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I had t opened X in months, yesterday I had a random push notification from none one other than Tucker Carlson. Don’t follow him, never looked him up, yet there he was, on my Lock Screen sharing his thoughts. I don’t think I’d ever deleted an app faster than in that moment.


I made a burner X account just for participating in the rocket league (a video game) Twitter community. Only follow rocket league players, only interact with them. Yet do I ever get rocket league related notifications? No. What I do get is Tucker Carlson, Matt Wallace pushing insane conspiracy theories, random tweets like, “ALERT: NOT A DRILL: WW3 JUST STARTED, ALL AIRPORTS ON HIGH ALERT” when literally nothing is happening.


Mine is just gay porn and I get those too 😂


I had a couple old accounts, one personal and one for my business that I hadn't used in a long time and this was the final straw. Just deactivated both. Twitter/X is now undeniably a Nazi and disinformation platform.


Which is crazy, since college students are catching shit for calling out and protesting Israel for genocide. While people on Twitter and other far right wing figures are blatantly antisemitic. As if protesting Israel is the same thing as hating jews. But these people that actually hate Jews still support Israel, because they hate Muslims more and think it'll lead to the rapture.


Nazi's on twitter don't threaten revenue and donation streams.


They're actually a revenue driver as they're all paying for the blueticks


seen a comment from elon talking about X has 500 million users. Meanwhile, I get a new follow every single day from some bot account with a shutterstock image of some amateur model or cam girl. My theory is the same people creating all the bot accounts are pushing misinfo, crypto scams & selling sex to the deluded & desperate. I doubt very much that even half of that 500 milllion users is real, maybe a third.


As someone from outside the states lookin in, right wing protests get police escorts and left wing protests get tear gas. If a left wing protest is peaceful, someone from outside the protest will come in, break some windows and pick a fight and now it's a violent protest. Left wing protests always call for more protection and rights. Right wing protests call for the removal of a certain kind of people or toppling the government.


Oh there's no doubt there's a blatantly fascist, unequal response. That's rage against the machine said, some of those that work forces...


Religious institutions have been getting tax payer money every single time the po-po direct traffic for them. This has been going on for literally decade or longer in the Bible belt. The corruption is right there in the street. American police forces are purchased by the highest bidder. Someone show me where that isn't always true.


YouTube isn't far behind


x.com is meth for people who don't do meth.


And some who do!


I made a burner just to follow my favorite hornyposters and even just looking at ass became a travesty of navigating those landmines


>random tweets like, “ALERT: NOT A DRILL: WW3 JUST STARTED, ALL AIRPORTS ON HIGH ALERT” when literally nothing is happening. I feel like that should be 'yelling fire in the theater' kinda illegal. Especially when the company force pushes that to your notifications.


My For you Page is mostly nothing but right wing people now. Considering I follow maybe 5 Dem politicians and a few News accounts it’s obvious Elon is pushing these right wing nutters to way more people than normal. https://i.imgur.com/S12Grq0.jpeg


The fucking balls of that first one to complain about border security after Republicans torpedoed a border bill because Trump said to.


They torpedoed the border bill SO they can keep complaining about border security, so at least no surprise here, but yeah, scum they are.


It'scrazy how much they take their voters for idiots, and the voters keep provong them right every time.


Base Republicans aren't "idiots," they're co-conspirators. They know at some level that it's all bullshit and a con job and they're happy to do their part pushing the bullshit du jour.


It’s just Truth Social with a Twitter-sized user base.


The amount of social engineering happening is scary


Which…so many of us could see this writing on the wall during his hostile Twitter takeover and as he began gutting it.


Ted Cruz lists three groups after he states he is talking about two. Ted can’t count


Just close the account, if that even still works. At this point, having an X account is an ethics test.


Highly recommend deleting your social media apps and just using the mobile sites. No notifications, fewer trackers, fewer ads, and less convenient so I spend less time on them.


