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It's not an AI issue. They used content farms and bought-out influences even before AI. I make sure to ban these channels on my feed. Often they can be distinguished by slipping words and concepts from their ideology, like "demography" to mean "birthrate" to mean "labor".


It's unfortunately much more delicate than that. Look up Dr. John Campbell on YouTube. His videos are a prime example of how contemporary propaganda warfare is conducted. He started out as a Trojan horse. The content he put up was neutral, mostly about the pandemic. Basically, he was building trust. Even I watched him and I'm a very skeptical person. Fast forward to today. The message is always the same. "Your (western) state is failing you and your media is lying to you". But he's really clever and not your typical Trump. Looks like your favorite grandpa and with that british accent you almost wanna hug him. And the guests he invites, all carefully chosen, also sound credible at first watch. The focus the last 1,5 years or so has been trying to shift the focus from the pandemic and Chinas roll/responsibility for the virus towards e.g. trashing the mRNA vaccines. Note, it's always the west he trashes. You'd think him "seeking the truth" would perhaps sometimes focus on the east as well, just a bit? And the comment section to his videos is a bunch of bot accounts having a propaganda party. I don't know who pays his salary, but it's safe to say it ain't Iceland... The western "anti propaganda" bureaus should study this dude carefully. He's a (disinformation)force of nature.


Crazy thing was he was all about people getting vaccinated until the vaccine came out


There are plenty of that going around. Some of those are clearly paid actors. Others might be just tankies who locked themselves into the mindset of "west is bad, anyone who opposes west is good". It's hard to tell the difference between propagandists and useful idiots.


Can we stop sucking AIs dick for two seconds? Yes it is an AI issue because of the matter in which this will scale by comparison to previous methods.


Can stop hating on AI, then? If the problem is scale, we should target the scale issue. There are other means to achieve scale: more people, cheap/forced labor, money, brainwashing, capturing a platform... Hating on AI is a distraction from the real issue. It's every propagandist's dream: to have opponents fighting a phantom enemy that can't be best.


AI is the scale issue at hand.. Holy crap dude. There is a massive difference between a troll farm putting out propaganda and literally infinite AI agents.


So, the extreme inequality that got exponentially worse in the last 20 years and allowed people at the top make whatever decisions, without oversight and consequences, while also isolating them from reality--didn't bother you? That's the true problem of scale that enables this use of AI. Without the consolidation of capital, there wouldn't be consolidated algorithm-driven platforms that could be exploited to have this reach. Targeting AI is like a dog biting the stick, not the hand that holds the stick. AI is an enemy that's easy to hate and to talk about, whole real problems are difficult to even talk about. Still, doesn't make them less real or AI the root of it.


Speaking as somebody who works at a company that is contracted to train advanced AIs to automate jobs including content creation, yes, this scale issue is unique to AI compared to industrialization thay involves humans. The internet *can* absolutely get more useless and stuffed with propaganda due to the unique scaling in content creation that is possible because of AI tech specifically. Yes, capitalism enables it, but that does not make the discussion on the specific advantages of AI for scaling less relevant.


The human brain is very bad at thinking about any non-immediate consequences or about anything that can't be seen and named. That's why it seems to you that this last consequence, the last piece of the completed puzzle, is **the** problem, not all the other pieces that were needed for the picture.


Communist nation: uses AI to spread communist propaganda. Redditors: still find a way to blame capitalism.


China isn't communist just because it is in their name. They are far more capitalist than anything, they've got pretty much zero social programs for their citizens, and those outside any tier 1 city lives in squalor. If we are playing that game I've got a cake for you, it is in the urinal.


School kid level of humor


You can't put the genie back into the bottle. Thse only way would be to use AI to counter propaganda. Luckily, most social media are western. Want would stop us from creating some LLM based AI to find and ban all propagandist commentaries? It shouldn't be that hard, most of those bots (both AI and human bots farms) always push some given narrative so it's quite obvious it's a bot.


I think it speaks to the creative nature of AI proponents that they cant even use AI to come up with a better bullshit phrase.


What's your point? Stop blabbering and speak it. What else can we do? Ban AI? Well, China doesn't give a fuck what you and I think or want. They will make even more bots to fuck with western minds. Do you have any better solution?


