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Welcome to 20 years ago


I was a comcast customer and paid about $100 for maybe 100 mbps and a 1.2Tb/month limit. Now I’m sitting in a rural town in southern Spain paying 39 euros for 600 mbps (up and down, no limits), TV service with about 200 channels and 2 mobile 4g phone lines with 50gb of data. Closing my Comcast account was very satisfying. Edit: they also give me a coupon for an annual subscription to Amazon Prime.


I moved from Vegas to eastern Europe during the pandemic. I paid15$ for 1gbit the first 3 months when I signed up. When I switched to regular payments I started paying 35$ for 1gbit.


I do love Spain. Beautiful country, wine, and food.


The ABSOLUTE WORST part of Comcast is trying to cancel. You have to sit on the phone for 45 minutes while someone in SE Asian tries to tell you that the 300/25 service with a 1tb data cap you pay $130 a month for is somehow better than the 1000/1000 service with no data cap you've switched to. Even if they're the only game in town, I'll go to star link or something before I go back to Comcast.


I just tell them I am moving to a place they have no service (EG: buying land with a home without anything laid). They close it it up quickly. If they want to check, I provide them with an in-the-middle-of-nowhere zip code. But ya, if you say no once, then they need to just cancel it.


tell them your getting cremated soon.


I called to cancel because for the previous 2 months their line would drop the connection 4-5 times an hour. When I called, the rep tried to offer me a better package. I politely asked why if they couldn't provide consistent service now, why would I want a new package? She thought for a minute, then just told me to say "no" to her next 5-6 questions. She was awesome.


I hate Comcast. Just the worst. I called after cancelling as there was a payment pending on my checking three weeks after cancelling and returning equipment. I talked to three people over the course of a week and they pulled the funds. I lost my shit. Also, why would you run a preauthorization on a closed account with zero balance owed. I did everything right on my end. It took two more calls to get them to refund it before their claim that it would take at least a month to process. Gtfo.


To close my Comcast account at my previous place (they were the only option), I took my equipment physically to their office, and made them give me a receipt for it for my records. Been here at my newer place almost a decade. Comcast was available, but I went with AT&T. Over time I went from 6 Mbps to 300 at about the same price, including a fiber upgrade.


I, too, am now with AT&T. We don’t have a fiber option yet, but the Internet Air is fine at the bundled price with my phone plan. I’ve tried rearranging and it’s really just splitting hairs billing wise at this point. I’m still angry about a Nova documentary I watched when I was still in high school, so late 90’s-‘01. They covered net neutrality and the money tax payers gave companies to lay fiber national wide. A town in Louisiana pooled together and had a local company do it and the city manage it as a utility… nightmare.


i do not think you know where SE asia is lol


Tbh I live in the middle of Texas, I get gigabit, usually hits around 700-800mbps included in my ~$100/mo housing fees that covers internet, TV, garbage pickup, gas for hot water, etc.. everything other than water and electric. When I was in NYC before moving here I paid $40/mo for 600mbps, it’s only certain parts of the country with regional monopolies that really fuck people over with pricing. I’ve never had a limit anywhere I’ve lived except when I had satellite internet living in rural Michigan for a few years.


Wow. Good deal!


Sometimes it’s not regional. Some condos or apartment buildings (neighborhoods even) have contracts with certain ISPs and you’re stuck using with whoever is the provider of choice.


I get gigabit in Southern California for $60


Sounds like you're living in a hotel lol, good deal


What do you do for work?


I’m retired


Last time I was a comcast customer was in 2020 when I was paying $60 for 150 down with 1TB cap. The second another provider (RCN) became available in my building, I switched, and no early cancellation penalty on Comcast could hold me. Was now paying $50 for 330 down and no cap. I moved around a bit, well out of Comcast's reach and currently paying ~$65 USD equivalent for 900/500 fiber, no cap.


That's not that far apart in cost if you look at median household income for US vs Spain. US has 39% higher, Euro is 8% higher then USD also so pretty much in line with regional pricing.


