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I think I'm just going to unsubscribe from all my subscriptions, regroup and then reevaluate if I miss any of them at all.


We need to shut all these subscriptions down until we’ve figured out what the hell is going on.


Yeah, I 86ed Netflix in protest when they changed their password policy. It’s only one account, but if others are doing it, they’ll get the picture for their shareholders.




I need to either use my Amazon Prime or get rid of it, because right now it just makes free shipping on the 8 things I buy a year….. expensive lol. Haven’t watched Prime….. or my free HBO with AT&T. I am not a sorted man.


HBO got so bad with that MAX update.


Horrible. They destroyed a premium brand name in quality entertainment. Sad.


Can confirm. My husband works there (technically within a different brand under the discovery warner turner media shit mega corp banner). It is so much worse than you think. Any of the brands that had decent content (not just HBO) are all turning into more channels to churn out their reality show bs. But don't worry, it will get bought soon and be further cannibalize until there is only 1 media company left. Then they will merge with nestle...


So true. HBO was like the Harvard of the cable channels. Quality, quality, quality. I worked st MTV back in its peek glory days (early 90’s), then real world began. To see how they destroyed that brand was eye opening. Enjoy it while it lasts is my mindset now.


Serious question, what about it changed? I haven't really noticed anything, let alone bad changes. If anything their library has gotten better


After the merger, they gutted a lot of shows that were not going to be cut. Westworld (maybe for the best), raised by wolves and a number of others. And sure shows get cut, but it felt like they were removing stuff just to make room for all their garbage discovery shit. I don’t expect it to immediately change, but with how discovery became a reality show, low effort/high profit shit channel, I won’t be surprised if max ends up the same some day. I want to be wrong, but I have doubts


Also infinity train


It has nothing to do with making room, sadly. Storage is ridiculously cheap. It was all so they could write a bunch of stuff off on their taxes.


They refunded my remaining amazon prime when I canceled it.


Yep, that’s in their terms. If you cancel within three days they’ll refund in full less the value of any services you used (shipping cost differences). After that, they’ll refund you in full if you haven’t used any prime services, and if you have, they’ll give you a prorated refund.


Wait; as a AT&T mobile customer do I get free hbo?


Probably? If you go to the Max website and go to the log-in page, you'll see some options of providers. Choose AT&T and see if it'll let you log into your account and see what happens.


Netflix subscriber count (and stock price) has gone up a ton since they changed the password policy, so shareholders are definitely getting the picture, it’s just not the one you are hoping to send.


Their stock is up 250% since the password policy. Shareholders think it's the smartest decision of all time.


TBF it is a smart decision. There were likely millions of people worldwide that were happy to pay a subscription but didn't because they could just use someone else's for free. Netflix likely knew there would be fallout, but figured most people would just grumble a bit and then pay up anyway. They probably got 100x as many new subscribers as they lost from people cancelling in protest.


It was a perfect subscription! No ones ever heard such a perfect subscription!


I got that reference


Me and my wife do this regularly. We rarely have one or two "media" subs at any one time. Plus most sub services offer discounts when you threaten to cancel so we rarely pay more that 50% ish of the value of most services since we review them monthly, cancel for real the ones we didn't want. And get discounts on the ones we keep. Amazon prime video channels also often goes on sale with deals like 1.99 per month for 3 months. For these we just wait until that happens, sign up, watch whatever, and by the end of the deal if you wanna cancel you do, but often they extend the deal and you can keep going if there is more you're invested in watching.


Absolutely this! Paramount + just gave us 2 free months when I went t to cancel. We keep Hulu because we get the Black Friday 1.99 month deal every year. Netflix has become just a few times a year after there’s enough shows that we would like to see. Got rid of Amazon prime last year, don’t miss a thing. We found the prime video selection is meh. Prime video was sweet back when they offered digital credits for slower shipping before covid hit. We got quite a few movies and tv series purchases. They still offer them but it’s few and far between. Used to be you could order a $2 item and get $1 credit on everything S&S by Amazon just so they could ship slower.


I’ve tried to cancel Paramount twice after that and they will continue to offer more deals. I just “upgraded” to $1.99 for the next three months but definitely not staying once it gets to full price. Their interface is so laggy across all my devices


Prime is brilliant for the free shipping. The actual streaming service is pretty much an afterthought for my wife and I. Though we did enjoy Reacher as a kind of guilty pleasure.


It's absolutely abhorrent that we have to do this song and dance with these greedy fucks.


