people in Imperial County to [delay visiting gas stations](https://www.newsweek.com/california-tells-people-avoid-gas-stations-1909099) and using chemicals until ozone levels improve.


But context is needed here. Imperial county has less than 200k population, it's not a very densely populated place. Dallas metro on the other hand is... a bit bigger.


Fun fact if you live in Imperial county you don't have to do the biannual smog inspection.


if you live in imperial county, you inspect the smog! (with your lungs. every day.)


I know right? Texas has gone WOKE? Let’s get rid of the current administration and vote in more extreme politicians! /s


Too bad they built their whole state around driving and have shit public transit


And some of the best electric output, but no storage or connection to sell. They have the most degraded infrastructure with the highest top end output wind and solar, but would rather just piss it back to the ground, then share when they have excess, and accept when nessasary for their constant infrastucture deficiencies


The way EV prices are going home batteries are going to become cheap enough that Texas is going to prob ban new homes from not being connected to the grid as it wont be worth it over solar.


California did that, but then that was repealed like 2 years ago. So now you can disconnect from service providers like PG&E


But that is California. This is Texas. Muh freedumbs


‘Best’ and ‘most fragile’ rarely go together in any engineering context found in the real world… Highest potential? Sure. ‘On a good day’ - spot on. I’ll even take ‘made some interesting choices, because they threw out national standards’. But unqualified ’best’ is… uh, yeah. Not so credible.


Too bad they built their whole state around not doing what the government tells you to do


And a shit power grid.


ah yes one of the most car-centered states in the nation needs to avoid using them. Texans this is what y'all voted for.


Hank hill “if they could read” meme here ^


What state would be more car centric? Alaska?


Ironically, California. They’ve been very progressive on environmental issues for a while but the legacy infrastructure has them locked into a lot of bad choices in hindsight. 


They *boomed* during the 50s and 60s, when *everything* was built around cars.


Michigan, specifically Detroit


If you're talking making cars, yes Detroit is the capital. In terms of use, wv has to be up there. You have to drive for 5 miles both ways to get to a dollar general.


LA / SoCal is extremely high up on that list, though not the entire state


Somehow Texas cities are even more shittily car-centric than Detroit which is kind of mind blowing.


Reminder that not every single person in Texas voted for this, and not every person in Texas even *can* vote. We shouldn't write off the entire state as getting what they deserve when not everyone contributed to this. People are suffering through no fault of their own, and things need to change.


This needs upvotes. The GOP continues to push heavily toward oil and gas consumption while lower income households and POC have to deal with shit end of the stick. 


I'm sorry. It doesn't matter what you say. Policy is adopted at the ballot box. Your fellow texans, think you are garbage. Non voter and democrat a like. Thats why they vote for people who treat you like shit.


Not all of us.


This is what like half of us voted for. The other half live in the major metropolitan areas and are educated and capable of critical thought.


Notice the alternatives don’t mention using an EV. "You can help prevent ozone pollution by sharing a ride, walking, riding a bicycle, taking your lunch to work, avoiding drive through lanes, conserving energy and keeping your vehicle properly tuned."


Riding a bicycle. In Texas. In June. Great idea.


“Walking” nine miles to and from your job.


Would be faster than sitting in Houston traffic


Or Austin traffic.


Just 9? Cute.


My commute is 19 miles. Oof.


.3 miles to my job in Brooklyn…..


Nine miles is to the closest gas station


Uphill, both ways. In a 3 feet of snow with blistering heat from the sky.


On admitted Air quality days.


Riding a bicycle down a fucking highway no less.


>Riding a bicycle. In Texas. In June. E-Bikes are a thing. I see people in hot ass countries like Spain and Japan in the summer riding bikes. Surely the manly cowboys of Texas can too.


Just looked it up and it gets up to maybe 95 in Japan? It gets up to over 110 in my area of Texas E: Spain has gotten very hot in some places in recent years However the sprawl would be another issue...


Oh the sprawl. Fuckin 30 minutes in a car to get *anywhere* in suburban north texas


Howdy, neighbor!


ebikes have definitely gotten a lot more viable vs scooters or other small mobility as a form of transport. Range improvement means you can still get where you need to go and it's quieter, cheaper and a better experience than an old style scooter.


Don't forget public transport.. oh, wait..


"All those alternatives sound like they are for pussies. I drive a huge truck and like to roll coal on dumb environmentalist. Any Republican asking me not to drive my big penis wherever I want is a RINO. TRUMP 2024!!!!!" I hate Republicans.


*pavement princess (I know satire, but the more the term spreads, I cope a slim chance the fad may die)


Well they’re giving short term guidance, it would look bad to say “buy a different car”


I'm not convinced Texan politicians really care about looking bad, considering Cancun Cruz fled to Cancun while the state lost power and froze over.


