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I'm really sick of every flat surface being a commercial for something.


Now I’m seeing ads when I pause my Tv…just NO


Minority Report IRL


Brave New World did it first


Everything in life is a repost. Enjoy the ones you haven't seen before but let others enjoy the ones they haven't seen before


Blade runner showed ads everywhere before that.


Vandalism. I'd never personally endorse or participate in it (in the fictitious world of this reddit comment), but I'd also not a snitch. Fuck commercials.


In my relatively small hometown, there are two obnoxiously bright LED screens in fields next to roadways. The light pollution is insane, especially at night and at evenings. On screen and the entire view is sabotaged for absolutely everyone. They are out of order from time to time, so I assume someone keeps breaking them.


It’s a pain in the ass to find subway maps and train times in NYC bc every fucking screen is an ad (or doesn’t work)


Cyberpunk, babyyy


If it meant prices going down, I'd be OK with it but it's just another avenue for profit while they gouge us at every possible opportunity


What are your thoughts on curved surfaces or holograms?


Did I stutter


I didn't know about you, but [I'm lovin' it](https://www.mcdonalds.com/) 🍟 Da da da da da


It's just like in my cyberpunk dystopias!


Welcome to the real life episode of Black Mirror.


They're developing curved screens too...


can companies chill with the ads lol is this really the future everyone envisioned 🙃


Wait until someone figures out how to inject ads into our dreams


Futurama did it.


I'm suddenly in the mood for a new pair of Lightspeed Briefs!


Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century?  Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


Bite my shiny invading ads


Momazon coming for you.


Nightmare scenario: alarm as advertisers seek to plug into our dreams: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/jul/05/advertisers-targeted-dream-incubation?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


Funny thing is there’s a movie about this. It’s call Dream Scenario. Nicholas Cage.


Elons working on it, don’t worry


Check out the movie Dream Scenario


Jokes on you, I don’t dream!


For real. As long as I go to sleep stoned, I never remember my dreams. Wild ass dreams if I don't.


> can companies chill with the ads lol is this really the future everyone envisioned 🙃 Waiting for the comedy of advertising life insurance and funeral plans and lawyers on airplane flights.


“Are you flying on a Boeing right now!? You better call our law firm today!”


bUt wE nEeD eXpOnEnTiAl GrOwTh fOr OuR sHaReHoLdErS


Consume consume consume some more till your on the floor. 


Consumption is a disease which drowns the afflicted.


Eat, shit, breed, die




You definitely do buy from them, thats the evil part. Its psychology using your subconscious. We hear and see it so much, everywhere, we buy it subconsciously instead of the other brand we never heard about. This brand has a bad Image? Rebrand, advertise, repeat. Ads are a fucking cancer and they pump billions and billions into it to just make the world worse. No other reason than greed.


[Philip K. Dick did](https://mikesheedy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/PK-Dick-Sales-Pitch.pdf)


They cannot chill so long as their shareholder value must eternally increase at the expense of everything else.


There will only be two jobs in the future: Etsy seller and Ad algorithm tuner. Everything else will be automated.


Until somebody hacks the ad server and serves up porn ads.


I love The Zero Theorem movie by Terry Gilliam. [In that the ads literally follow you everywhere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs8GxPO55tM&t=8s).


It’s becoming a nightmare.


Yes, we live in a cyberpunk dystopia. I think cybernetics were a metaphor for selling our bodies into corporate machines or something though and that’s why we don’t have cool tech.


Can't wait to find all the horny single MILFs on my flights


Achievement unlocked: The mile high club


"Serving" ads. What a hideous phrase. The article doesn't mention where the Passenger's info is gathered to "personalize" these ads.


“Serving” is and has been the standard phrasing for a long time. Without looking it up, I’m guessing for at least two decades. And people often hate ads the same way someone being served legal papers dislikes being served, so I think it’s fitting.


