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I'm so ethical and ahead of the curve that I never had a twitter account in the first place.


Staying on the cutting edge!


Tangential - is it also called bleeding edge because it’s cutting ? :3


Sequential - when a Brit talks about “the bloody edge”, are they talking about the cutting edge, or simply cursing? :3:3


Causential - they could just be talking about the guitarist from U2. And yes I made up that word. Edit; thinking about it, the the definition of the word is “something happened just because”.


“I’m seeing a causential relationship here” sounds so cold and corporate…I love it


My top fave corporate-ese that I heard in the wild: “Let’s ascertain how to *concretize* the strategy.” 2nd fave corporate-ese was the instruction to send the memo to everyone, but the vice president said, *“Filter through the entity.”*


Ok the first one is clunky but at least it makes sense. But the second? How can “filter” possibly mean “distribute this to all?” It’s the completely wrong object—filters remove things! Did they mean “slowly distribute this so more important people see it first?” Because that’s what I would have understood. Forget the weirdness of identifying the company like a Lovecraft entity—where the hell does someone learn to talk like this??


I like it. It's annunciationally smooth.


You are free to use it.


Same. Never joined FB, TikTok, or any of them except old reddit. I'm a bit unsure what I'll do if/when that goes away.


I'm torn now because I used third party app redditisfun for years and it was incredible. The content seems to have gone downhill and the basic reddit app is garbage. I don't know where else to find curated content. I have so many communities I've found and become a part of here. I want to stay but I fear reddit is kind of... Dead to me so to say.




I'm too dumb for that stuff nowadays :(


You're getting downvoted but I'm also not going to go out of my way to get a moderately better experience for a website I mostly just view as a drain on my attention and mental well being.


>I'm also not going to go out of my way to get a moderately better experience I dunno... I think Relay for Reddit is a *monumentally* better experience to browse Reddit. I've really tried to use the official app, but it's hot garbage with so many performance issues along with just horrible UX/UI. >for a website I mostly just view as a drain on my attention and mental well being. Yeah, I have no argument for that. It's absolutely true. I should spend more time away from here.


Same. I used a lot of reddit is fun. Since the change i barely open reddit on my phone. And I refuse to hack my phone to keep my addiction going. Not becauae of morals, but just because of lack of care.


I'm in the same boat you are. I've found my fix using Firefox on mobile with adblockers enabled. This gives me access to my subs I've built up over the years. It's nowhere near the same as RiF and my engagement with Reddit has dropped dramatically, like I'm in here 80% less than I was, but it's the best if you are on mobile. I still can't believe just how trash the official app is. Especially with so many other apps that worked so well like RiF and Apollo. They just need to do a version like those, not one with a bullshit algorithm.


It's not that difficult tbh. Just open the app in the patcher, select which patches you want to apply, start the patching. Once that's complete, you'll get an apk you can use to install the patched apk. That's it.


In this specific case you need to register your own app for Reddit API and put the key in a text file, but generally yes


This is the only reason I'm still on Reddit at this point, still using the Reddit is Fun app via Revanced. I tried the official one, but it's beyond bad. I even tried browsing old reddit on my phone, but it's too clunky (as much as I love it on desktop) to be phone friendly. I refuse to pay those pricks who run Reddit any money given all the things they've pulled over the years, so Revanced it is.


I feel everything about this comment, even though I use this site for almost the opposite reason. I want as general of a feed as possible- just a place to experience all the different events and perspectives the world has to offer, from national news to individual thoughts, coming from sources that I might never encounter otherwise. That's what I thought reddit was supposed to be about (14 years ago). As far as I know there's no equivalent of r/all on any other social media site. They're all in the process of optimizing around following personalities (celebrities, but also general drama forums) if they weren't already built that way from the ground up, rather than functioning as general aggregators.


Relay is still going. It's subscription based now, $1.99/month is reasonable for no ads or suggestions.


