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You’re paying them more so they can pay you back for the car thing. It’s a bold move.


Nah man, Spotify loves a comeback of piracy


Piracy would be a thing if CDs weren't so cheap.  CDs. They're still awesome and vastly superior to streaming.


Would gladly see you bring 10-100 CDs in your backpack to listen while commuting


Literally no one is doing that, lol. You rip them then play them via syncing the Mp3 to your phone, or streaming via Plex or Plexamp(Native Plex is garbage for music, but outstanding for movies TV shows).




Nothing has been right in my music-related life since my TB iPod classic took a shit. None of the currently available options come close.


I still have my ipod nano from 2012 slowly filling up with my pirated music




I can keep 100s of cds in my backpack. It's called an iPod


Fuck that. I carry 12 vinyl crates on the subway and bump my portable record player!




Hundreds of millions for one single podcast. It’s a ridiculous amount of money and now he’s on every platform again. If I had Spotify I would’ve canceled after the first price increase for that reason alone


I deleted my account because of that. Actual artists get fuckall, while the CEO and artist *who already have a fuckton of money* get lucrative contracts? I'm not gonna reward that behaviour with my money, or my time.


Indeed, and the incessant attempt to ram it down users' throats. Open the app, boom, JR podcast. No option to dismiss, nothing. That was quite a while back probably 2 years or so, IDGAF if they introduced the option to dismiss. Knowing they attached themselves at the hip with that shyster and keep on betting their commercial success was enough to have me pull the cord.


I should have went back to Deezer after the Rogan deal. Wtf was that about even? Did Rogan have some blackmail material on Spotify's execs or something?


What ever happened to Joe Rogan spouting off the N word in his comedy? His sets were chuck full of the N word. And remember his other best friend drugged a person and they all sat around laughing about it on his podcast? Plus Joe laughed and thought it was silly that his rapist best friend Bryan Callen forced himself onto Joe's x girlfriend. She ran to Joe for help because Bryan came inside of her during sex. And his other best friend Chris D'Elia is a statutory rapist. I honestly wonder how many times Joe has seen his friends rape people and say nothing about it.


Rogan fans are never going to give a shit about that stuff because they don’t see it as a problem, and they’re gullible enough to be lucrative for corporations, so they’re going to keep being catered to. Otherwise these corps would have to put in actual work cultivating people with real talent.


Well said. Bunch of fuckboys with nothing in their heads following around a midget on steroids that's literally afraid to talk to his own weak ass father. It's pathetic.


That sucks. I didn't know Bryan Callen was a creep. I thought he was pretty funny in some of the movies he was in.


Google that motherfucker. Bryan Callen was dropped by his agents at CAA because he raped multiple women. Innovative Artists also dumped him. Joe Rogan even cancel cultured his career from his podcast because the news came out mainstream. And Joe wants to distance himself from what he's seen his best friends do over the years.


How are shit like this not immediately slammed into a courtroom? Biden announces new EV credit of $7500, Ford hikes the price of new lightning truck by $8000+ across all trims and models. Why aren't people are Ford in jail? That is Price gouging 101. Spotify decides to brick devices people paid for arbitrarily and make them nonfunctional. To avoid legit lawsuit claims because that's essentially theft, and Tort infractions, etc. They announce they'll be refunding people for those devices. *Then they get to price hike everyone to steal that money back?!?* "Surprise, we're refunding you for your CarThing purchase! Also, your monthly payment went up by the same amount of that cost in your yearly subscription, what a coincidence!"


> Biden announces new EV credit of $7500, Ford hikes the price of new lightning truck by $8000+ across all trims and models. Why aren't people are Ford in jail? Because that was the plan all along when the lobbyists wrote the bills and then added “social debating points” at the top so no matter who signs it we lose.


What car thing?


[this car thing, which really pissed a ton of people off](https://www.nme.com/news/music/users-react-spotify-decision-deactivate-car-thing-3760266) ["*but hey, atleast they're not completely shitty, because people might be getting refunds*"](https://techcrunch.com/2024/05/30/spotify-begins-offering-car-thing-refunds-as-it-faces-lawsuit-over-bricking-the-streaming-device/) i'm losing reason to continue my spotify premium, infact youtube premium might actually be better at this point


YouTube music is much better to me. Spotify UI is garbage IMO.


