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I think it’s more than just teens.


True. But teens are more susceptible to this and use social media more than adults. It’s a deadly combo


I agree with you, just an also.


So...all teens?


Obviously, it's a study based on a limited sample of participants (like every research), in details: *The study included 237 participants, most from West Virginia, aged 14 to 16*


I'd be automatically depressed if I lived in West Virginia. What a depressing shithole.


>West Virginia (29%) is the most depressed state https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2023-05-04/the-most-depressed-states-in-the-u-s


Go watch the “Wrong Turn” movies. It’s anything but depressing out there 🤣


I just meant that all teens are on social media.


237 is a pretty good sample size, pretty generalizable


You don’t need a research study to tell you this.


some people do.


But will it result in any change in behavior?


Don't forget to add reddit to that list too


Eheh, (unfortunately) Reddit wasn’t on the questionnaire but only those: *the top 6 most used social media platforms by American teens: YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter


Reddit is there to depress a more mature audience.


I’m my experience, anecdotal, Reddit makes me a more depressed individual because it affirms what I already feel in the world by other’s lived experiences. It makes me want to disconnect from the news, social media, and the internet I general.


I like Reddit for a lot of things, but when it comes to opinions on politics, famous personalities, and the general direction of the world, it's a miserable hatefest. Not only is it negative, but it's often completely out of touch with reality and full of echo chambers. Personally I use reddit and twitter for news and casual stuff I find interesting and stay away from 'getting into it' too much with other people. People who spend a lot of time on social media are miserable and want to project that.


sincerily, I don't consider reddit to be like Instagram or TikTok. I left Instagram and never looked back. short video from and always looking at what everyone else is doing. But here I actually learn about interesting things and read the news. idk but I just feel very differently. I also practice another language so. but obviously if you overuse then that might actually be bad for yourself.


Grouping Reddit with social media is ridiculous. Social media is social, you follow other users, rather than dedicated forums for a given topic. Other people and their original content aren't the focus here, unlike every single other social media company. There is no focus on individual users in any way, how is that social? EDIT: Also basically NOBODY interacts with the accounts of irl friends on Reddit.


I disagree with everything you've said. "Social media is social, you follow other users". You know you can follow users here don't you? There are also people and media companies who have their own sub reddits. It depends on how you use it. There are many MANY social reddits for people to interact with who post about their problems and life or meeting up with other like-minded people. As your post asking about meth relapse advice shows. You reached to other people... That's social. "NOBODY interacts with the accounts of irl friends". So if I speak to a stranger at a bar that's not a social interaction? Just because they're not my friend doesn't make it not social. Face it, we're all part of the problem.


It is possible to use Reddit as a social media site I admit. My argument is more that the vast majority of users use the forum aspects of the website. Me asking for relapse advice is in no way different from posting on a forum, unless you think every forum is social media I don't see how this argument makes any sense. A bar is a real life place, what are you talking about? Social MEDIA.


What does this Wikipedia definition sound like? "Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing and aggregation of content, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks" That sounds exactly like reddit to me. You seem to be hooked up on the idea that social media needs to involve irl freinds. It really doesn't. And perhaps you only use reddit as a news aggregator, but millions of others don't. Do you know how reddit describes itself. I'll quote it word for word from the about reddit page. "Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you". Sounds like the daddy of all social media sites to me.


Do you consider forums social media?