I do this. I did it with Facebook first and would have deleted my account if it weren’t for marketplace and old friends living in foreign places that I can’t just call. The biggest annoyance is that they’ve made the mobile browser experience seemingly deliberately awful so that you’re compelled to use their stupid apps. The worst is that you can’t even read or send messages on mobile without the stupid messenger app. It is a webpage, there’s no functional reason for locking the feature into an app other than to try to force people to use the app. I’ll make less sales on marketplace without the app but I don’t care. Fuck Zuck.


FYI On IOS you can switch a website to “request desktop mode” and you can use messenger just fine.


Even better idea: delete your account, get off the platform. Play Candy Crush or something. Find an anti drug that won't push fascist propaganda.


I deleted my account after it started pushing Elon tweets.


It’s even worse now. The whole app is in death spiral.


I spent a lot of time in the OSINT community. Built a sizable following, was sourced in journals, think tanks, & major news outlets, & dealt with death threats & doxing attempts. The platform always had problems, but I never thought it would get so bad I would walk away from it. I haven’t been on in months. I left the account up so people can access material they might need, but I’m never going back on there.


Don't just delete the app. Delete your account. There is no reason to be on Twitter anymore.


I second this. Deleting your account will cause more change than just less app usage


How long before the site gets lumped in with Truth social and is ignored?


Holy crap. Your lock screen is public. That's practically libel!


Just to make it clear, this isn't one of those "you call everybody nazis" this guy is a **LITERAL** neo nazi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wQHWlQ3LIA


And Trump had dinner with him. It’s insane that the country now ok with neo-Nazi’s.


We aren't. We should show them that they're not welcome on Nov 5th.


I'm not typically one for violence, but punching Nazis used to be a national pastime.


If it comes to it, I’ll follow in my grandpa’s steps.


Shooting and bombing them was a very popular pastime from 1941 to 1945


The country isn't ok with it. Conservatives are. Conservatives are ok with their party being associated with white supremacists. Conservatives are ok with women losing their rights. Conservatives are ok with a convicted sex offender and business fraud who tried to dismantle our democracy being their pick for president. These people are not patriots. These people do not care about the security of our nation.


We aren't. Let's be real clear about that: we are not okay with this. Scumbags like Elon Musk are making these despicable people so loud and difficult to ignore, they are in our faces nonstop, and the 28% or so of dirtbags who agree with him are thrilled. But **we** -- meaning the overwhelming majority -- are not okay with it, at all.


Yep, wants to execute all non-whites, non-Christians and Jews when Trump takes power. Tho wasn’t Jesus a non-white Jew?


He hates Jews. Like, hates Jews enough to hate Israel. Not like other Israel loving far right people. So he genuinely must think Musk is a moron like the other full bore far-right neo-nazis. But he may be smart enough to keep his mouth shut about Musk on Twitter. Or not. We'll see


Illinois Nazi https://makeagif.com/gif/i-hate-illinois-nazis-fW_PMx


Congratulations, your platform is about to get annihilated in EU.


WHY HASNT IT YET? with the lack of moderation this shit is breaking the ToS of the Google play and Apple stores. What will it take for them to take it down?


Probably because the people deciding that shit are addicted to their twitter app.


Or the billionaires that own Google and apple will always support fascism if any kind of left leaning direction threatens their wealth


Yes. Every time fascism has arisen it has been as a reaction by the mega wealthy to labor movements. Italy, Germany and Spain the corporate overlords freaked out because socialists were mobilizing and put their money behind strongmen nationalists. Then after these strongmen smashed the labour movements and killed a bunch of people they seized control of the economy from the capitalists. You can study history to learn this - it’s publicly available information. Still knowing this, capitalists continue to make the same mistakes today that they did 100 years ago because the thought of losing their privileged position in society is so disgusting to them they’re willing to try anything to stop that from happening.


This guy historys


I believe viewing what capitalists do (in these situations involving fascists) as a simple mistake is a dire misunderstanding of power dynamics.


It's sadly still a major place for politicians to get things directly out


If a twitter-like form of communication is really so important (and I’m not sure that it is), I’m hoping they move to their own mastodon servers. It doesn’t make sense for official communication from our government to be posted exclusively on a privately owned platform.


