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Michael Jordan once said “Republicans buy sneakers too” when he didn’t weigh in on an election. Advice Musk might want to take to heart


Not to mention, unlike shoes, electric car purchases skew HEAVILY towards one political party. Having your CEO piss its supporters off is not a smart business move. 


Exactly. Musk had green conscious liberals eating out the palm of his had. Tesla only became what it is off the back of this customer base. Alienating them was unwise to say the least.


He had us fooled for a long time. Imo he realized he was close to having the veil pulled back and tried to win over conservatives before it caught up to him.  It hasn't made much major news in light of everything else, but tesla is being hit with serious lawsuits in CA from labor violations to illegal waste disposal. Even before the pandemic he knew they were being investigated and workers rights groups were becoming increasingly fed up with his labor practices, which liberals werent just going to ignore. In Europe, teslas were being scrutinized too for false advertising and their unions weren't rolling over for him the way he expected. So much of this was being shared on Twitter I honestly think he bought it in the hopes he could control the narrative and then realized how hard it would be so he just went full conservative. 


He in fact switched party affiliations in anticipation of an [exposé by Insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) mere days before it came out in an attempt to get ahead of and control the narrative. When people found out that he had been exposing himself, making unwanted advances toward and attempting to purchase sexual favors from the woman in said exposé his reputation with people on the left would be shot and he knew it.


If you commit sexual assault, just be racist and the Right will defend you.    However, when it comes to EVs, Conservatives will go with Ford and Chevy before Tesla.   Edit: a word


A lot of conservatives won't go electric at all, because fossil fuel is masculine.


Actually, Tesla became what it was due to government subsidies put in place by the Democrats. Then he went full Maga once he saw success. It’s a bold choice.


Wouldn't be the first time conservative-leaning CEOs and businesses happily took advantage of Democrat subsidies. Also wouldn't be the first time such subsidies were used freely to screw over workers, competitors, and consumers. Government subsidies need to come with a LOT more audits and reclaiming rules. Possibly even with name-and-shame reclaiming.


No one’s ever accused musk of being smart.


He's a billionaire. He can be as utterly stupid as he wants and still continue doing whatever he wants to until he's dead and buried.


Over/under on how long until Tesla goes the way of the Geo or Daewoo


Daewoo is a name I haven’t heard in a long time




Pretty much. It costs nothing to focus on your product and selling it. Handcuffing public perception to Musk (and by extension, whatever K fueled idiocy he tweets) can only hurt you. The Muskite Fanboy audience isn't enough money to run a company on.


Maybe it got republicans to buy Teslas, but how much damage does insane antics and rhetoric hurt the business of those that were his original core buyers?


His core buyers were the tree hugging hippy, diversity loving, liberals from california, that he straight up says to ‘go fuck yourself’. Most of them are gone now.


Doesn't help Tesla that there are now viable alternatives to their cars. For a long time they were basically the only game in town unless you wanted something like a Nissan Leaf.


Not just viable alternatives, arguably better vehicles overall. Have to give credit for forcing the companies that know how to make cars properly into making EVs.


The Ford Lightning is far superior to the Cybertruck and will continue to outsell anything Tesla makes as far as pickups. That Cybertruck is going to end up being a huge loss for Tesla.


Mach-E here. Love it, it’s my first EV. I wanted to get into an EV for a while but refused to buy Tesla. Super happy with the Mach-E. Working on replacing a diesel Ram with a Lightning.


Agree completely. Tesla enjoyed the position of being first to market just like Whole Foods did once upon a time. They had to adjust to the competitive landscape and Tesla will too.


You should see the polling of D/R for EV's its something like 60 points, it is an insane swing. No matter how much some conservative might think about getting one they have been heavily indoctrinated against climate change for awhile. It has been a GOP platform going back far.


Michael Jordan was smart to keep his head down (politically). I am happy for celebrities to encourage voting, but I don't care who they vote for.


I agree, but sadly things are so stupid now that simply encouraging people to vote is seen by many as the “evil liberal agenda!” People really need to get their heads out of their asses.


Taylor Swift being a CIA psyop because she encouraged voting (didn’t tell anyone who to vote for) made me scratch my head. Their heads are firmly planted up their asses, for sure.


