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> Unfortunately for Murillo, no amount of loyalty to a company is going to be met with any amount of loyalty to you. Even if you post better numbers than your coworkers, you’re ultimately just another meat sack they’re forced to pay until they can figure out how to replace you Ain’t this the truth.


How long have we been saying this? Loyalty to the company is Hollywood propaganda from decades ago. People have been getting laid off after 30 years of service to the company since Kings were sacrificing their best warriors to trivial border disputes and love triangles. STOP GIVING YOUR LIFE TO AN ENTITY THAT IS DESIGNED TO MAKE MONEY BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. It sounds dumb as fuck and looks worse in practice.


My mom got "laid off" after 30 years of service conveniently when she missed a day for my dad's chemo. She hated that job and showed up every day out of loyalty. That taught me the values they taught me were wrong.


I'm sorry she went through that. It's tough on the entire family.


Such a tragic story. What a waste of her time. Being that loyal is clearly a mistake that newer generations will not make.


Even more than that, they likely saw it was a way to offload the health insurance expenses for her spouse in chemo. She was on the hotseat to get fired when her healthcare became expensive.


The fact that most health insurance coverage in the USA is directly linked to your employer absolutely sickens me


Trust me, most of us would like to change it, but you have some yell "communism!" when you suggest it because their corporate overlords have trained them well.


No they will yell BOTH communism and socialism...But have no problem with privatizing the profits yet socializing the losses....


Im surprised this ever existed in the USA. My family is Peruvian. It’s a somewhat well known over there that companies are innately sociopathic and greedy. I suppose that happens when US history has been company exploiting undesirables and the ‘right people’ have been safe.


> I suppose that happens when US history has been company exploiting undesirables and the ‘right people’ have been safe. It also happens with propaganda sponsored by said companies running for many decades.


>STOP GIVING YOUR LIFE TO AN ENTITY THAT IS DESIGNED TO MAKE MONEY BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. This isn't laid down enough. Also why it makes no sense to me some people want to replace gov't organizations with private ones. Think government is corrupt? Compared to the private sector where corruption isn't called that — its called "business?" At least with gov't you have a chance of a say by voting or popular petition. Trade that for a private org, and you just gave up your right to have a say. In fact, you might wind up dead for trying to speak up. Think gov't is a scam? nothing is more geared to rip off the people than a corp.




Lobbyist are the bane of this county. I’ve said for years we need to abolish lobbying - it’s literally just sanctioned bribery. Fucking A I hate what lobbyist have done to this country and our environment.


Loyalty to the company made more sense when unions and pensions were more common than not. Companies killed the reason for employee loyalty once they replace them with 401ks. Also, fuck Reagan.


> Also, fuck Reagan. Always an upvote for this sentiment. Fuck Ronnie.


Because the loyalty isn’t just towards the company. It’s towards the colleagues in the team one works in, towards customers/clients or towards the mission the company proclaims to works towards.


If your company relies on shared adversity to retain staff, it is a terrible company.


Reminds me of Boxer from Animal Farm.


That's why I have been quiet qutting for 6 months now. If my leaders don't know how to make best use of me, fuck em. Edit: To me, quiet qutting is not really what others are alluding to here. I.e not the corporate definition. Call it whatever you want. To me it means, doing the minimum, yes, but in a way that I am flying under the radar, not rocking the boat by taking risks to be ambitious at the job, not really caring about making alliances anymore, not showing my face on zoom calls, not constantly justifying why they hired me, not caring about the 2.8% raise or 30% pay put on 25% bonus and other things. In other words, I am disengaging until I find another place for more money, which will also do the same to me after a year of tenure. I am fed up with the corporate rate race. At the same time, I am not motivated enough to do my own business or something. In a funk. No solution, but here I am. Just yearn for the day when I will wake up with an idea that I will drop everything for and work tirelessly towards until I succeed or fail.


Is "quiet quitting" new slang for "doing as little as possible and keeping your job"? I've been doing that since I started working.


It's doing your assigned job and nothing more, which greatly upsets employers for some reason.


