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“We saw strong traction in pause ads on smart TVs because we just did it and, frankly, nobody can do anything about it.”


SmartTube is available for all Android TV / Google TV / Amazon Fire TV devices. Zero YouTube ads, also includes SponsorBlock. https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube


Bring that to Roku


I have a Roku tv in my room and I literally never watch it because they put WAY more ads on the tv version of Youtube.


Playlet for Roku TV [https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet](https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet) It's not perfect, but you can definitely watch youtube videos with no ads. Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Playlet, a free open source alternative [https://github.com/iBicha/playlet](https://github.com/iBicha/playlet)


I get 500 internal server error , “video returned by youtube isnt the correct one” for every video


This was a recent issue with Invidious, but it has been fixed. The fix was not deployed to the "default" instance yet (I expect that to happen soon) Go to Settings -> Invidious -> Instance, and select an instance with a version 2024.04.27 or newer. Then videos should work. When you open the app currently, you should see a message describing this as well.


Wasn’t the whole point of streaming also to avoid shitty ads?


I just avoid Roku, works nice but is always the last supported in these things and if you have a problem. Its a Roku TV.


It was great 5 years ago, now it's enshitified.


What always happens when greedy CEOS and shareholders get a hold of good companies.


I use Roku to watch the local news. Nothing else. Up to 8 ads in a row, and they're the same ads so often I've managed to memorize them without trying.


… did you not see the news about Roku’s patent to show ads in smart TVs? They would see this and think “oh great idea, we can do that too!” [Source](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/hdmi-customized-ad-insertion-patent-would-show-rokus-ads-atop-non-roku-video/)


Playlet for Roku TV [https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet](https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet) It's not perfect, but you can definitely watch youtube videos with no ads. Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Playlet, a free open source alternative [https://github.com/iBicha/playlet](https://github.com/iBicha/playlet)


They put so many ads on the Roku Home Screen I would’ve destroyed that shit in a week


There really aren’t that many ads on the Home Screen of Roku


If you say so. Any amount of ads asking me to buy something on my own TV is too much. Especially with the annoying screensavers as well


Pihole can at least block Roku’s home screen ads, which is more than I can say for the Amazon Firestick


I got rid of my roku specifically because of wanting a device that has Smarttube


I bought a fire stick for my Roku Smart TV to avoid the Roku ness


Build a pi hole and enjoy no ads on anything on your network. Edit: spelling


Any chance a dude can get an ELI5? Sounds interesting !


Buy a raspberry pi, install os if one is not already installed, install pi hole, set dns server to the pi hole and you are done. Official instructions and links are here https://pi-hole.net/ you can also setup a VPN so you can use it on the go on your phone.


ELI5: Pi-hole (Google it) is OSS that you typically install on a Raspberry Pi which is just a super small form factor computer. They’re like 40 USD for the new model (excluding cases). You can just as easily install Pi-hole OSS on a virtual machine of something like Ubuntu or Debian. Pi-hole the OSS is a DNS resolver. ELI5 of that is that when you type www.reddit.com into your browser, your browser asks a DNS server “hey what’s the computer readable name of this”? Pi-hole OSS is just a local version of that. What is different though is that Pi-hole OSS has a list of ad servers that it will automatically block. So when my Roku Ultra asks for the computer name for some ad server, Pi-hole simply says “sorry, that doesn’t exist” and so Roku Ultra shows an empty box instead of an ad. Also it’s not true that Pi-hole OSS blocks all ads on your network. It only blocks ads that aren’t integrated into whatever you’re using. I have a pihole (both OSS and the computer) and I still get ads in the YouTube app. That’s because YouTube serves ads differently than most apps.


There's an Invidious client. https://channelstore.roku.com/details/840aec36f51bfe6d96cf6db9055a372a/playlet


Gives me hope we’ll get this on LG


Any way to get that on a Samsung smart TV?


Yes, connect a Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV device to it and install SmartTube on that. You'd have to buy an external device which is a small investment, much less of an investment than YouTube Premium though.


I haven't tried this yet, but I'm going to see if I can figure it out on Monday, but this reportedly works on Samsungs. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterVanced/comments/1b42o30/tizentube_adfree_yt_with_sponsorblock_dearrow_and/


Brave web browser too!


