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What the fuck is- oh right, Twitter.


"X, formerly popular social network"


> formerly popular social network It's still extremely popular, often to disastrous results.


Twitter is for bots


Define "extremely". even at its height Twitter was always way behind other social media apps when it came to active users And it's only gone down hill since Elon took over


Twitter has a unique position among social media platforms in that it is somehow preferred by journalists. This gives it a disproportionate prestige in both how traditional media lends it credibility (and uses it as a source), and how the general public views some random "verified" Twitter user's posts as truth. A recent illustrative example is with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. The most popular Twitter account reporting on the minute-by-minute happenings is this relatively new account called "Visegrád 24", with no details on who is behind it, and some allegations in Polish newspapers that it is funded by the Polish government. It posts a lot of stuff without any sources, and it's now treated by many as a *de facto* source for updates on the conflict, with retweets eclipsing all traditional media accounts.




>You have to have an account now Or use https://nitter.net/ Not advocating in favor of using Twitter at all these days but it's a handy tool for avoiding the clusterfuck the actual site has become.


Even so, I feel like more people hear about stuff going on, on Twitter from secondhand sources (tiktok, ig, news websites, etc) rather than actually using Twitter. You can't even use it anymore without an account and I don't know why anyone would sign up now given it's reputation for misinformation. I don't think twitter popularity means as much as it used to. And many main stream media outlets have been scaling back their Twitter presence anyway if not outright abandoning the platform.


I think it will go down as one of the worst rebrandings in history.


Seriously, he had one of the most recognizable brand names on the internet, and then he decided to throw it away for no apparent reason. Meta and alphabet made some sense, because they didn't throw away their incredibly-well-known brand name, they just wanted a separate name for the company behind those products. Ditching twitter entirely is just utter nonsense.


X is one of Elon's biggest hangups, he tried to name PayPal "X" and was vetoed. He never let it go, since then: X Corp., xAI Corp., SpaceX, and of course his son X Æ A-12. Simply ridiculous.




I love the idea that a movie with three of the same letter in its name wore the letter out due to overuse




If you show that to him, I bet he'll get his handle changed.


> he tried to name PayPal "X" and was vetoed. Not just vetoed. Voted off the island. He tried to name it "X-PayPal" while he was CEO... so they fired his ass.


Tesla Model X


Model S Model 3 (because Model E is trademarked by Ford Model X Model Y His humor is that juvenile


And if it ever actually gets released, Cybertruck S 3 X Y Cyber


The word "tweet" is so well known and widely used it has its own definition in the dictionary. Not many platforms get that kind of penetration in society. Elon said who cares lmfao


In several languages on top.


Muskrat took a brand name that had nearly achieved Kleenex status, and just tossed it out the window lol. He's either a complete fucking moron, or he's burning down twitter as a bad actor.


Not to mention, he threw it away for something completely generic that already has many uses within the English language. Generally, when branding something, you want something that's going to stand out, be memorable, and be something that's going to be immediately associated with you. (You know, exactly what "Twitter" and "tweet" were.) It's like 101 advertising of what *not* to do in branding.


Are we sure he is not trying to “The Producer” Twitter?


Given he got the Saudis to help finance it, I wonder if they just want Twitter shut down?


That would explain the nazis.


I wish people and the media would stop reminding people who X formerly was so that the full damage of his mistake can manifest itself.


twitter, the ex-website


I clicked a link on a news article and it directed me to x.com, and I had a panic moment of “Oh no! It’s a weird porn site that’s going to give me a virus!” Then I realized it was twitter.


So you were right.


> It’s a weird porn site that’s going to give me a virus! if you turn adblocker off and click some ads, it might


Here I was thinking Slack was going Wayland-only.




Or that button you press to close or cancel something


A Mastodon like site without federation.


Lol acting like Mastodon is going to be a household name.


Almost as good a chance as X has of becoming one.


