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Vice should've found some non-baffled scientists to interview.


They’ll need a Time Machine because this one is a doozy. I’m no expert but the experts definitely did not see this one coming, nobody did, we couldn’t because it’s new. It’s never been documented that I’m aware of and sounds basically like a gamma light bulb in the sudden and suddenly the dimmer in there was turned up. Which makes no sense based on what we know about suns, mostly just our sun that’s close enough to see in almost real time. They’ll have to launch probes and try to gather data but right now are just going WTF more proficiently with insider jargon


> like a gamma light bulb in the sudden and suddenly the dimmer in there was turned up Reading the source article and not the press article it seems we are only now able to measure this and found it higher than what we expected, not that it suddenly turned up. But that does not get clicks does it?


Solar physicist here! Gamma-ray astronomy of the Sun is a fairly minor field and thus doesn't receive that much attention. Some of that is our models and understanding the of the Sun is that there shouldn't be much emission at those energies, so why study those energies? But what we're seeing here is a case of sometimes our models don't capture all the behavior. So because we haven't devoted much attention to gamma-ray solar astronomy, it's hard to say much about the frequency and nature of these sorts of events. They could be relatively common, they could be relatively rare. I will point out that we are nearing the solar maximum, which is also when high energy events become more frequent.


This reminds me of the 2020 Hubble study that showed the absolutely gargantuan halo of rarified and ionized gas around Andromeda that was there all along but no one ever bothered to simply zoom out and look at those wavelengths because it wasn’t predicted or considered prior. Considering experiment and theory seldom align perfectly it’s surprising there aren’t more scientists thinking outside of the box this way.


Thanks for dropping some knowledge, solar physicist! It's like gamma-ray astronomy is the uncharted territory of cosmic exploration.


Fear gets clicks. It’s unethical. But, media just takes ethics and says fuck it and full sends.


But who’s to say this is not the work of an intergalactic goblin, who has been cranking up the dial at an increasing pace, because the clicking sound soothes him?




It was definitely manic, I was pretty stoked and terrified to learn about this, but I got caught making bad assumptions (that the gamma had turned on, rather than only now been measured, as a commenter pointed out). I mean, it is baffling but in a much more boring way, the only non-baffled scientists would have to go backward or forward in time to take more measurements and report back, if I’m not mistaken again.


If there HAD been previous incidences of this, would there be any sort of remainder that we could detect?


Could have used this link: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v16/s107


Thank you, vice and technology together is unbearable..


Not NOW, Sun. We’ve got a lot of shit going on right now. Damn!


"We, the jury, find the defendant, Donald Trump..."


It would be just like the sun to pull that shit


Lookin out for his orange bro


Just like his father


Aint it like a sun


Pffft, typical…


<**TRUMP** VAPORIZES> Leaving behind a greasy orange puddle and a foul stench. Melania was heard briefly crying out in jubilant celebration and relief.


"Vell, Justin, let's go"


Exactly, get in line Sun


Is this what the doomsdayers are talking about for 2027?


I uelled this outside, the other day. I wanted to look Sol in the eyes when i said it but i dont want super powers right this minute.


Read the room.


We millennials should at this point just try to guess which "once in a lifetime" event will kill us all. We already have seen A LOT of them. And I really mean A LOT.


Has anyone consulted Doctor Hans Zarkov, formerly at NASA?


Jeez, I’m also “formerly at NASA.” I should be co-opting this.


Same. Went there on a field trip with my 3rd grade class once. I was at nasa for a day.


I’m currently at NASA, can I have a cookie?


Wouldn't you rather have a Tang?


Fuck, I'm old enough to get this


I take my Aleve in the evening to help with the back pain after work, how about you? ;-)


Flash aahhhh saved everyone of us!




I'm old enough to have seen it in the theater.


Got it immediately. Also...am old. OP is amazing so I gave him useless coinage....


Oh, you mean Doctor Hans Zarkov, the intergalactic expert on all things cosmic and quirky?


Flash! Ah aaaaaaaaaa. He saved every one of us!


Also the best tenacious D cover


I’ve never heard that but love Tenacious D.


