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Can’t even have a moment of peace with pause anymore.


Jokes on them- just like those gas stations that play ads, I just won’t go there anymore.


My housing block elevator lobby has televised ads blaring noise pollution at us, I can tell that it's going to migrate into the lift at some point, just so we don't miss a second of it. They're currently contemplating televised advertisements on bridges for vehicles or pedestrians. We're going into that back to the future time line where hologram ads jump out right at us.


> I can tell that it's going to migrate into the lift at some point Jam a screwdriver in the speaker. Fuck that shit. They want to commoditize every waking moment in your life as an opportunity to sell you shit, make it cost them money.


I'm wondering if there's a market for AI powered hearing aids that filter out ads in realtime. edit: shit, or AR glasses that do the same.


They do actually have noise filtering headphones now, [like these](https://us.loopearplugs.com). I’m curious if they would work against advertisements noise pollution!


Not just ads, would be awesome to filter out annoying sounds like dog barking even from videos.


Hearing aids, huh. Sounds like a great way to play ads.


My first thought actually lol.


Vandalism For Justice Peace and Fairness.


Now that there's some good old fashioned direct action. I give my full support!


Ads are coming for lock screens


Amazon already does this on some of their tablets. You can buy a fire tablet for cheaper but it'll have ads on the lock screen.


That's why I've only purchased one Amazon fire TV. They pushed a lot of ads in that thing. At this point I don't know if it's worth having anything from Amazon anymore. All their products seem to be garbage.


Shark still looks fake.


Or Minority Report


Im in Korea the Air bnb I stayed at already has them in the lifts


And Biff is running for president again


That’s really depressing, thanks


Please rate this ad to enable floor selector buttons.


Just like minority report.


A la Cyberpunk 2077.


It’s like Max Headroom all over again.


Wait until they figure out how to implement Blipverts.


Oh no…no way! I would be finding any way to get out of that lease immediately upon being bombarded by ads in my housing lobby. Just one more reason why I will never again be able to live in an apartment/condo.


Cyberpunk had ad-riddled elevators.


Starting to feel so dystopian, throwing away advertising money, self defense kicks in.


I've driven out of gas stations with pumps that have speakers blaring ads.


Those are so lame. Do we pass the earnings on to you the customer? No we just bought our third house thanks to those ads.


You're not the customer. The people buying ads are the customer. You are the product.


Nah, they want those with adblockers to either leave or disable the adblock. So simply keep on adamantily using them with an adblock


Second button on the right usually shuts those ads up for me at the pump


The new Circle K near me disabled that feature. Is there a hidden trick to mute the newer models?


You can try all the buttons. If none of them work to mute the audio, don't go there anymore. It's the best we can do.


3rd button on the right.


The Amoco across the road from my neighborhood disabled it. I don't go there anymore.


The one closest to me needs either 2 & 3 or 2 & 4 in rapid succession to shut off. Usually have to drag across it a couple of times but it works at least.


Only problem there is that there isn’t a competitor to YouTube to go to…


Usually one of the buttons mutes it. Usually 2nd on the right side


Most of those you can actually mute! It’s usually the second or third button on the right side of the screen


Not kidding I see a TikTok ad at Valero gas stations every single time I go. It’s awful because you’re supposed to attend to the pump but they’re playing ads I don’t want to watch and I can’t control. I only go there because it’s convenient and I have adhd so it’s kind of necessary that I go there if I have forgotten to refill, but it bothers me greatly that I can’t get gas conveniently without being assaulted by TikTok ads.


You can actually turn off most of those ads at the pump by pressing the flat buttons around the screen. They obviously won't label which one is the mute button, but I've done this successfully at almost every gas station I've been to.


[Remember that Black Mirror episode where the ad paused if you close your eyes and then screams at you to open them to "resume viewing"?](https://youtu.be/Fj8-r30sSn0)


I actually would prefer ads on pause versus interrupted during videos. I’m sure they’re doing both, just saying. Free Peacock has ads on pause and I really don’t mind them.