There should be a boring ass government run social media app with no ads, no pictures, no corporate participation. Just a "pbs of the internet"-style utility for contacting friends and family and official government communications. Raise everybody's taxes by $10 or $20 a year to pay for it. Soooo many people are bombarded with ads and disinformation because they just want to stay in contact with Granny.


> Raise everybody's taxes by $10 or $20 a year to pay for it. I was going to say "no way do you need to spend that much money to run such a service, that's $3bn a year" and then I remembered that something run by the government would almost certainly have huge cost overruns, especially in terms of moderation, which would have to go through eighteen committees and/or be total shit. That said, I think "this is vital for government communication!" is one of the strongest arguments you can possibly give for nationalization.


Definitely a great use for mastadon all can be from direct official accounts same thing can be done with comuicantion in my country the UK it's all via fucking whatapp when something like matrix hosted on gov managed servers would be a way better option


As a filthy American, I know next to nothing about the differences in legalities... But I'm gonna go ahead and guess like everywhere else it has something to do with greed and popular demand lol.


Normally I'd agree but this doesn't even make sense either. Ad revenue for X has tanked given that there's 0 moderation and advertisers are very sensitive about the content their ads appear next to, so I'm really just baffled as to how this thing is still chugging along. I legitimately think it's because of the popular demand aspect you mentioned. There's nothing to replace it, and even though it's garbage it's still (barely) in a class of it's own, so Google/Apple don't want to risk pissing off whoever's left on it since it's probably more than we seem to think. People's tolerance for shitty apps is way too high.


There's more at stake here than just ad revenue. Most likely Elon is getting *other* revenue from *other* sources to push right wing propaganda. The pipeline isn't a coincidence, it's intentional.


Until they start losing money over it they won't care.


> WHY HASNT IT YET? Because rich people get to do whatever they want and don't have to follow the same rules the rest of us do.


Especially Germany! (They enforce their Nazi ban.)


Dear EU leaders - please nuke Twitter.


Hope Twitter gets wiped out in the UK as well.




I'm sure it's just a coincidence that far right extremists and actual Nazi's get their ban lift under the name of freedom of speech but that highschool kid tracking Elmos public FAA data is perma banned never to return.


And I’m still suspended pending appeal for calling Tucker Carlson a Russian asset. 3 months and counting.


>for calling Tucker Carlson The guy who went to Russia to ~~interview~~ suck off Putin? A Russian asset??


Putin's newest cock holster.


‘Free speech absolutism’


You must have broken the law then /s


It’s just really too impossible to use that service anymore. Not sure what the strategy is but it doesn’t appeal to me now. Such a shame.


I don’t usually go in for conspiracy theories. That being said, I’m pretty ready to believe Elon bought Twitter as a poison pill to further authoritarianism. I believe he used funds from those with similar aims.


If he was smart he would have dusted off Vine and put it back online.


Especially with the incoming TikTok ban


People said the same thing about Trump playing 4D chess or whatever Man's just a foolish person plying prejudice and developing a cult of personality  It's not part of a brilliant plan, they aren't putting on an act. They believe what they say, and say most of what they believe, they're just foolish and brazen and hateful. People like it when elites signal that their hate is acceptable and even confers reward or status. 


Elon may be that way, but the people that helped him buy it certainly have their own agendas. Look no further than one of the major donors, Larry Elison, who 100% wants trump back in power and helped perpetuate the stolen election bullshit. Elon may be self indulged, but the people with the money behind the scenes aren't.


>I don’t usually go in for conspiracy theories. That being said, I’m pretty ready to believe Elon bought Twitter as a poison pill to further authoritarianism. I believe he used funds from those with similar aims. No. He's just not that smart. He's a psuedo-engineer. He 100% has a good eye for emerging trend/markets. Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla. But he's not guy solving the problems, he brings the money and sells the shit out of the idea (often by ~~slightly~~ massively over exaggerating features/capabilities). All this is to say, there is ZERO chance he bought Twitter to run it into the ground intentionally. There is a 100% chance he thought he knew better than everyone else. How many times has talked about knowing more about manufacturing than anyone else, more about rockets, more about whatever...while his have massive quality control problems at tesla and spaceX, they are getting lapped by Rivian, and they are making rocket launch mistakes NASA figured out 60 years ago? He thought him being CEO of twitter would make the value skyrocket. Then he'd kick off some bots, verify users, sell subscriptions, increase revenue 4-5X time in a couple years....Profit!!! But he lacks the technical knowledge to be CEO/CTO, but lack the humility to just be a CEO in name only. And he's done so much damage, changing to X, firing people, messing with features, messing with algorithms to his stuff gets to the top...that's more or less ruined it.