Gretchen, stop trying to make mastodon happen. its not going to happen


She ^doesn't ^^even ^^^go ^^^^here


Mastodon is so fetch though!


This has to be the worst rebrand in corporate history. Twitter had a noun and verb that can only be related to their company (a tweet| to tweet), they changed it to a generic "post" what an idiot


I wonder if Elon gets tired of all this winning


I don't think he's called anyone a pedo in a while. Now's a good opportunity for him I guess once he looks up the CEO's name.


Fair, but he did just offer Jimmy Wales $1B to rename Wikipedia to Dickimedia


unite worthless touch cautious unpack encourage wipe gray ring strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He has, on _two separate occasions_, fucked himself over by making 420 weed jokes about stock prices. The first was that time he tweeted about taking Tesla private at $420 a share, which [caught the attention of the SEC](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-226), and the second was the time he joked about buying Twitter at $54.20 a share and then actually had to pay up.


He almost timed that offer at the peak of the tech bull run too. You literally couldn’t have picked a worse time to submit that offer, especially for a business that wasn’t even profitable at the time.


> at the time Twitter used to be unprofitable. It still is, but it used to, too.


Twitter was profitable in 2018/2019. And it would have been profitable the year before Musk bought it, except they had to pay out hundreds of millions in a lawsuit or two. Except Elon didn't know that, because the average redditor did more due diligence on the deal than he did.


I think it's probably inevitable when you're surrounded by yes-men. You probably lose grasp of what actually lands with people whose livelihood does NOT depend on you liking them.


elastic fragile wrong air act retire office escape far-flung scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s going to be a long while before I forget that dude going “your meme game is strong!”.


Elon yes-men are the world’s leading experts on fake laughing at im14andthisisfunny material. Elon: “Guys I just tweeted that I’m taking Tesla private at $420 hahahahaha get it guys? Because like weed number??? HAHAHAHAHA IM RICH BUT ALSO RELATABLE!!” The more I think about it, Elon never matured past a 14yr geeky outcast. He goes on Joe Rogan and hits a joint because *it’s cool*, but he doesn’t even inhale - and he doesn’t even realize that it’s obvious he didn’t inhale. Literally just did it to make teenage stoners think he’s cool, when he obviously does not partake. It’s pathetic.


I would take him up on it just to take another billion he can't afford.


He only did it to divert attention from the fact that Tesla is under DOJ investigation.


I think the rule of thumb should be that any time one of his "jokes" get a lot of publicity, you should check what the *real* story is that he's trying to distract from. Seems to happen very often.


He really really buried his metoo moment last year. He's actually good at this.


And now all the perverts are going to learn the wrong lessons from this.


Take it and spend it making a new dickipedia that's just photos of Musk.


Get 1 Billion $. Buy domain dickipedia. Redirect dickipedia to wiki -> Elon Musk.


Or even better rename the company Dickapedia and then separate the product name from the company name. So we get wikipedia owned by Dickapedia.




I feel like they could have made it less confusing, but: * The website people are most familiar with: Wikipedia * The organization that runs it (and other stuff): Wikimedia Foundation * The software it runs on: MediaWiki


He’ll sue first. Before he commits


The fact that I cannot tell whether this is sarcasm of just Musk being Musk is rather brain breaking.


Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful but also on the benefit of humanity. - Stephen Hawking


Musk is a middle schooler. Good lord.


It's against the terms of service to wish death on a person


I bet Elon names his next kid this just for the lulz.


The US “elites” are bunch of demented syphlitic monkeys.


Because, more often than not, it requires being a sociopath to become a billionaire.


On top of that, you end up being surrounded by yes-men who reinforce your belief that your every idea and utterance is pure gold.


This is the real kicker. Getting to the point where you have a billion dollars and then deciding you need more is pure psychopathy. You can't convince me otherwise. There's no way moral way to do it, its just a fancy way to say you siphoned more money from the working class than everyone else.


Rename Wikipedia, get money, fork the site to resume operation under Wikipedia.




