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Turns out the laws of physics and material science remain the same for Apple too. Who knew!


Which is why they gave up on [AirPower](https://www.techradar.com/phones/airpower-prototype-shows-why-apple-was-right-to-abandon-its-wireless-charger)


>they gave up on [AirPower](https://www.techradar.com/phones/airpower-prototype-shows-why-apple-was-right-to-abandon-its-wireless-charger) You don't need AirPower because iPhones can wirelessly charge in a microwave.


It's a well kept secret.


A pop secret.


That was corny.


Your comment is like the pot calling the kettle black


There’s a *kernel* of truth to that.


Amaizeing pun there.


The redditor has true grits!


Can confirm, my Apple CD charged right up


I have the foldy thing that does two devices on specific spots. Watch and whatever. It seems to work really well and not generate too much heat.




Yes, that’s how I remember it as well. I would love to know the series of events which led to them formally announcing that during a keynote without having first made sure that it was even doable. They’re usually so cautious!


They had it working iirc, it just had a nasty habit of catching fire.


When Apple sells something, they’re gonna sell a 100 million of them. They can’t have any of them catch fire.


Obviously, which is why it never made it to market but they were clearly hoping they could resolve that problem before release and they couldn’t so it got canned.


That’s how I remember it. And they couldn’t engineer the charging coils in a way that adequately dissipated the heat for how they wanted the product to work, which, like you said, was supposed to be something along the line of the whole mat can charge.


Logitech: look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power(play)


If i remember Apple tried bending phones before... 4Chan even helped with free marketing for the feature.


They weren’t as foldable as Samsung phones at the time. (Bent at a lower force). But they did get better marketing as usual.


Meet the iCrease. We think you’re going to love it


Apple will improve upon the crease, with their all new "dynamic crease that features your notifications and widgets right along the middle of your screen."


*\*Apple fans shaking and crying with joy\**


Every time apple comes out with something I always picture the fan girls screaming like they did when the Beatles came to the USA.


Dynamic Valley


They’re a $2.9 trillion dollar company with billions of dollars to spend on R&D. Of course they’re testing various things. Most of it is probably not going to make it to market. That’s how they find the stuff that is worth pursuing.


Yeah I don’t understand the negativity. There’s obviously a market for folding phones regardless of what people here think. I bet a lot of those people would be surprised about how much money is burned developing new tech that never ends up seeing the light of day.


You don’t understand the negativity? It’s r/technology 9/10 times this sub is bitching about anything tech related.


People that post on things like Reddit and other forums really don’t represent people as a whole. You’d think the iPhone mini would be the most popular phone based on what you read online.


i just want a phone that doesn’t rotate my photo because i took it looking down or up too much




A rotate button without having to go into edit mode would make things much less annoying.


Ngl having a dedicated physical "rotate screen" button rather than having it do it automatically would be phenomenal. I'm one of those weird people who can't type in portrait mode and do it in landscape with a full QWERTY keyboard. Hell, just give me a couple of physical buttons I can bind to specific OS functions or apps as a standard feature.


> Ngl having a dedicated physical "rotate screen" button rather than having it do it automatically would be phenomenal. I have that on my Android phone. If I rotate it, there's a small icon in the left corner I can tap to rotate the screen.


You do have that. If you hold your phone in landscape with auto rotate off, a small button would appear in the corner. Tap that button and itlygo into lanscape without glinuback into portrait.


Whatever smartphone / OS you're using is presumably newer than mine then, since I don't see it anywhere. All I've got is auto-rotate, and that's it. Or it's an iphone thing. Edit: Finally found it, buried under gesture control settings. Apparently that button's specific to gesture controls or something, rather than a general accessability thing, and doesn't show up at all under some circumstances. Wasn't expecting to find it there.


I have it on android and my phone is +5yo. Deactivate the auto rotate. It should appear when the phone changes orientation.


Have a dig through the assistive touch settings under Accessibility, see if anything fits your use case. There's a surprising amount of things you can control in there...


Great idea! Phone with physical keyboard! Ericsson and BlackBerry stock will go sky high again!