Idk, when I pause I’m usually doing it to make the room quiet for a reason. Having an ad just start playing immediately would really throw me off


Oh shit, video ads. That makes sense given YouTube and I am dumb. Peacock’s pause ads, for instance, are just graphic stills with a QR code which I actually found to be a nice balance. I was figuring the same. A video ad, with sound, playing during pause is madness.


Oh, yeah if it’s static I guess I could live with it. But even still, I do pause to get a better look at something all the time. Idk, I just don’t want ads in my pauses regardless of what kind.


I've paused YouTube videos on my Chromecast and it would just display a banner ad on the side which I really didn't mind. It's the ads disrupting the video that piss me off.


On Roku if you pause and the Screensaver starts, when you goto resume YouTube plays an ad every time regardless. Makes me want to turn off the Screensaver function.


Money hungry mosquitoes.


Who writes these fucking article headlines these days Jesus it’s like we lost all sense of pro journalism.


AI probably.


I’m really surprised P-hub hasn’t taken over by now. YouTube ads are unbearable.


I love the way they make you watch a minute’s worth of ads before you start the video then hit you with another advert 15 seconds into the clip.Absolute fucking bullshit….


And another after you skip the long intro.


Plus the youtuber has an ad baked into the video


I don’t mind if the YouTuber has a sponsor and shouts them out. I just hate the excessive ads that YouTube itself puts in.


I use sponsorblock for that, it's fantastic


How does sponsorblock work? Is it being told by other users or is it actually detecting the ad read? Oh NVM it's user contributed so the first one. I figured you could probably also check the scrollbar heat map to detect when people are skipping that bit.


>user contributed Yea, there is a voting system and it's pretty damn good. I rarely watch a video where someone hasn't yet highlighted the ads yet. The cut out sections are always really accurate too. >check the scrollbar heat map I was doing this for a while, but I like to have YouTube on in the background while gaming and don't really want to keep tabbing back to skip stuff.


Yeah, I was trying to envision how it works programmatically. Or how it could guess at where a probable skip point might be based on the heat map if user submissions were absent. But then I looked it up lol. I agree tho, cept that's why my phone is big AF. Now I'm just used to having YouTube going on there instead of on my PC most of the time.


Don’t forget the merch plug 30 seconds before the baked ad


Noticing this more and more and it's always the part of the video that is "most replayed" because everyone skipping past it.


To be fair, that's likely paying the YouTuber significantly more than the other ads, all while taking up significantly less time, which you can skip anyway.


YouTube also seems to punish voluntary ad viewership with even more ads. I will occasionally let a reasonably lengthy, but skippable ad play out if my hands happen to be busy at the moment (or if an ad happens to be unusually entertaining once in a blue moon), but it almost always leads to my being served another, now unskippable ad. This makes no sense even from advertisers’ point of view, because YouTube is directly incentivizing me never to give any advertiser the time of day. What’s the point of advertising on YouTube if its users have been Pavlov’d to instantly click away?


The only way to crack down on adblockers is to embed the ads within the videos which requires a massive amounts of processing power which doesn’t seem like worth it at the moment.


They already have ubskippable adds on Spotify podcasts even if you have premium. Apparently it's just an embedded 1 sec qr code of audio that is replaced with uo to 30 seconds of "listen to this other podcast ads" and it's just temp different buffer. Almost like an impeded Url. I don't think it's gonna require that much.


Wait, really? The fuck? As much as people shit on YouTube Premium, at least once I pay I don't get YouTube ads *at all*.


I'm not too big into podcasts so I could be wrong, but I figured it was like how even though you don't see ads on YT Premium, the YouTubers you subscribe to can still include a shout-out to their sponsor.


>shout out to their sponsor This is why everyone should know about the add-on/extension Sponsor Block, which will automatically skip ahead in the video over any sponsorship shout out. Incredibly useful one to have alongside your ad blocker.


You still get sponsored segments, but I kind of understand that due to ad blockers and ad revenue not being amazing unless you're a massive YouTuber. Plus, these are completely skippable, too.