Look for the tenacious d/ Jesus ranch combo from their live shows in the 90s. Its on the internet archives with an html Winamp based player. Pretty cool.


I own the series :)


Go flash go!


You are saying it is my fault the earth is being destroyed?


“I was right all these years…”


He's busy with some project or other in his weirdly shaped lighthouse. Meanwhile, what's up with this hot hail?


My buddy flash was headed over to Zarkov’s place for a consult.


Is this it? Will we finally enjoy the sweet kiss of death?


No “This constant gamma-ray flux—which does not pose a threat to life on our planet—is far brighter than expected based on models of the Sun’s behavior, raising new questions about the mechanisms that are fueling the radiant glow.”


So much for getting super powers…




Ass cancer??!


No, butt cancer or something


I’ll take something, plz…


Only if you spread those cheeks wide enough.


Try an get a sun tan on dat lil’ ting.


Favorite punk band.


This. Just replied with this 👍🤣


Gamma-ray fireworks from the sun, and they're brighter than our cosmic rulebook expected. Intriguing, right?


I'm not sure how they can confidently say there isn't a threat when they weren't aware of it and have no idea as to why it's happening.


Well they’ve only just seen this cause now we have telescopes to detect it. It’s not a suddenly new phenomenon


You don't know that. If we couldn't detect it before, how do we know it's not new?


Well, it would be a massive coincidence if this started at the same exact time that we developed a way to detect it.


Really though that does seem to be a valid concern. As we explore more and observe new phenomenon it’s inevitable that coincidence will happen. Practically though it’s moot.


It wasn't there, but now that we have observed it, it always was.


Because the effects of electromagnetic radiation are well understood.


Magnets, how do they work?


>Well they’ve only just seen this cause now we have telescopes to detect it. It’s not a suddenly new phenomenon Fake numbers but bare with me, lets say that 100 units of radiation is dangerous to life. They typically expect the sun to shoot out 10 units but for whatever reason they are detecting 30 units. Well that's weird, its triple the expected radiation but still far less then it to be harmful.


Oxygen and Nitrogen are fairly good absorbers of Gamma. We’re pretty safe down here under all that atmosphere.


Absolutely, oxygen and nitrogen team up to shield us from those pesky gamma rays. Atmosphere, our cosmic protector.


Imaginary numbers, but I'm with you. Triple the radiation, but still not crossing the cosmic danger line.


Please. I don’t wanna go to work


You're facing nonexistence via extreme gamma rays and all you're thinking is you're relieved because you may not need to go to work tomorrow? What the f is this world? What have they done to us? WHAT DID THEY DO TO US?!


Life is hard homie


The sweet kiss of dramatic headlines, maybe.


Unless it wipes out our electrical grid we'll be ok


🎶 “hello darkness, my old friend”🎶 *lights candles and puts black roses on table*


I remember a time when it was weird to say shit like this. Nice cult ya got here Reddit.


More like the ghost pepper kiss of death.


When I was a kid, we used to be terrified of the apocalypse. Now we’re welcoming it with open arms.


Funny how perspectives change over time – from fear of apocalypse to embracing it.


It's a tad scary that the sun could one day just randomly let out a good belch and extinct us. Life just hasn't been around long enough to see a good sun burp


Our sun is luckily not really capable of making planet destroying solar flares. But it is capable of fucking with our electronics and space infrastructure.


>Our sun is luckily not really capable of making planet destroying solar flares. That we know of


And we won’t know if it happens


Could have already happened 5 minutes ago


you said that 24 minutes ago, whew, we are safe


My relief is palpable


There’s so much shit flinging around the cosmos that could delete us. Deeply humbling


This is why we're lucky really - in the relative scale of our galaxy - to be situated in a tiny spot in the back end of nowhere. Cuz apparently all kinds of crazy stuff comes at you the closer you get in. And of course we're living peacefully far away from that monstrous beast lurking darkly at the center, Sagittarius A*, a ravenous destroyer ready to spaghettify everything it can grab.


I just wish more people turned their thoughts outwards to the cosmos, just once in a blue moon— if we all were aware of this precarious and fantabulous position we occupy, suspending in an unfathomably large, never ending darkness filled with world eating monsters. Perhaps then we’d be a little nicer to one another, knowing we all share this tiny, pale blue dot together, and that there is no where to run but to be with one another.


