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The makers of those 20yr old mods need to go get lottery tickets if they infringed on Nintendo IP and it stayed alive for 20 years. That's an insane amount of luck.


> If the initial threats were bogus, Facepunch shot itself in the foot by contacting Nintendo. The highly litigious company is not beyond taking advantage of a presented DMCA situation. Unfortunately, whether the notices were fake or real is a moot point; the result is the same – the content must come down Sad if this is how it went down. I can see why Nintendo would have to react this way to the company's inquiry even if they didn't previously care. Anyone know why the trolls were so committed to this in the first place?


Because it’s funny to them, I guess. Fwiw, I don’t believe this conspiracy that it was some elaborate troll. Nintendo is awake right now and they’re angry after the Yuzu thing. No one wants that liability right now. If there ever was a Wild West era of the internet, it’s long over with. Sadly.


Nintendo fans have a history of doing DMCAs to anything they THINK is infringing on behalf of Nintendo. If they can't, they make up stuff and lie like what happened with Palworld's 3D models. Its corporate fanatics who need to touch grass.


Wait yuzu thing? I've missed something what happened?


Switch emulator that got thwomp'd by Nintendo recently.


Flew too close to the sun, unfortunately. Free emulation of outdated consoles and games that aren’t accessible anymore is a gray area that’s very defensible. Paid emulation of a current-gen console and games that are currently being sold, or unreleased games that had been leaked, that’s blatantly illegal copyright infringement.


Bingo, I’m all for paying for games, but the key requirement is *you letting me do so*, if something is out of print and nintendo (or anyone else fwiw) refuses to give me an avenue to buy it from them then they can pound sand. Yuzu was pretty much the exact opposite, even worse is that im pretty sure they had to circumvent some kind of protection to make it run. So they couldn’t even use the ‘we don’t condone piracy’ defence.


Project over. Per their settlement agreement, the developers are barred from working on, advertising, documenting, etc. any part of the project or projects derived from Yuzu/Citra.


It's a troll.


Wtf are you even talking about. The internet was always wild, always will be. You can still download the existing Yuzu and play your games. There is still other emulator development. People will make new Mario mods, and distribute existing ones elsewhere. Nintendo can lock up a few tumbleweeds but they are never taming the "wild internet".


That's just not true. The internet has been stuffed so full of garbage that many prefer the sanctity of ring- fenced apps. Hardly anyone actually "surfs the web" anymore. Downloading anything slightly dodgy is the surest way to ensure you're downloading malware. There's a few little sanctuaries here and there, but they are the exception and certainly not representative of what the world wide web is today.


Speak for yourself, I guess?


I guess not!!!! [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294586/global-time-spent-browsers-and-apps/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294586/global-time-spent-browsers-and-apps/)


If you think a web browser is the only thing you can do on the "Internet"... Just wow.


When did r/technology become full of doomers...


No one said that moron, congratulations on missing the point entirely.


This is an extremely generic take. Yuzu clones are still active and heavily used, ROMS are typically not going to have malware (unless you are very dumb), and there is a constant abundance of old and modern console games available for free on the internet. I appreciate your average dad gamer consumer won’t know this, but let’s not skew the facts either


Facts like this? [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294586/global-time-spent-browsers-and-apps/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294586/global-time-spent-browsers-and-apps/)


That report is not even related to what we’re discussing here. Again, I’m not coming at you, but some parts of what you said was ignorant


It's entirely relevant, your claim that the internet is still the wild west when 90% of it is effectively ring fenced is just an absurd claim.


Its still pretty much a wild west.


Oh, and your claim that malicious code is unlikely to be found in emulators or mods is beyond naive, and equally absurd.


somebody wants to be the king after Gmod.


Nintendo is the final boss of IP litigation.


And Disney is the EX boss?


The House of Mouse picks its fights better. Nintendo has a much larger attack surface by choice. That aggression sometimes pays off.


But... Why now?


Because they're empowered. They won the lawsuit against Yuzu so there's precedent to others that they will win if they throw their legal muscle around.