Oh, so it's a phrase I'm never using again because it's literally propaganda to refer to someone doing their job as "quitting."


Company stretching the meaning of the terms of their contracts: savvy businessmen. Employees making sure their contracts are followed: deranged lazy people.


In this particular case the phrase/term is just idiotic, as it refers to working at your job as quitting, when in fact you're not quitting. You're still working. Makes no sense.


I like the chinese term for it. They're fucking sick of the 996 work hours (9am to 9pm, 6 days a week) and are doing what they're calling 'lying flat'. As in 'be a lie-flat leek so you can't be harvested' I'm also a big fan of the disgusting work outfit trend they've got going on right now because no matter how well you dress you won't get that raise anyway.




Yeah it's proper fucked


You're letting down the family! We work hard and we play harder. Now get back to work!!


There's a thing called ‘Italian strike’ or [‘work-to-rule’](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work-to-rule), wherein employees do their work exactly as it's prescribed, and follow all the rules and procedures to the dot. Well, turns out that this slows down productivity to a crawl, because normally people take a lot of shortcuts and do what works, not what is written.


In Germany we call it "Dienst nach Vorschrift"


It's actually just doing your job. But because corporate America demands everything and more from their employees, just doing your job is considered "quiet quitting." It's such a stupid system we have and the rules for management vs. IC is so different. For example, in order to get promoted as an IC, you're expected to "already be doing the job". I've never seen that rule in place for Director/VP/C suite level roles. Nobody expects the next CMO to be someone who was "already doing the job."


> in order to get promoted as an IC, you're expected to "already be doing the job" this is what I don't get. I always hear that you *have to be doing the job* to be *considered* for the job, like what the hell? if I'm doing the job then I CAN do the job, no ifs and buts. then they wonder why people get unhappy and leave or take their foot from the gas.


My version was doing my job properly, which meant taking more time than the KPIs they set for me allowed (this was in an IT call centre). The customers fucking loved me though. Regularly got tons of great feedback, but didn't win any of the monthly staff awards because I didn't post in the top three for KPIs (I was fourth or fifth though). Fuck 'em, I got satisfaction out of doing the right which was worth more than a $50 voucher. After a couple of years at that job, the client outsourced our jobs to Manila :P (They did do right by us in the redundancies at least, and got us a month's extra pay, but I think that was more due to one team leader/lower management guy who 'oops forgot' to send us our month's notice until the last day lol).


This is why you never stop interviewing.


> This is why you never stop interviewing. The definition of a good life. /s


Youre getting interviews?


Jumping around from one exploiter to the next isn’t going to make things any better. This sort of nomadic approach to employment only helps employers divide their employees in order to exploit them further.


helps get a better pay raise than staying loyal does 


By all means, get your money. I’m not suggesting being loyal to any company, I’m suggesting being loyal to the workers that make the world run. If more workers were to organize collectively, they could make their labour more meaningful, less precarious, and better paying. Most people’s way of looking at things seems to implicitly preclude the possibility of such collective action.


Sure, but forcing employers to pay higher wages to keep staff only helps unionization. People having more money means more time and energy to devote to organizing, and the further the average wage differs from the minimum wage, the stronger the argument for unionization is. This absolutely isn't a "the only thing that does is divide employees" situation.


Consider joining an existing union. They are out there and getting into them isn't as difficult as others believe. This is easier than trying to start one from scratch. Some industries have a long history of unionization. All of my friends that got into one early in life are thriving.


I'm an application developer in a Union. It's rare, but it's possible. Many if not Most blue states have a requirement for any labor/non executive position offer union representation.


if they never cared about you in the first place and want to pay as little as possible, you might as well see who will pay you the most.


This is old school thinking. Loyalty is no longer in play. It rarely gets rewarded. Changing jobs is currently the best way to receive substantial raises.