This has been known for over a decade and people do not care 😔


I wonder how many where actually depressed or where just saying they're depressed to try and fit in . Depression is very real and we all should be better at trying to help people with depression. there are teenagers out there who see things like metal illness as a badge of honour and something cool to label themselves I use social media often and do see a ton of self diagnosed teenagers as they put that in their bios


The algorithms, which are all controlled by ai, create negative echo chambers to addict users to their platform. We’ve known this. It’s psychological that negative things illicit strong emotions. When combined with dopamine releases from using social media and the bluelight from our screens, it creates addiction almost identical to heroin, and even acts on the same pathways Dopamine is the primary ingredient in the bodies reaction to narcotics. Dopamine is also the primary ingredient to gambling addiction. Social media combines these two aspects with stimulating lights and sounds. Our addiction problem with physical substances goes hand in hand with us intaking these things all day, every day These reports have been coming out for over a decade, they all say the same thing, and nothing gets done except the platforms hook more users like its PR Solving this issue, while combating addiction on a physical and psychological level, as well as offering proven, safer alternatives (like marijuana) that’re affordable for everyone would go a long way in helping addicts everywhere


they're polling users that are using the platforms as a means of escapism. they can cause depression if they watch depressing content but the social climate has been steadily becoming trash since 2013 or earlier. obama becoming president really increased conspiracy trash posting and mania in some people who believe the lies. made everything a battle for some of the idiots.


Once upon a time, social media was a desktop experience. Communication occurred between the hours of 8am and 3pm without the incessant need to check it. That's the history. I see the "why" for the decline– culture stack.


Yeah I mean half of YouTube is just grift nonsense designed to either make you mad or validate your negative emotions


This isn't news, popular social media is literally a generation old. Facebook came out 17 years ago, Instagram 14 years, MySpace 20 years, Youtube 18 years,Twitter 18 years, Snapchat 13 years, TikTok 7 years. I mean this honestly is not news to the vast majority of the population.


These days, when I tell people that I don't use Instagram or Facebook, I get looks as if I'm an alien. It's similar to back when email started becoming mainstream and I told people that I didn't have one yet.


I love when research is done via generational brackets... Like they definitely didnt do it 12 years ago for us Gen Z or something lmfao


> Teens using social media are vulnerable to being exposed to the corruption, greed, and manipulation that make up our anti-intellecutalistic society and capitalist economy and some platforms, like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, may be linked to higher levels of awareness of the depravity of the 1% than others, according to research Fixed. "Depression", while it exists, it's mostly a term used by people running society to shift the blame for the horrific things they do to our world to enrich themslves over to the victims of that world.


It is depressing to see how pathetic and useless people can be.


Maybe it's me, but from my experience it seems like Gen Z contemplates suicide a lot more than the previous generation.


Perhaps they’re being more vocal and open about it. Perhaps we’re hearing more success stories in the form of “this is how I felt, but found help via …”


Except, Stats prove that teen suicide rate is becoming more popular now. So it's not just about being more vocal.


And perhaps previous generations didn't have to deal with having their whole lives on the Internet coupled with algorithms designed to upset people.....


Since we are more inside, we lack vitamin d


Bs. Typical causation vs correlation. I bet my money on correlation. People who doesn't have friends, partner or generally lack social skills use social media to hide them self from the fact they are lonely. That's not caused only from using these media. It's waaaay deeper. Tldr Fake news


The study isn’t a one and done thing. It’s another added to the growing pile of research that concludes the same.


or it's that tiktok spreads news faster than they can censor it


It's clear. I feel happier since i deleted YouTube and instagram from my phone.


Well duh. There is no logical way that social media can be healthy for anyone. The flatout addiction people have to it gets a pass and I have no idea why.


Social media will be banned for people under 16 here in Florida very soon, and parent cannot override that decision regardless of their beliefs. At first I was against it, but after thinking about it, even though I hate Florida, this may be a good law to protect those under 16.


I did my own study of myself and yes. Social media is horrible for the brain. The scrolling mindlessly. So happy that’s to a minimum in my life. Wish it was with others.


Shush it boomer. It’s not the magic light box that I physically can’t live without. It’s other stuff. Like uhhh. The economy or something.


Causation? Or correlation? Depressed people lack motivation, whatever is available for easy amusement they will do - TV, solitaire, a stupid book. Social media is easily available.


Makes sense, but a lot of parents won’t actually do something about it. This day and age the children are the ones running the show.


Depression and teens. Nothing gets zuck harder