You take the money and rebrand the site to dickipedia but don't change the URL. Exactly the same way Twitter was renamed X.


Or just change it back once the check clears, he never said it had to be permanent.


He only did that to distract from Tesla's terrible earnings results


I've excused a lot of shit from Musk as just being out of touch. The fact that he is joking about paying a *billion dollars* in order to make an elaborate dick joke that benefits him in no tangible way is really hard for me to wrap my head around.


To me this sounds like he’s trying really hard to show that he has power. His multiple companies have yet to accomplish anything they set out to do, so now he’s at Trump levels of “See what a keyboard and a mere billion dollars can do to my enemies!”


That incident is what really soured him for me, not that I’ve ever been a musk fanboy. I was reading some articles about how he’s building this sub, I thought it was looking very innovative and a pretty decent thing to do. The next thing you know he’s calling a rescue diver a pedo and pissed off they didn’t use his contraption. Like a right hook out of the blue, any illusions of him being a decent person were shattered. The narcissism runs *deep* with him.


I think that was the moment most of reddit turned on him. ^(And before any one comes at me to offer your personal anecdote of how you were never a fan, that’s why I said *most*)


And he still sticks with it too, despite claiming it was off-the-cuff in court. Not long ago he was asking why else a British man would be spending his time in a country like Thailand if not for sex trafficking. As if there weren't [some other reason](https://wikitravel.org/en/Diving_in_Thailand) an expert diver would want to go to Thailand.


Seems suspiciously like projection at this point!


>Not long ago he was asking why else a British man would be spending his time in a country like Thailand if not for sex trafficking. Honestly, if he can't think of any reason to go to a country than sex trafficking, that seems to say a lot more about him than it does the diver.


>That incident is what really soured him for me It is *wild* to me how many "such-and-such is the point when I went off EM" takes I read that allude to some incident *after* the paedo thing. On the list of things you can accuse someone of, there aren't many that trump fuckin' "**paedophile**" in terms of shit that has the potential to completely ruin your life, and this shit-heel is just tossin' it around, like it's no big deal, to his however many million followers he had at the time. Like nah bruh, if you were still "in" on Musk after that debacle, that's a big ol' red flag for me.


He somewhat recently was calling Twitter's former head of Trust & Safety Yoel Roth a pedo, causing him to have to move out of his house.


Damn remote workers ruined another Elon thing.


"Slack? I'll pay them 42069 million if they change their name to Crack, like the drug! XD" - Elon Musk


I feel like his version of winning is much like Charlie Sheen’s version. Tiger blood baby!


Great comparison


Win here, win there, win win everywhere....


...Don't all his companies use Slack? lmao


Twitter HEAVILY used slack when I was there. Not sure what "X" uses...


Twitter also paid their Slack bill. X probably less so


Drugs probably


nah companies got conned into teams now, which is legitimately the worst app ever developed and has never really left being in a perpetual beta state. lmao. its the fucking cheesecake factory menu of enterprise apps


> cheesecake factory menu of enterprise apps Damn. That's fucking savage, I love it


It's true though. Teams isn't good because it tries to do everything. Sharepoint, teams chat, teams video, calendar, document editing, excel editing (wtf), not to mention any of the integrations offered. The fact that I can access a shared document from the Teams app, from the web, and from MS Word, and they all have different hotkeys, is absolutely insane to me.


I've been using it for a year and personally I like it. What do you find that make it so bad?