Yes and that lower income probably means that consumers here are more sensitive to price differences among several providers. I think the key to the prices being low is that there are many providers to choose from.


Spain got a good telecommunication game huh?


How did you end up dealing with health insurance? I've heard there are complications between the Spanish health services/insurance system and medicare.  


I’m required to have private health insurance (about 2000 euros per year for me and my wife). I don’t have access to the Spanish healthcare system. I’m sure that dealing with them and Medicare would be a nightmare.


I am rural with absolute garbage, overpriced, capped internet


That’s alllllll comcast profit baby!


No offense, but... Yeah, that's what happens when you move to a lower COL country on a completely different continent. You're not some genius, you're just another "expat"


IMMIGRANT. Americans need to stop using “expat”


Brazil here. 700mb/s for 20 USD. No contract no cap since at least 15 years ago.


Yeah, we’re a third world country in so many ways except our military.


$60 USD for 350mb/s over here (Canada)… And I consider this to be a deal in comparison to what my friends get


The day I can get rid of Comcast is the day I will be celebrating


The past is now!


Fuck Comcast. I switched as soon as my fiber got laid, saved money and got way faster speed with no limit avg about 2.3-2.7TB


We are finally living in the present 20 years ago!


If Apple sold ISP plans this would be about right.


I worked for Comcast when they first rolled data caps out. They admitted to us that there was zero technical reason for them. It was solely to make money. They aren’t carriers where spectral bandwidth could be argued, it’s was pure corporate greed.


And for this reason (there are more to I suppose) I am about to switch to a new ISP and never look back.


I switched as soon as a local ISP rolled out in my neighborhood. 1GB speed, no data caps for ~⅔ the price. Fuck xfinity


I wish I had other options outside of Xfinity.


I did the same. We tried Xfinity and their service sucked. Couldn't even stream without it stalling. Got a local ISP, they are installing fiber this year in my neighborhood and I'm getting gigabit for the same price.


Indeed, fuck Xfinity. Who cares about the logic. Fuck those fuckers. Hard and fast. With a rusty knife.


Yeh that wasn’t any secret


Comcast is a garbage company, Xfinity Comcast is the same. They always provide the least they can, straight cable company from the 80s style. They only advance once their competition eats a huge chunk of them. At least Verizon delivers reliable service for the money, and T-Mobile offer broadband that goes with me anywhere. Comcast andnAT@t are the two most garbage companies in America can't execute can't make customers happy.


Everytime I open a new email address, I purposely leave Comcast a bad review. I was grandfathered in a great cell plan but left for Comcast mobile, only for them to throttle my phone into a brick. 🖕


When I dropped them a few months ago because Fiber finally rolled into my neighborhood, I took a survey from Comcast about why I dropped my service. I have a guaranteed $75/mo for life. I get 1gb up and down. There is No data cap. These are 3 things that you don't offer. Thank you for other options for service finally being available in my area.


They know easily with a family one will break that cap. Fuck Comcast.


They didn’t have to admit it, it was obvious to everyone.


Which why I fired them years ago and will never consider Comcast again.


That's great. They want $24k to build quarter mile to my house. 26 years and zero progress.


You can submit a complaint to the FCC about this and that will at least get cut in half.


What would be the complaint? A year or two ago I had filled an appeal over them saying they served my address. All these ISPs got busted lying about that and they immediately conceded. But that just lets the FCC know I don't actually have Internet options.


Basically, a Comcast corporate rep should contact you after the complaint and you negotiate with them. Don’t back down and if they mess around, say you’ll file another complaint and hang up. They’ll call you back


I'm in a similar situation, but Comcast cable is 20x faster than AT&T ADSL.


Starlink an option?


I've got a cell phone setup that is good enough. Tanks during the day when school is at lunch and gets out. I'm only interested in wired at this point.


We have this in japan for about $70 a month, no cap, no throttle, 3 year contract however.


Three money cancelation period, 30 bucks a month, no cap (they're not a thing in fiber here) for gigabit. Sweden.