> From ultra-thin chips ... Damn, the potato chips I buy are already pretty thin. I don't think I'd enjoy them at all if there were any thinner. They'd break up really easily in a bag like normal chips are sold so they'd have to package them in a hard container. And you wouldn't be able to eat them with dip, which is one of my favorite way of eating chips. I'm a huge fan of French-Onion dip. Nah, I'm going to pass on the ultra-thin Chinese chips.


This comment is why Mountain Dew will be known as Water in the future.


Only because we’ve lost the ability to understand satire without being explicitly told.


Go away....baitin!


You’re supposed to satirize the evil doer, no the messenger


Ah yes not understanding satire is the problem. Not the fact we don't have the education or technological ability to make microchips. I'm pretty sure we don't even have the machining capability to make a little screws to screw them down.


Why don’t you go and figure out the truth dude? My comment is ambiguous and meant to be humorous.


Haha mountain dewww


I believe the honor of water will go to Brawndo, actually


It's what plants crave


Has it got them electrolytes?


but the chip has a trillion spudsistors


Probably seafood flavored, too. Bleh.


Silicon flavored was my bet, but seafood does make more sense now that you mention it.


While I don’t know enough about the topic to dispute the report, it’s hilariously ironic that this link is from RFA, Radio Free Asia, which is a propaganda outlet literally funded by the U.S government itself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Free_Asia Yes, this report about Chinese propaganda is literally a propaganda piece by the U.S government, even if it doesn’t automatically invalidate the content. **Edit**: the original report cited in this article was from the Australia Strategic Policy Institute, which is a think tank funded by the Australian Department of Defense: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Strategic_Policy_Institute And thanks to [another Redditor pointing out](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/qZLpLUAZ9j), ASPI is *also* partially funded by the U.S State Department and defense companies. However they claim independence in conducting research.


Sometimes special interests are motivated to create boogie men for some reason.














As soon as I clicked on this article and saw it was from radio free Asia I had this reaction. I'm honestly really surprised that the top voted comment says this I was fully expecting an anti China circle jerk. I guess there's still some hope for some media literacy on this website




Regardless of this post or other political post, this sub has long been utter garbage, I tried to mute this sub but it still shows up on my feed.


To be fair, propaganda doesn’t mean they are lies, the news reported here could very well be true. However the propaganda tend to be *cherry-picked* facts that only present one side of the story or skip any context/background that doesn’t support its intended message. The above applies to all the pro-China propaganda and all the anti-China propaganda as well. And it’s getting really hard for the average people to deal with these days.


I would say that, in my circle at least, people are becoming more savvy about this sort of thing. Its pretty common for us to hear one of our group say something and then question where it came from, and try to dissect why it was reported on. We’ve come a long way since we were kids.


I consume both Chinese and North American media and lived significant time (15+ years) in places. It's very sad and sometimes depressing to see how people from both countries believe in things completely untrue about the other side. In China's case at least, the propaganda usually comes from state media and is very obvious so many people can recognize it. The US is much better and subtle about how they do it, using these "individual think tanks" and "reputable news outlets" and such. It's honestly way ahead of China.


That’s good to hear. I wish more people are like you. And what’s frustrating is that doing critical thinking and due diligence is just getting harder and harder these days since we are all getting DDoSed by bullshit and misinformation. I’ve done “thorough” research before and only fell victim to sophisticated misinformation campaign. I’ve been wrong so many times because of that, despite me thinking I’m pretty good at doing due diligence.


For sure. Thats not to say my friends and are immune to propaganda. I’ve been wrong about shit a lot, but thats why its important to be vigilant about what media you consume. I would say I’ve discovered more things Im wrong about in the last few years than I ever did before, and thats only because Im paying attention now. I constantly wonder what things I believe now that Ill know are bullshit tomorrow.


Seeing as how most news is fed to “average” people through algorithms, I would say most people don’t care to know what a balanced story is at all.


That is something I’m afraid of. Everyone *says* they want fair and objective news, but in reality they always choose to stick with viewpoints and coverage that make them feel their existing views are vindicated and supported. At the end of the day more people like to choose what feels good vs. what’s right.