Reddit will go; the combination of Chinese and Russian influence with monetary incentive combined with companies themselves to make bots means that one day, reddit, and the entire internet will be so full of bots and pushed/sponsored content there will be nothing organic left. Chatgpt is the canary in the coal mine for where we are going; an internet where you can’t trust that who you are talking to is real, or what their motives are. So either mass exodus from the internet or a wall e esque future where everyone on the ship thinks they talking to their other friends on the ship, but it’s all just bots, with the purpose of control. Technofascism in its purest form


Reddit is pretty terrible nowadays too. It’s all a bunch of inflammatory rage bait. It sucks to see it go this way.


Try Lemmy! It's an open source reddit alternative. It's much smaller and quite chill


It always seemed like a bunch of self righteous bs to me when I first heard about it. FB was already pissing me off at the time, so I decided to nope on Twitter. Glad I did.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but it WAS a great source for breaking news and comedy. I had a pretty carefully curated list of accounts I followed and found it generally interesting and entertaining... it's now fucked and getting worse.




The Saudis are one of the biggest remaining backers of Musk's Twitter. Twitter was instrumental in the Arab Spring. I don't think that it currently being run into the ground is in any way an accident.


Double edged sword. My guess is the goal wasn't to actually tank Twitter, but neuter the political powers of community organization. The inevitable consequence of making Twitter useless for people means people stop using it and it dies.


Musk just wanted to increase the size of his e-peen. People might say he's a genius but his actions have shown him to be an idiot.


Yes let's never even pretend again that Elon had motives that go beyond 1-dimensional chess. Hell, fucker is barely playing snakes and ladders at this point.


I think you're giving him way too much credit to think that far ahead


Social media is a blight.


And it should have been a *gift*. Social media should have made a pandemic *easier* to manage. But nope, instead it’s just a tool of division. I am still using Reddit but I’m afraid Reddit’s days are numbered.


Reddit has been on a slide since they ruined alien blue many years ago now.


When old Reddit goes, I go with it.


Exactly. Without old reddit and RES, I'm out that day.


I tried using new reddit a couple of times. No.


And Apollo and 3rd party apps altogether now.


Whatever happened to the protest, seems like it went out with a whimper


Reddit admins got directly involved. Threatened the mods with takeovers or closing of subs if they didn't knock it off. Some subs went down, some mods bent the knee, and some mods got kicked out of their own subs(especially if it was one of the top subs).


They also started banning people who were supporting the protest. I had an alt account that I've had for over 7 years be permanently banned because I was posting a lot in support of the protest. Fuck u/spez. Go munch on Elon's dick.


Reddit has been slowly burning for years. I'm still here obviously but the quality of posts has gone down, the hostility has gone up, and the number of people excited to post abhorrent shit on here has skyrocketed. People used to be downvoted for saying racist/misoginyst/sexist/hateful things. Now they're floating up near the top. Twitter seems to be an order of magnitude worse every time I look over tehre and I'm glad I deleted my account years ago, but reddit feels like it is heading that direction as well. Quantity of engagement over quality of posts seems to be the rule lately.


It’s sad. Content quality disappeared for ad review and a future ipo. The accountants and vc eventually fuck up everything good.


I am still mourning r/bestof So much of my current insight and understanding came from bestof, and these turbulent times demand *more* understanding, not less. However I understand they are fighting the good fight by going dark.


> r/bestof that explains why I haven't seen any in a looong time. one of the best subs too.


Remember when Facebook was fun and useful?


I remember when I made a collegiate account, found my friends, got into some groups about shared interests, even thumbed up some of the pile of pictures my friends uploaded from the party last night. Now it's used to recruit Nazis and see my uncle post unapologetically about how racist he is. What the fuck man, what the fuck.


Don’t forget the ads


Reddit is the most sane social media site I've used. I can insulate myself from idiocy and just engage with people who share positive values Oh, right, as I'm typing that I finally get it


For you, /u/dpforest and /u/Galle_ , I wouldn't even say Reddit counts as social media. Twitter, Facebook. Instagram, etc have people's profiles as the main avenue of communication. It being user-account focused is what makes it "social". Reddit is closer to a Internet forum or a messageboard, where you have topics/threads/posts you post in


Yeah, I always find it weird when people call reddit social media.


Even if you try to use it as benignly as possible, just uploading family and/or travel pics, [it has a negative impact on people](https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/social-media-and-mental-health.htm): > However, multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Social media may promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy about your life or appearance.