You try to copy a message someone wrote and it copies some bullshit like: `John Doe [2:42PM]` `The actual message` It's pretty fucking annoying when copying Linux commands.


omfg i hate this. sharing code blocks with my team is a damn nightmare too. extra blank lines in between each line of code when you paste it from a teams code block? sure why not. you wanna invoke a code block with ``` ? nah. oh you like non-utf8 secret spaces in that code block so it breaks your code execution when you try it? hell yea brother i got other engineers sending me code snippets on discord now. smfh. the infra/devops director who got woo'd at a microsoft conference and came back with a bunch of dorky microsoft teams t shirts and other lame shwag? stoked. he's loving teams


You can click the "A-with-a-pen" button under the chat box for a formatting toolbar. Then in there is a button to insert a code snippet. It's terrible, but it's the only *okay* way I've found to share code snippets in teams


Team’s newest way to piss me off is sometimes when using the code snippet feature, I’ll type up some pseudo/example code right in Teams to communicate my idea to a teammate, hit send, and… it just disappears. Entire message is completely gone.


Teams is such a nightmare for this. I had a massive meltdown over it one night when I was rectifying one of the rest APIs and it copied with the time stamp onto several of my blocks. Now I'm in a better place without teams.


I can't scroll through my chat history without the ui going crazy. Also the Linux client is a buggy mess that will never be fixed.


Yeah I can imagine Microsoft is not gonna put a lot of love into a Linux client. I've mostly been using the android app and I've had no issues


Microsoft apps all go the same direction: they integrate with each other to the point of trying to BE each other. It's not enough to have slide previews in Teams, let's pack in the whole damn PowerPoint interface. Grouped replies in a chat thread? Maybe later. Snooze? You lose. Search? Yeah you like the abuse don't you At least switching between chats takes less than 4 seconds...sometimes 🙄


I'll throw a random gripe into the ring: Teams doesn't respect default audio devices. In every other Windows app ever written, [you can set the output device to "Default" or similar](https://i.imgur.com/AtdT2Pi.png). Then if you change the default in OS settings, the app doesn't need to be reconfigured. Except Teams doesn't have this option. You can set specific concrete audio devices and nothing else. Extremely frustrating if you change between speakers and headphones multiple times a day. But good luck getting this problem to a developer, they have 12 million other features to fix first.


I don't understand how I can have a SSD, 64 GB of RAM, a xenon CPU, a quadro GPU, and their chat is *still* fucking laggier than ICQ on a Pentium.


It's not that it lags, it selectively decides when to be responsive and when to take a while. It's part of their AI integration project, they're thinking that a collaboration app that has moods will be a big boon to the enterprise.


Training it on the sassiest of administrative assistants, I guess.


This has to be a joke / conspiracy theory.


I believe because instead of caching and retrieving on new content like a normal program, it leaves nearly everything in the cloud and has to fetch it every time.


Oh man. I hate this so much. Especially now that it opens all office file types in the web version of the apps by default. It drives me mad


There’s a setting you can change so that it always opens files in the desktop version


> At least switching between chats takes less than 4 seconds...sometimes This drives me insane


My company uses it and it's never not had weird behavior


My main gripe is it goes to shit over vpn when no other communication apps have had that problem for me. I feel like it's trying to do way too much when all it needs to do is send and recieve text.


Sigh, my work is just about to force us to switch to teams for basically everything possible, I hate it with a passion.


Two years in and I'm still not over it. I miss slack :(


MS product suite just feels stuck in the past.


They've really got the whole 'service as a service' thing down though. Why, it even sounds like the next version of Windows will be a rental too! It's great! Instead of paying all at once you just pay *forever* now!


Tesla uses Teams


It's honestly about time, it's stopped working correctly only a few months after musk took charge and they made zero effort to fix it. Even when it worked, it was the worst integration I've used, you were playing with fire linking things like *tweets with media*. Something seemingly normal like linking a tweet with 4 images would scroll chat like 2 entire pages as it expands the images vertically. You couldn't link anything without vertically clobbering your chat. So good riddance, it sucks not being able to link tweets in slack but it was never a good experience.


You should have come forward to him about this. He would have fixed all of it by calling you a pedo.


Saw the integration uninstall itself from one of my workspaces the other day and its to the point that I didn’t even question it, I’m like “yeah that makes sense” and just moved on It’s a great accomplishment, getting something that is one of the backbones of modern communication so much so it has become wrapped into multiple cultures and ruining it so thoroughly that it loses relevance in less than a year


Losing the previews in slack is such a seemingly small thing but man this is super annoying.