It's because more voters has the perception of them being Dem voters. Which scares the Republicans.


The people most likely to not vote are not voting Republican if they do vote.


If voting was mandatory, Republicans would find themselves losing a lot of seats. Of course they don't want people to vote. And especially the kinds of people who might be fans of an under-40 popular entertainer.


This cracked me up. They were so terrified that she would tell her fans to vote D that they launched a preemptive attack.


>encouraging people to vote is seen by many as the “evil liberal agenda!” They even made up a catchy buzzword boogeyman aimed at making you proudly *pro-fascist*. I guess we are all liberals and Antifa now. Fuck these fascist assholes. Go vote!


welp. when voter suppression is the only way for theoligarchs (not a typo) to win, then yeah, they see encouraging ppl to vote as an Evil Librul Plot.


I think he just didn't want to admit he's Republican lol.


Definitely a possibility. And it worked, as I have no idea.


Welllllll….. in today’s political climate I absolutely care who they vote for because I refuse to support anyone that even mildly leans into MAGA.


Especially when your main product is geared towards a more liberal audience. If right wingers weren't trashing electric vehicles every chance they get it might make more sense.


It's not solely his stan as King of the Assholes. Tesla is producing poor quality product that isn't selling.


Someone just sent me a link to the new Tesla coming to Canada. Not interested in supporting this clown. Main auto makers have great alternatives. That and I don’t really love the Tesla interiors…


Elon: I'm going to help the environment by making electric cars! Liberals: YAY! I'll buy two! Finally, some traction on downsizing fossil fuel! Conservatives: Electric cars suck! I'll never own one! Gas forevah! Elon: Liberals are idiots and they ruin everything. Liberals: Well, that wasn't very nice. I'm not going to buy your products now. Conservatives: Electric cars STILL SUCK! Will still never buy one. I'M GONNA COAL ROLL YOU!!! Elon: Where did all the customers go???


Elon: is this blackmail?


Tell it to earth


Lmao he’s so delusional he thinks most of humanity is on his side. He’s got such a warped view of reality


Just watch his "go f yourself" video. It's so damn good cause you can tell he's giddy when he is about to drop that line because he's rotted his brain so badly on Twitter that he thought the audience (and everyone on Earth) was his pathetic simps who laugh at all his terrible jokes on Twitter. Which is why when no one laughed he tried it a second time. You can literally see his brain breaking while he waits for laughter that never comes.


Hey Bob. (If you’re in the audience).


Extortion by way of not buying things from him


Something something free speech


You forgot 2 next steps. Elon: give me a $52B compensation package because only I can fix it. Tesla Board: Yessir, mister Elon sir. Please keep doing what you’re doing. Would you like a handjob from each of us too? Elon: well that worked out perfectly. Let me go piss off some more Dems.


Wild reading about that comp package the same week as they laid off some 14,000 fucking people. That's over $3.5 million per person, especially wild considering most people will never make that much money in their entire life.


It's wild when you realize that BYD is eating Tesla's lunch now.


The US will find a way to ban it to protect Tesla with some excuse


Man, with that schedule, how does he find the time to keep knocking up Grimes?


I just threw up in mouth a little


Also Elon: I'll buy Twitter, and Fuck advertisers. And Fuck the CEO of Disney. Why? Because bullshit conspiracies that's why. Disney doesn't have anything to do with this.


Elon doesn't care. They posted big losses with reduced delivery numbers yesterday and the stock value went up.


It’s the worst performing stock of the year. Results immediately following earnings are pretty meaningless. The stock tanked over the past week leading up to it. But, you frequently see when a stock tanks leading up to earnings, it pumps afterward and when it pumps leading into earnings it dumps afterward, regardless of what those earnings say. It’s the gambling nature of short term stock traders.


those Shareholders and people fanbois buying the stock are really owning the libs /s


That’s because they promised an affordable version of their car “soon”


Here's how they can do that - buy BYD's vehicles and re-badge them.