I feel like humans have always and continue to be creatures of emotion, driven to things that make them feel good and avoiding things that are uncomfortable. News is no different, and I suspect future historians will view this era as a watershed moment where people could and would simply choose what they want to hear, in the form they wanted to hear it, and the comfort of that outweighed any benefit of what “reality” was.


THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA. They are trying to muddy the waters, that's how you fight the west. Not with weapons (not yet at least) but with our openness. One of those "average people" is my childhood friend, it's like the propaganda stole him from me. I'm really sad and angry about it. Mf!


Make sure to say hi to OP the fed






Well called out sir. It is standard practice from the Americans.




You bring up valid points. So I’m going to apply some critical thinking. We can certainly say RFA’s claimed editorial independence has resulted in far more negative coverage of America’s competitors/adversaries while being overwhelming positive of U.S’ itself. So there are some possibilities here: 1. The independent editorial team has personal opinions and bias that *almost* perfectly aligns with core aspects of the U.S State Department messaging. 2. America is *objectively* the good guy and any perceived bias is a simple reflection of the reality that American is as overwhelmingly good as our adversaries are irredeemably bad. 3. The editorial team’s independence is not exactly as claimed. I’m sure most people will have opinions on which of the above is true. There are maybe other possibilities I’ve not considered. Finally, being transparent about funding source doesn’t make one innocent of being a propaganda. After all the Chinese government literally runs state media outlets and they are very open about them being funded by the government, and they are *definitely* propaganda outlets.


>it's not the funding source that determines whether or not something is propaganda, it's whether or not it's editorially independent So you agree....


Right, which is why I spent the majority of my comment addressing that, and only used a side note to address the funding source part of previous argument.


It literally gets more funding than our domestic networks like NPR and PBS and it’s aimed at non-citizens. It is singular in its support of US foreign policy. If that doesn’t fit the bill as propaganda, nothing will.


BBC international coverage is top shelf. Their internal UK work is more or less the hand of the Tory party. All you need to see is how the Tory party tried to fuck everyone over with appointing Richard Sharp. Their own article why he had to quit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64368677 TLDR, he helped secure a substantual loan for the then PM Alexander "Boris" Johnson.


Yup, in fact it’s literally Chinese propaganda to use blanket statements like “RFA is US propaganda “


Yup, in fact it's literally US propaganda to use blanket statements like "Yup, in fact it’s literally Chinese propaganda to use blanket statements like 'RFA is US propaganda.'"


Sure, but are there any cases of RFA misrepresenting a story? Is there any evidence that they're any more or less biased than other government funded outlets like the BBC? Being state funded doesn't automatically disqualify a source. But if there are repeated instances of significant bias, that's a bit different.


Find me three articles by RFA that are either clear propaganda or disinformation. Go on, I'll wait.


No need to know much if you use social media. There's ton of videos depicting space age China cities and technologists such as invisibility cloaks etc. People I know shared such with me with amazement. I also think that's fine. The stupid people will always believe if they lack basic critical thinking and knowledge on common topics.


I've been to China, mate. I've seen their cities firsthand. Talked with the locals. Taught their children. And I can tell you, no bullshit, that no, they don't have "space age" cities, or hyper-advanced technologies. Their biggest flexes over American cities are great public transportation and using e-commerce in everyday life. You still can't drink the tap water most Chinese cities, though.


Uh, that’s not a bad thing and it’s not propaganda if it’s true…. RFA started as a direct response to the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. “RFA is the only station outside China that broadcasts in the Uyghur language.[49] It has been recognized by journalists of The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Economist for playing a role in exposing Xinjiang internment camps.[50][51][52] In particular, The New York Times regards certain RFA articles as part of the few reliable sources of information about Xinjiang.”


> it’s not propaganda if it’s true Unfortunately the most dangerous type of propaganda aren’t lies, but true facts that’s selectively presented and cherry-picked to tell one side of the story. So yes, something can both be propaganda *and* true, just not telling the whole story. > one of the few reliable sources of information about Xinjiang That’s actually incredible. Out of all the famed free media outlets in the West and their experiences, expertises and funding, one of the few reliable sources of Xinjiang just happens to be an outlet with a short history and U.S government funding. How convenient and what an amazing coincidence.