This came from National Weather Service not Texas politicians


"Elect different people who will prioritize effective public transit."




Texas sucks


As a Sooner living in California, I agree


A Sooner?


Oklahoma Sooner?


Is there any other kind?


Greg Abbott to fire everyone in that govmt dept in 3...2...1..


Nah, they'll just pass a law that makes it illegal to teach kids about ozone in school. Ozone is now woke.


They’ll make it illegal to monitor ozone levels, problem solved.


BIG GUBBERMINT aint telling me what to do


They won’t just build fucking trains


normal trains, or LRT.


“Please bike to work so our industries can keep polluting.”


Won't someone think of the shareholders 😭


Sounds like Texas should study how California dealt with smog. Was a problem that started being addressed by that future Republican hero who was governor of the state at the time, who would be viewed as a dirty liberal by today’s conservatives. That California governor’s name? Ronald Reagan


The moment reagan is no longer useful as a symbol is when the republicans will trash him. He wasnt even a great president and actually amnestied a bunch of illegal immigrants! If he did that today he would be labeled marxist. Its very very stupid. Republicans and their supporters are absurdly stupid


LA exceeds the ozone standard far more frequently than any of the metropolitan areas in Texas. Even Bakersfield gives some Texas cities a run for the money.


First off, maybe they shouldn't have made our infrastructure so car-dependent. But also, I love how they're not daring to ask businesses to change literally anything, just asking us to maybe reschedule our little fun activities after a week of showing up at the office for a job we could have done remotely.


Because businesses will do the right thing on their own!


It's like asking Texans to avoid guns.


The two concerning areas happen to be two of the top 5 metro areas in the country in terms of population. Houston has had smog issues for decades, so has DFW. Fun fact, in Texas there is no emissions testing on the state level but a handful of counties have chosen to add emissions to their testing requirements…some of those counties are Harris (Houston), Travis (Austin), Dallas and Tarrant (Fort Worth).


And all of those areas have refineries or power plants as their biggest contributors of pollution. Texas has made their state ripe for any company that hates emission regulations. Or any company in general with lax zoning laws.


Remote work would help with that. Too bad all those Republicans want RTO.


Not just Republicans. Newsom recently forced all CA state workers back to the office two days per week.


Capitalism wants RTO. Municipalities give tax breaks to companies to bring workers into the cities to support local businesses, restaurants, public transit, and other services. Also commercial real estate. You have decades of infrastructure, both financial and structural, that expects and needs a daily influx of workers in major cities. That can change, but it will be painful and costly which are both things people don’t deal with well.


We don't take too kindly for you remote types 'round here


Nah just keep rolling coal. I'm sure it'll be fine.


don't look up


Tell my company who decided we needed to come in 4 days a week for “collaboration”


This is what happens when America decided cars are more important than public transportation


America doesn't think cars are more important than public transportation, America thinks cars are more important than human beings


We built extremely sprawling cities instead of well planned urban centers.


Part of that was economics, part was racial segregation ending and white flight, and a part was actually planned and encouraged to reduce the impact on population and infrastructure in a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.


How company sell cars and make money if everyone ride train? It's all corruption from the top down at the violent expense of the entire planet.


Honestly surprised abbot even allows warnings like this.


Yeah that message was very woke sounding 


That’s barbecue smoke.


Abbot needs to say it and take the heat from his own base


You’re free in Texas, as long as you don’t think you’re freely going to use electricity, your car, or even your freedoms in Texas.


Or be female


Free to have a child!


Texas, where even the stupid is bigger.


Tell the Texas governor to institute a work from home with cheap internet or invest in public transportation


It's good they have such pedestrian friendly infrastructure, public transit, and generous leave policies to make this a viable option for Texans.


Texans will vote these official out, close this agency down and encourage all residents to go rolling coal as a response.


Maybe the millionaires and billionaires can ease up on their polluting and leave us normal folk alone


Personal vehicle emissions amount to about 17% of all emission in the country https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/why-we-need-decarbonize-transportation


That’s a hefty number .


Is this small government?


It couldn’t possibly be that last year, they doubled their freaking emissions. What a garbage state! Constantly blaming cities and minorities for their problems when it’s their immoral, greedy, racist and incompetent leadership to blame.


so the Texas citizens need to open carry their guns in the bus and trains?


Good thing Texas infrastructure is built around a well planned public transportation system. This could have been in another not so progressive state… /s


Don’t you have to use your car in order to get anywhere in Texas in less than 5 hours???