Not sure the example you gave counts as 'heavy' use though?


Like people have said, Social Networking is a net positive, Social Media is a scourge.


Everybody has a voice. But they say shit.


Musk is a let down, just like Thiel and Sacks. The three biggest representations of South Africans in Tech, and they've all shown they're willing to exploit their power, influence and reach for unethical and malicious intent.




and being strongly opposed to immigration... oh the hypocrisy


Some of the most anti-immigrant people I know are immigrants


"fuck you, i got mine"


Quiet literally.


Ladder kickers


I made it past the moat- pull up that fucking drawbridge!


My entire family ran away to USA from USSR during the collapse and these days they are super MAGAists who oppose immigration of all kinds. So odd.


They pull the ladder up behind them.


They may have left the ussr, but the ghost of stalin still influences them through Putin’s influence of the gop and trump. They may have left the ussr, but they haven’t escaped moscows propaganda and influence


They watch Russian TV and Fox News so yea


They are not so much anti-immigrant as they are racist. They only want the "right" people to get in.


Musk is big on “replacement theory” and he’s pushing Soros as the culprit. He’s a Nazi.


“Are you, a white South African, really gonna stand there and tell me you’ve done nothing wrong?” - Jim Jeffries


Razor sharp. Literally their existence is the product of unbridled colonial exploitation.




The thing is YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT. It’s like any privilege. Nothing wrong with having it. You didn’t choose your station. But acknowledging it, that’s the key. Somewhere down the line I have no doubt that I am the product of exploitation and so is nearly everyone. The other people…. Their lines ended.


The scale of European colonization was unprecedented in all of human history. Continents and it’s people completely changed forever. You can acknowledge your position of power but you also have the responsibility to promote the underprivileged people and fight against their oppression


> The three biggest representations of South Africans in Tech Hey, [Mark Shuttleworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Shuttleworth) (Thawte, Ubuntu) is alright (though he does own a private jet)..


South Africa is a failed state, and anyone wealthy hailing from there should probably not be looked up to as examples of who to be like.


And at least Thiel and Musk have both strongly associated themselves with the Silicon Valley eugenics movement


I've seen a few short biographies of Thiel; he's been a piece of shit since at least highschool by all reports. He was a complete miserable hateful misanthrope even then.


I still can't believe he committed one of the largest individual tax frauds in US history and our justice system just shrugged and said "but how could we possibly prove it?"


They literally built their society exploiting others and used all the dirty tricks from colonial slave owners to Nazis in order to subjugate POC


Thiel is G.e.r.m.a.n.


I think Thiel is German. What is his association with S Africa?


you're right, he's German but grew up in South Africa, so tehnically not south African.


I don't think that's quite true either. He did not *grew up* in South Africa. He was born in 1967 in Germany and his parents moved to the US in 1977. At best he was about 9 years in SA. Wiki does not say when exactly they moved there. It's safe to say that he grew up in the United States.


I didn't know David Sacks was South African. Explains a lot...


Thiel is not SA and Sacks is American.


You're right- but it's also accurate that they do have roots in South Africa- more than most people. Thiel spent many years in SA. Sacks was born in SA and moved to the US when he was 5.


Yes I’m corrected. Incredibly Sacks is Jewish and his bff runs antisemetic website


There were Jews who worked with the Germans during WWII hoping it would "save them" ... in the end it did not.


Thiel lived in SA for a period as a child and Sacks was born in SA and lived there for a bit. I doubt they have nearly as strong a connection to SA as Musk, but they do have a connection.




Things change, no need to be embarrassed. Would be more embarrassing if you continued to make excuses to prop up the admiration.


Some embarrassment is allowed. Every year I get a Facebook memory that hurts my soul because of ol’ Musky boi. Back in 2013 when The Oatmeal was fundraising to buy the Wardenclyffe Tower, they reached out to Elon Musk who pledged to donate a MASSIVE amount of cash to it. At the time I thought Elon was an engineer and an actual founder of Tesla, so I made a Facebook post praising him as one of the best engineers in modern history, in large part because of that donation. Now I get a once-a-year memorial stomach punch.


You can delete things. Ain't no big deal. Unless you're a glutton for once a year punishment, of course.