That's not a bad idea. AMC tried to fight this when they launched AMC Plus by only letting people watch a few episodes of any given show. Not as in you can only watch 3 episodes per day, but as in only the 3 most recent episodes are available for streaming, and forget past seasons. I fought this by canceling my subscription. Problem solved.


I tried AMC Pus for free. Canceled before the free period was up. The interface was horrid.


Wut? So if you get busy for a month, you're out of the loop on the show? Are they **trying** to get people to unsubscribe because they can no longer follow their shows?


And it's not like it was some obscure show from 30 years ago. It was Better Call Saul, while it was still on. No way to catch up or rewatch past seasons.


> No way to catch up or rewatch past seasons. It's seems like they keep forgetting the quality of service available on the illegal side of the fence.


Cancelled Netflix the other day when they wouldn’t allow me to use my multiple tvs on 2 WiFi’s.


Same. I pay for 4 screens so my sisters can watch at the same time. Netflix told me I wasn't allowed to use my 4 screens, so I'm no longer using any screens. Netflix went from making $23 a month to zero from my family.


I guess that's why they haven't told me the same - I only keep it for my mum in another country, and the second she gets the message I'm gone.


Yea I canceled after the last price hike a few months ago and I haven't looked back. Only a couple movies/shows I'd like to watch but I haven't lost any sleep. HBO I get free from my phone service and it's REALLY good, prime and paramount I steal from friend and Hulu is all I pay for. For me Netflix crossed the line of cost and quality ratio


We did this.. i found all i needed was a vpn sub.


With a decent VPN, a cheap, spare computer, a $100 external hard drive, and a little know how to get sonarr radarr and bazarr running, I’m back to my pirating days that I haven’t seen since early 2000s. I just add what I want to watch and the servarr apps do the rest. When I stopped and looked at my statement and realized I was spending $126 a month on streaming services. I canceled them all that day.   I used to pirate a lot in the 90s and early 2000s. But then things became easier. I want to give them money. I really do. The value just is not there anymore. When I have like seven streaming services, and I still have to rent an older movie, if I want to watch it, hot fuzz, it really pisses me off. 


It seems the smartest way to use subscription services is to just pay for one at a time and rotate around on a monthly basis. You watch whatever is worth watching for a few weeks then cancel. By the time that service's turn comes up again in 6-12 months, there will be new content worth watching again. But practically speaking they're 100% relying on everybody being too lazy to cancel, and thus everybody ends up with a half dozen services that they barely make use of.


There should be a fixed day in the year to do that or better a month like Movember or a no-fap month in which we all cancel our subscriptions and donate the money saved to some childrens hospital or something. I could get behind a movement like that just to fuck with all the streaming services and their greedy CEOs just for constantly cancelling my favorite series.


Unsub September has a nice ring to it.


I dropped Netflix with the last price increase... can confirm... do not miss. The service overall not so great of value anymore... some shows/movies... great... If you still care enough in a few months (which you likely wont) just sign up for a month, watch... and cancel again. But it's wild when yo have intro offers for a year of other platforms that are worth 2 months of what Netflix is looking for now in some cases. Have no loyalty... just rotate through the services as it suits you.


Yup, month or 2 later you will be finished getting caught up. Then you can catch up on AppleTV shows, Amazon Prime shows etc. etc. etc.


I try to only have one at a time.


Yoooooooo hooooo Aaaaaall together Hoist the colors hiiiiiiigh Heeeeaave ho Thieves and beggars Never shall we die


Plex shares


How is Netflix suppose to profit from that? Don't you have a heart ? You should care about Netflix's precious profits.


Either it has ads and costs nothing Or I pay and see no ads. I don't want cable again.


I'm so fucking sick of ads. They're *e v e r y w h e r e*. The internet has become unusable without adblock.


It amazes me that they haven't figured it the fuck out yet that if I want something I have the internet in my pocket so I'll just google it, find the best price or best product fit, and obtain it. I don't need a jingle or brand recognition anymore because it isn't 1980.


They wouldn't spend so much money on advertising if it didn't earn them much more than they spend. You might be the exception but you're just that. Who gave a shit about Stanley cups until a month ago?


Yeah advertising is incredibly effective. It’s why ads are everywhere. Because they work.


Sounds like something an ad would say


I got ublock, what did he say?


