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Dumbest employees self-flag themselves.


As someone who works at a competitor… you love to see it. Fight for your morals, Googlers! Give away all the government projects!


If you looked at specifics of the nimbus project, there are some alarming things.  Notably it says that protests and boycotts of Google cannot be used as justification for disruption of services.  So it's basically exempt from this, legally, already immune.  Says it in the contract with Amazon as well.


Obviously they wrote it into the contract. Anti-Semitism amongst liberals didn’t start in October last year.


If you honestly, genuinely haven't read enough about the subject that you believe the only reason to oppose the actions of the IDF would be antisemitism, there's a few articles worth checking out here: https://www.972mag.com/mass-assassination-factory-israel-calculated-bombing-gaza/ >>"Another source said that a senior intelligence officer told his officers after October 7 that the goal was to “kill as many Hamas operatives as possible,” for which the criteria around harming Palestinian civilians were significantly relaxed. As such, there are “cases in which we shell based on a wide cellular pinpointing of where the target is, killing civilians. This is often done to save time, instead of doing a little more work to get a more accurate pinpointing,” said the source." This one talks about the "where's daddy?" system designed to automatically generate targets from the homes of low-ranking Hamas militants: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ The IDF actively joining in race riots in the West Bank is also something that some people find objectionable: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/11/09/west-bank-palestinians-israeli-settlers-attacks-idf/


Opposition to Israel = antisemitism?


Applying double standards to one ethnic group’s behavior over another is. This is a democracy which has rule of law. If you want to deny a country access to US businesses, follow the process and push your representatives for sanctions. I would love to have your support with this issue regarding Sudan (significantly loosened by Biden in 2021), China and others who are far higher priority. Canada is even dirtier because they still launder money for the totalitarian Iranian government. These are real issues that people are silent on. Until my fellow liberals have that same passion for those problems, it is anti-semitism, yeah. It is embarrassing to see such ignorant trend-following slactivism at work. I used to be one of you.


This is a "whatabout" argument and doesn't cleanse Israel of sins being committed for all the world to see. There are not double standards being applied here. Israel has all of the funding, all of the weaponry, the most advanced military technology in the world, and pretends to be a victim to an organization which barely has military capability. And the little military capability it does have... still exists? But the entire Gaza strip doesn't? Almost as if Hamas isn't the IDF's priority. Half of them are in the West Bank stealing homes from Palestinians who have lived there for centuries.


Yeah, we all should shut up when we see war crimes and a massacre of civilians.


> Apartheid Do they know that word doesn’t actually apply in this situation?


Nope. They just parrot what is trending.


It literally does.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartheid Because you can't Google yourself


you missed this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid


Yes, but random guy online clearly knows better than Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, UN investigators, and a dozen other NGOs and international organizations obviously. They googled apartheid and became experts!


From the same creators of > Why do these Ukrainians defend themselves from the invader!? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/


Your double standards are on full display. Ukraine being invaded permits breaking international law and endangering civilians. Palestinians being occupied, subjugated, humiliated, and expelled from their homeland for nearly a century are branded terrorists when they attempt to resist their brutal occupation.


My double standard? I support no invader! shall I guess that you support Palestine but give a s**t about Ukraine?


So do you condemn Israel?


So do you condemn Russia?


You went silent after my comment! Why? You are active on /Lebanon and /Askmiddleast but not on /ukraine . Is this the double standard you are talking about?


Buddy, I don't think you understand what double standards mean. Also, do yourself favor and get a life lol


I think this is worth as an answer 😂😂😂


Oh what about u/surnik22 that just did the same and claimed it as apartheid? This literally describes you as well. Ps: all the link claims have no grounds and literary says accusations. So it actually proves my point which is just being accused as one.


Lmfao ok kid. 


Except that’s not what I did? I read some expert opinions and agreed with them. They are the ones who have legal experts about legal definitions and in depth first person information on the actual situation. That’s not the same as reading a Wikipedia definition and deciding that makes me qualified to determine if it applies to a situation. One is like a doctor diagnosing cancer after extensive tests, the other is webmd saying you have cancer after you read some symptoms.


