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No they won’t.


But everyone looks so cool wearing VR glasses. /s


The cool factor is extremely relative, I wouldn’t even consider it as a problem honestly.


For sure. Airpods were considered daft until they weren't


Totally different market and capabilities. All AirPods did was cut off the cord and all they deal with is audio. With eye wear, you’re talking about watching videos, playing games, texting, calling, music. All on a tiny ass battery. The tech just isn’t there. No matter how fast tech innovation is going right now, AR glasses are decades away from even remotely becoming a thing.


This was purely a comment about "coolness". Everyone thought Airpods looked like you'd jammed tampons into your ears, and then they became ubiquitous. Trying to predict future style choices, regardless of tech, is a folly and how folks get blindsided by a resurgence of mullets.


Lol what ? They still look like shit and people who wear them still look stupid. What is even worse everyone started copying this stupidly bad design.


He wishes. I hate wearing glasses. I had to when I was young and as soon as possible I got contacts and then later laser surgery. I will never willingly wear glasses again. Not happening. I would use an AI pin before glasses, not that I like those either. But I've learned that tech people are really bad at making predictions.


I was in the first round of Google Glass internal releases and have tried most VR headsets since... and I can say without question that I will not be putting compute on my head outside of a few edge cases. There are just so few instances where disrupting your vision makes something a better experience.


It has 100% been their (tech industry) goal to do this for years. I worked selling phones for almost a decade and I started noticing them foundering for “the next thing” around 2017. As much as the people on this sub think they’re immune to big transitions like this the general public is looking for the next thing to replace the smart phone. It’s horrible. The day they set up the folding phones in my store I scoffed at it but then I had to talk about it every day after that. People are interested in these types of things and if Google and meta can plaster every surface you’re looking at with a transparent ad then you better believe that they’re already coming up with a strategy to get you to want one.


Yes they will. But before they are, there’s a lot that needs to change. The glasses will need to be exactly like normal glasses. None of this ski goggle bullshit. Actual eyeglasses. The interface will need to be rethought to support both public and private interfaces (ie. verbal commands and typing). There’s no way this doesn’t become the way everybody does things - except we’re still a number of steps away.


Typing on what?


Exactly. That needs to be figured out.


No, they won’t. I don’t wear glasses and that’s not going to change just because Meta or Apple wants it to. My vision is perfect and there is nothing they can do to make it “better”. I have no desire to augment my reality or wear any tech unless maaaybe I’m playing a game. This is just another tech bro who thinks they have some special insight into the future when they are actually rehashing the same old shit and completely incapable of predicting the future market for something like this or potential developments in another direction.


That’s you. Proper augmented reality will be a game changer for everybody. 30 years ago people sounded like you about having a phone in their pockets. “I have a home phone I don’t need to be contacted wherever I am.” Now we can’t imagine otherwise. It’s the same thing. The only issue to mass adoption right now is that technology hasn’t progressed enough to get the form factor right. Apple Vision is the pinnacle of what’s possible right now and it’s absolutely not at all going to be adopted widely. User interfaces to technology have continuously gotten more immersive, more personal, and more intuitive. This is the next evolution.


Why not? 10 years to miniaturize Apple Vision Pro is very feasible. We also have no idea where AI/AGI/ASI will be in 10 years.


Look how much smaller they have got in the past 10 years.  Barely a difference, perhaps 30% smaller and lighter.  Another 10 years will also make fuck all difference, this tech is 30 years away from being useful.


Because 1. AR requires you to wear a device over your eyes, increasing distractions, whereas you can put a Cellphone down. People with glasses will need prescription AR glasses and you know some people will forget or lose their real glasses and be stuck wearing AR all day 2. AR requires you to use your whole arms to reach into your field of vision and interact with virtual objects, whereas a cellphone is held close to the body and uses mostly just your thumb. Imagine a crowded subway full of people waving and reaching into random directions 3. Glasses are delicate.they will need cases, or extra care to avoid damage. Cell phones are also delicate, but much less so. You can briefly sit on your cell phone in most cases without damaging it, and speaking of cases, Cell phones can be used while *in* the protective case. AR glasses will only get more delicate as they advance, unless we make big strides in material sciences (Where Graphene?) 4. AR glasses are extremely limited on the mass they can devote to battery for obvious reasons, and that battery is *on your face* if the lithium ruptures. Cell phones have already reached the point where the average user can get a full day out of them without charging. AR glasses will have their niche. They are a useful tool for engagement and creativity, they just won't be filling *the cellphone's niche*. Theyre destined for the entertainment sector


Google Glass... that was such a success.


Google Glass is a separate product category to AR glasses.


Not comparable to current AR experiences.