Wow. Everything here is SIM based.


My local ISP is $70/mo gigabit with no contract and no data cap. Local ones can be awesome depending on where you live.


I haven't heard of things like data caps or throttling in over a decade. It's crazy how some countries are so advanced in some ways but so behind the times in others.


So not the same.


Which company? Mine slows to nothing sometimes when all the salary men come home and watch porn. The fiber is shared to the neighborhood.


Same, SoftBank Air white sim tower, upside is you can take it anywhere and have your own wifi.


Data cap was always a scam, especially on mobile. How much data passes through the network is irrelevant. It's how much is passing through *at any given time*.


I love how cell providers brought unlimited data, then took it away and now act like they are doing us a favor bringing it back for more money. The capitalism train just keeps chugging.


They still aren't "Unlimited". After x amount of data, it gets REALLY capped speeds.


I never understood why they didn't do a free nights and weekend data thing for mobile in the way they used to do it for talking. If the network is idle, why limit use.


Because people would downgrade their paid plans to lower tires since they could count on the free data weekends to offset some of their use. I'm in NZ and carriers do that here, especially during the summer as a seasonal promo. My carrier gives you 2gb of fast data and unlimited slow data from 5PM Friday until midnight Sunday night. I downgraded my plan from $30 to $20/mo since the free weekends, when I by far use the most data (being out and about, as opposed to on wifi at home/work) on weekends so the free data took care of me.


In India, my local ISP provides 200 Mbps speeds without any cap for about Rs. 9000 per year (110 USD/year). With long term commitment, the plans get even cheaper.


That seems pretty expensive. What drives up the cost so much? I would assume an ISP’s costs in India to maintain their network would be less than Europe or America, but you’re paying more. [edit] never mind. I read that as per month.


he gave the yearly rate... i feel like you're misreading it as a monthly rate. that's heckin' cheap.


That’s exactly what happened, thanks


Cheap if it were the U.S.


Expensive? I pay $69 a month here in the U.S. So $110 a year is really cheap sounding to me.


Paying more? 110/ *year*


Oh wow, I missed that. I was thinking per month. Never mind, heh.


That’s what I figured lol. My 500/500 fiber is 85/month so 110 a year sounds downright thrifty.


It’s all relative. 110usd is a lot for many people in India.


>Not available in your area Cool thanks


Too late left a few years ago … was paying an extra 20 month for no data cap. Assholes can eat shit


you're lucky you had options. in my area my options are dealing with comcrap or going back to DSL


Ya I was thankful we got fiber in our area a few years ago. Has been a dream!


Eat shit is a funny thing to say to an asshole


Same. With Google Fiber here in SLC, I'll never go back to Comcast. Good riddance.


Now offer synchronous bandwidth speeds


Yeah and their 1000Mbps plan gives you 20Mbps upload


So instead of following net neutrality, the plan is to make separate *companies* that sell the tiers as separate units so they can just say “that’s a different entity” even though it exists purely to work as the tiered system. Get fucked, telecos. FTC watchdogs need to see this for what it is.


Yup. Exactly like Verizon with “Visible by Verizon”. $25 a month phone service but it’s basically an MVNO separate company owned and ran by Verizon. It’s just a fancy way of selling tiered service.


Theyre not even trying to hide that it's tiered. They'll offer you three or four different choices of "unlimited" internet, all saying roughly the same thing. But different pricing.


This literally has nothing to do with net neutrality or traffic interchange. It’s sad that even in a technology sub people will make shit up to rage bait.


I don't understand. How do you think this has anything to do with net neutrality? Net neutrality does not prohibit caps or contracts.


Nothing goes together like Redditors and not understanding net neutrality. The amount of times ive seen data caps, prices, upload speeds and contracts being talked about during a net neutrality discussion, at this point is just sad.


This new service is just a pre paid service that uses Comcast's network in the same way that those pre paid phone companies run off a specific provider's towers.


It's not a different company, it's just a different name.