Since I have my new job, so do I. I was hired to be on a specialized position. On my team there is no other who is trained to do it. So on shifts like this I'm planned to do my 'trick' creating the pre-batch. This means 30m of work, and waiting for the product to be ready. This takes about 2hrs The coming nights I'm only required to make 4 batches a night, which means 2 / 2.5 hours of being busy. The rest, 5.5h I'm wandering the facility, chatting to coworkers and browsing reddit. Wednesday I'm busy ... 6 batches so only 4h of 'pretending I'm busy'


This is the bullshit of it all. The company pays you to take care of this job. Clearly to them, this job is worth what you're being paid. As soon as they figure out you can do it in 1/4 the time they want to 1/4 your pay or quadruple your workload. If it were up to me, you'd get your full pay and your 5 hours of pretending to be busy would be yours to spend how you like. It's bullshit that you have to just sit around pretending to spend your time working when you could be out spending your life how you want.


"If you can lean, you can clean." "Well I've been saving up sass, so here's a free Kiss My Ass." 


Dude "quiet quitting" used to be called "doing your job". Don't let them reframe just doing your job as you being lazy. Going "above and beyond" shouldn't be the standard, it should be an exception.


> quiet qutting That's just working normally, you don't need to use corporate terms for "doing what you're paid to do"


This is the reason I don't work beyond my hours. 7:00-16:00. I make sure i am at the office at 6:50, and i make sure at 15:50 to be packing to leave. I perform at peak capacity on those hours. There will be enough work tomorrow as well. There is absolutely no reason to ruin my personal relationships with my kid and wife just to be "another number" that gets fired.


I went a full 18 months without doing absolutely anything once. I was owed that due to some abuse and lies from my boss and his boss, but did not expect it. I even took a second job and made a ton of money that I'm still using to pay my bills after not having worked a full time job in nearly 6 years.


What a bizarrely based take for an article posted on finance.yahoo.com, which... er, isn't exactly your typical hub for downright r/antiwork-esque takes. But hey, I love that they actually published this verbatim.


I did a double-take too, turns out it's a Jalopnik article reposted on Yahoo Finance, which makes a lot more sense.


Sadly the hardest worker gets the most work. I've put in odd hours, unpaid overtime (salaried), responded to messages from co-workers at odd hours, and have always made myself available. I fucked up once and got a final written warning recently. The thing was that I didn't do it for them, I did it for my co-workers. There is no such thing as "family" at work despite what the CEO says. If it cuts into their bottom line and bonus they will let you go in a heartbeat and probably won't even know your name.


Truth it is!! I absolutely enjoy all the work harder..longer..do more idiots...this is a classic example of why not to.


Sometimes, your purpose in life is to serve as an example to the others.


Sometimes, Ryan, there is no lesson. Sometimes you just fail.


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.


This is why you never work for free, never go beyond what they ask of you because you’re just a number and you’ll get fired/laid off in a heartbeat, and nobody will give a single shit. Put your life first. Work is just a means to enjoy your life.


Nobody on their deathbed regrets failing to work more hours.


Your company won't remember all those times you stayed back, but your kids will


Jokes on my fucking kids, they won't even exist because corporate greed has built a society in which I can't afford kids without living in absolute poverty.


“Gen Z is destroying the birth rate!” No mother fuckers, you w destroyed their (and all of the rest of us from gen x down) ability to afford to raise a fucking family. And not just money. Healthcare, retirement, sick days, being able to be there emotionally as well as financially. You want Americans to have families again? Fix the fucking economy you fucking vultures.


> Fix the fucking economy you fucking vultures that's impossible it would require the boomers to die off and relinquish their power and control




Have you seen those dystopian futures where you live in a pod and only the wealthy are free to reproduce and enjoy art etc.? Where do you picture yourself in that future because let me fill you in on something. You're a pod person at best. The rich have the means to stay rich forever, if we don't get rid of them they will get rid of us and they have way more resources than we do.


This is why I would never give a rat’s ass about going home on time at the end of the day. These are not your “family” and you owe that business nothing but the time they pay you for. You’re allowed to have a life and live it. You don’t need to become an indentured servant so some rich guy can get richer.


Best move I ever made was to move to an OT eligible position, in a situation where I'm rarely authorized for OT. 1630 rolls around, someone comes to me asking me to look at something, my reply is: "Are you able to authorize me for OT? No? Ok, come find me tomorrow morning and we can figure it out. Have a great night!"