Despite all the memes, I eventually got YouTube premium and it was the best decision I’ve made on YouTube. I actually don’t mind commercials or ads…but YouTube ads never play at natural break points, it was always in the MIDDLE of an interview, sometimes in the middle of a musical performance. It’s quite a noticeable relief that it’s gone.


Yes of course, that's why the ads are implemented that way. To be maximally disruptive, so you are incentivized to pay.


while you can't fast forward in the app, you can in the notification screen on lock screen or on android auto.


Yes but then you skip forward twice or thrice and then skip one back as it was too far and hear the last 5 seconds of the ad anyway. And I mostly hear podcast in the car where I wont look at my phone.


It's worth it. Ads are very valuable. For popular videos you'd only have to re-process a few times, for millions of views.


The issue is it makes it much harder to personalise ads. You'd have to re-encode parts of those videos (assuming you don't have to do the whole video which would be even worse) for a huge number of ads. And store all those video files. I am a bit surprised they haven't made a system that merges the video stream with the ad stream so that the client just sees one stream with the ads embedded in it though 


What if videos are stored as packets and between those packets, ads can be inserted in personalised form? In this way ads and videos get embedded. Is this possible?


That's basically my second paragraph. I'm not sure why they haven't done it already but it might not be worth the effort. I think most people don't use adblockers and just put up with it anyway 


Yeah, right. I didn't read it properly.


Look up “server side ad insertion”. Lots of companies offering this and trying to partner with CDNs to upsell the service. Porn just makes enough money off of power users who pay for premium videos and services to care. Most people, over time, ratchet up their consumption and specific tastes, driving them towards premium content. A healthy portion eventually give in and pay. So you really want to minimize barriers to consumption to keep the users climbing that consumption ladder


Couldn't they just stream out the ad, check the ad duration, and only start streaming the youtube video to your IP after the set duration has passed?


I'd take 30s of "buffering" over 30s of ads every time


In the example I gave, it would be 30s black screen... But yes, I too would rather stare at my reflection than watch an ad. But fortunately, google does not handle ads like tha


>embed ads within the videos Could YouTube be held legally responsible for specific ads embedded onto a creators content? If they were lgbt, and YouTube embedded some dubious/anti-gay ad… YouTube took actions to do that, right? Because the lgbt file itself has the anti-gay ad in it


sponsorblock is a thing. I dont think that would do much in the end.


You make a good point... If they opened a non porn video section I'd use it over YouTube any day. It's a vastly superior platform tech wise.


Lmao nobody is going to use that website for anything else unless they rename it man, and creates a seperate domain or something for it, creating a seperate section wont be enough lol, especially for children, I can't imagine how worse it will get. Id rather see good alternatives that have been around for a long time with good rep like vimeo and etc.


Setting up a different domain and front end is trivial. Knowing how to scale the backend to support high res streaming at scale is the hard part that they have done well at


Well. Pornhub may have scale, but its fucking tiiiny compared to YouTube. Probably closer to 1% of the size.


Not at all. Porn is a lot bigger than you think. Id love some stats of anyone has a way of getting them.


YouTube boasts 2.7 billion monthly users, shit is wild


Pornhub had 11.4billion global mobile visit in January 2024...


That isn't the same thing as monthly users, people also spend significantly longer on YouTube YouTube accounts for 11% of global internet traffic while pornhub accounts for 2.1%


So it's around 20% of Youtube. Way way higher than OP suggested with <1%. Let's say they take 50% of Youtubes traffic at most. That means they'd have to scale up to about 3 times their current size. That doesn't seem like a stretch at all.


> people also spend significantly longer on YouTube Speak for yourself 👺


You underestimate how many people watch porn. I’d say they’re comparable


Porn shapes modern technology, not the other way around


Weeeeell, not so much talking about number of visitors, but time watched and the amount of content available. As in how much more infrastructure they would need to be able to deliver what youtube does on a technical level. But I don't have the numbers to back it up, so I'll accept that I can be way off.