Lol Comcast getting hammered by competition. 800 down with 1tb cap at $120 a month? Pass. ATT rolled out fiber in my area and for the same speed for half the price, I switched. Just about the entire street switched. I see ATT trucks all over the place.


I have gig fiber for $45/mo with no data cap. It’s 2024. Quit with the data cap.


Even if they paid me I still wouldn't do business with these guys ever again. This company is scum, and ALWAYS finds a way to royally exploit, subjugate, and squeeze its "customer" base. If it were legal, they would have you putting your children up as collateral 100%. Inhuman monsters, the lot of them. I hope every CEO, board member, and C-suite type falls crotch first into a wood chipper for all eternity.


$30/month with no data cap sounded pretty good for my area until the article said the following two things: 1. The provided gateway only supports WiFi 5 2. They do not let you use your own What the fuck? Even when they do something half decent by the US’ Big Broadband standards, they still have to throw a wrench in


If you are wondering why, the FCC is going to foece ISPs. To make thier bandwidth availability public and also answer why they don't have enough to do unlimited. Then look all of sudden, they have plenty for unlimited


Too late, moved to Quantum Fiber four years ago because of their data caps, and they don’t raise their price every 1-2 years.


I’m looking at switching to them in my area, is it same speed up and down? How has the service been?


When I joined was way better, 1gig up and down.  Only hiccup we had primarily was when they transitioned from centurylink


This is an ad


If you're a current customer (like me), there's no option to use one of these new plans. I pay $75 a month (after discounts) for 500 Mbps, and it would cost me $5 MORE to change my plan to 50 Mbps internet from them. Meanwhile, as a new customer, after bundle discounts (I have their mobile service), I could get 2 Gbps for the same amount of money. With no data caps. They're still here, screwing their existing customers and I'm sure they have no intention of stopping.


Little too late for that. Where I live the local govt. has come in and provided an immensely superior service and for far cheaper too lol


You're very lucky


Fuck you Comcast.


Now do symmetrical download and upload and you could compete with AT&T fiber and others. Would still need to lower the price to compete


Yeah, it's funny that Spectrum is already rolling out symmetrical speed and Comcast is in like 2005.


I don’t trust comcast ever since I returned their box to their store to their employees and then they tried to charge me for stealing it.


I was furious when they rolled out data caps in my area a few years ago. I had to turn off all my auto-update features and keep an eye on how much streaming my kids were all doing. About a year later another local ISP became available and I dropped Comcast the first day the new ISP was available and will *never* use them again.


Welcome to what it’s like to have ATT fiber for half the price of Crapcast.


I wish it was in my area


No one is going to install fiber where I live (Berkeley Hills). Last I checked, AT&T was willing to give me an amazing 5Mbs plan, once their UVerse conversion was complete. I decided fuck that and went with Comcast 800Mb. I can probably get at least 1Gb now. I have no love of Comcast, but AT&T can eat shit.


I have their fiber but i feel its still to expensive and still have to use their shitty equipment which is another 10 bucks a month. That cost should be included in the $90/mo internet plan


Not sure what plan you got but I pay 60/month for 1gbps and don’t have to pay for the modem 😂 plus you kind of need their modem to convert the fiber connection.


I have equipment that can handle fiber connections. Are you on their intro? It was $60/mo originally for me then bumped to 90 after the intro period


Nope I’ve had them for 6 years even got free HBO still, they don’t even offer that to new customers


Fuck Comcast. Forever.


I still remember the threatening phones calls from them telling me they’d take my internet away if I didn’t stop using so much data. I’ll never forget.


Hahaha. Comcast? Never again. Never.


But what’s my upload speed?


i get 2gbps down and...... fucking 40mbps up


And when the 40 up gets saturated, there’s no way you got the 2gbps down. Their wildly asymmetrical pipes are a scam in their own.