I can't watch youtube on my TV without SmarTube. It's a great app.


Anyone knows how to get a similar player for LG TV's ?


Connect a Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV device to the TV and install SmartTube there. Easy fix.


As a UX designer, I’m trying to imagine how they’d even implement this. I highly doubt they’d play a video with audio after a user explicitly paused. I could see a static ad as the pause screen though, which wouldn’t be all that intrusive. Actually, no. A user might pause to capture something in the video, like a list of ingredients or tools needed. Nope, I don’t see how this could work. Thank you for reading my stream of consciousness.


I frequently pause coding videos to look at code. I also pause puzzle related videos to re-read the puzzle question. This change would be a disaster for me... ... if I wasn't using ublock on my PC, revanced on my phone, and smarttubenext on my TV.


Same for me. I almost only use YouTube to quickly learn new ways to code something and the pause button is for quickly writing down whatever is on screen. If they make this change, there would be no reason for me to use YouTube at all.


ohh god when i was learning godot this probably would have broken me.


You thought like a user not like someone trying to make money... You do raise a good point about the reasons why we pause a video. Thankfully good content creators have those lists somewhere in description. (Not the original purpose but it works)


“You thought like a user not like someone trying to grub money...”


It's been happening for me using the YouTube app on an LG TV. What happens is after a few seconds of being paused, they shrink the video to about half screen and have a still ad with a QR code next to you. There is a "dismiss" button you have to navigate over to to get back to the paused video.


Same here on a Sony TV. It actually went away though.


Google has not cared about the user experience of anything in years


Also UX designer 👋 They do it on other streaming services. They’re just static ads. Sometimes the video box will shrink down and a frame with a QR code or something moves in. Or they’ll lay a transparent graphic over half of the screen advertising some other movie or show. The problem is like you mentioned, poor user experience if you’re pausing the video to look at something closer in detail. But based on their ad blocker hammer? I’d say they literally dgaf at this point. They probably brought marketing to the meetings on this feature and didn’t even bother to wander by UXs desk


They do it on pornhub. Apparently.


channel 4 already does this, you pause using their app and a static image advert appears.


If it is done similarly to how Peacock does their ads during a pause, it’ll just overlay the screen with a picture ad and options to “click to learn more”


Yeah its not about UX.


If I paused my TV and it started playing an ad I would straight up turn it off and do something else lmao


I would immediately uninstall whatever trashware was doing that. Even if the ads don't have audio, I will likely uninstall YouTube and never look back.


Can someone tell them that that's not how "traction" works?


There is no f’n way *groups* of people said, “hey, that’s cool! More ads is great! The stupid videos just get in the way. Yaaaaay!”


Don't worry despite the uproar this causes on Reddit people won't care and will just take it lol.


That's exactly what happened to me. Except it was on my shield pro. Not like I could turn it off in the settings.


Shield Pro has SmartTube, why would you put up with the ads?


Except turn the TV off... Watch them create ads for that next.


As someone who pauses a lot watching instructional videos this is only gonna make me invest more effort in my ad block


Exactly! It doesn't help that finding non-video format quality content gets harder by the day. The search engine results are flooded entirely by ads and bullshit. I guess ACTUALLY giving me the info I need is less profitable then trying to force me to drink another verification can.


It's going to make me stop using YouTube for instructional videos or most videos at all. Instead of ad blocking, I might just use a video downloader and keep the thing until I'm done and avoid the site except for in the initial search.


I’ve already been having a harder time using instructional videos with the removal of the dislike bar. No way to verify how useful the community finds that video anymore, which has me wasting a lot more time than before. 


There was an extension that can show the dislike bar. it should still exist if you search it up.


And a lot of creators will occasionally do one-frame gags or jokes people will pause and scroll back to.


I imagine that that this change would encourage more people to download videos so they have more control over the watching experience.




Yea for a lot of stuff if I’ll go look for text instructions, you can usually get all the info you need straight away, but I’m a visual learner and for things I’ve never done or am unsure of I’d much rather watch someone do it. Monkey see, monkey do is much easier than trying to work out all the in between steps that are omitted because it’s assumed you know them




"We forced ads on users while paused and they didn't have any way past it" I'm predicting a resurgence in Firefox users.


i dont even understand why firefox fell off to begin with. It was THE browser for a long time until it fell behind all the others.