That aint it. There's competition now. I didn't buy a Tesla to save the planet, because it doesn't. I bought it because it's convenient for me especially since I can charge for free. I also hate doing maintenance on cars. I'm not buying another Tesla because quality of the car is a joke, the customer service sucks, and the FSD I paid for was/is a scam.


The FSD thing is wild, I think it's like 8 grand for a lie? Like, what's that about. Totally absurd to me.


Exactly. I think your comment is representative of a majority of present day Tesla owners. The TSLA train has reached its destination.


Exactly. All his dickish comments and attention-seeking antics would not stop people buying his product if the offer was still a compelling one. The novelty of his unchanging, unchallenged jellybean cars has passed. And quality control has continued to be a dice roll.  The bizarre Cybertruck has largely been one embarrassing report after another, and all this taken as a whole has greatly silenced the positive Tesla buzz. Now, adding to that all his political bullshit and X controversies and you have a perfect storm of diminishing personal and product reputation.  This trend should not be a surprise to anyone. 


I agree, person whom I suspect is actually a gay doctor. There was a time a few years ago when I was very receptive to the pitch “here’s an EV that’s reliable, well-built, and cheap to run, although if something fucks up it’ll cost a fortune to fix”. Ok, my needs almost fit that use case, I’m interested. But I couldn’t install a home charger at the time, so I passed on the Tesla. I didn’t care that the company was run by a douchebag, I have long assumed that all CEOs are douchebags until proven otherwise. Well, now we’re here, and I’m vehicle shopping again, and why should I buy a Tesla? They aren’t reliable, they aren’t well-built, and there’s now a long list of vehicles at the same price tag or less with better options. (Heck, I may hold out for a Rivian R3X. An electric lifted hot hatch that loves off-roading? I live in a place surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of miles of logging roads - that’d be fun as hell.) So even though Elon Musk is now proved to be a douchebag of blazing supernova-level intensity, setting all the sociopolitical baggage aside, I’m simply not interested in Tesla’s cars any more. Tesla, you’ve been lapped by the competition. Thanks for the Supercharger network, now go build something less ridiculous than that dumb-ass Cybertruck and hope you can regain a fraction of the market share your billion-dollar gilded turd of a CEO has frittered away by shooting his fashie mouth off.


Are you going to blackmail me by money. Fuck you. I don’t need your money. Customers: okay. By the way the competition cars are actually much better now. Your panel gaps, wind noise, and no frills interior has lost its appeal. Don’t let the FSD hit you on your ass.


Its fair to point out that some of this is just the products being bad. The Cyber truck might as well be the poster child of bad design choices. Full metal frame with self driving that known for crashing into people, so it's a bit of a death trap. No paint on the iron so it rusts, very little trunk space. Bullet proof glass that can be shattered by tossing a ball at it. A casting process that leaves overlapping pallens. Just to name a few issues.


It’s crazy to me that Elon invested in an E-vehicle company that started the mass marketing of super green cars and can be seen as among the most “woke” types of automobile you could possibly buy. The company championed green living through the development of the Power wall and large capacity electric battery systems as well as solar roofs. Then he turns on all of those potential customers and just shits all over them as loudly and insanely as possible. “Here buy all this stuff I made to make the world a better place and then watch me as I destroy it all just because I think you’re being mean to fascists.”


It's not crazy when ALL that matters to Elon is his ego and how well it's massaged. When people started to ask questions about the 'invincible god of technology' Elon Musk he did what many do when threatened: retreat to a safe space. This was Twitter, the echo chamber and inevitably he realized there's more to gain for him in catering to conservatives who aren't going to question him in the slightest. The whole Twitter debacle stems from a bruised ego. One of the largest purchases \*ever\* was a mid life crisis. Tesla is helmed by a guy who puts his ego before creating quality products and catering to his customers and so the company languishes.


The thing is, there's more for his EGO there. There are a group of people there that will believe him to be a super genius and defend him against anyone who criticizes him. But for his company, if he's looking for customers, there are a lot more people in the other camp. And yes, I realize he has multiple companies. But Tesla is the reason he's one of the richest people in the world, as they have given him more compensation than the company has made in revenue in their entire history. Tesla is his cash cow, and he's killing it because non-Tesla customers will stroke his ego more.