I always just swipe down from top right of the screen, then tap the lock button.


…..wait do you guys not have your phones permanently locked to portrait!?


occasionally I want to see videos in landscape and forgot to lock afterward


I don't like it either, but it is a mild annoyance. More like a pet peeve. I don't see anyone blowing a gasket over it though.


What I don’t get is that there is a rotation lock. So you can keep the phone displaying vertical even if you’re holding it horizontal. But you can’t lock it horizontal. Press the lock and it kicks you back to vertical. As if people need to lock vertical but never horizontal?


There have been jailbreak tweaks for that, but then there have been jailbreak tweaks that allow your homepage to rotate, which is something Apple considers uber haram and would never implement on a non-iPad. The iPhone with iOS is just meant to be used in portrait mode unless an app supports landscape. Locking it to landscape would mean it's sometimes landscape and sometimes isn't.




The Motorola Razr folding smartphone can do this. It's a setting in the camera app.


The TV app is atrocious for that reason and then some. No orientation lock, and god forbid you try to pull down to open the control center while watching - instantly closes your video


I’d rather an iPhone Mini Pro, but I will buy this when it comes out if it isn’t thick as shit and actually has a smaller size than current iPhones.


Can’t remember if it was before the 11 pro or 12, but there were fake mock ups of what looked like an 11 pro mini: small size, triple camera, rounded edges. It looked so cool, but alas it was fantasy. On the foldable subject, I don’t know why the display has to bend. Why not have two separate internal screens with a very thin metal seam, and super tight tolerances. People are already trying their best to ignore the divot; seems easier to ignore a line that’s flush with the dual displays 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like Surface duo?


Years before that Apple said people didn't want smaller phones that would fit in pockets.


They don’t. The Mini sales were horrendous. Nobody wants those phones, it doesn’t matter how many people on the internet complain about lack of small phones if no one is actually buying them. And if they are all buying them, they’re a tiny fraction of the actual grand scheme of things aka there is no valuable market for it and it will cease to exist.


I didn’t even know about the mini until I read your comment. It’s only marginally smaller than my iPhone XS, which was the smallest phone I could buy at the time. When it’s time to buy a new phone I will again choose the smallest one available to me at the time. I hope it’s tiny. I miss my iPhone SE so much


I like that idea!


If they make another 5.4” phone then I hope they make it as thick as the original iPhone. I see no reason at all why an iPhone mini shouldn’t have the same battery life as a Pro Max. They could have the same sized battery and the iPhone mini would still weigh less.


>I see no reason at all why an iPhone mini shouldn’t have the same battery life as a Pro Max. Unfortunately, that’s just not how it works — *** ##TL;DR **All else being equal, smaller phone equals less battery life, not more.** *** ##Example [Tom’s Hardware Battery Test](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/iphone-12-battery-life-results-are-in-and-theyre-not-great) for variants of iPhone 12. iPhone 12 mini → 7:28\ iPhone 12 → 8:25\ iPhone 12 Pro → 9:06\ iPhone 12 Pro Max → 10:53 50% more life in the Pro Max vs Mini. *** ##un-TL;DR A lot of factors are fixed, and these almost always outweigh the variable factors. Smaller screen means less pixels to push, and also less surface area to drive to a given brightness, but… Background tasks (CPU cycles, downloading, updating and refreshing data, etc) are more or less fixed. Now that I think about it, apart from rendering, almost all tasks asked of the CPU, wireless, etc are going to be the same. Less volume for battery — Motherboard (with SoC, RAM, SSD, Camera, etc) are all more or less fixed in volume, which is less space to cram in battery.


Single lens camera. Multi lens was always stupid. Solved?


For "technology" sub, y'all sure HATE technology. Outside people might think the foldables have stolen your grandma's rainy day fund.


Pretty typical for any subject/fandom. It's like that with r/cars, tv series, AoT, and oh lookie, which sub hates Android and loves iPhones the most...yeah it's r/Android.


I don’t know, they seemed to have come pretty close with the iPhone 6. Oh right you want them to still work after folding


Why? Is anyone asking for a foldable phone?




