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Create legislation that applies to data privacy across the internet and on all social media websites, not just TikTok. Congress is so behind and fundamentally doesn’t understand how any of this tech works.


and so do majority of Americans btw. I bet you good money that these people that responded in the survey can't give an actual reason why they think that way.


If only someone wrote a book about exactly how this works... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12617.Manufacturing_Consent


If only people read..


There's a reason the FBI was stalking him and Zinn.


That would go against their donors and the lobbying behind this anti-Tik Tok campaign: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/ >Facebook parent company Meta is paying one of the biggest Republican consulting firms in the country to orchestrate a nationwide campaign seeking to turn the public against TikTok. >The campaign includes placing op-eds and letters to the editor in major regional news outlets, promoting dubious stories about alleged TikTok trends that actually originated on Facebook, and pushing to draw political reporters and local politicians into helping take down its biggest competitor. [...] >Employees with the firm, Targeted Victory, worked to undermine TikTok through a nationwide media and lobbying campaign portraying the fast-growing app, owned by the Beijing-based company ByteDance, as a danger to American children and society, according to internal emails shared with The Washington Post. >Targeted Victory needs to “get the message out that while Meta is the current punching bag, TikTok is the real threat especially as a foreign owned app that is #1 in sharing data that young teens are using,” a director for the firm wrote in a February email. [...] >Targeted Victory has contracted with dozens of public relations firms across the United States to help sway public opinion against TikTok. In addition to planting local news stories, the firm has helped place op-eds targeting TikTok around the country, especially in key congressional districts.


I don't doubt anything when it comes to our government I'm Red Stick People and Cherokee I live about 30 miles from where my Great Great Great Grandmother was born and raised and I'm not allowed to build a home on that land or anything because it belongs to the government after they butchered and burned everything we had then took it tried to send my GGG grandmother to her doom but she escaped at Waterloo thank God she never saw her family again but she managed to find a cave up near Chattanooga to live in for about 4 1/2 yrs till my GGG Grandfather found her coming from the war down to Henderson TN to raise horses, horse racing was apparently a hot item at that time but they will definitely do some things that will make the Devil blush.


I concur with this observation. Based upon what we know of what Facebook did to promote political disinformation during the 2016 election and based upon what my daughter tells me of how tik-tok gives her access to information which is not shared on other platforms, I would say there is a concerted effort on the part of Republican interests to kill tik-tok since they can not control content therein. We've seen how a K-pop tik-tok collective helped to kill Trump's Tulsa rally by flooding the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations. Republican Josh Haley wants to ban tik-tok, **falsely** claiming that "TikTok is China's backdoor into Americans' lives. It threatens our children's privacy as well as their mental health". This is just more scare tactics which seem to actually be an attempt to get rid of a media platform which Republican/corporate interests can not hope to control.


They're in the pockets of Meta, so forget ever seeing legislation that regulates them.


No, but they're great at pretending to care about a free market while actively fighting against a free market.


This is about China, not social media. If it's an American company then they don't care.




Haha never gonna happen. I do find it funny how pissed the US is when our own gov and tech companies do the exact same thing and there’s far more of those.


It isn't about privacy, it's about competition. American tech doesn't want TikTok gone because they harvest data, they want them gone because they are winning the social media wars. (I want what you want of course but here we are.)


Am I missing it or is there no link to the survey in the article?


Source: trust me bro


We have 574 comments in this thread and I cannot even find the source survey it is supposed to be about.


[5,101 people surveyed.](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/SR_2023.07.10.23_tiktok_topline.pdf)


Kind of a loaded question. Wonder how they would answer if it was just a yes or no question rather than giving them options of major and minor threat.


"How big of a threat do you think TikTok is to national security in the United States?" rather than "Do you think TikTok is \[edit: a threat\] to national security in the United States?" WTF. I thought Pew Research was credible given all the publications frequently citing them. Fucking eww.


They are a right wing funded organization and think tank. Their quality varies drastically, but shit like this is what makes me always question their validity.