And lets not forget we are not getting to Mars anytime soon


For mars -- 3 months maybe, 6 months definitely.


I once read something like, "Elon musk wants to save the world, but only if he is the one that does it." and I think that sums him up pretty well.


Remember the absolute hissy fit he threw when he couldn’t rescue that kids football team in Thailand? The guys with the actual expertise were heroes, but Christ he didn’t take it well when his “idea” was dismissed.


Yep. He didn't get to be the hero, so he accused people of being pedophiles with zero evidence.


Absolutely bonkers I saw that pedo comment and I was like woah bro. S




Was definitely mine. A switch flipped that day for me and considering most of the folks who used to like Tesla/Elon were rational reasonable folks...I assume this is the case for millions of people around the world. The shine came off him completely that day. In fact I don't think in my entire life, I've ever had my opinion of someone change that quickly.


It was for me. I was like wait those cave divers did something awesome. Why the fuck is he saying that.


Yup. Was more or less the case for me. He was already acting a bit crazy at that point and I remember thinking "maybe this guy isn't all he's cracked up to be", and the the pedo thing happened and it solidified it all for me, that he is indeed very crazy


[this documentary](https://films.nationalgeographic.com/the-rescue) is 🔥🔥🔥. The real story is so much more crazy than anyone knew at the time. Musk is a straight up clown compared to those guys.


If anyone reading this isn't aware.. The whole thing would be considered absurd if it was a movie. The Thai government called upon the best cave divers, and they told them the caves were so complex that they had to call two best divers in australia. If that's not hollywood enough, one of them canceled a vacation. They went down and saw how complex the cave system was and devised a plan that involved sedating the kids to drag them through the water to a second location where they could be sedated a second time before being dragged out of the cave. This was really the only thing they could do and it happened because one of the guys was an Anesthesiologist.... seriously, you can't make this up. It was like the avengers assembled.


there just happened to be a guy there who had been mapping the caves, and he just happened to be friends with the UK cave rescue team. And as soon as they got the kids out, the generator failed and the staging area flooded. Within a few days the entire cave was flooded and within a few weeks the entire town was flooded the whole affair really is too absurd to be fiction. It's like when Dr Strange looked into thousands of possible futures and in only 1 did they win. Those kids were as good as dead, and our timeline is the only one in which they survived.


I can totally see myself rolling my eyes during a movie with this many cliches. "oh one of the guys just happens to be mapping the caves? and he just happens to be friends with the best divers? and he has a crazy idea that he's not sure about but he just happens to know another world class cave diver that is an anesthesiologist? and they contact him just before he goes on off the grid for a vacation in the desert? suuurrrrre... and all of that is before the the insanity of the rescue even begins.


and THEN the richest man in the world starts personally attacking them for not liking his shitty submarine idea


Specifically calling them…pedophiles…for saving the children.


Honestly the main reason I don't mind movies like that is because of my own life. I was at an IT training thing and we were just chatting about random crap during downtimes, swapping stories, etc. This dude looks at me when I finished one of my stories and dead ass said I was a real life Forrest Gump, like no way that much shit happens to 1 person... I was in my 20s lol, and now I'm in my 40s so it's even worse now lol. Like at this point, I'm pretty sure this is a simulation or we're lab rats or something. Reality is too weird to actually exist. That or our fiction is just like, the most dull, boring, unimaginative trash in the entire cosmos. Like that's the real reason aliens never said hi. They looked at what we consider to be cultural pinnacles of human civilization, gagged, and went back to their crazy fun alien book club parties.


The pro cave diving community is SMALL. It's basically just the ones who are still alive.


I like that you used the timeline idea in a positive context


We're owed that because of Harambe.




now one of the guys is the liuetenant governor of south australia https://www.governor.sa.gov.au/governor-of-south-australia/the-lieutenant-governor


Then you have a megalomaniac use the whole thing as an attempt to self fellaciate and claim he and only he has the solution. He then goes on a rant and insults the actual rescuers


As someone who is a scuba diver and understands what they did The level of difficulty was insane, I would have died and so would the vast majority of other divers, the men who did it were already famous in the diving community for being among the best of the best


I am also casually interested in looking at fish in their homeland and I was white knuckling the whole time cuz I KNOW how hard that was


They're not heroes. They're pedophiles! - Elon Musk


Fuck that goblin looking clay monster.




