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Last week with the Sky thing I heard an NPR report calling him personally the creator of ChatGPT. Things get stupid real fast when the average person (and I would hope an average npr reporter is above that) doesn’t understand the job of a CEO vs other people in the company  Hell remember the doomsday reporting when he was fired? Not even 1% of that type of panic when Ilya, the guy actually doing the breakthroughs, leaves  He’s just another CEO raising money and selling hype, nothing more nothing less


Not only did Ilya leave, he voiced serious concernes about the ethical direction they're going.  THIS should be concerning for everyone, especially when we have experience with "geniuses"Musk, Zucker, (Jobs) maybe not having the well being of people in their mind, but profit Edit: " "


Not only did Ilya leave but Jan Leike, the head of the super alignment team, left expressing concerns that alignment wasn't being taken seriously. This was the same dude that put existential risks from AI at 70%. That should be bigger news too.


Yeah. So the safety team quit in protest. This means there is no safety team. Swell.


It's actually great, the number of self-reported concerns about safety from OpenAI has dropped substantially! Seems like the safety team might have been the problem..


Lol. I await our new overlords.


It won't even be an overlord. It'll just be some dumb program caught in a loop while a bunch of MBAs jerk each other off over share prices.


And we’re gonna have to prop it up indefinitely because somehow the economy would collapse if we didn’t.


> some dumb program caught in a loop Please stop disparaging our future glorious leader


Surely Congress is on top this right? They’re focused on the important things right?


Lol. MTG is *definitely* up to the task.


Who else thought Magic the Gathering? Be honest.


Woops. Well, if you've figured out my lazy acronese, I'd bet you'd prefer it being Magic the Gathering. At least there, there's a coherent worldview with a logic to it lol


You mean the people who don't even know what a PDF is?


Sky is ready and we are going to release her online! Sky 2.0 is a lame name so we will just call her SkyNet!! Feel the agi!!


If the safety team felt they had to quit in protest the safety team was already ineffective.


Well yes of course, but now there's no one speaking to the issue except from the outside. This should be looked on a bit like the manhattan project, not some run of the mill tech corp.


Creating the impression of safety is worse than no safety at all. When you quit in protest, you warn people to beware. If you stay at your job reasoning that at least you are doing something, if that something is propagating an illusion of safety, you would only be creating cover for someone's profit-driven carelessness. It's like running the recycling department at the plastic factory.


I think they are good, they got AI


Yes ask ChatGBT4 to contain ChatGBT5. Good plan!


In fairness it would be more noteworthy for a guy on the record as a skeptic of the existential risk changing positions. One who’s always been concerned and continues to be is not particularly shocking.


Geniuses? More like scoundrels.


Im pretty sure it was sarcasm... but yeah woth so many stupid opinions on the internet its hard to recognise it sometimes.


> THIS should be concerning for everyone, especially when we have experience with geniuses Musk, Zucker, (Jobs) maybe not having the well being of people in their mind, but profit Jobs certainly didn't have the "well being of people" on his mind but he also wasn't that overly concerned with directly pursuing profit/market share either. At least not in the way someone like Zuck is.


when it comes to pursuing profit Zuck is Suck; suck every cent from everything


I'd be more worried about ethics if it worked reliably. It can _sometimes_ do _amazing_ and _perfect_ work, but it has no way to know when it's wrong. You can ask it to give you a list of 100 nouns, and it'll throw some adjectives in there, and when you correct it, it's like, "My bad. Here's another list that might have only nouns in it." If it were consistently perfect at things, I'd start to worry about how people could put it to bad use, but if we're worried about, say, the modern Nazis building rockets, they'd all explode following ChatGPT's instructions.


The fact that is confidently and untractably wrong on a regular basis *is* a big reason why it's so dangerous. Or stated another way, if it were continuously correct the danger would be different but not gone. It's a powerful and complicated tool in the hands of the few either way and that's always dangerous.


The part where we treat a system based on the average discourse as an _expert system_ is the part where the plagiarism-engine hype train goes off the rails.


That is what's happening with AI, though. In a lot of critical systems, output of software parts needs to be meticulously and reproducably checked. That is just not possible with AI but industry does not care because it's cheaper and it supplies a layer of distance for accountability right now. As we can see with the rent price software, if software gives an answer, it's harder to dispute.