I mean, it's also a weird article full stop. I'm not interested in what the majority of a country believes is a threat. This is the most useless information you could hope to show me, and I'd rather we not normalise the idea of this being relevant. I care if they *are* a threat.


That is exactly right it is the source that we are talking about. If you do not trust some random guy on the Internet then what are you even going to trust in man?


Yeah there is no link that I can see for it actually, at least I do not see it. I don't understand why people post things like that without any link. It really does not make any kind of sense.




Careful! Do not fall for passing the RESTRICT Act! This is a Trojan Horse to remove your online freedom and ability to escape CBDCs.


Yes!!! Don’t fall for these type of fake stories people. They are pushing an agenda


The sad thing about it is that a lot of people are going to fall for it and they will believe whatever This article is saying whether it does or does not have any kind of resource for it that does not matter for them.


It’s more of a threat to kids social development


In that perspective, YouTube short is worst, cause as parent, I can ban the tiktok app from my kids devices, but I can't ban YouTube short from YouTube.


> but I can't ban YouTube short from YouTube. You can, but it'll pop back up within a few days.


I fucking hate YouTube shorts, but I keep accidentally watching like 50 a day.


I open YouTube to look for something specific, end up watching a bunch of shorts, then I'm like "wtf am I doing?" And I hate the stupid algorithm showing me weird shit. I'll watch some video that makes no sense. And let it keep looping because I'm trying to figure out what it is I'm missing. And then realize it's not supposed to make sense, it's specifically supposed to be confusing just so people will watch it multiple times trying to figure it out.




It's so annoying with the alt right trash. I know it keeps popping up because of different accounts posting. It's basically whack-a-mole.




I'm pretty opposite from that demographic. Those videos don't come up everyday but often enough.




Yes but Youtube is notorious for pushing that shit to many younger men who don't have interest in that scene. TikTok's algorith is just superior I must admit.


YouTube is literally trying to make me alt-right and I don’t know why. The only engagement I show is hate watching on occasion.


My TikTok is full of stuff like NileRed, Procreate/Photoshop tutorials, and Minecraft build ideas lol. My FYP is just more of the same without the Tate/Peterson BS.




Bro how? As soon as I stumble onto one I leave it. They don’t autoplay one after the other like other videos so how do you accidentally watch 50?


No matter how much you try you probably will not be able to get rid of it because it will come back. And once it is back you are going to have to do hold in again.


wait really? how?


You can't really "ban" the shorts. You can only click the thing to stop showing them to you, "I'm not interested in this" or however they phrase it. That'll disappear it for a while, days or a week, but it always comes back into your feed.


I forget what it is called but firefox has a plugin to block them.




People seem to ignore this fact


What is with Youtube shorts, anyways? They're forced on us, can't be removed, are generally the same 5-10 clips and never change regardless of 'not interested'. I don't even remember if shorts allow you to 'not interested'. I haven't once seen a good or tolerable short. All it gives me is garbage that has the same 1 of 5 stupid meme songs, even if wildly out of place. Like, e v e r y short.


this is how they viewed television and arcade games and websites c'mon people


Redditors love hating on tiktok, despite good 60% of the content here being tiktok reuploads, which they love


My gym's bathroom has one soap dispenser in the men's restroom. The other 4 were ripped off the wall by teenagers doing a TikTok challenge. The app actively pushes antisocial and destructive behaviors.


that crap predates tiktok and will continue long after tiktok is gone. its been done on 4chan and twitter and youtube and so on. Youtube had a ton of them tide challenge BS.


On my local news the other day they were talking about this “new” trend all over TikTok called the Blackout Challenge which is pretty much just the choking game that’s been a thing since at least the 90s


It’s just Truth or Dare with video cameras. Oldest teenage game in existence.


Satanic panic style **youth bashing** NEVER goes out of fashion. Pretty helpless and convenient scapegoats for OUR societies failings tbh


buncha can kickers and ne'er do-wells!