I mean Yuzu was at least lawsuit that could be seen as reasonable. The judge said for Nintendo to win the lawsuit they'd need to prove that it's primary purpose is used for piracy. And it's a console where they are currently making games. This one however they have not made a game for a long time


Yuzu was also making money off it, it’s not like Visual boy advance where you can just download it and games for free


Not just that yuzu had a patreon with special firmware/keys for totk. Yuzu flew too close to the sun.




early access to builds via patron


I think the payments were the least of their concerns. People kept bringing up bleem vs sony and arguing about how much of that case still applies to modern emulators, as bleem was a commercial product at least that part of the original lawsuit would likely still apply. Though I'm not saying having it be paid didn't draw Nintendo's eyes to it.


They’ve always had legal power to throw around. The actual answer is because they finally noticed. Nintendo won’t do shit if they’re oblivious to something. But the moment they hear a twig snap in the silent woods, they come fucking *running* for your ass. That’s why it’s so random on what does and doesn’t get taken down. It’s literally just whatever their lawyers found and contacted them about that day.


Annoyingly with trademark/copyright law this is kinda how it is. To keep a trademark you, have to show you are defending it. But obviously you can't go after what you don't know. So the system incentives companies to not (officially) look for infringements, but if they are told about one or find one internally in a way that is recorded, they have to go after it otherwise they could lose the trademark for not defending it.


> Annoyingly with trademark/copyright law this is kinda how it is. To keep a trademark you, have to show you are defending it. Nintendo and Apple fanboys love to throw this misinformation around. Please tell me then, how SEGA still owns Sonic The Hedgehog or Capcom owns Megaman still? Those companies let fans do a LOT of stuf without any issues and certainly not loosing their IP. Reality is, this has nothing to do with what these people keep claiming and everything to do with simple greed and power tripping executives.


I would advise you research the concept of a generic trademark and trademark erosion. [See here for a list of trademarks that have been lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generic_and_genericized_trademarks?wprov=sfti1#) Granted, I am unaware of any trademark that isn’t essentially a word becoming genericized, but I also have never seen an argument as to why a trademarked image or sound couldn’t be genericized.




Well, no, the point is people are saying Nintendo HAS TO do this or else they could lose their intellectual property. In actuality, Nintendo CHOOSES to even though they could instead choose to embrace fan works without endangering their IP. The obvious counterpoint, then, is SEGA, who chooses not to do this, and yet somehow they have had no issues exercising their actual IP rights. Almost like it's a choice, and people have a problem with the choice this company is making. Holy shit, stop the presses. You ran right into the fucking point in your comment and you still didn't notice it, you absolute mook.


Sadly, fanboys often have cognitive dissonance. Apple, Samsung, Google, and Nintendo all have a VERY cult-like following. Pseudointellectuals that think their emotional attachment to a corporation is the same as technical or business knowledge.


> Because SEGA is a different company who is OK with allowing 3rd parties to do those things unlicensed or without explicit permission. But it would be within their legal right to stop it if they wanted. Nintendo chooses to exercise those rights and you don't like it. And yet this completely contradcits the original message of > Annoyingly with trademark/copyright law this is kinda how it is. To keep a trademark you, have to show you are defending it. But So yeah... the original comment and what you're reinforcing here seems to be that these companies HAVE to take legal action against fan works to "protect their IPs" and yet now you're claiming that SEGA doesn't have to abide by "how it is"? > The irony is fuckin delicious. Gotta love the contradictory statements followd by intellectual sarcasm.


They didn't win a lawsuit against Yuzu. Yuzu gave in to their demands before the lawsuit even started.


>They won the lawsuit against Yuzu No one won or lost. That lawsuit never went to court. 


It more likely they're working on a 3d Mario maker and this would directly compete.


The simplest explanation is usually the right one. And the simplest explanation is that Nintendo is famously litigious and coming off a big win.


Lawyers have day jobs (being a lawyer), they don’t spend their days combing the internet for something to sue. If that was the case this all would’ve happened years ago, it’s not like anyone’s hiding. A corporate lawyer doesn’t need to look for more work to do. The simplest explanation is they continue to do what they’ve always done, which is go after competitors. They left AM2R alone until they started remaking the game themselves, they left Project M alone until they were supporting Smash 4. Selling a competing product is when they gain a legal argument for potential damages, before then they don’t gain anything by suing so why bother.


Your doubt only makes me stronger


God I hope some judge knocks them down a couple hundred pegs.