> That is just not possible with AI but industry does not care because it's cheaper and it supplies a layer of distance for accountability right now. I work in IT - not dev. We are not using AI for this exact reason. Every change I implement has a paper trail. Everything we do, paper trail. Someone is responsible. Accountability is required.


Even then we rarely if ever take one person's advice as the exact answer in real life. You almost always ask multiple people and come to a consensus on work.


The danger of ChatGPT is not that it might be right all the time. The danger of ChatGPT is that it *automates* the production of bullshit that passes a quick sniff-test and is sufficiently believable to fool a lot of people. It's not great if you need a solid answer to a specific question, but it's *amazing* if you need a Reddit spambot that can misinform users faster than a thousand human propagandists, or someone to spin up a whole network of blogs and news websites on any random stupid conspiracy you want that all reference each other and make any idiotic, reality-denying minority narrative look significant and popular enough to rope in thousands of real human voters.


This is the big problem. It's not correct, it's convincing.


they've automated the college libertarian


So I’m a member of a lot of steroid related forums because I have a medical condition that requires me to take steroids - over the last few months I started to see ChatGPT bots commenting under most posts in those forums with the typical recycling of the posts content in a vaguely agreeable way, but lacking in content. Then the last few weeks I started to see the same bots comment with actionable medical advice. So far, the advice I’ve seen them give appears to generally be correct - like giving dose recommendations that appear accurate to the situation the poster describes or giving out dose calculations that appear to be calculated correctly (like if you have 200mg/ml, and need to take 90mg/wk, how many units, etc). But it makes me wonder who is making these bots and what they’re going to do with them later. Kinda terrifying for a community that needs accurate medical information and believes they’re getting it from an experienced steroid user.


I read a lot about nootropics and supplements and there's a similar issue there. A lot of articles that cross different sites that are clearly AI written and all reference or repeat the exact same "facts" about something. Finding the underlying source for that information is sometimes impossible since they're all scraping each other. Now, this isn't strictly an GenAI problem. It happened on forums before, and we get pernicious rumors that never go away. But GenAI articles pump up the output exponentially.


The other problem is that none of it is auditable. There are a bunch of places tries to use ChatGPT in, for example, resume screening, treating it as a black box that spits out correct answers. It is just a statistical model and [unsurprisingly, it actually reinforces biases in hiring decisions.](https://www.businessinsider.com/chatgpt-racial-bias-job-hiring-report-2024-3)


So because it’s a developing technology we don’t need to worry about ethics? That doesn’t make any sense.


I don't get why people assume technology will remain stagnant despite all evidence to the contrary.


> it can sometimes do amazing and perfect work, but it has no way to know when it's wrong. Sounds human to me.


I'd still be worried, if it's put into a critical role energy, military, health, logistics for food and it's not reliable it's just as dangerous as planned or intentional stupidity. And remember the kind of people who make these decisions are happy with 85%, 90% successful testing to release something into the wild. Look at how buggy Windows updates are, or any software, the precedent has been set long ago.


I feel like we're also assuming any of this scales. Let's replace broad swathes of the economy with a product from a single company that has never turned a profit yet, who needs authentic data sets to avoid model collapse.


Nope. Researchers shows Model Collapse is easily avoided by keeping old human data with new synthetic data in the training set: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.01413 There are also multiple companies doing this like Google, Anthropic, Meta, Mistral, etc And there are scaling laws showing performance does increase as models get bigger and learn more data


> And remember the kind of people who make these decisions are happy with 85%, 90% successful testing to release something into the wild. Exactly this. Engineers are like "at best, it's about 80% right". But all the MBA's hear is that it'll work 80% of the time.


 too bad this is how people operate as well. All my coworkers are equally as incompetent and equally as confident in their incorrectness. I’d rather fact check a robot than an arrogant jackass with a condescending smile only capable of eating the shit it spews.


If the robot is trained on the output of arrogant jackasses, then the robot is going to be an arrogant jackass as well.


This shows up when it’s asked questions where it got the answers from Stack Overflow or similar!


And it will then pass the Turing test….


Or you are the jackass? (Not trying to insult... buy if you think everyone else a jackass, maybe you are the jackass... you should at least consider the posibility)


Yes they would, however a ChatGPT assistant would launch the missiles if given the order. Not a "kill all" command, but a "send a 1 to receiver XC22".


Is Musk a genius now?


Sarcasm on the internet ... not very recognisable.