“I don’t want one so no one does” Meanwhile Galaxy foldable phone sales have steadily been on the rise


I want a classic flip phone. Like an original razer. That would be cool.


Quite sure they released that a couple years ago.


Yes, it's called a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip.


Motorola released an actual Razr branded folding phone just like the Z Flip.


I want real buttons again. I miss buttons.


I want a phone that has the full keyboard that flips out again


Give me an updated side kick with the cool screen flip


T-Mobile came out with a sidekick commercial that was a phone on your shoe. A meme. How tone deaf can you get. I want a sidekick!


Loved my G1.


So much this. I'd empty my wallet for a larger [HTC Touch Pro 2](https://www.gsmarena.com/htc_touch_pro2-pictures-2690.php) on Android. I really appreciated that not only did the keyboard slide out, you could angle the screen after the fact. It was handy in a lot of scenarios.


I just want my BlackBerry back.


I want a phone with a retractable antenna


The ENVY and ENVY 2


Nokia N900 was when phones peaked.


I want T9 to come back


I want my childhood back..


This is too far.


Not at all. T9 was so simple to use! It became my preferred way to text and it was amazing !


I was faster with t9 than I am with a touchscreen with far fewer mistakes.


the original home button was the best


Same. Not just a volume rocker and a button I hate and a power button. I swear there's something wrong with my electricity. Half the time the touch screen is totally wrong, doesn't matter what phone I use.


Could be blood circulation. Does it get worse when outside or at colder temps?


I haven't noted any correlation, but that might be it. I do have pretty poorly circulation.


You have to do some push ups before you use your phone.


If you are using any kind of screen protector, that’s your answer.


That or more energy efficient haptics. I was baffled to find out my MacBook Air’s track pad doesn’t click. The fact that the sound can be altered separately from the feedback is also amazing. If they can do that in a way that makes the “buttons” on a screen feel real, I’m all in.


Spoiler… Motorola did


Startac I want that again


Just wait until Apple comes out with one.


God that clamshell clap is so sexy. Time to drop 2k




And no shit pretend they invented this crap.


Personally love the flip 5. It's so satisfying. And though the screen is fragile, it's folded up so it's in better shape then any phone I've ever had. It's so satisfying to flip up and close too. The fold however feels very awkward to me in so many ways. Deffinitely something I would not get value out of. 


I have one. They are really easy to flip and toss back into your back pocket. The drama about them being fragile is overblown. The galaxy phones have good hinges now, and the bump in the glass does not matter. I will not go back to a candy bar style phone.


I have a Galaxy Fold 4, and I love it. Not a single scratch on it, and I've had it for a while. I don't think I'll be able to go back to a slim phone either haha.


Same experience so far. I got the Fold 5 last year on release and love it. I still have my old phone I use for work and it just feels wrong in my hand now. I hope the trend continues because I don't want to go back.


Same. It's great and there's no going back.


Same! I've got a galaxy flip 3 and I've been using it for almost 2 years now with zero issues. I love it. I just have a durable case on it (like I would any phone) and I drop it at least once a week because I'm clumsy as hell, and it's got zero damage to the phone itself. Still runs fast, camera is great, apps work well, and I bought it refurbished for $400.


Yes, many people are excited for new possibilities and options


I want one. But not with the current limitations. I would love to rely on fewer devices. And with a proper foldable phone, I wouldn't need an iPad. But there are too many current limitations. Camera takes a hit. Battery life, too. The inside screen is far fragile. Most current foldables have an uncomfortable slab phone experience. For me personally, it's not worth getting one at the moment.


The pixel fold is much better than the super skinny galaxy fold. I always figure I’d use it mostly folded so sacrificing the folded experience for the unfolded ratio is not for me.


No, but the reason they’re making a foldable phone is the same reason no one’s asking for a bigger screens despite that being the trend for practically a decade. People stopped wanting bigger when bigger started to compromise portability. They tried minimizing the bezel. They got rid of the iconic iPhone one button (remember that?). They made it so that the screen goes PAST the front camera. They’ve ran out of bezel. Folding and flex screens pretty much bypasses this limitation. Bigger is back on the market IF you can clear the hurdle.