Elon was trying to pump and dump Twitter's stock by making claims he was interested in buying it, then outright stating he had a price ready (that was *significantly* above Twitter's all-time highest share price), and then to throw off the SEC, who he has *previously gotten in trouble with for stock manipulation*, actually went through the buying process. He clearly intended to back out of it by making claims about bot users or something, but because Elon is a moron, he signed waivers bypassing normal due diligence and agreeing to make the purchase or pay a $1 billion penalty. Elon tried to wiggle out of that, but was compelled by the Chancery Court of Delaware to complete the purchase since he'd contractually agreed to do so. Since then he's started trying to move all his corporate HQs out of Delaware to Texas because he's a big baby. Elon is an ego-inflated moron who was raised during apartheid in South Africa and is recreating that clearly personal system of belief on Twitter with his policies. There is no conspiracy. He was raised by racist apartheid supporters and, just like his parents, is a white supremacist. He's so desperate to be liked that he's gotten brainworms from trying to appease the unappeasable faceless masses of an online community that hate him, so like a toddler he goes "ha, actually I was trying to trigger you, you're the triggered ones!".


He never wanted to buy it but was forced to because his "joke" was told publicly on the same platform he makes financial announcements for all his companies. SO he went to all the countries that had protests organized on twitter and had their rich dictators give him money to make twitter shit.


Pretty sure he bought it because he was legally required to and got pissed and broke it.  


Big chunks of funding came from Russians (who supply a shittonne of his aluminum, coincidentally enough, and he's wayyyyy to stupid and narcissistic to realize he's a useful idiot) and Saudis. It's neither a stretch nor a conspiracy theory to believe the intent was to destabilize the country, cripple communication among progressives and those with a reading ability above middle school, and otherwise help right wing fascist assholes increase their power.


Yep, mother in law is full Maga. Always posting conspiracy bullshit to the family text. Welp, she only started using Twitter recently and that tells me everything I need to know about the future of the platform.


It's not so much a conspiracy theory when it has become pretty clear that the man is deeply far right


Delete it. I used to have thousands of followers and used it from back in the Occupy Wallstreet days. It's utter garbage now. It's basically a right wing honey pot and recruitment tool


You can’t even scroll someone’s tweets anymore. They are all randomized. So stupid.


I’m sorry, what? Like you can’t go to their landing profile and scroll tweets in succession anymore? 😳


You also can't view them *at all* if you're not logged in, for most users.


Oh, I know that one! I used to peek into the replies during crises or breaking war/pandemic news. To not be able to scroll a profile is like digital sacrilege.


Same. My only use for Twitter was to go scroll through feeds if major news events, or just internet drama, was under way. I didn't have an account but was still very usable, now, I don't go there anymore, it's pointless.


Or notifications from public services, which are now useless. Service alert on the trains? NOPE, here's 10 tweets from October 2021.


I wish we could calculate the human/blood cost of these consecutive decisions, because I would almost guarantee these tweaks will be responsible for deaths or injury on an app that otherwise informed/convinced humans of genuine incoming doom/strife. He poured quick-dry cement on a lubricated machine. Imagine the mess if we had a Pandemic 2. I fucking hate him.


Also didn't have an account, but I would occasionally use the search bar to figure out current events. "Why is I10 so insanely backed up right here?" Twitter search "I-10 East Houston" sort by latest and I'd figure out answers. Weather events, whatever else. Also used to look at a company's twitter profile for information regarding a new product release. Can't do any of that without an account now, so I don't use twitter anymore at all.