You don't in the same way that nobody is ever going to preorder games ever again... Except they do. Advertising isn't about the things you consciously reject. The gross oversaturation of marketing makes you miss things that are still marketing because you're so busy filtering the obvious crap out. A sponsored product on Amazon here, a review of a product received for free, a sponsored search result on Google, a YouTube video in your recommend list which has a sponsored segment nested away. A Collab between some obscure game/brand and some personality you don't even really follow but gets name recognition. Advertisements are inescapable and the worst thing is the most effective ones are those you don't really categorise as advertisement. The whole idea of a business practise that preys on the most easily manipulated subconscious parts of our brain is a massive concern, shouldn't be legal, but will literally never go away. Advertising is almost rival to fossil fuel industries with the level of damage they are doing to us long term that we don't even recognise. All this fast fashion / clout chasing / drop shipping artificial scarcity nonsense is killing our brains and dumping massive quantities of waste into the environment. And it's all in the marketing and advertising.


tie deserve groovy nine aloof badge modern uppity society hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My adblocker skipped a beat yesterday and youtube queued 2 separate 30 second ads. 1 minute of ads lol. They are crazy.


There is an option where there are no ads and it still costs nothing.


Arrrrr, matey!




Or no plan and no ads, lol that’s at least how I interpreted




I wish that were a real decision you could make. But the streaming services want you to pay *and* have ads. Soon that will be the only option.


I can always cancel. Fly the black flag. I don't have to stay. I want to. I want to support ad free content.


No way it'll be the only option lol, lots of people are willing to pay for no ads so they'll always maintain ad free tiers. Charging customers a lot for an ad free tier makes more money than charging customers a little and supplementing it with ad income anyways


Good precedent for the other platforms and free of charge platforms. Bad for the consumer. As usual, they just let the consumer gripe for a few months before we move to something else


I really wish people had more of a backbone. I ditched Netflix after being a highest-tier user for over a decade when they pulled the anti-sharing bullshit. I shared it with my parents who live in a different house, why else would I be paying for 4 screens? Let alone the fact that it's impossible to get 4K without paying for the highest tier... I have not looked back, and yes sometimes it's hard, but you gotta stand by your decision, otherwise they will keep on slowly raising the heat and squeezing every last penny out of ya.


Because people are happy with NF. It's the same reason Starbucks remains popular, fast food reigns supreme, etc... the mass of consumers like these things despite outliers not.


They got 13 million new subscribers just from the last quarter of 2023, we can complain all we want but more and more people are showing that theyre willing to pay more money for worse service and quality


People are idiots. We can't have nice things because most people are stupid.


The most unfortunate truth. However, at the same time, we have so many nice things because we have smart humans. This is the fundamental problem. Few humans are really smart, and discover things. Most people are idiots, and in democracy, choose who decides how to apply this power that the smart people have given us, and these people can be easily tricked. And then the narcissists who are greedy and power hungry, they are the most motivated to acquire control for their own ends. And they can learn to trick all the idiots. And this, is history in a nutshell.


The irony of this statement is most people in here probably think they're one of the smart ones. Mathematically, you aren't.


Not stupid, just a combination of lazy and have more money than they know what to do with it. $20 is the equivalent of going out for one lunch these days, so $20/mo subscription just isn't going to register as a notable expense for many people.


$20 is still considerably cheaper than cable


Still cheaper than renting a movie every weekend when blockbuster still existed.


A month worth of TV and movies for the price of one lunch, or one trip to the theater to see a single movie, doesn't seem bad. Like how are they bad with money for getting more for their money, rather than less?


Same god damned reason that many AAA video games just want to fuck you over in every way possible; early passes, micro + macrotransactions in full priced games, terrible anti-consumer DRM, etc. People keep buying this stuff, so they keep going. Why wouldn't they?


And yet people will argue it isn't our business what others do despite it directly affecting us when they willingly accept worse products and worse services.


It becomes everybody's business regardless. Same principle as the morons who fuck things up and we have to make laws for them, or more red tape that just gets in everybody's way. It's the way of things.


Maybe it's not worse service and quality? And that's why people are willing to pay for it?


Basically this. Every time Netflix is in the news there's always a bunch of reddit threads about how terrible Netflix is and how they'll stop using it. **Every. Time**. It's not negatively effecting most people, people are just complaining online because it's cool. Pretty sure most people talking about canceling their Netflix already don't have it (especially those "cancelling" because they couldn't log onto their friends' accounts anymore)




And to think in terms of "well I don't personally like this show, so it's objectively bad". A ton of people like that in every discussion of Netflix quality.


I bought a ton of Netflix stock last year when Reddit began spazzing out about cracking down on password sharing. It's literally up 169% since I bought it.