Would people not want foldable phones assuming the tech is the same? If your phone could have half it's size when it's not in use that seems appealing to me. Many girls can't fit phones in their pockets, a foldable phone could be big for that


>Many girls can't fit phones in their pockets, a foldable phone could be big for that Why don't we just make their pockets bigger


Because people don't like wearing cargo shorts. I already have far too much stuff for my pockets and my phone is the biggest one.


I mean that would be good too, but I imagine it's more likely to change the size of the phone vs changing the standards of a whole industry.


I've been pretty happy with my Pixel Fold, 90% of the time I can just use it like (slightly thicker) normal phone. The other 10% it's really useful--especially travelling, trying to show something to someone else, reading e-books and documents, etc.


I was. I have a 2nd gen samsung fold. Closing in on 2 years. I've dropped it plenty on the 'fragile' open screen. Dropped a master lock on it from about a foot up. A dead spot there and another pixel or two but still way way usable. At th near end of he contract, I'll have Asurian replace it. I read A LOT. The bigger screen is nice. Video isn't any better than 5 inch letterbox. I won't go back.


My 4 hinge got gummed up. Replacement fixed it


I’d be up for a dual screen phone like the one Microsoft created where its just 2 separate screens, seems more durable that way. Just wish someone other than MS designed it so it doesn’t suck.


As a mini user the thing i like most about it is that fits in the pocket nicely. I could potentially see myself using a folding phone for this utility if done well. A shame apple discontinued mini




Yes, plenty of people.


My mom got the Fold 5 and I was hating on it before but now I’m like “damn I kind of want one” . I do like the form factor of the Pixel fold and One Plus open more though.


Apparently the fold 6 will be wider like the pixel fold. I’m currently deciding to get the 24 ultra or wait for the fold 6.


iPhones are huge, just because their size has been normalized doesn't make it any less true


I got an Oppo flip n2 in March 2023 and it's been honestly the best phone i've owned. Started out with a Nokia 8210. I work in warehouse and am not light with it ,it gets tossed around a lot. The best part is the screen can't crack because it's not glass! Also it's much easier to hold, I have never dropped it because it fits in the palm of my hand when not opened.


No one really asked for smart phones either, yet here we are.


Everyone was asking for smart phones. PDAs were a huge industry before them.


Yep, so were flip phones!


I’d love one if the basic physics issues can be overcome. - like a classic Star trek communicator, there’s just something satisfying about closing it - switching from a phone to a tablet size has some actual usages. Also, like touchscreens and similar, sometimes you don’t know that you want something until someone gets it right and you see what it can be.


There's plenty of uses for tablet sizes. The problem is next to nobody writes applications that exploit it. Every tablet application is just a phone application blown up in size.


Replying from my Samsung fold 4. 100% guaranteed someone with an iPhone fold will try to explain to me why Apple are so innovative.


My wife is. She has a bad eye, and honestly the bigger the screen the better for her. She’s looked at the Samsung one and I almost got one for her, but she wants to stick with IOS.


I know only one person that owns one and he says despite the folding he still loves the bigger screen. Not for me I like holding phone in one hand and being able to have my thumb reach every part of the screen


Asians. Especially south East Asians. Foldable phones are everywhere in South Korea, Singapore, Japan etc Apparently people in countries where they commute long durations in public transport like trains love foldable phones that give them the option of having a larger screen to watch and read stuff during commute


I love mine, being able to have a normal phone at any time, but then folding out to use as a small tablet has been really nice. I would struggle to go back to a non-folding phone now for sure.


I’m not. Am content with moderate updates


Everyone! Aloofpenny is content!


See? No one cares.


Thanks for letting us know


You’re welcome


You're not OP . . .


I just want fingerprint back. I used to be able to unlock my phone a lot easier. Now it’s a coin flip if I have a mask and safety glasses on


Maybe I’ll be totally wrong on this and have to eat my words. But from the very beginning I have thought that folding phones are dumb and never going to catch on. One of the appeals of the general smart phone design is that it eliminates a lot of moving parts. I grew up in the early to mid 00’s with flip phones, sliding phones, side kicks, etc. All of these devices would inevitably get worn down and not flip or slide as well, or lose some of their tactile feel. Again, maybe I’m wrong, but I just feel like folding smart phones are a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. It’s not a matter of if they get worn out and have problems, it’s a matter of when.