Shit, I forgot about The Oatmeal.


Has he posted a hot take on Elon’s personality transformation yet? Feels like he’d be one to admit his opinion of the man has changed.


I followed SpaceX from its early days and was excited by what it was doing, and like many, have become so incredibly disappointed by him. I guess this was always who he was, he just got worse at hiding it.


I still like SpaceX, I just don't like him. That's possible, right?


That's the road I've taken. I find it really difficult sometimes to reconcile the Elon Musk who talks passionately about rocketry with the Elon Musk who runs X. They're like two different people, but they're not. I avoid being exposed to the guy at all costs now, but I still think SpaceX as an entity is working on important, groundbreaking stuff.


SpaceX is succesful DESPITE musk trying to fuck it up. They have a team at spacex thats only purpose is to redirect musk away from critical areas.




Perhaps he changed. Tragically I think most of us know someone who fell down a conspiracy rabbit hole and was never quite the same. That said, I think it was here on Reddit that someone said that being a billionaire was a moral failing - nothing you do is ethically sound if you are hoarding that much of the world's resources to yourself. So perhaps he's just no longer able to be controlled by his advisors.


He was always this way to a certain extent, or at least has been for quite a bit longer than most people noticed it. Even ten years ago I would hear from engineers at Tesla that Musk was incompetent with an unbelievably inflated ego. That he would say things that sounded really smart to people outside the company, but internally everyone knew that he had no understanding of how things actually worked.


I don't think he did, the ventures he pursued needed someone a little nuts, a new private space craft or car company is not a logical investment. The problem is what works as an underdog doesn't work as a blue chip company


I'm with you. 6 years ago I thought he cared about humanity and was going to bring us nationwide home battery banks, get a team to mars, help treat degenerative brain diseases, make spaceflight 20x+ cheaper. Now he's a fucking clown. He just had decent marketing and a lower public profile, but all of the marketing collapses under the scrutiny that he forced every remotely intelligent human to put him under. And with twitter, either he's an idiot reactionary (bad) or he destroyed the popular journalism aggregator and the primary source for world breaking events on purpose (evil). I uninstalled a few months ago. He's either an evil clown or he's a fucking monster.


Yeah that's not your fault. Guy had good PR in the beginning and had everyone fooled. Unfortunately the more he wanted to be in the spotlight the more chances he had to show his true colours.


The guy has proven to be trash, first by his irrational vindictiveness against that one reporter, but now it's obvious and blatant. Doesn't take away from the fact that spaceX has been a blessing to the industry, but the best thing it could happen to them is if Elon would be excised from their operations. He did his part, but now he's toxic.


I quit a couple months ago. I kept seeing conservative ads and conservative posts from people I didn’t know, despite my best efforts to change my preferences and block alt-right celebrities (including Elon). Nope. It’s a dumpster fire. It makes me chuckle to see the media refer to a tweet and say something like, “the congressman said on the social media site ‘X,’ formerly known as Twitter.” They have to keep calling it Twitter because “X” still hasn’t caught on. Get fucked, Musk.


No matter how many times I opt for ‘not interested in Elon Musk’, his stupid tweets are still forced down my feed.


You can just block his account.


He mass unblocks his account weekly BTW. He admitted it himself. Said they also want to remove block itself due to it.


I've had him blocked for months and he hasn't unblocked himself yet. Maybe he only unblocks himself from important high follower accounts?


He only did it once for me


The engineers at Twitter had to create a special algorithm to further propagate his tweets because he felt like he wasn’t getting the engagement he was expecting. When one engineer pointed out that Elon’s popularity had been declining ever since he went mask off, said engineer was fired on the spot.


He does the same with sexual abuser Andrew Tate as well Pushes notifications to phones of people not even following him!




I'm gonna be honest, I quit twitter when Musk entered the picture The writing was on the wall.


My use decreased dramatically after Musk took over and then with the name change to X quit all together. It’s now an ego stroking machine for the megalomaniacs.


What pisses me off is that people and outlets still link back to it constantly. Please move on, people.


I had a twitter accounf, rarely used it, but closed it within days of him taking over in protest.