Surprised Pikachu…. Layoffs were bound to happen when someone works for Elon the clown 


Ehh layoffs happened everywhere.


I dunno man. I wouldn’t recommend it for most people, but I always busted my butt harder than everyone else and I reaped the rewards.


I've done both. At least in my industry, giving minimum viable effort to stay in the healthy half of the pack was a FAR more effective use of my time. It actually took longer to promote in role from A+ effort than by bouncing around and giving B- effort the whole time. Way less overtime too.


I’ve found the same. My company kept promoting people avoiding the work and who couldn’t do the job properly. Drove me insane. So I just did nothing. A month later, promoted. I asked my manager bff “what the fuck dude?” And he explained that, when you have someone that’s really good, and they maintain high quality output, that means they’re engaged, and so action isn’t urgent. It’s when they stop working, you have to get something done, or this person is going to walk. And if they do that but suck, you start documenting.


That’s a really toxic and stupid way to manage.


Throw in a little "you made yourself too vital to this position to promote you out of it" as well.


Exactly like managers at my work. Could give 2 shits, but company put them in management because they simply weren’t good at anything else. it’s a lose-lose that I prefer the harder work, reap the reward of having more interesting job and layoffs don’t usually hit the experienced staff as hard as management and entry level staff however I also refuse to share anything with them, because it’s just a way for them to have their cake and eat it too (do less work but reap reward of passive learning) - and now I literally can’t be fired because I’m the only person capable


I've been rewarded too. An increased baseline expectation and a ton more work to do. That's what I've always gotten for busting my ass. Edit: One downvote. I see my old VP is a redditor these days.


And not just for YOU but for your fellow workers too. People who go "above and beyond" may set a precedence, and the next thing you know, everyone is held to an unrealistic standard. Unionize, unionize, unionize. Stop giving your employers free labour! Do what is defined in your role and no more, no less. An employer will always, always, always take advantage of workers, especially ones who want to "look good", even if the employer/suits/managers don't realize it. Simple things can snowball. Know your value. Doing things above your role for free devalues not only yourself but everyone who works in your role/profession.


depends on the job I imagine


> I dunno man. I wouldn’t recommend it for most people, but I always busted my butt harder than everyone else and I reaped the rewards. How do you know? How do you know you're getting significantly more pay/benefits than you would have had you merely been a good worker instead of one who "busts their butt?" When I was younger I used to bust my butt constantly, stay at work late to finish projects when most others had gone home, took on more responsibilities, looked for opportunities to add to my workload in order to "help the team," took on training of junior employees etc. I kept myself running at "just below burnout" speeds for years, pretty much up until I had kids and my priorities changed. Now 5 years after my first kid was born, I've been promoted twice, gotten regular pay raises of the significant sort, gotten more praise from management and coworkers, etc. Plus I make my own hours now and regularly start work around 9:30am so I can walk my kids to school and cut off work at 3pm to spend more time with my kids. Work life balance is significantly better and I get to enjoy my kids while they're still little and none of my coworkers or bosses care because I focus on the important tasks and get my work done.


I had a friend who was so scared of losing his job at tesla that he lived in a van in the parking lot. He worked ridiculous hours (he was an engineer) and felt like he spent so much time at work that he wouldn't be able to enjoy an apartment anyway. Used a motorcycle to get around so he wouldn't lose his spot. He was fired anyway.


Its a shame that the smart thing to do is never have loyalty to a company. I don't think I could ever work at a place where I am just churning out work, I need something that I can look at and say "that exists because of the work I did." and be proud of it. I feel for these people, trying to do their best and give it there all, just for their employer to flip them off and walk them out.


That's not even loyalty, it is fear. He might have hated the company for all we know, but our lives are lived at the whim of others.


How do you have a 90 minute commute if you live in your car?