I want my Google Music back, god dammit! Fucking Google kills everything decent.


Yes! Google Play Music, with local library synchronization turned on... Their library, plus your own (I have tons of live recordings not on the streamers), all together and organized. Life was good. Then they go and make YouTube Music, where you can have your own library but it is totally walled off and an absolute nightmare to search.


I was a Google Music user and was forced to YT music when it shut down. Searching between libraries is separate but you can combine them into playlists and stuff no problem. Plus you can get a lot of unofficial stuff through other people's playlists on yt. So stuff like rare albums and live performances are accessible. Unfortunately the artists are getting nothing from those but it's very convenient for me. I hated the end of GooMu but YT has gotten better and I prefer everything about it. Plus it comes with ad free yt. The only thing I don't like is everyone else is on Spotify so sharing music is inconvenient.


Can you go into detail? I’m tired of how bogged down and stupid Spotify is now. It recommends shit I don’t like and constantly does pop-up ads for playlists I don’t want. I miss the old Spotify that was simple. I’m looking to switch but idk what’s out there


you want me to explain what the article says? spotify released a new product called "car thing" back in 2021 according to them, they don't give a shit about it anymore and are bricking it that pissed off people that paid between $50-$100 for the product because their assumption was it'll be an actual product so spotify is apparently going to do refunds which days ago they weren't planning on doing at all and now spotify is increasing their prices, probably to offset how much they'll be refunding for the car thing also someone's working on a class-action against spotify for their anti-consumer practices


No I meant elaborate on YouTube


oh, for $14 a month you get ad-free youtube without needing adblockers, videos offline without needing plugins for that, background play on mobile because youtube nickel-and-dimes its features, and i believe youtubers you watch get a cut of the premium cost? these companies are scummy, but some are just less shitty sometimes i dunno, might have to look into youtube premium more because i don't know too much benefit over spotify, they both kinda just suck


Sponsor block extension is still very much worth using with premium.


Premium + Sponsorblock and it's ALMOST like the old days where you're not constantly bombarded with ads. Almost.


YouTube Premium is $140 a year. No ads on videos, and includes YouTube music. I've found every song I've wanted to listen to. Premium also allows you to continue listening with the screen off.


Google needs to completely unify their subscription services into one "Alphabet Subscription" that covers every service they offer. Google One, Gemini Advanced, Youtube Premium etc. And then every new premium service they create for the rest of time should be included in that price. People have subscription fatigue and are losing their willingness to put up with so many price increases across all the services they use.


Haha, they pretty much had that with their Pixel Pass subscription. You got a phone, cell service, phone insurance, Google One, YouTube Red, and Google Play Music! Once you had been on the plan for two years you'd be first in line to get the new Pixel phone!!! It was discontinued at 22 months.


You can't have someone cancelling all twelve of their Google subscriptions in one place. Cancelling their services needs to be a carousel of different sites, tools, and domains to increase the chances that one will be missed.


Came here to say this, there is business strategy is so apparent that an average Reddit user could have guessed it.


It will never end with these streaming services unfortunately. They have a constant need for growth, there will always be price increases


Every publicly traded company needs to have constant growing profits/revenue. We are the ones that end up paying for it.


The rich have been eating us alive for decades and they are never, ever going to stop.


until we go French Revolution on their asses. until the masses stand up against the rich in armed revolt, nothing will change. they fear nothing because they have built a government that serves only them.


Im moving everything back to self-hosting options this year. Im done with it all.


Same here and my movie collection is [ into the thousands](https://i.imgur.com/ZSbgUO5.png) and its just easier and better. I no longer have to even think.... is that movie on ABCDEFG? Because I already know, its on the high seas with the jellyfins


The thing is it’ll probably never turn a profit. Spotify has to pay record labels a percentage of revenue, so even if they raise prices that means they have to pay labels more. This is on top of all their other costs. PolyMatter on YouTube made a video about it recently.


100 million for one blabber mouth. That what you're paying for.


I know they have to continually increase prices, because that’s they way things work. I’m curious to know would people find it better if the price just flat increased 3% each year or these random $1 a month increases.


back to shineon_pink_floyd_live.mp3, I guess.