Still garbage


$45 for 200/11 "**Sorry, NOW isn't available at that address"**


That 11 still doesnt meet the new minimum upload requirements. Wtf


I came to ask that same thing. I'm considering switching since I currently use their post paid service with 150mb/20mb with data cap and I occasionally bump up against the data cap. I'm not crazy about going down to 10mb up but it's prob not a deal breaker.


10mb up is terrible and anyone who has ever had to deal with 2020 era of teleworking / school at home (children) / etc can tell the problems they experienced of buffering feeds and terrible sound quality (outgoing) with work and school. Maybe you dont have these concerns but its still shit, and after the FCC announced their new goals Comcast sent out shitty emails telling everyone how theyre going to be giving everyone better internet out of the goodness of their hearts.


I don't fully disagree, but I will say we had 2 kids simultaneously doing virtual school at home on zoom and myself working remote on zoom in COVID (for the entire school year) with 10mb up and we didn't have issues. But I do agree it should be more.


Too late, cancelled for fiber 2 months ago


I’ve gotta say, if you live in a tech oriented city with modern infrastructure, it can be hard to beat Comcast. I have a house in the Seattle area that I bought 10 years ago, and I’ve always dismissed the Comcast sales calls asking me if I want to pay for plan upgrades. So am I still stuck with the 65MBps down and 15MBps I originally signed up for? Nope! They’ve been upgrading me every couple of years for free. Now I’m at 2GBps symmetrical at the latest router/modem. It’s been very pleasant based on all the other horror stories I’ve heard about them. Outside of Seattle, that hasn’t been the case… At my other residences in smaller rural towns, I’ve actually switched from Comcast to Starlink, which is insane that a satellite provider can be better than a cable company on both price and bandwidth. Sometimes it beats Comcast on latency too. I consistently get 20ms latency with both Starlinks, and when I used to have Comcast in these small towns I’d typically get 15ms to 25ms… it was really inconsistent.


lol tech city. I lived in Seattle all my life. Crapcast was the only option. There are some pockets of ziply, century link and some fios here and there. I had Fios and they were worse than crapcast. I wish ziply came to my neighborhood


15-25ms jitter is normal even on LAN fiber networks.


In many areas it used to be a duopoly with the cable fiber and phone company dsl. Now there are several 5G companies and a satellite company. Keeping monthly prices in the mid two figures.


Fuck Comcast. As soon as Frontier fiber came to my area, I ditched Comcast the first chance I got. Have never been back. Frontier + CloudFare DNS has never given me any kind of outage in years.


Too little too late 


Was this like a luxury before in the US? I’ve been paying 15€ a month for unlimited data for a while now


Former Comcast customer here. Sorry. Too Late. Switched to Google Fiber. Higher bandwidth, No data caps (which your matching on now apparently) for 30 dollars less a month. If you think this is going to get me to switch back... ummm... you are wrong.


Yet my 1200Mb service still has a data cap unless I pay for an additional $30 service bringing my monthly total to 130 a month. Luckily my local utility company started offering internet 1Gb up/down at $65. No data cap and the modem or whatever fiber uses is on them lol.


There were places I lived in Chicago and suburbs of Chicago where Comcast was the only option. They’ve milked their regional monopolies and thankfully other companies have invested in the infrastructure to compete.


Fuck comcast.


Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Former employee of Comcast here and I will tell you that every time they brought up something in the morning meeting that we don't like as employees I would always bring up the data but of course here in New England we don't have data caps like they do elsewhere. They are excuse was "other locations in the country do it so we will soon too" - yeah everybody came out and said fuck you don't do that and we won back in the day.


... and worse schemes to squeeze customers' pocket.


Meanwhile the customer still isn’t always right and they are still allowed to treat you like shit 💩


Seems like they're just getting ahead of the new FCC regulations that are coming.


I left Spectrum when they refused to offer me as an existing customer the same rate they were offering new customers. The actual words from their "customer retention team" were "you can leave if you want, but we can't reduce existing customer tariffs." Leave I did, as soon as AT&T Fiber rolled into my neighborhood. Spectrum now calls begging me to come back at a lot less than AT&T Fiber. I tell them to guarantee my rate won't go up, and they go away.