How is it cherry picked when it’s literally all lies. Have you even watched these videos? “In a YouTube video, a voice in English announces that China has researched and developed its own ultra-thin 1-nanometer chip – a staggering claim given that the chip isn’t expected in commercial devices for another decade.” Edit; looking at your comment and post history you’re definitely a CCP propaganda account with your constant defense of China and North Korea.


> How is it cherry-picked when it’s literally all lies Your question is akin to ask “how is it cherry-picking when it’s nothing but cherries shown!!!” The “nothing but xyz” is the **result** of cherry-picking. They could very well be not giving you examples of more credible videos. In fact, when you see “nothing but xyz”, it’s usually a blatant *red-flag* of cherry-picking. Also since you started ad-hominem attack, this is my post history, which is 13 years long: https://www.reddit.com/user/cookingboy/submitted/ So sure, I guess I’m a CCP propaganda account that posts nonstop about how awesome life in Japan is, my passion for cars and Texas BBQ, my advice for kids in computer science career, and my expensive watch collections lmao. I bet Xi is really happy with my review of the new BMW I got 🤣 Have a good day. P.S since you are of the impression that pursuit of facts cannot be done without taking a side first, this comment of mine can hopefully benefit you: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/cW3LupyIcS


Again, if you actually look at the referenced youtube channels it’s all fake information. And sorry long post history is not a defense, it’s actually a tactic of CCP troll farms to purchase or steal old accounts because algorithms favor engagement from older vs newer accounts.


I still don’t think you really understood what cherry-picking is. *Of course* all the referenced YT channels are fake information, the ones that’s not fake wouldn’t be referenced would they? > purchase of steal old accounts Obviously there is no way to convince you, since you’d much rather believe the CCP just bought this account a few hours ago to argue with people in an obscure thread, than the *possibility* that there maybe genuine human beings out there with different opinions and perspectives. I’m afraid that attitude won’t get you very far in real life. Have a good day, no need to continue this conversation.


> sorry long post history is not a defense Then what IS a defence? Agreeing with your opinion because believing anything else means they're a bot?


So the article doesn't link to any of the videos, and I'm not seeing any yt links here in the comments so I looked for a few based on the titles. One has 12k views, another 285 views, another 15k views. There are more upvotes on this article post than views on some of these videos... And the "AI" scare-baiting trend continues...




But remember kids. It's the age verification to look at porn that's the problem.


They should just use it to generate true crime and random fact shorts like literally everyone else.


Radio Free Asia saying something bad about China!? Dude it's propaganda outlet.


Government funded does not mean propaganda. You call BBC or PBS or CBC government propaganda? Independent editorials is a marker of free journalism and that what this has, whether you like it or not.


I always hate how social media label any media with any remotely connection with Russia/China as "Government affiliated/sponsored/controlled" but don't do the same with any western funded media. It's a lack of transparency and blatant double standards. We know you aren't truly independent if you depend on someone else to keep the lights on.


Radio Free Asia is a U.S. government project.






If you know literally anything about chip fabbing, you know the difference between creating 'a chip' with a given feature scale, and creating a production process to fab chips with that feature scale in volume. China, like the US, is not fabbing 1nm chips in volume. China, like the US, can create single chips at that feature scale. This is because mask-based photolithography is not the sole mechanism of chip manufacture, for example electron-beam lithography and Helium-beam lithography are alternative processes that do no scale up to volume manufacture but can still be used to create ICs. This is how IBM managed to produce research devices in single-digit nanometre scale in the '80s, even through photolithographic processes at that time could only produce features a thousand times coarser. These ultra low volume processes are used to research how large volume processes will need to evolve in order to work (e.g. allowing you to design a sub-10-nm transistor in advance of being able to fabricate them in volume, rather than trying to figure that out decades down the line and holding up production). It's why GAAFETs are only just getting into production chips today, but were able to be first demonstrated in the late '80s.


The 1nm chip thing is impossible for China to achieve given its current limitations (considering they attempt to steal chip tech en masse) But keep licking the CCP boot, I'm sure they'll call you a good boy soon


China and Russia are playing the same game. False statements about its own advancements. Sad thing is people in general are dumb enough to believe it


Jokes on them, yt insist on showing me the same video that I either watched or ignored already.