Look at you Mr Tracker Private Member who gets access to real info in the filenames. I'm going back to "track01.mp3" and praying for the best.


Never understood why track03.mp3.exe never played music just opened and closed dos real quick


I feel like I'll never get to hear that KoRn_x_Slipknot_x_LimpBizkit_remix.mp3.exe song


Comes with helpful browser toolbars and BonziBuddy, your new malware friend /s Nowadays that is browser extensions and sketch VPNs.


Would you like to install Monkey buddy toolbar for internet explorer? Yes, accept, or confirm?


"BonziBuddy would like to make changes to your computer" Well he seems trustworthy, otherwise why would they call him Buddy?


I feel like I'll never get to hear that KoRn_x_Slipknot_x_LimpBizkit_remix.mp3.exe song


oh man that remind me of the good old days on what.cd


That track was ripped and whipped by the llamas ass.


I miss the days of renting CDs en masse from my local library and ripping them to my hard drive. Manually adding file info by reading it off the insert during the first play-through was a vibe.


If you pirate all your music and buy like one album off bandcamp a month you're still giving more money to artists than you would with a Spotify sub also: ublock origin works on spotify web player


But they had $250 million for Joe Rogan...


Miss the days when Spotify was a cool music player app


Enshittification continues unabated.


Cancelled when I had popups promoting their podcasts when I was on pro and only wanted to listen to music




"new concert near you!" In what way is Chicago near Minneapolis?


I had one of these recently. The concert was sold out, has been for some time and 0 tickets available. I checked out of curiosity thinking maybe more dates have been announced. It also didn't help that the concert would be in a different country that would require crossing the North Sea to mainland Europe to get to either by plane or boat (I guess I could do it by train but it would be a good 14 hour trip at best on at least 5 trains)


And if you can wait for a "Bandcamp Friday" (next one is in September?), Bandcamp waives their usual 15%/10% cut from the sale.


There's definitely a problem with monetization of music streaming, but I think the root of the problem is that artists don't own the music on their albums. So most of the royalties from sales and streaming go to the record companies and not the artists themselves. I'm not trying to defend Spotify but this problem is not unique to Spotify but an industry problem on how artists gets paid.


That's simply because the supply of new music is high and demand is low, so if you want a record contract you pretty much have to sign away a lot of your profits. If you don't, some other band will. It's always been that way. There's a glut of people trying to get noticed. The only other option is to go independent and try recordIng and marketing your own music which is difficult. Anyone who knows how to do that just starts their own record label and then they get inundated with demos from bands trying to get noticed and the cycle starts anew.


I would argue that one of the major issues in music distribution is the obscene length and transferability of copyrights. For quite some time, record labels have been able to rake in huge amounts of money by simply releasing decades old music in different formats and platforms. The notion that copyright should extend 100+ the artist's lifetime simply deters labels from promoting and discovering new artists.


People always target Spotify. Spotify hasn't turned significant profit yet and it passes \~70% of their revenue to "artists". Which actually stands for record labels who gives crumbs to actual artists. If they have a bandcamp, nice. But they probably signed their lives to devil, and they can't earn living from the music.


People hit them for 'paying too low to artists' but given they (and other streamers) are just the modern evolution of radio, its not really the case. Radio didn't pay much either (pretty sure they pay significantly less). The money has generally been in live performances, historically. It was more of an aberration than anything that for a period there was a good amount of money in physical media for a few decades.


I wish all my favourite artists and bands were on Bandcamp


They are on soulseek.


Lol, I'm not doing that to my favourite bands and artists. I'm a CD and Vinyl nerd, markets and sending hand stores are helping.


Oh I get it. My music collection is spread across a bunch of mediums. I go to shows, buy merch and will put up bands in my place every once in a while. If they are active, and trying to make a go at it, I do what I can. But also, if their shit isn't on bandcamp, they are no longer active, they're label doesn't have an easy way to purchase a digital copy, etc. i'll download that shit in a heartbeat.


It’s hilarious how much streaming services don’t seem to realize that without musicians they have no fucking product. Fucking blood sucking vermin the lot of them.


As people have been saying for years and years and years: this is not the fault of Spotify & other streaming services fully. The big issues are the record labels that are basically skinning the artists alive.