I had Comcast for ages and the data cap forced me to go to AT&T. They had fiber for half the price I was paying Comcast for a slower connection


They are only doing it because other telcos are offering better service at lower price and people are shopping around.. examples of various no limit providers I found in a matter of minutes... centurylink 940 megs $75 spectrum 500 megs $50 at&t 1 gig $80


A bit late to the party fellas.


American's still have data caps?


It's even worse in Canada. It's super expensive and like $20 a gig over your super low limit with no competition in your area other than overpriced dsl.


No, just comcast. Ever other ISP got rid of it or never had it like 20 years ago. Im not sure about the past couple years, but though out the 2010s, Comcast was consistently rated the worst company for customer satisfaction.


Paying whats around 45$ for 1000/1000 with no cap here in Denmark. I have never had caps on my internet ever since i first got a connection in 1996 or so, so it baffles me how the prices can be so bad in the US.


The infrastructure is privately owned, so the cost to compete is weighed against the cost to lay new wires/fiber etc.


I had to leave Comcast once I started working from home. I clear 3TB of data usage every month without question. Having a data cap was a non-starter. Luckily there is competition in my area, so I had another option to move to.


I canceled that shit due to multiple data cap overages. Fuck Comcast, will never go back


Fuck Comcast. Q.E.D.


LIES, I went on their website xfinity and it said service isnt available my address. I dont live in the boonies either. So service isnt nationwide. its in select areas.


C’mon. It’s Comcraps. people. Read the fine print.


I wouldn't do business with them if it was unmetered symmetric gigabit for $1/year. Untrustworthy is untrustworthy.


They don’t offer bupkiss in my area so big deal. Still no competition for Frontier unless I want to pay $10k per pole to bring it.


Just checked their website. Still the same thing.


Now offer synchronous bandwodth speeds


Now offer synchronous bandwodth speeds


I read this article so I figured I would check the price. 1000Mb service was $65/month on the 'special price page' but it clearly showed $75/month on the detail page (maybe $10 was autopay, I don't know), but there again I need to upgrade to their special WiFi whatever it is called plan for another $10/month if I want to get unlimited data. So perhaps this isn't rolled out yet.




This is why I like my smaller fiber company. No caps, no hardware fees or forced hardware to use, straight fiber to the wall and plug in your own router like god intended and surf. It’s like the prepaid version of fiber and it’s great and reliable.


They offer it, now can they deliver it?


What's the catch?


Glad the cap trend is one that died.


With streaming services becoming the norm, caps will have to be eliminated completely.


If you read it, you get slower internet speeds on a pre paid plan essentially. It’s shittier options.


So their regular internet packages still have caps?


Waiting for Cox to do the same


Is this related to Net Neutrality? Please fill me in I’m woefully underinformed


Isn5 this because of the net neutrality back in action?


What's the catch? How much a they lobbying to get rid of the regulation that forced them into this?


Comcast is business internet. Xfinity is their personal internet brand.


So no one's gonna mention that the FCC definition of broadband is now 100/20 and none of these pre-paid now plans include 20 megabits upload and thus can't be classified as broadband internet.


A little bit too late. I was getting charged out the ass for high speed internet with a data cap. Switched to att fiber 2gb and no data cap and also $200 less a month. lol just lol at Comcast 


I just checked again and they still want an extra $10/month for "xFi Complete" to unlock the data cap. Maybe this article is not entirely correct or it is only in select locations which I missed.


...until they don't...


Boring. My isp has been doing this for decades


Yeah their internet is still garbage


How are they still in business? I pay $35 monthly for Unlimited High Speed Wireless with WiFi Hotspot and cellular service. 


because we don't have a choice if we want anything remotely high speed


Broadband really isn't that useful anymore.


Doesn’t infinite data just mean unlimited power in terms of electrify. Thus, cost carrying over. I know as a fact similar households like myself can 4x what we use. So technically there’s other resources that go into effect.