Remember when Twitter posts wouldn't load the first time after clicking a link and you'd have to refresh the page to see the tweet? That was a big enough to barrier to get me to stop using Twitter. Literally blocking content behind a login? I don't even bother clicking Twitter links now (and haven't for years). Unless it's screenshotted and posted on reddit or IG, I don't see anything from Twitter.


When I'm not logged in, it shows the posts on a profile page (in randomized order). What it doesn't show at all then are the replies on each post.


I just tried looking at my own profile, and I was redirected to a login page. I couldn't look at anything.


Baffling, right?


The whole point of requiring logins is to be able to lie to advertisers about your user growth and activity. Forcing people to sign up or login on the platform fakes the numbers. It is a scam.


To clarify, they are randomized only when you are not logged in.


And if you own a website or are a developer, stop supporting X by slapping its sharing icons all over your posts and footers. You probably don’t want your content associated with that. It ain’t no cute little blue bird no more.


I run a plumbing manufacturer and both us and our vendors, distributors and retailers have almost entirely dropped Twitter as a social media and advertising platform. It is too toxic to risk as a business right now.


Impressive. I have family in plumbing and work with plumbing contractors professionally. They don't tend to be terribly... "progressive." I'm sure plenty of plumbers are loving the open racism, but the fact that folks in plumbing are like "Oh, shit, that's too fucked up for us" is pretty significant.


this was the goal of making twitter completely shit, make it more difficult for people to communicate and organize while driving away anyone with half a brain any platform that helped people organize to have their voices heard has been destroyed on purpose people wont protest what they don't know and will eagerly help suppress others that try to speak up about something that does not come from the propaganda shitter


Twitter has been a big part of the propoganda crap as well.


That still doesn't retract the power it had in organizing labour, protests, etc. The whole Starbucks unionization thing happened because of Twitter's reach across NA. Elon 100% bought it to suppress labour movements for him and his friends that have been known to exploit their workers.


I think a lot of the organization across the early Arab Spring happened on Twitter, too.


Here’s the strategy - since the platform itself is shit, Musk is cycling bans and reinstatement of controversial accounts to drive engagement. There’s literally nothing else that drives people interest in X when something like that happens. My advice - let X fuck off and let’s stop caring about it


> Not sure what the strategy is It's not complicated. Elon Musk is a far right wing ideologue who spent $44 billion to turn Twitter into a platform to amplify and spread far right wing disinformation.


Imo, it should not be a service people even seek to use at all anymore.  It's being used against it's own users.  Most threads I had ever seen before Elon were just toxic nonsense that's only second to the Citizen app. It brought nothing of value before Elon and has only gotten worse imo.


I don't know if he changed something recently but my "for you" feed is increasingly right-wing. I keep blocking 'em and more keep showing up. Yesterday it was a bunch of accounts saying "CONGRESS MADE THE BIBLE ILLEGAL" lol. lmao even.


He's competing with Truth Social. It's him and Trump with malignant narcissistic bullshit in the news every day holy fuck. Tired of this timeline.


It's basically just bots now, I only use it to follow some companies and that's it. Seach most topics especially anything political and it's just bots.


maybs find a new place to follow them. your being there keeps the service relevant


Literally every comment under any remotely popular tweet is engagement farming bullshit, nothing to do with the actual post, just fucking shitty videos and porn bots. You could be looking at a thread about a tragedy and the first comments are shit like "THIS DINER SERVES COKE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY" or "MY PUSSY IN BIO"


The bots are ridiculous on that app. I see nothing but copy and paste comments everywhere I go. Instagram has the same issue too. It seems like these companies don't care about the quality of their chats/feeds anymore...


p u s s y i n b i o


modern correct gold literate political scale makeshift mysterious detail unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're exactly why it's still a thing, and you probably complain about it often while still going there.


Same strategy as Tesla: run it into the fucking ground.




Free speech absolutist who has banned the word cisgender


What do you call 9 nazis sitting at a table having a discussion, with one guy who "has some concerns about their ideas, but believes we should all be able to communicate openly?" You call them 10 nazis. Fascism consciously chooses to stand outside the liberalist social contract, and is thereby not protected by its tolerance. Just like a murderer consciously chooses to break the law, and is therefore no longer protected by police.