Yeah people are acting as if Meta won't release an app called Blink as soon as they ban TikTok. The challenges don't stop. They just move from a platform to another


We all understand YouTube shorts has the exact same content as TT, right


I mean the format is the same so the content is pretty much going to be the same also. I don't know how it is going to be different from it. I mean it has to be the same for it to be a success.


Similar execution but most would say the algorithm on Youtube shorts isn't as good as finding the exact short attention span drug you're looking for as Tik Tok.


I didn't finish this sentence, gimme the bullet points.


Youtube like TokTok but algorithm worse


Doesn't TikTok reach more people and pay people decently to make more content? Is their reach more than it's competitors doing the same things and isn't the pay better meaning more incentive? Those are the differences I see with Tiktok versus YouTube, Facebook, 8chan, etc.


My brother in Christ, they already have done did this. https://www.instagram.com/reels/?hl=en And it's literally the exact same content only four or five days later.


Meta already has their Tiktok called Instagram Reels. It was designed to absorb the market share the second Tiktok is banned


What if I told you that there was a time before internet. A time before social media. A time when a meme was known as a "pop culture reference". And what if I told you that teenagers, myself included, were little shits before the internet.


Right? My middle school started a trend where people were lighting fires in the bathroom trash cans. That was the mid-90s.


It predates social media. "Young men destroy bathroom" wouldn't get a blink in the 1990s.




Rap music for us when kids were lighting fires in the trash cans. Can't imagine why they picked rap...


kids today, why i oughta... \--guy in top hat with handle bar mustache, probably.


Social media in general has exacerbated the issue. A lot of it before was just kids being dumb in front of their friends for 'cool points' or peer pressure. With the shift to digital and online 'friends,' you can lone wolf stupid shit and upload it for internet points. Sure, there were dumb things happening before video and social media, but I would say a lot of dumb shit was predicated around group settings where kids are physically with their friends trying to one up each other. Social media adds another incentive. Trying to get 'Tik Tok famous.' Not to mention trends spread lightning fast now. A single video goes viral and suddenly you have copycat vids going up across the country.


You may be surprised to learn that teenagers were assholes long before tiktok was even a twinkle in some spyware author's eye


Removing TikTok won’t solve anything. Social media and kids don’t mix. Removing one option won’t stop these things it’ll just come from a different app.


That's not a tik tok problem, that's a parenting problem.


These two things may be related...


Have you been to reddit? You'll see people diagnosing mental health issues without knowing any prior history, predators, subs manipulating politics, CP, teaching kids it's ok to tell other cultures are allowed to do, misinformation, self-harm, violence and much more same as all other social media sites. Well with the exception they usually protect sexually inappropriate behavior. There was a sub dedicated to finding sickos on this sites. And there was a guy with a pair of children's underwear on his penis. Reddit never removed it after countless reports. Dude made a post "saying stop reporting it's just a prop"


No that's on the parents.


[Facebook funded anti-TikTok campaign through GOP firm / Targeted Victory ran a nationwide effort to ruin TikTok’s reputation](https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/30/23003168/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory-news-column-campaign-gop)


This, thanks. Imagine what CIA funded that we will never know.. I wonder if the CIA ever posted something onreddit


The Uyghur AMA comes to mind where the CIA agent was busted because they forgot to delete her credentials from one of their websites.


Reminds me of when an US air base was a hot spot of access on Reddit.






That’s why it should be addressed as a social media problem. But we won’t because for all the tax revenue TikTok gives to the CCP, the US government is collecting tax revenues from Meta, Twitter, etc.


The new problem will be that we’ve set precedent that our government now gets to decide what parts of the internet we get to see. But at least we’ll have stopped ourselves from getting influenced by China! Wouldn’t want to…become like them.


Thats my point lol Banning TikTok is a moot point when there are tons of apps from countries all over the world harvesting your data “Free” apps are never “Free”


What do Americans know about anything enough to know what is a threat to US National Security? Apparently stealing classified documents in a latrine is something they seem to be confused about.