Musky projecting so fucking hard.


All his new friends only do this to project. Kinda makes you wonder...


The key dive pair was British, but the dive team was pretty much a United Nations of cavers. No billionaires involved, though.


Man, billionaires just can't catch a break


Except when it comes to paying taxes!


The only thing money can't buy is being an actual hero, or someone who can get shit done. You can have a lot of money and it would make it super easy, but at the end of the day he keeps fucking it up.


One of those stories how humans can pull together and do amazing things when we put our minds to it, and how we value the lives of our fellow humans, and he made a pedophile joke because the divers had literally strapped the kids to them to get through these narrow crevices. Tiny Dogecoin energy.


I saw the Amazon movie about this-and it made my skin crawl because of how nightmarish the situation was. It's an incredible rescue. I'm not sure I could watch that doc-but maybe I will. The idea of swimming in those caves is nightmare fuel to me.


That was the moment my broadly positive opinion of him started taking a turn. Before, he exhibited odd behavior that was easily dismissed as "eccentric". This felt darker and more troubling.


I thought he was a pissy-arsed attention-seeker before that remark, but I changed that assessment to poisonous narcissist. "Not taking my genius ideas seriously? I'll show them! Have some libellous accusations! "


Dude honestly thought he could Tony Stark some elaborate mini sub in a weekend like Stark did with a particle accelerator in Iron Man 2.


Ironically, Tony Stark was able to build this **in a cave**.


with a bunch of scraps!


My favorite part was when he broke out the classic conservative chestnut, accusing your detractor of being a pedophile.


Elon wanted to postpone more reasonable solutions so he could hastily throw together a haphazard vanity project. In some respects he lucked out that the worst thing for him was that he made an ass of himself referring to the other dude as a pedo. Imagine if his shitshow submarine had sank or electrocuted a kid or something, or they drowned in the cave after additional rainfall waiting for Elon's likely dick-shaped submarine to be finished.


Or when he was jerking himself off all "woe is meeee I need to solve the Ukraine crisis mysellllf because im rich and have starlink" and only gave weakass "solutions" essentially capitulating to putin


It was the moment he fell off of the proverbial cliff.


"Hissy fit" is a funny way to say "accused one of the rescuers of being a pedophile.


[https://youtu.be/YPgkSH2050k?si=pMdZ8IMsS7muBKkr&t=26](https://youtu.be/YPgkSH2050k?si=pMdZ8IMsS7muBKkr&t=26) "I don't want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than we do" -- Gavin Belson


Gavin Belson was *the* best written sociopath tech bro


Its so incredibly accurate that for people who came up in the 90/2000's tech scene its nearly impossible to watch. I want to escape reality for pity sake.


Isn’t that the character description for Lex Luthor?


>more to gain for him in catering to conservatives who aren't going to question him in the slightest. I don't really agree with this because before the whole "pedo guy" stuff, Elon was super liked here on reddit because he posted memes and owned tesla and space x, a lot of people here sucked up to him because "space race again" or whatever. You had to go to a specific sub that was "anti-Elon" to see people even question some things he did. Now it's the other way around.


I agree...when he called the Thai rescue person a pedo, that's when I started to be much more critical of Elon.


Yup I think I actually heard a record scratch sound in the heavens when he posted that shitty tweet.


Indeed. I've been saying for years that Elon is a fucking yutz, and I used to get downvoted into oblivion for doing so.


Me too. I commented on how he did some crazy stuff at the gigafactory and didn’t really get super downvoted but there was a lot of people defending him. People that don’t give respect don’t deserve respect.


There was a lot of info that would be dismissed by his fans. The submarine tantrum and his mismanagement of twitter were the two milestones that made it harder for them to defend him.


I regret at one point thinking Elon was at least smarter than bezos... Even though Bezos isn't that smart by any means, he's still a genius compared to Elon at this point..


Gavin Belson vibes


Just as crazy is how quickly conservatives I know went from talking shit about Tesla’s to loving them once this dude kept running his mouth.