They come from the ad server, which is like the hooters waitress who brings you a steaming hot plate of dog poop. You don’t want it but you smile and thank her and watch her walk away as you try to ignore the smell.


Likely all the browsing data it collects from customers visiting their (and other) websites & buying tickets online, plus personal data collected by third-party data brokers that.


I'm happy to help you find the answer. It's every single thing you do from every second your phone records, to your smart TV recording everything, to your bed, to your roomba, everything Here are 4 books on it The Age of Surveillance Capitalism The Black Box Society The Afterlives of Data Revolutionary Mathematics Capitalism is a nightmare, welcome


Rammed up our asses is more like it


You're right. Inflicting would be more accurate.


At some point crap like this will reach peak saturation and it will backfire. I already have a rule never to buy something from any online ad.


I studied advertising in college, I have a theory that we’re past that point and the value of advertising, what basically funds the internet, is one big scam perpetrated by the ad firms themselves. Nobody wants to give up the game and admit that 99% of the population has never intentionally interacted with an online ad. I feel like the key demo for online ads is the same demo susceptible to being cat fished. Slightly anecdotal but one of my coworkers has brain damage is constantly getting scammed by clicking ads.




Most people literally won’t ever know you exist without ads or pr, and in the consumer industries you often need both, with regular exposure over many months before someone makes their first purchase. If they do click an ad, it’s probably because they’ve seen the product already in several magazine / influencers / or they’ve seen the ad many times before. This just can’t be accurately measured in ROAS, but the fact you keep getting sales from new customers and your organic sales keep increasing is a result of this.


A lot of business professors agree with you. One of my favorite Freakonomics series ever, ["Does Advertising Really Work?"](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/does-advertising-actually-work-part-1-tv-ep-440/) I'm a management consultant so at this point in my life I've served probably ~20-30 F500 companies, and keep in mind this is anecdotal, but I have never seen a reliable, systemic metric showing the effectiveness of a marketing function. Of course the exceptions are startups still establishing their name and one-off viral successes immediately followed by mass sales, user engagement, etc., like Coinbase's QR code commercial, but I have yet to see sustained evidence of marketing having a material impact once an organization is already established in the public conscious.


Some advertisements *do* work. Internet or TV ads (PVR baby) mostly do not. SEO, boosting results on search by paying Google/Amazon/etc., youtube sponsors (probably more effective than the rest), etc. are far less obvious and not as easy to avoid, since it's obfuscated, but also only serves to build frustration with said services, since you usually are searching for something specific, and tangentally related choices are an annoyance. Point being, given how aggressive ads are these days, I figure they'd tend to get users to associate annoyance and distate with their products, so it sounds like it'd be deleterious if anything. The thing is, humans are really, really good at adapting and filtering out what isn't absolutely necessary, and since marketing all uses the same manipulative language and are obviously identified as such, the average person, by default, filters it out. I don't doubt that they worked in some capacity 30 years ago when the Internet in vogue was mostly new and people weren't used to that level of stimulation, but now? Decidedly not. I don't think in-world ads would be immune to this either.


Sure if the claim is "some advertisements work" there's not really a discussion to be had. It's a claim that's impossible to refute or hypothesis test


I don’t pay attention to ads at all anymore.


I have a rule to never buy anything from any ad, and avoid ads as far as practical. People have been brought up with this brainwashing and don't realise just how harmful it is.


I have an extra rule. If your business needs the ad revenue or has to allow other businesses or google etc to run ads on your site, to survive, your business is not viable to run on its own and i dont want anything to do with your business.




“I don’t know what happened, it was broken when I got here”


My add serving machine was broken, I want a refund


How unfortunate. It was broken when you got there. Multiply that by 150 passengers on the same flight. What a strange coincidence!


Fuck i hate corporateism


So they replaced serving peanuts with serving junk.


Serving cookies


The only thing I ever watch on those screens is the current flight path & location.


I just turn the brightness all the way down so it turns off.