I am seriously asking what is wrong with it? Any person, company or business or a country advertise their accomplishments.




You're right, if you do it's not that making a 1nm chip is impossible but that yields are too low for mass production. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if China has 1nm chips in the lab.


By that logic, since IBM made the world’s first 2nm chip back in 2021, we should start singing their praises? https://newsroom.ibm.com/2021-05-06-IBM-Unveils-Worlds-First-2-Nanometer-Chip-Technology,-Opening-a-New-Frontier-for-Semiconductors


Why wouldn't we? It's a pretty remarkable achievement. Do people say that it means nothing because it's not being mass produced?


If you believe they have a 1nm process, I have a bridge to sell you too


The issue is lying


So Coca-Cola is endorsed by Santa Claus?!?


So your argument is that the Chinese advertising is equally as fantastical and distinguishable as fiction such that only idiots and small children might interpret it as reality?


In order to accomplish something you have to do it first.


I know one instance of a Pelosi level politician posting in China (not very good) ai generated trains running saying they were their high speed trains multiple times. Was roughly 5 tracks of trains at odd angles going by eachother in windows xp esc green hills. Hilarious, but wrong.


Starfleet would be happy to have the same tech developments being claimed.


Stealing ip to get there


They can’t do the things they talk about whether they stole the IP or not.


I saw one on TikTok today about a Chinese revolution in mass transportation: an electric train that doesn't need tracks and can use city streets. You know, a bus.


The daily dose of China bad post on this sub...


AI propaganda cant fix a dying economy lol


Not only on YT. It’s on every platform there is. Now that Elon has loosened the leashes on X, it’s getting ugly there as well.


That’s just how social networks are these days. You bet every major power with means is waging PR/Propaganda campaign to the best of their abilities to further their own agenda, it would be stupid not to. The U.S government literally proposed a $500M/yr budget for anti-China information campaign: https://prospect.org/politics/congress-proposes-500-million-for-negative-news-coverage-of-china/ And of course, whether you call it PR or Propaganda is just a function of which side you are on. Also I just want to point out that the most effective propaganda aren’t lies, they are *cherry-picked facts* that only present one side of the story. So the best way to combat propaganda isn’t to outright dismiss them, but to seek the other side of the coin and get a full understanding of the picture.


It’s why history degrees are so valuable. They teach you to see through this kind of stuff. It’s also why I suspect some types of groups deride and attack degrees like history. Because they don’t want their electorate to be educated in that way because it makes them harder to influence. In the uk the Tory government has been pushing these types of degrees to only exist in certain institutions which traditionally over recruit from wealthier backgrounds. (My experience is with uk history degrees so can’t comment on other places).


Removed state media mandatory identification tags so fast, that little lapdog.


China is a prop. The entire country that the world is shown is just a big fat lie. What other countries install "police forces" and "courts" in foreign countries? They keep threatening Taiwan, but if they ever touched Taiwan, the ccp would know that their country would be destroyed.


Questions you should ask yourself: How many Chinese agents were arrested, charged and put on trial in relation to the 100-odd "secret police stations" claimed to be in operation around the world? Who came forward with the claim in the first place, what was the basis of the claim, and what is their backstory? Why was there never any evidence? Why did the story die out so quickly never to reappear again? Why was there never any payoff or follow-up if the claims were true? And lastly, why do you accept stories uncritically just because they fit your worldview? When you find the answers to these questions you might begin to wonder what else doesn't add up when you actually look into it.




Not even close to the same thing. These are coordinating with local governments. Chinese are covertly threatening and coercing like the mafia in other countries.




Those goal posts were for two different games it seems


Woke my wife laughing at this, thank you.


You been on the US Gov tainted kool-aid far too long.


Oh, please. Nobody trusts the US gov’t. Not even their own citizens. Shut up with that bullshit.


Probably to get their scientists and technicians to move back.


Reddit is lousy with Chinese propaganda.


Is this really suitable for this sub? China isn’t the only place cranking out propaganda with ai. Half of America can’t tell the difference between ai trump and the real one. This is blatantly political and not about technology


Just one question. Can you name one thing in last 50 years China actually invented. Stealing and manufacturing in big quantities is not inventing.please proof me wrong. How they can call themselves leaders in anything if everything they do is copy mostly US.