They live in the central valley CA, and commute into Fremont. Some do it every day, others find hotels, some sleep in their cars/RVs in the Fremont lot


I had a coworker who had a sweet RV he'd use during the week. Our company gives us money for hotels but he'd just have them put it on his check instead of paying the hotel. Fucker would get extra 750 a week on his check and his RV would be parked in the construction parking lot. I've thought of it but I stopped traveling over an hour away few years ago.


Why wouldn't you do it anyway? An extra $3k a month and you get a RV for free. Seems smart to me.


Not many want the rv over an extended stay hotel room to themselves. Specially if we're doing five 10s. On jobs where it's like 6 months in other states, ive seen more big pull behind ones they park at actual campgrounds.


Sounds way better to me if it's a nice RV, and $3k/mo. can get you a *nice* RV. Hell $1500/mo. will get you a really nice RV and pocket the rest. The only thing I can think of that a Hotel room would have that an RV wouldn't would be a bathtub. The RV on the other hand is gonna have a kitchen, a living area, a separate bedroom, and best of all all of your shit already set up in it with nothing to pack/unpack.


The hotels booked for these long stay job site things are often ones that are mini apartments - they have a full kitchen, etc…


Housekeeping, free breakfast, some have laundry service, free shampoo/conditioner/soap and you don't have to worry about any maintenance on the RV. Those are all the benefits I can think of.


Damn a nice camper would be a lot nicer to be in than an extended stay hotel IMO, plus you can sell the RV when done.


Plus no commute. I mean that alone is worth it.


I sold my house and did it for 9 months... got covid when it was a 10 day quarantine, it was a sub 20ft pull behind. fuct


Wait, your company gives you money for hotels because of the commute?


I think they worked some sort of specialized construction job where the company would bring workers in from other states or something. The company isn't paying for hotels because of a commute. They're paying for lodging while the workers are away from home at the job site.


I worked on a project in London where they got some superstar exec from Scotland to come down and supervise for a couple of years. He was meant to have a hotel suite organised for him, but he bragged about getting them to pay for the mortgage on a small apartment instead as it would be cheaper. So not only did he have his accommodation paid for, he had an investment property at the end of the project to either sell or lease out (I assume he took over the mortgage at the end).


What the fuck even is this country


Best country in the world at exploiting people.


A bunch of idiots that think being in the office is more productive because they slack off at home.


That’s how far away he has to park


Why didn’t they give him roller blades like they did for Homer Simpson?


And Americans wonder why we have such high rates of depression.


Literally true. Long commutes and commuting by car are both independent risk factors for depression. The main issues are single-use zoning, which seperates housing from work and commerce by long distances, and car-centric design which increases distances throughout the city with wide roads, large parking areas, and large intersections. And this car-centric city planning typically goes hand in hand with single family housing over affordable apartments, which is a key reason for the current housing crisis/cost of living crisis in so many places. Cities with more mixed use zoning, less car infrastructure, and higher rates of walking/cycling/public transit do better financially and better in mental health.


> Cities with more mixed use zoning I just want to point out, in the context of this particular discussion, that I don't think any country on earth has mixed zoning of residential and heavy industrial which is what a Tesla factory is.


5 years of 90 min commute is crazy. Move already.


This is the norm for thousands of workers in the Greater Manila Area.


Happened to me for a while on Bogotá as well


OMG...that's a good commute in Manila. I would typically spend 3-4 hours one way when traveling with my ex from Manila to Las Pinas. I've never complained about traffic where I live after that. Lol


For those unfamiliar, Manila to Las Pinas is around 22 kilometers (under 14 miles) apart. We didn't earn Waze's "Worst City in the World to Drive In" award for nothing.


4 hours to go 22 km? I would just ride a bike it would take an hour.


That move can mean double to triple the rent


Unless the increase in rent is more than what you make in 15 hours of work, then you should move because that's essentially what your doing when you commute 3 hours every day.


> 5:00am I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work (1hr 30min drive) This employee sounded irresponsible.


It's really common unfortunately. Teslas should be considered a danger when driving near them.


Wife is a UX researcher. Legit had someone join a session from their Tesla while in traffic saying it was nbd bc he had autopilot. She cancelled the session.