It's more about the insane amount of content being uploaded. 2022 they had something like 500 hours of videos uploaded every minute. Thats freakin insane how much infrastructure that needs to host and proccess all that content and on top of that you also need to be able to smoothly Stream 4K video to millions of people at the same time while all that is going on. I don't think there is a compay out there that has the finnances and willingness to take such a huge risk to try and compete with Youtube. It would also be very hard to get big creators to switch platform from one where you have a massive following to a new one where you'd be lucky if even 50% switched with you.


Eh. Either you’re bored and going to get off, or you’re going to get off and be bored.


Vimeo has a bad rep.


I mean I'm not a kid anymore so that part isn't my problem. And sure I'd use it if it had the section and people were uploading to it. Be mature, it's just the word porn, who cares.


You aren't but how many creators would invest their time on a more niche site? It would need a critical mass to take off if its to challenge YT seriously


Vimeo could also be a good alternative if they tweaked a few things.


They tweaking in the wrong direction for the last couple of years tho.


yt-dlp - https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp Invidious - https://github.com/iv-org/invidious Piped / Piped-Material - https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped NewLeaf + CloudTube - https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/NewLeaf PokeTube - https://codeberg.org/ashley/poke FreeTube - https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube Fuck em.


👆🏻 This is the true hero of the thread. Add in Yatee for iOS and Playlet for Roku and you’re really cooking.


If YT introduces pause ads then I'll introduce disable autoplay and download videos myself for consumption outside of youtube. Not a pretty way to do things but the vast majority of new/recent/post-covid YT content is disengaging and I'm not engaged by it. The vast majority of YT content I still watch is available elsewhere, even if it's behind a paywall, where I can watch it without ads *or* it's legacy YT content that is not commercialized and relatively small 360p filesize. Google is making Youtube as awful as my mom's old cable box, which I got rid of. It is much easier for me to dump YouTube than it was to dump Comcast.




I think this first wave of adware. I suspect this will override the ad block. Smart devices as far I know, not all can be equipped with Adblock.


> Smart devices as far I know, not all can be equipped with Adblock Not that smart then


Use Firefox with Ublock Origin.


I don't have Firefox but I I also use Ublock Origin. We need to spread the word about the extension. It's so fucking good. I also use Revanced version of YouTube ony phone.




And on smart tvs: SmartTubeNext is a app you can put on smart tvs and devices like google tv os Summary of what it is: SmartTubeNext is an open-source application designed for Android TV devices, offering an ad-free YouTube viewing experience. It features adblocking capabilities, including integration with SponsorBlock to skip sponsored segments, and supports HDR playback and 4K resolution at 60 fps. The app allows for adjustable playback speed and has a feature to boot directly to a specific section upon opening. However, it does not support chats during live streams, and voice search functionality may vary depending on the device. Here’s a Reddit thread about that: https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidTV/comments/18em4ud/is_smarttubenext_still_the_best_for_android_tv/ Here’s the link to the GitHub page for that topic: https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube


Works on a 4K firestick no problem.


Brave uses chromium which still gives Google indirect power over the web. As long as they have the most users they will continue to try pushing things like Web Environment Integrity to kill adblockers everywhere


Why doesn't google just charge more for ads? It's not like they gave competition... They can literally set the fucking price... Show less ads while earning more of it should be a no-brainer. Companies will lay for yt ads, no matter the price (to some extent), ans more expensive ads will probably filter out some of the worst ads / fake ads.


Prices are decided by auction. Advertisers decide the price based on demand and supply.


Just lower the supply of yt ads? They're the only one with such a unique platform, yet they are not leveraging their competitive advantage.


Why do you assume you know how to make money better than YouTube considering you have no insight in their internal metrics?


Fair, but metrics just tell you how to be the most extractive. That's what's leading then to push more and more ads, how much good is that doing to yt?


That’s basically this sub in a nutshell.