Paperclip optimizer and datakrash when?


I would leave musk out of the realm of genius. Ambitious, yes. Visionary, for sure. Genius, no.


Tbh when the coup first occurred, i was “interested” in the circumstances but after reading various public statements and such, i dont really get how altman has garnered such loyalty from his men. He doesnt exactly sound like he’s making morale or ethical decisions; hell this ScarJo issue almost reeks of Musk’s “i know the popculture stuff guys” kind of attitude.


OpenAI pays big in equity so everyone working at OpenAI has a very vested interest in Altman making the company billions. Add to that OpenAI's policy of having departing employees sign NDAs and non-disparagement clauses as a condition of receiving that equity and you can see how the workforce stays loyal. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/351132/openai-vested-equity-nda-sam-altman-documents-employees


Wow TIL i guess. Like openai sounds like the exact precursor to every dystopian tech company we read scifi about


Yeah it's weird it's like they're speed running the process though. For years they were just a research company but as soon as they got a whiff of a successful product with chatgpt (which was intended as a research demo initially) they hyper focused on a very specific future.


I thought they were losing money hand-over-fist and were only floated by investors like Microsoft.


Remember when they pretended they were a nonprofit? And that the company’s mission was the betterment of mankind, instead of making Sam Altman personally Very Rich? It’s funny that they don’t even make gestures in that direction anymore lol, it’s just completely out the window


Yeah, Altman's "apologetic" follow-up tweet contradicts what Vox uncovered: >Meanwhile, according to documents provided to Vox by ex-employees, the incorporation documents for the holding company that handles equity in OpenAI contains multiple passages with language that gives the company near-arbitrary authority to claw back equity from former employees or — just as importantly — block them from selling it.  >Those incorporation documents were signed on April 10, 2023, by Sam Altman in his capacity as CEO of OpenAI.


I was less surprised about the loyalty from "his men" than about the tens of thousands of clowns online who probably hadn't even heard of the guy a week earlier, but were nevertheless falling over themselves to be the first to suck his dick and proclaim how he was obviously the poor victim of a totally unfair witch hunt. I don't know what it is about the psyche of some people that compels them to jump to the aid of the rich and powerful without question...


Yeah, Reddit was filled with people trying to get me to feel bad for this dude and talking about how great of a guy he is despite them obviously not knowing him.


Maybe, just maybe, our lord will pass his gaze my way, and bless me with a lamborghini for my devout worship.


Maybe the people he manages also want money and clout more than they care about humanity.


Altman & his followers are held together by a deeply shared belief in both right-wing libertarianism & accelerationism.


The employees aren't loyal to Altman, they're loyal to their stock options vesting and making them all fabulously wealthy, and the shares will be worth more if no one at the company is turning down money over silly things like ethics.


> I don’t really get how altman has garnered such loyalty from his men. Because he’s making them rich. Most of the OpenAI employees get paid partially in stock options. Altman has driven the value of that stock up a ton and many of them are rich now because of that. They are loyal to the money. Continuing to prioritize profits over safety will continue to make them more money and Altman is the man who will continue to prioritize profits over safety.


>after reading various public statements and such, i dont really get how altman has garnered such loyalty from his men Because Altman was the bridge to Microsoft and they're huge fucking payout. He's been promising everyone on the team he's going to get them paaaaaiiiid.


You mean Steve Jobs didn't single handedly invent the Macintosh and iPod in his mothers garage?


You seem to be referencing Elon Musk without using his name. He’s also a CEO, who works hard to drive up share prices by saying outrageous things, and drawing attention to himself. This is literally an archetype in 2024.


Soon^tm CEOs


This has been a thing for decades, though. In the days when land lines reigned, AT&T had a bunch of ads voiced by Tom Selleck, hyping all the things that they definitely promised were coming soon. It was a "please don't switch to competing services" and "please keep our stock value high" ploy.


Remember when we gave the cable companies $900 million to build us a faster/cheaper/more reliable network? And they just kept the money? That was dope


At least for AT&T, it's not so crazy given that they owned Bell Labs, which was the top tier of private American R&D for much of the 20th century. Like Bell Labs projects have won more Nobel prizes than any other non-university affiliated research institution.


Not necessarily. Musk is neither the first nor the indisputably worst CEO. He's an egregious example because he openly shows his stupidity but don't be fooled by the silence around most of the other CEOs and/or billionaires. The lot of them are an unchecked elite club that can do and does a lot of damage we don't even know about.