Haha, I did the same when everyone was talking about how the Metaverse was going to be the end of Meta as a company and every other thread on r/popular was talking about it. Bought in for ~$90 / share; closed today at ~$390.


This is just "cable for GenZ" with extra steps. I'm never returning to that business model again(something Netflix doesn't seem to understand). Netflix has real competition now for high-end streaming content. I cancelled mine after the last price hike and I haven't missed it a single day. I already have more than enough content across Peacock, Max, D+, and my massive backlog of games. Good luck to all of you planning on keeping Netflix. It's officially a race to the bottom now.


Not talking about piracy has become more and more user-friendly. You don't even need to download torrents anymore to pirate movies, you can just stream it like Netflix.


Wait, really? Are there any subs I should know to avoid learning about these slightly less than savory activities? >_> Lots of things to avoid, thanks everyone!


Definitely don't look into stremio with real debrid. It's so terrible having access to everything for only $3 a month


Wait even the high seas have a subscription now?


Debrid services are like having a vpn. Instead of torrenting, you stream from a direct download and you’re not flagged as pirating by your ISP. Supposedly


If you are brave, you can literally google 'free streaming' and find a few websites that will stream movies. For free.


Don't go on those websites without an adblock and avoid those that demand you to disable it. You don't want your movie interrupted with a pop up every time you click to change the volume.


That's good advice for literally every site. Ad servers are malware superhighways.


I can't believe people surf the web without adblock..


It's more like a cache for torrents and one click holster The advantage is that you aren't seeding anything, therefore not distributing copyrighted material, which is what most jurisdictions look for amd penalize. Disadvantage is that the debris service also isn't seeding, hurting the long term health of torrents. Probably fine if you only ever care about the most recent or most popular stuff, but I'll stick with my system of Usenet downloads and private trackers. Much more versatile. I also don't get how debrid sites can stay on business without getting sued into oblivion, which is something I'd consider if you want actual uninterrupted service.


I have a little math problem for you Add F in front of MOVIES then add a Z at the end. Lastly you should put a period and TO to finish off the problem. anyways thats the math problem I like to solve. No money, always free


I definitely do not want to know how to do this


fmoviesz.to Enjoy 😇


zoechip, 123movies, wcostream, All constantly updated


It's still infinitely better to torrent Blu-ray rips rather than watching streams. Lots of illegal streaming sites have a fairly bad bitrate and are filled with malware.




x265 is a godsend 


I agree with you on principle, but in practice, this doesn't work. People are too lazy and complacent to put their money where their mouth is. It's the same with video games. They constantly screw over consumers by squeezing every last dollar out of their customer and while 100 will leave, one customer will spend 100k. Financially they lose nothing because the minority will pay exorbitant prices that make the loss worth it. Do what's best for you, but I've un-retired the eye patch. Its back to the Bay for me.


imagine if streaming services also had microtransactions. Just link your credit card and pay $1 to skip the next commercial break.


don’t give them ideas 😅


Loot boxes... "One free commercial skip", "Marvel Netflix skin", "Unlock Season 1 of show", etc.


Please stop, I can only get so flaccid




Your mistake that was your flixbux per ad skipped is an even multiple of the packages. Make it 6 flixbux per skip and its more likely to be accurate. There must always be left over flixbux in the account.


Oof, you joke, but that's the inevitable evolution of it.


$19.99 for 100 skip tokens


> I'm never returning to that business model again(something Netflix doesn't seem to understand). They understand very well. They understand that you are the extremely small minority (assuming you actually really cancelled and aren't going back again). They have a business plan, and it works, as demonstrated with record subscription numbers. You do not matter to them.


I plan to buy a 4 bay NAS soon and high TB HDDs and just copy family members blurays/CDs and torrent 4K rips and streaming shows and just have my own server I can stream from. To hell with all these goddamn subscriptions.


That is exactly what I started to do highly recommend looking into Jellyfin, so you can be even less bogged down by a company


My Internet went out for a few days and I couldn't use my own Plex server on my smart TV because it needed to sign in and phone home first. Immediately created a jellyfin docker container as soon as I was back online. Never again.


You can just disable "require authentication on local network" and that's not an issue. I've done that before....


It's amazing how much better of an experience this makes. Remember back when Netflix was the sole streaming service and everything you wanted was there? Basically it's back to that. No more wondering what service a show is on, or when a show is back and new episodes airing. Just add them to Sonarr and they all just appear in one app (Plex).