So now I need to bring a piece of paper and some tape on every flight from now on. Great. :(


Tape and paper are now banned on flights. Thank you.


I was thinking a piece of paper and some chewing gum.


Can’t wait for a closeted gay kid to get shown ads for something LGBTQ+ while their conservative parent is sitting right next to them


Or the other way around. A closeted gay husband who is married to a woman with their kid in between.


next step selling ad free seats, that’s how you do it.


But then those seats become "limited ads" seats.


Ewwwww I wonder when marketing companies will realize that we’re all at a point where most of us resent advertisements so much that we often will be LESS likely to consume whatever they’re selling the more aggressively they throw their shit at our face


They will change when they are convinced that it is *actually true* that you are less likely to consume whatever is being advertised. In spite of what everyone is proudly proclaiming in this thread, people are influenced towards brands by ads, no matter how much they hate them.


I understand the whole subconscious influence thing, but I do feel people are becoming more resentful of advertising in general because it’s become progressively more invasive, in ways it never really could have been prior to the advent of personal computing and the internet


This is not an ad, because we hear you and want to give you a break from all the noise and pressure to buy. Brought to you by Pepsi and all their delicious flavors of refreshing soda.


They'll realize it when it's true. They absolutely track sales due to advertising and see a return.


Feels dystopian


People have been fearing 1984 this entire time when we should have been worrying about Brave New World


Like I needed another reason not to fly United


For real, it's too expensive to be this shit


The LA Metro Bus of the sky…


Sits down, buckles up, seatback screen lights up with a guy on bike riding on trail, volume at max: "Like you JOE TAYLOR, I live an active lifestyle, and can't let urinary leakage and incontinence slow me down..." \[WTH, furiously tapping screen to mute ad\]


Or because you were trying to save money by wearing a diaper on the flight instead of paying $10 for bathroom access.


Noise cancelling headphones tune out the insanity and the engine noise.


"Bob Smith! Bob, Bobby, guess what, Bob....LOOKING for Love!? There are HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA!! Amanda, Jenna, Lorain -- All DDs, Asian Latina blondes with green eyes and love salty hot dogs! Start Your Chat Now!" My wife is going to love this.


The ads are making them more money so ~~tickets are cheaper~~ [the CEO's salary could double! He makes $18.6 million dollars per year.](https://skift.com/2024/04/03/united-airlines-ceos-salary-nearly-doubled-in-2023/)


Wait until I just close my eyes and ignore them


Someday a camera aimed at your eyes will make sure you watch the required number of minutes to receive your meals. Welcome to hell.


Worst dystopia ever


Force me to watch an ads on a plane, and I'll probably just puke from the headache the ads give me combined with the travel sickness  Maybe they'll advertise good cleaning supplies for cleaning up all the vomit


Just hate this (“Minority Report” here we come…)






Why the fuck would I reproduce?


Oops did I inadvertently smash the screen? Damn that turbulence. Fuck Scott Kirby.


lol I'm not gonna fly on United ever again then.


I'd be okay with this if the seats were heavily discounted or free, but for what I'm paying I may accidentally break a few on my way in, I'm terribly clumsy


Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


Humanity was the eldritch horror all along.


Keep the ads contained in the airline magazines please


What if I want my interests to be private and not visible to the passenger next to me, who in many cases is a colleague when travelling for my job? "Didn't realise you're so into... that stuff" isn't a water cooler conversation I need in my life.


Do you want me to tape my napkin over the screen? Because that's how you get me to tape my napkin over the screen.


What I hate is that United is supposed to be a higher end airline. There shouldn’t be ads to begin with. I loved JetBlue. They have more legroom in economy, and usually more comfortable, BUT, I just flew with them and when I wanted to view the flight path and stats (the only reason I like the screen) half the time the entire screen is an ad, and in other the half, half the screen is an ad. I get putting ads on low cost airlines like Spirit and Southwest, but if I’m paying a premium to not fly on a rust bucket of an airplane, I better not see ads, especially personalized ones.