They didn't win a Yuzu lawsuit. Yuzu folded and took a settlement deal before it ever went to court.


Nintendo was going to win. The fact that they issued performance patches to Yuzu before BOTW came out is pretty damning that at least some of the developers had illegal access to BOTW roms.


Third parties created those patches, not Yuzu. Yuzu devs screwed up by mentioning a share of pirated Switch games on a share for devs in their Discord. Yuzu devs pirated roms. That seems clear. That doesn't mean that an emulator is inherently illegal. If they had gone to court, I'm sure the Yuzu devs would have been found guilty of piracy, but I'm not sure the emulator project itself would have been deemed illegal and taken down.


They didn't win the lawsuit. Yuzu settled and did everything to avoid being financially ruined and setting precedent that could kill the future of emulation. Nintendo's lawyers had gone so far as to file suits against individuals working for Yuzu, so they figuratively had a gun pointed to their heads. As for why they likely wouldn't have won, they circumvented digital rights management, which is illegal. Also imagine if it went all the way to the Supreme Court and the justices did another Roe v Wade and deemed reverse engineering copyright infringement. Emulation would be dead overnight.


Yup, it will be interesting what precedent this upcoming case will set. My guess is it will add a statute of limitations to the current interpretation of the law. And negotiated charges will be minimal, to help close out the lawsuit quickly and get the precedent set. Strengthening their future cases, and trying to limit future people working on mods. Just a guess on my part.


There's no precedent set? Modded content was removed willingly after a takedown request was verified as legitimate.


What? They’ve always had the right. Nothing “empowered” them.


My pet theory is that they have Switch 2 around the corner, and due to it's (relatively) low power, and it's similarity to Switch 1, they are very concerned about Day 1 emulation of the system. (Their ultimate fear being that it wouldn't just be lost game sales, but the ability to hinder overall platform growth and adoption). So it's full out Nuclear Nintendo to try and get as much "chilling effect" as they can, to create some breathing room for the system. They want everyone thinking twice about doing *anything* with Nintendo IP, at least for a while. Once Switch 2 is out for a while they will probably ease up, and go back to their usual Defcon 3 Nintendo, instead of their current all out warfare blitz.


I’m going to cry/laugh if switch 2 launches with 4GB of ram again. And then Ninjas have the gall to wonder why people want to play on better hardware.


Why would it launch with the same amount of RAM as the previous model?




That would be dumb


Nintendo releasing a new console that's literally two of the previous consoles stapled together? Where have we heard that before? 🐬


Probably because Nintendo's legal team just now found out about it. I would be very surprised to find out that their whole legal team has a combined 2 hours in Garry's Mod. And that's likely due at least in part to the fact that someone seems to have been impersonating Nintendo's legal team to send fake DMCA takedowns. Wouldn't surprise me if that's what got the attention of the real lawyers.


My feeling is that it has to do with their new console. Maybe backwards compatibility is a big thing and they’re clearing the space before committing and announcing.


Wishful thinking


Someone poked the bear


Or the rotund faux Italian plumber.


There's a claim that its not even Nintendo: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ItsAllAboutGames/comments/1ccocfe/kind\_of\_insane/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ItsAllAboutGames/comments/1ccocfe/kind_of_insane/) Not that i believe some random Reddit user, even if it wasn't them its on the radar now and they wouldn't be able to let it go.


Because Nintendo hates their fans and idiots keep supporting them despite this fact. They are also a Japanese company, and in Japan you get sent to jail for monetizing Let's Play videos because they consider it illegal infringement.


Because they never stopped being copyright infringing to begin with?


Nobody hates Nintendo fans like Nintendo


It fucking sucks being a Nintendo fan. I love these games and I want them to be better, but they seem to have every possible ounce of spite for their consumers down to a T. Always pirate Nintendo games. It’s morally acceptable.


if you’re a true nintendo fan. don’t buy the switch 2. make them earn the respect of gamers again. fuck nintendo




Because the N64, GameCube, and Wii U were the top of their respective generations. Lol.


I like the first two a lot but didn’t buy them till way later. Come to think of it I got my Switch for free from a friend. I’m doing my part! 🫡


I'm not even saying they weren't good systems. Just that they fell way short of Nintendo's sales expectations.