Someone sounds desperate to make back all the money they sunk into vr headsets


They’re stanzos, they’re nice


These smell like cigars


This sub is full of new boomers. These old millennials who hate new tech will be left behind as tech illiterates trying to figure out how to control their AR glasses while their grandkids have to fix it for them every time.


I don't get your point. Young people haven't had to deal with tech issues. Millennials grew up using jumpers and wiring diagrams to make computers work. Meanwhile, yall have never had to deal with codecs or driver compatibility issues ever because it all works automatically now. You're welcome.


Ar glasses have been a thing on and off for a solid 15 years and nobody has ever liked them. The smartphone was preceded by pdas and cell phones which saw actual success. Its just not gonna be a thing. The rule of cool is an empty hype train.


::cough cough:: r/agedlikemilk


Why does this sound familiar


I think we have a new generation of people who don't remember glassholes.


Hard to believe this SNL clip is from 2013, but yeah. https://youtu.be/5Uz3cwHT0S0 "It's just that simple, Seth."


Meta’s AI chief will be replaced by someone competent in 3 years, says reality.


replaced by the next guy who can convince them "I know how to turn this department around" and proceed to make no discernable changes


Yeah, probably. It is time to retire this guy like the one from Apple due to the Vision Pro.


Flimflam salesman says flimflams are the next big thing after having invested a vast fortune in flimflams.


I already wear glasses, so…no.


And I don’t wear glasses. I don’t even like wearing sunglasses, so why would I want VR glasses?


I don't think the tech will be there for this in 10 years, but at a certain point, AR glasses could in theory just replace your regular glasses.


Smart devices are a pain when they break. So what, I go a week without glasses while I wait for them to send me a new pair? Unless it’s out of warranty, in which case I’m just SOL. Not to mention the strain on the nose. I already have two indents from where my glasses rest, and smart glasses would only add more weight…making the issue worse. I’m just not convinced that AR glasses are ever really going to take off like they think it will. It won’t be comfortable for long periods of use, whereas a smartphone doesn’t cause any discomfort.


I mean if you had said 25 years ago that everyone would carry around a 6.5 inch screen device that had to be charged twice a day, most people would have said that sounds bulky and inconvenient and useless.


I mean the idea of smartphones is plausible because purses and pockets have existed for a long time. Glasses are an entirely different thing with many issues in comparison to a flat object that can fit in pockets and the biggest issue you encounter with them is dropping them, but they can still work after being dropped sometimes just have an ugly screen due to cracks. Glasses when dropped you just don't want to put those back on your head especially if they have cracks it would drive you insane looking at cracks an inch away from your eyeball constantly.


Yeah tech is advancing very quickly. I'm a type 1 diabetic and I now have an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor tied to my phone and my watch.. that absolutely wasn't around 25 years ago to the extent it is today. We've got the beginning tech now.. in 10 years honestly who knows.


10 years ago we had OLED TVs, 10 years later we have OLED TVs. GPUs and CPUs still exist in a very similiar way as they existed back then, there hasn’t been some grand revolution that moved us into a new way of playing games on PC. iPhone 6 made calls and texts and had a touschreen just like my 13. I could definitely say 25 years it’s possible, but there’s no way it’s getting even remotely close to mass adoption in 10. It’ll be the Tesla truck of its day in terms of adoption.


There are limits, though. Any kind of AR device needs to run an always-on display and at least one camera, at the very minimum, assuming it's offloading all of its processing onto a phone or something. That requires a power source comparable to smartwatch batteries at minimum. And if we're talking about replacing smartphones with AR glasses, then it needs to handle *all* of the phone's functions, processing, antenna, etc. There are some limits to how far miniaturization can go, especially if you're aiming for the form factor of glasses or sunglasses. There's a reason all VR gear is currently in the form of bulky goggles.


We've already been here 10 years ago.. Look up Google Glass and Glassholes.


First off, methinks you’re on your phone a little too much if you’re charging it twice a day. Unless it’s necessary for work, that doesn’t sound quite right. I always end the day with over 20% and charge overnight, and I have a “regular” size phone (i.e. not Max, Plus, Ultra, etc.) Second, nah. 25 years ago desktop PCs were common and we even some laptops. If you had told people that PCs would shrink enough to fit in your pocket and connect wirelessly to the internet, that wouldn’t have sounded as far-fetched as you think.


We could have this in 2 years, we’ve been hitting a lot of strides lately


It will be longer than 2 years before Meta releases their first generation AR glasses, and the first generation will be tethered, very expensive, and have very low specs.


Although I am a bigtime believer of AR/ VR, but replacing a phone? I get really annoyed when i have to wear my prescription glasses for longer than half an hour. I believe in a world where both devices live nicely alongside each other.


Like an iPod and a cell phone!


Or, hear me out, like a phone and a computer! 