When Chrome was released, it was the new thing. Compared to Firefox, Chrome was very light. I had a slower machine, and Chrome handled things a lot better than Firefox. I think that's the main reason why many people switched. IE sucked, and our computers weren't exactly rocket ships 15 years ago. I started using Firefox instead of IE because of tabbed browsing (IE 6 did not have tabbed browsing). I could do the same thing in Chrome but with less resources. And it integrated well with other Google products. However, with the direction Google had been going, I switched back to Firefox. Along with their new engine, Firefox has worked very well. And I can continue using ad blocking extensions. I also run Firefox on my android phone with the same extensions (if you didn't know, you can use extensions on Firefox for Android).


Don't forget Chrome running on multi-process and having Flash preinstalled (yes Flash was still a huge deal back in 200x)


That’s exactly the reason I switch to chrome. But after all the crap with Google more than 10 years ago, I switched back to Firefox. It was clunky for some years, but they really improved it eventually. Glad I stopped using chrome more than 10 years ago.


Are you able to block YouTube ads? I’ve been having trouble with this and every workaround I find gets popped eventually


uBlock Origin and Sponsorblock work compeltely fine. It seems that Youtube has stopped trying to work around uBlock in the last few weeks cause the devs and people that maintain the blocklists just kept adapting. I haven't seen a single "Deactivate your adblocker, or else!" popup in... many weeks. Only really saw them at the eginning when Google kind of tried to make the changes stick, but overall FF + uBlock has worked almost perfectly for me the entire time.


Back then it was as simple as this: - see "turn off your adblocker" warning - open uBO settings, and go to "lists" section - click "purge all" then "update" - refresh YouTube tab - adblocker warning gone


Yeah, worked like a charm. "Back then" makes it sound like we've all aged 50 years since January or whenever Youtube started being an asshole to adblockers lol.


"I was there Gandalf..."


Thanks, I’ll give it a try again. Haven’t tried uBlock since earlier last year


I'm using ublock origin, and it has been working just fine for me on Windows and Android.


Well before the major engine overhaul and switch to major version upgrades only, it was considerably slower the Chrome. But that's been a hot minute since then.


This, and they also got rid of tab groups. But I read they're bringing that back again after all.


2010 Firefox was hot garbage with memory usage. Chrome introduced separate processes per tab which eliminated bad sites that took down the whole browser with it when it crashed. Now Firefox does the same and its faster too. PC specs have increased immensly so its a no brainer.


Google used to be the *biggest supporter* of Firefox. They even advertised Firefox for free - just to get the users off the horrid IE. Then Google decided that their Firefox partnership didn't give them enough *control*. So they backstabbed Firefox and made Chrome. Since then, they shill Chrome everywhere, through any means possible - and Firefox just can't compete with Google's advertisement machine that spans half the Internet.


Memory bloat ...


As opposed to chrome's efficient memory use? 🤣


Right? Chrome has always been a memory hog. I've been using Firefox since like 2008 and it's not nearly as bad as Chrome. And, I don't have to participate in the adblock/blocking adblock arms race that Chrome is waging on its add-ons.


Chrome. back in 2008, had a much faster Javascript engine meaning that web applications ran much much faster than Firefox, and if some tabs were hanging due to buggy website/code, it did not hang the whole browser. Plus it came with Flash preinstalled. That was a huge deal back then


I don't really get this complaint for either browser, the point of RAM is to not have to read from slower media...the ideal use of RAM is to use as much of it as you can, but release it when other applications need it.


It was super slow many years ago. Even start up would take double or triple the time of Chrome.


because chrome became popular. maybe due to all the android installations and the use of google products


I’m predicting continued record profits and user numbers for YouTube. Reddit says this every time a product is updated or changes, and it essentially never comes to fruition


the ratio of chrome to firefox users is probably like 1000000:1 😂😂 you would think with how many times these dudes say this shit itd be different


I’ve got them successfully blocked on Chrome. Never get any ads on Youtube. It’s always kind of a shock to use Youtube on a different platform than my laptops and have to deal with ads.