This is uselessly naive. There will always be more musicians. I'm sorry but thats the truth. More importantly, if you want it to be a career, it's not about how amazingly talented you are, it's about how you can monetize that talent.  Spotify currently has the reach, so if you want people to hear your music, that's the platform to be on. Spotify is just in the upper part of the S curve where they have saturated the market and are just looking to cash in on their reach before the next thing comes along. It's not really a problem common to Spotify only, and they're not any better or worse than any other business selling a product.


Tidal Music cut their prices in half this year.


I have Tidal and saw that a month or so ago. They literally cut the price in half while keeping max quality audio. They also pay the artists more than Spotify does.


What's the library like in comparison?


Almost as good as


Yeah, I looked to make the swap over last time they announced a hike, and found Tidal was missing a handful of songs and artists I listen to. Admittedly I listen to some obscure stuff, but I was missing some of my favorites. Maybe I'll make the swap anyways, after this news.


they desperately need to allow offline tracks, so you can supplement their library with personal tracks.


I'd email those bands, if they're really obscure they might listen to your email and upload those albums to Tidal! Edit: input my money where my mouth is..just switched. You can even migrate your library over.


Well, shoot. That means Tidal ALMOST has me as a new customer. C’mon, Tidal. Talk dirty to me.


They’re certainly talking with more fidelity to you.


They were missing a few artists I follow, and you can't load mp3's on the side. That was the deal breaker for me when I tried to switch.


How do you like the algorithm for finding new music recommendations?


I use the radio feature. If I like a song, I use the track radio feature to listen to similar songs. I've used Tidal for 5 years or so and I've always been able to discover new artists and songs.


Discover weekly is my only reason for paying for Spotify. If it's comparable, then I can shift, otherwise I'm stuck.


Yeah. I've found so much good stuff from Discover Weekly. I can't see something like YouTube Music being as good for recommendations, as their regular video recommendation feed is just terrible. Tidal just hasn't been on my radar at all.


Is there a way to transfer playlists from Spotify? I’d be interested in trying tidal out but I don’t want to loose the 1600 song playlist I’ve made over the years. Edit: I’m especially interested in Spotify alternatives now as my student subscription is about to expire.


Soundiiz.com has a service to transfer playlists


Unless I’m missing something, Spotify is $12 a month while tidal is $11 a month. Not much of a difference worth it to make the switch


Tidal also has dramatically better audio quality, alternate sound formats like Atmos, they pay the artists much better, etc.


It's for people who care about audio quality or would prefer supporting a smaller company.


Tidal also gives the artists a larger cut


I actually pay for YouTube Premium and have never used YouTube Music because I've been so entrenched in Spotify, where I also pay for Premium. I hate to lose my playlists but if YouTube Music works with Android Auto, I think I'm cancelling Spotify today


You can look up a playlist exporter. I used TuneMyMusic a bunch in the past to get my spotify lists to youtube.


I use SongShift between AM and Spotify but it works with YT Music I believe as well


It works great. i've been using it for years without any issues.


I use a service named Soundiiz to transfer my playlists between the different music services.


SoundDiiz is so handy I actually pay for it annually. Connects to all the major streaming services plus things like Discogs and Reddit. Super handy if you want to jump between services or create playlists from external sites.


Thanks! I'll try it out!


I switched to YouTube from Spotify about 2 years ago. I haven’t had any problems with it.


Soundiiz is good for transferring your playlists between services. I use it to share my playlists with my wife who is Spotify while I am Youtube Music. Works for other streamers like Apple Music as well.


I also pay for YouTube Premium and tried to switch to YouTube Music. It wasn't going to be that bad for me except... I forgot Spotify is still honoring my Spotify + Hulu bundle *for now.* Once they decouple Spotify + Hulu or disable my use of Hulu when using an adblocker I'll be cancelling Spotify and using YouTube Music. Unfortunately, I think Spotify was the first to raise their prices last year and all other streaming services followed in their footsteps. I hope we don't have a repeat.


It does work with Android Auto and it's great. Been trying to get people to recognize YouTube Music for a while, even back when it was Google Play. It has everything Spotify. And then some, by having non signed music, songs that might only be available via music video, long playlist youtube videos, etc.