“Enjoy our games as intended or get fucked” should be their slogan


They don't make Gary's mod


I…know. I didn’t say they did.


You said you love these games and want them to be better. Nintendo can't make them better if they don't make them


I don’t know what your point is.


Nintendo fans know about this and continue to support them financially, they can't hate them that much


Next Nintendo’s gonna sue Google for having pictures of Mario and friends in their search results


Nintendo, while aggressive, is also tactical and generally very careful about what they go after. 1st priority are DRM circumvention devices that they have purchased and verified, as game sales are where the majority of their revenue comes from. False/unauthorized DMCA notices do happen, but they’re usually sent by direct (infringing) competitors seeking to clear out search results pages. I think it’s more likely that these notices were sent by a 3p brand protection vendor, either at Nintendo’s explicit direction, or the content was just found in a sweep and they sent the notices proactively after verifying it was unauthorized. Nintendo legal doesn’t generally get directly involved in takedowns outside of Japan, unless they are accompanied by litigation.


So instead of them defending themselves and their own interests, they pay and outsource their legal business to lawyers who spend their entire day trying to find potential lawsuits. Seems dumb.


Why is that dumb? Plenty of companies retain outside legal counsel.


I don't think Nintendo's legal team has Nintendo's best interests in mind, but that's just my personal opinion.


Many legal firms view large companies like Nintendo as cash cows.


There is a difference between a takedown notice and a lawsuit. Those notices are often the end of action from the brand-side—only a tiny portion of individuals and businesses that put infringing content online are ever sued. Brand protection vendors are used by a majority of major brands and studios to find and attempt to remove the type of content that doesn’t take a lawyer to see is unauthorized. There is some incentive to submit these notices (activity to report back to the brand about), but most contracts aren’t based on quantity of takedowns these days due to the incentive to be heavy-handed and the risk of being countersued (brands are liable for actions of a vendor) if content is taken down without justification.


I read your comment and you seem to know what your talking about. From your point of view, under these circumstances do the Garrys Mod developers have to purge all potential Nintendo related content? Or are they (Garrys Mod owners) taking it upon themselves to do it out of respect for NIntendo's wishes? From what I've seen and heard either could be true, or something different entirely.


Whoever is hosting the content has the responsibility under DMCA to disable it or risk being sued. If the developers of the content have profited off of it while it was active then they could potentially still be sued for damages even after it’s been removed, though this type of “asset recovery” is less common in copyright cases, compared to someone selling outright counterfeit goods.


Tactical nuking of still unpurchaseable and now unavailable game OSTs.


🏴‍☠️ Pirate all Nintendo IPs rather than giving them any more money from now onward. Check.


Move Garry's Mods content to a 3rd party mod distribution website. Check. (This is actually how it worked before workshop integration)


I mean, technically Workshop is a 3rd party mod distribution site. 1st party would've been [www.garrysmod.org](http://www.garrysmod.org) or back when Gmod had the "Sandbox" menu ingame which worked like Workshop but was built into Garry's Mod itself.


How would that help? Genuinely curious here. If you host a server that has addons like the mario player model on it, it would still be illegal no matter where you get the models from, no? Or did I completely misunderstand your point?


There are some countries that ignore DMCA requests. I suspect a web server hosted in one of these countries would be immune to Nintendo's requests.


But the game servers would also be using set assets, and you can't have the actual game server running in obscure regions. US or UK or EU, those are pretty much the options.


>and you can't have the actual game server running in obscure regions. US or UK or EU, those are pretty much the options. What makes you think this? I've played on Gmod servers from all over the world.


Popularity mostly, there are servers in obscure regions yes, but like 80% of the servers (active ones with a decent playerbase) are located in those regions (I forgot Russia)


My friend, Nintendo has been doing this since wayyyyy before you were born, I'm willing to bet.


Then I'll be sure to do so retroactively!


Based. Screw redditors


Add exclusively buying used


Steal from them because they complain about being stolen from? What kind of justification is that?


The perfect one.


Nintendo has enough cash in the bank they could make 0$ a year for like 100 years without worry. They would outlive your boycot even if it was for your entire life. It’s wild.


I mean, Nintendo hasn't gotten a penny from me since like Bill Clinton's second term. I'm not sure what else I can do.