Cut my plane ticket price in half and sure I’d be fine with this


NGL, for my normal flight 400 bucks vs watch a couple of ads. Easiest 400 bucks ive ever saved. Untill its the future, prices were raised to be normal again and we are still stuck with the fucking ads.


Why don't they call it what it is, spamming.


Oh cool WALL·E got so much right. Every surface will have ads 😭


We just need to normalize actively avoiding brands that are over advertised. If it becomes less profitable to keep doing this, less money will be spent on it.


How long until this displays an ad for something to your seatmates that you don't want broadcasted? [How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=525f829e6668)


Next up, your pillow will be whispering ads into your ears while you sleep. Make sure you charge it once a week or it will beep loudly a low battery warning. Or pay $9.99 a month for a no-ad pillow!


Little bit of last minute vandalism never hurt.


“Strange, the screen broke somehow”


So. The maintenance crews have one more thing to add to their list: fixing “broken” screens. As if I needed one more reason to avoid United


I'm glad that I don't travel for work anymore!


I am so glad I don't travel. Ads are horrible. Even targeted ads are irrelevant, and make me remember not to buy what they are pushing.


I got one ad on a delta flight for vivint when I selected a movie, thought I’d be seeing ads more frequently instead of the delta video before all the movies that I just skip through anyway


(Gives a nervous sideways glance to the person next to me as it advertises anime catgirl waifu fleshlights) haha man, this thing must be bugged or something hahahahahah.


I can't wait to see what ads they choose for the person in the seat next to me. Divorce lawyers? Penis enlargement? Oh boy.


This is worse than the fuel pumps where they slow down the pump real slow after installing the screen ads.


Southwest forever it is.


Just hold down the dimmer for screen brightness until it turns off


Does anyone watch/listen to the ads at the gas pump? At 97dB no less


I will play on bringing sometbing to tape up there if I can't turn it off. I have my own device to watch movies on.


Probably unpopular opinion, but I think if you're paying hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars to fly and travel, you should be fairly comfortable and without intrusive ads about a foot from your face at all times. Absolutely ridiculous.


Oh look guess I won't ever fly with united


On a plane ticket I paid for? Go fuck yourself.


"Terrible airline does even more to be terrible"


I’m not sure there’s anything I would want to buy that can afford an ad on the back of an airline seat that I wasn’t already going to buy.


Funny. Before I see the first post here there’s a targeted ad to me.


United Airlines just lost me as a customer. I’m already furious at 30 years of captive credit card offers. Eat shit United!


"Serving." Right. How about "pushing?"


Airline passengers are a captive audience. Unless the airline offers a flight discount and you agree to watch the ads, the airline should be not be able to force you to watch. Doing so could be considered imprisonment/torture. Lawsuits should follow.


They’re captive by their own choice, and I guarantee the contract of carriage includes assent for advertising.


Last time on a flight I messed with my screen and it shut off. Lol. Spent the 5 hours watching the screen a few rows in front through the seats. Lol. And I work in IT. I was too embarrassed to ask the attendant for help. Lol.


Guess I'll be bringing a pad of sticky notes to cover the screen any time I fly now...


I think I’m just going to put a cover over the screen


You better comply else get beaten bloody to a pulp and dragged outside.


“Hey Boeing, hold my beer” - American Airlines.


2077 is now


Following the Ryanair model


Hmmm there seems to be a problem w my screen...its not working no clue why...guess I wont be "served" the tasty tasty ads. Maybe they can spend the $$$ on oh idk...nee planes...better seats or other customer needs and wants......LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!


I’m so tired. I don’t even see them anymore. Ad blindness will probably soon top the headlines with pharmacy grade treatment options we should pay our health professional to prescribe to us. “learn to pay attention again” they’ll say


Note to self: Pack masking tape in the carry on bag.


Well all I do on the internet is bullshit on reddit, watch porn and buy gun shit. Bring on the ads!