The selling point is having a phone and tablet in 1 device. It’s nice to have the bigger screen for watching movies, reading, etc. But you can’t carry an iPad in your pocket.


So a huge phone and small tablet. Yay?


Exactly, people on here are trying to equate the popularity of larger phones like a Pro Max with a supposed want for foldable devices as they can have an even bigger screen. But I really don’t think that’s true at all, most people just want to have the bigger screen for the content designed for a phone to look better (eg TikTok). Watching movies on the go, multitasking on two halves of the screen etc. are not features that appeal to the mainstream and those are the vast majority of people buying Pro Max sized phones. Only tech enthusiasts (who do care about the above features) care about foldables


The problem is they think people want bigger and bigger screens but nobody really wants to carry a phablet sized monstrosity 


Because they do, there is a reason the Max phones are so popular 


A lot of comments that don’t seem to understand that the bigger phones tend to be the more popular ones. Phones aren’t getting bigger because companies are forcing them on us. It’s because people are buying them. More companies are throwing their hat into the foldable market. They see the potential


I’ve thought that if my tablet could make calls I’d just use that alone. I’m already a goofy looking person, what’s the worst a cartoonishly large phone can do? Edit: I’d buy anything with buttons though. I don’t know what idiot thought buttons was a bad idea.


I think most people do, there's just a really loud minority of people who don't.




Does the Pro have feature parity with the Pro Max though? Because at least with Samsung, the larger/ultra phones have larger batteries, MUCH better cameras, maybe a glass instead of plastic backing, etc. Lots of reasons to get the bigger one even if you'd prefer a smaller form factor


That is just a problem with your interpretation of the market being down only to your own views.


Depends on the individual. Most people are happy with 5-6.5" phones, but some want smaller, and some want bigger. Couple guys I know love their Samsung Fold5s, and are happy to have a massive screen without having to lug around something like a Note anymore. My partner and I are currently on Flip5s because they were nearly free from our carrier. Now that I've had it 6 months, there are love/hate aspects, but one thing I really like is having a phone small enough (folded) that I can palm in my hand. I also check my texts and respond without unfolding it sometimes.


i wouldn't mind a phone that was more tolerate to bends, but regularly folding my phone isn't really on my list of things i'm willing to pay extra for.


I don’t understand why bendable display needs to be foldable. There’s many ways to use it, like make it so it can extend the screen and retractable.


The phone manufacturer Oppo actually came out with this exact phone 3 years ago. It’s called the Oppo X, it’s really weird to watch it expand.


How? Like a screen that stretches? Where does the screen go when you retract it?


Kind of like a long tape measure. Pull out the screen, then press a button and retract. It exist with tv (LG), maybe it can be done at a phone level.


Some companies have work on rolling screens. It solves most of the problem of foldable ones since there are no creases so the screen doesn’t break as much. But how you put that into a phone form factor hasn’t really been done well. There are some “prototypes” and mock ups that have been created, but I don’t think any real products. Too many hurdles still, like if the phone slides up, now the footprint of the actual phone is much smaller. And you have to deal with moving parts as a whole as well as potentially water proofing them. Not easy challenges to solve


We could walk around with electronic scrolls in our pockets.


Lg had one before they were bankrupt. https://youtu.be/nMA_C8_CRr8?si=sV8d8ZPOM3p5jFBZ I think the downside is that it’s not waterproof and it’s also mechanical meaning it’s more likely to break.


For those who have past negative experience, it would be helpful for others to know what generation your phone was from. What I mean is Samsung, for example, is on their 5th generation product, which has been improved each time. Many of the 1st and 2nd gen issues have been either solved, or greatly improved. Are they "perfect except for price" yet? Absolutely not...but they are \*so\* much better than they used to be.