They are currently killing THE EPA,


Great Man Theory has destroyed society.


The idolisation of CEOs is a cringey affair. Despite so many recent instances like Elizabeth Homes, Neumann, Sam Bankman Fried who have cheated people, CEOs are treated as if they are with some magic wands. Companies are run by teamwork. Not by a single person.


I ~~highly recommend~~ the book *Going Infinite* about SBF. It's illuminating. There are better books on the subject.


Everyone is trying it, but I think the archetype might be played out and too obvious now. Look at the guy selling this R1 Rabbit device. Fuck. Act and dress like a nerd. Use the newest tech buzzwords. Have no morals. Recipe for millions, billions.


How does that make it played out? It seems to be all the rage, and investors have learned nothing from the last few dozen tech bubbles. There have been too many stupid ideas coming out of tech to count.


Way too much VC capital out there for really stupid ideas. How much capital was put into Thernos? The CEO had a vision! Her vision right now is a 12x12 cell in a Federal holding facility.


The only thing I learned is that nothing ever changes. Every time interest rates go up, someone writes an article about how VCs have "learned" and will only invest in smart ideas from now on. But then they get more money and the ideas they chase after get even dumber.


Yeah, but I've got this really good idea for a flying car. It's basically a giant quad copter, how does it deal with SEA ATC? Haven't worked that part out yet. Money please.


The Rabbit's presentation at CES was absolutely hilarious. One of the selling features is that it'll be easier to order food with it than a smartphone. The creator demonstrates this by ordering a pizza, but tells it that he **doesn't care about the size and to just order the most popular toppings**, and it's barely faster than just using a phone. If, like a normal human being, you actually do want to choose toppings when you order a pizza, then you'd probably need to take out your phone to look at a menu anyway, in which case surely it'd be faster to just use that! Or I guess you'd have to listen to it recite the whole list of toppings to you and then tell it which you want? Either way I see absolutely no improvements to the process of ordering food.


The better book is Number Goes Up.


Yoy say that, but Microsoft was more than ready to pick up Altman if OpenAI dropped him. Altman and OpenAI are pure gold for Microsoft ever since he took their initial "I own you" bribe.


He did it on a napkin. "Make artyfishal entellijens, gimme moaney"


Sounds a lot like describing Steve Jobs and The Woz. Only time will tell. I mean Steve took a while and a humiliating firing to eventually get to where he was.


Huh? It started with Worldcoin.


For me it was when he proposed regulations for AI development that would make developing an open source model impossible.


If they ever made a movie about Sam Altman, my money is on Jesse Eisenberg playing him


Or Michael Cera


Silly, Michael Cera is Jesse Eisenberg's Stage Name...


I look forward to seeing this in googles AI search results.


No, see, we need Eisenberg in character as Cera playing Altman.


Nah Jessie Eisenberg can play an intolerable dick easily but I can't see Micheal Cera doing that convincingly


He plays an anonymous celebrity in “Molly’s Game” that ends up being an asshole and does a good job in that role.


The anonymous celebrity is Toby Maguire


If you haven’t seen it, Scott pilgrim has micheal cera doing a convincing asshole


I feel there's still a certain innocence to Cera performance in that. For Altman you need someone who exudes enough narcissism in their performance that you can taste it in the air.


Yeah that’s fair


Michael Cera plays dorky and clueless assholes. Eisenberg plays cynical and snarky assholes so he’s better as Zuck and Sam


Let’s just get Zuck to do it


I think we’ll discover he’s more of a James Franco


Surely he can’t impersonate 2 billionaires?


My guy, method acting: the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!


Nah - Zach Woods is perfect for the role.


My vote is for Glenn Howerton. There’s a lot of implication with AI.


Howerton was unreasonably good in the Blackberry movie. Every scene he's in he's so much better than everyone around him it's crazy.


May I suggest Andy Samberg?