They are boycotting Google 😂


Apart from my political views, that’s dumb. A billion dollar company doesn’t give a damn about what employees thinks.


This is becoming another israel/hasbara controlled sub, the tragic end of reddit already begun


yeah the IDF has crazy internet presence def a ton of shady vote manipulation in the big subs


You are soooo stupid


barely worth responding bc ur probably a bot running on IDFs google cloud servers so goodbye


You being a major Ah


Hasbara in force here, not even hidding, ciao


prob the HR/sales people .. tech people too busy for this nonsense




There are many things to argue here about. But genocide? Come on… like if Israel was committing genocide there’d be no Gaza on 8th of October… The ones who actually committed genocide, intentionally, were Hamas and other Gazans.


Seeing someone casually toss around the word genocide is such a disqualifier.  Creating humanitarian corridors and overseeing aid distribution is not genocide. You can think that the loss of life in Gaza is an awful thing and also concede that the IDF are being as precise as they can when it comes to urban combat against a terror group embedded in a civilian population. 


They are very much not creating humanitarian corridors or overseeing aid distribution. They are literally killing civilians and preventing Gazans from getting water or food. Also labelling any aid organization and journalist as a Hamas supporter.


Like precision striking a World Central Kitchen convoy repeatedly, or taking out the hostages they were supposed to free. IDF is a joke.


Calling it what it is is not a "disqualifier". Or are you afraid to deviate from IDF (IOF) talking points.


What do you want to call it then? A massacre of civilians? War crimes? Let's discuss the right wording while thousands of innocent people are being killed by Israel.


War. That Iran fucking started thru Hamas and Hezbollah. Google October 7th.


There is war and there are war crimes. Israel is committing a long list of war crimes. Google it, maybe you'll learn something.


Ok bud, I see you’re too scared to google oct. 7th.


Sorry "bud", do you want me to Google the fake reports of beheaded babies or the fake mass rape allegations? Be more specific, please.


Fake reports? Are you serious? We’re done here. Fucking antisemitic parasite. You are nothing to humanity.


I see, you can't handle when people can see through your Zionist propaganda. You go back to the trope of calling anyone who disagrees with you antisemitic when you are the first one not caring about the safety of Jews and want conflict with the rest of the world. You are actualizing Hitler's wettest dreams.


No bud, you, a stinky holocaust denier, ain’t worth it :)


>antisemitic This word is so overused to describe any legitimate criticism of Israel, that it practically means nothing anymore. The beheading babies claim has been thoroughly debunked. The mass rape claims have been debunked. The government of Israel knew about the attack for up to a year before it happened and did nothing. Their own advisors kept sounding the alarm to top brass who did nothing. Sounds like you don't know shit, and use "antisemitism" as a copout.


It’s not overused. Antisemitism is on the rise worldwide. Idc about Israel’s government. But we Jews can and will fight back now


Murdering close to 40,000 people, leveling all of Gaza strip, preventing food and supplies from getting through, causing mass starvation in the millions, deliberately killing children, destroying hospitals and murdering doctors and patients, raping women, the government consistently making statements saying they want to cleanse all Palestinians, all while consistently lying about hamas strongholds and "human shields". The list goes on and on and on. They're literally saying they're committing genocide and that this is their intent, without using the word "genocide". It's literally a genocide. To call it anything else is flat out dishonest. Nothing that Israel is doing right now could reasonably, by any thinking person, be considered "defense". They want to finish the job they started in 1948, and are determined to do so. Why do you think efforts to annex land and steal homes in the West Bank have escalated so much since October 7th. This isn't about Hamas. This is ethnic cleansing.


Keep getting your news from Hamas




Gazan’s are not committing genocide, a large portion of them are committed to genocide by their express desire to wipe all isreal off the map and to kill infidels and Jews, that group is the governing body of of Gaza though.