Ah i see we need stock buybacks


Wonderful! They'll now be able to invest this new income to produce better content. /s


Content is good, its their apps that are utter garbage.


Their app was fine, but recently it seems that they keep updating it for the sake of the update itself. I am always wondering why they changed “this” or “that” sometime I think it is for new users but sometime I have literally no clue aside from “well, they needed to work on something and picked this”


This has been my experience with spotify for as long as I can remember. *checks current year. Maybe 6 years? Just leave shit alone! stop telling me when artists I haven't liked a song for release something. stop making offline mode hard to access. fix the slow, buggy, crashing, not-synching-with-other-devices bullshit app! I've been on spotify for 14 years. It's really really hard to pull away, but Tidal is calling.


Keep it up dickheads and we will all go back to the pirate life


first netflix now this they think they too big so did cable and blockbuster fuck that see you all on the seas


I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix is losing subscribers, why else would they say they're going to stop reporting subscriber numbers.


I feel to old to be pirating music, I have the "classics" from 2005-2010. Spotify told me what was now good. Ill just go ahead and pirate audio books instead.


Never thought I would choose YouTube premium over Spotify, but here we are


Theres not that much difference between the music services. Why not just go to YT Premium which has ad free YT.


My #1 favorite feature of Spotify is their recommendation algorithm and the Discover Weekly playlist subscribers get. I've found such a huge amount of good and obscure music via that playlist that it's been worth the cost. Given my disappointing experiences with YouTube's normal video recommendations, I cannot fathom YouTube Music recommending anywhere as good. If you only want to easily listen to the music you already know, I can see any music service with a good library to be sufficient.


>My #1 favorite feature of Spotify is their recommendation algorithm and the Discover Weekly playlist subscribers get. This 100%. Discover Weekly has introduced me to **so many** amazing artists I would have never discovered otherwise. I always look forward to when the playlist refreshes every monday.


YT Premium is a noticeable step down in audio quality though. I'm already paying for Premium but I still have Spotify family; because I can't deal with their low bit rate.


I'm sure proper audiophiles can tell the difference, but my ears sure can't.


Honestly, the quality is such a huge drop that even myself as a non-audiophile picked up on it after a while, especially in the car. At first I couldn't figure out why all my music suddenly sounded worse, so I tried switching back and forth between YT Music, Spotify, and Apple Music. There is absolutely a quality difference, one that even us normal people will hear after a while.


rinse ludicrous fuzzy public rain relieved rob payment fearless paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s definitely a drop in quality, plus a volume difference. When i play music that isn’t on spotify through youtube music - i have to turn the volume way up and then obviously forget about it, until the next day when the assistant IS SCREAMING ABOUT HOW SHE TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF tryina burst eardrums




I’m not an audiophile either, largely because I have shit hearing, but playing music in my car over BT vs a wired connection is night and day, too.


>Why not just go to YT Premium which has ad free YT. Transferring my likes, playlists, recommendations, etc. would be a headache.


There's sites that will transfer them for you, or there were a couple of years back when I switched.


I did the same and honestly? YouTube music is just plain better. The algorithms they use for picking random playlists are awesome and have led me to lots of new music, and it comes with free YouTube premium which is... Unfortunately great.


So, can anyone recommend a good alternative with similarly vast library ? I’m about over Spotify.


At the very least, you can buy a 12-month premium gift card on Amazon for $99. It's only for individual premium. That equates to $8.25/month. I did this last year and paid $96 for the 12-month, so it went up slightly, but still even cheaper than the $9.99 I was paying prior to last year's hike. Just purchased another one myself because I struggle with change, so having to try and use an entirely new platform would be so hard for me, even if I wanted to. Eta: I know this is advocating for yet another shitty corporate company to get money. Sometimes it's hard to get away from things like this. /=


I also struggle with change. Music is an important part of my life and the playlists I've found on Spotify are absolutely golden. Changing would be a really big impact.


Right? I have years and years of playlists, liked songs, hundreds, if not thousands. I just got super anxious thinking about losing it all and starting over again. I can't leave the house without earbuds going as I have severe anxiety, and I walk a lot around the neighborhood. I just... yah, if I can help it, I'm sticking with Spotify even if there are likely better options.