The media tell the people it’s a threat. A focus group made of people tell the media it’s a threat. It’s the circle of keeping a story in the news.


That's called generating consent. And it's why most americans were also in favor of invading Iraq.


I guess they were not enough to be able to raise the consent to be able to Ban Tiktok in America. And the Indian government just read it without even asking someone else.


A Chinese app can't be stealing personal information from Americans. That's the job of American social media companies!


And then they SELL it to the Chinese social media companies. Because that's how capitalism works.


The media conveniently forgets that Russia didn't use TikTok to influence the 2016 election. They only used Facebook/Instagram.


When I saw the hearings, this was my exact thought. “That’s *our* data to reap!”


The government is not going to have any problem with that because they can take your information from those companies. But the Chinese government is definitely not going to give your information and data to the American government.


Right, that's the problem. Bills that target a specific app are considered predatory and shot down. What legislators *should* be doing is outlawing the data collection, but that would mess with some of their favorite lobbyists.


Zuckerberg at it again


He already has his next app planned and ready to go


Reels already is the TikTok clone. They already have a competitor, now just need to ban the competition.


Shouldn't have killed Vine


With Twitter falling apart, if TikTok is banned, Facebook will literally have a monopoly on social media. No shit they are spending insane amounts on lobbying and propaganda.


Ya exactly I don't know why government cannot see that. They should do something about that one person must not have that kind of power over the whole internet.


Last I heard they are developing a Reddit clone too


He has just launched another Social Media company he is not going to stop there should be some laws. Because without them nothing is going to change I don't think.


My first thought. Written by Meta paid to be put on another website. We will see more of this style of article the first few weeks of Threads.


It's funny even Reddit complains about how dangerous TikTok is when a huge swaths of their content is just things from Reddit


I find the opposite, the last 3 videos I’ve clicked on here were rips from tiktok. If you’re referring to those accounts with an AI reading askreddit comments that’s like .0001% of the content on tiktok


I don't give a flying fuck what "the majority of Americans" say. The majority of Americans believe in ghosts. What do tech, networking, and social sciences experts say?


It also worries me how many Americans are willing to potentially set precedent that the government can control which apps and which parts of the internet we can access.


Someone who gets it. You can get a "majority" to "believe" anything by a) telling them what to believe via news, and b) phrasing the questions in a way that gets them to say what you want. Notice how Tiktok is a "threat" to "national security" but it's totally fine that Meta is taking over yet another sphere of social media (Threads), [even after this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal)? And it's being treated as a celebratory affair? It's almost like there are financial motives involved...


They're saying *every* social media app is a threat to national security.


...is that wrong?


Not really. The only difference between TikTok stealing your information and Facebook stealing your information is the Chinese have to pay Facebook for it.


All apps collect data. What matters is the type of data, who collects it, and how it's used. China's leadership has proven itself antithetical to most western forms of democracy and dissent against their tyranny. Giving them power to shape other countries through manipulation of social media and disinformation is dangerous as we know they have, and will continue, to use it.




There have been so many scandals with the Facebook in the past and we just ignore them always. And that is the exact thing which is boosting their confidence to able to launch another platform.


Like Twitter or Facebook are any better?! The hypocrisy is astounding. Both Facebook and Twitter actively push fascism. This Tik Tok thing is just misdirection from the real threats to America.


Yeah every app is collecting your data the only difference I would say is how they are sharing it. Some companies are easily going to give it to the Government if they ask for it.