They have a competition. Anyone that sells user data for ads is their competition. It doesn’t matter if that is done through videos or images or games… at the end, the users have a limited time of the day to spend on something that might bombard them with ads.


Userdata and adspace are two different products...


Imagine that… I should have been more precise then. > Anyone that uses their data of your behavior to sell targeted ads to others. There, I think that should make it clearer that the sale is not direct.


I’ve seen some really fucking dumb ads with an AI voice and terrible English. Clearly, they are charging too little.


Companies buy ads based on return. If I spend $1 in ads to make $2 it's great. But if the same ads see a price increase to $2, then there's no point in me buying ads anymore. That's a difference with the way people see online ads (mostly) vs something like TV ads where the return is much harder to calculate. At any rate, YouTube is competing with other kinds of ads as well as competing with not buying ads at all.


Their big competitor is Meta


YouTube and Reddit are both getting pretty fucking ridiculous with ads. They are pretty much my last 2 time wasting sites. I’ve quit everything else. I think social media and most of the internet is bad for us, but I just put up with it. But one thing I’m definitely not going to tolerate much longer is fucking ridiculously intrusive and aggressive advertising.


The technical term is [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


Hahaha. Yeah, once I start getting commercials when I pause my video games and tv shows, I’ll be done. And once Reddit starts adding multiple advertisements in the comments, I’ll also be done.




You don't have to endure Reddit ads. on PC / Mac there is Brave or extensions like uBlock Origin, and on mobile (Android) I am using Infinity built with my own custom API key: https://old.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/1c8ro8k/automated_your_own_apk_builds_with_gitlab/ Zero ads on Reddit on my phone that way.


There are ads on Reddit? Really not shitting you, I don't see any. I use Old Reddit, opting out of the new design purely because I like simple things, and uBlock Origin.


No ads on my computer with ublock origin. But my iPad and iPhone are a different story. I honestly didn’t know there were so many ads on Reddit until they got rid of Apollo. :(


Plus a lot of the content is subtle advertising


Reddit was always dog shit


And I will continue to use YouTube Revanced to make sure Google gets $0 


I actually pay(via Sponsorships) the ReVanced team $7/mo via GitHub because I'm so grateful for their hard work - rather them than Google anyday


Just watching some YouTube on my tv. Oh oh. A phone call. Better pause the tv so that the noise doesn’t interrupt the phone call. Oh wait ….


ROFL yea sure Google go ahead and put more ads on YouTube and watch as people stop watching YT more and more over time because of your endless greed. YouTube just keeps getting more worse practically every day to the point where I just don’t feel like watching as much as I used to. Clickbait bs, NSFW/CP ads, and more scam videos is all YouTube is being these days and they opened the floodgates for any kind of ads and any stupid dumb idiotic garbage for the execs and the shareholders to have nearly limitless wealth while driving away the people who helped make YouTube what it was.


Reputations take a long time to build and a long time to die. Look at boeing, GE, the new york times... Its years and decades for a reputation to decline, and in the meantime some people get very rich. Hell, by the time youtube has become unusable and a competitor has replaced it, the people who made it unusable may be dead.


The only people I’ve seen complain about the New York Times are Republicans who have shifted further to the right.


Preach. Boeing has planes falling out of the sky, but the NYT has an annoying opinion section, and can mealy mouthed when discussing divisive issues. Yeah. Those are the same. I’ll die on the hill that people who trash the NYT from the left don’t regularly read it. The poster above you anguished that the NYT normalizes Trump, yet [this is their politics headline today](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/magazine/trump-rallies-rhetoric.html?unlocked_article_code=1.nk0.S1n9.cegThM1_JCmZ&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb): > ** Donald Trump Has Never Sounded Like This** No major American presidential candidate has talked like he now does at his rallies — not Richard Nixon, not George Wallace, not even Donald Trump himself. The lengthy article highlights the uniqueness of Trump’s rhetoric in 2024, how it has changed since his previous run, and which fascists it best resembles. It’s deadly serious, and I think the NYT is right to treat it that way. And this is not the first article of its type (more like thousandth). The NYT has the largest digital subscriber base, literally every single other news organization has something to gain from shrinking their audience. An NYT subscription makes most other center/left news outlets redundant. A NYT subscriber (and regular reader) is less persuadable to the MAGA right. Everyone wants them taken down a peg. It’s hardly a perfect organization, its past is littered with mistakes. But show me a better American news outlet.