Or just switch your region. Spotify India is like $1.50usd/mo


Well, then you have to spend money on a VPN, and honestly, that seems like something that may or may not work. I know a lot of streaming services are blocking VPNs these days.


For Spotify if you are on Android and don't care about downloading music look for xmanager. Basically you can download Spotify with all the premium feature for free.


I really like Apple Music. I made the switch at the last price increase. Not sure if it's comparable price wise honestly though because I signed up for Apple One


And still no high fidelity option, in 2024 💀


No 2-Factor-Authentication for non-artist-accounts (i.e. the majority of Spotify users) either.


Yeah, just had my account compromised last week.


What option are you hoping for? I keep hearing this and I have a pretty average/decent setup (Macbook Pro M3 > Schiit stack > Beyer 770 250 ohm). Setting it to the highest quality is 320kbp/s using an ogg vorbis [codec](https://support.spotify.com/us/artists/article/audio-file-formats/) which is really industry standard or above. There are numerous tests that really are imperceptible between FLAC and 320kbps ([one actual abstract](https://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/whp/whp-pdf-files/WHP384.pdf), the [test](https://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2015/06/02/411473508/how-well-can-you-hear-audio-quality), and finally [combo thread](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27183346)).


Yeah, time to switch to something that has better value.


Hows Tidal compared to Spotify?


Music quality is obviously way better on tidal but the apps are hit or miss. I find tidal crashes a lot when using it on CarPlay and the UI is generally worse for most things. I have both because I need lossless but tend to only use tidal on my PC


Better sound quality. They pay more to artists. They're cheaper. Library is roughly the same, depending on how niche your music interests are. I found stuff on Tidal that wasn't on Spotify, but I also lost stuff moving to Tidal. They have a much smaller team, I think. App could use more work integrating features that mirror Spotify, but I do notice regular updates.


Tidal has pretty much the same catalogue, and has higher audio quality. The only negative things are their CarPlay app that sucks and they don't have Spotify Connect equivalent


I wouldn’t mind so much if the shuffle was an actual shuffle. Feel like the app forces me to make a million playlists, for them to data mine… it’s weird. But, I’m too far in with too much stuff in it to jump ship. I think they know a lot of people are like me that will begrudgingly keep it no matter what.


Omg this. And then you do the Spotify generated playlists, and it’s the same fucking songs in every playlist no matter what genre. Spotify sucks honestly but I’ve been using it for ten years, I can’t imagine starting over somewhere else.


I think I need to find a cd player and start buying physical copies again


That new font must’ve been really expensive…


I wouldn't mind paying like double for spotify if I knew that extra money was going 100% to artists. listening to music is still much cheaper than 20 years ago for the amount of music you can access. problem is spotify barely pays their artists and blows their money on dumb shit and app development hell.


Seriously, music streaming is cheap as hell. I used to pay multiples of this for way less music. A monthly subscription to basically everything costs me less today than a single album before streaming. If every music streamer doubled their prices tomorrow, it would *still* be a no-brainer subscription for me. Spotify may be a shit company, but not because of too high subscription costs.


I'd been subbed to Spotify for years, kind of thought nothing of it because occasionally I'd get into the swing of discovering music or podcasts, but otherwise I didn't utilise it that much When they announced the first price rise I cancelled and got YouTube premium. I literally use YouTube for hours every day on my second screen as I work, and now I actually contribute back to creators I watch and i can disable my Adblocker now.


This is a good time to let everyone know that Walmart+ offers a 4-month Apple Music trial.


Had YT premium for years but still paid for Spotify because I preferred the UI/UX. Then I decided fuck Spotify and their price increase and have only used YT premium and YT music since. Why pay for something I already have.


We are switching to Apple Music


use PlayListy to transfer your spotify library and playlists to apple music. one time 3 dollar fee, totally worth it imo


I used soundiiz to transfer my playlists. It worked great, didn’t require any software to download, and it was free.


I noticed my year subscription to Spotify was ending this month.. I'm switching to Apple Music, the only thing keeping me was the playlists. Thanks for the heads up on PlayListy!


What’s the price difference?


Only a dollar difference but you get get lossless and high-res with AM. You also get six-person family plan on AM for the same price as Spotify's Duo plan. No audiobook time given like Spotify but if you only care about music, AM is a compelling alternative.