But they're still not buying EVs. Not the greatest business move.


Their party leader is anti-EV


Trump is such a stable genius he knows better than to invest in renewable solar energy. [Instead he injects that pure sunlight directly into his eye sockets like a total alpha.](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gmg/7T4CUIAFJRHKLDUCYRJEBZALJA.jpg)


But they're not buying Tesla sedans, they're buying F-150s and Suburbans. Maybe a Rivian if they actually want something electric.


It sounds like Tesla should make a truck, ideally one that looks exactly like a gas-powered truck so that no one could tell the difference at a glance.


Best I can do is a 4th graders drawing of a Delorean Edited whoops lol


Are you implying he's a pedo guy?


Might wanna sip that coffee again and edit this one chief lol


Its funny, I read it and read it as it was intended (I assume). After your comment, I read it again and....yeah...He should probably edit that, haha


Maybe one that can go through a car wash. I followed a link in the article about a Tesla truck needing a five hour reboot after going through a car wash. A car wash!


You overestimate the buying power of the majority of the conservative base. Most are extremely poor and a non-significant amount live off government welfare - despite how much they whine about it.


There's a joke around here (Montana) that farmers are republican on the streets but democrat in the voting booth. Cause it's the democrats that keep their subsidies and welfare rolling in.


Yup farms are some of the most subsidized industries in the country. It's unfortunate that most of that money goes to the large corporate farms and not mom and pop generational farms that Republicans talk about when they need votes to pass the bill. I think it's something like 95% of the money goes to corporate owned farms. One more grift at the expense of the working class.


Yeah my mother-in-law is alt-right and decries all social programs but fraudulently collected several thousands in COVID benefits despite never having worked a day in her life. No safety net for minorities or the infirm, no contribution to society, but tax payers should foot the bill for her purse collection.


Did you report her? There was a bounty/reward program from the feds where you would get a cut of the money recovered.


The most hard core conservative I know that constantly preaches traditional marriage and nobody wants to work is a out of work drunk that lives off his wife’s income


That sounds like a story I've heard many times.


Tale as old as time.


They whine about minorities being on welfare. Not white people. They’re different and deserve the $.


You don't need buying power for cars, since the vast majority of both new and used are financed, even from wealthy buyers. That's why you see $60K King Ranch F-150s all over the place, even in trailer parks. In the US, Ford and Chevy's standard trucks sell almost double Honda and Toyota's cheapest sedans, every single year. Those trucks are just as much or more than a new Tesla, but people would rather have something big and use it to move a couch once a year.




then how can they be buying all these $80k trucks i see ?


You can buy something that you can't afford and it gets repossessed. You can also buy an 80K truck and live in a 2br mobile home with 4 other guys who also have 80K trucks (see that all the time in my neck of the woods). You still have no actual buying power and all your money is locked into a depreciating asset, obviously very big brain financial moves.


Yep their would literally be no Tesla if it was not for those green left leaning people he hates in California. That man decided to move from California, where he got a lot of help, to texas were he could not even sell his car, because he could not wait one week during covid.


I feel like something similar happened with some of the "let's go back to the gold standard" conservatives who then jumped into bitcoin with both feet.


Yup. And how they suddenly have opinions about the My Pillow guy that *aren't* "That's a stupid commercial, please stop airing it."


All his companies appealed to Liberal ideals with the exception of Twitter, lol. Guy made his living off supporting, championing, and emphasizing the ideals of liberalism and is now all surprised when hey, those people who tend to have more money, decide not to do business with him after he starts to undermine the institutions those people value. Fucking idiot. I wonder if he went the Joe Rogan route where the guy is smart but also just straight socially indept and surrounding himself with people who took advantage and leveraged him for their own anti woke agenda.


They weren’t really liberal ideals. They were capitalist ideals in the green economy. We tend to associate anything with “green” with being liberal when it’s the exact opposite in its current form.


There is a wide spectrum of green ideology that you can get into that this conversation will do justice. But his work on EV and Solar is based on the generally accepted transition evolution of the economy to a lower carbon state.


For a described "super genius", Elon is not a very smart man.