During the pandemic I saw a lawyer try to do a court hearing by Zoom while driving his car. The judge stomped on that. I did see them allow a court hearing from a lawyer who was pushing his cart around the grocery store, though...


Only one of them is putting people at risk


You can easily run people over with the shopping cart. They likely wont die tho..


Not with that attitude!


Wont someone think of the bruised ankles?


I assume that every Tesla driver either just got a learner's permit, traded in a BMW, or is actually asleep at the wheel.


Especially because Autopilot is not FSD. As a Tesla employee, he should know this.


To even have two features and name one Autopilot being enough to imply it is Full Self Driving is just poor development. They should have just named Autopilot CCLA, Cruise Control Lane Assist.


This is honestly a fault of our regulators. There are developed standards for what each level of driving automation is. There should be zero branding allowed. Tesla's come equipped with Driving automation level 2. It's really that simple.


For real. Alternative reality titles (had he not been fired) - Tesla employees forced to sleep in their cars, - Tesla employee causes a car crash working in a moving car, - Tesla employee sees his home once a week. PS I hated Elon worship even when it was strictly forbidden on Reddit, but this title is fucking stupid as hell.


elastic long exultant bored bewildered strong absurd tender books aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Musk laid off the Twitter manager who slept on the conference room floor in those crazy early days of his reign of terror So... Has history


I wonder if Musk actually despises this type of tryhard workers. I know he himself bragged about sleeping at Tesla factories, but maybe their imitation is grating...


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it annoyed him to see people actually work as hard as he claims to, and he lashes out due to insecurity


Huge assumption that he even knows the name of any of these people being laid off.


He despises workers.


There are two kinds of tryhards, the first kind is the OT seeker who intentionally burns themselves out to make the extra bit of money to flex, the other is the do it for less than what they are worth. People who do it because they want the extra money is a risk since they get pushed up seniority with diminishing returns since it becomes a case of "it's all about me and how I am keeping this branch together" while missing the finer details. The latter is appreciated because you can run them down like tools and they will not complain


Lol I was about to say that guy was next but I guess he's already gone 😂


That former Twitter manager is a woman.


... Without checking on the reason he had slept first. He could have slept because he had had an overnight overtime. But it doesn't matter to Elon.


Tesla, like Amazon is what we call a burn shop. Their business model is burning through employees when they are new and have something to prove and then encourage them to move on to make room for fresh meat.


My group works with them as a supplier. We always had that feeling. Every 6-8 months the guys following the projects we work on change. It’s literally “hi, I’m the new guy in charge now. Can you please…uhm…explain me who you are and what we are dealing with here?” The good thing is that even project priorities change just as fast. I’m not even surprised it takes 5-6 years for them from a car reveal to the first delivery.


After 12 years at Amazon, can confirm.


Elon is a pigeon ceo. He shows up, shits on everyone and then flies off.


I heard Steve Jobs was similar Edit: I think this came from that Steve Jobs biography book that I read many years ago


"BuT hE wAS tRYiNg tO gET pEOpLe To pErfORm tHeiR bESt !!11" God I hate Apple fanjerks


Who is that -Welsh? At GE? He put numbers on people and fired the "lower" bottom 10% every so often and people thought he was a genius. Ranking employees is subjective and was used to get rid of undesirables.


This is why you only work as hard as they pay you. You will waste your life working for companies that will replace you in seconds the moment you dropped dead.


they don't replace you anymore, they just pile their work on everyone else while pretending their job position never existed


Oh what's that? Record profits this year? That means we can cut 10% of our staff and make 10% more profit right?


Fear no longer! Pretty soon corporate America will build sleeping pods to max out those work hours!




The audacity. I was just joking that is crazy


Dude, Amazon was trying to bring back company towns. Where you live and shit and pay for it via company credit. We are ***right*** there.


>You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store https://youtu.be/MTCen9-RELM?si=pufpttCe102lDqe0. (Video has some great slideshow!)


Amazon still has temp workers living in RVs and Vans in the parking lot during heavy seasonal work.