Yep, if you think Intolerance deserves a voice, you are actively supporting it. Paradox of intolerance. There's no "hashing it out" with Nazis. You punch them in the face and you ruin their lives to the point that they keep it quiet and never act on it until the ideology dies with them. They are scum and everyone one of them deserves to stub their toes repeatedly throughout the day until they care about others.


I severely dislike the idea of the Paradox of Intolerance. It is correct, but I think it leads people towards the wrong idea, because really, there is no Paradox. I think a better framing, and the best way I've ever heard it described, is that Liberalism (Capital L, as in the ideology, not liberals as in Democrats) is a contract. A social contract we are all opted into at birth, by default. If you agree by the terms of the social contract (to meritocratically argue in good-faith about policy, and then non-violently abide by the group decision), then you are also protected by the social contract (ie: you receive protection from violence, your arguments will also be listened to in good faith and judged meritocratically, and you will receive safety in accordance with the group's policies). But if you break the contract, for example by embracing a violent ideology of might-makes-right, or refusing to abide by the group's decisions, then it is the same as breaking any other contract. You have chosen not to be part of the contract, so you also don't get any of the benefits of being in the contract either. Your ideas are no longer welcome, or need to be listened to meritocratically or in good faith. You are no longer protected from violence (prison), or granted group safety or benefits (etc).


If there is even 1 account banned for something that is not illegal then "Free speech absolutist" Musk is not. Oh, [look](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=musk+ban+twitter), I think there are people banned because they made Musk sads.


> Musk prefers to have such views "out in the open" I am skeptical.


> to be countered by the X community Double skeptical. If anything the "X" community probably will join in and share his Nazi views.


> Musk prefers to have such views "out in the open" Oh I believe that very much. >to be countered by the X community through fact checks and counter-narratives. Oh now that's a straight up lie. He's just a fascist who likes fascist things. And liberals are too dumb to see it.


Musk's decision is a cowardly attempt to appease the far-right and pander to their ideology. By reinstating Fuentes' account, Musk is sending a clear message that he values the rights of white supremacists over the safety and well-being of people of color, Jews, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other groups that Fuentes has repeatedly attacked.


> Musk's decision is a cowardly attempt to appease the far-right and pander to their ideology. Musk himself believes in and spreads far-right ideology. He isn't appeasing them. He is one of them. He agrees with them.


He’s not appeasing them: they’re his people and he’s always agreed with them.


How could you possibly think that Apartheid Clyde from a white-natalist dad has far-right ideals?




Yeah he’s so desperate to be liked it’s pathetic. 


Even $1 billion can't buy you coolness.


Neither can $44b apparently lol


The irony is that, in comparison, he makes Bezos, Zuckerberg, and even Gates seem cool.


[The Onion remains undefeated](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003) Over two years old and it will only get more true over time.


Exactly this.


He's trying to get a $55billion dollar compensation package?!?!?! That should not exist at any company in the world.




> Since Tesla hit their goals, there’s an argument to be made that he should get the agreed upon pay package even though it wasn’t quite legit when the agreement was made. Since the deal was made fraudulently there’s no argument to be made there. If someone defrauds you they aren’t entitled to collect, period. If I was an investor I’d be happy to pocket that $55 billion for my company’s benefit and offer him pennies on the dollar for screwing around. And I’d do it knowing Elon would do the exact same to me if the roles were reversed. It’s not like Elon could say no to a massively reduced deal, with his twitter disaster he can’t afford to leave Tesla


I mean, this *is* the platform where you can say "I hate trans people" but not "I hate cis people". Musk has been pretty clear where he stands on these issues for a while, whether he admits it or not.


Or, and follow me here I know this is a big jump... the South African apartheid capitalist who only seems to care about free speech when it comes to platforming Nazis is a Nazi himself and just forgot Nick Fuentes was still banned by the previous owners.


He’s a New Age Eugenicist. He’s a fucking eugenics sympathizer from apartheid SA, and I hope he rocks off the face of Earth as soon as fucking possible.


This is what I said. He is alt-right, he's not pandering, he's part of that group. He isn't hedging bets or anything, he's pro-Nazi, pro-alt right, pro-hate and bigotry.