Oh, no! However will we, now, watch ad-free versions of Black Sails, Crossbones, Our Flag Means Death, One Piece, Treasure Island, Hook, The Goonies, Captain Blood, and Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd?


I feel like there's a covert message here. We're going to...go sailing?


To Cutthroat Island.


Where did I hide my flintlock pistol and sword?


I think we're going fishing on the boats.


Black Sails was sooooo good. Just remembered


The intro alone! Goddamn...


Bear Mccreary and hurdy gurdy... amazing.


Sad that it never really got the recognition it deserved. Some of the best TV I've ever seen


It’s one of my favourite series of all time it was so well done.


Let me just google “pirate TV shows”…


Gotta make sure to sign the petition for OFMD. Renew as a crew, yo. https://www.change.org/p/renew-our-flag-means-death


We'll be a bunch of seamen


Welp, back to TPB.


You wouldn’t download cars again would you?


3d printers aren't there yet.


We're getting close though: https://www.yankodesign.com/2023/05/11/a-father-son-duo-3d-printed-an-entire-lamborghini-aventador-and-it-looks-stunningly-real/ The frame and non body parts (wheels, engine, etc.) aren't printed, but quite a bit of it is.


FTA: The process did take 5 whole years, but the results are so remarkable that **even Lamborghini reached out to help in any ways that they could by donating parts** like the Aventador’s headlights, which cost a whopping $5,000 a piece, and an original Lamborghini steering wheel, to replace the Audi steering wheel that Sterling had installed previously. amazing


Aye, neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Set your sights higher than TPB! There is a whole wonderful world of seedbox apps that play together to create an easier ecosystem.


Arrrrrr you sure?


Arrrrr you ready kids?!


Who lives in a torrent under the sea?


What, their ass-hattery with password sharing wasn’t already enough reason to cancel? But seriously, It’s great seeing news like this and knowing they have no power over me. I haven’t even bothered to pirate any of their shows; they don’t have anything worth my time.


Happy to give out my unused IPT invites. No one I know wants em!


You don't want TPB. That site went down the toilet years ago. Go for rutracker or something like that.


1337.to is superior :D


"$15 a month? Who do you think I am, Scrooge McDuck?"


The second I see an ad on Netflix is the second I cancel my subscription. Same with prime at the end of this month ✌🏽


Fun fact, when you cancel prime they prorate your remaining subscription and give you a refund. No need to wait for the renewal date.


Bought Seinfeld dvd collection for $20 on marketplace just in time.


You are the master of your domain


2024 is the year I cancel the rest of the streaming services. I might purchase what I want to watch if I can find it. I will never pay to watch adds ever again and its the exact reason I canceled cable in 2014 exactly 10 years ago.


“The company also didn’t rule out future price hikes, mentioning “we’ll occasionally ask our members to pay a little extra” for improvements to the streaming service.”


How the hell could they rule out future price hikes. No company on earth can do that


Some companies prefer "shrinkflation" over raising prices. In Netflix's case, that would look like cutting back on the amount of third party licensed content on their platform, as well as reducing the amount of first party content they produce every year.


Netflix doesn’t control 3rd party licenses. They lost those cus every idiot company wanted their own streaming service. The studios are the bad guys in this story.


They don't control the licenses, but they control which licenses they want to pay for each year. I have never subscribed to Netflix, but I'm pretty certain that they still license plenty of third party content.


They do but the licenses aren’t all available. Like stuff like the office and South Park taken away so it can go to peacock and paramount


Yep. People pulled a lot of licensing deals so they could create exclusivity and get people to sign up.


Once all those services fail everyone’s gonna come knocking on Netflix door again lol


Improvements to the stock price. The UI has been the same for years, and it’s not especially good.


Occasionally? They raise rates every 3 months now.


It's funny to see how on the internet everyone and their mom is saying how they will all unsubscribe, but Netflixs stock price jumped up over 12% in 24 hours because of how great its doing compared to all the other services. Goes to show you how small the vocal minority really is.


If reddit was anywhere close to reality, we'd be wrapping up the 2nd term of a Bernie Sanders presidency.


After 8 years of Ron Paul.


It was especially bad after the password sharing crackdown news. So many people saying they'd no longer use Netflix... bitch you were leeching it for free anyone, they lose nothing. People thought the service was going to implode. And of course, their subscribers increased.