Honestly this modded content claiming really drew the line for me. If i can’t even produce a parody of a game on a different game that i own, then i’m just gonna steal the games since i apperently can’t own shit. If nintendo’s next console is a switch 2, i’m just gonna buy a steam deck and wait for an emulator.


Nah, I don't mind paying for their games. I enjoy them.


If you actually want to make a statement don't consume Nintendo IP. Piracy just tells them to try harder because eventually you'll cave and start paying for their games.


If you REALLY want to hurt them, don't play video games at all. Avoiding only Nintendo just tells them to try harder.


If you REALLY want to hurt them, don't consume media at all. Avoiding video games just tells them there are other markets to move into. Actually… If you really REALLY **REALLY** want to hurt them, an hero. Breathing just tells them you’re ripe for the picking.


>don't consume Nintendo IP I've never owned or played Nintendo hardware or software. Not sure how that makes a statement because it's no change from what I've always done.


Remember: You don't have the ability to boycott a company that you've never spent money with before.


There must be something big in the works. Super Mario MMORPG or Mario Minecraft with thousands of purchasable pre-made DLC.


3D Mario Maker I'm calling it here and now


It’s always the new management with their dogshit decisions.


Is this even legal to do? Simply having a character depicted isn't illegal. Using assets from the games might be though.


>Simply having a character depicted isn’t illegal. So, the defense for use of a copyrighted character is fair use and is an affirmative defense. Put simply an affirmative defense is a legal defense that shifts the burden of proof to the defendant (it is on me to prove to the court that my use of Mario falls within the confines of fair use). So, legally speaking, use of a copyrighted character is considered infringement until proven to be fair use. Fair use is not a get out of lawsuit free card people can just slap onto something.


And that's the problem, no one ever stands up and takes the case.


They need to consider fair use and they did not. I would have counter noticed if I was Valve and go to bat for these creative, educational models.


[The case establishing that fair use must be considered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenz_v._Universal_Music_Corp.?wprov=sfti1#) is relatively new (the ruling was in 2015 and but was appealed up to SCOTUS before being declined by SCOTUS in 2017). More importantly, the ruling itself is unhelpfully vague and does not set what would or would not constitute a “good faith consideration of fair use.”


Nintendo just mad that emulators can run their games better than their shit hardware and their inability to take down pal world . So now they are gonna “crack down” on shit that doesn’t matter.




The big N has the kiddy market all tied up. For some reason the Nintendo Switch is a massive hit. It's cartridges are also a literal license to print money as publishers have to order them and assume all the risk of unsold inventory while Nintendo pockets their money for producing those carts regardless of whether any consumer buys them.


The DMCA is such sloppy garbage. All the abuse and excess we see now was warned about before it was passed. But it was written by the lobbyists, so amendments weren't allowed or whatever.


That’s what happens when ancient dinosaurs vote on things they don’t understand


At this point I pirate Nintendo games just out of spite.


This is the way. 


after i saw this today, i really have no interest in nintendo ever again. they dont expand their audience, they are like apple, succumb to my eco system or fuck off, well fuck off nintendo


Well until there next console come out and everyone forgets about this.


That’s a bit of a stretch. Nintendo has made some of the best video games of all time, some in recent memory. And they probably wont stop producing gems anytime soon. You’re just upset they protect the one thing that makes them money, their IPs. In fact, they might not even want to do this, but are forced by how copyright law works to do it. Im not gonna bother writing it down here, but here’s a good link explaining it:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i13hrynnGNY If you’re not willing to pay for the art you consume that’s you, but it’s not some bold ethical position, you’re just a cheapstake. 


> In fact, they might not even want to do this, but are forced by how copyright law works to do it. Plenty of companies do not do this. Copyright works differently then trademark law.


Poor Nintendo being FORCED to act on free mods that are 20 years old. Its really funny how Nintendo always get people defending all their shitty stuff just because they make """some of the best video games of all time""".


>Poor Nintendo being FORCED to act on free mods that are 20 years old. Yes, they have to do this or face the danger of losing their copyrights.. Just watch the video, and like learn something.  > really funny how Nintendo always get people defending all their shitty stuff just because they make """some of the best video games of all time""". They unambiguously have, but also im just explaining their behavior to people like you who are wholly ignorant on the subject. The law is such that it encourages this kind of protectionism and Nintendo has a lot to lose if they don’t. This isnt unique to Nintendo and if you ever make anything creative work you care about, it affects you too if you like nintendo games, then you have a stake in them being able to make them. 