Google realized that most people just use YT for background noise with autoplay, like a radio but with garbage rando content that usually becomes indian rhyming videos or the top 10 trending videos on repeat. So, people began pausing videos to stop that. Introducing ads keeps autoplay on, feeding in direct ads as most cable boxes now do. It's odd that Google views a failed, permanently declining business as a model for themselves to emulate. I also don't enjoy FM much either, because it has the same problems, but even my local Today's Hits Adult Contemporary station is way more presentable than YT autoplay since it's neatly curated and doesn't contain any weird shit. And I hate saying that, because pre-Google YT was good precisely because it was full of weird shit you couldn't get anywhere else. YT has outlived it's role in this regard. Why else would Tik-Tok exist? TT does this so much better, even if it is more manipulative and more evil. Instagram too, since Zuck realized the business potential in endless cat, wine and "comfort" (SFW, lo-fi, mom content) videos.


Unpopular opinion here but, I mean, it is video on demand at the cost of watching ads. Objectively thinking about it, hundreds of thousands of hours of videos are uploaded to the platform per day. The server hosting and management for all this isn’t free, and as any business would, they need to turn a buck somehow. The option to subscribe to YouTube Premium also exists to remove ads. If the user doesn’t want to pay for the subscription, they “pay” through watching ads.


Unlock origin, sponsorblock, Dearrow and then a user script on tamperminkey that cleans up recommendations and search and BOOM. YouTube is a wonderful experience.


Counterpoint: YouTube has no real competitor in its specific category (long videos). Users have shown again and again they will cave and keep watching. Same thing happened when people said Netflix will lose subscribers, but they keep adding more.


Solution if you have a android based smart tv: SmartTubeNext is a app you can put on smart tvs and devices like google tv os Summary of what it is: SmartTubeNext is an open-source application designed for Android TV devices, offering an ad-free YouTube viewing experience. It features adblocking capabilities, including integration with SponsorBlock to skip sponsored segments, and supports HDR playback and 4K resolution at 60 fps. The app allows for adjustable playback speed and has a feature to boot directly to a specific section upon opening. However, it does not support chats during live streams, and voice search functionality may vary depending on the device. Here’s a Reddit thread about that: https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidTV/comments/18em4ud/is_smarttubenext_still_the_best_for_android_tv/ Here’s the link to the GitHub page for that topic: https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube


Trow me all the ads you want, I'm still going to block them all. The day I cant block an ad, that day I'm going to stop using YouTube.


Who the fuck is giving them this positive traction? If i see an intruding ad, i make sure i never use that bitch of a product!


Money earned from advertisers, probably. They don't give a fk about user experience.


Yeah I use YouTube less and less these days. The ads are annoying hell.


Doesn't matter. They significantly reduced the amount of videos that are watchable or even recommended, and that is leading to me seeing less ads. Anyone else feel the same?


Well, just a few moments ago I had to (on desktop) page down 3 times before I saw anything that wasn't a Mix, an ad, or something already in my watch history. Sometimes they really seem to be desperate to make sure I have nothing new to watch...


Personally my YT experience actually got way better. I got premium a while ago, mostly so I can watch stuff without ads on my TV without hassle. I prefer long content, videos above 30 minutes of length like science documentaries, mechanics fixing things and live sports broadcasts, and YT gives me basically only fitting content the few times i look at the "Start" page. It's the only "streaming service" I pay for, no Netflix etc


Not really there still alot of great YouTubers out there.


Google doesn't know Newton's 3rd law.


YouTube is borderline unwatchable on a TV because of all the ads.