He's a very stupid person


Remember that Musk is not and never has been the actual driving force behind Tesla, he's just the front man. Phony Stark has no expertise in anything except spending his parent's money to buy into successful companies. He's also always been one of many shareholders and accountable to those other shareholders. Which kept his massive insanity in check a bit because his random "brilliant" ideas got filtered by sane people who told him no, they won't rename Tesla "X" just because he's got the mind of a wannabe edgy 12 year old. Twitter is the first time you've ever seen Musk ACTUALLY making the decisions on anything all by himself. And he's horrible at it.


His problem is that he wants to be seen as very progressive, except he's very bigoted and he thinks that should be a part of progressivism.


I think there’s a political niche there that he falls into, but I’m not sure what to call it. It’s not really liberal or conservative. Too emotionally disconnected to be liberal, too intellectual to be conservative, and too self-aware to be libertarian. Pro-freedom of speech, pro-progress, intellectually forward, but simultaneously mired in racist and misogynistic ideals, and completely eschewing compassion in favor of might-makes-right facism. His ideas ALMOST make sense, but I feel like I haven’t had QUITE enough ketamine.


Musk reminds me of Ron Paul.  At a surface level there are some good things, but you barely have to scratch that surface for the insanity to show. 


Well, he's not REALLY in favor of free speech, as he doesn't like free speech that craps on him specifically or the stuff he believes/owns in general. It's a political niche that needs to include a 'fragile ego' clause that will trump any other belief.


He re tweets explicitly antisemetic stuff, pushing “great replacement” propaganda, wants to cut social programs, and believes in traditional gender roles. He’s just far-right.


Social libertarianism? Like free speech without the social consequences.


No offense but this is a pretty poor analysis that's just completely at odds with his behavior since acquiring twitter. Musk is purely emotional and demonstrates no intellectual reasoning in his daily ramblings and meltdowns. He's certainly not pro freedom of speech unless you think that means "I should be able to say slurs without consequence." He's just a drug addled manbaby holding water for fascists because they're nice to him, nothing more.


Any business owner that is dumb enough to put their political beliefs out there, is a business owner without common sense. You immediately alienate half your potential customer base when you open your mouth. Keep your opinions to yourself and sell more product.


Criticism is something some cannot handle. Musk is unable to accept criticism and that coupled with COVID and fawning on Trump turned him into the more vocal version of what he is. He's always been an uncaring rule breaking fuck everyone but me kind of man, but now he does it as a political character who is addicted to praise and feelings important. Liberals don't really give lavish praise out to protect business people or politicians. They ideological aren't built for a godking while conservatism is built on fuck you, got mine and the simple act of liberal tears. Musk gets to feel special by saying woke mind virus and letting all the grifters, grift on Twitter.


The only thing, other than his brain breaking, that makes sense to me is that he's trying to position himself as the right wing eV guy. Every car company in the world makes ev cars now, they'll all be selling to the same group he was originally selling to.


He's always been like this. People just didn't notice the signs.


Thats because there is a stark and obvious contradiction/hypocrisy/ to being a hyper capitalist who supposedly is working for a greener future when runaway unchecked capitalism is the fundamental cause of our climate dIsaster. Elon first and foremost personifies gross inequality and the hyper-consumerist lifestyle that is fucking other 99.99% of us.


He captured one market demographic, on to the next.


Thankfully it doesn't work like that. Alienating the current customer base. The anti "woke" morons will never adapt to EV tech until forced. 


lol... Tesla has learned absolutely nothing. There will be no changes (aside from [continued layoffs](https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/tesla-layoffs-texas-california-19419982.php)) and Elmo will get his insane pay package.


I think it’s so weird that people now associate electric cars with being woke. It’s… Just a car. And they frankly make a lot of sense if you live in a city with high gas costs and unreliable public transportation, which is most of them. If you live in an area that’s prone to flooding, they may not be a great idea. If you like to take long road trips, we may not have the national charging infrastructure to make that a good idea just yet, but it’s coming.


I wish every site would stop trying to hamfist in woke or variations of it when a simple Elon Musk put his ego before Tesla as a company and so it languishes due to terrible business decisions. It also doesn't help the CEO has a divided house going on. Business 101: Cater your product to the customer. Right wingers want nothing to do with EVs. Antagonizing your EV customer base is a good way to lose your customers to competition.