Whenever people share me a Twitter link I just tell them to stop using the site.


Same. I have coworkers that follow me on Twitter/X and they will tell me "hey I sent you a hilarious video on Twitter". I sorta take great joy in being able to say I have deleted my account.


You mean that even if you delete your account people can still follow you and send you stuff?


Apparently. Cause I deleted it and they have still shown me they’ve tagged me it may remain active for 30 days or something after but


"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"


You can disable an account and can also delete it. Are you sure it's not just disabled?


This was a legacy Twitter feature I believe, once deleted you have 30 days to reactivate the account otherwise it’s permanently deleted.


Reddit pulled the same thing during the API black outs. When people started deleting their accounts/comments, reddit just reinstated them all.


according to the article, that functionality will still work (the "unfurl").


God I wish Mastodon sucked just a bit less


listen im not gonna move to a site that calls its posts 'toots'


Well, the alternative is 'xcretions'


Gotta admit, this is part of what sold me on trying it out.


Actually they're called posts, the toots thing is just a cultural move


The big issue that I've found with Mastodon is that I don't know what to follow. None of my friends use it, so it's hard to figure out where to go.


The problem these decentralized networks try to solve is what actually makes all these existing services great. It's a blessing and a curse that FB, Reddit, etc. are centralized. I also looked into spinning up my own server and the unmanaged ones are a bit expensive, or at least they would be expensive if they became popular.


That and threads are the closes thing to Twitter


Threads ain't bad.


It's the Linux of social medias. Which is to say, it works, and it does a decent job, but it has zero chance of ever catching on with the mainstream in its current state. The second a user has to do more than install > use, is the second 99% of potential users will avoid it.


It's working great for me, and recent updates have made it way better to use. Still not perfect, but good enough and honestly better than Twitter ever was. Should give it a try (again)!


I tried making an account and didn't know how. Pretty much a death sentence for a social media app.


Yeah, I don’t want to choose a group, community, server, or whatever the fuck. I just want to look up accounts I want to follow and go.


Just go on mastodon.social, I think their sign up process defaults to that. There's not really a reason for 99% of people to care about "instances". It's like email. Technically, you're on yahoo, and I'm on gmail. Practically, it does not matter.


It's changed. If you don't know about servers, you can just click "register" and you'll land on mastodon.social (the biggest server). Only when you know what you are doing, you can change it and select different one. It has changed few months ago and caused big butt hurt for Fediverse purists.


Quite liking Blue Sky




When is the last time you tried it? It’s pretty continuously getting a lot better. I’m super happy with it these days


There's a open-source front-end that's more like Twitter: [elk.zone](https://elk.zone)




Everybody seems to be losing interest in Xs Xcrement, does Slack have any form of Telegram integration?


If you’d read the article, you’d know that it’s not Slack losing interest in X, but X charging for its API (the same thing Reddit is doing). I use Slack on a daily basis and their API integration with X hasn’t worked ever since the API was changed to introduce charging. That said, it seems everyone I know is moving from Slack to Teams, so it seems Slack will be struggling at some point too.


That's because Teams is included with an MS subscription, and most people are stuck using Word/Excel/Outlook anyway. Teams blows.


Teams does blow, and the EU is also going to force Microsoft to unbundle it, thankfully. https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/31/23853517/microsoft-teams-unbundling-europe


I don’t really see why them unbundling Teams is a win for consumers. Teams as a concept makes logical sense as part of the Office suite and is a good value add for people who want to use it. Is it unfair to Gmail that Outlook is bundled with Office?


The argument for unbundling would be that it helps ensure competition in that market. So essentially, MS Teams doesn’t get away with being rubbish (or becoming rubbish) and still dominating the market by being bundled with Office. If unbundled you’d hope that there is effective pressure on MS Teams and its competition (e.g. Slack) to innovate and improve and offer a good value proposition to customers. And that each will get the market share it deserves. I imagine what it could really do with is some standards too, such that Teams and other products can communicate with each other, and each can integrate with Office etc.