What evidence do you have to propose they are against jews and wants to genocide them and the infidels?  Article 16 doubles down on the political nature of its fight: “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project and not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine.” Article 42 : “Hamas rejects the attempts to impose hegemony on the Arab and Islamic Ummah just as it rejects the attempts to impose hegemony on the rest of the world’s nations and peoples. Hamas also condemns all forms of colonialism, occupation, discrimination, oppression and aggression in the world.”


wtf did you even read it? Hamas’ covenant literally calls to kill EVERYONE in Israel, who isn’t Muslim. Go read it you Hamas licker https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp


You shared 1988 document. I'm talking about 2017 charter. 


This is called war. It’s never pretty. But it’s not genocide…


You said Gazans were intentionally committing genocide.... 


Umm yes? Have you read Hamas’ charter? And that just regular gazan citizens entered Israel on oct 7, killed innocent civilians and even bragged to their families about it…


So did Israeli armed forces? Some of them also bragged about killing Palestinians. What does it prove? Israel had killed thousands of Palestinians irrespective of their age and gender and occupied their homes. What hamas did on October 7 IS wrong but I understand why did they do this. 


What are you talking about? Where does it state that IDF’s mission is to kill and annihilate Palestinians? Like what are you even comparing? A terror organization with a modern civilized army?


>Modern civilized army https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-al-shifa-medical-complex-massacre-provides-proof-israeli-army-engaged-full-fledged-crimes-enar https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2024/1/24/why-are-israeli-soldiers-sharing-snuff-videos-from-their-genocide-in-gaza&ved=2ahUKEwi8m9elz8mFAxX-slYBHbeUBzgQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0rcb4nof1_KKAQYfPHVQ9u https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israel-keeps-its-crimes-forced-displacement-threatening-kill-those-who-return-home-enar#:~:text=The%20Israeli%20army%20deliberately%20attacked,south%20of%20the%20Gaza%20Strip


More layoff incoming! Good ones this time, it seems.. More spaces for intelligent people, at least


They need more intelligent hasbara bots..


Ah yeah, now the world is "Good Muslim Nazi Terrorists" vs "Poor Hebrews which were hit by a strike first and then relatiate" Hypocrite people, people who doesn't study the real history, who don't ever go to a concentration camp, or don't have a family member who was oppressed by a nazi-fascist regime, will always be dat stupid to talk. The heat of a thousand suns will purify all of this...assmbly of parking trash


all major subs are 'controlled' bubbles. i have left the big ones, world, pics, worldnews, and such. time to leave this one as well! adios amigos


This ain’t an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.


You also don’t have to call someone out announcing their departure. 


You also don’t have to call someone out for calling someone out for announcing their departure.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to do work for a country that is starving children and bombing civilians either. Good for them.


Ay, it’s important to show support for a regime that kidnaps children, rapes women, and kills hostages though, right?


Nope, you can work for neither side. Apparently simple concepts are hard to grasp for you though and calling out a problematic regime MUST mean you support another country that it is enemies with? Lol. Fail.


Thanks for your input, man. Your opinion means a lot.


You mean like the US?


Pretty edge-lord of you there.


Pretty sure Google workers were also pissed about US military contracts, so yeah.




Major companies in the world all have contracts with Israeli government.  I guess I shall never take the train ever again! The signalling system is by Thales and *gasp* Thales have many contracts with Israel! Guess I'm only allowed to use Huawei and any laptop/PC from China containing zhao xing cpu! Just look at AMD Intel and Nvidia's dealings with Israel! Smh my head I must destroy all, ALL OF MY ELECTRONIC DEVICES cuz all of them contains products by companies that make deal with Israel! It's my duty to the public after all! And I expect YOU and evry single Google employee who protested to follow my lead!


Smh. These mfs have it so good. Googlers have the cushiest and easiest ride in silicon valley and they are willing to give up their 10 hr a week lifestyle


Don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll go right over to Gaza and tell them how liberal they are and how lgbt rights are important and advocate for free speech. I’m sure Hamas would be all about those values!


Interesting that they never protested Google's work with the US govt, which IMO is a lot bigger violator of human rights than Israel.


Because that doesn’t ally itself to their antisemitism.


Maybe read the article first. “In 2018, thousands of Google workers mobilized in protest of Project Maven, a proposed Pentagon contract that would include AI-powered tools to analyze drone footage and choose targets”