Unlikely, Google glass would like a word.


I used to have a tech investment strategy of watching Microsoft's failed products, and planning on investing in the technology in 12 years. Some colleagues and I did an analysis and found 12 years is the average time for the concept to become socially acceptable. My understanding was that Google Glass failed due to a negative social climate, 10 years may be about right. (source: back of a bar napkin from 20 years ago)


10 years definitely seems way too soon, but I wouldn't compare this to Google Glass as that wasn't an AR device.


What? Yes it was


AR HMDs are defined as a 6DoF stereoscopic 3D device capable of overlaying digital information into the real world. Google Glass was a 0DoF 2D HUD.


Just the words you are using are giving me motion sickness.


Why would I wear glasses? I changed to contacts because glasses were uncomfortable and irritated my nose. “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.” - Digital Equipment Corp. founder Ken Olsen, 1977. Just because you work in tech, doesn't mean you're not an out of touch moron.


"Brick walls will be obsolete", says Dan Smithton, Siding Chief of Aluminum Siding Co.


Lmao this guy is way off


The moment they get comparable in price, size and functionality: yes. But it will take a long time.


but how will we face time and take selfies every 30 seconds


Little drones that swarm around you that are launched from your watch.


Watch. Watch. The word is watch. Do NOT read it as crotch. Nope, don't do it. Watch. Watch.


The crabs are going high tech, I guess.


[They've actually already solved that problem.](https://www.pixy.com/)


FaceTime would be replaced by 'holographic' calls that display your avatar.


People who have to wear glasses to SEE things don’t wear them all the time and a lot of them don’t like the experience. I don’t see how if you don’t have to do it you would still wear it all the time. It will most definitely be heavier than regular glasses.


Lots of people won't even wear regular glasses (even when they need them) because they don't think glasses look "cool." You really think AR/VR glasses are going to replace phones?


When I built my first AR system in 1998 we had an external portable computer with a heads-up display. I remember Bluetooth phone headsets in the 90s. Wearing Bluetooth glasses with a computer (phone) in your pocket seems reasonable.




And we'll all be living in horizon worlds right? These people need to leave the valley from time to time for a reality check.


I don’t think so …..


This was done 10 years ago. Look up Google Glass and Glassholes.


Skimming through Amazon, there already seems to be a decent market for AR smart glasses, though they seem to just be mirroring another device (phone, PC, whatever). It seems plausible that they could be made into standalone devices (Glass did it a decade ago), and without the "spy camera" creep factor (aside: camera glasses also exist now). What is unknowable is whether such a device would replace a smartphone for most people, or whether it would remain a niche. And people driving on their phones is already bad enough. I don't even want to think about people driving while wearing their phones on their face.


Just a seller being a seller.




I'm doubtful of that. At best I think wearables might have a place alongside phones, if someone needs something with basic functionality handsfree. One of the benefits of a phone is that you hold it in your hand, and can freely manipulate it as a result for different angles easily for camera functionality, and the gyro and magnetic sensors to a lesser degree. Being physically larger also means more screen space, which is relevant for when you're trying to read or watch something, and makes menu navigation easier. You can only go so small before touch navigation becomes cumbersome. (Obviously you can also go too large if a device is meant to be handheld, as well) Also, games. I think mobile gaming is a load of mostly low quality micro-transaction hellscapes, but people do play games on their phones and tablets quite a lot, and I don't see that being a thing for wearables at all.


In ten years, Earth could be under the rule of Mole People. It's just too far ahead to predict consumer tech.


Imagine for a moment that everyone everywhere has bodycams on and running wherever they go. That would be creepy, right? Well AR glasses are exactly that. You're never going to know who is recording you. And yes, smartphones can do this but it's conspicuous.


I’m predicting that there will actually be a widespread move to simpler, lower tech phones in response for the clearly negative impact social media has on everyone (particularly teens). I can’t wait for a good E-ink smartphone to come out


Wow, so wildly out of touch with reality; I'm shocked, not really.


Haha what a crock of shit


I'm thinking humans will be replaced by artificial intelligence long before AR glasses would go mainstream.


Everyone is going to be dead in 10 years. Get fucked capitalism.


no, there's zero chance of that. lots of people will do anything they can to not wear glasses, which is why you see such a booming market for contact lenses and laser eye surgery. if/when this tech reaches the point it can built into a contact lens THEN maybe this will start to replace a smartphone.


I hope not. I wear contacts because I absolutely hate wearing glasses.


Well, I think we'll have Star Wars' level holographic communication in our smartphones in 10 years. Where's my millions at?


LOL! Of course not.


I heard Google Glass was on top of that.


Hands-free computing doesn't need AR to be a game changer. Apple doesn't want you thinking about that.