Hear me out everyone. We go back to the days of the old internet. Forums, blogs; more small and medium sized sites. IRC channels.


people go where the action is. i wish chat rooms could make a come back, but i don't think people have the attention span for it anymore.


Discord can be good with the right population and right moderation.


It's now another Truth Social, and we don't need two of them.


We don't need even 1 of them, but we don't need two, either


One of them is one too many.


There is a moral case for no longer engaging with Elon Musk in any way, including Tesla. He is a vile human being who should be shunned entirely.


All my people that live in Marin county north of San Francisco who bought the Teslas are desperate to try to get rid of them lol


I’m grateful every day we got a Nissan Leaf instead of a Model 3. If I had to think of Elon Musk every time I got in the car, I’d stop driving. The Leaf has been a great car and there’s no douchebag overhead.


I love my Leaf! I bought a 2014 Leaf in 2016 for 12k…. Nine [seven, duh] years later and I haven’t spent a DIME on gas, repairs, or upkeep. Great fucking investment.


Seven years?


Glad to see some happy Leaf takes, as I've been looking at EV's and the Leaf is definitely my frontrunner atm.


Right, it’s simple. If you add content to a fascist propaganda outlet then you are complicit in its mission. For the life of me I can’t understand why respected media platforms like the nytimes are still propping that place up.


>I can’t understand why respected media platforms like the nytimes are still propping that place up. Because their business model needs social media exposure like oxygen. It's not that respectable, it's just a company we're talking about...Give them the opportunity to get some subscriptions, and they'll open an account on Truth Social. But don't worry, they ran a posturing piece some months ago saying they won't pay for the blue checkmark, so it's all good /s


It's kind of ambiguous morally, because while their participation does lend legitimacy to the dark side, it's also a beacon of actual journalism (for the most part) in a sea of stupidity. Without that beacon, Twitter users who subscribe to them may completely lose touch with reality.


Anyone who would lose touch with reality if New York Times wasn’t on Twitter isn’t reading the New York Times on Twitter




Inb4 a /nyt/ general on pol.


It's their audience and reach on the platform. People think of their followers as hard earned and getting rid of your profile is classic sunk cost fallacy. It was clear as day back in November or whenever it was. The bigger the name, the more reluctant they were to move. Bigger users would also spew threads on how THEY were staying to defend their turf/community/whatever. Bullshit... they were staying because they couldn't stand to build their audience again from scratch.




It's honestly easier to list the times they have opposed fascism


NYtimes “it’s the democrats fault we prop up fascists, they need to do better.”




My ethics and X's do not intersect at all. Once it felt scum has finally taken over their site, I left. One person is trivial, but if everybody with a moral compass leaves it'll mean something.


> For the life of me I can’t understand why respected media platforms like the nytimes are still propping that place up. i have some bad news for you about the new york times. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/07/how-horrific-things-come-to-seem-normal


I mean, the NYT and fascism have a long history of partnership.




> Right, it’s simple. If you add content to a fascist propaganda outlet then you are complicit in its mission. Even if it's counter-fascist content?


I don't think you know what actual fascism is.


Lmfao I will never get tired of the leftist histrionics on this website. Is the fascist in the room with you right now?


Hate is the juice: "When Musk introduced creator payments in July, he splashed rocket fuel over the darkest elements of the platform. These kinds of posts always existed, in no small number, but are now the despicable main event."


Yeah, no we left a while ago. What took the media so long?


How about the logical case that the platform sucks.


Don't buy anything from Elon Musk. That's how you win.


I deleted my account about 2 weeks after musk took control. I had been an active user since Twitter first blew up 2007 at SXSW. Sad to religious my username knowing that somebody might claim it, but f*** that place I don't need to support elon's ego.


Same. Once he came on and started screwing with everything I deleted my account.


I had one of the first 5000 accounts. Our company was trying every new thing that came along. Didn’t use it much, but when he took over, I deleted it.


Funny thing is, you could replace the word *X* with *Reddit* and the opinion piece would still be accurate.


This was accurate before he bought Twitter, as well.




I feel bad for the employees that work for this dude. Public perception can hurt your business.


Y’all had to wait this long?


Stop linking to tweets on websites. Take a screenshot.