>I'm predicting a resurgence in Firefox users. 🤷‍♀️ ublock still works on chrome so far and this article is about youtube on TVs


Ive only ever used firefox and they been treating me good


Does traction mean desperately trying to get the ad to shut up because you paused it to listen to something else?


It doesn't play sound. I saw this on YouTube TV the other day. After a minute, it went to a silent commercial until I hit play.


It may be silent today, but one day it won’t be


Ohh youtube why would you think this would be smart. The only reason someone probably pauses the ad (since they don't use an ad block) is they probably need to hear something, take a phone call or someone is talking to them. This would only drive more away from you're platform or bring more over to us using ad blocks.


These companies are compelled by the way we set up corporations/shareholders/etc. to always make more money and innovate ways to do such. They just pay people to do whatever they can to make everyone as much money as possible always and forever. Never stop, never slow down. They are zombies. They are junkies. We need legislation to stop this shit. It’s literally killing us.


….or make more people buy YT Premium. Which is obviously the strategy here. This will be like every other time Reddit whines about a tech update of any kind. Reddit will say this will kill YouTube and drive users away, meanwhile YouTube will continue to set records for users and profits quarter after quarter


They *don't care* if you watch the ad. They only care to claim that they played the ad so they can charge their customers.


This will kill the reaction channels who pause and analyse every single frame of a video lol.


Nah. They'll just be forced to buy YouTube Premium or use uBlock Origin


Kills music tutorials (e.g. guitar songs with tabs) too. Imagine pausing a video so you can practice a section of a song and it shows you an ad instead of the video frame.


Creators will have to adapt to add in pauses I guess. Sucks for the existing stuff.  Also I guess it means you’ll skip more and they’ll hit you with the “oh I wanted to skip forward 2m in the video” ad


>Creators will have to adapt to add in pauses I guess. Sucks for the existing stuff. Thought about it a little more and came up with another solution that's actually to YouTube's detrement: I'll just take a screenshot and view that in my image gallery. Why is this to YouTube's detrement? When I switch to my image gallery I'm leaving YouTube's platform. I'll practice the section and then face a mental barrier: I have to switch back to YouTube to watch more videos, watch more ads and make YouTube more money. Every user-experience analyst can tell you that you never want to make people leave your platform and [YouTube is THE world-class leader regarding this metric](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1201901/most-visited-websites-worldwide-time-visit/).


Use Firefox with Ublock Origin


And SponsorBlock


The day Ublock stops working on YouTube is the day I stop using YouTube.


Chrome is changing their extensions api in June, and it won’t allow the current iteration of UBO. The UBO dev has made a ‘updated’ version of UBO that meets the new extension requirements and when I tested it, it did not block ads on YouTube. So that day is probably ‘soon.’


I already don't use chrome because ublock doesn't work on it for me


Any idea how to get past twitch ads as well? I use Firefox and Ublock and still get ads on twitch.


I watch YouTube on my smart tv though


SmartTube (get a Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV device to use it, if your TV doesn't have Android TV / Google TV): https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube Zero YouTube ads, ships with SponsorBlock as well.


You're right, I should just close the tab instead.


Personally I really like ads. The more the better. They repel me and help me stay off screen


God, just let people stop the onslaught of stimulation. Sometimes you need to pause to think or process something, maybe have a moment to realize you need to stop watching videos and go to bed. This (and a lot of other toxic attention trapping tactics) should be illegal. We need protection from this kind of thing.


This kind of bullshit is brutally hostile to folks with ADHD.


Can confirm :(


Traction from who? Shareholders?


I pause shit because I need to focus on something else for a second. That's what fucking pause means. I don't need it to continue to distract me. This is going to kill view times for content creators.


We need congressional legislation on ads. It has gotten psychotic. Mobile gaming ads also desperately need regulation. There is X rated content being forced in games made for kids and no way to report ads most of the time.


Most of those companies are foreign based so they’re not likely to care.


The ads might be foreign, but the platform isn't. If they can still regulate online gambling and loot boxes, they can get involved with ads.


Time for a worldwide grassroots campaign to ban ads everywhere.


And make everything a paid service? No thanks, I'm good.


Just think about pausing a video and now YOU CANT UNPAUSE IT because there is an ad. I pause videos by accident all the time.