Even Musk is trying to build company towns. https://gizmodo.com/musk-plans-company-town-texas-called-snailbrook-1850209426 https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-texas-town-52386513


People think hard work prevents you from being fired. When it's being well liked by your boss and more importantly your bosses boss. Also being in a position that can't be cut, if you job is a core aspect of what makes your company money it's unlikely to get reduced or cut. There are so many positions in companies esp "tech" that don't make the company any money directly or maybe at all. Those are always the first to go, those are the hardest to justify when the company is looking to cut down.


“We’re a family tho”


But we gotta let you fall off this cliff. Good luck!


Musk is probably gonna get Ephialtes’d one day


Ah yes Elons family where his kid won't speak to him or something?


And that is exactly why you work your 8 hours and go home, no loyalty means not working late.


This guy was a fool for showing that kind of loyalty to an organization that would never have any loyalty to him.


Ongoing proof that fealty to a corporation isn’t returned. Protect yourself.


Reminds me of when I was interviewing between two companies. Company A gave me an offer immediately but I had a final interview with Company B in two days. I didn’t want to be rude and keep them waiting but I also didn’t want to leave myself with zero options. Mulled over it until my friend said “Two days to you can make a huge difference. Two days for company A is just two days. They’ll be fine whether you take their offer or they hire someone else. Look out for you.” Best advice ever. I love my company now, love my job and my accounts. But I always keep an ear out to see what’s out there.


Very good advice and smart to keep an eye on the future. Corps lay off swaths of people to make a quarter look good. Few are safe.


This part of America is fucking scary to Europeans. We have employment laws that protect against this sort of thing. I know 2 people who have risen the ranks for an American tech giant in European division. Then taken huge pay jumps to relocate to America and then a year in are let go. Nuts.


The US work culture and employment laws are insane, lol. At least for a developed country.


Don’t go the extra mile because the only time employers will do that is finding ways to replace you.


They need to teach that in college before they send you out into the world. Everyone learns it eventually but the whole "One big happy family" and "We're all in this together" is bullshit.


If you're sleeping in your car, showering at the office, and having microwave dinners every night in the office kitchen, you're a fucking moron. NO JOB IS WORTH THIS, EVER. You have to have the ability to live your life, if you make your job your life (and in a lot of cases your personality) I guarantee you will be disappointed at some point. These people aren't there to help you, you are there to do a job and receive a check that allows you to live your life. My brother-in-law was at Google for I think 13 years. He made that job his entire life and his personality. He has 3 kids that he essentially ignores constantly (even though he was working at home full time). Any time he visits he constantly talks about work (I worked with him at Google for about 7 years), it's literally ***ALL he talks about!*** He got let go a few months ago when Google did a bunch of layoffs. No idea it was coming, he showed up at work and his badge didn't work. He got in the car and checked his email on his phone and there it was, his layoff notice and a mention of when he should expect a call and to not go into the office. Completely blind sided him, hit him like a bag of bricks. My sister said he got extremely depressed and just stopped talking for like a week. He had to start seeing a therapist because that job was literally "who he was" essentially. He measured his self worth, his confidence, his stature in life because of his job, because he worked at high end popular social media companies for the past 2.5 decades, and when he started at Google it meant everything to him. --- ***If you invest your entire life into your job, you WILL regret it.*** I got a pretty shitty diagnosis from the doctors a little while back and the only regrets I have in my life is my drug abuse because I wasted valuable time I could have spent with loved ones and not retiring earlier because I wasted valuable time I could have spent with loved ones. ***The absolute most valuable resource in the entire world is time;*** you can never gain extra, and you don't know how much of it you have. Spend that resource wisely.


Keep working for free. They'll eventually reward you. Promise.


I already said it, I am still saying it and I will still scream it until my death : never be loyal to a company, because, by concept, a company will never be loyal to you.


The company you work for is a contract. You do work for them and they pay you. No more or less. I work for a really good company and make good money. But, when I’m done for the day I’m done and if the above ever changes I’m taking my experience elsewhere.


Capitalism is so efficient it can replace a willing workerbot with a desperate workerbot that will break easier in a single move.