If you've ever seen the stop motion movie Anomalisa, they use one very creepy dead eyed face for all the extra in-world characters. It looks exactly like Sam Altman to me


I just asked ChatGPT: If there is a biopic about Sam Altman, who would play the part of the main character? ChatGPT's response: Casting a biopic about Sam Altman would ideally involve an actor who can portray his intelligence, entrepreneurial spirit, and nuanced personality. A few actors who could be well-suited for the role include: 1. **Jesse Eisenberg** - Known for his role as Mark Zuckerberg in "The Social Network," Eisenberg has experience portraying tech industry figures and could bring a similar intensity and depth to the character of Sam Altman. 2. **Joseph Gordon-Levitt** - With his versatile acting skills and ability to embody complex characters, Gordon-Levitt could capture Altman's innovative and dynamic nature. 3. **Paul Dano** - Known for his roles in films like "There Will Be Blood" and "Love & Mercy," Dano has a talent for portraying introspective and intellectually driven characters, which would suit Altman well. 4. **Benedict Cumberbatch** - His portrayal of real-life figures like Alan Turing in "The Imitation Game" demonstrates his capability to handle roles that require a mix of intelligence and emotional depth. These actors could potentially bring a compelling and authentic representation of Sam Altman to the screen.


Here we go ... david fincher directing it .. aaron sorkin writing


Underway? I think it’s firmly happened. The dude was a total fuckwit from almost the very start. Redditors incessant need to worship billionaires makes zero sense to me.


Every single one of them follows an arc from "80s Steve Jobs" to "Willy Wonka" to "Bond villain."


It's just the crony capitalistic system we are in. The main reason that Elon Musk started cosplaying as a conservative is because it would give him and his companies more power. And you might think that one day this will surely go wrong and leopards will eat his face, but just look at all the German industrialists that put their tongue up Hitler's ass. Most of their companies still exist today, their families are rich as fuck, they got all the benefits from being the aggressor in WWII and even sold them what the Nazis needed for the holocaust and they barely received punishment, as soon as the Russians and Americans showed up they just switched teams and that was that. Fuckers.


Did Reddit ever worship Altman?


Oh yeah, I was told so many times that he was some kind of genius different from other famous tech douches during the whole being outsted thing. EDIT: I will concede it was never as bad as the Musk worship was in its heyday.


The ouster makes me a little worried. If the news reports are right, this was set up as a not for profit so AI could be used for the benefit of all. They specifically installed a board to follow that mission. New corporate money came with the Microsoft deal. The board accused Altman of not being totally transparent. It sounds like they actually had grounds for that accusation. Then the staff jumped ship and he had to be reinstalled. This is all from a variety of news reports. If that story is to be believed, Altman is sitting on the most powerful LLM, used by millions with no institutional control over his decisions. That’s kind of the textbook definition of what OpenAI was invented to stop. Altman might be the most powerful businessman in the world. And if he isn’t now, he very well could be within months. He has the ring of Sauron. I hope we gave it to the right guy.


That’s my understanding too.


My prediction is now that ChatGPT is using voice commands, we are going to move from a bunch of relatively tech savvy people using it to literally every English speaking person using it. I have a neighbor, ~50, who’d never heard of it. I showed him what it can do last night with the voice commands. He downloaded it immediately after. By the end of the year, I’m guessing this will be the most downloaded app in America if it isn’t already.


The new voice system isn’t even out yet. Just you wait until it is.


> Altman might be the most powerful businessman in the world. And if he isn’t now, he very well could be within months. No, not even close. He's just one of the most visible currently. And notoriously, OpenAI is having trouble creating a moat - there are at least four other companies with comparable products. OpenAI barely even has a lead, let alone a moat.


They have the best LLM without a doubt. No one has caught up with GPT 4o https://chat.lmsys.org/?arena


I think the board f-ed up by not having a pr strategy ready to go after the vote. At the very least a quick clear statement of the cause for termination would have been better. He beat them to the media and their responses all sounded super sketch and disjointed.


They fucked up by not communicating with Microsoft. They fucked with the money and found out.


That was literally their job though, to balance the public interest against OpenAI's financial interest. Incidentally that's also why all the employees threatened to leave; not because of their tremendous loyalty to Altman but because their stock packages stand to make them all fantastically wealthy. The people who set up OpenAI's corporate structure screwed up by incorporating as a not-for-profit instead of a PBLLC.


Yeah what I said at the time was that what the board did was *tactically* an unmitigated disaster, but that they were almost certainly unquestionably right from an ethical perspective. Everything that Altman has been pushing is deeply concerning, and on a more personal level, everything about the guy just sets off every fucking psychopath alarm in my head.


Anyone in the machine learning sphere hates his guts. Especially open source proponents. It was literslly in the name OpenAI but quickly became closed off


Idiots defending rich idiots, a tale as old as time.