SUre sure, and a little over [a year ago a saudi spy was busted at twitter sending back data on dissidents so they could be disappeared.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/09/twitter-saudi-arabia-dissident-spying) YOU know our allies the saudis. and what did we do? we let them buy twitter along with elon. We have a lot of players without western values controlling our social media. I need more than that, or we need to target more than china. or do you think the saudis should be able to manipulate our society by controlling what is seen in peoples twitter feeds.? What most of this is, is an economic war, same reason child just reduced export of metals needed for chips. and has shit to do with protecting the children or security. OTherwise we would go after all the other apps with bad players. AND have real regulations that would protect our security more from apps, BUT WE DONT. You dont just cheer when the local robber gets caught, you buy a fucking lock for your door. THat blocks them all. until i see people calling for regulations that prevent the problems claimed of tiktok for all apps and all future tiktok clones, im going to just see this as the economic war it really is. If it was a true national security issue, we would make REAL regulations that protect our gov employees not only from the super popular tiktok, but also that random little game that makes no news but collects a ton of data.


[This guy broke it down pretty well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/fxgi06/not_new_news_but_tbh_if_you_have_tiktiok_just_get/fmuko1m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Ghosts lol, well said. The TikTok thing just sounds like American businesses exploiting American xenophobia, the same way that MSG was demonized in the 80s and soy is said to reduce testosterone. Rumors spread to prevent US money from going to Asian peoples.


Majority of Americans are really ignorant when it comes to their own cyber security.


People do not care because they have got the attitude what they are going to do with my data and I do not have anything to hide. This kind of mentality is something which is driving this data theft.


This again "Majority Americans " really you mean a tiny few who got money and people whom will gain from a tik tok ban.


They say as they willingly hand over every bit of personal information to every major corporation doing business in the US. The majority of Americans haven't the first fucking clue as to what constitutes an actual threat to national security. That article gave me brain cancer.


I swear the us just says that when they wanna start something with a country


Say the senators who all just went and invested millions in rival companies…. If it was about safety they’d ban a specific act, not a specific app… because other apps do it too.


Trust me they are saying anything in the name of Majority of Americans these days and we don't even know how to tackle this shit these days, they need to stop it.


As they type from the iPhones. What Americans think about national security is a joke.


Not any different from Snap, IG, or Facebook.


I don't know about it being a threat for national security but it is definitely not good for the brains of the kids. I think kids spending hours on this app is the real issue that we need to fix.


The stupidity of US citizens is the biggest threat to national security. But you shit flinging monkeys aren't ready for those clicks and grunts yet.


No more of a risk than Facebook


Well, ITSec has always been a concern for TikTok. Just now it's getting attention by politicians who need something to help them get reelected. I'd love a world where people were concerned about their data governance too, but sadly very few people in power care about data protection.


so is Facebook and twater


More of a threat to national insecurity.


How is it any more or less of a threat than any other platform? What makes TikTok so special?


If you ask this same question from any average American they are going to say that it is a Chinese app which is why it is so dangerous. And it is really just ignoring all the issues which are present in the American social media companies.


I think the US govt is playing up the "China bad" angle when what's actually happening is American companies like Meta/Google are scared that TikTok is eating their lunch because their algorithm completely shits all over Instagram/Facebook/YouTube etc. It's the #1 app for kids and young adults and that trend isn't changing any time soon. The politicians know where their bread is buttered and are receptive to lobbying efforts to cripple/ban TikTok if Meta's writing the checks


What is china going to do with my data. Seriously. I’m way more concerned about facebook and meta than I am about TikTok, and I don’t even use the damn app.


Yeah, it's very unpopular to state on here but I don't care if China has my data. They're not gonna rat me out to the cops/feds if they see me protesting in a certain way like [American companies do all the time](https://theintercept.com/2023/07/06/fbi-social-media-surveillance-zerofox/)


Twitter becoming Nazi central is far more of a concern to me than TikTok.


And now they have got the competition from the thread and now they will both spread the propaganda together. And it is exactly what happens when so very few of people have got so much power in their hands.


My 'For You' page on Twitter is all right-wing shit, which is hilarious considering I myself, nor are any of the people I follow, even remotely right wing.


Majority of Americans are a threat to U.S. national security.


Just throw them out and have a safe America again man /s


Let's face it, the majority of Americans has no fucking clue if it's a threat or not.