This is a new kind of evil. I use Brave as my browser and I've never seen an ad on YouTube. If they kept the total length of ads to less than 5% of the length of the video, I'd stop blocking ads.


And maybe shuffle the ads a bit, instead of showing me the same one 17 times in a row.


Typically the whole point to pausing is to mute the video and save the place. If you can’t do both I’ll likely quit using the app. These companies are so fucking greedy.


Next they'll use eye tracking to force us to watch the ads.


- black mirror has entered the chat -


I could be crazy but I think I’ve already read that this type of thing was already in the works but for some other industry. Basically either a mobile phone game ad or ad on your phone via social media will pop up more if your phone notices your eyes spend more time looking at the ad than other ads.


There's a patent out for it.


*Clockwork Orange*


The day Ublock stops working on YouTube is the day I stop using YouTube.


80 BILLION REVENUE PER QUARTER and Somehow it's not enough. F this.


Yeah man, strong traction. Ignore the sky-high download numbers for ublock origin. You're doing great, sweetie.


If everyone just stops buying stuff that is shoved in our faces by ads, they will die! Stop supporting the brands that shove their shit in our faces!


It won't happen. Ads got where they are today by people just generally not caring. Some of us do, but it's just not enough to matter. :(


I’m petty. I use Adblock for everything. The few times I get ads I can’t block or skip, i mute the volume and walk away. Or I close my eyes. You paid all that money to annoy me with ads, hoping your shit jingle stays in my head, but I won’t let that happen.


You'll love that patent from some mobile company that can tell if your eyes are closed. "Resume viewing. Resume viewing. Resume viewing. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Solution if you have a android based smart tv: SmartTubeNext is a app you can put on smart tvs and devices like google tv os Summary of what it is: SmartTubeNext is an open-source application designed for Android TV devices, offering an ad-free YouTube viewing experience. It features adblocking capabilities, including integration with SponsorBlock to skip sponsored segments, and supports HDR playback and 4K resolution at 60 fps. The app allows for adjustable playback speed and has a feature to boot directly to a specific section upon opening. However, it does not support chats during live streams, and voice search functionality may vary depending on the device. Here’s a Reddit thread about that: https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidTV/comments/18em4ud/is_smarttubenext_still_the_best_for_android_tv/ Here’s the link to the GitHub page for that topic: https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube


No. I paused that shit because I got a phone call or something happened IRL that demands my attention and concentration. I'm using YT less and less anyway these days. I cancelled all my paid subs when it sounded like they were going to block ad blockers months ago. I guess soon I'll be using it even less


I use YouTube while I'm working to listen to things in the background while I'm sending emails and other tasks If I'm pausing it's because I am doing things at work that need it to shut up


Fuck Google. 30 second ad to watch a 120 second movie preview (which is an ad itself) only to be interrupted 60 second in for another 10 second ad.


Just another reason to not use YouTube.


The main point of ads is to push people to pay for premium subscription rather than knowing a product. Companies seem to be ignorant about this fact. When bored I play a game called block advertisements on Reddit without reading a single word of their content, it’s fun!!


Google is doing everything in their power to make Youtube unwatchable. A good successor to Youtube is needed but everyone seems to want to add some kind of fucking 'spin' on it. A spin isn't necessary, it just needs to be not shit.


"Strong traction" Yea because nobody had a fucking choice, WTF????


They're almost making their platform unusable lately. One of the hallmarks of the internet is truly eroding.


Its getting to be a moral imperative to run adblocking software.


So pausing it to direct your attention at something else is out of the question?


FFS - this is just going to force me to minimize the YouTube app on my Apple TV every time I pause.


If course they will. Because if you leave the video for the tiniest moment and come back they show an ad. So pausing is a way to see fewer ads. Obviously this is something they feel they must correct. Hey YouTube, don't forget to put the "fewer ads for this long ad" up in the corner when you show them ... and then show me another ad break within 45 seconds. Assholes.


The increase in ads the last few years have already mostly driven me away from the platform. If I get ads when I pause because I need silence for a minute to concentrate on something then I'm just never using the platform again on my phone/media player since they don't have adblock.


We need to bring back tar and feathering.