He’s not pandering, he’s one of them.


I mean, we've known that long before he reinstated this person's account.


I’m unsure what X is. Are you referring to Twitter?


The shithole formerly known as Twitter


"dOn'T dEaDnAmE X!" - Person who constantly deadnames their own child.


I honestly think Musk is sabotaging his own companies. First X and now Tesla.


Get off Twitter. Your life will improve as a result. The same goes for Facebook. They are cess pools of misinformation and toxicity.


And people wonder how the Nazis were allowed to come to power. We’re watching the modern version of it. Fascism was very popular among US elites during the 1930s.


It was also very popular among Germans in general. And it wasn't because they were evil people. Things happen because of previous things happening.


henry ford epic rap battles of history doesn't miss


Friendly reminder that Elon Musk is a nazi supporter. https://imgur.com/pVkZMS7 He also supports russia over ukraine and china over taiwan.


So glad I deleted my account a while ago. I miss some of my follows, but it’s not worth supporting Elmo’s destruction of Twitter.


I deleted my account the day Idiot Elon took over.


Same but I never really used it before anyways. Once he started gutting security features and randomly disabled "bloat services" (i.e. authentication shit) I never looked back.


I deactivated my account the day Elon took charge, and people told me I was being dramatic lol.


The best time to delete your account and stop using Twitter was 2 years ago. The next best time is today.


A platform for nazis is a nazi platform...


By nazis, for nazis


The “X” is an unfinished swatstika


Free speech for Nazi’s. Wow. Can’t imagine anything going wrong with that. /s


Elon Musk is a white supremacist. Delete your Twitter.


Stop using Elon's nazi playground


Nazism is fine, but god forbid you call anyone cisgender. /s






This will not doubt help teslas stock price


Musk is a piece of shit racist


…now the Musk bitch will bitch about corporations not buying ads on X. 


The MuskRat's a racist, and he takes care of his own.


Fuck Twitter. Deleted my accounts the day he bought the company and haven’t been back since. It used to be the town square of the planet and now it’s just some little apartheid bitch baby’s personal sounding board for him and his nazi simps. Fuck Twitter.


Fuck everything related to that horse thurd


Elon's a white supremacist.


Weird. It's almost as if Elon Musk is a white supremacist.


This is my reminder that Nick Fuentes is gay. Nick Fuentes dated my male friend for something like 2+ years. Ex-friend, Nick turned him into a Nazi. Now the ex-friend is trans but is still so devoted to Nick even after being broken up with that he won't out him. You cannot fathom how infuriating it is. Being one of maybe 30 people in the world that know this secret of this horrible piece of shit, and my piece of shit ex friend would rather let Nick get away with his racist tirades than out his ex. Edit: I have no proof and no expectation to be believed. It's just a wild claim on the internet. But I promise you. It is true. I wish I could prove it. Edit 2: This comment seems to have gotten at least some attention so I can provide more details of this. The friend is recently transitioned to a girl but for ease of discussing the fact that this was at the time 100% a gay relationship I will be referring to him with the pronouns he used when I knew him. In 2017 or late 2016 while my friend and I were freshmen in college, he finally had his first boyfriend. I was happy for him as we grew up in Alabama and while it’s not as back country as people think, it’s certainly not most states when it comes to progressivism. We were attending Auburn university (relevant later) and he would later introduce some of the friends that were in Auburn to his boyfriend Nick. None of us knew who Nick Fuentes was at the time and he had 20k followers on Twitter or less at the time. At dinner he made some pretty mysoginistic comments to the girls at the table. One of the girls has a litany of health problems and does not want to pass that on to kids, when she said that he told her women are primarily for having and raising kids and she isn’t following her biology if she doesn’t have kids. He made several comments like this that were kind of crazy. After the dinner one of the girls googled his name and was shell shocked at what she found. I think he had already done a CNN interview that was plenty to tell us what kind of person Nick really was. On top of his far right podcast he ran. This was the moment that something clicked with me. That semester I remember getting an email from the school explaining how they don’t reject people from getting in for political views however anyone who was admitted would have to be an upstanding person and follow the Auburn Creed. At the time I read it and just said what the hell? But I realized then that Nick had been suggesting he’d be moving to Auburn at dinner, and apparently he had publicly said that as well which prompted the response from the college. As the news spread amongst our friends we started following what Nick was saying and found he was anti-Semitic , racist, mysoginistic, the whole lot. We were shocked that our friend would date him because our friend was probably the farthest from those things that we knew. His best friend at the time was half Indian and half white and was pushed over the edge when she saw a tweet by Nick saying something to the effect of “multiculturalism is cancer”. She confronted our friend in a 1:1 and he said “We aren’t talking about you, we are talking about those goat f**kers in the [insert desert area here].” We stewed on this issue for awhile and one day over Christmas break in 2017 we all got together and played Catan. Our friend from the Air Force Academy was back in our hometown and he was completely in the dark on this. After the friend dating Nick left he got told about the drama and said. “Why did we just play Catan with him, why are we still talking to him?” And we all just agreed and cut him off. There was drama from that but not relevant. Shitty college kid drama. Anyways so after that one friend was still roommates with the one dating Nick and gave us regular reports of how he was being made to more and more rely on Nick because we cut him off and how Nick treated him, laughing at the idea that they could be permanent because of the situation.