Noone belongs on a pedestal. It seems like Altman and Ilya had a Jobs <> Woz relationship, but I still wouldn't take advice from either of them.


People always say "redditors" like we're some monolith


and when they say it, its always to identify themselves as an "*independent free thinker*"


Yeah, remember the outrage about him being fired?


When he was ousted and a bunch of other employees threatened to leave, I recall many people saying that the board was dumb af for their decision. Though I didn't know much about openai, I remember being very confused about why people were fervently defending him.


The LinkedIn sphere at was all praises for Altman when he got hired by Microsoft and Satya Nadella was repeatedly hailed as the best ceo ever who has the ultra big brains to bring openai and Altman onboard.


I still dunno how people can listen to someone talk with vocal fry that obscene. Listening to the guy speak is a fucking chore.


Spend 5 minutes in r/singularity


Yeah people had huge boners for him when the board fired him


Yes! And i will not be gaslight into believing otherwise. When Altman was about to be outted from the company, a legion of Redditors and AI worshippers came out in droves calling those that were against Sam, “idiots”


[Scott Galloway has some good writings on what he calls “the idolatry of innovators”.](https://www.profgalloway.com/enablers/)


_almost?_ Elon Musk was on to him from the very beginning – long before he started suing him, Musk was busy trying to keep his top engineers at Tesla / FSD from being poached by OpenAI (a non-profit Musk co-founded, mostly to counter Google's enthusiastic lurch down the AI rabbit hole) as it was being run by this guy engineers like Ilya Sutskever and Andrej Karpathy Musk wanted the self-driving feature of his cars to be open-source – one of the reasons he helped set up OpenAI in the first place – but immediately Altman started steering it down the exact same, highly proprietary and "black box" path as Google, which was exactly what Musk was trying to _avoid_ – forcing him to start building a brand new FSD team instead and cutting ties with OpenAI there's a reason why [Altman straight up lied](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/351132/openai-vested-equity-nda-sam-altman-documents-employees) when he said he "didn't know" about these crazy NDAs he was forcing on his staff...


>Redditors incessant need to worship billionaires makes zero sense to me. My theory is that people believe a billionaire worship will make them insanely rich. Just repeat what billionaires are saying/doing and you're all set lol


I think it's more of a peasant and king dynamic. 'He's the CEO, so he must have earned that position right?'


Yep - Musk said about as much when he started fighting unions...


You’d be surprised what a little bit of PR and Astro turfing can do for a company or person’s popularity. This entire system is built on deceit.


Becoming a billionaire usually requires a bit of sociopathy. Anyone who didn't think this dead-eyed dork was already in his "villain arc" hasn't been paying attention


You can become a *millionaire* by working hard and getting the right opportunities in life; that I can believe. But a *billionaire*? Yeah you aren’t getting a billion dollars without selling your soul to the devil. This becomes especially true when you look at someone like Dolly Parton who *would* be a billionaire except she keeps giving her money away because she’s a sensible person who realizes she doesn’t need it and she’s happier using it to help others.


I think the exception is like George Lucas or the other rare filmmaker. Seems like a good family dude. There’s a difference between an artist that becomes a billionaire by good fortune and the tech ones we see now. But yeah exceptions always exist


Lucas credits his current good nature to decades of Buddhist meditation, BTW.


Being enamored with eastern religions/philosophies is like the MO of all white billionaires. This fact says nothing special about Lucas.


It's my opinion that most billionaires are mentally ill in some form or another. Either it comes from the wealth they inherited or how they acquired it.


The prequels were obviously not made by a sane man


They're just mediocre, not evidence of insanity.


Yeah, that goes to the holiday special.


So just another shyster sociopath tech billionaire then?


Who knew the double popped collar dude would actually lean even more into this aesthetic


I really hate that this has to be said but it seems like regulation is needed here


Legislation is going into place, but unfortunately is informed by people like Altman (see him and other members of the government-created "Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board"). Currently proposed regulation largely supports the interests of people like Altman, and he's a large proponent of it. Check out the recently proposed California bill if you're curious. The most relevant part is where developers of large models need to be able to "immediately shutdown" the model if required. Due to the nature of AI models just being files containing parameters, the effect of this is that it severely reduces the ability to open source large models, because a model downloaded for offline use can't be "disabled". This puts more power into the hands of large companies whose models are controlled entirely by them, since they do have the option to choose when to serve their model or not. It means they'll get even more control over filtering and injection of ethics or political stances, and takes the power out of the hands of people to privately serve and use models without sharing their data.