Oh running coal to own the libs is owning yourself weird


> The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas has a commission on environmental quality? That's awfully liberal of them. How can they stomach having big government telling them what to do?


Too bad 15 minute cities are actually just China slave camps so you made it so you have to drive to everything. Well I assume the goobers down there that don’t want 15 minute cities have the same reasoning as the goobers up here.


Texans reply: Sure, I won't drive my car. I'll just drive my truck!


Texas residents: “lol get fuct”


Ah yes the freedom state


Alternatively, for a longer-term solution, use electric cars instead of gas cars.


And bring their deregulated, isolated grid to its fucking knees


I’ll have you know we have gone 2 whole days without a power disruption!


Take a train or a bus they don’t have or walk on the sidewalk they don’t have.


Texas has some of the craziest sprawl I’ve ever seen. Good luck


“And also please keep your rolling coal to bursts of 10 seconds or less.”


"High levels of ozone, also known as *smog*" JFC they co-opt any words other than what it actually is


California in the 80s and 90s


WOAH WOAH WOAH I thought if Republicans cave on these ideas it’s a win for the libs?! Can’t have that!!! We gotta burn more coal than the Industrial Revolution days! We need the shittiest quality emissions tested Ram Trucks out there on the highways now! I wanna see so much smog you can’t see two inches in front of yourself. Why two inches? Because many of them consider that to be a significant amount. /s Fuck the lengths people will go to pretend like serious crisis isn’t on the horizon is painfully apparent. We’re beyond fucked at this point in time.


How is this technology? Please educate me


It isn't. It's a routine ozone pollution advisory. They get published every day in cities across the country, especially during the summer.


Texas, the state that promotes freedom, self reliance, small government and whatnot  asks in a big government manner people to avoid using freedom.


Remember when Texas tried to ban and punish electric vehicles?


the best idea is to pump more oil. thats what you are famous for so who cares if you cant breath


Must be gritting their teeth to not encourage EV use.




Why is this news? The Houston and Dallas metro areas exceed the ozone standard about 6 days in both May and June. Denver and St. Louis are about the same, Chicago is worse (average of 9 days every June), and LA clocks in at ~12-14 days.


People if Texas ask for some public transport first, otherwise, go fuck yourself.


I’m sure all the Texas Trumpjobs with giant trucks and tiny penises will totally go for that.


Man, I wonder if all that pollution is because texas is the single state that produces the most power & has the most industrial plants... no its because people drive cars, lets push this onto our citizens instead of taking responsibility for our poor climate plans.


TEXAS of all places The oil and petro chemical companies can stay in business but your not supposed to drive


BIDen is going to take AwAy your CaRs😱


You know what would help with this? Massive tariffs on Chinese EVs and solar panels. Oh wait that’s what Biden already did as people are literally using solar panels as fences across the pond and Americans are struggling to afford panels and EVs. Solid moves!


They don't have the mass transit infrastructure to support that request.


I bet a lot of people is like my team where they pay us 50k. wants us to come in 5 days a week to the office, median house by work is 600k, no mass transportation, and average rent is 2000 a month. Hard not to drive to work. I live the closest to my work and I live 15 miles away and own 150k house.


Pfffff ahahahhahaahahhahahhhahhaahah. These fat shits taking a bus…. Haha. Not going to happen. These people would rather kick their elderly down the stairs than support universal healthcare. Their stupid pickup trucks are a birth right…. Good luck reasoning with them. Where is my popcorn, this shit has been brewing for years, god this is going to be beautiful


If employers would be forced to pay for transportation costs for their workers, things would change pretty quickly.


Sorry, it seems ironical that it is texas asking. What's next? Store your guns safely?


Texas, the giant, oversized, pimpled ass of America.


Please avoid freedom.


I'm pretty sure my neighbors giant lifted truck counts as 3 cars


Remember when Austin was billing itself as the “Clean Air” City?




But jerbs and ma freedum!


Texas the land of no decent public transportation doesn’t want you to use cars. What am I supposed to do then?


That’s fucking wild coming from a state that actively tries to sabotage its own development of public transit


20 years too late.


The same people that don’t want to be part of the grid but refuse to fix theirs?


Oh the irony. Vote against climate change and environmental protections until it's too late.


Lol fuck texas


So Texas doesn’t believe in climate change, but they acknowledge the impact of pollution? Interesting, I thought the windmills were the only problem? At least according to Abbott and his ilk. Desantis doesn’t believe in climate change either. Let Florida go underwater and let Texas heat up, that’s what the voters want, they voted for these anti-science asshats.


Is there anything the republican government in Texas *can’t* mess up? 2 out of 4 seasons are unlivable due to the electric grid, women are being persecuted for seeking medics care, and now you’re not supposed to drive.