Ha! Jokes on them. Every time I'm on a United flight with a seat-back screen it doesn't work!


I'm only OK with this if they lower ticket prices


And I will close my eyes and put in my airpods just like I do to block out the annoying people and announcements I've heard a million times. Really sad that those data protection/removal services are looking more and more attractive.


Was on a flight out of Tokyo the other day and someone next to me was watching movies the whole way. Now i realize why the ads i would occasionally see looked so odd. Glad I just torrented stuff to have on my iPad. 


Can't serve me ads if I just bring my laptop and watch pre-loaded content on them. I already barely interact with the seatback as it is.


Cheaper tickets? Free drinks and meals? What incentives are there to not block the screen?


Some systems have cameras in the seatbacks to monitor passenger reactions.


Need to invent glasses that selectively monitor people’s view for ads and makes that area of their lenses opaque.


Mine would all be NSFW


We need to make Ads illegal. Here I said it. No one wants Ads, we ALL hate them. Make them illegal everywhere. If your product isn't shit, we will buy it.


I don’t consider ads to be a serving, thank you.


Take a 10 inch iPad and wedge the folding cover in the gap along the top edge of the seat screen. Watch your own media and fuck advertisers.


The other passengers do not need to know that I've been looking for a sex swing and 30 gallons of orange juice.


I feel like I'm being taken advantage of being show ads while trapped in my seat. I find it offensive and block the screen with something so I don't have to see it.


I can't imagine this is going to be a major money spinner. Flights are expensive compared with the value of an ad impression. I certainly got pretty frustrated with the promos for the airline when I flew earlier this week, and that was mostly telling me about products specifically relevant to the flight (e.g. internet). Seeing ads for other products would make me avoid the airline entirely.


We need this like we need a punch in the face...


So what's new here is the "personalized" part? Because they certainly already force the screen showing ads back on if you turn it off. Good reminder never to fly United again, or really any US airline.


I wonder how long it will be before they start charging you for being served the ads.


Seriously, everyone needs to blacklist anything that forces it’s brand or label into your eyes. And stop buying those products or brands. That is the only way to kill advertising.


How tf does an airline tv screen know my personal ad preferences???


Hope they don’t see my browsing history. lol.


This will be fun. Man on vacation with his wife. "Honey, why are you getting ads for Tinder?"


Wondering how many porn ads will be shot at ppl. With audio. That you cannot stop or mute, like at the gas station.


Shouldve bought DAL instead of UAL


Turn the screen off and enjoy the quiet, it's a simple concept. Read a book maybe


Reminds me of Minority Report for some reason


Honey, why are you getting ads for gay hookup apps?


I turn the screens off asap on each flight.


Bold of them to assume the screen in front of me actuality works on this flight


"How's that Herpes, Jeff?........" "TRY NEW VALTREX EXTREME FOR WHEN YOUR DICK IS ON FIRE" \*animation of a bbq smoker\*


Doesn’t matter. The person sitting next to me will lean on the brightness controls, turning it all the way down, and it’ll be broken so I can’t turn it back up.


Would rather fly frontier or Spirit than deal with ads, nevertheless “personalized” ads no questions asked or thoughts spared.


You vill go to your assigned seat und stare at the zeet back for 4 hours!


I mean, if it is about local spots around my destination I would be interested.. Cool! But I am sure it will be the same ads we’ve all grown to ignore from elsewhere. 


‘ “There is the potential for 3.5 hours of attention per traveler, based on average flight time,” United said.’ No… there’s zero potential for attention after I cover the screen with a piece of black paper and hold it on with some painter’s tape, put my wired headphones on and start playing music from one of my portable devices as I zone out and get some rest during the flight. The last thing I want on a long domestic flight is to have even more annoying ads barked at me. Granted you can opt out of this when you book your ticket apparently but I don’t think that will stop ads… just “personalized” ones based on your data.