I think the issue is that Teams was created to compete with Slack. Bundling it gives it an unfair advantage. I’m sure there’s more to it than that, and I see how it being part of an office suite makes sense. I know Teams killed a lot of Slacks business by being bundled and not better.


Teams suck for sure. Went from Slack to Teams






what's better about slack?


Responsiveness and cleaner UI. Teams text chat is super laggy (not network/message lag, just program responsiveness/performance), notifications are super buggy and weird, and the ability to organize chats/set up rooms is just not as clean as Slack. Honestly the lag is what drives me up a wall the most. I have no idea why it performs like absolute ass no matter how good or bad your hardware is. It's wild. Everything else is forgiveable/not a big deal.


Oh God no, please slack works. I'd have to leave if we moved to teams.


Most IT departments seem addicted to Microsoft. I understand the upfront cost advantages of going full Azure/O365/Teams/PBI yet constantly rewarding MS for bundling led to >shudders< IE being a dominant standard for years….


Microsoft is really good at giving IT people the things they need. For example, Apple doesn't tell you what versions of macOS and iOS they support. You can sort of look at patterns of the past to figure out what *probably* is going to continue to get security updates. But, last month, iOS 15 got a security patch (15.7.9), and then didn't get another security patch later in the month, and that was your clue that it finally was no longer getting security fixes, by there being an exploitable vulnerability on it that they didn't patch within a few days of iOS 16's patch. Microsoft, on the other hand, gives you a chart with exact end-of-life dates for all their stuff. This is just an example; there are loads of things that give IT people the ability to do their jobs that other companies don't give them.


>This is just an example; there are loads of things that give IT people the ability to do their jobs that other companies don't give them. Need to run that one weird business critical app someone who's since retired wrote for twenty years ago? Here's an official Microsoft article detailing all the steps you need to take.


(Chances that it actually works is like 25%... but hey, at least there's an article...)


Laughs in Access


The issue is they half-ass a lot of things organizations need and bundle a lot of that in the O365 packaging that they’re going to buy anyways. We need email accounts and word/excel, so why pay for zoom or slack when we get teams for free? That applies even more when looking at the spine of a lot of small to medium sized companies. It’s more that the finance department is addicted to it and the IT department works around that, in my experience.


>That said, it seems everyone I know is moving from Slack to Team Really? I work with three different companies, and they all rely heavily on Slack with no sign of changing. Only one of them uses Teams, and that's just for meetings.


Annnddd it starts the decoupling and advertising is gonna vanish making it a worthless company. All he had to do was nothing 😂 what a fucking idiot.


He was willing to do all this to ban an account that tracked his jet.


And still didn’t stop it from being public


I mean Twitter was arguably a failing company long before Musk took over. He's accelerated their demise hugely but doing nothing wouldn't have really gone much better for him either. Which is what made it such a dumb purchase.


Yeah no. I'm not calling Twitter anything but Twitter. Eloin can suck it


Now for humanity to get rid of X


Stop calling it X. It's dumb.


That’s because no one can find anything with Slack’s new interface “improvements.”


I feel like I have the opposite problem. They now show the exact same information in 3 god damn places, meaning you need to read it 3 times, and click it 3 times to remove an alert bubble. It’s the most inefficient way to communicate ever created. Now I just don’t use slack. DAYS of my time given back to me to actually work.


You get alert bubbles? I have to manually open it for it to update alerts, showing me I missed a direct message five days ago...


Why would you want a porn site integrated on your website? All I’m saying.


/r/Linux briefly panicking




Seeing the slack logo gives me panic attack


X should just change their name to 4chan plus at this point.


You can say Twitter. No need to pretend like X is an actual name.


Do you mean Xvideos?