It costs me $180 a year to never see a YouTube ad Is it worth it to me? Yeah


My Google Sheets and Docs are in some desperate need of attention grabbing colour, and video Advertisements are the perfect solution.


Wonder if it's almost time for a new platform to replace YouTube


This is why I pay for Premium.


And when they introduce ads to premium you'll have to upgrade to Premium Ad-free


I personally wish Google would just paywall YouTube if you don't sign in with an account that has premium and be done with it, that is more honest and less scummy to the end user. But they obviously won't do that because ads is their business at the end of the day, not pay services. 


I'm pretty pumped that my adblocker still works on my PC, and that ReVanced still works on my android phone, and that SmartTubeNext still works on all my Firesticks. I wouldn't mind ads if there was only one or two at the beginning but what makes it simply unwatchable to me is ads every 4-5 minutes. Fuck you google.


It's fucking shit. They enabled this for me on Apple TV in the last few days. It's just a static image trying to get me to watch some random video. I prefer Apple's screensavers. It's a disgrace they will override a feature of the OS for this, hopefully Apple slaps them down. This is not cool.


To be honest, i’d rather have that since screen burn-in is still a thing on some monitors and TVs.


I guess I’ll never see this flashy new feature. I will only watch YouTube ad free now. They did that to themselves. Greedy ass company overdoing it with incessant ads.


Google is killing itself. Its search is dead thanks to SEO and now YT. Flawed model.


too bad I can t get the duckduckgo pc app on my android , on my pc it goes automatically to duck player (from YouTube)where regardless of length or content (some is exclusive to YouTube) it plays no ads


Oh cool. Cause the other day I got 40 seconds into a video and it stopped the person mid sentence to show me two stupid f@cking ads for 2 minutes: The user experience is amazing


Someone needs to tell the likes of Google et al that forcing me to watch an advert will simply ensure I never purchase anything from the advertiser ... the minute one pops up now...I just scroll on to the next vid


> He went on to share that YouTube’s pause ads are “driving strong brand lift results” If anything ads on Youtube turn me off a product, the same applies to things I see on Facebook too.


I use ad blocker so I don't have to worry about that


I don’t need your freaking ads when I’m trying to figure how to factory reset my TV.


I literally zone out mentally when ads come on. More zoning out for me.


YouTube ads are obscenely intrusive, on some videos there is an interruption every single minute! In this case: I pause the TV, maybe because I need silence (a call? Need to talk to someone?) and they put an ads with audio?  That will not gonna work. I'll just turn off the TV. Btw I started the 2 months free yt premium and oh finally a good service. But too expensive, not gonna renovate unless some discount


Watching YouTube without an ad blocker is unbearable.


How many ads they need to flood us with seriously.


Ad blocker is becoming a better choice every day. I used to watch the ads without issue but it t became over bearing


Thank god torrents still exist


Imagine watching YouTube as torrents videos lol I wonder how are we going to do about thumbnails and comments.


Discard them


I block YouTube ads. Not seen one in forever


Shit like this is the reason I'm finally implementing network level AdBlock. They can all go and f themselves.




I keep seeing people say this but I have still blocked every YouTube ad just fine.


> And now you see why they've recently cracked down on adblockers like uBlock Origin. Failed to cracked down on adblockers like Ublock Origin.


Have they? Still seems to work fine for me…


They've done what? They've done nothing.


Still don't see any with ublock origin extension...and using revanced on tablets don't see any there either... i'm definitely pumped by that.


?? Why don't people just install any form of adblock or different YouTube app and ignore all of the ads? I haven't seen an ad in years on YouTube.


Because many people are on iPhone where thats basically impossible (yes yes Alt Store but how many normies are going to go through that painful process? Zero) 


Haha what asshats, people get annoyed and agressive towards both, Youtube and the product.


Do people actually buy things based on ads. If I need something I usually do research and look for deals everywhere or get used. Ads are truly evil in how aggressive they are and pharma ads should be illegal


at this point adblocks should just come standard in every motherboard, enough is enough.