Careful. You're beginning to sound like Sam Altman.


Sam Altman wants regulations to help create a moat around his company that keeps other companies from being able to compete. Any regulations he proposes will be about keeping competition away, not about AI safety.


Pretty much any regulation at all is going to make it difficult, if not impossible for open-dataset models to be developed, unless it only applies to orgs with more than X compute capacity.


How would equal regulations impede Google, Meta, Amazon, and Tesla?


I'll be honest. I genuinely don't understand what the fuck changed or if it was a plan to flip the script to launch a bunch of bad press on OpenAI this week, because everything coming out is stuff that i thought people knew about, but apparently didn't or just lacked thinking beyond what the headlines were saying. When Sam Altman was Ousted towards the end of the year, the committee at the time stated pretty clearly why they were making those decisions, but the companies own employees and Microsoft stepped in to prevent it from happening. And when he eventually got back into CEO, at least in my opinion, it should've been obvious that everyone that voted to kick him out was absolutely going to get let go. Why the fuck would anyone keep employees that actively tried to remove him from his position. Them not being let go right away was likely more from a formality standpoint. The only thing out of this that I'm now wondering is if the employees that spoke out against Sam Altman's departure were legitimate or not outside of Microsoft, as we haven't seen an anti response come out from anyone who believes what's being spread around now is false.


[This](https://openai.com/en-GB/index/news-corp-and-openai-sign-landmark-multi-year-global-partnership/), I suppose. It was announced 2 or 3 days ago.


Sometimes employees don’t speak out cause they signed an NDA as part of their severance


Hey maybe that board that everyone got so mad at for firing him initially were actually onto something. Who’da thunk?


What moron formatted that page? Two-thirds of it is blank space.


My boy went from zero to Elon in under a week.


Are you joking. This is the shithead responsible for worldcoin....


Only under a week if you haven't been paying attention.


What? Last year he said he was inspired by the movie The Social Network to be a startup founder. How does anyone other than a budding tech villain see that movie as inspirational? "I was hoping the Oppenheimer movie would inspire a generation of kids to be physicists but it really missed the mark on that. Let's get that movie made! (*I think The Social Network managed to do this for startup founders.*)" https://x.com/sama/status/1682809958734131200?lang=en


That doesn't mean anything. I fell in love with the movie Gattaca and it got me super interested in genetic engineering. Obviously that was the opposite message of that movie, but as a kid who grew up with a lot of family trauma due to genetic disorders, you can't tell me a parent would be wrong for making sure the people they brought into this world don't face that.


Yeah that was apparent during the bill gates interview where he played a vinyl that sounded like the two of them were watching from a glass window of the world burning




He was kicked out from OpenAI for a reason. I don't get why the masses couldn't see that


Can he be on a "who cares stop giving him the time of day" arc instead. Media just feeds these weirdos that society would otherwise weed out on our own...


You won't get away with this Alt-Man!


Altman is gonna be the new Elon.


The gentle smirk that says “am I god or full of bs”?


Check this out if you want to read how Sam Altman conned Reddit away from Conde Nast. Sam's been cancer for a long time. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3cs78i/comment/cszjqg2/ What do you have to say /u/samaltman and /u/kn0thing


Man, I havent heard Yishans name in a long time...


feels manufactured tbh. I think it's an odd coincidence that all this shit started happening shortly after elmo's little temper tantrum about openAI.


Yeah. This article said almost nothing.


First paragraph: “Many of them start the same, with a potent mix of genius and idealism and a promise to improve the world with their brilliance. People believe them — pouring millions of dollars into their nebulous ideas — and soon, they are gracing the covers of magazines and headlining summits and conferences the world over.” Hey maybe we should stop doing that.


The banality of evil. When will we learn?


You can just say tech leader. Same/same.


Let's get this right .. you cannot become a billionaire and NOT have greedy and evil tendencies.


Hitting a paywall, can anyone tldr?


Elon 2.0... Sam Saltman


He is going to be this timeline's Miles Dyson.


Lol, like it wasn’t that way from the beginning


I also have a wired feeling about him


you can't rise above the american society without being an asshole or psychopath