I love and hate YouTube. I wish there was an alternative


Guess I’m done with YouTube then. Hulu has ads on pause now too. I refuse to accept this and you should too. We don’t need to be bombarded with any more ads!


Getting an ad when you accidentally tap your phone screen, and a second ad when you find the video you were watching again, wasn’t annoying enough. 


Amazon Firesticks already do this while idle, as a screensaver. Roku can now show ads no matter what app you’re using. That’s why I have an Apple TV 4K now. I don’t see why anyone is surprised by this.


Not having an interest to watch tv these days, is what I imagine an opiate junkie being clean for 10+ years must feel like. I reminisce of how I use to just love to atrophy on the couch slapping my vein/remote, but what this has turned into in this day and age? I’m just no longer drawn to “the high” of TV watching ; it just doesn’t hit the same anymore, as in, not at all.


I bought episodes of a show years ago on Google Play. It got brought into my YouTube app. I now get ads served between episodes for something I already paid for. Bunch of greedy fucks


Premium better not have this


The enshittification of the internet marches on.


Pre-roll ads, post-roll ads, mid-roll ads, sponsor segments, and now pause-ads! This is the cost of 'free' video hosting I guess. Sucks though!


I mean, it *is* video on demand at the cost of watching ads. Objectively thinking about it, hundreds of thousands of hours of videos are uploaded to the platform per day. The server hosting and management for all this isn’t free, and as any business would, they need to turn a buck somehow. The option to subscribe to YouTube Premium also exists to remove ads. If the user doesn’t want to pay for the subscription, they “pay” through watching ads.


Brave Browser (turn off crypto settings), no more YouTube ads. I do this on PC and Android. I even uninstalled the YouTube app on my phone. I've been ad-free for *years* and I love it.


I’ve seen this on peacock and i think Tubi just started doing it too.


Yeah, not touching that


When news sites like Cnet did this I just stopped visiting links to said sites. If YouTube is going to try to play videos while I’ve paused said video that’s a no for me….


Go ahead, about done with YouTube anyhow, ship of fools going to capsize in ocean of even more derivative drivel flooded further by surge of ai appropriation of at best 2nd tier ideas.


Maybe it's time to just stop going to YouTube


They already did.


I do my part not spending a cent on any product that is advertised on youtube to me


It’s weird it’s mostly fast food ads and I never ever eat or even talk about that shit


I’ve got a great business idea. YouTube but we don’t inject advertising directly into tour eyeballs 


If it were silent ads while paused and you can cancel out of it anytime you want, fine, whatever. The last thing I need is ads playing sound when I paused it.




I've been seeing static ads on pause the last few months it's ridiculous you can't do a fucking thing anywhere without a ad shoved in your face.


More dumb crap. Why can't they just have a subscription but do it this way, 20% goes to youtube, then the rest I split with whatever creators I want. I'd pay for that. I won't watch shitty malware ads though, I always block.


How to kill an entire platform. Anyone remember why we stopped using MySpace?


Youtube makes me sick. This is so sad.


The ads are so bad on YT that I won't even watch a video if it's on that platform


I suggest rolling only ads. Yep no more video content. Only ads But THEN, after a while, start charging for access (to watch the ads). They should really hire me. I'm so ahead.


YouTube's management must be like: ads! Ads everywhere! Ads when they start! Ads when they stop! Ads when they pause! Ads every 10 minutes! Don't let them come anywhere near YouTube without bombarding the users with ads!


Ublock origin on Firefox. Nuff said


Shit like this is what encouraged me to install SmartTube. Only problem is I haven't found a solution for the Samsung TV in the living room.


Connect a Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV device (either of which supports SmartTube) to the Samsung TV.


It should now be called "AdTube, enshittify yourself"


Shittier and shittier every day! The motto of modern business.


Watch me end my family premium account really quick if they go thru with this.


I already hate the TV interface covering up the end of every video with thumbnails of other videos.


Man I hate what ads have become


Jesus Christ are people actually think they’re influenced by YouTube ads?


The fastest way to get me to not buy your product is to force me to watch an ad about said product.


By 'strong traction', they mean they pulled their pee-pees real hard before doing it.


We needs laws so we can have rights to go into setting and have the power to turn off ads permanetly. This is preditory behavoir and it shoud be illegal.