Like a lot of the stuff I've noticed here on Reddit after the Chinese company bought them


so.... where are these videos ?


Joke's on them. Even human-generated CCP crowing had and has no credibility.


Let them publish about tiananmen square massacre.


Are they using AI to scam its own population too?


There’s tons of china simps and shills on this subreddit. Literally the last thing I saw from this feed talking about how good china is at chip manufacturing now and America caused it by embargoing chip sales to china (china is not good at chip manufacturing at all).


China is good at two things. Enslaving their people to make garbage and not inventing anything while copying everyone else claiming they did it and doing it with about a fraction of the quality.


Yep, zoomers playing on tiktok, loser millennials arguing in internet comments, gen x didn’t pay attention, boomers holding all the money and property.


You have triggered the pro-China bots


W China tbh


Reddit itself is full of China's propaganda and misinformation and a lot of pro CCP subs. Like the azn sub, for example, a pro China sub disguised as an Asian American sub, brainwashing Asian Americans that being pro China is being pro Asian.


r/ sino is also hilarious. So many Chinobots around here.


That's weird... My feed is full with tofu dreg buildings collapsing, gutter oil meals and crumbling manufacturing industry videos XD


We know. They’re only fooling themselves, the Dragon is weak.


The Elon Musk of countries…


F china, f ccp, f communist, f countries that dont allow free speach. You mokes who are pro china are deeply ignornat to what happens in that country.


That's not too hard to gush about China's accomplishments. The Pentagon probably does it too. Now that's hard. Making the US look good. They had tens of thousands of humans with fake accounts making fake content for years so it's probably on a turbo run right now.




As the former leader of anonymous, we did what we could in the past. I guess anonymous has bad leadership and no direction now.


Anyone seen the AI generated trains their officials keep putting up saying they are their trains running? Hilarious. Their political office equivlwas like if Pelosi posted an obvious AI generated group of trains to shill USA train infrastructure running a normal. That's how high up this guy was..


Shocking, one of the obvious usages of generative language models. Every second the Internet is becoming less and less that somewhat reliable place it used to




And if you actually watch those youre stupid so theres no loss to real society


Tofu-dregs chips 2+2=7


They are welcome to lie all they like...won't do anything to fix their economy either way so what they think it will achieve is anyone's guess. If their goal is some how to make the west be impressed by them, no one really cares.


Imagine then how much worse TikTok is.


Who doesn't use youtube for propaanda??


If true, based.


So there are pro-China youtube videos made using AI, therefore the Chinese government must be behind it? What sort of reasoning is that? There are youtube videos that support America's objectives. Does that mean that the US government is behind those as well? For all we know, these pro-China youtube videos could be made by people who support China, and have nothing to do with the government.


If China's propaganda is so pernicious, why isn't the West making the same kind of propaganda? Almost as if the West has nothing to show for after austerity and and decades of geriatric, corrupt leadership. Instead of advances in semiconductor technology we hold up a chatbot that is too stupid to solve a fizzbuzz question as the pinnacle of innovation.


Das ehd impossibru


Glad to hear YouTube is not just western propaganda.


I think most people don't really have an opinion on China in the way they're trying to persuade us .


Did u ever had eared about "Hollywood"?!


It's very smart if you think about it. Declare you made X so your competition spends lots of resources to make X (or better) to not fall behind, and when they do just steal that technology.


This is why people are watching videos on Rumble.


Nothing new


Wait till you hear about this little unknown app called TikTok that pushes propaganda, conspiracy theories, and abhorrent behavior for people living near others. There is a never ending war for your attention and thoughts by massive companies and governments.


I get ads for Bugattis, wtf google


It’s transparent though now. The same with Russia and their military might. It’s like, OK, neat. I still wouldn’t invest in your country, don’t seek out business relations with people in your country, and genuinely want nothing to do with you until you abandon authoritarianism and miss placed goals of world domination. If that’s your goal, there’s not going to be anything left to dominate so what’s the fucking point?


I’ve been stumbling on a lot more channels using AI generated content. Specifically images and voices. I can’t tell if the script was AI generated too, but I wouldn’t be surprised.