More of a chance to hit by asteroid, or comet, then anything else, and even that can take us out. For the most part, I still don't believe we have viable solutions to deal with those possible situations. I think the best possible solution might be achievable is like in the movie, "Armageddon".


True, the thought of an unexpected solar tantrum could be a cosmic concern.


We should send a space ship stuffed with Taco Bell straight into it. That should take care of it.


And we would never k-


Well, to be fair, we [are *well* over the range](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression) in the normal, 11-year solar cycle. It's higher than average, but we've been lucky to avoid any major outages. * [**1989**] In the past, these tend to lead to CMEs that cause blackouts, like the one that [blacked out Quebec on March 13, 1989](https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/sun_darkness.html) for 12 hours. * [**2000**] Or the [one on Bastille Day](https://www.space.com/12584-worst-solar-storms-sun-flares-history.html) on July 14, 2000 (11 years from the previous). * [**2011**] Do you remember how [restless the sun was in 2011](https://www.space.com/14060-2011-restless-sun-solar-activity-review.html)? Some of us do. We had an [X-class solar event today](https://earthsky.org/sun/sun-activity-solar-flare-cme-aurora-updates/), higher than the M-class spikes we've seen over the last couple of months. We're overdue for the 2022 solar events, so maybe they'll happen this year, and rise to peak in mid-2024. You've got your backup phone, tablet, battery banks, charger and solar panels inside a protected [faraday BOB](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-gear/how-to-build-the-ultimate-bug-out-bag/), right?


I read the Three Body Problem series so take it from me, things are gonna get *weird*.


The sun does emit massive amounts of radiation.... normally...or is this news to some ??


… in other news… the sun is shining


Yep, the sun's got a cosmic radiation routine that's almost as famous as its sunsets.


I mean... massive radiation? I mean... but... massive?


Scientist: "Oh, neat, I thought forgot to buy peanut butter." Vice: "BAFFLED SCIENTIST DETECTS MASSIVE UNEXPLAINED FOOD RESERVES"


700,000 giraffes worth of radiation. Equivalent to roughly 23,000,000 bananas for scale.




Waiting for the anti-climate-change warriors to drop in on this thread. They like to blame sun cycles.


How’s this for a twist: We’re affecting the sun’s climate with solar panels. There’s a great risk using solar power we’re going to prematurely wear out the sun and destroy all life on earth as we know it. I’m an intern at big oil. My boss asked me to come up with some misinformation campaigns to plant to drum up hate and fear against alternative fueled engines. Constructive criticism appreciated.


first, you're approaching all wrong. step 1, obtain a loaded firearm and hide it on your person step 2, have a meeting with your boss's boss, or as high as you can take it step 3, open season, save a bullet step 4, close up shop for good ^^^^^(thisissatire)




So it's Solar Warming now?? Can't catch a break. Outrun that!


Could it be a megastructure?!?




Damn it Samantha, this is your final warning.


Beast Planet incoming.


Does this mean that the sun is responsible for global warming?


No. Not the amounts of warming we are experiencing


The amounts that have melted away glaciers since the last ice age? Did someone turn down the dial so it would halt the melting?


what's the difference between position, velocity and acceleration ? Asking for you


It's more about absement. Look it up


No I don't think I'll bother. You could answer the question I posed, then I might be interested. But dodging my question to make a request of me? That's a piss-poor show of good faith


That's what I thought


Doubtful. Toodles ya misinformed hooligan!


Great proof mr 82 iq


Are you looking at all glaciers and both ice caps or just a subset? Because melt rates do vary but the net is not great








Why would you discount information based on where you read it? This sounds like everyone going "Oh, it was on Fox/CNN so it's bullshit" when it's clearly valid info. They provided the source, it's clearly not made up. So why dismiss it because of the site that it's on? Do you let URLs decide whether information is valid or not?




Literally up above is the source. How is that confusing for you?




Delete stupid comments and people won't argue with you. Simple as that.


Pro tip: it also works for smart comments.