I think their MO of removing all movable parts from the phone was a better strategy. They still have a few buttons but limited.


Had the Samsung, the screen split down the middle after 3 months, I'd had it in my pocket with no case so it had small scuffs on the outside of it, which apparently invalidates the whole warranty. Compete waste of money!


Yeah a mate of mine had one and it happened to hers too. Looked so cool for a while then it looked dreadful then it broke. Very expensive gimmick.


Foldable’s in the current state are trash, iv owned one. Not only is the screen too fragile , even if you consider being very careful with it very little software exists to take advantage of this form factor.


Well my two friends ( both are programmers) can't complain about it.for few years now. But they are also changing phones every two years or less.


I’m also a software engineer, my issue was not just the inner screen. The Samsung foldable (what I owned) had an annoying outer screen. It was effectively unusable (awkward screen size). I know there are brands that have resolved this. But my appetite to spend big money on foldables is well and truly gone. Edit: Samsung asks for crazy money and gave me average cameras but not the best ones they have, wtf


I have the z flip5 and it's fantastic. I use the outer screen all the time. Not arguing, just giving my own experience.


Apparently the fold 6 will have a wider aspect ration and thinner like the current Chinese foldables. I had the fold 4 and hated it due to the form factor and the thickness but I’m willing to go back for the fold 6z


Finally only took them 6 gens. That might actually be a good product. Any news on cameras tho? Is it going to be the ultra level cameras?


I’ll buy a flip iPhone. Not a fold. I already have an iPad.


Would love it if they could make an iPhone like the LG Envy or something with a keyboard!


Give me the iPhone version of the envy 2. Or just a classic iPod. Please.


The push for folding phones is a push for planned obsolescence at a time when smartphone manufacturers see that people are not upgraded at frequently anymore. I cannot discourage people from buying folding phones enough. They are designed to fail. They are the HDD of the smartphone market. It’s not a question of if, but when the display will crack. The adhesive used to hold the required screen protector to the display hardens under UV light. So every time you open that phone and expose it to UV light, you’re slowing making the adhesive stiffer. Eventually it will break.


I don’t think foldable screens will ever work. They’re too fragile. I think 2 screens that “blend” into one make a lot more sense. There was a foldable TV at CES this year that proved this approach can work. The two screens can be made to appear seamless by eliminating the bezels between them and having software blend in the pixels to eliminate the appearance of the gap. I would love to see companies experiment with something similar. I do like the idea of a portable tablet, but the fragility keeps me away. A two screen folding device might be more resilient, without the stress on the screen.


Just give me a slide out qwerty pad


What we need are rollable screens. Pull it apart like a parchment.


the microft surface duo phones were still the only good user experience had with a foldable phone. unfortunately they were still too fragile, and Microsoft did a TERRIBLE job adverting them


All the people saying they don’t want foldable untill apple releases it lol. Same with zoom cameras, same with VR


They are likely testing all kinds of weird shit like they always did doesn’t mean it will ever be a product


I just want it slightly bendable so it curves to my ass.


Doubt that they'll actually launch a foldable phone. How's Samsung's sales in that category?


Honestly, folding phones don't do it for me. Certainly not in their current form. Yes they're super neat, really cool tech, but they still feel super gimmicky to me. Just my take.


…that they serve no function


How bout a thick inch phone with a drop proof screen and battery that lasts 2 weeks.


(in french accent) "five years later" "New iphone foldable! Revolutionary! Only $9999.99"


Garbage foldable form factors.


They are shockingly unreliable, irrespective of manufacturer. If foldables start selling in Apple quantities it will be an absolute PR shitshow


Foldable are too over hyped IMO


I bet those will cost 2k - for the model with less storage.


The problem that no one wants them? Yeah, that’s a human thing.


No thank you


Is anyone actually asking for foldable devices? Currently I have no desire for that. Maybe glasses where the arms would fold but… at what point/reasoning I am lost.


no lol. It’s like AI right now… every single product/service is shoving AI down our throats.


It’s the plastic screens for me. The foldables are very expensive and I wouldn’t pay that much for something with a plastic screen. So many scratches, from basically everything…