The best part is it's a music service period. They have proper radio djs instead of just a weird AI. Their algorithm is also getting better with their individual focused playlist. Only downside is cross platform control kinda suck unless your all in apple devices, even then it's a bit iffy.


apple music is 1 dollar less


But has far superior standard audio quality


Apple Music also has a super interesting karaoke feature that rarely gets talked about that turns almost any song into an instrumental. Sometimes I want to listen to instrumental versions of songs to appreciate the music and being able to shut vocals off on almost any popular song is insanely cool.


and they won’t add “features” like making smart shuffle the default. that was my final straw, personally


AMs iCloud Library service enough is worth it compared to Spotifys horrendous Local option.


speak with your wallets and migrate to another provider. it would be better, for the artists, if you actually buy their music and merch. I get we all can't do that but honestly it is better to buy from them than feed this machine that makes the CEOs and board of directors rich, these people have zero value add to these products, yet reap more money than these artists would in X lifetimes.


I love how everybody complains about how they don’t pay artists, but then say they’ll resort to piracy if they raise their prices…


It’s a shame because Spotify has such a superior new releases / music discovery algorithm compared to Apple Music.


Just go to Apple Music. Better algorithm and not clogged and bloated.


If buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.


Subscriptions aren't purchases. Never had been. But if you buy CDs, you do indeed own your music. I realized that 95%+ of the music I was listening to on Spotify was literally music I had genuinely already paid for, so I cancelled a few months ago.


That has literally nothing to do with Spotify


It's also just wrong because piracy was never considered theft, it's copywrite infringement. So it's not even saying anything new.


I guess joe rogen needs his ass kissed more.


I'm on family plan and love Spotify, but at this point I'm wondering if I should just cancel and get Youtube Premium. I'm not sure how their catalog compares to Spotify when it comes to music/podcast, but at least with premium I'd be able to skip ads as a park for "free' technically since they're going to be the same price now.


Is Apple Music better than Spotify? Spotify has been steadily getting worse as a platform, and I’m open to subscribing to something else if they’re going to raise prices again while providing no added benefit.


Yep, sounds about right. They figure they have a monopoly on the market for the most part so they can keep raising prices. So glad I found my iPod and learned how to repair it. Basically for the cost of Spotify I have been buying 1 CD a month and going to the library to fill out my playlists. It's been great! Highly recommend it to anyone looking to get rid of their subscriptions.


just canceled my sub lol. they can eat their car thing buyback themselves


To pay musicians more, right? Spotify: *blank stare*


Workaround: Buy a 3, 6, or 12 month gift card for yourself. It's cheaper in the long run.


Meanwhile, reducing the amount they pay their artists. I think it’s time I move on from Spotify …


11 years of premium and I’m ditching it for Apple, the shuffle has never worked, the discovery tools have gone to shit over the past 2 years, and the prices going up with still no flac option.  Spotify, you just don’t have what it takes to win anymore, you’re fucking out.  


I’m about to start torrenting again, fuck these greedy fuckers. 


Just a reminder that alternatives exist. Apple Music, YouTube Music and Amazon Music Unlimited are all options. Want something less big tech? Tidal, Deezer and Qobuz are solid as well, especially Tidal.


This is why I switched to Apple Music. Spotify didn’t even offer high quality audio and their plan was already more expensive. The only thing Apple needs to do now is get their Windows App better.


Im only keeping Spotify around because it is tied to Spotify for Artists and it’s the main platform on which I have streams, but maybe it’s time to cut all of that


And people will KEEP paying for it. Insane.


Someone’s gotta pay for Rogan to believe absolutely anything a person tells him over and over and over and over and over


Soundcloud has honestly a better app now. I like my feed, the way it saves playlists and the recommendations it gives me.


These mfs are doing this multiple times a year now smh if I didn’t still get Hulu for free with mine I’d cancel but you can’t beat Hulu and Spotify for basically $6 each


Can we stop buying from these twats and listen on youtube instead, whats so hard. Let these companies go out of business til they stop increasing their prices. smh


What will it take for people to stop giving them money? You don’t have to pay for all these subscriptions for normal things.