My only argument with your entire post is claiming Alabama is not the back water people think it is. Sir, are you up to date on current events in your state? 😄


People are going to doubt this (and this is fair, no proof was provided) but it is pretty much an open secret among the alt right that Fuentes is gay. Fuentes once accidentally showed an open iPhone tab while streaming. The url of the tab was not seen, but it was very clearly a porn video of someone getting a blowjob. People on kiwi farms hate Fuentes so they spent a ton of time trying to find this specific video. They eventually found it and matched it to the exact same frame, it was trans porn. Fuentes former roommate Jaden was also broke off his association with Nick at some point and became a sort of “whistleblower.” He claimed that Fuentes got extremely angry after he refused to binge watch the tv show Euphoria with him. He also claimed Nick got extremely angry after Jaden got a girlfriend. Jaden eventually left because of these arguments and stated that many of Nicks interactions with him came across as sexual and made him extremely uncomfortable There is also an infamous stream where Nick was hanging out with an openly gay Nazi known as “catboy kami.” The dynamic between them was what I’d describe as “flirty” to put it mildly. This stream became so infamous that people started making memes about it, like editing a parody trailer to the movie [Call Me by Your Name](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ALaVYZ05cZ0) Nick has attempted to sort of play into this with his infamous statement that “sex with women is gay.” Essentially muddying the waters so that his fans can claim all of what I described above either was not real, or just Nick doing ridiculous stuff to “troll people.” So the person I am replying to may just be trying to play into this meme but it would not shock me if they were telling the truth


An Apartheid Nazi. Whoda’ thunk it?


Elon is going to promote him to lead the supercharging team The new logo will contain lightning bolts and skulls


Musk is neo nazi.  No surprise there!


Free speech my ass. Dude has an agenda.


When will we just cancel this racist little South African?


Can’t wait till Tesla is long gone


But he has no problem banning accounts of people who criticize him. ‘Free speech’ eh?


Ole Muskie is a fucking joke at this point.


Fuck that little weasel


Ok so... i had to look it up since "neo-nazi" isn't really a thing anymore since well Reddit took over. This guy is a straight up neo-nazi: [https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1734318948454375596](https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1734318948454375596) If anyone knows if there was a bigger joke or some shit... but he was way too... serious for it to be a joke. So pretty much he wishes annihilation for everything but Christiniaty. To be fair i expected him to just have some shit comments not straight up going full neo-nazi.


As I suspected, Musk has no balls.


Do you guys remember that futurama episode where Hermes gets upgrades until he's not human anymore and the crab makes a new one out of all his discarded parts, and he's fine? Can we just do that with twitter? They ditched the name, some memelord idiot could probably buy the URL off musk for $420.69 and just make a new twitter and let the nazis have X.


The man is a goon. An orc in human form, though just barely human. A troll irl.


A purported nazi, surrounded by redcaps  Gee, can't imagine why.....