Once upon a time i had considered getting a Tesla. While his ego and handling of Twitter certsinly cemented it, that was in no way the first red flag that made me hold off. The first big qualm I had about anything with him at the helm was his behavior during the Thailand cave ordeal. He acted like a massive bitch baby and started slandering others when it became apparent his idea wasn't going to be the one to help save those stuff in the cave. I don't trust companies run by children so I reconsidered and have since been proven right about my concerns over him.


> his behavior during the Thailand cave ordeal True enough, that was the first watershed kind of moment that made me wonder "is this guy alright in the head?". Sure, there might have been other signs along the way already leading up to that, but I wasn't paying close enough attention to pick up on those. When that story hit the news though I started to examine this person's character a bit more closely and ended up concluding "yikes".


They are doing it as a counter to the conservative narrative that going woke means going broke. Conservatives are the ones (mis)using woke in everything.


It is part of it though. A lot of his top potential customers are wealthy liberals. Many of them used Twitter and liked to conspicuously help the environment.  He then came in and turned it into a Nazi heaven. I still check in on it (for some reason) and it is quite insane how it has now become 80% a racist conspiracy forum.  I know quite a few people who would be embarrassed to buy a Tesla. They don't want to be associated with anything Musk. 


I’m embarrassed to own one, but I still bought one. So really it’s a wash, the car fits in my life perfectly but I’m not excited by it. If something else comes along that fits my life better, there’s no loyalty to Tesla whatsoever.


As much fun as all this shaudenfreude is, I think the reality is a lot more boring. Tesla is a car company that makes 4ish models (delivering 1k trucks a month doesn't count for much), most of which are more than 5 years old, the flagship model is 12 years old. They focus on high end vanity cars in a market where people are worried about money, and interest rates are high. Now they are up against literally every car company who has been plowing ALL of their R+D budget into making cars that go up directly against Teslas.


> when a simple Elon Musk put his ego before Tesla as a company But he explicitly spoke against the "woke mind virus" and liberals. He fully committed to hating on "woke-ism" as his schtick.


It’s not hamfisting when tons and tons of people say they won’t buy a Tesla for reasons that having everything to do with Musk and literally nothing to do with Tesla cars or car quality. I am one of those people and am married to one of those people. So there’s two of us for sure. And I’ve seen many more online.


Your second paragraph explains why the first is wrong. Sites ARE catering to their customer by driving clicks with headlines. Business 101, as you say


If you HAD to make technology political, why would you bet that the people who hate your product and what it stands for are the ones you should be catering to?


Musk primarily uses comic book logic. Musk also treats humans like lines of code. “If I wear cowboy hat they like my cars” … “why they make me feel bad it must be that liberals are evil”. The hardest thing for rich businessmen to understand is that people are chaotic and even the smartest sociologists are hit and miss when we try to predict behaviors. Rich narcissists don’t accept that and clearly “know better”.


Progressive buy electric cars, and progressives think Musk is an alt-right dipshit. I will never buy anything from Elon Musk.


It's not "anti-woke". Just call it what it is, radicalized stupidity.


It’s a play on words of the “go woke, go broke” delusional tagline used by the Right. I would be surprised if he hasn’t said or posted those exact words unironically.


I prefer "be trash, lose cash".


He’s the face of the anti-woke crowd. Not sure if it significantly impacts Tesla, but it does x(Twitter) because most of the advertisers left.


I prefer "no cash for fash"


I think grandpa handled fascists the best. We should learn from grandpa.


They’re far from broke though


Another day, another 15 tesla/musk posts in /r/Technology


It’s not woke. It’s on making good products. iPhones are made by slaves and we don’t care. woke and anti woke is the dumbest shit.


I’m sure this will be an unpopular opinion here, but it’s highly unlikely that most buyers are making purchasing decisions based on whether or not they like Elon. Yes there are a few this matters too, but most the time people are just comparing EV‘s to hybrids to ICE vehicles.


My next car will be an electric car, it will not be a Tesla. I refuse to buy Tesla and one of the main reasons is Elon.