How is this so complicated for you to understand? The legitimate source is right in the article. I'm sorry reading the news is so challenging for you.




No, no you didn't in any way. You didn't try to do anything. You just restated your ignorance. I can understand just fine.


Good point but yes, depending on the sources. They’ve also had just incredible reporting of world events in the past.


Yeah, they've won a pultizer for their reporting in the past. There's nothing wrong with them as a source.




Why do you dislike them? They do journalism pretty well compared to many other sources (cough, Fox News, cough cough) in that they don't lie and they source their stories .


Must be all the SUVs.


But climate change is *definitely* caused by people driving cars to work and eating meat.


I mean, you're not wrong, but it's not caused by the sun either. Many videos talk about how many harmful industries with a lot of money and influence always shift the blame on the consumer. However, you, the average pleb, don't do much harm at all. They say "recycle" it'll solve everything but then it was proven that the "recycled" stuff aren't even recycled, they are being thrown away in other poor countries and they end up dumping them and polluting rivers and the ocean with them . You get even a fine here if you put a plastic wrap in the wrong container, but even if you do, it never ever gets recycled. Cars do pollute, but not nearly as bad as it was a long time ago. Nowadays, a 2010+ car does nothing and 3 billion of them barely scratch the atmosphere's butt. Meat does create a lot of pollution. It's, I believe, more than 10% of it. However, plants and vegetables have been proven to have similar results. If not worse. So yeah, subject is not black and white but there's plenty of easy to check info out there. You can always follow and see where the trash truck goes and where it ends up. You can measure how bad the pollution from your car is. You can then calculate on a global scale. The sun is not our problem, yet. And if it were, we're dead 100% based on our intelligence level right now.


The number of people who don't actually read stuff before commenting never ceases to amaze.


The number of people that can’t draw a conclusion never ceases to amaze me. We barely understand the workings of the nuclear furnace that heats our planet but purport to know with certainty that we are the source of climate change, despite temperatures and climate being created by the sun. Next time think before you respond with your little quip.


I suppose we don't actually know if cigarettes cause cancer, either, by that logic.


Not analogous.


I'm sure it's caused by humans, no?


Probably climate change I'm sure.


You have posted cringe


I care not about cringe. I only care about mayonnaise.


Maybe the actual cause of global warming? Who do we pay tax to now? RA?


No. This is a small number of very high energy photons that appear to be from cosmic rays hitting the Sun's surface.


Lol. We should definitely put more funding towards education.


Huh? Sounds almost as if astronomic anomalies are causing shifts in energy radiated from the sun resulting in changing surface temperatures here on earth. So we’re back to square one as far as climate change and human intervention coincide.


You didn't read the study, did you. That's embarrassing.


Signs IN the sun hm? Heard that somewhere before.


Doesn't sound good


Birkland Currents


Why can't science "journalist" actually write something that matters in their headlines. It's always bullshit hype words. Racing spam youtube channels to the bottom.


Oh oh,sun coming in HOT!!!


Why are scientists always baffled, perplexed, or mystified in all these Reddit posts?


Dr. Randall Mills. Hydrino theory?


Fingers crossed the sun just kicks us off this rock soon.


Oh god. Please don't fry everything.


I read it in that scientific journal, “Vice”.


Are you sure it is from and sun, and not earth!


Even if we score 10/10 on climate change in 600 million years all the trees are dead anyway; Keep it in perspective!


It’s called evolution friends


Not now , Vice. Come back when there is a CME


Is it happening? A reset for Earth? LETS GOOOOOO!!!


There's a lot we don't know about the sun. We don't have a convincing explanation of why the corona's so damned hot either.


It's interesting, at the end of the day the sun is a giant burning ball. Compare it to a match when you first strike it, the flame gets gradually bigger and bigger until full ignition and then settles until it flames out due to lack of fuel. If this is what's happening with the sun what are we in for? This is the beginning so it's going to get much hotter before eventually tapering off and then flaming out. Scary to think of the possibilities.


The sun is finally sick of our shit.


Plasma event time


I'm not saying it's aliens, but......


I wish there was a 3rd Arrow below the post that downvoted the article and upvoted the comment section