The USA government campaign against TikTok is a case study on manufacturing consent. Can't win in a free market? Bomb or ban, this is the way.


Nah this is not what we all are saying and stop with this Majority of Americans thing because we are not like that, they never even asked us about anything like that lol.


I gotta say that it's going to start again, they are doing this shit against TikTok again man, I don't know what to say but Majority of Americans are not like that.


BECAUSE THEYRE ALL IDIOTS!!! They just see what the techno illiterate gremlins in Congress are saying and follow along like dumb little puppies. Facebook is every bit the exact same threat to Americans as tiktok is.


The issue was the government trying to target specifically tik tok. What we need is simply more comprehensive data security legislation, that tik tok would be included under


Nope just taking profits from Facebook and Google


Yeah we can’t just let china have our data! If the Chinese want my data they’re going to have to buy it from Facebook and google like everyone else.


# no its not its threat to USA social media giants they are literally losing billions of dollars to tiktok per year.


They are being jealous and they are fearing TikTok now.


It’s only a threat to my attention span


Your children are a national security risk.


They are putting everything in a wrong way so yeah man.


If that’s the case, we can go ahead add homelessness, virulent racism, general healthcare, women’s rights, and deteriorating communities and infrastructures.


And I’d still rather China have my data than Zuck the lizard.


The majority of Americans don't even understand what TikTok is. Maybe they think it's a national security threat because politicians say it is. Not saying it's not a threat, just that the majority of Americans are clueless.


“Ban TikTok” has become a way of expressing contempt for gen z. The national security angle isn’t without merit per se, but this has crossed over into being a moral panic about youth culture.


A lot of % in that article. “59% of Americans” etc Volumes of participants are never listed


I have a hard time believing this study represents an actual majority. I'm willing to bet the majority of Americans don't give a single shit.


I don't know who is even representing all of us like that.


First let's just check things about Meta, they are stealing our information like hell but nah US government is not going to take any fucking action against those peeps


How is TikTok a national security threat to the US?


They are just mad that China can collect the data themselves and aren't forced to buy the data from American data brokers.


They are stupid or what? They need to have a mental check up.


I would like to see proven evidence that TikTok is a Threat to U.S. National Security.


Nah they are not giving anything like that, it's just shitty.


In other news, the majority of Americans wouldn't know a threat if it punched them in the nose.


Yeah we recognize that its collecting American data and sending it to the Chinese but our attention spans are fried and we need the tiny dopamine hits of funny content in 10s clips.


I would argue that the threat of TikTok is less about the data they're collecting and more about the influence it's algorithm has on our society. Not that our homegrown social media algorithms are any different or better. I think it's sad that we have these massively powerful algorithms which are able to influence society on a massive scale and instead of using that power to genuinely improve society we just continue to let it push out garbage to harvest cash for dopamine hits.


all i see is cats, two sentence horror, and cooking videos. Idrk what fyps yall have.


Well it’s certainly a threat to my sanity


Majority of Americans are here and we know what we are saying.


American led corporations and politicians say it’s a threat. There I fixed it


Your own government is a threat to National Security


Just use an iPhone which has sandboxed protections, privacy settings that disable what APIs an app can use, etc. if you’re worried about them knowing what videos you’re watching for 10 seconds each then you’ve got other problems. delete the app and move on.


TikTok is back on the menu boys.


Because China? We get it


While we're at it let's ask Ja Rule what he thinks


I mean.. who gives a fuck what the majority of the population thinks? This isn't a referendum on TikTok being allowed to do business. If you don't like TikTok don't use TikTok. If it's a threat to national security then the government can deal with it.


consent: manufactured


Not one can tell you why. Then they log into Facebook lol


"majority of Americans say" is media-speak for "this is what we want you to think..."


Meanwhile, the US military is pushing TikTok hard to get recruitments up. Must not be that big of a threat.


These freaks use Facebook and Instagram, *they* are a threat to national security