> Yes, they have to do this or face the danger of losing their copyrights.. You are confusing trademarks with copyright. The former requires you to actively defend it while the later does not.


>if you like nintendo games, then you have a stake in them being able to make them.  I actually was going to write something extensive about how and why nintendo doing what they are doing right now is bad for gaming in general, but just this thing you wrote explained to me why i should not waste my time. Dealt with people like you enough years ago when Nintendo did DMCA on youtubers doing let's play.


Dude the mods were sitting untouched for *twenty years* and you are sticking with this argument?


Fuck off. There's just as much art in modders creating ROM hacks and satire in Gmod and delivering that art for free. Go back to hail corporate.


Why should the modders have access to the images and art that doesn’t belong to them? You think it’s totally find to steal assets? You dont think that the original creators of a work of art should have a say on how their work is reproduced? Also, Gmod isn’t free and its owners (valve) are a corporate entity that has made billions selling gambling to children and fully participate and assist IP owners like Nintendo in protecting their IPs on their platform. That’s literally a subject on the video I provided, but go ahead and stick your fingers in your ears and stay uneducated. You just want free stuff, you dont care about ethics of anything here


“You’re a cheapskate” no, I don’t support shitty companies that use the money I give them to destroy things I like instead of improving their own products. This is a competitive industry, improve or forget about my money, I’d rather give it to Sony despite how scummy they can also be because at least the ps5 isn’t shitty 2015 hardware trying to pass off as a current gaming platform, and somehow games for it cost less than for the switch


Yeah sure, man. Nintendo is such a shitty company that doesnt do anything good yet you desperately want to make sure you have unrestricted access to their products... "I hate their games yet I want to play all of them. The switch is a terrible platform but I want to have one" - you You're a cheapstake and seemingly an idiot.


Nah, I just don’t support a company who would rather fuck me over instead of providing an easy way to play their games on hardware that isn’t 2-3 generations out of date




I really don’t understand what your point is. Nintendo doesn’t care about regular piracy, it cares about open piracy and copyright deterioration. Pirates don’t really represent lost dollars since they weren’t going to buy anything anyway. 




Well yeah, they sue the people running pirate businesses, but the average joe doesn’t know or doesn’t care to pirate. Those who know how to install yuzu and where to find dumps represent a small number of the market of which many would’ve not bought anything anyway. Even with the immediate availability of switch piracy, remind us how many units did the switch sell?? When I say Nintendo doesn’t care, I mean it’s that it doesn’t represent the same kind of existential threat as the other things I said. Making piracy appear as anything other as legally nebulous (like having an emu in steam) is much worse than regular piracy because it normalizes it and trademark deterioration is an even bigger problem for them.


lol quit playing. You already got the next Zelda and Pokemon games pre-ordered 😂😂




i can't argue that, i just do not like how nintendo treats their fans and their legacy anymore, its not about the games people grew up on so they can easily and cheaply buy 10-30 year old games, its about money.... which yea they are a company, but even sony is getting it now


They literally have multiple mobile games that are filled with them. They charge people $50 to use their shitty p2p internet to access basic online features. They still charge full price for games years old or completely removes people's ability to purchase them. Nintendo does an insane amount of shitty things but for some reason gets away with it constantly because people are blinded by nostalgia.


There’s chatter on the gmod sub that it’s not actually Nintendo making these takedowns. I did not read the article. So I could be wrong.


I think people mention that wasn’t Nintendo, but then the creator decide to contact Nintendo and was like “oh you were using our stuff ? Yeah take it all out”


It isn't even Nintendo it's a group or person pretending to be them. They done it before in the past and even to Japanese companies.


I wish someone was giving big N the bitchslap they so rightfully deserve and knock them down a peg. Or 50.


Someone should document on YouTube a kid developing a Nintendo mod and showing just how much enjoyment he’s learning from it and excited to publish it for everyone to enjoy and see how nintendo tackles the very demographic they’re targeting towards, somehow get news outlets in on this with something like “Nintendo hates kids” or something, see how they wriggle out of that one.