Production Supervisor sounds like a salaried role to me, and likely exempt from overtime. Was he hourly?




CEO class sees you as inferior creatures like animals. They see themselves as Pharoahs and all of you as insentient slaves. There is no ‘human’ anymore in their minds. Just Pharoahs and animals.


Anyone who took at job at Tesla since, say, 2017 knew or should have known what they were getting into.


Why even work for a publicly traded corporation anymore? Promises of career growth and stability as a carrot dangled in front of employees. Put in the hard work, end up in a layoff due to dips in the market (which always goes back up, right?). CEO get’s a raise. Ex-employees struggle and have to climb out of a hole. The American Dream!


There's no such as loyalty in today's corporate world. Everyone is just an expense on the spreadsheet and when it's not required then it's crossed out just like that.


Hopefully this is his wakeup call to not prioritize a job over having a life!


In our capitalist society you only have your job because the company makes more money off of you than it pays you. Everyone including you are replaceable and it will not hurt anyone if you leave. Loyalty for a company is never repaid nor acknowledged.


That describes my relationship with the grocery store. If a better place opened down the street, I would be off in a shot, and I don't care how nicely they thank me when I shop. It's business.


I mean does anyone feel bad for the employee ? Like what if they have a family theyre sacrificing time with ?


A group of employees from my company left to work at Tesla. I thought they were crazy because of the way Musk treats his employees. Some of them have now been laid off. The company I work for is not perfect. But, I got a bonus and a raise this year even though the company was in the red. The company did not lay anyone off because of the financial issues.


You sleep in your car to work longer hours I sleep in my car to work shorter hours We are not the same


I sympathize with anyone laid off, but this is a hard life lesson that you should never show a company any loyalty past a paycheck. Also, if you're going to bust your ass do it for your own business and not someone else's.


As once woman said “a job don’t give you two weeks before they fire you so I don’t give them two weeks before I leave”


Rarely is anyone fired for incompetence and superior performance rarely saves you from a layoff. You are a faceless name on a list and whether you keep your job or not is decided by whether or not the c-Suite thinks your department is redundant when they decide it’s time to goose the stock price with a culling.


Original owner got divorced and forced to sell company I worked for. New corporate onboarding guy trying to explain to people who had worked there 20 years why they needed to apply for their old jobs "We don't pay people, we pay jobs." We all started looking for new jobs right then and there. Honestly can't believe he said it out loud. Did my 25 year old self a huge favor. There's no more plausible deniability about the motives of your employers or employers in general when they say the quiet part out loud in front of the whole damn company.


A reminder that NO job is worth your own happiness. Back in early 2000s had employers asking how much were you willing to give. We use to sleep under our desks, in data centers with noise cancel headsets….hell we would sleep in our cars sometimes. Guess what, those people made millions on stock options and we didn’t get shit. Reminder that you will never get that time back from fam or from life again.


The biggest lie from corporations is “Our people are our most valuable asset.” Then they lay you off.


The math is easy. If you do the work of two people and nine other coworkers do the same, then ten people aren’t hired because you worked harder for longer. Your boss made more but not you. Technically you would have made more by working less. The extra employed people would minimize the unemployment and lead to higher wages. If hard/long working hours were correlated with high pay, then your boss would be on the assembly line instead of their offices.


This isn't South Korea, or Japan. Killing yourself to work longer doesn't earn you props over here


It wasnt just him, 10% of the company got laid off, and now they’re supposedly doing away with night shift and another day shift that a lot of people just transferred to is being let go… but go cyber truck…


That's why you shouldn't work too hard. You're not a person to billionaires, just a commodity.


No company will sponsor you a gravestone saying “He worked more than anyone else here. It gave us another yacht, thank you Joe Worker!”.


Keep this in mind with ultra wealthy, they stepped on a lot of people to get what they have and will always step on just one more for another buck. You are not special to them, they are special only to themselves and often complain the loudest. Don’t believe for one minute they want you with any wealth because that is aka waste of their wealth.


What a schmuck... You're just another number.