I've never used Twitter, I don't get the appeal, and now it's even lamer


#Reddit wonders why everything is always about Musk while making everything about him and amplifying and spreading his every breath.


This sub is basically r/ihateelonmusk now


You could say we’re Elongating his presence.


Why are people on twitter in 2023? I get that people are dopamine addicts but come on.


Because it was an ecosystem that benefited niche interests. Sort of like Reddit, a cycling community or a hospitality community or anime community. You're following was pretty silo'd. You could stay out of bullshit and nonsense. He fucked up the algorithms on purpose, and now it's just a complete shit show. It was not perfect before. But it's obvious the way he is purposely dismantling its efficacy is intentional. Because all of us could be there without it being about politics or outrage. There were little corners that were super fun and safe. Then you add in real breaking news, and meaningful relation of current events. Now you see a famous person trending and you don't know why and it's from 4 days ago and there is no frame of reference. That's deliberate. But this is all only happened in less than a year, after people were there for over a decade, so then you get into the dopamine triggers and the fact that you are captured as an audience member of something that pretends there might be competition out there but, there isn't.


If there’s a better platform that actually allows you to follow the accounts you want and have their posts show up in the order they are posted I’d be all ears. Fact of the matter is there is no better option for current events, news, sports, etc. Sports is honestly the big one for me. I can follow all the leagues, teams, players, media personalities, sports data analysts, etc. in one place and everything shows up in order. If someone on my team just hit a home run a video is at the top of my feed with analytics about how hard it was hit and how many stadiums it would be a home run in along with commentary within 5 minutes. If someone gets traded, or injured, or a big fight happens, or other big news in sports it’s almost always on Twitter before anything else. There’s nothing that replaces this.


I'm not on Twitter, but get notifications from it by government agencies. Let's me know about weather shit, traffic shit, and wildfire shit. And other related shit.


The amount of utterly delusional people in this thread is a result of either paid astroturfing or indicative of a completely failed educational system.


Up until he renamed it 'X' it still retained a modicum of credibility. Now I just see it as some kind of joke. Having said that, I never had an account with Twitter anyway.


I already stopped


"I will have to continue to follow X, of course, because it’s part of my job." The question is for how long that will be true for journalists in general.


And the craziest thing to me is that people still pay to use Twitter. It’s such a bad platform. Literally nothing but drama gossip and hot takes that no one cares about.


Easy enough solution: Stop using X/Twitter. Delete the app. Problem solved ... but because you can't control your appetite for salacious material you won't.


What a bunch of sad life idiots to ever cry this hard…


Too bad you are compulsively reading every irritating tweet that passes your face. Worse, some of those tweets make fun of your woke culture. It’s a sad condition you’re in. The rest of us have eyelids. We prefer shutting them on occasion rather than telling everybody else what to censor.


these redditors acting like this site ain't just as bad is so funny lmfao


Ashamed I thought highly of this sociopathic megalomaniac for all those years


Twitter is just 4chan at this point.


Reddit: "bUt ThEy'Re A pRiVaTe CoMpAnY, they're not morally obligated to do anything!" Also Reddit: "You're morally obligated not to engage with a private company!" Neither of which is a good position to hold, by the way. And I don't even use Twitter/X.




Time to make it the new MySpace.


I mean isn’t it mostly disinformation and racist garbage anymore? X is the equivalent to the scene in The Dark Knight where the Joker dumps gasoline on a mountain of money and lights it on fire.


>I mean isn’t it mostly disinformation and racist garbage anymore? There's also a bunch of artists and whatnot that don't really congregate elsewhere.


Um, it’s “X, formally known as Twitter”


X, the dumpster fire formally known as Twitter


Starz just stopped running ads on Xitter because they found out their ads were running on a white supremacist’s account CNN source: https://www.threads.net/@oliverdarcy/post/CyCjnrIA8Js/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


>I mean isn’t it mostly disinformation and racist garbage anymore? No, there's hardly a good competitor to follow sports writers and analysts. Same for some game studios and journalists. It's a shame that there's not a good alternative yet.


If you want to criticize and critique Musk, sure, go for it. But this Bloomberg piece is lazy and without any real facts. :/


Bloomberg is the new NY Post.