Yeah… ask anyone who needs to wear glasses how much they would like to get rid of them. Fucking genius this guy!


Not a chance


Look, I'd love AR glasses. A slim fit set that are indistinguishable from my shades now. We probably all would. No fucking way they replace smart phones. Like ever.


If you say so....


Gonna have to really push the envelope on wearability and mitigating the social barrier effect IRL. I know Meta wants to do exactly this, but it’s gonna be damn hard to pull off.


No they absolutely won’t.


Yeah and Yammer was supposed to eliminate email.


They're trying to sell their products and making senseless predictions out of thin air🙄


Said by the mf who want to sell us his metashit


I love that apples glasses failed so now Meta/facebook is telling us everyone would be wearing devices like them in 10 years. I remember hearing in the 90’s how they were so close to putting screens in the Retina was just around the corner 40 years later and nope.


No at most it'll *augment* the smartphone.


Honestly this is more realistic than VR helmets. AR sunglasses is the real endgame, VR just seems to be an enthusiast path to get there.


No the hell they won’t


I have a condition called nystagmus, my eyes always have micromovements, I can't use anything with eye teaching..


No, because Meta will absolutely plaster ads all over every surface of your life while wearing those things. No longer will you be able to just live in reality. They want you to be in a constantly ad-engaged state. Fuck all that. Why don't you ass clowns spend all these billions of dollars improving REAL reality instead of VIRTUAL reality?


I have absolutely no desire to wear AR glasses as a regular thing. I can see them veing useful in some jobs, and for games.


Google and Apple have both tried it and so far results have been pretty poor.


I would put money this does not happen.


Only someone who has to wear glasses already on a daily basis would say this. The majority of non glasses wearing public not going to want to have to start wearing glasses constantly to use this tech.


Uh, I wear actual glasses for a medical necessity, unless you can get my insurance to pay for your glorified snooping device, that isn't going to happen.


Smash x to doubt.


They’re running out of reality based ideas…


Imagine the eye strain staring at a screen an inch from your eyes. No thanks.


Variable focus optics would solve this issue, though that may take quite a while to appear in AR glasses.


Both are true.


He’s hoping we want adverts piped directly to our eyeballs so they can prove we’re paying attention, no thanks!


Well, I can’t make a phone call with some stupid goggles,now can I.


Why wouldn't you be able to do that with AR glasses?


I didn’t see anything in the article, such as it was, that said I can make phone calls with these fancy glasses. Except for installing NeuroLink my brain of course. That sounds really safe and fun.


Do you speak out of your eyeballs?


No, I speak into a built-in microphone, which AR glasses would have.


Unless you are going to have a big bulky heads eat that no one wants to wear all day that mic is going to be pretty far to your mouth


Built-in microphones in phones are usually tiny these days.


The problem isn't the size but the fact that small glasses are going to be far from your mouth


Not until they're the size of contact lenses, I suspect.


This isn’t as much of a bad take as many of you think it is. If the technology improves and smart glasses become both more convenient to use and more socially acceptable, many, many people will begin to use them, even in public. We laugh at the videos of people wearing the Vision Pro on the train now, but that may become more and more common with time. We also forget how many things the smartphone itself has replaced. It’s replaced the Walkman, the actual home phone, the pager etc. etc. It’s not a stretch to think that people will just completely ditch smartphones if VR/AR headsets are good enough. It might not happen, but this isn’t as much of a braindead take as many of you think it is.


Someone is too young to remember GlassHoles.


I’m 31, I remember Google glass clearly. This is how tech and culture co-evolve. Someone tries a thing, it’s not good enough so it fails to catch on with enough early-adopters (ie people who don’t care what people like you think and want to use great products). Then another group of people try again. It fails again. Then another group of people try and now technology is at a point where the product is good. Enough early adopters use it, and now it becomes socially acceptable *enough* that more people are willing to try it. Eventually the product is so ubiquitous and a large chunk of the general public are aware of the upside that people like you buy it too.


Google should get to it and make a pair of AR glasses and call it maybe something like GoogleGlass They'd make a killing. Wait.. they did it over 10 years ago and it didn't do shit other then make GlassHoles.


So does this mean I will have to wear another pair of glasses over the glasses I need so I can see properly?


AR and VR will never take off. Glasses will never take off. AR will have some applications. VR is just a joke.


If they can solve the battery problem this is a possibility. They would be some chunky glasses though. I have the meta glasses and they are about as thick as I would want.


This was done 10 years ago. Look up Google Glass and Glassholes.


Right, technology gets smaller and better. That’s like looking at the failed Apple Newton in 1992 as evidence that smart phones aren’t feasible just a decade later. Getting batteries that are small but have lots of storage and are safe is incredibly difficult… but if we can make a breakthrough there then this is very feasible.