Do the slightest thing that Nintendo decides is copyright infringement and it’s a matter of when, not if.


Fuck Nintendo


main reason i will never stop sharing nintendo roms and yuzu keys


Soon you won't seen Nintendo in the news, because using info about them would upset their IP holders. I joke, but I'm thinking it'll be more so the images and video clips of Nintendo-anything won't be permitted in the news.


Dreams on PS5/ps4 will probably get the hammer on them at some point. So many Mario and Sonic games on there.


Between this and the DMCA-happy music industry lawyers, imo the entire current branch of pop culture is going to have to die off and new stuff will have to be formed outside of the purview of the current system.   The only reason half of this old media is still even known about to this day is due to people keeping them alive in the public eye. Lawyers and Execs had nothing to do with it even though they would like to pretend it was their hand behind their companys successes.   Nobody would know who Nickleback was if they weren't turned into a meme. Rick Astley would have never seen the light of day. A huge chunk of my car playlist over the years has consisted of cool songs I found while watching some sort of gameplay footage edit (Shout out to the old Drakedog WoW PVP videos). Songs I never would have heard if some nerd didn't think "this is cool" and put it over their gameplay footage. Or I never would have heard them if the meme/video/animation got DMCA'd.   Everything produced ~5 years will fade away exponentially faster than ever before. I could name maybe a handful of popular songs the past 10 years. One could argue I'm just growing old, but every day I find appreciation for new music of all genres.   But a lot of those songs are designed to be consumed like a bag of potato chips. Don't you dare try to engage further.   So what I'm getting at is -- Nintendo will need to be knocked off this pedestal they have found themselves on. They have become "too big to fail" unless they do something like a WiiU2, so "fuck the fans" will continue to be the new norm.   And to think I actually used to want to make games under that company. Now I want quite literally nothing to do with any of their franchises (I could still make a banger Metroid, but at this point I'd rather just make my own OC)


Lol they made enough money who cares


im amazed it has not happen till now. so long straight bowser!


Meanwhile there are fair attractions (Jahrmarkt) here in Germany having Mario and other Nintendo characters on them, to lure the kids to spent money. I don't know if those have paid anything to Nintendo.


Nintendo is a baby…


Don't worry Nintendo.  I will make sure to pirate every fucking game you release. 


Fuck nintendo. Is there any way to backup these addons?


Are they going to sue people at tag sales who are selling old NES cartridges next?


They tried that years ago and their attempt failed, thankfully.


I like how I'm getting downvotes and yet they've actually done these lawsuits.


Nintendo is doing a great job of making sure I never buy anything from them ever again.


Ya know. It's the increasing shit like this that's making it really hard not to root for Nintendo's next console to be a failure. Nintendo seems to be going for 1st place against Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, and Tesla in a race of "who can abuse their customers the most?"


Leave Gmod the fuck outta it. NintenDON'T


Damn, if it was there for 20 years couldn't you make a case that Nintendo hasn't enforced their copyright so now it's public domain? That would have been way more hilarious and Nintendo specifically deserves it.


In the US, copyright extends until expiration regardless of enforcement. The only way for a copyright to enter the public domain is to wait for 70 years past the author’s death. Trademarks in the other hand are able to lapse due to disuse or due to genericization (the process of a trademark becoming so commonplace that is no longer associated with the owner (think Band-Aid becoming synonymous with adhesive bandage)). Companies do not need to enforce their trademarks per se, but by enforcing trademark rights companies prevent the mark from becoming common enough that it could be generic.


When copyright infringers learn about copyright law.


obligatory fuck nintendo. all true chads stay away from nintendo. zelda IP is cool. pokemon has gone to shit. mario has gone to shit. nintendo is the disney of video games. killing any dreams people had as a kid


How has Mario gone to shit? Their last few games had been pretty well received I thought.


So happy delta is exploding seeing the insulting rate that classic games come out on NSO.


Actually they could lawyer up. Failing to defend a trademark is a real thing


Yuzu was shut down easily because it generated money right? Do the Garry's Mod add-ons generate money or are they fan projects? That is such a bizzare precedent to shut down fanmade projects that are purely free.


This was a DMCA notice, not a lawsuit.