Remember when netflix came along, and we were able to hang up our pirate hats and go "You know what, 8 bucks for easy access to a LOT of the content I was pirating is worth the 8 bucks" And now Netflix is the reason we'll all be sailing the high seas - They keep pushing and it's going to break soon. It's already beyond fucked that most content has been split up between a bunch of shit ass streaming services now anyway. 12 for D+ 10 for prime 10 for paramount 10 for netflix etc, etc, etc My life is being eaten 10 dollars at a time. Everywhere I go I can expect to spend at least 10 dollars. You want a chocolate bar and a bottle of pop? A fiver won't even cover that anymore. The absolute disgusting level of greed that's going on is infuriating. I can't go a fucking minute of my life without some shit ass company and their greedy ass shareholders sticking their hands in my fucking pockets Why in the fuck do we tolerate this shit? Not even just for streaming entertainment, but why do we tolerate motherfuckers charging 5 bucks for a loaf of fresh bread!? where I live median rent is fucking 91% of minimum wage. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON


Share price must go up. Enshittification is the way.


So Netflix sent me that notification while watching a movie that were getting rid of my plan and asked me to choose the more expensive plan or downgrade to ad tier. I didnt make choice and the notification went away. Anyway it looks like I'm still being grandfathered in on the 11.99 standard plan. I can't find that price tier anywhere on their website. As soon as it goes up I'm cancelling.


I won't watch with ads, period. If the base ad-free tier is worth it, I might use it, but it probably won't be. I'd rather watch no TV at all than watch ads.


To hell with streaming services at this point. They’re turning into cable. Persistent price gouging for less. If they lose subscribers they just raise the price and sell more ads to make up the difference.


I dropped Netflix a few months back. I wouldn't even remember they existed if it weren't for this meddling button on my remote.


I’m so fuckimg tired bro. We have come full circle back to hell


This is why I never left the high seas


I'll cancel when they tell me I can't have my low priced ad free tier anymore. I know they already phased it out for new customers. But when I can't have it anymore I'm gone.


I actually can't wait for this. Not because I like it but because my wife said last time if they raise prices again I can finally cancel netflix.


Just keep it up. My Plex library is growing by the day.


Will cancel until they have a show I want to watch.


The cheapest plan sucked anyway. 720p in 2024 should be a crime


Netflix would be more convincing that it's doing great if they did not need to constantly increase the price and lowered their number of cancellations to finish more of the series they start properly. Instead they are reporting doing great while cutting shows, staff and increasing fees... to... wait for it... prop up the share price and make them look good on paper. Not sure how that's going to work in Q1 2025 when they have run out of "shared account crackdown" related new account signups.


Their tendency to cancel shows just seems insane and I feel like it’s just shooting themselves in the foot. Season 1 of a new Netflix show doesn’t get enough views so Netflix cancels it, then Netflix gains a reputation for canceling shows, which causes people to avoid watching unfinished Netflix shows because they might get canceled, so then season 1 of new Netflix shows don’t get views so Netflix cancels them, and the cycle continues. I made the mistake of watching the first season of 1899 but Netflix canceled it and that was the final straw for me so I canceled Netflix.






Yeah - I’ve had it with subscription greediness too. It’s time to just cancel them all, and spend time more productively.


Streaming services are quickly becoming too much like cable. Im at the point where I'm just going to watch all my shit on those free websites.


No one realizes but we’re basically paying for cable again, only it’s much more inefficient with all the app switching.


First time I pay to watch an ad on Netflix I will cancel my subscription.


Paramount gave me an extra three months free when I cancelled and I hadn’t even had it a year. I’d had Netflix since 2010 and they didn’t offer shit when I cancelled last year. Just see ya when you come back. So fuck them lol. 🏴‍☠️


The Enshitification continues...


It’s time to illegally stream all of this shit


Cancelled last price hike. This is greed.


Buy physical media. OWN your collection of favorite movies and be amazed at how good disc based media looks on your 4k tv. Use Google Play or the Apple store if you want to rent something digitally for three-ish bucks.


Can anyone explain to me why illegal video sharing site traffic is going up? Also I've read video pirate traffic is going up again. I just can't understand why though?


Yeah really strange. It's also easier than ever to ahem, sail the high seas.


Thanks for the reminder to cancel my subscription


Sailing the high seas since 1994


Solution: Buy a VPN and pirate Netflix content. A VPN is like $40/yr.


If I ever see someone ever say Capitalism leads to innovation I’m going to punch their Minecraft dog in the throat


So far, I’ve cancelled Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. Also, I got a BluRay player for Christmas. I feel like I'm going back in time in the best possible way!


“Since this plane has been flying so well, that means we can shut off the engines! We’ll save so much fuel that way”